Trials: A Healthy Relationship with God- 10/20/24

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2025
  • A healthy relationship with God series lesson on Trials start at the 23:00 minute mark
    We would love for you to contact us and visit us so we can share the Love of Christ with you!
    Please visit our website for more info: goldenstripchu...
    We Believe In The Gospel
    The people who identify and attend the Golden Strip congregation of the Church of Christ want to honor God with lives wholly devoted to Him. Whether we are together in a worship service, at school, or our jobs during the week, or spending an evening with our families, we want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
    The Church: A Family & Community of Believers
    First, we would like you to know that we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all of our soul, and all of our mind. We also try diligently to love our neighbor as ourselves. For this is the greatest command. By doing so, we want to help strengthen and grow the Church and the Kingdom of Heaven.
    We Believe in One God
    We believe in the one God revealed in the Bible. We believe the one God is made up of the three beings known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    The Bible is God’s Word
    We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. We are confident God inspired the individuals that wrote each book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. When we need direction in life, are confronted with temptation, or need a source to bring hope, we turn to the Bible. The Bible is our guide for everyday living. Our goal is to be Bible-based. We are committed to the continual study of God’s Word, the Bible, to see how we can most closely give God the personal and collective worship He desires.
    The Church of Christ
    The Body of Christ is the Church. We believe the church is made up of God’s people on earth. Jesus is our head, and we are His body (Galatians 5:23). We do not seek to be a denomination, we merely want to be the body of our Savior.
    Salvation, from our understanding of the New Testament, includes some important elements. Every element is rooted in scripture. These steps are actually a process in which a person grasps them both emotionally and intellectually and are as follows: The Lord says we must believe in the power and person of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). It is also necessary for us to repent, or change our way of living that is against Jesus (Acts 2:37-38). Jesus has also asked us to be willing to confess to other people that we are His (Romans 10:9-10). God, through the New Testament, also directs us to be immersed, or baptized, into Christ (Romans 6:3-11). At that point we become part of Christ’s body (Galatians 3:26-27). Just following the above steps certainly does not mean the Christian conversion is complete. Instead, a wonderful life in Jesus begins, which is why we strive to walk in the light as He is in the light and be holy because God is holy. The Apostle Paul refers to this part of our life in Christ using the metaphor of a long distance race unto or through death. Faith and Hope in the Promise: Christ Will Claim His Own We look forward to the final day, when Jesus will claim His own for an eternal home with Him. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Jesus will return in the clouds and his followers will rise, meet Him in the sky, and ultimately be with Him forever.
    Biblical Worship
    Among the five acts of worship as outlined in the New Testament, most people will notice that we sing as a congregation unaccompanied by musical instruments and that we take the Lord’s Supper, as we are commanded, on the first day of every week until Jesus comes again. We do not do these elements just because we like them better in this manner. We do so because our study of Scripture has led us to believe this is the way we can best honor our Lord. Our worship services are also filled with biblical teaching (sermons), congregational singing, prayer, communion, and giving. You are more than welcome and encouraged to attend a worship service and/or Bible class with us!

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