Help GN pay for this work and our recent Gigabyte PSU testing via our store and get something good in return: (use code SENDHELP for 10% off for a limited time!) Grab a GN Wireframe Mouse Mat, in stock and shipping now, for a desk-sized mousing surface: Or guarantee you get one of our next GN Volt Large Modmats by back-ordering here (these sell out fast, so a back-order guarantees you get one!): You can see our review of Intel’s latest NUC here: Find Dell’s insane Alienware Aurora R10 here: You can see why the ABS Challenger is the other best prebuilt we’ve reviewed so far here: Or the Dell G5 5000 dumpster fire:
GN, what ever happened with that case you and another company were talking about potentially working on? We've not heard a word about it since. "GN Could Make a PC Case: We Need Your Input on This Opportunity"
I bought a Skytech build a couple years ago in an inwin 303 case. The main NVMe drive died and with very little questions they sent me a replacement, with twice the capacity of the failed drive, which I've been using since. I definitely can't complain about their service, at least not from when I had experience with them.
Nearly the same thing happened with my brother last year. The Drive was fine but there was a problem with the windows installation. They sent him a brand new better drive with a new copy of windows basically no questions asked.
@@Grand-Massive Heck yeah, that's cool. Like Steve has repeated many times, it's not about perfection, as stuff happens sometimes. It's about how the company handles it.
I haven’t had any problems with my skytech, but I had some questions about my cpu frequency because it was showing at constant boost. They were quick to ask a technician and said my cpu could handle it as it’s not overclocked and I should be fine.
You know the pre-built industry needs a revamp when having it be completely functional out of the box with no damage is considered a monumental accomplishment.
@@shanebolger7802 a lot of cases aren't packaged well. Even Lian-Li did a poor job with packing for the O11. Phantek however did an absolutely amazing job packing their cases.
If someone is willing to pay for all the expenses of a SI business, then yes, it would be well built. I would love to be in this business but the cost of labor, total expenses, and razor thin margins are the reasons why I'm not doing it even as a side job.This is why "bringing manufacturing back" as some idiot claimed to have is a pipe dream.
@@KomajuDraws When I got mine last year $700 got me a Ryzen 5 2600x Gigabyte 1660 OC, 16gb of RAM 500gb SSD. I say right now you can't find those parts in a prebuilt for $700 more like 900-1000. But yeah it still runs perfectly, it was honestly the best choice I've made because if I would have waited till after the holidays I would have never been able to get it. The prices went up right after.
This series is particularly useful this year. I was trying to find the parts to build a PC but finally gave up and just bought a pre-built. A pre-built was the only way I could get the graphics card at MSRP.
@@POB_LOW907 I did a BLD system with an RTX 3080. It's not perfect and there are some things I would have done differently had I built it but on the whole it is a very solid computer, if a bit pricey.
@@GamersNexus this is true! I still can’t believe that one. The expanding foam packaging material is so cheap that there’s just no excuse for not using it to brace the card during shipping.
Before I have even watch the video, I bought one of these back in December of 2020 while the GPU situation was bad, but not like it got later. I paid 1499 from Monoprice with an RTX 3070 and Ryzen 3700x. It has been nothing but awesome since I got it, not a single issue and has ran reliably since opening it. I made a video on my channel about it and the person that built it and signed off on the QC sheet actually commented on the video, and has replied to everyone that replied to her as well. Ok, on to the video now. Edit: about the glass panel, there is a cutout on the bottom that you can grab the glass with and pull it out, took me a minute to figure it out, but I didn't feel the need to let the glass fall off like that, you can literally see the cut out at 8:38 right under the corner of the PSU cutout, little dramatic guys.
@@MrEvtmazda how has it lasted for a month. There isn't much an SI can fuck up with normal store buyable parts. If something is wrong with it you either fix it yourself. They help you fix it or you send it back. If it's the entire month then that's a you thing not a them thing.
Ya I got the same model you did. It has been great pc, no problems at all with it. I think the price of 1,500$ was fine. If you built the pc yourself you would be honestly at the same price point. You basically saved like 250$ not building it yourself. But you also would lose that time it takes to build the pc and install everything. So you save hours of work and time going out and getting each party for the pc or searching for those parts.
I bought a skytech pc for my kid in 2016 and it was really well built then also. It was strange to see they started slacking hard and then all of the sudden went back to good standards. His PC is still running well to this day also.
I have a skytech pc from 18 months ago, and have had zero issues with it. I love it as I can and have upgraded it, from a 320 mb to a 550 and an upgraded air-cooler.
outside of that case (which i own one of the same base model, not the mesh front, and yes, it's not great at all haha) it's a pretty decent rig. 5600x for straight games is excellent, 6800 same, very solid card. and it isnt a crap motherboard. if you had a nice box, say an 011 or a meshify or something, toss the guts here in, and youd have one helluva nice system overall. for only a few more bucks, add a water cooler and maybe swap the PSU to something like a seasonic (for safety and longevity) and you could rock it for several years without needing upgrades
If people buy the parts, i will make it a prebuilt for them which will beat a dell of the same specs... no assembly for the customer needed so it is the same as a prebuilt... :)
"As opposed to Dell or HP; They wanna make sure the dumpster is really stacked, before they light it on fire!" LOL! I love your video's so much Steve, the tech comedy is golden :D
They keep talking shit about HP but they haven't reviewed one of their systems in a while. I have a HP OMEN 30L desktop with a 3080 and a 10700k with an AIO that I bought for $1800 after tax and shipping(last year so I guess it's not exactly comparable) that's solidly built so I think the criticism is unreasonable.
@@micahgmiranda Yeah. Plus the sarcasm only makes him look like a jerk. I wish he just got to the point instead of spending 5 minutes trying to be funny.
@@micahgmiranda, I just want to point out, that the fact you got a decent HP pc doesn't mean that there is a ton of crap builds. And ofc you won't find that system for that price anymore it's more like a 3-4k system now. And btw did you open it to check what's inside? And HP didn't get their bad reputation out of nowhere, if they're changing its good but a lot of time will pass before they gain trust back.
@@grihoriko8800 all I'm saying is they should get a new one and test it. I checked the hp website and you can get the exact one I got for 2329. I installed another 16 gb of ram cause it only came with 16 and it works fine. It came with a 750w 80 plus platinum from cooler master. The motherboard, graphics card aio and case are all proprietary and the bios was janky. I didn't try to overclock it. I was running Cyberpunk on Ultra on my 3440 x 1440 and it was playable fps wise. With raytracing and without DLSS it ran below 30fps though. It doesn't play modded minecraft with RT shaders the best either but I think that's with everybody. The only other thing that sucks is it comes with only one fan on the front. I just take the side panel off while I'm doing anything really demanding so the jet engine mode on the cpu cooler doesn't turn on so much.
I love how you always put jabs at everyone "the secret" of dual channel memory, love it One can just imagine what Dell would do with such arcane knowledge, I'm shuddering
Dell: "Hey, we just heard we're supposed to put something in BOTH memory slots. It boosts performance." Also Dell: "So... there's this company that sells RGB lighting modules to install in empty memory slots. That seems like the cheapest way to get that dual-channel thing."
I just got an ABS Gladiator and wouldn't you know, it came with one of the time bomb Gigabyte PSU's. Will be returning. Not sure if it's a good idea to recommend ABS atm. Thanks for the informative vids guys!
Popular tech tubers focused on a folding phone. GN: “A prebuilt PC that is not completely garbage” Congrats Sky Tech. That’s glowing praise that is as rare as a molex centipede.
One of my favorite things about this series is that you guys go undercover to buy them. It allows you guys to show us the REAL product. Not some pumped up "demo" version. I always wonder watching tech reviews if you guys are even getting the normal products or some binned special version that's going to do better and it makes me worry. But knowing you guys came at it like the everyday person, or perhaps someone who has minimal knowledge of computers needing a system really brings confidence to these reviews. Plus you're super harsh and I love it. Also f*k dell 😂
im digging this pre-build "roast," as it were. but, it's solid consumer advice in this era where buying a decent computer is a crapshoot. the best part, though, is the sarcasm and downright nasty slams that steve has been coming up with for dell and the other dirty players in the space. top shelf
I’m glad you guys reviewed a pc by skytech. I bought a pc from them when I first got into pc gaming and they are good. Now as someone who is very familiar now I could improve 100 things from what they did. But they don’t really F up their PCs. You’re not gonna get ripped off or have terrible parts/combinations. So props to them. I think we need to support the SI’s that are doing a good job and not just tear them down cuz they are helping build the pc gaming community, and I am actual proof of that with skytech
I had the opposite experience.I bought this exact model and it was total trash.There was a list a mile long of things wrong with mine.It was so bad i had to sit down with a pen and paper to write out all the issues for the amazon review i left
@@ryanrhoads1229 I had a similar experience to Nick H. The case was nice and it ran really well out of the box with little to no bloatware and great temps. Only real issue was that the rear fan was too tight and would sometimes hit against the grate when spinning up, and like shown in the video the fan hub wasn't great, only support 8 pin fans which was an issue when I moved to a different case. Other than those, i've had a fantastic experience and its been great so far.
Mine overheated out of the box,the headers were hot glued,some of the ports usb ports were broken,the motherboard was wrong,the fan was wrong,the ram was wrong.The power supply was trash.these were just some of the issues.i ended up replacing the motherboard,ram,cpu fan and and power supply immediately.The only thing i was happy with was the cpu and gpu.But i am happy both your pc were nice.
Bought a custom in 2018 and still using it today with some minor upgrades as time went one and things got cheaper because they give you the freedom to so unlike dell. At the time scalpers were hot and getting a prebuilt was cheaper and my build cost a total of $870 and when I added up individual parts it was $1015 give or take a few bucks and while that might not seem like a lot it was for a kid working at Mc Donald’s.
24:50 I just got my skytech build today. They didn't provide upgraded anything, so they probably knew who ordered the pc. In my case, would not have done any good anyway because the CPU is it 10400 and only supports 2666. But they could have upgraded something else, I guess. I was thinking of shipping the pc to get nexus to review it. It's literally brand new. Just got it today. What a perfect approach because they definitely know it's not gamer nexus buying the computer.
There is actually a latch/hatch to pull the glass side panel. Look at space below the psu “650” letters, thats what that space is for, it can be reached from the bottom
Again, thanks for doing these pre-built videos. If nothing else, they are entertaining to watch. And at best, I may even be recommending one of these pre-builts to friends
What I gather from watching a few these prebuilt reviews. You can simply pay a 'building vendor' 75-100 bucks, and then really pick the parts yourself. That really seems like the better choice if building yourself is not an option.
@@kidvicious2227 rog had a prebuilt on sale for about $1750 with a 3070 and solid other parts. Only problem is airflow/noise with it's pitiful single fan but I spent another hundred for this Lian Li case that completely solved the issue
isnt that a wraith spire rgb? the prism is the one with the rgb fan as well and not just the outer ring. I have both of them including the wraith MAX which is like the prism but with only the outer ring being rgb.
Based on this video and some of my own research, I recommended a Skytech PC to my friend. He got it today, and before we turned it on I gave it a once over to make sure they did it right. I'm pretty impressed. The ram was dual channel and had the XMP on. The cables were pretty well managed, and none of them had come unplugged. Well packed with no shipping damage. No bloatware installed. The only thing negative is the motherboard IO didn't perfectly line up with the IO shield but it was usable with just a little finagling.
You managed to find a 6800 for only $1120? All that ever I see are running for C$1850-2100, so about $1500-$1700 US. At least the 6700XT is better* value, tied with the 3060 at only about C$1100 (US$900). *Note that "better" does not imply "good", only "less bad".
I get Gamer’s Nexus perspective - MSRP is the price you should be paying. But no one can find parts at that price. The 6600xt sold out in seconds this morning. And it is on eBay for double MSRP if you can find one. So… yeah, limp along with what you have until the market levels. If I was a SI and had a stock of parts, I’d charge scalper prices for a system too. Selling it for reasonable would be just leading to my systems ending up in a dumpster with the GPU and CPU pulled out.
@Chandler Russell joining a restock announcement discord allows you to find a 6800 for about 900 within a day or two. the market may determine the price, but that price is bullshit whether the market likes it or not
Your channel is so informative for anyone of us on the market for a new prebuilt PC thank you so much. I was about to BLINDLY buy a Alienware R-15 but I seen your videos about their products and opened my eyes before I made that mistake.
Hello, I’ve watched this video probably 2-3 times since I bought the same PC (my first) on Newegg (built and shipped by a 3rd party). I received it today and so far there has been absolutely no issues *fingers crossed.* Your videos helped me a lot as to what to look for when receiving a pre-built and I’m confident this one was built with love.
@@joesterling4299 "Does anyone ever tell you: sounds like somebody needs a case of the warranties?" "No. No man. Shit no man. You get your ass kicked saying something like that."
I remember my first PC which was a chillblast (a UK based SI) prebuilt i7-950 on an ASUS P6X58D-E mobo inside a cooler master elite 430. It had a Radeon HD6870 1GB card. It was a good little computer for 2009 and it gave me plenty of fun tinkering with it, upgrading it, cutting my pc owning teeth on it. By the time I started my own builds in 2015, I felt like the prebuilt had opened the door for me into a bigger world. So prebuilts can lead to good things, especially those SI prebuilts.
My first IBM-compatible was a 486 system my dad built in 1995. The Pentium math bug was all over the news at the time. I think it was built atop one of the legendary "fake cache" 486 boards. But I'm not sure if the motherboard in the hoard was our first board or not. ... I guess the point is there's room for things to go wrong both directions. Though straight-up "fake cache" is hard to get away with today.
I was prepared to buy an Origin PC until I watched that review. Then I bought a Skytech Siege 4070ti based on this review. It's been incredibly solid so far and cost at least $1000 less, so thanks for that.
@@GrungeVeins I got the black, and it's still holding up beautifully. The only thing I've run into that really slows it down is the new Phantom Liberty. And when I say "slows down," I'm being a precious about it because it I have to run it at all-ultra psycho ray tracing instead of all-ultra path tracing. It barely breathes running just about everything I play. How is yours so far?
This was my first pre-built. Got it for a good deal and it’s ran like a dream. Because of this channel, I inspected the crap out of the machine and it was flawless. Just to add - got this same build but with a RTX 3700 for $1800. Everything else was the same. Was so glad I went with Skytech
@@suavelifestyle9094 if ur still on the fence i got the shiva version with the 5600x and 3060ti and it is great 65degrees while playing rust at 100 fps good build quality, inwin psu, tforce ram,msi gpu
I got a Skytech right at the beginning of the price surge. Shadow with a 3060ti and 5 3600, 1 TB nvme and 16GB of 3000mhz for 1400.00! Had some memory BSODs when enabling DOCP and they sent me new RAM within a week. Mobo and cooler were enough but cheap so I got a vetroo 240 AIO and a asus gaming b450 f 2 mobo and I love it. Warzone 140 FPS temps never over 68 C
"Hardware has advanced a lot in recent years. You just can't stack high enough with branded parts sold individually to consumers anymore, that's why we develop proprietary garbage in-house in order to properly fuel that dumpster fire that we call a pre-built gaming PC. Where else could you source a load-bearing CPU cooler? Also nobody produces high energy-density warranty trash like we do." -Dell
Thank you for reviewing this. I got a chronos and was pretty happy with it so I suggested it here and you actually replied and said you'd look into it, AND YOU DID!! Awesome! I also got an ABS and was pretty happy with that also. Oh yeah almost forgot, my Chronos came with a gigabyte 850w PSU lol. I know you love those. All my parts were popular name brands, no off brands at all.
Checked out a $1000 Skytech Archangel on my channel back in December and was pleasently surprised that it was competently put together without much issue. Nothing special, but it wasn't bad. And proper dual channel ram from the get go. Definitely not bad. Happy to see you guys checking em out!
Cheers, it's important to get an apples-to-apples comparison. I guess Steve did ask to keep in mind the price difference, but either way we don't know from the review if their $1000 models also makes use of dual channel or if it's just the $2000 that dots the i's and crosses the t's.
I just bought this a few moments ago because I was getting tired of waiting for a machine, and realized I could use my other parts to make another PC down the line. So thank you, GN.
I've personally had 2 prebuilt systems. One came from Wal-Mart... *shudder* and the other came from an infomercial. I didn't buy either of them, but I still ended up having to use them. I've also had to deal with about 2 dozen prebuilt systems that a workplace bought. In my experience, a prebuilt that isn't garbage is an impressive, near miraculous accomplishment.
Relative its a high praise. But all of these are garbage. Not a single one of the builds they have reviewed has been close to worth it. It's an insult what a company will put together and sell for twice it's value.
@@perigeedynamics5941 That's because they're looking at garbage companies. There's plenty of good SI's out there, just gotta be willing to do the research. VRLA and PowerGPU to name two (even if their GPU stock is low currently).
@@perigeedynamics5941 I feel like many here and GN are being overly critical. Yes, there’s been some terrible crap, yes it should work, but it doesn’t have to be built like a Ferrari. Esp with this market, the price is reasonable.
I have a skytech archangel in my home and that thing is a beast! Came with the specs, had great functionality, and was pretty good performance wise. This was before the big gpu change tho.
U got lucky cause the chronos I got was shit and their "customer support" sounds like some pimply high school kids who didnt even know what a riser cable was
I just ordered a slightly less powerful version last night, with an RTX 3060 instead, and I’m pretty excited. My first PROPER gaming desktop. The wait is killing me already
I think this series does a really good job of highlighting the dangers of pre-builts so kudos to GN for doing it. Problem is the reccomendations or avoids only really apply to the US market where pre-builts are much more common and are usually from large concerns. Here in the UK aside from Dell and HP most pre-builts are from small companies often one man setups and the problems are magnified ; main problem in the UK is rip off prices.
Gamdias once shipped me a PSU. I was never able to find out who the OEM for it was, but I was able to find someone that tore it down and from what it seems, it was assembled from good components. Don't doubt the 80+ rating... but neither of those things mean it's built worth a damn. Would love to see you do some testing on it.
Work got me an ABS with an i5-9400f/ RTX2060 in it a year ago. Came with a Kratos 550 80+ gold power supply. Not a bad PC. It's doing Data acquisition connected to 6 figure hardware and hasn't had any hiccups running three monitors, recording video, streaming data, etc. At the time this was about half the cost of the system he's reviewing, but we added HD and memory to stock configuration.
A few years ago I worked for a smaller retailer as a summer intern in Germany. We asked all Clients who bought a Computer to test in the store and to trouble shoot if necessary. I really loved to help people who are not familiar with PCs
I really enjoy their "seal" of approval. Nice to see a company that appears to take a little pride in their product. Curious if they've had to ramp the price so high just to make any money at all on these systems.
Yes their prices have increased and also the one I bought is broken as fuck. He got a good one I guess but I got absolutely garbage. I do not recommend skytech
Happy to support you guys. Just picked up a desk size mouse mat and a bar runner set with glasses. Hope to keep seeing this kind of content from you guys. Also, how is "acceptable" becoming the gold standard for prebuilts? We really need to start holding our corporate overlords to a higher standard. I hope you got your chief durability tester on that tempered glass. I'm sure Snowball can give it the what-for it needs to see if it'll really break.
i can't believe you guys spent $1400 on that thing. I recently purchased an HP all in one for my mother-in-law to upgrade her decade old computer to something that's more modern. It was the same thing. Loaded with bloatware. luckily I am the IT support in our family and was able to set it up for her upon delivery. But it did take me all night to unload all the bloatware that they piled onto that thing. Upon initial reboot, it was so slow that you would hardly believe that it was a brand new PC. I worry for the general population that have to go through all of that on their own and end up with a snail paced new computer. At least now i know that next time when the time comes, i'll look into either a ABS or Skytech thanks to you guys' work.
I like Skytech, their PC's are good from what I've seen, I remember hearing that they shipped PC's with 1 stick of ram but from what I know they learned that people don't want that. Also I got a good PC on sale, so I would say wait for a sale because some of the PC's go for real cheap compared to the base price, my PC got a good 200-400 dollars cutoff it's base price and it was more affordable than building one at the time, really the only complaints I have is space for extra HDDs (or at least a better mount for extra ones since you theoretically could) and a better RGB controller cause I want my favorite colors on my entire set up. (Oh and I guess my motherboard could be better but honestly for a midtier rig like mine it services me just fine, typical b450, I'm not really an overclocker).
Actually retro enthusiasts have recently discovered that leaving plastic outside in the sun will actually remove the yellowing. We're not sure where the yellow comes from. Heat? Possibly windows filtering out certain types of UV and leaving in others. Possibly incandescent light bulbs. Hard to say. There are many methods to removing yellowing. Sun brighting is the slowest, but it seems to be the least harmful. It takes up to a week though. There is also hydrogen peroxide+sun which can do it in a day. Back to you Steve!
Best part of this video is seeing the Gamdias PSU. I LOVE some of their case designs, and have heard that they're up-and-coming in the PC component world. I would be really excited to see some full teardowns/evaluations of a lot of their parts (cases, PSU's, fans). Please!!
I’ve tweeted this and said it elsewhere, but I hope you start offering build PCs. For someone who has zero clue what to even look for for issues. I would definitely trust buying their GN.
Not sure if this is on your radar, but I've had good luck with Xotic PC. Last time I checked, they had some of the best customization to price ratio around, and all of their parts are very specific. I'd love to see y'all review one of their systems. Thanks!
Throw that Kratos PSU on the test bench and give it some basic testing to see if it will explode. Given the Gigabyte debacle a PSU from a totally unknown brand is kind of scary. Perhaps it's actually decent, perhaps it explodes in flames. Whichever the case it would be interesting to see the results.
Definitely. I knew PSUs are important, but after the exploding debacle, now I'm extra paranoid about them. So many little components inside to fail if sourced or QC'd wrong.
Owner of a skytech for 2 years R5 3600, RTX 2070. (bought just before covid at a nice price price in today's terms) Still going strong. Swapped out power supply to add a 3080 12gb, and added another 16gb ram. Happy customer.
Or at least a follow up on the PSU, because of the way you phrased it. Maybe it's just a really weird branded PSU but the one who made it, did a decent job.
My experience with skytech was through Amazon in 2020 before the price hikes. I ordered a skytech shadow with a ryzen 7 2700 and rtx 2060, 16 gig ram. When I received it, it had a 1080ti. I hit up the company, told them what I received, was asked to contact Amazon after they actually tried to be helpful. At this point when I contacted Amazon I finally was able to receive the correct order. This one also came with wraith prism. My order I guess got an upgrade as the psu was supposed to be a 650 and ended up getting a 750 instead. I will say it would be better to order directly through them. Outside of that, I was amazed how true plug and play it was. This was my first gaming pc and the qc checklist was really helpful since I had never physically built one. After watching channels like this I been learning to upgrade part by part.
Went to buy a PC from skytech based on the review here. They took my money for a “prebuilt”-I picked a 3080 build “Prism II.” I checked in with them numerous times, and the best answer I would get as to why my order hadn’t shipped was “all I know is it hasn’t shipped yet.” Finally, getting closer to week 3, I called, emailed, and used the chat on their website, only to finally find that components on the computer were not available, and that they still hadn’t even built it. Long story short, the build quality may be good, but from my experience with their customer service, I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone. In all the weeks of waiting, I only had one customer service representative that even tried with me, and that was the guy that helped me cancel my order. They do not give you any information that you couldn’t just already see for yourself unfortunately. Also, I’m still waiting to get my money back after a week, when I was told “2-3 days”. I’ll be building my first PC this week. Officially scared away from prebuilt 😂👍🏼
Wow Karen they have a hard time getting parts sometimes and it says so on their web site. Also 2 to 3 days for a refund is good Some companies make you wait a week or more.
You know this series really opens the eyes on pre-built. All in all when it comes to reccomending a machine to a very not tech-savy person (like extremely bad and unable to learn) I would probably reccomend a gaming laptop at this point due to the number of good gaming laptops that go on sale very often.
I started and currently have a gaming laptop. It was nice until it aged about 4 years and it's time to update---except CPU and graphics can't be upgraded on these things. I wouldn't recommend a laptop for anyone who will eventually want to upgrade things as they go.
@@Fyre0 While thats true, that is why I think prebuilts are pretty awful value based on these videos. If you are really tech unsavy, then diagnosing an issue is problematic and I don't want to or cannot always be tech support. Then you would probably need help upgrading as compared to a good laptop warranty that can repair damages outside of your control. If you do know enough then why not commit fully and build it yourself and get help from a buddy and have a machine you like and trust and have a positive learning experience.
@@PMARC14 Oh yeah completely agree. I'm watching these videos with an eye on building my own PC once graphics cards come back to our plane of existence--or at the very least picking the parts on a "custom prebuilt" from one of these SI's (as opposed to buying one of "their" designs with no modifications).
Bought my son a Skytech Chronos Mini for Christmas 2021. It arrived 100%, and even booted correctly the first couple of times. Played games like I wanted, but 3 days in it started to crash and have video fragments. Contacted support to RMA the GPU and got a replacement within a week of them receiving my bad card. They hadn't even processed the RMA yet, just sent me my replacement card. I'll sing their praises.
I'd love to see you guys test what Puget Systems put together. Mostly pitched as workstation grade, but considering that systems start at RTX 3080 it'd be interesting to see how it compares to consumer PCs. Costs a pretty penny though.
I realize this is months late, but I'll throw in my two cents from a system I bought many years ago when I didn't want to build it myself. I wanted a quiet system, and it was just that. Very well insulated with acceptable temps. Certainly the most silent PC I've owned. Build quality was great. Cable management was invisible, but tight and a pain to work on later, but I think that was the nature of the case. Worked flawlessly out of the box and I never had issues. IIRC it came with a binder of documentation for all parts and the build process with names of anyone involved in the build for each step, along with testing scores for the final build. I believe I called and speced it out with one of their techs, telling him what I wanted. He was obviously knowledgeable and helped me through some of my indecisiveness. He emailed a quote with listed parts, and sent further emails through the build process. Communication was great. I don't know if they still take all of these extra steps. You pay a premium for it, but they had what I was looking for and delivered. Could have been done cheaper, but I didn't regret it. If on a tighter budget, I would have looked elsewhere.
I got a 2060 super and 3600 from skytech for 999 in august of 2020. Wasnt a bad value. Sure the case wasnt great and the motherboard was cheap but it worked great for me at the time
@@GamersNexus just using the case now. Basically built a new system in it. Sold the old parts and upgraded to new parts. But for the 5 months or so I had it stock it had zero issues. Was properly built and didnt have any issues at all. They obviously are costing down things that someone new to computers wouldn’t notice like a cheap motherboard, basic cooler, non premium gpu sku ( back when we had a choice, I got a ventus 2060 super.) it got me into learning about pcs though as I was a noob back when I bought the computer. In terms of prebuilt companies it seems like skytech isn’t completely screwing you. No bloat ware. Properly balanced in terms of cpu and gpu.
@@GamersNexus I got a Chronos from them with a 2700x and 2070super back in 11/19 for around $1100. I had the same USB issue, did you guys ever determine the cause? My case also had a small cutout on the bottom of the chassis to remove the side panel. I've been pretty happy with the unit overall.
@@GamersNexus I forgot to mention my skytech prebuilt did come with a 500gb HP Sata ssd. After about a month or two or crapped out on me and I had to swap in a different drive and reinstall windows. So yeah that wasn’t fun, but I already had some extra drives laying around so was a quick fix. But I would definitely monitor the ssd that came with it. Also see other reviews with similar issues. Looks to really only affect Sata ssd’s not nvme drives. But in terms of failures it was a pretty easy fix, and I wonder if maybe the drive can still be reformatted and work again, but I didnt bother as It wasnt worth the potential headache of it failing again. So If it came with a Sata ssd I would say to be aware this is a common problem.
That Gamdias PSU is actually great, I've had multiple products from their range over the past few years and I've had 0 issues, all worked great and they're a great price!
Yes, Steve, a 2nd vote from me for you to check out AVA Direct. The website does seem to indicate that their systems are a lot more configurable as to exact make/models of parts than most, and it'd sure be nice to have the option to buy a good system (with hard to otherwise get GPU) with pre-tested parts, at a reasonable markup for build + shipping, and one central vendor in case of any RMA issues down the line.
I bought a sky tech archangel 3.0 a few months back and it has been working perfectly. It came with the back panel slightly dented but I watched the delivery guy drop the box like 2 ft so I don’t blame the packaging. Overall pretty good and surprisingly it isn’t that horrible thermally with only one intake fan with pretty low amounts of ventalation
I went the skytechgaming and built a computer, which came out to $2,900. The I went to Newegg and priced out each component in my build, and the price came to about $600 less. That was w/o little things like thermal paste and case fans, etc... So they are not too bad on prices, considering not a lot of people are competent enough, or have the time, to build their own system
"competent enough, or have the time" It's... it's legit like fucking legos. Come on. Make some 2 to 3 hours of free time and read the manual, not that hard.
@@crylune Its like legos except that you have to troubleshoot it if youve done something wrong, and if you mess up a component youre looking at potentially hundreds of dollars needing to be replaced(depending on the part). Not everyone wants to do that or wants to take that risk so they get a prebuilt, theres nothing wrong with this however we should expect these prebuilt companies to be competent at their jobs which seems to be the exception rather than the standard unfortunately.
@@crylune I've built my last four computers myself, by reading the manual. ;) I ordered a prebuilt this one time, because I do have the money and don't have the time.
Very happy to see this review. Makes me feel better about buying one from Newegg a couple of weeks ago. My case and hardware are slightly different. The TG panel on mine functions like a standard PC slideout panel, no irritating thumb screws. CPU on mine is a 3700x and it's liquid cooled. GPU is an RTX 3070. Price point was the same. Happy with it so far, but still have some 'surgery' to do. I'm not really a PC builder, so hopefully I won't screw it up too badly. Edit: Mine also came with no quick start guide in the box. No real biggie as it's mostly a case/build guide in eight languages. Wish they had included a list of the actual parts they put in.
Amazing piece of hardware! Not only this specific pre-built gaming tower: A) Turns on when you press the power button, B) You are able to upgrade its PSU AND C) You can play games on it for intervals superior to 10 minutes without severe hardware damage! What an achievement! I can see it fully deserved the honour of receiving the most coveted award in the history of prebuilt gaming pcs: "Meh yeah... we can recommend this....relatively".
Help GN pay for this work and our recent Gigabyte PSU testing via our store and get something good in return: (use code SENDHELP for 10% off for a limited time!)
Grab a GN Wireframe Mouse Mat, in stock and shipping now, for a desk-sized mousing surface:
Or guarantee you get one of our next GN Volt Large Modmats by back-ordering here (these sell out fast, so a back-order guarantees you get one!):
You can see our review of Intel’s latest NUC here:
Find Dell’s insane Alienware Aurora R10 here:
You can see why the ABS Challenger is the other best prebuilt we’ve reviewed so far here:
Or the Dell G5 5000 dumpster fire:
I mean sell me that 6800, that'll help pay for the PSU's lol.
I has no bread but I watch these on my account and on an 'anonymous' browser to help ..thanks for all the content
GN, what ever happened with that case you and another company were talking about potentially working on? We've not heard a word about it since. "GN Could Make a PC Case: We Need Your Input on This Opportunity"
I want tool kits, not modmats.
When are you guys gonna review an HP Omen prebuilt? LTT had pretty good experience with his overall I think.
Can't wait to see the "Competent - Gamers Nexus" award pop up on the seller's page.
TBF, if you can survive the Steve/Patrick(which Patrick? Yes.) tag team, you can survive grandma.
"which Patrick?... Yes" best comment of the day
hehe the asian parent of reviewers. they really should be pleased (though with those opening scenes, i was worried the thumbnail title was wrong)
Better get a comfy chair, its gonna be a while...
Something like that would make it an absolute best seller, no other reviewer has higher standards :)
I bought a Skytech build a couple years ago in an inwin 303 case. The main NVMe drive died and with very little questions they sent me a replacement, with twice the capacity of the failed drive, which I've been using since. I definitely can't complain about their service, at least not from when I had experience with them.
Nearly the same thing happened with my brother last year. The Drive was fine but there was a problem with the windows installation. They sent him a brand new better drive with a new copy of windows basically no questions asked.
@@Grand-Massive Heck yeah, that's cool. Like Steve has repeated many times, it's not about perfection, as stuff happens sometimes. It's about how the company handles it.
Same, my sky techs computers hdd died. And they sent me a replacement without any hassle. And the replacement was a better brand
I haven’t had any problems with my skytech, but I had some questions about my cpu frequency because it was showing at constant boost. They were quick to ask a technician and said my cpu could handle it as it’s not overclocked and I should be fine.
wait let me get a free drive
You know the pre-built industry needs a revamp when having it be completely functional out of the box with no damage is considered a monumental accomplishment.
It's hard enough to get a case itself without damage let alone pre-builts XD
@@zetsubou3704 where are you getting cases from? Never had a case come damaged ever.
@@shanebolger7802 a lot of cases aren't packaged well. Even Lian-Li did a poor job with packing for the O11. Phantek however did an absolutely amazing job packing their cases.
If someone is willing to pay for all the expenses of a SI business, then yes, it would be well built. I would love to be in this business but the cost of labor, total expenses, and razor thin margins are the reasons why I'm not doing it even as a side job.This is why "bringing manufacturing back" as some idiot claimed to have is a pipe dream.
@@githane Had good packaging with my Lancool II Mesh Perfromance but ok caseking shipped it Box in Box.
Had my pre built by Skytech just about over a year now, and it's simply amazing. Best $700 I've spent.
How does it run? I don't wanna bust out a bunch of money for something that can barely run games...
@@KomajuDraws When I got mine last year $700 got me a Ryzen 5 2600x
Gigabyte 1660 OC, 16gb of RAM 500gb SSD. I say right now you can't find those parts in a prebuilt for $700 more like 900-1000. But yeah it still runs perfectly, it was honestly the best choice I've made because if I would have waited till after the holidays I would have never been able to get it. The prices went up right after.
Steve: 1:08 "not only did it work when we turned it on"
Skytech: holy s*** we're already top 2
This series is particularly useful this year. I was trying to find the parts to build a PC but finally gave up and just bought a pre-built. A pre-built was the only way I could get the graphics card at MSRP.
What did you get?
@@POB_LOW907 I did a BLD system with an RTX 3080. It's not perfect and there are some things I would have done differently had I built it but on the whole it is a very solid computer, if a bit pricey.
@@Piketom1 was it good ?
@@KennethKinoshita Yea, it has been an excellent gaming PC so far. Extremely fast and seems to be quite stable.
Looking at the market, I kind of thing I might go that route and just sell the PC I have now.
“One of the best” *immediately opens with a string of grievances*
This is why I love GN
they didn't complete the phrase. it would probably have ended with "out of objectively bad options"
hahaha, to be fair, they're relatively minor in the face of "THE PCIE SLOT WAS RIPPED OUT!"
well is one of the best, but it's not perfect
Because its still a prebuilt :)
@@GamersNexus this is true! I still can’t believe that one. The expanding foam packaging material is so cheap that there’s just no excuse for not using it to brace the card during shipping.
Before I have even watch the video, I bought one of these back in December of 2020 while the GPU situation was bad, but not like it got later. I paid 1499 from Monoprice with an RTX 3070 and Ryzen 3700x. It has been nothing but awesome since I got it, not a single issue and has ran reliably since opening it. I made a video on my channel about it and the person that built it and signed off on the QC sheet actually commented on the video, and has replied to everyone that replied to her as well. Ok, on to the video now.
Edit: about the glass panel, there is a cutout on the bottom that you can grab the glass with and pull it out, took me a minute to figure it out, but I didn't feel the need to let the glass fall off like that, you can literally see the cut out at 8:38 right under the corner of the PSU cutout, little dramatic guys.
The one I got a month ago has been nothing but headaches. Complete piece of over priced garbage
@@MrEvtmazda how has it lasted for a month. There isn't much an SI can fuck up with normal store buyable parts. If something is wrong with it you either fix it yourself. They help you fix it or you send it back. If it's the entire month then that's a you thing not a them thing.
Ya I got the same model you did. It has been great pc, no problems at all with it. I think the price of 1,500$ was fine. If you built the pc yourself you would be honestly at the same price point. You basically saved like 250$ not building it yourself. But you also would lose that time it takes to build the pc and install everything. So you save hours of work and time going out and getting each party for the pc or searching for those parts.
"It's in the better then dell camp"
Well that is a low bar to pass
Apparently it's a surprisingly high bar to pass.
David means dell in Arabic
I think a Raspberry Pi could pass that bar honestly
What's sad is that companies are struggling to pass that bar.
My cat's litterbox is in the "better than Dell" camp.
I bought a skytech pc for my kid in 2016 and it was really well built then also. It was strange to see they started slacking hard and then all of the sudden went back to good standards. His PC is still running well to this day also.
When they went slacking hard? That one time they made a mistake?
"I don't have any major complaints" Holy crap give skytech the golden award!
Gamers Nexus seal of approval
i think he forgot the front usb was faulty.
I have a skytech pc from 18 months ago, and have had zero issues with it. I love it as I can and have upgraded it, from a 320 mb to a 550 and an upgraded air-cooler.
outside of that case (which i own one of the same base model, not the mesh front, and yes, it's not great at all haha) it's a pretty decent rig. 5600x for straight games is excellent, 6800 same, very solid card. and it isnt a crap motherboard. if you had a nice box, say an 011 or a meshify or something, toss the guts here in, and youd have one helluva nice system overall. for only a few more bucks, add a water cooler and maybe swap the PSU to something like a seasonic (for safety and longevity) and you could rock it for several years without needing upgrades
Yes let's give neweggs other brand another shout-out. Nobody is finding it weird that both ABS and skytech, in house Newegg brands, have both passed?
i have a skytech prebuilt and been very pleased with it. been recommanding it to others as well
"Not only did it work when we turned it on... also it wasn't complete garbage." Honestly, this doesn't sound too bad as far as 2020/2021 goes.
ANYTHING that works and isnt complete garbage goes against the norm of the last couple of years!
‘Who is there?’🍹🍸🍷🍾🍶🍵☕️
I believe, too, that you do🥪🌭🍕🍟🍔🥓🍗
walk nicely and quietly🤓🧐🤭🤫🤥🤡🤠
You're the reason I bought this PC :) I've had her for nearly two years and she's run beautifully so far!
hey i'm looking into buying this aswell based on your comment i'm gussing it can run most games right?
We should support GN in their noble quest to find decent prebuilds that are better than a Dell PC
Something that should have been a low bar to pass
@@ltbeefy9054 yeah i was gonna say that. not exactly high bar to pass that one.
i got a jar of dirt i would like to enter into the competition.
If people buy the parts, i will make it a prebuilt for them which will beat a dell of the same specs... no assembly for the customer needed so it is the same as a prebuilt... :)
@@SupremeRuleroftheWorld congrats. Your pre-built is better than Dell!
"As opposed to Dell or HP; They wanna make sure the dumpster is really stacked, before they light it on fire!" LOL! I love your video's so much Steve, the tech comedy is golden :D
his skill in sarcasm and slams is going up rapidly. even my wife, who isn't a techie, catches some of those and gets a good laugh from them
They keep talking shit about HP but they haven't reviewed one of their systems in a while. I have a HP OMEN 30L desktop with a 3080 and a 10700k with an AIO that I bought for $1800 after tax and shipping(last year so I guess it's not exactly comparable) that's solidly built so I think the criticism is unreasonable.
@@micahgmiranda Yeah. Plus the sarcasm only makes him look like a jerk. I wish he just got to the point instead of spending 5 minutes trying to be funny.
@@micahgmiranda, I just want to point out, that the fact you got a decent HP pc doesn't mean that there is a ton of crap builds. And ofc you won't find that system for that price anymore it's more like a 3-4k system now. And btw did you open it to check what's inside?
And HP didn't get their bad reputation out of nowhere, if they're changing its good but a lot of time will pass before they gain trust back.
@@grihoriko8800 all I'm saying is they should get a new one and test it. I checked the hp website and you can get the exact one I got for 2329. I installed another 16 gb of ram cause it only came with 16 and it works fine. It came with a 750w 80 plus platinum from cooler master. The motherboard, graphics card aio and case are all proprietary and the bios was janky. I didn't try to overclock it. I was running Cyberpunk on Ultra on my 3440 x 1440 and it was playable fps wise. With raytracing and without DLSS it ran below 30fps though. It doesn't play modded minecraft with RT shaders the best either but I think that's with everybody. The only other thing that sucks is it comes with only one fan on the front. I just take the side panel off while I'm doing anything really demanding so the jet engine mode on the cpu cooler doesn't turn on so much.
I love how you always put jabs at everyone
"the secret" of dual channel memory, love it
One can just imagine what Dell would do with such arcane knowledge, I'm shuddering
Dell: "Hey, we just heard we're supposed to put something in BOTH memory slots. It boosts performance."
Also Dell: "So... there's this company that sells RGB lighting modules to install in empty memory slots. That seems like the cheapest way to get that dual-channel thing."
Steve having a meltdown over how well built the system is that he is unable to find any major faults.
@@mikebruzzone9570 holy shit stop spamming
was nothing that she would 🙄🤗😍😄
Do I find you here, you old er!🎏🎎🎍🎋🎊🎉🎈
by her grandmother, and there 😏🤩😘😅
@@mikebruzzone9570 deleted comments tell me you were spamming.
I love the line "Eh, we could recommend this". That speaks volumes to me, though not on the market for anything new at the moment
the cold openings that they've been adding to their recent videos are A++++++++++++nm. great job editor
ooo a new GN... aaaaaaand SLAAAAM! yep, that's a good way to get started
I just got an ABS Gladiator and wouldn't you know, it came with one of the time bomb Gigabyte PSU's. Will be returning. Not sure if it's a good idea to recommend ABS atm. Thanks for the informative vids guys!
Yea it's real Newegg hours.
I currently have a skytech prebuilt with that psu. I had it for 4 months now just waiting for it to go so skytech can replace my whole computer
Probably could replace the PSU
Popular tech tubers focused on a folding phone.
GN: “A prebuilt PC that is not completely garbage”
Congrats Sky Tech. That’s glowing praise that is as rare as a molex centipede.
One of my favorite things about this series is that you guys go undercover to buy them.
It allows you guys to show us the REAL product. Not some pumped up "demo" version. I always wonder watching tech reviews if you guys are even getting the normal products or some binned special version that's going to do better and it makes me worry.
But knowing you guys came at it like the everyday person, or perhaps someone who has minimal knowledge of computers needing a system really brings confidence to these reviews.
Plus you're super harsh and I love it.
Also f*k dell 😂
It happens all the time
YES! You guys have no idea how much I crave for new episodes of this series! I get so hyped when I see the notification! God I'm such a nerd! lol
Not a bad thing to be a nerd!
@@GamersNexus Just don't let the normies hear it xd
im digging this pre-build "roast," as it were. but, it's solid consumer advice in this era where buying a decent computer is a crapshoot. the best part, though, is the sarcasm and downright nasty slams that steve has been coming up with for dell and the other dirty players in the space. top shelf
Been using my skytech for about 5 months now 👌🏾
I’m glad you guys reviewed a pc by skytech. I bought a pc from them when I first got into pc gaming and they are good. Now as someone who is very familiar now I could improve 100 things from what they did. But they don’t really F up their PCs. You’re not gonna get ripped off or have terrible parts/combinations.
So props to them. I think we need to support the SI’s that are doing a good job and not just tear them down cuz they are helping build the pc gaming community, and I am actual proof of that with skytech
I had the opposite experience.I bought this exact model and it was total trash.There was a list a mile long of things wrong with mine.It was so bad i had to sit down with a pen and paper to write out all the issues for the amazon review i left
@@ryanrhoads1229 I had a similar experience to Nick H. The case was nice and it ran really well out of the box with little to no bloatware and great temps. Only real issue was that the rear fan was too tight and would sometimes hit against the grate when spinning up, and like shown in the video the fan hub wasn't great, only support 8 pin fans which was an issue when I moved to a different case. Other than those, i've had a fantastic experience and its been great so far.
Mine overheated out of the box,the headers were hot glued,some of the ports usb ports were broken,the motherboard was wrong,the fan was wrong,the ram was wrong.The power supply was trash.these were just some of the issues.i ended up replacing the motherboard,ram,cpu fan and and power supply immediately.The only thing i was happy with was the cpu and gpu.But i am happy both your pc were nice.
Same bro
@@ryanrhoads1229 dang you shouldve requested for a new pc
Bought a custom in 2018 and still using it today with some minor upgrades as time went one and things got cheaper because they give you the freedom to so unlike dell. At the time scalpers were hot and getting a prebuilt was cheaper and my build cost a total of $870 and when I added up individual parts it was $1015 give or take a few bucks and while that might not seem like a lot it was for a kid working at Mc Donald’s.
Just ordered a Volt Mod Mat today! Thanks for all the hard work!
24:50 I just got my skytech build today. They didn't provide upgraded anything, so they probably knew who ordered the pc. In my case, would not have done any good anyway because the CPU is it 10400 and only supports 2666. But they could have upgraded something else, I guess. I was thinking of shipping the pc to get nexus to review it. It's literally brand new. Just got it today. What a perfect approach because they definitely know it's not gamer nexus buying the computer.
Hopefully around Christmas: there will be decent supply of pre-builts at a reasonable price.
It will get even worse during that time! The market will approximately stabilize around the second quarter of 2022. Mark my words!
@@dricebaker6594 be ready to be wrong
@@TheBadassOne17 shut up
Nope. The prebuilts are now being boughton and the GPU's are being pulled and sold for 3 times the value
There is actually a latch/hatch to pull the glass side panel. Look at space below the psu “650” letters, thats what that space is for, it can be reached from the bottom
Again, thanks for doing these pre-built videos. If nothing else, they are entertaining to watch. And at best, I may even be recommending one of these pre-builts to friends
What would you recommend.
Im gonna be getting a gameing pc soon. But im doing reviews. Ive got about 2k to spend. I want a 3070 gpu in it
What I gather from watching a few these prebuilt reviews. You can simply pay a 'building vendor' 75-100 bucks, and then really pick the parts yourself. That really seems like the better choice if building yourself is not an option.
@@kidvicious2227 rog had a prebuilt on sale for about $1750 with a 3070 and solid other parts. Only problem is airflow/noise with it's pitiful single fan but I spent another hundred for this Lian Li case that completely solved the issue
that haptic feedback could keep me entertained for days, a real value add there
isnt that a wraith spire rgb? the prism is the one with the rgb fan as well and not just the outer ring. I have both of them including the wraith MAX which is like the prism but with only the outer ring being rgb.
Yes, that's a Wraith Spire. Thanks for catching that mistake.
I was here to make that same comment, but I checked to see if someone already had.
@@ChopperKrios Going above and beyond the call of duty. Much appreciated for actually trying not to clutter that comments section.
@@thetalesofdaneandco ugh I also did the same thing and would like some praise in the form of a cookie. 🙃
@@JosePineda-jn8jk 🍪
Based on this video and some of my own research, I recommended a Skytech PC to my friend. He got it today, and before we turned it on I gave it a once over to make sure they did it right.
I'm pretty impressed. The ram was dual channel and had the XMP on. The cables were pretty well managed, and none of them had come unplugged. Well packed with no shipping damage. No bloatware installed. The only thing negative is the motherboard IO didn't perfectly line up with the IO shield but it was usable with just a little finagling.
As a point of reference, a no-effort ~40-second estimation for parting this together DIY runs about $1980 with $1120 being the gpu.
that still doesnt make it a good value. no brand new GPU right now is a good value
You managed to find a 6800 for only $1120? All that ever I see are running for C$1850-2100, so about $1500-$1700 US. At least the 6700XT is better* value, tied with the 3060 at only about C$1100 (US$900).
*Note that "better" does not imply "good", only "less bad".
I get Gamer’s Nexus perspective - MSRP is the price you should be paying. But no one can find parts at that price. The 6600xt sold out in seconds this morning. And it is on eBay for double MSRP if you can find one. So… yeah, limp along with what you have until the market levels. If I was a SI and had a stock of parts, I’d charge scalper prices for a system too.
Selling it for reasonable would be just leading to my systems ending up in a dumpster with the GPU and CPU pulled out.
@@EdDale44135 Resellers pay a lot less than you would on ebay, though, so they pocket that difference higher up the supply chain than the customer.
@Chandler Russell joining a restock announcement discord allows you to find a 6800 for about 900 within a day or two. the market may determine the price, but that price is bullshit whether the market likes it or not
I love the little Seal of approval printed on the quality control and quickstart guide
"They wanna make sure the dumpster is really stacked, BEFORE they light it on fire" damn Steve going in 😂
Your channel is so informative for anyone of us on the market for a new prebuilt PC thank you so much. I was about to BLINDLY buy a Alienware R-15 but I seen your videos about their products and opened my eyes before I made that mistake.
Missing the animations for the Better Than Dell and No Major Complaints awards,
I’ll be waiting
Hello, I’ve watched this video probably 2-3 times since I bought the same PC (my first) on Newegg (built and shipped by a 3rd party).
I received it today and so far there has been absolutely no issues *fingers crossed.*
Your videos helped me a lot as to what to look for when receiving a pre-built and I’m confident this one was built with love.
Finally, two sticks of ram!
It's a surprisingly high bar in the prebuilt space. Would really want to see 32gb of ram at this price as well, but that might be asking too much.
"What would you do if you had a million dollars?"
"Two sticks at the same time, man"
@@Arashmickey That would be GREEEEAT.
@@joesterling4299 "Does anyone ever tell you: sounds like somebody needs a case of the warranties?" "No. No man. Shit no man. You get your ass kicked saying something like that."
Honestly the best channel out there for straightforward entertaining content. Thank you very much!
I remember my first PC which was a chillblast (a UK based SI) prebuilt i7-950 on an ASUS P6X58D-E mobo inside a cooler master elite 430. It had a Radeon HD6870 1GB card. It was a good little computer for 2009 and it gave me plenty of fun tinkering with it, upgrading it, cutting my pc owning teeth on it. By the time I started my own builds in 2015, I felt like the prebuilt had opened the door for me into a bigger world. So prebuilts can lead to good things, especially those SI prebuilts.
A proper prebuilt yes, a system from Dell OTOH would confuse a newbie to no end.
My first IBM-compatible was a 486 system my dad built in 1995. The Pentium math bug was all over the news at the time.
I think it was built atop one of the legendary "fake cache" 486 boards. But I'm not sure if the motherboard in the hoard was our first board or not.
I guess the point is there's room for things to go wrong both directions. Though straight-up "fake cache" is hard to get away with today.
I was prepared to buy an Origin PC until I watched that review. Then I bought a Skytech Siege 4070ti based on this review. It's been incredibly solid so far and cost at least $1000 less, so thanks for that.
I get my 7700x 4070 Siege 4 tomorrow. Did you get a black or white Siege? How’s is it a year later?
@@GrungeVeins I got the black, and it's still holding up beautifully. The only thing I've run into that really slows it down is the new Phantom Liberty. And when I say "slows down," I'm being a precious about it because it I have to run it at all-ultra psycho ray tracing instead of all-ultra path tracing. It barely breathes running just about everything I play. How is yours so far?
i love all the small jokes, like the glass smash sound when steve takes the glass panel off camera
I actually kept moving the video back because I found this so entertaining.
This was my first pre-built. Got it for a good deal and it’s ran like a dream. Because of this channel, I inspected the crap out of the machine and it was flawless. Just to add - got this same build but with a RTX 3700 for $1800. Everything else was the same. Was so glad I went with Skytech
Should i buy this ?i play alot of warzone? Its this or the lynx ultimate with a RTX 3060 ti
@@suavelifestyle9094 if ur still on the fence i got the shiva version with the 5600x and 3060ti and it is great 65degrees while playing rust at 100 fps good build quality, inwin psu, tforce ram,msi gpu
I got a Skytech right at the beginning of the price surge. Shadow with a 3060ti and 5 3600, 1 TB nvme and 16GB of 3000mhz for 1400.00!
Had some memory BSODs when enabling DOCP and they sent me new RAM within a week. Mobo and cooler were enough but cheap so I got a vetroo 240 AIO and a asus gaming b450 f 2 mobo and I love it. Warzone 140 FPS temps never over 68 C
The sound editing in this one is a lot of fun :)
Steve, we appreciate the honesty of your hardware reviews! Keep up the good work!
Got a skytech chronos at same price point with a 3070 and older 8 core Ryzen. Great to know they aren't horrible!!!
"Hardware has advanced a lot in recent years. You just can't stack high enough with branded parts sold individually to consumers anymore, that's why we develop proprietary garbage in-house in order to properly fuel that dumpster fire that we call a pre-built gaming PC. Where else could you source a load-bearing CPU cooler? Also nobody produces high energy-density warranty trash like we do." -Dell
Thank you for reviewing this. I got a chronos and was pretty happy with it so I suggested it here and you actually replied and said you'd look into it, AND YOU DID!! Awesome! I also got an ABS and was pretty happy with that also.
Oh yeah almost forgot, my Chronos came with a gigabyte 850w PSU lol. I know you love those. All my parts were popular name brands, no off brands at all.
what B550 motherboard came with it?
@@Shellnanigans x570 Phantom gaming 4
Checked out a $1000 Skytech Archangel on my channel back in December and was pleasently surprised that it was competently put together without much issue. Nothing special, but it wasn't bad. And proper dual channel ram from the get go. Definitely not bad. Happy to see you guys checking em out!
Cheers, it's important to get an apples-to-apples comparison. I guess Steve did ask to keep in mind the price difference, but either way we don't know from the review if their $1000 models also makes use of dual channel or if it's just the $2000 that dots the i's and crosses the t's.
I just bought this a few moments ago because I was getting tired of waiting for a machine, and realized I could use my other parts to make another PC down the line. So thank you, GN.
what B550 motherboard came with it?
"It wasn't complete garbage." That's high praise for a prebuilt, which is sad.
I've personally had 2 prebuilt systems. One came from Wal-Mart... *shudder* and the other came from an infomercial. I didn't buy either of them, but I still ended up having to use them. I've also had to deal with about 2 dozen prebuilt systems that a workplace bought. In my experience, a prebuilt that isn't garbage is an impressive, near miraculous accomplishment.
Relative its a high praise. But all of these are garbage. Not a single one of the builds they have reviewed has been close to worth it. It's an insult what a company will put together and sell for twice it's value.
@@perigeedynamics5941 That's because they're looking at garbage companies. There's plenty of good SI's out there, just gotta be willing to do the research. VRLA and PowerGPU to name two (even if their GPU stock is low currently).
@@perigeedynamics5941 I feel like many here and GN are being overly critical. Yes, there’s been some terrible crap, yes it should work, but it doesn’t have to be built like a Ferrari. Esp with this market, the price is reasonable.
walk nicely and quietly🤓🧐🤭🤫🤥🤡🤠
I have a skytech archangel in my home and that thing is a beast! Came with the specs, had great functionality, and was pretty good performance wise. This was before the big gpu change tho.
U got lucky cause the chronos I got was shit and their "customer support" sounds like some pimply high school kids who didnt even know what a riser cable was
Thumbnail: "ACTUALLY GOOD PRE-BUILT... SKYTECH", my brain: rearranges letters of skytech to SKETCHY. smh
LOL, i also read sketchy at first
what has been seen........
I keep reading it as SKYNET. But it was actually the least evil computer Beve Sturk's bought so far!
Haha I also read sketchy 😅
@@CptJistuce When I first saw the notification I had to look closer as I also read the name as Skynet too 🤣🤣.
I just ordered a slightly less powerful version last night, with an RTX 3060 instead, and I’m pretty excited. My first PROPER gaming desktop. The wait is killing me already
How you liking it 😊
Well how is it
I’d love to see a review of a Redux Build pc! Seen a lot of praises *in sponsorships*, would love to see how it actually stacks up!
I think this series does a really good job of highlighting the dangers of pre-builts so kudos to GN for doing it. Problem is the reccomendations or avoids only really apply to the US market where pre-builts are much more common and are usually from large concerns. Here in the UK aside from Dell and HP most pre-builts are from small companies often one man setups and the problems are magnified ; main problem in the UK is rip off prices.
Gamdias once shipped me a PSU. I was never able to find out who the OEM for it was, but I was able to find someone that tore it down and from what it seems, it was assembled from good components. Don't doubt the 80+ rating... but neither of those things mean it's built worth a damn. Would love to see you do some testing on it.
Work got me an ABS with an i5-9400f/ RTX2060 in it a year ago. Came with a Kratos 550 80+ gold power supply. Not a bad PC. It's doing Data acquisition connected to 6 figure hardware and hasn't had any hiccups running three monitors, recording video, streaming data, etc. At the time this was about half the cost of the system he's reviewing, but we added HD and memory to stock configuration.
Yeah, according to the LTT forums power supply list, the power supply in this pre-built is fine, even if it isn't a particularly well-known brand.
A few years ago I worked for a smaller retailer as a summer intern in Germany.
We asked all Clients who bought a Computer to test in the store and to trouble shoot if necessary. I really loved to help people who are not familiar with PCs
You finally found a decent prebuilt yay 👏 🥳 I was starting to think none existed 🤣
true although its sad that it has to cost around $2000
@@thebeastgodisheredeathtoal2256 price is fair at the moment
@@killer809829 i meant its sad that they havent found any decent "budget" prebuilts
I really enjoy their "seal" of approval. Nice to see a company that appears to take a little pride in their product.
Curious if they've had to ramp the price so high just to make any money at all on these systems.
Yes their prices have increased and also the one I bought is broken as fuck. He got a good one I guess but I got absolutely garbage. I do not recommend skytech
Happy to support you guys. Just picked up a desk size mouse mat and a bar runner set with glasses. Hope to keep seeing this kind of content from you guys.
Also, how is "acceptable" becoming the gold standard for prebuilts? We really need to start holding our corporate overlords to a higher standard. I hope you got your chief durability tester on that tempered glass. I'm sure Snowball can give it the what-for it needs to see if it'll really break.
Could a final episode of this series be the top systems being ultra tuned for best possible performance?
i can't believe you guys spent $1400 on that thing. I recently purchased an HP all in one for my mother-in-law to upgrade her decade old computer to something that's more modern. It was the same thing. Loaded with bloatware. luckily I am the IT support in our family and was able to set it up for her upon delivery. But it did take me all night to unload all the bloatware that they piled onto that thing. Upon initial reboot, it was so slow that you would hardly believe that it was a brand new PC. I worry for the general population that have to go through all of that on their own and end up with a snail paced new computer. At least now i know that next time when the time comes, i'll look into either a ABS or Skytech thanks to you guys' work.
I like Skytech, their PC's are good from what I've seen, I remember hearing that they shipped PC's with 1 stick of ram but from what I know they learned that people don't want that. Also I got a good PC on sale, so I would say wait for a sale because some of the PC's go for real cheap compared to the base price, my PC got a good 200-400 dollars cutoff it's base price and it was more affordable than building one at the time, really the only complaints I have is space for extra HDDs (or at least a better mount for extra ones since you theoretically could) and a better RGB controller cause I want my favorite colors on my entire set up. (Oh and I guess my motherboard could be better but honestly for a midtier rig like mine it services me just fine, typical b450, I'm not really an overclocker).
I have a Skytech prebuilt. It's pretty damn good, No complaints.
I actually have a skytech pre-built and love it. Slapped some extra ram in it and runs like a dream.
Mine gave me zero complaints and I love it so much I’m upgrading it. I got 48 more gigs of ram, and am having a ryzen 9 5900x installed.
Actually retro enthusiasts have recently discovered that leaving plastic outside in the sun will actually remove the yellowing. We're not sure where the yellow comes from. Heat? Possibly windows filtering out certain types of UV and leaving in others. Possibly incandescent light bulbs. Hard to say. There are many methods to removing yellowing. Sun brighting is the slowest, but it seems to be the least harmful. It takes up to a week though. There is also hydrogen peroxide+sun which can do it in a day. Back to you Steve!
@@Olivia-W sun brightening surprised me too
Best part of this video is seeing the Gamdias PSU. I LOVE some of their case designs, and have heard that they're up-and-coming in the PC component world. I would be really excited to see some full teardowns/evaluations of a lot of their parts (cases, PSU's, fans). Please!!
My PSU lasted months before dying. 750 80+ gold
I just realized that Steve is like Gordon Ramsay- The Hell's Kitchen of Prebuilts! Love the contructive feedback though 😁 very entertaining
I’ve tweeted this and said it elsewhere, but I hope you start offering build PCs. For someone who has zero clue what to even look for for issues. I would definitely trust buying their GN.
Not sure if this is on your radar, but I've had good luck with Xotic PC. Last time I checked, they had some of the best customization to price ratio around, and all of their parts are very specific. I'd love to see y'all review one of their systems. Thanks!
So stoked for my mouse mat and I love that buying it helps these videos get made.
Throw that Kratos PSU on the test bench and give it some basic testing to see if it will explode. Given the Gigabyte debacle a PSU from a totally unknown brand is kind of scary. Perhaps it's actually decent, perhaps it explodes in flames. Whichever the case it would be interesting to see the results.
Definitely. I knew PSUs are important, but after the exploding debacle, now I'm extra paranoid about them. So many little components inside to fail if sourced or QC'd wrong.
Gamdias has been around for a while, I bought a keyboard from them in 2015. Good build quality.
Owner of a skytech for 2 years R5 3600, RTX 2070. (bought just before covid at a nice price price in today's terms) Still going strong. Swapped out power supply to add a 3080 12gb, and added another 16gb ram. Happy customer.
Can I expect a review of the PSU in this pre-built? Could be a deal-breaker for a lot of buyers
Or at least a follow up on the PSU, because of the way you phrased it.
Maybe it's just a really weird branded PSU but the one who made it, did a decent job.
My experience with skytech was through Amazon in 2020 before the price hikes. I ordered a skytech shadow with a ryzen 7 2700 and rtx 2060, 16 gig ram. When I received it, it had a 1080ti.
I hit up the company, told them what I received, was asked to contact Amazon after they actually tried to be helpful. At this point when I contacted Amazon I finally was able to receive the correct order.
This one also came with wraith prism. My order I guess got an upgrade as the psu was supposed to be a 650 and ended up getting a 750 instead.
I will say it would be better to order directly through them. Outside of that, I was amazed how true plug and play it was.
This was my first gaming pc and the qc checklist was really helpful since I had never physically built one. After watching channels like this I been learning to upgrade part by part.
@@Olivia-W Good catch. Edited my comment. Thank you.
Went to buy a PC from skytech based on the review here. They took my money for a “prebuilt”-I picked a 3080 build “Prism II.”
I checked in with them numerous times, and the best answer I would get as to why my order hadn’t shipped was “all I know is it hasn’t shipped yet.” Finally, getting closer to week 3, I called, emailed, and used the chat on their website, only to finally find that components on the computer were not available, and that they still hadn’t even built it. Long story short, the build quality may be good, but from my experience with their customer service, I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone. In all the weeks of waiting, I only had one customer service representative that even tried with me, and that was the guy that helped me cancel my order. They do not give you any information that you couldn’t just already see for yourself unfortunately.
Also, I’m still waiting to get my money back after a week, when I was told “2-3 days”.
I’ll be building my first PC this week. Officially scared away from prebuilt 😂👍🏼
Wow Karen they have a hard time getting parts sometimes and it says so on their web site. Also 2 to 3 days for a refund is good Some companies make you wait a week or more.
I love that these videos are the perfect length to watch with a couple cups of coffee on my lunch break.
You know this series really opens the eyes on pre-built. All in all when it comes to reccomending a machine to a very not tech-savy person (like extremely bad and unable to learn) I would probably reccomend a gaming laptop at this point due to the number of good gaming laptops that go on sale very often.
honestly if someone asks me, id probably just help them build a custom pc.
@@Wuerschtle this is the way imo, but they will need to learn a little bit since issues will arrive eventually
I started and currently have a gaming laptop. It was nice until it aged about 4 years and it's time to update---except CPU and graphics can't be upgraded on these things. I wouldn't recommend a laptop for anyone who will eventually want to upgrade things as they go.
@@Fyre0 While thats true, that is why I think prebuilts are pretty awful value based on these videos. If you are really tech unsavy, then diagnosing an issue is problematic and I don't want to or cannot always be tech support. Then you would probably need help upgrading as compared to a good laptop warranty that can repair damages outside of your control. If you do know enough then why not commit fully and build it yourself and get help from a buddy and have a machine you like and trust and have a positive learning experience.
@@PMARC14 Oh yeah completely agree. I'm watching these videos with an eye on building my own PC once graphics cards come back to our plane of existence--or at the very least picking the parts on a "custom prebuilt" from one of these SI's (as opposed to buying one of "their" designs with no modifications).
Bought my son a Skytech Chronos Mini for Christmas 2021. It arrived 100%, and even booted correctly the first couple of times. Played games like I wanted, but 3 days in it started to crash and have video fragments. Contacted support to RMA the GPU and got a replacement within a week of them receiving my bad card. They hadn't even processed the RMA yet, just sent me my replacement card. I'll sing their praises.
Skytech designers: hey this prebuilt might be a bit too expensive maybe we can save money on the TG panel release
Steve: so you have chosen… death.
Honestly, it looks like the bottom part has no lip. Like, you're supposed to pull up and out.
The bottom of the glass has the slot to open it.
after about 3 years of my purchase of my beloved Skytech Blaze 2 pre built PC, I only have praise, no complaints at all...
I'd love to see you guys test what Puget Systems put together. Mostly pitched as workstation grade, but considering that systems start at RTX 3080 it'd be interesting to see how it compares to consumer PCs. Costs a pretty penny though.
I realize this is months late, but I'll throw in my two cents from a system I bought many years ago when I didn't want to build it myself.
I wanted a quiet system, and it was just that. Very well insulated with acceptable temps. Certainly the most silent PC I've owned. Build quality was great. Cable management was invisible, but tight and a pain to work on later, but I think that was the nature of the case. Worked flawlessly out of the box and I never had issues.
IIRC it came with a binder of documentation for all parts and the build process with names of anyone involved in the build for each step, along with testing scores for the final build.
I believe I called and speced it out with one of their techs, telling him what I wanted. He was obviously knowledgeable and helped me through some of my indecisiveness. He emailed a quote with listed parts, and sent further emails through the build process. Communication was great.
I don't know if they still take all of these extra steps. You pay a premium for it, but they had what I was looking for and delivered. Could have been done cheaper, but I didn't regret it. If on a tighter budget, I would have looked elsewhere.
Thank you sooo much for making this video!
You just saved me from a world of heartbreak.
I'd love to see this PSU tested for efficiency and !
I'm not sure if I enjoy these too much or not enough. Please keep this up!
I got a 2060 super and 3600 from skytech for 999 in august of 2020. Wasnt a bad value. Sure the case wasnt great and the motherboard was cheap but it worked great for me at the time
Are you still using the system? Ever encounter any problems?
@@GamersNexus just using the case now. Basically built a new system in it. Sold the old parts and upgraded to new parts. But for the 5 months or so I had it stock it had zero issues. Was properly built and didnt have any issues at all. They obviously are costing down things that someone new to computers wouldn’t notice like a cheap motherboard, basic cooler, non premium gpu sku ( back when we had a choice, I got a ventus 2060 super.) it got me into learning about pcs though as I was a noob back when I bought the computer. In terms of prebuilt companies it seems like skytech isn’t completely screwing you. No bloat ware. Properly balanced in terms of cpu and gpu.
@@GamersNexus I got a Chronos from them with a 2700x and 2070super back in 11/19 for around $1100. I had the same USB issue, did you guys ever determine the cause? My case also had a small cutout on the bottom of the chassis to remove the side panel. I've been pretty happy with the unit overall.
@@GamersNexus I forgot to mention my skytech prebuilt did come with a 500gb HP Sata ssd. After about a month or two or crapped out on me and I had to swap in a different drive and reinstall windows. So yeah that wasn’t fun, but I already had some extra drives laying around so was a quick fix. But I would definitely monitor the ssd that came with it. Also see other reviews with similar issues. Looks to really only affect Sata ssd’s not nvme drives. But in terms of failures it was a pretty easy fix, and I wonder if maybe the drive can still be reformatted and work again, but I didnt bother as It wasnt worth the potential headache of it failing again. So If it came with a Sata ssd I would say to be aware this is a common problem.
That Gamdias PSU is actually great, I've had multiple products from their range over the past few years and I've had 0 issues, all worked great and they're a great price!
Then I have to wonder who is actually building their PSUs.
When are we going to see one from AVA Direct? I got my prebuilt from them and it was excellent all around.
Yes, Steve, a 2nd vote from me for you to check out AVA Direct. The website does seem to indicate that their systems are a lot more configurable as to exact make/models of parts than most, and it'd sure be nice to have the option to buy a good system (with hard to otherwise get GPU) with pre-tested parts, at a reasonable markup for build + shipping, and one central vendor in case of any RMA issues down the line.
I bought a sky tech archangel 3.0 a few months back and it has been working perfectly. It came with the back panel slightly dented but I watched the delivery guy drop the box like 2 ft so I don’t blame the packaging. Overall pretty good and surprisingly it isn’t that horrible thermally with only one intake fan with pretty low amounts of ventalation
I went the skytechgaming and built a computer, which came out to $2,900. The I went to Newegg and priced out each component in my build, and the price came to about $600 less. That was w/o little things like thermal paste and case fans, etc... So they are not too bad on prices, considering not a lot of people are competent enough, or have the time, to build their own system
"competent enough, or have the time"
It's... it's legit like fucking legos. Come on. Make some 2 to 3 hours of free time and read the manual, not that hard.
@@crylune Its like legos except that you have to troubleshoot it if youve done something wrong, and if you mess up a component youre looking at potentially hundreds of dollars needing to be replaced(depending on the part). Not everyone wants to do that or wants to take that risk so they get a prebuilt, theres nothing wrong with this however we should expect these prebuilt companies to be competent at their jobs which seems to be the exception rather than the standard unfortunately.
@@crylune some people buy premade Lego statues dude.
@@crylune I've built my last four computers myself, by reading the manual. ;) I ordered a prebuilt this one time, because I do have the money and don't have the time.
I just don't want to
Very happy to see this review. Makes me feel better about buying one from Newegg a couple of weeks ago. My case and hardware are slightly different. The TG panel on mine functions like a standard PC slideout panel, no irritating thumb screws. CPU on mine is a 3700x and it's liquid cooled. GPU is an RTX 3070. Price point was the same. Happy with it so far, but still have some 'surgery' to do. I'm not really a PC builder, so hopefully I won't screw it up too badly.
Edit: Mine also came with no quick start guide in the box. No real biggie as it's mostly a case/build guide in eight languages. Wish they had included a list of the actual parts they put in.
Amazing piece of hardware!
Not only this specific pre-built gaming tower:
A) Turns on when you press the power button,
B) You are able to upgrade its PSU AND
C) You can play games on it for intervals superior to 10 minutes without severe hardware damage!
What an achievement!
I can see it fully deserved the honour of receiving the most coveted award in the history of prebuilt gaming pcs:
"Meh yeah... we can recommend this....relatively".