15. 澳洲置業: 澳洲買樓的程序指引, 一步一步的告訴你與律師、銀行、地產經紀交手的過程 (粵語)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ค. 2024
  • 0:00 內容撮要
    0:53 接觸銀行的過程
    2:12 處境1: Private Treaty 的買樓程序
    9:04 處境2: Private Treaty 但有競爭者的買樓程序
    14:50 處境3: 物業拍賣的買樓程序
    18:27 Settlement,大廈管理,出租
    購買澳洲樓 Private Treaty 與 Property Auction 程序上有甚麼分別?
    甚麽時侯付holding deposit, 進行contract exchange 以及settlement?
    甚麽時作final inspection及collect keys
    TH-cam 頻道: / 澳洲香港人
    Facebook 澳洲香港人: / aussie1001
    Full catalogue
    1. 移民澳洲方法有幾多?配額多少?有冇年齡限制?
    2. 申請澳洲獨立技術移民 (189), 需要什麼條件? 有什麼限制?
    3. 澳洲偏遠地區技術(臨時)簽證 491 vs偏遠地區技術簽證 191, 有什麼分別? 有什麼限制? 怎樣申請?
    4. 澳洲投資移民最低條件是什麼? 有冇年齡限制? 是否一定要在澳洲居住? 有冇捷徑?
    5. 澳洲房地產:買澳洲樓需要考慮什麼? 買獨立屋還是買大廈單位? 非本地居民可以買澳洲樓嗎?
    6. 澳洲房地產: 買澳洲樓, 六個不能犯的錯誤
    7. 澳洲房產: 買澳洲樓起動式六招、初哥必讀
    8. 澳洲物業: (Property Auction)澳洲樓物業競投的遊戲規則是甚麽?
    9. 澳洲房地產:買Sydney Apartment(80~100萬)需要考慮什麼? 建議那些區域?
    10. 澳洲地產: (Property Auction)買澳洲樓, 物業競投的五大挑戰
    14. 澳洲置業: (Property Auction) 物業競投的五大挑戰 (破解篇 - 47分鐘足本)
    15. 澳洲置業: 購買澳洲樓的程序指引, 一步一步的告訴你與律師、銀行、地產經紀交手的過程
    16. 澳洲房產: 三類平房(Apartment Unit), 從投資角度應怎樣考慮?
    17. 澳洲房產: 澳洲樓業主放租時要留心的三件事
    18. 移民搬屋: 一步一步吿訴你所需程序
    19. 疫潮中來自澳洲的問安
    20. 澳洲教育制度簡介 + 幼兒教育特輯
    21. (疫情天下1)疫情對澳洲社會及業主的影響
    22. 22. 澳洲小學:怎樣選擇?(+澳洲幼稚園) (粵語)
    23. (疫情天下2)疫情下, 怎樣在悉尼進行兩星期一次的糧倉補給?
    24. (旅遊世界1) 南極遊輪三部曲
    Part 1: 計劃, 伊瓜蘇瀑布(Iguazu Fall), 烏蘇懷亞 (Ushuaia)
    26. (新版) 澳洲教育制度: 如何挑選適合你的中學
    27. Lego NASA APOLLO Saturn V Build (樂高火箭 1969 pcs)
    28. Music Video - Lego NASA Apollo Saturn V
    29.(疫情天下4)How does COVIDSafe work?
    30.(旅遊世界2)南極遊輪三部曲 Part 2: 南極 (Antarctica), 福克蘭群島 (Falkland Islands)
    31. 澳洲房產:買澳洲樓七個不能犯的錯誤(布里斯本 Brisbane)
    32. 1 min build - Lego NASA Apollo Saturn V (樂高玩具)
    33. 零失敗鮮奶燉蛋
    34.(旅遊世界3)南極遊輪三部曲 Part 3:阿根廷 Puerto Madryn & Buenos Aires,烏拉圭 Montevideo + Celebrity Eclipse 遊輪活動
    35. Covid-19 新冠疫情對澳洲房地產的影響
    38.(澳洲財經)澳洲經濟衰退, 澳元及澳洲股市動向又如何?(Australia Recession)
    40. 我在澳洲第一份工學到的五件事 (求職系列 2)
    41.澳洲房產: 50萬買澳洲悉尼樓有什麼選擇? 建議那些區域?(Sydney apartment置業)
    42. 澳洲移民資訊: 移民前必需做好的六件事(適用於其它地方)
    43. 坎培拉兩日一夜自駕遊 (旅遊世界4: Sydney to Canberra tour)
    44. 澳洲房地產:澳洲樓租售常見問題 (第一輯)
    45. 澳洲租務大插水, 澳洲樓市又如何? (Australia rental recession, 澳洲物業)
    46. 澳洲教育:澳洲升學常見問題 (第一輯)
    47. 一個半年TH-camr新仔的自白
    48. 買獨立屋自住:八項優化建議 (澳洲房地產)
    49. Sydney Metro 悉尼西北新地鐵沿線物業分析 (澳洲房地產 Part 1: Tallawong, Rouse Hill, Kellyville, Bella Vista)
    50. Sydney Metro 悉尼西北新地鐵沿線物業分析 (Part 2: Norwest, Showground, Castle Hill, Cherrybrook, Epping)
    51. Sydney Metro 悉尼西北新地鐵沿線物業分析 (Part 3: Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, North Ryde, Chatswood)
    52. 澳洲優待香港人簽證措施,5個不可不知的細節.
    53. 澳洲100萬人失業, 現時成功的技術移民分數和職業(#189 & #491), 你想知道嗎? 臨時技術簽證(#482)又怎樣?
    54. 澳洲樓宇銀行貸款, 審批申請背後運作
    55. 2020/21年澳洲技術移民職業清單及上限, 州份提名簽證(#491/#190)申請流程 (澳洲移民)
    56. 澳洲移民之路: 初到貴境 (投宿, 出行, 心態) Part 1
    57. 澳洲移民之路: 初到貴境 Part 2 (過海關、了解社區中心和Service NSW、如何取得澳洲車牌?)
    58. 澳洲學生簽證,畢業生簽證,學生監護人簽證 (澳洲移民資訊)
    59. 各種澳洲移民方法之間的關係 和升格途徑 Part 2 (#189, #491, #191, #190, #500, #485, #482 & #186)
    60. 澳洲20年來最重要的財政預算案,誰是贏家?誰是輸家? (澳洲財經系列)
    61.澳洲如何報稅?MyGov稅單流程 圖文教學
    63. 澳洲悉尼: 帶你 Palm Beach 半天遊, Mayfield Garden 一天遊
    65. 移民搵工血淚史(一):我來自IT, 會計 (澳洲求職系列)
    66. 澳洲移民搵工血淚(二) 我來自教書, 裝修師傅, 教會傳道, 家庭主婦(粵語配字幕)
    67. Phuket布吉/PP島: 四日三夜自遊行
    68. 入住澳洲 Retirement Village 不可不知的細節
    69. 澳洲 Retirement Village (退休村) 大數據 (粵語)
    71. 澳洲總理: 港人5年臨時簽證到期後的安排是這樣...
    72. CBA與Westpac對2021-2022澳洲房屋價預測: 16%-20%, 原因是 ...
    73. 澳洲悉尼60萬買2房單位,建議那些區域?
    74. 巧遇悉尼豪雨、N. Richmond 4日3夜被困、求助、逃離篇。
    75. 遙控兒童車開箱
    76. 考考你知多少:十項不可不知的 NSW 駕駛規則/罰則?
    77. NSW Port Macquarie 4日3夜自駕遊
    78. 你的澳洲物業需要繳交地稅 land tax 嗎?如何申報?(粵語)
    79. 澳洲 NSW Orange-Dubbo-Mudgee 4天自駕遊(Part 1) Orange篇
    80. 澳洲 NSW Orange-Dubbo-Mudgee 4天自駕遊(Part 2) Dubbo, Mudgee篇
    81. 澳洲投資移民簽證最新改動 1-7-2021 版本
    82. 澳洲全職、兼職和臨時員工的分別?
    83. 2022年NSW Selective School (精英班)和OC班入學試改制: 五大重點 (澳洲升學)
    84. 澳洲疫情控制最新發展, 出境條件? 何時開關?
    85.澳洲疫情大追蹤:一個司機如何感染678+人? (粵語配字幕)
    87. 西澳自駕遊Part 1:奇妙的 Pinnacles
    88. 西澳自駕遊Part 2:另人讚嘆的 Wave Rock
    89. 西澳自駕遊Part 3:Pink Lake & Kalbarri Skywalk
    90. 西澳自駕遊 Part 4:Perth & Margaret River
    91.澳洲抗疫改為與病毒共存,最快12月局部開關, 解讀Doherty Report
    92. 澳洲NSW推算最壞的染疫和進ICU人數? 背後論據?
    93. 十大最多訂戶的TH-camrs, 拆解TH-camr收入機制, 幾多view 先可賺US$1?
    94. 悉尼疫情分布與該社區樓價的微妙關係
    95. 澳洲疫情下, 為何樓宇還狂升? 2022年展望?
  • แนวปฏิบัติและการใช้ชีวิต

ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @puddingcookie1367
    @puddingcookie1367 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    very detailed thank you

    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks 😊

  • @ckkc169
    @ckkc169 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    very informative and helpful video. Would you mind doing one for house and land package and things needed to pay attention when dealing with the builder? thanks~

    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Love to hear that it’s useful to you. Since I haven’t any experience in house and land package development, I couldn’t help much there. Thanks

  • @davidwong1051
    @davidwong1051 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    可以講下first home buyer有咩要注意嗎 stamp duty exemption等等

  • @eav1ck
    @eav1ck 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hello Wilson, thanks very much for sharing your insight and experience.
    I had some question related to lawyer, would you mind share some info if you can?
    Is there any tips when finding a lawyer? (for example, what to avoid)
    Is it better to find cantonese speaking or locals?
    How does lawyer charge? Does it charge whne I first approach them? Or does it charge per session/hour/transaction?

    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Q: Is there any tips when finding a lawyer? (for example, what to avoid)
      >>> It’s better to have referral from someone who had used them before. Reliable is more important than their service cost.
      Q: Is it better to find cantonese speaking or locals?
      >>> No. If by chance they can speak Cantonese, then it’s a bonus. Or, if it’s a referral from someone you can trust and that lawyer himself/herself is Chinese, it’s OK. Otherwise, I would not find a lawyer solely because they could speak Cantonese.
      Q: How does lawyer charge? Does it charge when I first approach them? Or does it charge per session/hour/transaction?
      >>> In general, property purchase/sold transaction are charged per case plus other at cost expenses. Before you approach them, you would send them a mail to ask them how they would charge in property purchase or sold transaction. In your mail, you should also mention how they would charge in presales contract vetting. Usually, they might say they would charge you a few hundred dollars for each property contract you pass them for comments. However, if that particular contract turns up to be the one you purchase, they would absorb that pre-sales fee.

    • @eav1ck
      @eav1ck 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@HKAussie thanks again for your detailed and speedy response. Your video and response (not only the response ot mine) helps a lot for a new comer like me.

  • @tina614
    @tina614 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @martinkwong690
    @martinkwong690 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very informative and useful info for first time property buyer. If I need to get further advice or support in the middle of the process about the property, Who should be the best person to talk to in Australia ? lawyer or agent ?

  • @adma5676
    @adma5676 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    我想問 auction 前 "lawyer will ask my permission to call for starta report & building report", 係咪有咗permission後 lawer 就會揾人check 有無白蟻,結構等問題? 同埋你所講的 lawyer 係咪即係 conveyancer?

    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      有咗permission後,lawyer 會找人做最基本的Pest and Building inspection. 如果pest inspection 發覺有問題, 才會建議你做進一步的白蟻檢查.

    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A conveyancer is someone specifically trained and qualified to handle the transfer of real estate from one person to another. Lawyer (solicitor) 因為有這些訓練,所以可以做conveyancer 的工作,你可二擇其一,而我通常会会找相熟律師处理。

  • @Lion-dl9si
    @Lion-dl9si 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @HKAussie
      @HKAussie  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      要同時接觸幾間银行,因為不是每間對你的application 和 profile 有興趣。就算佢地有response,都可能慢3拍。真正有response 及和你跟到底的銀行不多,這亦是為什麼人們需要找Broker.

  • @HKAussie
    @HKAussie  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It should be your lawyer as you paid for their service. Legally, your lawyer has obligation to safeguard your interest.
    Do not 100% rely on your property agent as you haven’t paid them. They receive selling commission from the vendor (i.e. the seller), not buyer (i.e. you). They behave nice and professional but their priority is always in the order of:
    1. The best interest of their property agency (which party gave them the best benefit, tangible or intangible ).
    2. The vendor (who paid them commission), and then
    3. The buyer (who make the deal happen but without commission).
    Of course, it always have exception in this changing world.