The must and must not eat for tinnitus patients!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025
  • #Tinnitus #DietTherapy #FoodThatAreGoodForTinnitus
    ♥Neighborhood Doctor consultation and reservations 02-6232-7582 /Exit 1 of Seoul National Univ. of Education subway station
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    There are a lot of patients who are having a hard time with tinnitus, right?
    A lot of them think that the causes of tinnitus are because of ear problems, but as I have mentioned over and over again, majority of the causes of tinnitus are because of the imbalances of intestine and brain.
    ‘The healthier the gut is, the further away from tinnitus’
    An expression that can be found easily from ‘The Moment that Tinnitus started to Disappear’, a book that written by Dr.Heechang Lee and Dr.Hyeyun Kim, Directors of HiMAP Clinic.
    We would like to inform you that when you have a bad stomach and an unhealthy gut, tinnitus gradually occurs and worsens.
    If that is the case, are there any food that are good for tinnitus which can also help to keep our guts healthy?
    The answer of Neighborhood Doctor are “YES”!
    Today, let’s go through STEP6 from the book ‘The Moment that Tinnitus started to Disappear’written by Neighborhood Doctor
    A way to maintain a healthy gut through elevating digestion and absorption when having meals,details will be explained by our medical directors Dr.Heechang Lee and Dr.Hyeyun Kim.
    Check out the video now!
    ♥The Neighborhood Doctor Directors’ HiMAP clinic
    1/ It is an association comprised of functional medicine and psychiatric specialists.
    2/ Non-drug treatment TMS (for tinnitus, panic disorder, insomnia, etc.), EEG test equipment, and tinnitus specialist test equipment are available.
    3/ We target non-pharmaceutical treatment through functional medical examinations that closely analyze the patient's condition and uses the body's natural functions for self treatment.
    4/ We simultaneously treat the underlying causes and symptoms of the body and mind.
    5/ A system is available for patients to get initial evaluations virtually without visiting the clinic. The use of this system is free.
    6/ The self-questionnaire system allows you to receive a detailed and in-depth consultation on the causes of diseases, minimizes the waiting time, and provides more accurate results when visiting the clinic, but the final diagnosis is not given online. (Due to the high possibility of online results leading to an incorrect evaluation.)
    ♥ Meet in Neighborhood Doctor Hyeyun Kim’s NAVER Cafe
    Through Hyeyun Kim’s NAVER Cafe please receive consultation on anything you’re curious about.
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    ♥ Neighborhood Doctor Hyeyun Kim’s HiMAP clinic
    ♥ Neighborhood Doctor’s Functional Medicine Blog
    ♥ Neighborhood Doctor’s Books
    ♥ To check out Doctor and Directors Hyeyun Kim and Heechung Lee’s book
    자막템플릿 : #나눔템플릿
    Subtitles template: #SharingTemplate

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  • @예스-i5i
    @예스-i5i ปีที่แล้ว

    이명에 대해 이렇게 구체적으로 진단해주셔서 감사합니다
    저도 심한 이명에시달리는데 잘 관찰해보니 매운거 자극적 가공식품을 먹고
    나면 더욱심해지더라구요
    몇년전부터 소화기가 많이 나빴는데 확실히 그 이유때문인것을 경험으로 느껴지더군요
    속이 편한음식을 먹은 날은 이명이 사라지다가 그렇지않은 날은 심해지는 반복이 되구요
    각별히 신경쓰서 건강한장 이명없는 생활 해보겠습니다

  • @연꽃-b9z
    @연꽃-b9z 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    강의 잘들었습니다 고맙습니다 그런데 식초를 마시면 피가 탁해진다고 하는데 어떻게 이해해야할까요 ~

    • @himapclinic
      @himapclinic  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      식초를 마셔도 피가 탁해지지는 않습니다~

  • @dapa8804
    @dapa8804 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    선생님.. 식사중간에 식초를 먹는데 토마토푸레에 섞어먹습니다
    그런데 신맛을 유기산 이런 음식을 식사 중간에 먹으면 가스가 많이 생길까요??

    • @himapclinic
      @himapclinic  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      가스가 많이 생겨서 불편하지 않으시다면 지금 드시는대로 드셔도 무방할것 같습니다

  • @버거사랑
    @버거사랑 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    선생님 돼지고기.소고기 닭고기 등 장누수증후군 있으면 고기류도 피해야 하나요?

    • @himapclinic
      @himapclinic  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      고기류를 꼭 피하실 필요는 없습니다
      다만 고기류가 소화가 잘 안되기 때문에 소화가 잘되게 요리해서 드시고, 오래 씹어서 삼키시면 됩니다

    • @버거사랑
      @버거사랑 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@himapclinic 네 답변 감사합니다.^^

  • @늘바람바램
    @늘바람바램 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    고기를 못 먹는 이명환자는 사골국 대신 뭘 대체 할 수 있을까요?

    • @himapclinic
      @himapclinic  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      새우, 해산물, 붉은 양배추에도 글루타민이 풍부합니다
      챙겨드시면 좋아요

    • @늘바람바램
      @늘바람바램 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@himapclinic 감사합니다

  • @최최고뉴스다자주하세
    @최최고뉴스다자주하세 ปีที่แล้ว

    아보카도 식초 당근 웃기네

  • @yise4453
    @yise4453 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    이명생긴지 4달째 죽지못해 살고있습니다. 온갖 영양제(대략 11가지)를 복용하고 온갖짓을하고 하루하루 버티고있습니다.
    그런 음식들먹고 좋아진다?? 좋아지면 어느정도로 소리가 줄어들지 쉽게 믿음이 안가는 영상입니다.

    • @himapclinic
      @himapclinic  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      저희책 이명이 사라지는 순간을 정리한 동영상들을 순차적으로 보시길 권해드립니다
      자신의 원인을 찾고 그에 맞는 영양제를 드셔야합니다
      빨리 건강을 찾으시길 바래요

    • @미카엘라-j4t
      @미카엘라-j4t ปีที่แล้ว

      체력이 바닥을 치고 번아웃이 오면서 이명이 생겼고 기력을 올리는 한약 복용후 잡혔구요. 가끔가다 그런 증상이 있으때는 아로마오일 (페파민트 라벤더 프랑킨센스)가 효과가 있습니다. 정보 찾아보시고 나으시길요. 너무 힘들었던걸 알기에 몇자 적어보았습니다.