Kaleab, You are a truly artist of the artist, I always love your music and you have this big big gift that is your VOICE! God Bless you respect one love Brother.
waww sele ( solo) hawey happy to see u on the clip , what a beautiful clip, I Miss all the way to college mai Nefhi, & kale wedi beautiful voice as always well done bro!!!
abzi zelo derafay kexelni eu mesleni bsmiet yderf ab smiet yetweka kalie shikoŕrrr naybhaki alem ms fshk zblu eya tkeyd naybhaki fshk beli!!!!!! so thanks more
This is My Second time to right a comment so you guys must now why i wroute again ,,,, ,,,, just becouse when i hear kaleab songs again and again i find something uniqe maybe in ze lyric or clip & melodey anyhow god nows why i became addicted with his songs anyways thanks alot KT
Kaleab you always have a very good strong song simply you born with a great talent amaizing voice keep up good work god bless you . You are a hero thanks ,,,,,,
Good job the best music of this month.I can't stop listining what ever where I'm. Keep going all Eritrean singers.We are waiting more from you GOOD bless all my people Eritrea.
አብዚ አሎ ያኽ ዘይተበከለ ድምጺ፣ ግጥሚ ዜማ ውህደት ሙዚቃ ማራ ኬፍ አለካ ቃሌ ሰበይ ኩሉ ግዜ መሰሐጎስካኒ
afkarit ayrekebkun. ya Nay bhaki semikayo daytsegab lovliy musc
afkarit ayrekebkun ]
Let the great music keep them coming ሩሑስ ሓድሽ ዓመት ንኹሉ ኣፍቃሪ ሙዚቃ ካብ ማይኮ ረከርድስ
እሂናይ ደኣ ስሓቅ እንድዩ ጽቡቅ
እንተዘይከውን ምነገሰ ሕማቅ
ዋውውውው ቃላብ ሽኮርርር
መን እሞ ከማኻ ብድምጽኻ ይኹን
ብኩሉ ነገርካ ።
ካብዞም ገለ ገለ ቶካናት Independece
ዶ ገለ ዶ እንዳነሉ ብእዝንና ክጻወቱ ቀንዮም
ዘለውስ በዛ ደርፍኻ ጌርካ ክሒስካናናናናና
ቀልኣብ ኣብ ስነ-ጥበብ ትራይ ኣይኮነን ንፉዕ፨ካብቶም ኣብ ግንባር Asseb ብንእሽቶኦም ኣብ ኩይናት ዝተራጋረጉ'ዩ
tesgod godf ya ezgi afletka brukay nay behki
Ja nay buihkie
Eway hasawi menu kemu elka hasot gedef ok
ፍሽኽ በሊ ፍሽክታ ዩ ሳሓቢ ንዓይኒ፡
ፍሽኽ በሊ ጋልህዮ እቲ ምስጢር ስኒ
ፍሽክ በሊ ፍሽክታ ዩ ቅታሊ ንስሕበት
ፍሽኽ ብሊ ብፍሽኽታኺ ጻሓይ ታሓፍርት።
nicc song bro keep up
I'm from Ethiopia..this is my every day music that makes my day!!
Much love and Respect
For All eritreans
ቃላኣብ ሽኮር ኩሉ ደርፍታትካ ማራ እየ ድፈትዎ ዋላ ውን መሳጢ ቃላትካ ኩሉ እየ ዘድንቆም ብዝኮነ ቀጽሎ ሓቢቢ ⏪▶️⏩❤️👍
ናይ ብሓቂ ጥዕምቲ ኣይጸላእክዋን ብፍላይ ደወል ዝኮነ ድምጹን ዘማን ክሊባን ትኣምር
ቀላኣብ ኑፍዕ ብጣዕሚ ጥዕምቲ ደርፊ። ምትብባዕ እኳ ዘድልየካ ኣይኮነን ተባዕ ኢኻ ካብ ቀደምካ። ግን ኣይትጥፋኣና ብጣዓሚ ጡዑም ድምጺ እዩ ዘለካ።
hiureon poertvcsa hfsiutq
*ኣቤት ድምጺ ይበል * ናይስ ጆብ ቃሌ*
እንታይ እሞ ንስኩም ጠፊኢኩም* ብኣል sandero ዝባሃሉ መጽዮሙና* ሮናልዲኖ ርኢካ ጁሩድ ኮይኑና።
ዋው በጣም ነው የወደድኩት ሙዚቃው በጣም ይመቻል i love you eritrean
ናይ ባሓቂ ጹቡቅ ስራሕ ፡ምስ ጽብቅቲ ጋል ቀጽሎ ኣጆካ ሓቢቢ።
Abrahaley Fesseha ኣርኪብካኒ ማሽ ዚዱ
ኣኩ ስዲ ወዲ ቃዛ zidu zidu
እዛ ቆልዓ ብጣሚ ጽብቅቲ ማራኪ ዓይንን ፍሽክታን ኣለዋ ብልክዕ ንዓኣ ዝተዘየመ ይመስለኒ ኣነ ከኣ ይዳሎ ኣለኩ አሞ ምሳይ ኪሊፕ አንተትሰርሓለይ ደስ ምበለኒ ስለዚ በከመይ ክረክባ ዝነግረኒ ኣሎ።
Qeleab men dika asli fuly harif derfi malet fishik beli fishikta eyu ketali sihbet ane eye mestiatki thank you Qeleab
እዛ ደርፊ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ዩቱብ ይደልያ ግን ዘይረኽባ ሎሚ ግን ሕልመይ ስሚሩለይ ቃል ኣብ ሓወይ ብጣዕሚ ደስ ትብል ሙዚቃ ኣይትጥፋእ ግርማ ሙዚቃ ሃገርና!!!!
Kaleab, You are a truly artist of the artist, I always love your music and you have this big big gift that is your VOICE! God Bless you respect one love Brother.
ኡውይ ክፈትዎ እዝይ ወዲይ ከፍ ዘለው ያ እግዚአብሔር እድሜ እና ጥዕና ይሃብካ
waww sele ( solo) hawey happy to see u on the clip , what a beautiful clip, I Miss all the way to college mai Nefhi, & kale wedi beautiful voice as always well done bro!!!
ከልኣብ መክሰን ኣብዚ ኣሎ ድምጺ ኣንታ shikor አድመን ትአናን ይሃብካ አግዚኣብሄር
ጥዕምቲ ደርፊ ቀልኣብ ጎበዝ፡
ጽቡቕ ትሕዝቶ ዘለዋ ደርፊ ኢያ።
ቀጽሎ ኢካ፡ ኣይትጥፍኣና ኢካ ከኣ።
ቃላኣብ ብኩሉ እንትናኻ ሓያል ድምጻዊ ደስ
ዘብል ሱሑል ጎሮሮ ኣለካ ስለዚ ጥበብካ
ንጾሞኦ ኣለና ኣለኩ በል ካብ ጸቢብ ናብ ሩሑብ ሚዲየ ውጻእ ጸገማትካ ክውዘፋስ
ገለ ግበር እምበር ዘይ ንርዳእ ዘይ ንናፍቅ
ደርፍኻ ኣይ ምሰልካ ተባዕ ኩን ።
deas zebiel demtsawi kelab
ابتسمي ايها السمراء اغنية رائعة فخور كوني ارتري🇪🇷❤
ዋው ብ ሓድሽ ቅዲ ኣሰኣእላ ዲጂታላዊ ካሜራን ከም ሓዳሽ ሂወት መቀረት ወሲካ መጺያ ቃሌ አሞ ድምጽካ ካናሪ ላዛካ ቃናካ ን ልቢን እዝንን መግቢ ዩ ቀጽሎ ብዝበለጸ ክንጽበየካ ኢና ኣዝማሪኖ ቃሌ ሺኮር ፍሽክ በለልና ንስካ ከኣ!!!!
Woww amazing music 🎶 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷proud to be eritrean
I miss the african Sun...the people,the music,the life...Kurii wediena abzi
Nic one
❤❤❤ my fav song
ቃልኣብ ብዓል ጥዑም።
ኣቤት ቅላጸ ተብዓታይ፡ ብኩሉ ኬፍ ኣለካ፡
When I was heard this song I remember something (Te-)
so kaliye very fantastic voice
ቀልኣብ ድምጺ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ እንታይ ይወጻኻ ሓወይ ናተይ።
Keleab werke zekene demxe nic pic wedeyey 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷❤❤❤❤❤ hejewen bezeblxe serh kenxebeyka ena 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ፍሽክ በሊ ናይ ባሓቂ ጽብቅቲ ደርፊ ቀልኣብ ሽኮር ናይ ቀደምካ ንፉዕ ኢካ ኣጆካ ቀጽሎ ።
Eway shger rkeba sema eya eko mexgab senaya 100 gezya eya eko semaya nice music kaleab brv
ቓሌ ኣስሊ ወዲ ዙረይን ወዲ ኣሃዶይን 19 ክ/ሰ 23 ክ/ሰ ኮታስ 10 ኣመታት ከይተፈላለና የሕሊፍናዮ ከም ሓደ ማዓልቲ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ቓሌ ሽኮር
waw waw kef thbeni zneberet derfi eya again btaemi des zebl clip kalie natey yaek 😗😗😗🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
2020 ኮሮና ኣንበጣ ብዛሓት ስድራይ ዝወስድኪ ዓመት እንድኪ ኣብዚ ጽንሕለይ እንሻላህ ድሕሪ ብዙሕ ዓመታት ደግመ ንዛ ደርፊ ክሰሚዕ ከሎኩ ከም ሰነድ ኮይንኪ ክትጸንሕኒ እቶም 2020 ዝሰማዕኩማ ኪኣ ኣብ ሪፕለይ 2020 እልኩም ጽሓፉ እሞ ምስ ዛ ናተይ ክትጸንሓልኩም እያ ።
u write smile is very important so keleab the great artisty and editing poto amazing
ኣብዚ ኣሎ፡ ጠዑም ድምጺ ዝኣቱ ናብ ልቢ፡ቓላኣብ ንፋዕ ኣይትጥፋኣና ሓቢቢ።
Mara sehabit eya eza derfi beflay demtseka kaeleb shikor eka behaki 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👍👍👍👍
Way kalab shikor nice Musik so megedi gezawtey keman azekirkani so ajoka
Fishik beli ewe haqka kaleab fishikta zamelkum kemzi kemay eski abzea 👍tewku.
ቃልኣብ ፡ ፍሽኽ ትበል ^ ዓይኒ ደኣ' እንታይ ድራራ ዝምስገን ስራሕ ።
ቃልኣብ ወዲ ደስ ትብል ደርፊ" ደርፍታትካ ኩሉ ደስ እዩ ዝብለኒ ኣጆካ ቀጽሎ ወገነይ።
We love you brother. I am from China
abzi zelo derafay kexelni eu mesleni bsmiet yderf ab smiet yetweka kalie shikoŕrrr naybhaki alem ms fshk zblu eya tkeyd naybhaki fshk beli!!!!!! so thanks more
The best song of all the time. Best of the best
kalu shkorrrr bhaki abzu nhelka zetbkele demxi mara kef alka,nic music ajoka kexelo
This is My
Second time to right a comment so you guys must now why i wroute again ,,,, ,,,, just becouse when i hear kaleab songs again and again i find something uniqe maybe in ze lyric or clip & melodey anyhow god nows why i became addicted with his songs anyways thanks alot KT
eta zfetwa derfi clip mgbarka thank u kelie nay hmamey...nice job ayttfeana.
Ambesaye beal hlna bflay" seb lomi" tbl srahka always ysemia love it ko) :-
sey abzi nehele komona ms dmxi entay kwexo qale shikor nice Song
abezi enahla demxi yeak naye hmamey good job🎤🎤🎸❤🎤🎶
kalu derafay malet tefikana indika nerka gen hji btami temti derfi hizka mexika Willkommen👍👍👍👍
ቃልኣብ ወዱ ናይ ቢሓቂ ጦምቲ ደርፊ ከመይ ደካ ተቅስነኒ ድምጽካ አኮ ብጣዕኒ እየ ዘፈትዎ ሰባይ ኪትብል ኮለካ ኢየ ኣስጠማቅረዮ ናይ ሎሚ ከኣ ሞ ሕልፍፍፍፍ ዝበለ እዩ ኣጆካ መክሰነይይይይ
waw klab he is the king of music in my eyes when I listening this song it makes my day nic
ኣብዚ ኣለካ ድምጺ መቛልሕ ዚፈጥር ቃል ሽኮር ቀጽሎ ኣስላዊ
Qalab ani meite beza derfi eza aho hoy
ya abzi aleka tenkotin zfhr dmxi bae kali aslinooooo azmarinooooo1 000 0000000000 like
wawww kalu shikor 👍 tefikana ko kalab asli dmxi ka hatatitka eu✔
kaliye Nay himamey wedi kemey dika shikore nay shikorattt Nic music mes metselellll dimtse edimen tenannn Naka yene konjo kab hafteka Tigraweyti Hewan
There is no words to express how kaleab is wonderful anyways keep up and give us Amaizing tunes thanks alot
ቃልኣብ ጅግና ቀጽሎ ኣዝዩ ዝድነቅ ድምጺ ኣሎካ በርትዕ
ቀሊኣብ ሽኮር ናይ ብሓቂ ዲምጻዊ ከማስ የለን
habteab kesete ,e
ፍሽኽታ ናይታ ዘፍቅራ በዓልቲ ቤተይ ኣዲሰ ኣየሊ ኣዛኻኽርካኒ ይቀንየለይ ቃልኣብ
Wwwwwowwww geleaynet mara kef zelwo derfi Kaleb nay hemamy
Kaleab you always have a very good strong song simply you born with a great talent amaizing voice keep up good work god bless you .
You are a hero thanks ,,,,,,
kalie nay mudey my favourite music keep going.
Ata ezias Wela fishik aytbel qale arkey mara kef zelewa huruma
wawwwww asey mexe mexe jigna kokob tibeb mexina ajoka bteami tiamti derfi bravo ajoka keleabey natey kulu 100%
ቃለኣብ ደወል ዝኾነ ድምጺ ሒዝካ ክንስኻስ እና ጠፋእካና
Ata jigna kemakas yelen so kexilo❤👌👍✌👈
kab mendefera ksab asmera camera 🎥 harimu so nice a song my best keliab 🇪🇷👈✊✊✊
Fishkta ewe Ata meksen kemakas wela millionat ykun Ata 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪
wawww btaemi des zbl dmxi aleka qalab shikorrrrrr gn ttefana aleka so nice song
Kalab the great you are simply the best. I like the drone videography in this clip ....
kali shikor naka kulu eu zexbkelka keep it up 😍😍😍
ፍቕሪ'ዩ አምነተይ አበሪም አፍውቕ
ቅልኣብ ሓወይ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን እየ ዝፈልጠካ ዘለኩ ብጣዕሚ ግና ፈትየየን ብፍላይ እዘን ዳሕሮዎት ደርፍካ ከደንጎካ ኣለኩ ኢልካ ደበክ በለና ንሕና ውን ሳብስክራይብ ምባል ኣይንሃምቅን ኢና ንፉዕ ቀጽሎ ኢካ ኣጆካ
waw betami temti derefi qaliye indatefakana gn hadra ezi teoum demexeka kulu gzie asemana
wellcome back aba dahri......👋👋👋👋👋
ቃልአብ ብጣዕሚ ፅቡቕቲ ደርፊ እያ ቀፅለላ
abzi nehlka derfi gele aynet 😎😜👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌✊✌
Those who dislike this guy and his song, are or have Melophobia
ፎርሳ ኸልኣብ ሃወይ ይህጉሰኒ አስከ መክሰን
wawwwwwww kaleab dmxka mara u tium. ajoka kexlo xbqti derfi ☆☆☆☆☆
Wedi adey jigna azmarina zeymno kelie zegret 100%
ራስታ ሜን nxbeyo alena nkeli shkor wedi drar jigna
with out smile no life!
wow kaliab Shikor kef zelewa derfi kab kulu gin nay cameraman eza clip bitami xibiqti aytitfiana
kaleab gigna kindi 1000 keep It up bro
Kalea tebaetay mensey good job
ፍሽ በሊ ፍሽታ ዩ ግርማኪ ቀልኣብ ሓወይ ኣጆካ እስከ
wawwwwwwwww qeleab btami des tebl derfi gn tefikana ajeka
i love you Qaleab shukorr. and Nice music 👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
wowwww meas da berkika xehay musik. Nice Song Qelab .
nicccccc piccccc kaleab hawey kef daleka niccc picccc music
ናይ ብሓቅ ጥዕምት ዴርፊ kkkk...very nice sound i like it but i can't write Tigrigna
Ajoka aytehmk kalab wedi nice bela serah
Good job the best music of this month.I can't stop listining what ever where I'm. Keep going all Eritrean singers.We are waiting more from you GOOD bless all my people Eritrea.
kale nay ebdaney hji eta mexelelitey derfi mexia
waaa kelie shikor wedi karnie kemey dika mekseb nber eski
wawwww qelie shkor kief zeleka mnada ab mokto Konka nay bhaqi kief ktbeka so nicccv picccccccGBU
You're just a complete singer Kaleab
Kale natka mstmkar zedlyo tum derfi so keep it up