I ended up using marinetex in mine and just coated all of the surfaces in the fore-end instead of filling it completely. It seems to have taken out any flex so far. My stock actually had to be clearanced prior to stiffening though because it would not pass the dollar test from the factory.
Going to do the same to my synthetic stock, but I've heard its important to make sure that when we drill holes from one cavity to the next, that it should be straight on and not at an angle, but I can't see how a person could do it without coming in at an angle. I'm thinking of dremelling out an angled hole to make it more straight on.
I'll be discussing in EP10 but total weight with everything including sling and bipod, unloaded is 10.5 pounds. It's currently balancing right at the front of the receiver when unloaded. I was prepared to add some weight in the rear but its balanced just about perfect now. It was muzzle heavy before. One major mistake I made is I didnt weigh the stock first to get a before and after.
I ended up using marinetex in mine and just coated all of the surfaces in the fore-end instead of filling it completely. It seems to have taken out any flex so far. My stock actually had to be clearanced prior to stiffening though because it would not pass the dollar test from the factory.
Going to do the same to my synthetic stock, but I've heard its important to make sure that when we drill holes from one cavity to the next, that it should be straight on and not at an angle, but I can't see how a person could do it without coming in at an angle. I'm thinking of dremelling out an angled hole to make it more straight on.
Cant wait to see next weeks. How much weight did it add to the front?
I'll be discussing in EP10 but total weight with everything including sling and bipod, unloaded is 10.5 pounds. It's currently balancing right at the front of the receiver when unloaded. I was prepared to add some weight in the rear but its balanced just about perfect now. It was muzzle heavy before. One major mistake I made is I didnt weigh the stock first to get a before and after.
If some kind of plastic resin was in the budget would you have gone with that over the concrete stuff?
I know this is 3 years old, but im curious how the rockite holds up. Does it crack or crumble?