I Am DONE! Sorry Warframe. An Open Letter To All Warframe Player and DE I Guess. | 2023

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 153

  • @blazin220
    @blazin220 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    Just a quick tip to identify the host, there are 2 main ways
    1. The players health bar on the right. The number next to them can tell you who's host. It is ALWAYS player number 1
    2. When choosing to continue or leave, the player with the mini crown /lotus symbol on top of them is the host

    • @nlomano444
      @nlomano444 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      lol i didnt read other comments until after i posted mine, great minds think alike

    • @labmasterx5599
      @labmasterx5599 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I also wanted to write it but you beat me to xD
      Glad to see I'm not the only one who knows this niche and completely unexplained fact by DE, like at least a loading screen tip would of been helpful, the fact it is possible play 6k hours in this game without knowing such a simple fact is a massive L for DE

    • @DonPidgeon
      @DonPidgeon ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The worst part, is that knowing this does not really help either. If a client wants to leave; you sit and wait at the countdown, and at 0.5 seconds left, the host decides to; nah, screw this, and leaves and you're stuck with a host migration and lost progress. And yes, this has happened enough times to for me to always leave if anyone wants to leave.

    • @3XOUT
      @3XOUT ปีที่แล้ว

      I’ve always absolutely hated this system. But it seems worse than ever. It just does not work. Seems like, at a minimum, you get completely disconnected from the rest of the team at Host Migration.

    • @lanoche
      @lanoche 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DonPidgeon Some host are troll this way and it always scares the fuck out of me.

  • @DudW2
    @DudW2 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    If you’re playing with concern about farming efficiency your not having fun. Don’t keep doing it to yourself. The bugs are real issues though.

    • @Delimon007
      @Delimon007 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Big problem with this logic, you have to farm to get the things you find fun to use to begin with.

    • @DudW2
      @DudW2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Delimon007 if during that farm, despite the equipment you already have and gameplay, if your concern is still about efficiency, that sounds like you’re not having fun

    • @joestephens2527
      @joestephens2527 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Dude the game is all about farming, and dealing with bugs. Understand my favorite game Warframe is turning to trash and Apex a game that sucks horribly is kicking Warframe butt in streams daily hundred thousand or more. Warframe streams 30 thousand sometimes 60 if it’s a new prime item. A hundred thousand they touch only when the new war dropped. Which was a game changer. All we doing now in Warframe is just archon hunts, farming a prime frame or weapon. Or wack ass duvari where they nerfed it. Just to farm Warframes or incarnate Weapons. Kuva and sister weapon farming is old and boring. It’s nothing else in Warframe. Plus DE takes too long to drop content, that’s why they lost majority of players because of repetitive gameplay. DE can’t keep up. I’ll play it again in another 3-4 years because it’s still behind development

    • @localtesco2461
      @localtesco2461 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      some people including me find this aspect of games fun, which can be a problem as not allot of people view games this way

    • @Zach0451
      @Zach0451 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What if some people have fun with being efficient with farming? You didn't think when you typed this.

  • @TickleMyGuy
    @TickleMyGuy ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Alright dude, see you next update.

  • @tunlisha
    @tunlisha ปีที่แล้ว +11

    3000+ hrs here lol im not quitting but i do understand why

  • @jamesogeto3061
    @jamesogeto3061 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Took a break from this game since 2019 recently started playing and I'm all caught up now farmed all incarnons ......you need long breaks from this game when you're burnt out

  • @AlvinEarthworm
    @AlvinEarthworm ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yeah yeah. See you in October.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      Don't count on it

    • @AlvinEarthworm
      @AlvinEarthworm ปีที่แล้ว

      @@semtexagon You're a content creator. You're definitely going to be back. And that isn't up for debate.

  • @ArikaStack
    @ArikaStack ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why is it every Warframe youtuber is making videos saying they're quitting? Correction: Why is it that every GOOD (with some exceptions) WF youtuber is doing this? I sort of want to believe this video is satire because it's actually sensible and not just drama bait.

  • @scottnowaskey8991
    @scottnowaskey8991 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    How do u not know how to find the host at 6000 hours 😭😭

  • @nlomano444
    @nlomano444 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    i would like to point out that there are two ways to see who is host ingame. there is a little white circle under your allies' health bars that show their ping number, and #1 is host. the host also has a little silver flair/border on their circle on the stay/extract screen. seems like a small thing in relation to everything else, but there are a ton of things other longtime players dont know about in game.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I did notice when editing the video, but yea tha fact that I have 6000 hours and I don't know is pretty telling

    • @lookalike4805
      @lookalike4805 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think that you deciding to Quit on the Duviri Update Specifically is pretty Telling... DE overplayed their Hand on this one. 👀

    • @nlomano444
      @nlomano444 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@semtexagon all good. huge game, i have about 2k hours and didnt know about kahl missions until like a month ago.
      To address the other issues about hosting, its a long-standing videogame design struggle. devs have to decide on host or server based games, both have benefits/drawbacks. you listed a decent amount of the drawbacks to hosting, but i dont think you fully understand why it would take a full redesign. to swap to a server based system would require DE to host all the missions (and do the math for) on their own servers. only thing i think they do that on is the relays, which are obviously VERY limited in the actions you can do in them, like just moving around and interacting with NPCs.
      After discussing with a 5k hour buddy, scarlet spear was also server-based, and DE couldnt handle it. was laggy as all hell because of this.
      TLDR: benefits to clent based-hosting: no servers/server crashes/server lag.

  • @marvelousmarvin5961
    @marvelousmarvin5961 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This might sound crazy but I think they have bugs just to keep people on longer. I refuse to think you can fix issues in a few days without having them resolved already. Especially when we start talking about drop rates being messed up and losing progress on missions bc of bugs

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I don't think this is the case. I think they would have simply made the grind longer. The bad press and negative experince of the player can hardly be worth it.

  • @megaman1783
    @megaman1783 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When I'm fed up with the game I take a few months off just looking at the updates on videos until something brings me back

  • @laurence3672
    @laurence3672 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    MR 26 been playing for 1000 hours, quit during Steel Path and New War cause it was less of a fun challenge and more of a tedious "i need this mod / weapon to make things even work properly."

    • @blix17
      @blix17 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That's kind of the point. You're ment to build effectively to play harder content.

  • @Gambled
    @Gambled ปีที่แล้ว +9

    mental health is important and games are supposed to be fun, if you arent having fun or the game is causing stress, protect your mental health. ty for content.

  • @rickard486
    @rickard486 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I feel you man. I quit for 2 years and I'm finally playing again now.

  • @KillahX669
    @KillahX669 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You will never be done, once a Tenno always a Tenno.
    Every other games you play in your life will make you miss Warframe systems and movements, and all.

  • @nilebrixton8436
    @nilebrixton8436 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    my biggest concerns are 1) the acceleration of power creep in new weapons and frames 2) power gap between players on pub games that power players, usually of high mr, completely take away the fun from newer players.
    warframe used to be a team oriented game but lately it's becoming more towards a selfish experience. I would say void cascade is probably the few team oriented experience left in the game. everything else feels like playing solo games that happened to have other players in it.

    • @Delimon007
      @Delimon007 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I can definitely say, that sometimes I've accidentally left grouping on when doing newer missions to farm, and if I ran into newer players by accident I would just leave because I already know that this would destroy their experience. They will see it soon enough in other mission types, no reason to ruin their early game experiences and I'm not even someone who has been playing this game like that. Imagine a steel path+ player showing up in their games.

    • @nilebrixton8436
      @nilebrixton8436 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Delimon007 same, though I usually stay and play the support role and let them do most of the kills. for this very reason I almost always bring a vanilla low mr weapon to the regular star chart. I don't use spoiler mode and I don't nuke the map even though I could. I'll mark hidden areas so people new to the game can appreciate the treasure hunting side of experience.

  • @SwedetasticGames
    @SwedetasticGames ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I think the movement system makes it very difficult, even without other defensives, if there is any more space than the corridors on Grineer ships, simply because of our movespeed. Alot of enemies already do very scuffed snapping animations to attempt to keep up with our position and even then most hitscan enemy weapons struggle to land shots. Now, if that was our ONLY defensive at all, corridors would be instakill deathtraps on most mission types. So what is easy solution that allows for varied tileset design instead of giant openworld (yes Circuit maps included) areas all the time? Add stackable, mostly extremely reliable, static damage decreases and offset by ramping enemy damage accordingly. Drawback of these two in concert is you get to a point where if you're not micro-ing your shieldgate/Guardian Roll or similliar, you get deleted in a couple of frames from any damagesource as it's scaled so insanely high. So, then how do you make the game "difficult"? Ramp enemy defensives so you need extremely specific things to do the "harder" content. But then you run into the issue where some frames and like 90% of weapons cannot do endurance style activities due to damage falloff getting obsurd at higher enemy levels. Oh so let's give more Helminth-able abilities 100% Armor Strip potential. Well, now we're back to Square One, where you either simply CANNOT do certain content regardless of personal skill, or it is next to braindead levels of easy.
    Now, we have seen how they have attempted to adress this mess with the Khal missions, and Drifter gameplay on Duviri to a degree, by limiting your movement speed drastically and slowing down gameplay and, espescially in Outdoor Duviri, enemy swarms. In my opinion, both of these have been relatively effective, with my main gripe being how inconsistent the Block and Parry boxes are even when solo on Duviri. However, Duviri espescially feels alot closer to how the game felt when you first started in terms of (before 20 odd decree's) your balance vs enemies you naturally encounter and your toolkit to deal with them. If you are a really oldschool player like myself, it reminds me of Movement 1.0, and there is a reason for that: we weren't leaping around like superheroes on meth (the Coptering bug not included), but we were still pretty fast and agile. No double jumping, don't even think we had sliding, no bulletjumping, much more limited wallrunning and no latching (god the rage I had as a kid trying to climb the tall pillars for the secret room on the Orokin tileset), melee and sprinting consumed stamina (yes we had a stamina bar at that point). Now, even with all those limitations in Movement 1.0 (yet again excluding the Coptering bug) we were alot faster than most enemies, but not to a absolutely laughable degree. In Movement 1.0, as the system of Clan Wars over Dark Sector Nodes were still a thing, PvP was pretty playable when it wasn't bugged to hell. Now, PvP is absolutely a dead gamemode because you can barely have fun when both you and the enemy player move so fast you effectively need a 100% accuracy weapon with an actuall aimbot to land hits, or obsurd AoE size weapons where you just pray the enemy is in some part of explosion when it goes off.
    Movement 2.0 has, while feeling amazing for how fast you can go and rewarding it is to master, created a cascading catastrophe of balancing impossibilities. Even 1v1 Boss Fights would need to be designed for Drifter Melee to have any challenge to them mechanically, but as I stated above, the Drifter's block and parry even when solo sessioning is so imprecise you could not make it function due to worse hitbox issues than Dark Souls 2. The only legitimately challenging thing they could add long term is bringing back the Raid format, but so many people would rage from it requiring a team and how... Shall we say less than optimal this games netcode is, as you pointed out yourself in the video.
    Now, for the rest of what you mentioned, in particular the bugs (cough cough 2 weeks if Circuit Assassination hardlocks cough cough) and reward balancing aswell as loadscreen/cutscene chaining to turn yer stomach, and what they did with ammo changes for AoE weapons (effectively making most of them hard unusablr due to ammo economy), 100% agreement.

  • @Coppyrightt
    @Coppyrightt 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Funny thing about duviri, its still bugged on occasion. Ive had the jackal stuck in midair twice now with no way of executing its downed state forcing us to forfeit AND we had a survival stage that was only spawning excavator powercells not any life support, forcing us to die.. THIS MORNING my mate and I were farming our last few levels on sp circuit to get our lvl 10 incarnons and I WATCHED him pick hydroid. He talked about hydroid, and his build and how happy he was that our run would be easy.. we walk through the portal and boom.. his frame switched to stalker.. :D 10/10

  • @WaspKingMaxz
    @WaspKingMaxz ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So 3 things i will say
    1 Game reviews i like that i always loving see other games rather they are good or bad games since warframe has tooken alot my time before & i just find it very interesting seeing other games & other people's creations & reviews are nice as well for seeing if a game is 1 i would want to play or not depending
    2 tbh there are many problems with warframe i do agree some of my personal are decorations i am a decorator, fasioner, & adventurer in other words i do many things but 1 of my biggest problems as said is decorations specifically
    personal decorations why? well some of the decorations cost plat & some require grind which is fine but let us talk about the problem with that 1 a decoration that costs plat if you wanted like let's say a thousand of that decoration & it was 20 or 35p something like that then it would be way too much plat & or money somewhere within the thousands
    & with personal decorations that are gotten from grind would take hundreds if not thousands of hours to have many of em for example enigma decorations
    in personal opinion decorations should be unlimited once unlocked that way one can place as many of the decorations as they want to somewhat like in dojos which brings me to the other problem
    3 Dojos Cost resources which is fine in some aspects but when the clan is a moon clan those resources cost are in the millions which is outrageous tbh i mean it is fine to bulid something & it take time to complete but being unable to complete anything would be heartbreaking & discouraging & too much in someways which is why i haven't work on my dojo in awhile now somewhat in other words it does not respect the time & or effort put into decorating like it would in other games
    but don't get me wrong tho i do love warframe it is fun for me & i still do decorate in my orbiter & Dormizone but as said those are some of my personal problems with it that i would love to see get fixed
    & also whatever you want to do youtube content wise is fine i look forward to seeing what you do next
    & GN Or Good Day everyone

  • @zbeatza9910
    @zbeatza9910 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The big three issues with warframe is 1. enemy to player balance, damage and defense not being capped, rewards being terrible for high level but high level enemies are fun to fight and don't die in 1 hit.
    2. Bugs, breaking the game, losing progression.
    3. The community is terrible, there are people who don't want changes to their favorite weapon that destroys half the map, "this is warframe not operator" aka idiots, or people who leave/leeches(join an endless mode and leave as soon extraction opens.
    Mods and resistances need a rework, either you one shot everything or you don't.

  • @DegenWeeb
    @DegenWeeb ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The biggest issue for me right now are all the problems with matchmaking. If I sit with my friends for too long in the lobby I get kicked. I get disconnected mid mission or when starting a mission. I get stuck in the loading screen for a couple minutes before "lost connection to host" or some other bs reason. I haven't really experienced any other problems for the most part.
    I agree about the problems with the market. Prime Resurgence really does happen too often and for too long a period. It's really not worth holding prime sets anymore because of it. Not to mention all the lowballers in market that really try to nickel and dime you. It's not just prime stuff either. The Wolf Sledge price has completely tanked thanks to this week's event. Imagine spending time and beacons farming the Wolf for the weapon only for DE to make it easier to farm him and thereby crash the value of the weapon. I'm seeing people trying to sell and buy the weapon for 50 to 60 plat and the individual parts for 15 to 20 plat each.

    • @N7_Bunny
      @N7_Bunny 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you're not a veteran farm secondary encumber , it's minimum 300pl and sometimes ppl pay even more. Listen to a audiobook , podcast or stream and level up your mr while farming crystals

  • @Avabees
    @Avabees ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Oh dang i just started watching and youre already done lol

  • @xMtF54x
    @xMtF54x ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Im sorry to see you go my man but i agree with you hope you come back soon. P.s. the eìdo grind is slowly killing my will only 7 more energize to go ffs

  • @natanm.v8145
    @natanm.v8145 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    18:19 That, that was on fucking point, everything in the video was, but, i think the balacing problem goes deeper than just "change numbers". This might sound crazy but, Warframe is a "Power Fantasy" game ( i know what you're thinking, calm down and hear me out, please! ) that doesn't do "Power Fantasy" and that is exactly the problem. PF games rely mostly on Players skill-expression and how these players feel about the Visuals, Controls, and overall Gameplay in relationship to that skill-expression for the game to feel/be good or bad, the "NUMBERS" only come in as a means for these elements to work while adding more depth to said elements. An exemple of this would be how in Elden Ring, or others souls like games, as long as u have the skill, u can beat strong bosses even even if u have a mediocre build because "NUMBERS" aren't everything in these games. The thing with Warframe is that, DE, for some fucking reason, ACTIVELY IGNORES the idea of skill-based gameplay in a PF game, which, makes them have to rely completly on the "NUMBERS" instead of player-skill, something u shouldn't do, because it makes the game feel flat and boring, the literal opposite of what u should be trying to achieve with a "Power Fantasy" game. In Warframe, "NUMBERS" ARE everything, and that is the damn problem! The whole thing with Steel Path enemies one shotting us unless we as players, actively abuse certain mecanics to stay alive, is a direct result of that, cuz instead of making enemies harder to fight mecanically in a fun way that adds to the PF, they just ramp up the damage the enemies can deliver and the damage they can take, artificially making them harder, but making them not more fun to fight them their weak versions, something that, again, breaks the fantasy aspect of a "Power Fantasy". the good thing is that appearently DE is finally fucking realizing that, and slowly adding more skill based combat to the game even if it feels like ass( Archon hunts, Lich/Sister encounters, Eximus enemies, Drifter combat are all examples of DE """""trying""""" to add skill based fights to the game while failing miserably at it, but something is already better than nothing i guess )

  • @chimmuru1945
    @chimmuru1945 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I've been playing for only 1200 hours and im already feeling my burnout(MR30), can't imagine how you're feeling. Those circuit bugs bother me a lot I rarely touch it unless theres an incarnon i wanted to try. Game for fun! 😄Leave warframe, find a game you like!

    • @nlomano444
      @nlomano444 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      yeah, i feel you on that. ive been playing since 2016, and i learned that its easiest to not go full-sweat mode on newly released major content. usually give open world/ new gamemodes like 3 months for DE to QOL and bugfix if i see alot of issues on launch. sad state of game, but it helps me deal with rage burnout.

    • @michaelm6597
      @michaelm6597 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I been bunt out 3 times already with the mastery grind and am only close to mr15. I like the game but hate just level grinding equiptment.

    • @FreeMovies01
      @FreeMovies01 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I got 4.6k and I'm just waiting for 1999

    • @vasRayya
      @vasRayya 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      4k hours, been here since closed beta
      slow the fuck down bud, grinding MR is soulless and an easy way to burn out

    • @jamesogeto3061
      @jamesogeto3061 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@michaelm6597 stopped grinding for mastery at mr 12 just plaid casually now im mr 22

  • @cloudedxx
    @cloudedxx 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Im a newer player. My biggest issue is losing progress for no fucking reason and wasting my time. Happens way to often.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @andrewgrow5711
    @andrewgrow5711 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    i have something like 6k hours in
    these updates have been shit, everything duviri related and kahl of duty
    i love warframe
    i hate kahl of duty and all of this roguelite darksoulsframe garbage
    generally bugs don't bother me
    i played right through the early days of railjack and liches
    but for over a year about half of the public void fissures i try to join fail to connect, putting me through 2 additional loading screens just to *attempt* to maybe join again or maybe fail and wait for loading screens again... and again... (i'm on ps4)
    over a year... not fixed... and no crossave because i'd be thrilled to just put my account on PC or Xbox and avoid the issue
    so ya, i haven't been playing for over 9 months

    • @megaman1783
      @megaman1783 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Exactly this happens to me on Xbox one

  • @darrenwatson874
    @darrenwatson874 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WAAA Goodbye have a break its a good thing to do try another game for a while

  • @tctc4413
    @tctc4413 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Funny enough conclave worked just fine on release.

  • @seanfox4551
    @seanfox4551 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    After 6000 hours in a game what do you expect

  • @michaelm6597
    @michaelm6597 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It sounds that D.E. should have some sort of P.T.B. of sorts and have rewards for people essentially play testing the update before full release to make sure it is not 5 ways of busted

    • @Phillipmurr
      @Phillipmurr ปีที่แล้ว

      they have P.T.S they said they will start using after Scarlet spear, Railjack and leecher launched broken, but it was just PR they did it once and never again

  • @DreadedLad88
    @DreadedLad88 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I love the whiplash of young gamers not understanding life and creating the video essays about normal human feelings lol. If you play a game for 6000 hours, youll probably find a lot wrong with it.... But now, we're seeing an influx of "Warframe is awesome" video essays... Its funny really... People are taking games too seriously. Go outside.

    • @Masochistickoala
      @Masochistickoala 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Young Gamers seem to have this all or nothing problem when in reality you don't need to be the most efficient and can make mistakes and mess up. Part of the fun of life is being stupid and having it work out still.

  • @MrMusic6336
    @MrMusic6336 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I stopped in 2018 on PC and started over in late 2023 on Xbox. Taking a break does wonders, granted I had catch-up to do, but in 4 months I was back to where I was in 2018. Warframe suffer the Payday 2 problem. You have so many options where realistically there's only 3-4 optimal builds that all do the same thing in the end anyway. I like Steel Path where it is now, you DO NOT want enemies to do more damage to you in addition to health and armor buffs (See Payday 2 Death Sentence One Down Difficulty). It is borderline insanity and toxic when playing in public if you can't punch up and pull your weight.

  • @noahedenborg4221
    @noahedenborg4221 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ok ima stop right there
    what game HASNT HAD BUGS
    host migration isnt de's problem its the players
    do you want this game to be boring and not have ANY difficulty at all
    also shield gating isnts a mandatory thing you CAN health tank
    i agree having the drifter camp be like a universal hub would be great like you rank up sertain syndicates and u can choose 1 npc to have at the camp forever
    another example of bad description eclipse and roar one of the most confusing for most players
    how bout this take a break for sometime play other games until wf has something to do until the next update

  • @boogiewookie77
    @boogiewookie77 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've come back to WF after a long (5 years ish) hiatus as suffered burnout. Hope you come back quicker than I did! Only just discovered channel and prefer it to most others.

  • @geraudonly6229
    @geraudonly6229 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I treat warframe like pokemon. I log in after new updates and collect my pokeframe, level it. Pay for second set for helminth with plat earned when I was more actively playing and then log of till next frame drops. Anything else is a recipe for madness

  • @jayxander2988
    @jayxander2988 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel you brother I'll watch what ever you make

  • @TheCowboyMartyr
    @TheCowboyMartyr 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro trust me I understand, I am 11,342 hours in (yes I have played since day one) and while I would never get tired of warframe (evidently) but I understand man

  • @user-qr2co2ub6j
    @user-qr2co2ub6j 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is the only guy in a long time to talk about the problems in warframe and tell the truth 👏💯

    • @theworst1069
      @theworst1069 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No,he is just complaining like a pssy

    • @ioritenshi
      @ioritenshi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i mean dude has 6k+ hours clocked in... nobody spends that much time on garbage and even then, after 6k hours i think he got plenty of fun out of it already

    • @ioritenshi
      @ioritenshi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i mean dude has 6k+ hours clocked in... nobody spends that much time on garbage and even then, after 6k hours i think he got plenty of fun out of it already

  • @Cyro-jj5xc
    @Cyro-jj5xc 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm hoping and praying now with rebecca and steve in charge, and following the last QOL update with abyss of dagath, we will see something similar, something like, "the great balance update" which in my opinion could be as simple as DE taking a month and doing number tweaks for a large number of warframes and items.
    I will say, I don't don't know of any game out there that is designed for players who are at 2K+ hours to continue to have fresh engaging content to do. Take a break, some people actually just complete the game and have nothing left to do. Cheers!

  • @cristicristian9948
    @cristicristian9948 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i believe they dont have enough testing members was always like that with new updates they release hot fixes depending on update size from 1-2 hours delay to several weeks.. plaines of eidolon was a huge mess on release too because was the first "open world" map

  • @whentheuh
    @whentheuh ปีที่แล้ว +6

    i think difficulty is the biggest issue... we have more lives and less punishing deaths than in children's games, also power fantasy thing is pretty cope you can give the best equipment there is on games like wow or lost ark to a beginner and they would be wiped in seconds if they were to take on tougher content

    • @Movel0
      @Movel0 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's literally not the issue at all, the problem is this game is a glorified gear-check. There is no problem that can be solved by being good at the game, it's only the matter of having the right build and if you don't you're gonna be one shot every time.

    • @whentheuh
      @whentheuh ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Movel0 that is exactly what i said tho 🤨🤨

    • @tngaming50
      @tngaming50 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@whentheuh So for Warframe with issues with difficult levels. We need more end game content that requires SKILLS to handle these daunting content? Also the fact that Warframe does have this "gear check" issue that doesn't require to use skills since the gear/equipment are... Basically OP or easy to use, right off the bat? Hmm this is a tricky subject since DE does have a consistent issue. Also I'm just discussing with you and trying to make sense how to apply Skill in a game like Warframe 😅 I do agree with you!

    • @ates423
      @ates423 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think this game is not and will not ever be targeted for that kind of demographic. If you want a game that has actual challenge and difficulty you will have to play a different game.
      The core gameplay loop of living a casual easy power fantasy has been the same since the first mission we’ve done on warframe.
      I personally just came into this game for that reason because I want that casual power fantasy. as someone who’s been playing the soulsborne series and a couple more sweaty difficult games, this game is a breath of fresh air, just be able to hop on, kill things in a really cool fashion while your brain is turned off.
      I left this game many years ago for the same reason that many wf veterans complain about, the game is too easy, it’s when you’re complaining about that is how you know you’re burning out on the game. however when I get that difficulty itch that’s when you know it’s time to take a break from the game and play something else because DE simply won’t make a more engaging and difficult system, since they have been letting players get so mind numbingly OP in ever way since day 1

  • @davefinfrock3324
    @davefinfrock3324 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lessee. The game is ten years old and still kicking around pretty vigorously. The game does have some issues, but they're not new--and it is ten years old. I've got well over 7300 hours in the game and still play, though nothing like in the first few years. I still like it overall, but I don't care for some of the new systems and avoid them for the most part. This does limit what you can do, but my main interest is shooting stuff in job lots and the game still delivers in spades in that regard. Most of my gaming time is spent elsewhere, but I still play and still enjoy it in limited sessions. Not many decade long games can say the same.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you make excuses for a bad game: you get a bad game.

    • @davefinfrock3324
      @davefinfrock3324 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@semtexagon That would assume the game is bad, which it is not.

  • @andreasmaurstad7227
    @andreasmaurstad7227 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My only problem with the circuit is that i am given useless gear at times, and i know the random element is part of it but good god i was offered the stug on Steel Path

    • @twitchhounds
      @twitchhounds ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You can see what frames/weapons you get even before going in there and if you want to refresh it just do 1 run on regular circuit until you get what you want for steel path.

    • @andreasmaurstad7227
      @andreasmaurstad7227 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twitchhounds oo thats clever, hadnt thought of that

  • @3XOUT
    @3XOUT ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First vid of yours I’ve ever seen. Which is sad. But I get you. You def need a break at least.
    The game seems more buggy than ever. What's even worse is that they seemingly know this given the recent update to their TOS. Which is disgusting, to say the least.
    Nothing you say in this vid is wrong. The only thing ppl can argue about is whether they choose to live with it or not. I would however think about changing the title of the vid to avoid it being confused with just another generic “… I quit” video.
    Good luck fellow Scandinavian 🙌🏾

  • @houndchad3592
    @houndchad3592 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pweez oni chan can i uwu have all dat plat ara ara cuteness overload

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Humm, let me think... Okay you can have 1 plat

  • @viruscookie4440
    @viruscookie4440 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm trying to trade right now, stockpiled on sacrifice modds in league star and hoping it goes up by 300% in half a year

  • @mezeidavid9086
    @mezeidavid9086 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i didnt watch the entire video yet, but on the mother token topic:
    for a deimos t5 bounty you get about 120-140 tokens, that equals to 12-14k standing, and stage rewards are at worst 1000 endo
    on fortuna, for the same t5 bounty you get about 4200 standing, and at worst 400 endo per stage.
    these bounties take the same time and deimos bounties are arguably the easiest among the 3 open worlds. who the fuck designs these things? why is my time worth less on fortuna than on deimos?

  • @elanadavis8491
    @elanadavis8491 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have played over 12 thousand hours. I would like to provide my thoughts too. Inbalanced rewards can be seen as an opportunity. Play smart! Buggy on release. Yea DE needs to invest more in game testers. A few bugs are understandable, but WF has a pattern of far too many game breaking bugs on release. Trading is easy to make to plat. I have over a million plat. Pro tips: Buy during resurgence and sell later. I have over 300 Vaubans, over 200 Saryns, over 150 Ash etc. Easy! Buy low and sell high. Also I have about 160 Acceltra rivens. Acceltra prime probably getting announced in 90 days! I made a killing off Filming prime. Lol. Right now buy Wolf Sledge. I have 50 sets already. Get new primes on day of release by cracking relics to resell. During Halloween event buy Exodia Contagion - maybe offered every other year. Also Nightwave last time had Arcane Energize for free. I acquired 20 rank fives and sold them for a nice profit already. The methods are endless. I should do videos because I am probably the top trader on Xbox. You just need to be smart and have patience. You can make plat. easy. You can buy R0 Duviri arcanes for cheap and sell rank 5s for a huge markup now because rank 5s are hard to find. The ways are endless. You can flip arcanes and make a lot if you know the low and high ends they normally sell for. Spot bargains at the low end to acquire then try to sell at the mid to high end. Easy. I felt so strongly about your complaints regarding trade that I temporarily stopped watching your video.

    • @ates423
      @ates423 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I can definitely see the potential of many ways to make profit with plat however I just have 600 hours on warframe on and off throughout the years. So I probably won’t be able to capitalize on platinum farms until I’ve completed everything that is necessary like getting to mr 30, min maxing the necessary builds, and getting all the factions maxed out.
      I’m close haha, maybe another 2-3 months of grinding. But once I do, I plan to do exactly what you’ve done.

    • @PSfucves
      @PSfucves ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You should make vids

  • @BlackMagik12
    @BlackMagik12 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hope to see you back sometime soon. The community's gonna miss your voice.

  • @rch5395
    @rch5395 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Kinda sad how DE stopped making end game content thus making better weapons, mods, rivens, ect when you hit a certain power threshold meaningless to chase.

  • @FabiTheSnake
    @FabiTheSnake ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It´s easy doing The circuit solo. Really, way less issues.
    The game desperately needs testservers and dedicated ones, the duviri update could have been a huge player boost, but people got shit on because of how buggy it was, resulting in another nullified update.
    Like, the reviews said it all. The update really was one of the best, but the condition dragged it all down back to being mediocre.
    And yeah, some modes need to get a little more worth...

  • @eboomer
    @eboomer ปีที่แล้ว +4

    For me, I feel like the main problem these days, is that they do not care how fun, or not, the grind is. And so many of the rewards are metered out so slowly that in any one week, you do not feel like you have gotten much of any reward for your time spent.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for saying it

  • @DrewBoivie
    @DrewBoivie ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It sounds like you're just burnt out at the moment. I've been there with this game before having about as many hours as you.
    Give it a good 6 months or a year, and come back refreshed and with loads of new content to catch up on.
    Its no good to force yourself to keep playing a game you aren't enjoying.

  • @hayzzzVR
    @hayzzzVR ปีที่แล้ว +1

    so you stop playing warframe?
    if so can i have all your prime😊

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sure, I turned everything but 1 fang handle into ducats.

  • @robotic-race
    @robotic-race ปีที่แล้ว +1

    16:00 nothing can 1 shot you unless its toxin damage or you have no shields

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You don't see a problem with that?

    • @blix17
      @blix17 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@semtexagon I would personally like to see better survivability options that don't require your shield. I really enjoy my trinity damage reduction build, which lets me temporarily afk high level content. But if I get nullified then I'm gonna get dunked.

  • @nulls5408
    @nulls5408 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The main problem with bugs, and host migration is that DE doesn’t actively show that they play their own game which both harms the community with their game and how they respond to issues; as well as since their right next to the main server they suffer alot less issues when it comes to bugs resulting from lag.
    With the 900 hours I got in this game, almost all the glitches I’ve encountered personally could be explained to stuff not loading quickly and/or correctly. I especially hate when I’ve gotten an lag spike when swapping from frame to operator (for last couple years) and I suddenly lose the ability to do anything besides walk around till I get killed since I can’t use my weapons or abilities. But having to fight the rapoflyst as it was completely invisible was unintentionally fun the one time it happened.
    With probably my main gripe with DE being that they absolutely refuse to takeoff the training wheels and stop coddling new player. Not to say the dead horse of the statement “tHeIrS nO eNdGaMe” since that’s not the issue from the fact they have attempted to implement several versions of that type of gameplay, but rather that whenever they take a step to up the difficulty they take three step back with something that trivializes that difficulty. While also letting meta builds stagnate by having pretty much every weapon feel the same build-wise (my guess to how they could fix this is to implement an helminth system specifically for weapons so we can actually experiment).
    For example:
    1. Liches are introduced, only to get nuked with their own weapons and their farms trivialized on later liches with trading, ultimatum beacons, and oull mods.
    2. Railjack and world bosses with necramechs and arcanes.
    3. Steel path with galvanized mods and arcanes.
    4. Archons with super min maxed 1 shot builds, with an combination of shards, helmith, and reworked focus abilities.
    5. Overgaurd nerf, ironically I miss how overgaurd originally worked since they wouldn’t get immediately 1 shot by my limbo back then and it was somewhat fun.
    6. Circut and zariman with potential access to new incarnon weapons.
    This game has always had an problem with balancing strats, since an new one would always be created shortly after. But recently DE has just kinda given up, probably rationalizing that if everything is op then nothing would be.

  • @herosupport1606
    @herosupport1606 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    its about time DE got their own servers to host the game.

  • @_-megalodon-_
    @_-megalodon-_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    7000+ hors in germs

  • @TranquillShot
    @TranquillShot ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish you weren't right, but you are.
    I still love the game. I still have so much to do and so much to learn. I have so many hours but at 1100h+ I'm just cracking the surface.
    I still maintain that Warframe is the best Free To Play game ever made, even still.

  • @mrbeanington8806
    @mrbeanington8806 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well it looks like I got another 5,000 hours before I quit lol

    • @blix17
      @blix17 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Fine by me

  • @zbeatza9910
    @zbeatza9910 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Warframe for a live service game, new content is done too fast and takes longer to make, and most of the time DE don't add on already existing content they add a new one and leave it at that, conclave, archwing, railjack(hope for more content), kahl(nothing planned after duviri), relays, dojo, old frames, openworlds(except for deimos), etc.
    The gameplay is so fast DE rigged the RNG to low numbers to keep us busy farming or leaving the game.

  • @elanadavis8491
    @elanadavis8491 ปีที่แล้ว

    Balance is a problem. Occurred over time due to power creep. To make it exciting had to have new weapons stronger than the old. Incarnon genesis adapters is one solution. But still many weapons are just mastery fodder. This is a problem, but not a giant problem. A bigger problem is at high levels you have to be invincible, invisible, or shield gate to survive. Modding for increased health and shields at high levels helps very little. This is a bad problem. The game wasn't designed for such strong enemies. Overall Warframe is a great game with developers who continually strive to make the game better. They are constantly working on these and other problems. The game has a bright future.

  • @zelge_
    @zelge_ ปีที่แล้ว

    If Godfall had Warframes missions (not the bosses keep godfalls bosses)
    I wouldnt have come back to warframe

  • @projectamadeus895
    @projectamadeus895 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really hope Soulframe is the best game of the decade, because DE is killing warframe, they really need the full dev team, the game came to a point that there are so many bugs that they won't be able to fix half of them by the end of the year and they just make the game unplayable.
    how much time till they fix the host force extracting from Zariman making the game break for everyone in an eternal host migration screen or just spitting everyone to Zariman/orbital without any rewards or progress? maybe 2 years if the game doesn't die in the next 2 years.

  • @jb6409
    @jb6409 ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @danielzajko1361
    @danielzajko1361 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what is the warframe trading tool?

  • @ruski77
    @ruski77 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This game has a load of content. But 6000 hours?
    There’s like, a few games that could support that through only replayability. But even then, that’s just absurd. I’ve put about 600 hours into the game, done most of what there is to do, and I’m happy with it.

    • @june-ru1rg
      @june-ru1rg ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dude right, I’m barely about to reach the 1k hour mark and had this game for years now. I’m barely mr16, you enjoy more when you don’t play them 4-8 hours a day. And yet every time I load it up I feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff there is, I love it tho

  • @JQDeathFromAbove96
    @JQDeathFromAbove96 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I still play but rarely and occasionally. I started 7 years ago. Game hasn’t been the same since they removed the raids.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's a good point. More raids/eidolons would be great

    • @JQDeathFromAbove96
      @JQDeathFromAbove96 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@semtexagon eidolons are a shitty excuse for raids.

  • @Pontxo81
    @Pontxo81 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is fair to take a break. Move on, do other things.

  • @Dreadd81
    @Dreadd81 ปีที่แล้ว

    honestly, haven't played much since April for similar reasons. Do you plan on playing anything else?

  • @hachijospaniard5643
    @hachijospaniard5643 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So play the better Warframe game, that be any Diablo game.

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yea' I've heard D4 is doing real well

  • @suppercharge1
    @suppercharge1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    After kuva litch for a few months, , I left the game. I knew it will be fixed later on so I waited. It was a terrible system. It wasn’t fun at all. I still miss the raids

  • @joestephens2527
    @joestephens2527 ปีที่แล้ว

    Finally somebody on the same page I’m on. Warframe is sucking a whole lot late. If you have the Warframe and weapons and powerful friends online. It’s nothing else you need. Duvari was a 5 year dlc pushed back twice and it was very disappointing. Then y’all want to drop new content with Wally by this winter. If DE drops the new content this weekend I’ll stay and play but if I have to wait this winter. I’ll erase it. And come back to it in the next 3-4 years, because Warframe is still behind development. And they take way too long dropping content which makes this game a boring farming game

  • @ates423
    @ates423 ปีที่แล้ว

    Burnout is expected on any game you soak 1000s of hours into and each game will be set with its own problems. Take a break bro, find a new game to enjoy, and come back later after a bunch of patches roll around and the game will be fresh. That’s what I do.
    Yeah you will lose out on what’s new but keeping your mental health in check and not wanting to pull your hair out for putting a single more hour into a game is a lot more important.

    • @june-ru1rg
      @june-ru1rg ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That’s what Im saying, i hate these type of videos when mfs have over 1k hours and say they feel burnt out, no shit dawg go outside and do something else. That’s over 40 days of non stop playing bruh

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      It IS over 40 days... But it's also over 200 days.

    • @june-ru1rg
      @june-ru1rg ปีที่แล้ว

      @@semtexagon that’s crazy bro so in under a year you were able to play 6000 hours of a game ? I’ve played for over a year now and barely about to reach the 1000 mark

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@june-ru1rg Who said anything about 1 year, I've done TH-cam longer than that.

    • @abysswalker7712
      @abysswalker7712 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@june-ru1rg that's making me feel self-conscious...
      I have something something like 2500 hours on Steam, and I have only been playing for a little over a year and a half...

  • @Disslikeinator
    @Disslikeinator ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Uninstalled like a year ago , 3.3k hours played. Was a waste of time overall.

  • @JayDee-vq5rf
    @JayDee-vq5rf ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm over 6k myself. I told DE on live stream that everyone over 3k hours should just receive every new thing for free already maxxed and forma'd and with 6 polarities and an exilus. This should continually happen every time something new is released. I Think it's verry hard to enjoy any game you play as your job. The way to play wf and have fun IMO is just take a non stealth frame and slowly sneak your way past everything without jumping or killing in mostly spy missions. Or do railjack for the fun of railjack and not care about receiving any rewards. Just small bite sized play sessions of like 1 mission a day or something like that. Sometimes it's just fun to chill in chat and find a new player asking for help and then go teach them how to be self-sufficient.

  • @Hiperro5578
    @Hiperro5578 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Warframe is a capitalism game. With capitalism ***** and everything that capitalism can bring to you

  • @lucasromero5
    @lucasromero5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree with all your points bro and to close, the concept of "content" currently in warframe are cosmetics and nothing else, it's sad that you leave the game but a lot continue that way bro, the game is not even half as fun as before and when "the first desendant" comes out, it will be the last nail in the grave of warframe, unfortunately

  • @demon3203
    @demon3203 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm not going to say your reasons for quitting are not valid, but I will say that perspective matters a lot. Things being very grindy is not new to warframe. So if that hasn't changed, but you don't like it then that means your burned out. You've been grinding in the grind game that the fun has worn off. That is fine, but recognizing the difference between a you problem and it problem is pretty important. Bugs are an example of a it problem, but what sucks for you is that the vast MAJORITY of people are not running circuit. So bugs in regards to that are probably put on the back burner compared to bugs that impact a larger % of the player base. Its also why every time they add new things to the game it usually is something most people can experience and why its rare we get "end game" stuff that is legit new content.

  • @MustBeAStandUser
    @MustBeAStandUser ปีที่แล้ว

    eximus nerfing cc was such an 9iq move.... instead of cc they should be imune to AOE dmg...also their aura shouldnt auto casted but only work on animation so you could use the impact proc in a more meaningfull way....
    armor could split your health in healthgates with 0,000001 sec invincibility + 2 sec regen stop
    the affinity system should be turned off, at least at mr30, let me just fucking buy plat to make my obese wf even more obese with forma.... i will tell tencent! òÓ
    whispers should be region locked, so asian ppl dont even try trading with me.....
    also the game should be just less work... wtf i havent touched that fucking incarnon system since they forced the useless standard mode on us.....
    relics should be equipable like dragon keys....
    if every new items would just be released in relics and you just dont have to touch excavation, defense or what ever asswipes of modes that would be great
    of coure ppl get burned out...
    but warframe is one of the best games i've ever played, but DE tries their hardest to nauseate and repell you with every useless "tweak" and "works now as intended" instead of making WF something more pleasant to spent your time in....

  • @megakilllll
    @megakilllll 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Go cry in other games baby

  • @melvyntan1273
    @melvyntan1273 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    6000 hours and you’re done… this warrants a video?

    • @semtexagon
      @semtexagon  ปีที่แล้ว

      For my fans... Man that's weird to say - to know that I am taking an indefinite break... Yes