A teaspoon at a time! Great way to describe it. Never bought one after getting an FDL. More of an explorer is probably why. The Mandalay is coming.... can't wait!
Not had the pleasure of dancing the Mamba yet. It sounds like the usual elite dangerous shuffle of getting one thing, but being robbed of another :) Did you just start with yellow paper?
A teaspoon at a time! Great way to describe it. Never bought one after getting an FDL. More of an explorer is probably why. The Mandalay is coming.... can't wait!
beautiful Beetlejude as ever 🥰
woooooooooow i love this drawing!!
Fantastic work!
Amazing work, and I think i recognise that ship, is it by any chance my very own Mamba that I requested all that time ago????
Not had the pleasure of dancing the Mamba yet. It sounds like the usual elite dangerous shuffle of getting one thing, but being robbed of another :)
Did you just start with yellow paper?
Yes I like to choose a colour that seems right , then I completely cover it in chalk anyway 😅
@@BeetleJude Haha. Legend. Still it feels like the light is reflecting off the Mamba somehow. I love art. It's the ultimate magic trick