When humans are conceived in the womb, there are many forces at play. You are not a brand-new being, as your scientists proclaim, but a multifaceted spiritual essence who chooses to create a body to experience things you have not understood in previous or simultaneous lifetimes. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? Well, in some ways the truth is far simpler and yet far more complex than you have been told. Those of you who believe in one life, and one life only, are way off the mark, and those of you who believe in reincarnation and a long and simple line of lifetime after lifetime, one leading into the other, are a little closer to the truth - but still way off the target that we are telling you about. The truth is that your lifetimes are many and varied, and they occur simultaneously. They occur in many dimensions, all at the same time - patchworks in three dimensions that connect and affect each other all the time. Changes you make in this apparent life will affect those in the “past” and, indeed, those in the “future.” This sounds fantastic within the context of the three-dimensional patterns that you believe are true, but this is the truth of the matter. When you are conceived in the lifetime you think is your only existence, your higher self - what we will call your oversoul - is planning each and every birth, and there may be many, even hundreds, all going on at the same time. You see, the time and space model you believe in so strongly is only one small sliver of reality you have access to. We as spiritual teachers have a far wider rage of vision, so we can help you understand that which you do not comprehend, given the misinformation you have been fed. You are a multifaceted mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspect of a far larger self that is collecting, experiencing, proving,and disproving theories about existence by manifesting into many forms, times, and places to maximize experience. This creates an influx of information for the oversoul to integrate, learn, and even unlearn all that it needs to create more and more blissful experiences. One of the reasons there seem to be many problems in this life you are currently experiencing is you are working with untrue belief systems that are creating havoc in the physical realm you call life. But as you go through these unpleasant experiences, you begin to question things you believe to be true, and as you do, you become teachable, willing to accept the idea that life could be better and that perhaps there is another way. You feel it has to be better than this, and that is why you are here reading this book. And you are right - there is a better way. But the rules of the Universal Mind require that you come to it of your own volition, so those of you questioning, those of you wondering how you can make a better life, how you can experience more health, more abundance, and more passion, have con?ured us up to help you understand the true mechanisms of the universe and how it works. There are aspects of yourself that you would call past lives who are experiencing different times and places at this very moment. Sometimes ideas and images, both positive and negative, will drift in or bleed through from these other selves. You may be drawn to a particular time and place in history over and over again, for example, or you may be afraid of dying in a particular way and have no idea why. Often these are your other lives giving you information about their existence and helping or hindering you on your current journey.
Your video highlights the difficulty and resistance people face when confronted with harsh realities and the nature of human perception and ignorance. Thanks!
@@WisdomLife9 We have been "programmed" into the idea that ETs and Spirituality are not real. The Matrix movies are based on the Gnostic and Tibetan Book of the Dead, but those who had the idea for the movie had dreams about it as well. Rmt Vwrs or "psychic spies" targeted reincarnation in 2016 and found this: "Moksha (freedom of reincarnation) is analogous to having all the vise-grips and cables being ripped out of the head and finally being liberated. Why was the system created? This control system is just a small component of a larger system; the controllers are like demons; the alchemical process of the mayhem and negativity on the Planet's surface feeds the controllers; some of these energies or Soul aspects are extracted and shipped off somewhere else; "enslaved", bundled up like twigs for kindling; massive amount of injustice; system was created to provide fuel and energy for other systems and conquest (sort of like to feed the expanding "empire"); the energy empowers the massive system."
I was having this discussion with someone yesterday. It's like we're regressing as a society. The most shocking thing is when you speak the truth people look at you as if you're insane.
"The most shocking thing is when you speak the truth people look at you as if you're insane." - and how so you are so sure that your truth is THE truth? For me you are just presumptuous, sure about your superiority. They are for sure wrong, when they think I'm insane.
@@miaferrari958 "How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!"--Mark Twain Others have paraphrased it into the often mis-attributed quote.
When you are able to figure out when someone is lying or manipulating you it's almost like a superpower but it only comes after carefully analyzing and connecting a long series of inconsistencies
Yep, that goes for cheating & lying. You will catch the person with numerous lies & weird behavior, until your able to put the pieces together. Now that you know the truth, do you except your reality or continue making excuses for someone who is playing you for a fool??????
Why not harness the narcissist? There is a use for everything if you can notice the pattern and (safely) manipulate it for your needs. Ex. If you find a waterfall, build a waterwheel under it and benefit from the natural current. Convert the natural force into a useable form of energy for your needs and let the waterfall rage on. Or not, idk.
" If you have to be persuaded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized...If all of this is neccessary to gain your compliance ~ You can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest " - Ian Watson
I understood most of the movie alagories, but never knew of the Plato story until now. This brings an incredible new dimension to The Matrix and the human condition. Thank you.
@Sean-vh8pm - depends how far you want to go... "Simulacron-3" (1964) > and then "World on a Wire"(1973), or more recent "13th Floor" (1999). Then you have books such as "Neuromancer" (1984), "Simulacra and Simulation" (1981), Snow Crash (2000). Or older one such as Heinlein "They" (1941). Not exacly pure simulation that one, but close enough. So those concepts have been known for a while, it is just Matrix put them together much better, into one good movie. Or the usuall approach of Jung or even Joseph Campbell, Donald Hoffman, John Archibald Wheeler, James Glattfelder, Seth Lloyd, Eduardo Kastrup, Edward Edinger, Gary Lachman, or even approaching people like Tom Campbell and his youtube video: "Anu Physics Experiment and the Implications for Everyone" - or the usual "suspects" of a classic philosophy and old stories: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius, Homer or even Marcus Aurelius... Hell, even Cicero is pretty good one, as his observations are stil valid to this age (and can easily be applied to the current society). Or you can always go for the research done by Peter Fenwick, Pim van Lommel - as this is a way is also a step to understand our current reality, and especially consciousness. A different kind of research but also interesting one about our reality (as Fenwick did his research at various hospitals, hospices, and getting data from medical professionals, patients, and family mambers; in a way it was the same with Lommel). And all of that is realated to the modern research into consciousness, quantum physics, artificial intelligence (you may love that especially if you know multiple programming languages) - paints a very interesting picture of a current reality/existence, and how we are perceiving it. And that is just a tip of a larget iceberg here. Not enough space to mention all the modern research and books here....
@@irena7777777 Nah, I think you've overinduldged. There was also the aspect of it being a great action film.. by all means, sit back and enjoy it as you see it.
Couldn't have quoted one better than you did - from a man who tried and succeeded more than most others at seeing the world as it is, not as he wanted it to be. Arguably, that's what made him such a successful strategist and accomplished swordsman. 👍🏼👊🏼
@@dauntemarieslettebak9215 yes The Holy Bible KJV is our road map. It's like: humans are so intelligent they don't need INSTRUCTIONS. Yet: We shake our heads and hands at each other, then at death's door we look up because now we realize SOMEONE GREATER is in CHARGE! Hoping it's not too late! BUT The Holy Bible KJV instructs IT IS TOO LATE IF YOU DID NOT READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!
I think desires in this sense is the distraction from what you really want to do or figure out I think the truth is more like the ultimate desire that is desirelessness in a way because you are in the flow or filling your role or being who you want to be and because you know that you are content in the process to get to your goals.
The matrix is communist propaganda. Cultural terrorism, as practiced in the Matrix trilogy, is the exaltation of destruction of cultural idioms. In the Matrix we are not asked by the studios and the film’s creators to imagine a new or alternative reality or illusion (as in traditional socialist realism). Rather, the audience is openly solicited to explore the deeper philosophical meaning of a massive killing spree fantasized about in a drug-induced illusion by the "hero" of the films - the character Neo. That core plot line is designed to draw in audiences with Western mythology and Christian doctrine, including a protagonist in the role of a New Christ figure, only to have the heroes of the film openly reject that programming and engage in a blood-soaked rampage through a Westernized Republican America (symbolizing Chicago ruled by supposedly evil FBI/Secret Service Agents that all look and act the same) that results in the complete and utter annihilation of Western Civilization and restore religious values such as. Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple." - Jesus Luke 12:51 "Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division." - Jesus "He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes." - Buddha The problem isn't capitalism it's religion.
Cambridge University just revealed that they have successfully created an embryo synthetically and without an egg or sperm. It is cultivated form stem cells (mouse). This reminds me of "the awakening" scene from the pod and a dangerous prelude to what's to come.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo PLEASE BE CAREFUL BUT YES THE PENTECOSTAL TONGUES CHRISTIANITY BACKWARDS IS THERE DEMONIC LANGUAGE AND SIMULATION HQ. I ❤ love you all who read this and don't:) forever Only in Valeria.
I am really sure that matrix biggest enemy is Islamic religion Couse Anyone in the western are the most people clause to the matrix and what they do any western person who hears Islam thinks killers terrorists and bad people but if you search Islam and truth of it it's totally different so for example when Andrew Tate revert to Islam and said good things about Taliban's who are only protecting there people but matrix shows them as bad people , as soon as you realize the truth they will ban you. than jail you. later kill you
I know that feeling. My three best friends I have known since I was a child (I’m now 54) turned out to be my biological siblings. My parents knew, but never told me, raising me as an only child. For whatever reason they gave the other three up for adoption (I was #2, go figure that one!), and by pure coincidence those three families all moved to the same neighbourhood we lived in, without knowing it. Throughout our lives, people would always comment that the four of us looked like siblings, because we did look a lot alike. At first, we thought it was funny, but after a few years, we became suspicious. But then we graduated high school and went our separate ways to university, only to end up, coming back to the same neighbourhood to raise our families, two decades later, and we were reunited. Again, people started pointing out how much we looked alike, so we did a DNA test. We were absolutely in shock that we all have the exact same mother and father, MY mother and father. They all had adopted mothers and fathers, but didn’t know they were adopted. It was as though everything I believed in fell out from under me. We were all in complete shock, and absolutely furious with the people we called our parents. The four of us are closer than ever before knowing that we are actually siblings, but we want nothing to do with the parents that screwed us over, and lied to us our entire lives. Maybe in time we might consider forgiveness, but not right now. What they did was inexcusable! Even though we were friends, we didn’t share that special bond you get with known siblings, and while we can never get it back, we’re trying to make up for lost time, in an entirely different and new reality, one that none of us could have ever anticipated. It truly made me question if anything in my life was actually real, as it did my siblings as well. I thank God I have my siblings, but I’m just so angry at my parents for lying to me my entire life (as a teenager, I asked them several times, if my friends were actually related to me, because people were so insistent, and each time they lie to me, and said no, and told me I was just imagining things) I don’t know if I can ever forgive them for that.
I would pray and ask Jesus to help you with this dilemma. Because if you don't forgive the sins your parents have done to you, your sins won't be forgiven either.
@@ivancatcheway65 Does someone feed you against your will? Are you not allowed to make/choose your own food? Im not saying that what you say isn't true btw, Im just hinting at solutions :)
@Charger Dave buddhism is way too popular, worldly, for my taste, and too much commerce going on around it, to be THE truth. I prefer Jesus, the true teachings as anyone can read them for themselves in scripture, and teach them accordingly, even the big organizations who abuse Jesus name for worldly power are being exposed through that very word, such as the catholic church. You never hear a buddhist call out the evil doers in this world! And that is a huge warning sign. If there are crimes going on next to a buddhist, they'll just sit transcendentally next to it... wouldn't want a buddhist next to me if I'm being raped
@@uchicha666You think your interpretation of "truth" is the real "truth"? Also conspiracy theories are just theory of a conspiracy. A conspiracy theory can be objectively true.
After watching the extras on the Matrix 4 movie. One of the menu options is to have the actors explain what the movie is about. This video explains it in the Matrix side versus the love story of Neo and Trinity. So, in conclusion you nailed it. Great job and pre congratulations on 2milion subscribers...
This video made me realize even more how such an incredible movie The Matrix really was. It was like one of those movies that was in perfect alignment with its time. Like everyone involved including the actors were at a sweet spot in their lives to make this movie hit the nail on the head the way that it did. I believe in alignment.
'People are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.-Morpheus Pretty much sums up the analogy of 'truth' and an individual's capability to handle it.
I remember seeing this in the big cinema when it was just released in Los Angeles. I knew this was an awesome story, and I was excited to see it portrayed so artistically. Long live those who take the red pill!
I saw it at a drive in (the last in Las Vegas at the tine.) Relaxing in the back of a pickup truck. The Matrix is just as stunning and thought provoking now as it was then.
Ive helped people beat depression. Basically what happens is pain and fear create a story which becomes a reality that perpetually creates pain. To break the reality you have to know that the pain and fear are not real, and you are in control of labeling your pain and fear as positive....nothing positive can hurt you. The hardest part for people is letting that idea go. Pain and fear have to be real in the brain and people will fight to keep it. That is why helping someone from rock bottom is easier. They are at a point they realize their reality is not working and are open to change. This video is right. 99% still think what we live in real. People like Ford and Carnegie really understood our Matrix
"Could it be that we fundamentally don't want the truth but a story; a story to believe in, identify with, share with others, dwell on, share with others and, perhaps most importantly, to provide us with meaning and belonging." Very insightful. I can't help but have many of today's arguments regarding self‐identity and group identity brought to mind. The idea that many common ways people use to identify themselves or others with are a figment of one's own imagination and therefore can be changed through sheer force of will. We are becoming a society where others must agree with one's own perception of themselves, regardless of obvious evidence to the contrary. This is nothing short of madness.
I really feel like the Matrix has a strong connection with spiritual awakening. Like Eckhart Tolle said: 'Prisoner of the own mind, without knowing it.' It's releasing yourself from all the believes and limitations you ever made up about the world and yourself, and at the same time realising your own being in relation to this world, just by feeling it. Suddenly everything is possible. Isn't that just amazing? Blessings to you all
I thought it funny that you gave a spoiler warning for a 23 year old movie, then I realized that there are people today that haven't seen it. I remember it being such a massive hit that it seemed that everyone had seen it but then that was 23 years ago. This must be what getting old feels like.
I grew up with this movie. I don't remember a point in my life where I didn't know the Matrix. It has been my number 1 movie since childhood. Both shows like top gear and movies like the matrix raised me
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🎬 *Introduction to The Matrix* - The Matrix, created by the Wachowskis, is a highly influential science fiction film. - Overview of the film's plot and introduction of key characters, such as Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. 01:17 🤔 *Neo's Choice and Philosophical Themes* - Neo's choice between the blue and red pills symbolizes the philosophical theme of seeking truth. - Connection between The Matrix and Plato's Allegory of the Cave, exploring the nature of reality. - The film contains various philosophical and religious themes, such as prophecy, love, and living in a simulation. 03:14 🕳️ *Plato's Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix* - Comparison of Plato's Allegory of the Cave with Neo's journey in The Matrix. - The prisoners in Plato's cave and humans in The Matrix live in illusions, discovering the truth challenges their perception. - Analysis of the symbolism behind the cave, shadows, and the Matrix as illusions. 05:03 🔄 *Ascension and Descent in Reality* - Contrast between Plato's liberated man ascending to the light and Neo's descent into a harsh, machine-dominated reality. - Pleasures in the Matrix vs. challenges in the real world, questioning the desirability of truth. - Neo's initial refusal to accept the truth reflects the common human response to unsettling revelations. 07:22 🤐 *Denial and Resistance to Truth* - People's tendency to deny or resist the truth when it challenges their established beliefs. - The comfort of living in a false reality and the fear of identity-shaking revelations. - The role of mass media and entertainment in perpetuating deceptive narratives. 09:10 🤖 *Responsibility of the Philosopher* - The philosopher's responsibility to enlighten others, even in the face of resistance. - Agents in The Matrix as barriers to truth, drawing parallels with Plato's allegory. - Positive impact of liberation on individuals, paralleling Neo's acceptance of reality. 10:33 🔄 *Cypher's Regret and Different Perspectives* - Cypher's regret and desire to return to the Matrix for blissful ignorance. - Neo's contrasting fulfillment and meaning in liberation. - The impact of knowing the truth on one's perception of reality. 12:52 🤔 *Hedonistic Choices and Ignorance* - Cypher's hedonistic choice to exchange reality for blissful ignorance. - The irreversible nature of knowing the truth and its impact on relationships. - How nostalgia for ignorance persists even when faced with uncomfortable truths. 15:14 🎅 *Nostalgia and Enjoyment in Illusion* - Children's emotional reaction to learning the truth about Santa Claus, highlighting nostalgia for illusions. - The enjoyment of illusions, as seen in characters like the Oracle in The Matrix. - Suspension of disbelief as a common human phenomenon in embracing unreal experiences. 17:02 🤹 *Enjoyment of Fakery and Suspension of Disbelief* - Humans' capacity to temporarily accept and appreciate illusions for enjoyment. - The Matrix as a superior illusion compared to reality, drawing parallels with modern technology. - The philosophical concept of "suspension of disbelief" in human engagement with entertainment. 18:59 🤷 *Ambiguous Relationship with Truth* - Human ambiguity towards truth, depending on its form and magnitude. - Selective handling of facts and the complex relationship between truth and emotions. - Examples from Plato's allegory and The Matrix illustrating the multifaceted nature of human reactions to the truth. 20:23 🌐 *The Subjectivity of Truth and Its Impact* - The impact of truth varies based on individual perspectives and the context in which it is received. - Neo and Morpheus find meaning and purpose in the truth about the Matrix, contrasting with Cypher's cynical view. - People tend to adopt surrogate truths to cope with their realities, either covering up pain or reinforcing dark worldviews. 21:18 🤝 *Group Dynamics and Truth* - The role of shared truth in group dynamics, exemplified by religious, political, and social groups. - Belonging to a group can provide purpose and connections, but dissenting views may lead to ostracization. - Dark side of suspension of disbelief: individuals ignore the truth for convenience, belonging, or fear of exclusion. 22:12 📖 *Truth as Story and Human Desire* - The idea that both truth and lies manifest as stories, raising the question of whether humans fundamentally desire a narrative. - The preference for 'a' truth rather than 'the' truth, emphasizing the subjective nature of reality. - Humans seeking stories for belief, identification, sharing, contemplation, and to derive meaning and a sense of belonging. Made with HARPA AI
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo PLEASE BE CAREFUL BUT YES THE PENTECOSTAL TONGUES CHRISTIANITY BACKWARDS IS THERE DEMONIC LANGUAGE AND SIMULATION HQ. I ❤ love you all who read this and don't:) forever Only in Valeria.
I am guilty of both, seeking Truth but hoping there is any thing worth believing in that would make sense of all that surrounds us to salve the pain of reality.
*“If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” - Jim Rohn*
At a point in my youth, I decided for myself that knowing the truth is more important than anything. Since then, I've learned that over 90% of the time I have experienced what is true in life, it would be easier and happier to not know. I stayed the course, and realized you can have better control of your existence knowing what is true. Its a hard and lonely path. But its real. It makes all of the good things you experience more valuable.
When I look back at when the matrix came out in 1999. I was blown away of how far ahead it was of its time is it in 2024 it is still far ahead of its time. Plato’s cave is like being on our phones and social media.
People with personality traits that are more prone to depression are typically much more able to seek, accept and speak the truth. It can be depressing and many people have no tolerance for feeling depressed so they stay in the matrix, distracted and intoxicated.
Yes and people with personal traits like depression are diagnosed as defective and medicated, almost like a blue pill scenario if one was referring to the matrix
Literally me, I experience shit when I was 8 years old but somehow, I feel more happy to see the truth. I feel sorry to my friends who would never come out of their comfort bubble shell, I wish I could be honest and tell them more about my deep within personality self, but they all never want to talk about it as if I'm turning crazy just because I'm no longer a human being. Because of that, I won't need them anymore. Living in a bubble life with so many technologies now, I feel completely sad not able to talk about political and philosophy stuff with them, but I knew that they would be questioning me to stop talking about it since they don't want anything to hurt their illusion life. I regret terribly telling him the matrix movie, I wish I didn't say it
@@cristianm7097 Not contrary. Though both can be true, a mature integrated adult who is higher on trait neuroticism and tends toward depression can tolerate depressive facts when encountered on a pursuit of the truth or goal.
Until we've experienced everything and thought everything, what choice is there but to learn from others about the experiences and thoughts they have, or that others have had. A movie like Ghost Dog or a story like Sophie's Choice read deep into us to help us discover our own feelings and ideas about important issues. Matrix hits about 20 different major issues. Can we reject all we've been taught? No, that would leave us ungrounded and unable to deal with our own very real world. But, as we grow, we can consider alternatives and adjust ourselves. In fact, this is one of the most important things we can do to be free and to be who we want to be.
Most people look for something that makes them happy and makes life livable. Truth is harsh and can depress some people. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, ignorance is truly bliss. Once you see the truth you can't unsee it.
As you know, humans are greedy and power hungry, would you be surpised if they've already had taken over the world? the world is ruled by a small group of powerful people which want to create a totalitarian dystopian new world order
Never forget what happens with the one who tries to free the other prisoners in Plato’s cave allegory: they kill him. Same thing happens to Neo trying to save everyone.
I think it’s worth saying that the characters who escaped the matrix may never know if the “real world” they escaped to is any more real than the matrix, or simply a higher level simulation. For better or worse, reality is subjective
So what if it would be a higher level simulation what then would be reality or wouldn’t there be a reality and would simulations just be the reality wich makes the simulation they are in reality?
@@TheGarlicfather I think at some level there’s no way to any definitive answer. Even when there’s an apparent end, there can always possibly be another layer
@@Mike-ge7pe But that doesn’t change the fact that there is a answer and there is the truth even tho you can never know for certain that you are existing in the truth or maybe you will when you arrive to the truth cause the truth has no illusions and mysteries
This hurts most after the awakening. That is why it takes courage, a lot of courage. That is why most of the people will do everything to ignore the truth. Subconsciously they know they are in the cave. They dislike you when you tell them there is another reality.
The painful reality that our health is entirely our own responsibility. The entire world is gaslit into thinking someone else holds the key to healthy living.
What of those born into disease? Are they responsible too? The foetal alcohol damaged? The foetal drug damaged? Others born into malnutrition? Not everyone wins in the lottery of life my friend.
What's the key to healthy living? My grandpa turned 100, and I'm not sure I want to reach that age, therefore I'm consciously happy I splurge at McD once in a full moon.
@@CRHall-ud9mq Exactly, I'm not afraid of death, but we are all afraid of pain, both physical and existential. A heart attack nowadays seems like a wonderful death, it's quick and relatively painless. Think about it.
Our lives are spent constantly going in and out of the matrix, we've evolved this way so we can survive in this world, I don't think existing 100% on either one is healthy or even possible, in a way we take a third pill, a purple one. Great video, as always. Greetings from the US!
I think Taoism has the answer for this. It describes the 'way' as walking the line between order & chaos ( the line seperating the two halves in the yin-yang symbol). Through my personal understanding, i think balance is key to living fully. By being in harmony, both in body & soul, we can get the best of both worlds- 'the matrix' & "the truth'.
This is very true. Even the people who THINK they took the red pill take the blue pill in certain aspects of life or they are just miserable all alone with what they think is the truth. The human mind doesnt really want the truth. I wish very often that I was comfortable enough in the matrix not to seek truth. The happiest people on earth and the happiest we have ever been are when we are children and children are completely plugged in and dont seek any truth, they just live minute to minute as if life has no meaning. Only when we seek meaning do we realize that something is not right in the matrix and we seek A truth, not THE truth. And even when we discover it, so what then? The facts still remain, we have a brief existence on earth and there is probably nothing after. Now what? Congrats you miserable bastard you just get to walk around thinking everyone else is living a lie (and many of them happily blissfully doing so) and we have our truth and we get arrogant and pompous in our discovery but what does that really bring us? A superiority over the unawake? I envy the unawake because their ignorance really is bliss.
@@markprocheska7302 i've been exactly where you are right now. Thinking & feeling the same things. I too felt discouraged by the seemingly perfect, happy lives of the very fortunate/ignorant. My own misfortunes & mistakes caused me to doubt every decision i'd ever taken. It's a trap. Making my way out of it, i peeled back the layers of my mind & my reality. Beneath the envy & frustration you feel there is more of YOU left to be discovered. I encourage you to just take a moment. Be still. Breathe. If you can, start to look within. You'll be surprised with what you'll find. I wish you well Mark.
The steak analogy is spot-on - it's easier to just eat whatever one was taught before being able to speak or make decisions, and ignore the reality of factory farms, climate impact, health... the matrix is indeed everywhere around us, in the restaurants, in the government subsidies, in the culture >
Ive left the cave and tried to tell the others. Its a very sad moment when you realize your friends and family would rather be shackled to a cave wall than go through growing pains of the reality we actually live in.
@@rhettwilson1558 lol bohemian Grove isn't shit. None of these "SeCrEt SoCiEtIeS" are shit. If you REALLY want to get a glimpse. Begin meditation and follow it hard. Meditate on your diaphragm in complete darkness and lack of thought(this will be incredibly difficult, will seem impossible in the beginning). You will be charging your yang (this is just level 1 too) which will be actually very beneficial to you, but the things you may see along the way, will be eye opening, and potentially terrifying. There's no point in telling you about the other levels because 95% of ppl will not make it past level 1.
Not everybody is ready to leave the cave, you have to understand and respect that. But don't let the others stop you from leaving yourself, just don't force them to go with you. It's like a bunch of people playing Dungeons and Dragons, or some other fantasy game, or who are really into a movie or Video Game. Just cause you want to go outside and do something real, doesn't mean they won't get mad at you when you say it's just a stupid game.
"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." - Voltaire Maybe none of us are perceiving the reality/the truth for what it is but rather for what we wish it to be. How much reality can humankind bear? Thanks for sharing the video 🙂 It gave me a lot to think about.
Illusion and phantasy is the seed of suffering. We create worlds in our mind, and after a while we think these worlds are reality, and by doing so we can't see reality anymore, only the now matters. To live fully in the present moment, without any illusions.
You have every right to think what you like you have no right to impose your thoughts upon others. It's up to them if they listen or not. Unless of course you're a good little commie and work for daddy government. At that point you lose all privilege of thought and are disposed of.
@@eiseneuter2034 i don't agree... i can think of many examples where illusions are a required motivator, and many other times where reality presents facts that we interpret correctly only for circumstances to change - practically an illusion just but not in technicality.
I found this to be very relatable from the viewpoint of WW1 survivors, where young men and boys went to war with knowledge of glory and victory from stories and history, but when faced with the shocking reality and survival an ordeal that strips them from bonds and connections that gave them identity, cost big time in trying to cope survive the peace..
My life isn't better as a result of going down the conspiracy hole. I try to stay positive that us freedom lovers will win but I spend a lot if time feeling overwhelmed and fearful of what the rich and powerful have planned next for us. Perhaps this is a character flaw. After all, everything is only a matter of perception.
@@lisalph8922 perspective wonders if you think there needs to be a fight also would like to know what does free mean. Also hopes your mind is free from religiously.
The Matrix was a wake up call that proved most people prefer to live ignorant of reality because of the endless tunnel of feelings that can overwhelm you if you don't see it through to the end
Brain 🧠 is predictive machine sitting inside skull completely dark inside and pinching 🤏 neuronal electronic messages from senses and building the reality
The problem is we are using our brains in almost everything.Mind you,there is the heart,why not use it as a blue print then the brain as an enabling mechanism..Tha way we will be able to see accept and or act along the trueth..Otherwise the trueth ultimatly overcomes the lie..Good and Evil war..Norwonder there is Ammagideon..
In my youth I took my mom to see the 2 best movies of their time Star Wars and The Matrix, with my young daughter, at a neighborhood theater. Both were wide eyed and amazed beyond words with Trinity's opening scene. I had already seen it earlier in the week so we went on a Saturday.
Great vid... I think one thing often overlooked in this type of discussion... Is the warped sense of time one gains after freeing themselves of an illusion or finding out the truth... One may move hastily towards a new so called truth or... Procrastinate from making any new decisions in fear of falling for a new lie...in my experience... Formulating a plan if action, and a process that identifies whether you are moving towards truth or constantly falling down the rabbit hole is key... A great way to do this is to just make a decision and on the way keep fact checking whether the decision is right, and never be afraid evr again to change your mind if you find out it was wrong decision!
I'm normally impressed by your videos and enjoy every single one of them ; I must say though, wow, this one was at a whole different level! Well done, keep it up - looking forward to hopefully many more videos to come!
What manifested for Neo, once understanding and accepting the truth, I think, symbolically appears as strength and resilience. Anything other than the truth, no matter how theoretically believable, will ultimately lead to perplexity and weaken rational. Brilliant video and all content! Many thanks.
There's a sense in which what you're saying is correct when the supernatural and the natural overlap and a person witnesses a miracle and is therefore perplexed, but often times the supernatural is hidden and expressed in subtle ways, and this is "the splinter in the back of everyone's mind", which The Matrix film is referring to. In other words, there is a knowledge embedded in every person that knows the supernatural exists and God exists. Part of the message of the film is to say that people are not wanting to find God and like and enjoy their lives as they've always lived it. If you look at the reason why Neo did not believe in fate when Morpheus asked him if he believed in fate, the reason he didn't believe in it is because "He didn't like the idea of not being in control of his own life". In other words, not believing in God produces a short-term benefit, or at least the illusion of a benefit. If a person doesn't find God, he can shape his life however he wants. He can decide what best suits him. He does not have to restrict himself to observe statutes or commandments or conform his life. If someone says that he ought to do this that a person doesn't want to do, he can simply disagree and continue living as he decides. Thus, Neo, at his state of unbelief, prefer that unbelief because of a type of freedom, or the illusion of a freedom, but in all actuality it is a prison. This represents the blue pill 🔵. However, in those times where the truth is expressed subtly, it isn't fully hidden where people are not aware of it, but a person's subconscious picks up on it while the person's conscious mind suppresses it or attempts to explain his experiences according to the natural world as it assists in one's denial of God's existence. With that said, it's not necessarily true that truth, no matter how theoretically believed, will ultimately lead to perplexing and weaken rationale. The reason is because someone can be very skillful in his view of reality, like The Psychiatrist in The Matrix 4 trailer, for example. The Matrix 4 trailer with a psychiatrist in Neo sitting in a chair represents an irony, that The Psychiatrist who is well regarded and wise according to this world, holds a prestigious profession, has degrees of education, and respected is actually the one who should be taking the advice from The Patient who is seemingly a nobody, a layman, a person who holds supernatural beliefs whom the world regards as ignorant, or gullible, or crazy, or taken by his imaginations. However, in spite of *THE APPEARANCE (🔵),* it is actually *the patient* who has the truth, and the prestigious educated individual is deceived, and in fact his education hinders him from receiving the truth, as you can clearly see a well-meaning psychiatrist trying to "help" a truth telling patient out of what he believes is a delusion, what it is actually true, and therefore a well-meaning psychiatrist is opposed to the actual truth directly because of how his mind thinks which is opposed to the supernatural and therefore God by nature. 1 Corinthians 2:14 - But the natural man *receiveth not* the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: *neither can he know them,* because they are *SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED.* The natural man is not perplexed in his life because he has made himself skillful in his prison. It is possible for a man to become skillful in a lie and be even wiser in that lie than a person is in the truth. A lazy man, for example, can be wiser in his own conceit than seven men who can give him a reason to work, and the lazy man can defeat the wisdom of seven men, *and yet the lazy man is still wrong.* This means a person very much is capable of strengthening the illusion of his eyes. Proverbs 26:16 - The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason. Luke 16:8 - And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation *wiser than the children of light.* The movie is saying that people are *choosing* not to find God through a sophisticated mental just mechanism, and they're unbelief is actually a supernatural hold by demonic forces that keep that person in unbelief (the agents). The Matrix being a system is a system of information that is presented in a false way to alter the perception of the observer in order to cause him to believe the lie above the truth. Thus, people look at how things appear and arrive to false conclusions, not being aware that they're being lied to which results in their unbelief in God. Therefore, anything that leads a person to a conclusion away from God *is part of the system.* However, because people identify with these beliefs by which gives them the freedom to shape the their lives however they desire, they will fight to defend it, saying "I can do what I want with my body", "there's nothing wrong with being with someone you love", "there is no truth", "good and evil is just a matter of perspective", etc. It is a subconscious choice people make which causes them not to find God, but it is still a choice nonetheless. People prefer the illusion, and this is one of the reasons why people can take so many nuggets and truths out of this Matrix film, *and yet never understand the core of its message,* because the person isn't actively looking God in his life, but looking to see his own wisdom reflected back at himself through what he perceives from The Matrix film. This brings context to scriptures like this: Proverbs 18:2 - A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. This is not to call anyone a fool, but it is to say to live this way is not wise and does not lead to the truth. The Matrix film is about Jesus Christ, and it is telling the viewer that *he is* The Truth. Not only is the Matrix film telling the audience that Jesus is the truth, but this is coming from a source or a group of people who aren't even Christians who are telling you that Jesus is The Truth.
@@cheeseburger3209 I'm glad you found it beneficial. To be honest, I haven't even scratched the surface of the core message of this film yet. There are films like this one, but none as thorough as this one. The message from this film is actually a very true message, and it's much more shocking than people may perceive, because if people truly knew and understood the core message of this film, their lives would change forever, and it would change the world. It's a film takes multiple philosophies, both secular and religious, and collects religions from around the world so that this message from the film would apply to absolutely everyone, and they placed Jesus at the very center of all of these religious views as to collect the entire body of the world of people in order to inform them of something specific within Christianity in particular. It's directing agnostics, atheists, new age, and Eastern religions' attention to Christianity. I don't know how whoever made this film is aware of certain things in Christianity, but they're aware of some secrets in Christianity that not even many Christians are aware of. The people who made this film are not even Christians, and yet they're still telling the audience that Jesus is in fact the true God, and the more closely a person slowly studies The Gospels and the things taught in the Bible, the more person pays attention to what's going on in The Bible, the more they'll start to see a very *significant* connection, and the information in the film is *very* relevant.
@@Bi0Dr01d Jesse Lee Peterson speaks to these truths too. A lot of people know about god (Biblical academics for lack of a better term), but few know him.
Morpheus gave Neo the choice. It was very difficult and hard choice to make. But Neo realizes that the only right way is to follow the path of the truth. It is a chance that have been given to a very few people...
As of late I’ve been a firm believer that religion is very closely connected to addiction…people don’t want a truth if it’s not religious….they want a truth that they can attach religion to if they’re religious…humans long for organization…and anything that seems chaotic or not structured is absolutely always rejected…even by me….I need to feel like the universe can explain who I am…therefore I’m more likely to gravitate towards that resolve
I remember leaving the movie theater after this movie was finished thinking their trying to tell us something we aren’t in the real world we’re in the Truman show these two films left an impact on my mind years later well they weren’t wrong ..
I’ve always felt something strange was watching me or manipulating my life. I’ve been known to say I’m living in the matrix or my life is like the Truman show. I’m telling you my life has been a strange one and doesn’t align with any reality I know. Yet I somehow know it. People seem to know me. Yet I don’t know them. Multiple people act strange and do the same thing at once. One such strange example was that after this never happened to me before, a group of men all unrelated to each other mentioned my boobs were big. When I protested that this was inappropriate to say they all said I had a bad attitude and would never find a man. Never happened since Another example is that every time I wore a certain outfit in my own home. Nobody could see. People would come to tease me. Nobody could possibly know
Wow! This is an incredibly well done summary. I have been following your channel for years now. Your instinct for clarity has meant great content consistently. It is inspiring to see your determined pursuit of Truth and the sincerity of your presentation. This video covers so much, so neatly. Thank you.
Man I been watching your videos for years. I actually watched this one multiple times. I appreciate all the knowledge you've given me up til now and the future.
I find myself in this same sort of position when telling others of codependency & the freedom this knowledge has provided me. I did find it truly astonishing people unwilling to receive & examine data. For me, knowledge is power; knowledge is freedom. I would always rather have THE truth than an acceptable facsimile. Knowing this information feels like a super power because I can interact with the world at a deeper level of understanding. For me, that deeper level of understanding will always be more important than a false enjoyable reproduction.
@@iamfiguringoutwhoiam Freedom from blame. Freedom from persecution. Freedom from a mental prison. If you do not know this freedom, I highly encourage you to study & become free yourself.
@@iamfiguringoutwhoiam , for me it was freedom from anger and resentment. It was having compassion for the hurt that those who tormented me must have gone through. It was freedom from constantly reacting to incoming stimuli without awareness. Being able to observe my thoughts and emotions as I was experiencing them. Being able to observe the emotions and actions of others and detecting what they might be experiencing.
The Matrix broke me in a deep existential way at 17 years old. Trust me. You don't want the truth. There is nothing you can do once you know anyway, so just live your lives and try to be forces for good.
@@gloriouslyaesthetic one reality is how evil the people running the world are, but it’s obvious if you look, war, starvation, child labour, human trafficking, every single one of these issues are easily solvable if someone with power wanted to solve them, but the kind of people who want to solve them don’t have any power, and the people with the power have no desire to solve them, they would actually like to see things become much worse for anyone who isn’t them. There ya go the ugly reality of this world.
@@gloriouslyaestheticthe truth is how choice is an illusion created by the big business firms the ones incharge, the fact is we don't have a choice and the more you think on it the more you realise it since we all are chasing something in life we tend to forget that this chase is programmed into our minds to control is like the movie, we people who live in constant stress of getting to the top are like the batteries for the top corporates, banks and politicians to fullfill their needs, we are their slave and this enslavement is not seen in real life like the Matrix, we can feel it around us but can't see it cause this is the enslavement of mind..
Profoundly stated. After hundreds of other analisies, yours is the first I have really enjoyed. Being a person for whom all things film, I look forward to watching your other works. Thank you.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo PLEASE BE CAREFUL BUT YES THE PENTECOSTAL TONGUES CHRISTIANITY BACKWARDS IS THERE DEMONIC LANGUAGE AND SIMULATION HQ. I ❤ love you all who read this and don't:) forever Only in Valeria.
The relationship with the truth is quite spot on. Admittedly sometimes, I have bouts about this. For instance in matters of health. If one finds out he has this or that disease, he knows it comes with restrictions as to what to eat, do etc. It means having to give up something they have been comfortable enjoying for quite a while.
Over 1M subscribers - Congratulation, so very well deserved! Every video uploaded is a treasure, proper piece of art. I love this channel! It got me out of very sad and unpleasant state of mind. Thank you for your work!🙋🏼♀️
What a great video you put together! Thanks for the tremendous work that you did. IMO the Matrix is one of the top five films of all time! I would also include in that mix The wizard of OZ and Back to the future as well. All three with hidden meaning(s) and great storylines.
The Wachowskis are brilliant beings. Their work is always somehow connected to the struggle to be fully and completely human. I have become more and more interested in the way we use stories to create our identities and realities, and how seriously we take them. So seriously that we would kill a concept all who believe differently. The choice between the red pill and the blue pill is about truth, but it is also about responsibility. Those choosing the blue pill return to a system which absolves them of personal responsibility and power in exchange for the relative comfort and safety of the Matrix. Which is an illusion within the illusion. I think about the scene with Cypher quite often, especially presented with difficult challenges. But, I have always wanted to know the truth, all of it. So, there is no going back. Thank you so much for creating this video. It is great to revisit this masterpiece from time to time.
There's a reason 'Jesus only spoke to his disciples in parables'. Jesus was a perfect mirror of God. God/nature speaks to us in stories, the events around us every second. It's up to us to seek truth and decode the stories and find ourselves inside them.
In Matrix reloaded after Neo tells the truth to Morpheus, that the one was another system of control, Morpheus rejects the truth saying he doesn't believe that. Just like mentioned at 21:22 Morpheus was just looking for A truth but not THE truth, and in a way supported the "religion" around "the One" because that was the "truth" that gave the outcome that he wanted.
I was pondering this, for days now and you just solved the puzzle. New Agers are selling we are all one but I know this incorrect. I know we can claim family of one but we were ALL created individually. So I see the story of we are one as yet another additional system of control to keep us from our individual truth. I appreciate you
Just like Christianity. Another false religion of the matrix. Neo the as controlled opposition just like the game Master said in the end. He was a necessary evil for th machines.
First time I saw this as a kid I thought it was a fantastic movie. Only many years later have I understood the truth behind the movie and there is nothing that beats it. When people ask me what my favourite movie is: I always say the matrix and people tend to look down as they think of it as action movie, I only smirk back because they wouldn't understand.
Yeah indeed the movie isn't what will wake you up, but will resonate in your thoughts as soon as you're ready to relate. The moment you understand this movie at its core, your life changes forever and you start to see the trends in every other movies you watched and will watch.
I don’t know many people that look down on someone saying the Matrix is their favorite film. It has aged fantastically almost 30 years later, the messages are deep and thought provoking, and the action is beautifully choreographed
@Bankai2169 The movie includes many philosophical truths. The awakening (red pill) mostly refers to Plato's cavern analogy. Many more are present and that is why it will NEVER get old.
I love the way you encapsulate the idea in the last minute, starting @ 21:59 . I've always noticed that people are very narrative driven, we try to fit truth into a narrative that we can make sense of with the pieces we've already accepted into our mental toy box. Also loved the theme in this video of focusing on how, in Plato's work, the outside world is an objectively better experience, but in the Matrix it's kinda shitty and harder to see the silver lining. I never really focused on that aspect of it before. Well done m8, good show.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo PLEASE BE CAREFUL BUT YES THE PENTECOSTAL TONGUES CHRISTIANITY BACKWARDS IS THERE DEMONIC LANGUAGE AND SIMULATION HQ. I ❤ love you all who read this and don't:) forever Only in Valeria.
Your video quality keeps getting better, really great work! Clear and reasonable structure, clear presentation of the main arguments and on top of that you went into thought-provoking reflections at the end of the video that went beyond the actual frame of the movie. Keep it up!
It is because truth equals responsibility and most people are immoral. Truth is Consciousness and Consciousness is Truth. Once we become become aware of a truth and we know it as Truth, we become conscious to it and once we are conscious of something, we cannot become unconscious to it. If we do not like that truth (the truth is not inline with our inner moral compass) then we are morally obligated to apply action in order to try to change that truth so that it is inline with our moral compass. Most people do not want the responsibility that truth brings so they will fight nail and tooth their whole lives to avoid becoming aware of Truth as it means they will have to then take ownership of the truth and apply themselves which is hard uncomfortable work. Sadly most people are lazy and very selfish and the hardest truths to change in this world is the ones about ourselves. I personaly see the SEE NO EVIL HEAR NO EVIL SPEAK NO EVIL MONKEYS as being a perfect representation of this. Evil is nothing more then selfishness. If we do not SEE evil acts being committed and we do not HEAR of evil acts being committed then we are unconscious to those evil acts being committed and thus are not morally culpable or obligated to SPEAK out against those evil acts.🙈🙉🙊 Responsibility is hard and it cuts into our play time and sadly most of us are cosmic children who do not want to truely grow up into a cosmic adult as we want to play all the time like monkeys. Hope this helps to give you some perspective as to why people want to fight us when we try to help them by offering truth.
Yes, the verbal lashings and attacks...I learned to leave people in their womb's demise until/unless they ASK "WTF: Do you see what I see?" Maybe if I were a rich guru, my concern would be heeded.
@create306 had a disagreement with someone recently about music, pink floyd's music tells stories and he said they were shit as they had never done any " feel good songs".
The sad reality in the movie is that after the third movie neo saved them from the matrix only to be left to the devices of the matrix we battle every day. As long as individuals follow others against their conscience, the Matrix will endure.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo PLEASE BE CAREFUL BUT YES THE PENTECOSTAL TONGUES CHRISTIANITY BACKWARDS IS THERE DEMONIC LANGUAGE AND SIMULATION HQ. I ❤ love you all who read this and don't:) forever Only in Valeria.
They are about to be woken up too. So relax you're not insane. Things are about to get crazy. The real Neo is here and about to make himself known. A biker gang is about to belly flop onto the world stage. The leader of the Diablos MC is the new Christ. Listen to back in black by acdc, or Symphony of Destruction by megadeath. Anything by Metallica. Or the song Everybody Knows. Listen to the words. EVERYTHING is about to change. But relax, he's here to help. Queen said his first name at the very beginning of the song Another One Bites the Dust. After it comes out reply to this message and I'll let you meet him.
That's why when Neo goes in the fake Matrix for training purposes for the 1rst time he's having hard time walking in the opposite way of people while Morpheus having less difficulty hands in his back showing perfect control dodging every one. Because he got used to. Then he got distracted by the lady in red, forgetting where he really is and then realizes that losing focus at this point can be costly because when he turns back, Mr Smith waits for him with a gun to his face. So this is the part you are referring to. People will see you as an annoying entity walking in the opposite direction than the whole world. That's why you are so often called a "conspirationist" and if you lose your focus and start to see too many things that might be but aren't, then your done and they win. You have to pretend you're still one of them and learn how to live with the new you. From that moment, you can become what you want and beat the program.
That's simply called complex family trauma. The "woke" one is usually the one who gets mobbed in a sick family. That's why the word "woke" is such a trigger for crackpot media.
In high school I had to take a class called Theory of Knowledge and my teacher's favorite thing to say was, "how do you know what you claim to know?" He used it so much- we hated it. But bro was speaking facts
@@Thalesium - I have the opposite experience. It’s not about forgetting. It’s about acknowledging that you don’t know what is the truth but that you know what you are experiencing is real to you at the moment. There’s a scene in Sword Art Online where the main character enjoys the beautiful day in the fake VR world they are stuck in. Instead of fighting the reality he existed in and hating it, he understood that it wasn’t real but that what he experienced was real inside him. So no matter what you think about reality, what matters is what you feel and experience about it. It could all be a simulation but what you experience within you is real and no one can take that away from you… except maybe yourself if you allow nihilism to consume you. You can focus on the abstractness of reality or you can focus on what you know is real inside of you. If you have a hard time figuring out what’s real inside you, well you should consider figuring out who you are first before focusing on what reality is outside of you.
Truth is just a word, a concept of our mind. The last few sentences sum up my believes pretty well, I found so many so different truth throughout my life that I just started looking for great philosophical story's as well as a positive outlook on the Life. As Sassy the Sasquatch ones said "You see it when you believe it"
Nietzsche dragged me out of the cave, I'm always angry or at least annoyed I can see why most people prefer lies. It's so frustrating but it's better than being a sucker I guess.
Next step is to work towards radical acceptance of what is. Then you will lose your anger and annoyance. It is not that you have to like what is, just accept what is. Then you can work within that to better yourself and your situation as you see fit.
You know, the theory I love the most about the matrix is that Zion is a nested matrix, Inception style. Because it shows how taking the dude from the cave into an IMAX is still not showing him the truth. Same with Nietzsche. I too thought I saw through the veil with him, only to find it another cage.
Taking the redpill is not for everyone. I took it one year ago, and it has been traumatizing. But I had to, it wasn't a choice but a must. Realizing what reality really is and then accepting it is the hardest battle of life. But I guess once you accept it, you will be freed forever.
@@law_9840 - I feel you because once I found out how the real world was it was a 1080 turn into the river bed. It didn’t help that I was depressed but once I cleared my head with the reality that in this world I was going to be alone and that not everybody including your best friends and family is going to understand you😔. Found out that close friends of mine weren’t really close and that they never really helped me and that It was the other way around. When I tried to vent and talk to someone like my family or friends but nobody cares. I had worked with people that treated me like shit and made me feel that I was a nobody. I felt hopeless at that time. Depression didn’t help, but nothing at that time felt great. But once I started to accepted the reality and figure out what I needed to do. I was a new person. Nobody really knows about this because I really work on myself than be silence about it. I don’t let it get to me because I’m know that I’m not alone. For the few friends that I have, even though they’re far away and busy we still try to see each other and are happy with our progress. I’m glad that I took that Pill, I had developed my own self and will continue to be. I’m free from the chains that I was once bonded by society and accepted from my peers. I’m more awake that my existence in this world isn’t a Hinder to people.
Yes, it's really hard to acknowledge THE truth (especially the gloomy truths of the world we live in today), because it isolates us from many of our friends and family members, because they find it too frightening to acknowledge those truths as well. So, very often, nowadays, discovering and acknowledging THE truth, leaves us quite lonely...
Acceptance is key. You can transform that coldness into warmth with the right understanding. Solitude and loneliness aren't the same. Solitude when met with radical acceptance slowly but surely turns into pure love for everyone and everything. Sending lots of love, you're significantly stronger than you think. ❤️
I mean, finding joy after knowing the truth is still possible and in fact, helps to be more happy. Remember that we need a balance in life, for instance, drinking alcohol, it is bad but it makes you feel happy because you are doing doing that gives you joy. Black and white is not good and I would say, knowing the truth is a usually a greater choice but some people trade it off for happiness. I'd say no one is wrong as long as people don't do absurd or exaggerate things
Check out my novel - The Urge: Fall of a Stoic: einzelganger.co/urge
partner/collab nwcinc.
Why am I being shown this?
When humans are conceived in the womb, there are many forces at play. You are not a brand-new being, as your scientists proclaim, but a multifaceted spiritual essence who chooses to create a body to experience things you have not understood in previous or simultaneous lifetimes. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? Well, in some ways the truth is far simpler and yet far more complex than you have been told. Those of you who believe in one life, and one life only, are way off the mark, and those of you who believe in reincarnation and a long and simple line of lifetime after lifetime, one leading into the other, are a little closer to the truth - but still way off the target that we are telling you about.
The truth is that your lifetimes are many and varied, and they occur simultaneously. They occur in many dimensions, all at the same time - patchworks in three dimensions that connect and affect each other all the time. Changes you make in this apparent life will affect those in the “past” and, indeed, those in the “future.” This sounds fantastic within the context of the three-dimensional patterns that you believe are true, but this is the truth of the matter.
When you are conceived in the lifetime you think is your only existence, your higher self - what we will call your oversoul - is planning each and every birth, and there may be many, even hundreds, all going on at the same time. You see, the time and space model you believe in so strongly is only one small sliver of reality you have access to. We as spiritual teachers have a far wider rage of vision, so we can help you understand that which you do not comprehend, given the misinformation you have been fed.
You are a multifaceted mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspect of a far larger self that is collecting, experiencing, proving,and disproving theories about existence by manifesting into many forms, times, and places to maximize experience. This creates an influx of information for the oversoul to integrate, learn, and even unlearn all that it needs to create more and more blissful experiences.
One of the reasons there seem to be many problems in this life you are currently experiencing is you are working with untrue belief systems that are creating havoc in the physical realm you call life.
But as you go through these unpleasant experiences, you begin to question things you believe to be true, and as you do, you become teachable, willing to accept the idea that life could be better and that perhaps there is another way. You feel it has to be better than this, and that is why you are here reading this book. And you are right - there is a better way. But the rules of the Universal Mind require that you come to it of your own volition, so those of you questioning, those of you wondering how you can make a better life, how you can experience more health, more abundance, and more passion, have con?ured us up to help you understand the true mechanisms of the universe and how it works.
There are aspects of yourself that you would call past lives who are experiencing different times and places at this very moment.
Sometimes ideas and images, both positive and negative, will drift in or bleed through from these other selves. You may be drawn to a particular time and place in history over and over again, for example, or you may be afraid of dying in a particular way and have no idea why.
Often these are your other lives giving you information about their existence and helping or hindering you on your current journey.
Your video highlights the difficulty and resistance people face when confronted with harsh realities and the nature of human perception and ignorance. Thanks!
@@WisdomLife9 We have been "programmed" into the idea that ETs and Spirituality are not real.
The Matrix movies are based on the Gnostic and Tibetan Book of the Dead, but those who had the idea for the movie had dreams about it as well. Rmt Vwrs or "psychic spies" targeted reincarnation in 2016 and found this:
"Moksha (freedom of reincarnation) is analogous to having all the vise-grips and cables being ripped out of the head and finally being liberated.
Why was the system created? This control system is just a small component of a larger system; the controllers are like demons; the alchemical process of the mayhem and negativity on the Planet's surface feeds the controllers; some of these energies or Soul aspects are extracted and shipped off somewhere else; "enslaved", bundled up like twigs for kindling; massive amount of injustice; system was created to provide fuel and energy for other systems and conquest (sort of like to feed the expanding "empire"); the energy empowers the massive system."
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius
What is true?
@@David-eu1ms an opinion that multiple people agree on
Postmodernism be like:
(* except this statement)
Yet how often do we claim to know the truth in everything we hear and see... It's appalling to even admit to ourselves 😅😈
“The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao”- Lao Tzu
I was having this discussion with someone yesterday. It's like we're regressing as a society. The most shocking thing is when you speak the truth people look at you as if you're insane.
Yes, regressing while the prevailing school of political thought tells us that we are progressing.
"The most shocking thing is when you speak the truth people look at you as if you're insane." - and how so you are so sure that your truth is THE truth? For me you are just presumptuous, sure about your superiority. They are for sure wrong, when they think I'm insane.
The vaccinated stare…
Think a mi alone SMH
True! I'm so thankful that some understands
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain
Interestingly, there is no evidence that Mark Twain ever said this.
idiot is = fool ?
@@miaferrari958 "How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!"--Mark Twain
Others have paraphrased it into the often mis-attributed quote.
You got fooled.
Guys the real truth is there is no truth
As a kid I loved matrix for it's innovative film making, effects, fights, sci FI. Today I love it even more because of the message.
Same. As an adult it's even more incredible
What’s the message?
@@cleofore you are conditioned
- j krishnamurti
What is the message?
When you are able to figure out when someone is lying or manipulating you it's almost like a superpower but it only comes after carefully analyzing and connecting a long series of inconsistencies
It's not the only way but possibly the most ignorant.
Try telepathy or ai or even a study in super position or psychology over a long series.
learning the red flags of narcissism helps speed up one's exit
Yep, that goes for cheating & lying. You will catch the person with numerous lies & weird behavior, until your able to put the pieces together. Now that you know the truth, do you except your reality or continue making excuses for someone who is playing you for a fool??????
Yeah like my 50
Why not harness the narcissist? There is a use for everything if you can notice the pattern and (safely) manipulate it for your needs. Ex. If you find a waterfall, build a waterwheel under it and benefit from the natural current. Convert the natural force into a useable form of energy for your needs and let the waterfall rage on.
Or not, idk.
" If you have to be persuaded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized...If all of this is neccessary to gain your compliance ~ You can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest "
- Ian Watson
Antivaxxer!!! How dare you.
@@Tom-ye5dn anti-mRna-er
This is exactly what governments around the world are doing especially with the vax and the covid Nazis.
Slowly eroding our human rights
Not in every case. It depends on the context.
"The Matrix wasn't a movie, it was a documentary." - Keanu Reeves ❤️
Keanu actually escaped the Matrix and is trying to free us all as we speak.
No, he never said that. Matrix is a philosophocal concept, ypu sholud not understandi it literally - the same as the Bible
They live wasn't a movie it was a documentary - Roddy Piper
The essence is Bhagavad Gita!
I understood most of the movie alagories, but never knew of the Plato story until now. This brings an incredible new dimension to The Matrix and the human condition. Thank you.
have a look at who else was when plato was around, and find out how he died, u will be extreme suprised
I had philosophy classes before watching the Matrix. Different order, same result 😊
Go beyond, get past concepts. Truth is beyond seeing there is a matrix in the way humans see themselves and live life.
@Sean-vh8pm - depends how far you want to go... "Simulacron-3" (1964) > and then "World on a Wire"(1973), or more recent "13th Floor" (1999).
Then you have books such as "Neuromancer" (1984), "Simulacra and Simulation" (1981), Snow Crash (2000). Or older one such as Heinlein "They" (1941). Not exacly pure simulation that one, but close enough. So those concepts have been known for a while, it is just Matrix put them together much better, into one good movie.
Or the usuall approach of Jung or even Joseph Campbell, Donald Hoffman, John Archibald Wheeler, James Glattfelder, Seth Lloyd, Eduardo Kastrup, Edward Edinger, Gary Lachman, or even approaching people like Tom Campbell and his youtube video: "Anu Physics Experiment and the Implications for Everyone" - or the usual "suspects" of a classic philosophy and old stories: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius, Homer or even Marcus Aurelius... Hell, even Cicero is pretty good one, as his observations are stil valid to this age (and can easily be applied to the current society).
Or you can always go for the research done by Peter Fenwick, Pim van Lommel - as this is a way is also a step to understand our current reality, and especially consciousness. A different kind of research but also interesting one about our reality (as Fenwick did his research at various hospitals, hospices, and getting data from medical professionals, patients, and family mambers; in a way it was the same with Lommel).
And all of that is realated to the modern research into consciousness, quantum physics, artificial intelligence (you may love that especially if you know multiple programming languages) - paints a very interesting picture of a current reality/existence, and how we are perceiving it. And that is just a tip of a larget iceberg here. Not enough space to mention all the modern research and books here....
Plato's cave is the womb.
More than twenty years later, The Matrix still stands the test of time. Screenwriters can learn a lot from this brilliantly written story.
I’ve never watched it. It’s the kind of film that would go over my head after 5 minutes, like Inception
@@irena7777777 its not a complicated film. You should watch it!
@@Finlandpro1 Agreed! It's basically about believing in yourself and striving for something beyond the ordinary. We can all relate to that!
I'd rather get high with Morpheus and tell him "nah man you take the pills"...
@@irena7777777 Nah, I think you've overinduldged. There was also the aspect of it being a great action film.. by all means, sit back and enjoy it as you see it.
"the truth is not what you want it to be. It is wat it is, and you must bend to it, or live a lie"
- Miyamoto musashi
Couldn't have quoted one better than you did - from a man who tried and succeeded more than most others at seeing the world as it is, not as he wanted it to be. Arguably, that's what made him such a successful strategist and accomplished swordsman. 👍🏼👊🏼
When I was a child, my Mum once said to me, "There is a piece of truth in everything; even in a pyramid, and in a flower."
@@mykaratejournal2120 Miyamoto was ahead of his time.
@@dauntemarieslettebak9215 yes The Holy Bible KJV is our road map. It's like: humans are so intelligent they don't need INSTRUCTIONS. Yet: We shake our heads and hands at each other, then at death's door we look up because now we realize SOMEONE GREATER is in CHARGE! Hoping it's not too late! BUT The Holy Bible KJV instructs IT IS TOO LATE IF YOU DID NOT READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!
Thanks! I didn’t know you were Dutch until recently. My grandmothers family were Dutch immigrants to Chicago
"Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable"
~ A. Camus
I think desires in this sense is the distraction from what you really want to do or figure out I think the truth is more like the ultimate desire that is desirelessness in a way because you are in the flow or filling your role or being who you want to be and because you know that you are content in the process to get to your goals.
Yet the promise it renders is very,very much worth it ! Signed Your friendly neighborhood JW !
Yes hell it is!!!!
That’s why you will always be blind and scared .
He who go to bed itchy butt, wake up.. stinky finger.
-Mr. Miyagi
The more time that passes, the scarier and more normal the reality of the Matrix seems
I think in a way the media projects a sort of warped reality as the matrix ...
The matrix is communist propaganda. Cultural terrorism, as practiced in the Matrix trilogy, is the exaltation of destruction of cultural idioms. In the Matrix we are not asked by the studios and the film’s creators to imagine a new or alternative reality or illusion (as in traditional socialist realism). Rather, the audience is openly solicited to explore the deeper philosophical meaning of a massive killing spree fantasized about in a drug-induced illusion by the "hero" of the films - the character Neo. That core plot line is designed to draw in audiences with Western mythology and Christian doctrine, including a protagonist in the role of a New Christ figure, only to have the heroes of the film openly reject that programming and engage in a blood-soaked rampage through a Westernized Republican America (symbolizing Chicago ruled by supposedly evil FBI/Secret Service Agents that all look and act the same) that results in the complete and utter annihilation of Western Civilization and restore religious values such as.
Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple." - Jesus
Luke 12:51 "Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division." - Jesus
"He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes." - Buddha
The problem isn't capitalism it's religion.
Cambridge University just revealed that they have successfully created an embryo synthetically and without an egg or sperm. It is cultivated form stem cells (mouse). This reminds me of "the awakening" scene from the pod and a dangerous prelude to what's to come.
I got out of the matrix
Masterpiece. We all want to be Neo, but we mostly end up as Cypher because it's more comfortable.
kita semua neo ,cyper neo yg jatuh
Eat your steak and realise that ignorance is bliss 😂fuck that I'm Neo all day long
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo
Divinity not trinity!
I am really sure that matrix biggest enemy is Islamic religion Couse Anyone in the western are the most people clause to the matrix and what they do any western person who hears Islam thinks killers terrorists and bad people but if you search Islam and truth of it it's totally different so for example when Andrew Tate revert to Islam and said good things about Taliban's who are only protecting there people but matrix shows them as bad people , as soon as you realize the truth they will ban you. than jail you. later kill you
I know that feeling. My three best friends I have known since I was a child (I’m now 54) turned out to be my biological siblings. My parents knew, but never told me, raising me as an only child. For whatever reason they gave the other three up for adoption (I was #2, go figure that one!), and by pure coincidence those three families all moved to the same neighbourhood we lived in, without knowing it. Throughout our lives, people would always comment that the four of us looked like siblings, because we did look a lot alike. At first, we thought it was funny, but after a few years, we became suspicious. But then we graduated high school and went our separate ways to university, only to end up, coming back to the same neighbourhood to raise our families, two decades later, and we were reunited. Again, people started pointing out how much we looked alike, so we did a DNA test. We were absolutely in shock that we all have the exact same mother and father, MY mother and father. They all had adopted mothers and fathers, but didn’t know they were adopted. It was as though everything I believed in fell out from under me. We were all in complete shock, and absolutely furious with the people we called our parents. The four of us are closer than ever before knowing that we are actually siblings, but we want nothing to do with the parents that screwed us over, and lied to us our entire lives. Maybe in time we might consider forgiveness, but not right now. What they did was inexcusable! Even though we were friends, we didn’t share that special bond you get with known siblings, and while we can never get it back, we’re trying to make up for lost time, in an entirely different and new reality, one that none of us could have ever anticipated. It truly made me question if anything in my life was actually real, as it did my siblings as well. I thank God I have my siblings, but I’m just so angry at my parents for lying to me my entire life (as a teenager, I asked them several times, if my friends were actually related to me, because people were so insistent, and each time they lie to me, and said no, and told me I was just imagining things) I don’t know if I can ever forgive them for that.
what stories some people have, incredible....
that u are angry is part of the matrix.
I would pray and ask Jesus to help you with this dilemma. Because if you don't forgive the sins your parents have done to you, your sins won't be forgiven either.
Cap 🧢
Plato's friend brought him to the market and Plato's response was "look at all the things I don't want" I always loved that line.
That’s cause we’re getting poisoned with food…
@@ivancatcheway65 Does someone feed you against your will? Are you not allowed to make/choose your own food? Im not saying that what you say isn't true btw, Im just hinting at solutions :)
Funny I was thinking today at the mall not so much fun after being wake.
@Charger Dave buddhism is way too popular, worldly, for my taste, and too much commerce going on around it, to be THE truth. I prefer Jesus, the true teachings as anyone can read them for themselves in scripture, and teach them accordingly, even the big organizations who abuse Jesus name for worldly power are being exposed through that very word, such as the catholic church. You never hear a buddhist call out the evil doers in this world! And that is a huge warning sign. If there are crimes going on next to a buddhist, they'll just sit transcendentally next to it... wouldn't want a buddhist next to me if I'm being raped
The life of the consumer. To buy useless junk
The entire movie is a very nice metaphor for awakening!
Yeah but sadly any group of ideologists or conspiracy theorists may interpret it as awakening into their version of reality.
@@uchicha666You think your interpretation of "truth" is the real "truth"?
Also conspiracy theories are just theory of a conspiracy. A conspiracy theory can be objectively true.
@@ericcartmann no, I didn't say my truth is all real. Just saying how a bunch of emotion driven bunch of neurotics can turn stuff upside down.
"emotion driven"
You sound pretty emotionally driven, are you sure you're not neurotic?
Don't answer that...many neurotics don't know they're neurotic.
@@ericcartmann wtf is your problem dude? In the same manner I can turn all you say against you. Can't stand what I posted?
The most scary thing about chasing the truth is that all the lies that you are surrounded with will fall first .
No, it’s finding others.
I gotta stop making comments. 😩
@homecoder7816 you're right 👍
And the fact that you cannot unsee it. You will know more, but it will burden you.
I dont really suggest trying to crack the simulation, it will not end up in more happiness.
I'm starting to see the truth and now I can't unsee it and you know what? I feel at peace. This video is gold
I agree.
You know nothing. None of us do.
Sadly in my case I feel forcefully blind to it if that makes any sense
Jesus is truth it’s crazy how they distract us from God
Neo is a metaphor of Jesus "Christ"
After watching the extras on the Matrix 4 movie. One of the menu options is to have the actors explain what the movie is about. This video explains it in the Matrix side versus the love story of Neo and Trinity. So, in conclusion you nailed it. Great job and pre congratulations on 2milion subscribers...
This video made me realize even more how such an incredible movie The Matrix really was. It was like one of those movies that was in perfect alignment with its time. Like everyone involved including the actors were at a sweet spot in their lives to make this movie hit the nail on the head the way that it did. I believe in alignment.
It definitely was, and on top of that it is a defining film for the 21st century. As it came right at the beginning of it, 1999.
It was a pure moment
It wasn't a movie it was a documentary
2 months before my birthday. Music and media was in a good place then it seems
'People are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.-Morpheus
Pretty much sums up the analogy of 'truth' and an individual's capability to handle it.
Hey you
Everyone has a quote no-one has a thought.
No such thing as “the truth”, just your truth. And like @bbm said maybe try expanding on the quote next time?
This is correct... heads up!
Allegory of the cave
I remember seeing this in the big cinema when it was just released in Los Angeles. I knew this was an awesome story, and I was excited to see it portrayed so artistically. Long live those who take the red pill!
Morpheus, “What if I told you…
That I am a pill 💊 pusher?”
What if I told you the Matrix is really an analogy of the trans experience? Or so the author says.
I saw it at a drive in (the last in Las Vegas at the tine.) Relaxing in the back of a pickup truck. The Matrix is just as stunning and thought provoking now as it was then.
@@bob7975 Some people think the original movie was actually mostly written by someone uncredited. I don't mean that one black woman either.
I wanna go back to the illusion, life was so much exciting back then😅
Ive helped people beat depression. Basically what happens is pain and fear create a story which becomes a reality that perpetually creates pain. To break the reality you have to know that the pain and fear are not real, and you are in control of labeling your pain and fear as positive....nothing positive can hurt you. The hardest part for people is letting that idea go. Pain and fear have to be real in the brain and people will fight to keep it. That is why helping someone from rock bottom is easier. They are at a point they realize their reality is not working and are open to change. This video is right. 99% still think what we live in real. People like Ford and Carnegie really understood our Matrix
And you received your complex trauma credentials from....?
@@black_sheep_nation You sound like a matrix agent
@@now591I imagine Agent Smith casting me a wry smile as I read the ‘…?’, awaiting my red pill response.
Church of the painful truth.
Comforting the disturbed
Disturbing the comfortable
"Could it be that we fundamentally don't want the truth but a story; a story to believe in, identify with, share with others, dwell on, share with others and, perhaps most importantly, to provide us with meaning and belonging."
Very insightful. I can't help but have many of today's arguments regarding self‐identity and group identity brought to mind. The idea that many common ways people use to identify themselves or others with are a figment of one's own imagination and therefore can be changed through sheer force of will. We are becoming a society where others must agree with one's own perception of themselves, regardless of obvious evidence to the contrary. This is nothing short of madness.
I really feel like the Matrix has a strong connection with spiritual awakening. Like Eckhart Tolle said: 'Prisoner of the own mind, without knowing it.' It's releasing yourself from all the believes and limitations you ever made up about the world and yourself, and at the same time realising your own being in relation to this world, just by feeling it. Suddenly everything is possible. Isn't that just amazing? Blessings to you all
I think it’s just for woke people I wouldn’t call it woke more like aware of the things around you the people the greed the hate it’s all around you
What is your definition of spiritual awakening?
I love Eckhart Tolle's teachings, also more new to me is Angelo Dillulo MD's teachings.
@@acloudneverdies72 Manly P. Hall is my personal favorite, he has many excellent lectures.
I thought it funny that you gave a spoiler warning for a 23 year old movie, then I realized that there are people today that haven't seen it. I remember it being such a massive hit that it seemed that everyone had seen it but then that was 23 years ago. This must be what getting old feels like.
I am 15 and i just watched it for the first time haha
I grew up with this movie. I don't remember a point in my life where I didn't know the Matrix. It has been my number 1 movie since childhood. Both shows like top gear and movies like the matrix raised me
@@AverageAlien but did you see matrix as just a normal movie or did you feel it was description of a dark reality?
I’ve never seen it
@@lilwhitekein7397 as a kid, it was a cool sci fi action movie. As an adult, its deeper meanings and themes are appreciated too
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 🎬 *Introduction to The Matrix*
- The Matrix, created by the Wachowskis, is a highly influential science fiction film.
- Overview of the film's plot and introduction of key characters, such as Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus.
01:17 🤔 *Neo's Choice and Philosophical Themes*
- Neo's choice between the blue and red pills symbolizes the philosophical theme of seeking truth.
- Connection between The Matrix and Plato's Allegory of the Cave, exploring the nature of reality.
- The film contains various philosophical and religious themes, such as prophecy, love, and living in a simulation.
03:14 🕳️ *Plato's Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix*
- Comparison of Plato's Allegory of the Cave with Neo's journey in The Matrix.
- The prisoners in Plato's cave and humans in The Matrix live in illusions, discovering the truth challenges their perception.
- Analysis of the symbolism behind the cave, shadows, and the Matrix as illusions.
05:03 🔄 *Ascension and Descent in Reality*
- Contrast between Plato's liberated man ascending to the light and Neo's descent into a harsh, machine-dominated reality.
- Pleasures in the Matrix vs. challenges in the real world, questioning the desirability of truth.
- Neo's initial refusal to accept the truth reflects the common human response to unsettling revelations.
07:22 🤐 *Denial and Resistance to Truth*
- People's tendency to deny or resist the truth when it challenges their established beliefs.
- The comfort of living in a false reality and the fear of identity-shaking revelations.
- The role of mass media and entertainment in perpetuating deceptive narratives.
09:10 🤖 *Responsibility of the Philosopher*
- The philosopher's responsibility to enlighten others, even in the face of resistance.
- Agents in The Matrix as barriers to truth, drawing parallels with Plato's allegory.
- Positive impact of liberation on individuals, paralleling Neo's acceptance of reality.
10:33 🔄 *Cypher's Regret and Different Perspectives*
- Cypher's regret and desire to return to the Matrix for blissful ignorance.
- Neo's contrasting fulfillment and meaning in liberation.
- The impact of knowing the truth on one's perception of reality.
12:52 🤔 *Hedonistic Choices and Ignorance*
- Cypher's hedonistic choice to exchange reality for blissful ignorance.
- The irreversible nature of knowing the truth and its impact on relationships.
- How nostalgia for ignorance persists even when faced with uncomfortable truths.
15:14 🎅 *Nostalgia and Enjoyment in Illusion*
- Children's emotional reaction to learning the truth about Santa Claus, highlighting nostalgia for illusions.
- The enjoyment of illusions, as seen in characters like the Oracle in The Matrix.
- Suspension of disbelief as a common human phenomenon in embracing unreal experiences.
17:02 🤹 *Enjoyment of Fakery and Suspension of Disbelief*
- Humans' capacity to temporarily accept and appreciate illusions for enjoyment.
- The Matrix as a superior illusion compared to reality, drawing parallels with modern technology.
- The philosophical concept of "suspension of disbelief" in human engagement with entertainment.
18:59 🤷 *Ambiguous Relationship with Truth*
- Human ambiguity towards truth, depending on its form and magnitude.
- Selective handling of facts and the complex relationship between truth and emotions.
- Examples from Plato's allegory and The Matrix illustrating the multifaceted nature of human reactions to the truth.
20:23 🌐 *The Subjectivity of Truth and Its Impact*
- The impact of truth varies based on individual perspectives and the context in which it is received.
- Neo and Morpheus find meaning and purpose in the truth about the Matrix, contrasting with Cypher's cynical view.
- People tend to adopt surrogate truths to cope with their realities, either covering up pain or reinforcing dark worldviews.
21:18 🤝 *Group Dynamics and Truth*
- The role of shared truth in group dynamics, exemplified by religious, political, and social groups.
- Belonging to a group can provide purpose and connections, but dissenting views may lead to ostracization.
- Dark side of suspension of disbelief: individuals ignore the truth for convenience, belonging, or fear of exclusion.
22:12 📖 *Truth as Story and Human Desire*
- The idea that both truth and lies manifest as stories, raising the question of whether humans fundamentally desire a narrative.
- The preference for 'a' truth rather than 'the' truth, emphasizing the subjective nature of reality.
- Humans seeking stories for belief, identification, sharing, contemplation, and to derive meaning and a sense of belonging.
Made with HARPA AI
People aren't looking for the truth. They are looking for something to believe in.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo
well said
The truth will set you free! I am seeker of the truth and I know 50% of it! Most of the truth comes from the bible!
You are full of shit saying people aren’t looking for the truth! People do look for the truth!
I am guilty of both, seeking Truth but hoping there is any thing worth believing in that would make sense of all that surrounds us to salve the pain of reality.
*“If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” - Jim Rohn*
Sometimes your plan design would entail breaking the rules conveniently made and unfairly imposed on you by those who already planned your life.
Terrence McKenna said the same.
Don't forget that your plans are just as much a trap as someone else's, life will roll it's own way no matter the best thought out plans.
My Dad, a US Marine, has always said, 'take control of your life or someone else will. '
@@MsSomeonenew True, but at least your plans consider your own well-being much better than somebody else's plans for you
At a point in my youth, I decided for myself that knowing the truth is more important than anything. Since then, I've learned that over 90% of the time I have experienced what is true in life, it would be easier and happier to not know. I stayed the course, and realized you can have better control of your existence knowing what is true. Its a hard and lonely path. But its real. It makes all of the good things you experience more valuable.
What is the truth?
@@luhohnel objective
@@130VonKleist truth is what you make of it?
@@luhohnel thanks for talking with the depth of a fortune cookie. Your lucky numbers are 11, 18, 47.
@@130VonKleist bro no fucking way you just said 47😳😳😳😳
When I look back at when the matrix came out in 1999. I was blown away of how far ahead it was of its time is it in 2024 it is still far ahead of its time. Plato’s cave is like being on our phones and social media.
If you think you are out of the cave, don’t fool yourself. The rabbit hole goes deeper, you are still in the matrix.
People with personality traits that are more prone to depression are typically much more able to seek, accept and speak the truth. It can be depressing and many people have no tolerance for feeling depressed so they stay in the matrix, distracted and intoxicated.
Yes and people with personal traits like depression are diagnosed as defective and medicated, almost like a blue pill scenario if one was referring to the matrix
Wow that actually resonates, thanks
Literally me, I experience shit when I was 8 years old but somehow, I feel more happy to see the truth. I feel sorry to my friends who would never come out of their comfort bubble shell, I wish I could be honest and tell them more about my deep within personality self, but they all never want to talk about it as if I'm turning crazy just because I'm no longer a human being.
Because of that, I won't need them anymore. Living in a bubble life with so many technologies now, I feel completely sad not able to talk about political and philosophy stuff with them, but I knew that they would be questioning me to stop talking about it since they don't want anything to hurt their illusion life. I regret terribly telling him the matrix movie, I wish I didn't say it
On the contrary, depressed people seek escapism, to avoid being hurt by reality , which is the source of their depression.
@@cristianm7097 Not contrary. Though both can be true, a mature integrated adult who is higher on trait neuroticism and tends toward depression can tolerate depressive facts when encountered on a pursuit of the truth or goal.
"We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented."
~ Christof (The Truman Show)
I struggle with doing that I suppose nowadays.
Until we've experienced everything and thought everything, what choice is there but to learn from others about the experiences and thoughts they have, or that others have had. A movie like Ghost Dog or a story like Sophie's Choice read deep into us to help us discover our own feelings and ideas about important issues. Matrix hits about 20 different major issues. Can we reject all we've been taught? No, that would leave us ungrounded and unable to deal with our own very real world. But, as we grow, we can consider alternatives and adjust ourselves. In fact, this is one of the most important things we can do to be free and to be who we want to be.
Most people look for something that makes them happy and makes life livable. Truth is harsh and can depress some people. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, ignorance is truly bliss. Once you see the truth you can't unsee it.
As you know, humans are greedy and power hungry, would you be surpised if they've already had taken over the world? the world is ruled by a small group of powerful people which want to create a totalitarian dystopian new world order
Your not kidding...
Truth is only harsh for those unprepared for it.
Once awakened always awakened. Everyone will see the truth one day. Rather it be sooner than later
Each line of this video essay is worth meditating upon for hours..kudos🙏🙏🙏🙏
Never forget what happens with the one who tries to free the other prisoners in Plato’s cave allegory: they kill him. Same thing happens to Neo trying to save everyone.
Except it’s now over for them. The matrix is collapsing.
It seems to be a job flaw.
@@koanzx1 perhaps that's the price to be paid for lifting the veil
@@koanzx1 i guess we'll know for sure when 4 comes out :P
Well isn't that what happened to Jesus?
Reality is much nicer when you accept it. The fact that you're not being lied to is good enough for me.
Let me know when this will happen
When are we not being lied to?
@@rusty_rockets I have zero idea
Great you shouldn’t watch this then
I think it’s worth saying that the characters who escaped the matrix may never know if the “real world” they escaped to is any more real than the matrix, or simply a higher level simulation. For better or worse, reality is subjective
So what if it would be a higher level simulation what then would be reality or wouldn’t there be a reality and would simulations just be the reality wich makes the simulation they are in reality?
@@TheGarlicfather I think at some level there’s no way to any definitive answer. Even when there’s an apparent end, there can always possibly be another layer
@@Mike-ge7pe But that doesn’t change the fact that there is a answer and there is the truth even tho you can never know for certain that you are existing in the truth or maybe you will when you arrive to the truth cause the truth has no illusions and mysteries
@@TheGarlicfather there cannot be layers of simulations, the matrix is simply a metaphor
Fuck now I won't ever stop wondering lol thx
This hurts most after the awakening. That is why it takes courage, a lot of courage. That is why most of the people will do everything to ignore the truth. Subconsciously they know they are in the cave. They dislike you when you tell them there is another reality.
Very much true God knows I relate
"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." - Henry David Thoreau
Love of truth is the true love and funnily leads to loving
The painful reality that our health is entirely our own responsibility. The entire world is gaslit into thinking someone else holds the key to healthy living.
And, how will we know healthy living unless we know the truth of it? What will you know as consequence...?
What of those born into disease? Are they responsible too? The foetal alcohol damaged? The foetal drug damaged? Others born into malnutrition? Not everyone wins in the lottery of life my friend.
What's the key to healthy living? My grandpa turned 100, and I'm not sure I want to reach that age, therefore I'm consciously happy I splurge at McD once in a full moon.
@@pcpmendonca Dying is not a consequence, but how...
@@CRHall-ud9mq Exactly, I'm not afraid of death, but we are all afraid of pain, both physical and existential. A heart attack nowadays seems like a wonderful death, it's quick and relatively painless. Think about it.
Our lives are spent constantly going in and out of the matrix, we've evolved this way so we can survive in this world, I don't think existing 100% on either one is healthy or even possible, in a way we take a third pill, a purple one.
Great video, as always.
Greetings from the US!
I think Taoism has the answer for this. It describes the 'way' as walking the line between order & chaos ( the line seperating the two halves in the yin-yang symbol). Through my personal understanding, i think balance is key to living fully. By being in harmony, both in body & soul, we can get the best of both worlds- 'the matrix' & "the truth'.
I have the same view. There's a reason things are like this, but if we forget that there's more then we are lost.
@@amoghbarakol4723 100%👍👍
This is very true. Even the people who THINK they took the red pill take the blue pill in certain aspects of life or they are just miserable all alone with what they think is the truth. The human mind doesnt really want the truth. I wish very often that I was comfortable enough in the matrix not to seek truth. The happiest people on earth and the happiest we have ever been are when we are children and children are completely plugged in and dont seek any truth, they just live minute to minute as if life has no meaning. Only when we seek meaning do we realize that something is not right in the matrix and we seek A truth, not THE truth. And even when we discover it, so what then? The facts still remain, we have a brief existence on earth and there is probably nothing after. Now what? Congrats you miserable bastard you just get to walk around thinking everyone else is living a lie (and many of them happily blissfully doing so) and we have our truth and we get arrogant and pompous in our discovery but what does that really bring us? A superiority over the unawake? I envy the unawake because their ignorance really is bliss.
@@markprocheska7302 i've been exactly where you are right now. Thinking & feeling the same things. I too felt discouraged by the seemingly perfect, happy lives of the very fortunate/ignorant. My own misfortunes & mistakes caused me to doubt every decision i'd ever taken. It's a trap. Making my way out of it, i peeled back the layers of my mind & my reality. Beneath the envy & frustration you feel there is more of YOU left to be discovered.
I encourage you to just take a moment. Be still. Breathe. If you can, start to look within. You'll be surprised with what you'll find. I wish you well Mark.
The steak analogy is spot-on - it's easier to just eat whatever one was taught before being able to speak or make decisions, and ignore the reality of factory farms, climate impact, health... the matrix is indeed everywhere around us, in the restaurants, in the government subsidies, in the culture >
Ive left the cave and tried to tell the others. Its a very sad moment when you realize your friends and family would rather be shackled to a cave wall than go through growing pains of the reality we actually live in.
@@Venus-kx9hf start with bohemian grove and work your way down the rabbit hole
@@rhettwilson1558 lol bohemian Grove isn't shit. None of these "SeCrEt SoCiEtIeS" are shit. If you REALLY want to get a glimpse. Begin meditation and follow it hard. Meditate on your diaphragm in complete darkness and lack of thought(this will be incredibly difficult, will seem impossible in the beginning). You will be charging your yang (this is just level 1 too) which will be actually very beneficial to you, but the things you may see along the way, will be eye opening, and potentially terrifying. There's no point in telling you about the other levels because 95% of ppl will not make it past level 1.
Not everybody is ready to leave the cave, you have to understand and respect that. But don't let the others stop you from leaving yourself, just don't force them to go with you.
It's like a bunch of people playing Dungeons and Dragons, or some other fantasy game, or who are really into a movie or Video Game. Just cause you want to go outside and do something real, doesn't mean they won't get mad at you when you say it's just a stupid game.
Lmao just take drugs and let the universe decide what happens to you.
"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." - Voltaire
Maybe none of us are perceiving the reality/the truth for what it is but rather for what we wish it to be. How much reality can humankind bear?
Thanks for sharing the video 🙂 It gave me a lot to think about.
Illusion and phantasy is the seed of suffering. We create worlds in our mind, and after a while we think these worlds are reality, and by doing so we can't see reality anymore, only the now matters. To live fully in the present moment, without any illusions.
You have every right to think what you like you have no right to impose your thoughts upon others. It's up to them if they listen or not. Unless of course you're a good little commie and work for daddy government. At that point you lose all privilege of thought and are disposed of.
@@eiseneuter2034 i don't agree... i can think of many examples where illusions are a required motivator, and many other times where reality presents facts that we interpret correctly only for circumstances to change - practically an illusion just but not in technicality.
Truth is for all to see.
But, what you seek to manifest is what you wish it to be; "be careful what you wish for".
"Seek, and you shall find".
@@eiseneuter2034 yes
I found this to be very relatable from the viewpoint of WW1 survivors, where young men and boys went to war with knowledge of glory and victory from stories and history, but when faced with the shocking reality and survival an ordeal that strips them from bonds and connections that gave them identity, cost big time in trying to cope survive the peace..
Who gave you the role of Lieutenant?
And women
Thank you!
You can judge a person's character by the way he handles The Truth.
My life isn't better as a result of going down the conspiracy hole. I try to stay positive that us freedom lovers will win but I spend a lot if time feeling overwhelmed and fearful of what the rich and powerful have planned next for us. Perhaps this is a character flaw. After all, everything is only a matter of perception.
For instance: do they capitalize it?
No. no you shouldn't.
@@lisalph8922 perspective wonders if you think there needs to be a fight also would like to know what does free mean. Also hopes your mind is free from religiously.
@@lisalph8922 what's a freedom lover? Also who is not?
What an incredible film. 20+ years later its message and philosophy still resonates strongly and continues to be relevant.
it's "advaitha" philosophy
The Matrix was a wake up call that proved most people prefer to live ignorant of reality because of the endless tunnel of feelings that can overwhelm you if you don't see it through to the end
@youknowkbbaby both capitalism and communism can be used to create and abuse a matrix like reality.
Yeah that's my issue w most things in life
Truth is required first in order to move forward.
best answer possible IMO for why we neeed the truth
"brains are survival engines, not truth detectors"
- Peter Watts ~ Blindsight
Brilliant! Yes!
Brain 🧠 is predictive machine sitting inside skull completely dark inside and pinching 🤏 neuronal electronic messages from senses and building the reality
Brains are what you train them to be.
What are they surviving?
The problem is we are using our brains in almost everything.Mind you,there is the heart,why not use it as a blue print then the brain as an enabling mechanism..Tha way we will be able to see accept and or act along the trueth..Otherwise the trueth ultimatly overcomes the lie..Good and Evil war..Norwonder there is Ammagideon..
it's a spiritual journey for each person to be able to experience as spiritual beings having a human experience
Maybe even without that split,)
In my youth I took my mom to see the 2 best movies of their time Star Wars and The Matrix, with my young daughter, at a neighborhood theater. Both were wide eyed and amazed beyond words with Trinity's opening scene. I had already seen it earlier in the week so we went on a Saturday.
The Matrix would be great to see in theaters tbh.
Great vid... I think one thing often overlooked in this type of discussion... Is the warped sense of time one gains after freeing themselves of an illusion or finding out the truth... One may move hastily towards a new so called truth or... Procrastinate from making any new decisions in fear of falling for a new lie...in my experience... Formulating a plan if action, and a process that identifies whether you are moving towards truth or constantly falling down the rabbit hole is key... A great way to do this is to just make a decision and on the way keep fact checking whether the decision is right, and never be afraid evr again to change your mind if you find out it was wrong decision!
I'm normally impressed by your videos and enjoy every single one of them ; I must say though, wow, this one was at a whole different level! Well done, keep it up - looking forward to hopefully many more videos to come!
Agreed! So much to consider here, it's definitely worth re-watching a few times.
What manifested for Neo, once understanding and accepting the truth, I think, symbolically appears as strength and resilience.
Anything other than the truth, no matter how theoretically believable, will ultimately lead to perplexity and weaken rational.
Brilliant video and all content! Many thanks.
There's a sense in which what you're saying is correct when the supernatural and the natural overlap and a person witnesses a miracle and is therefore perplexed, but often times the supernatural is hidden and expressed in subtle ways, and this is "the splinter in the back of everyone's mind", which The Matrix film is referring to. In other words, there is a knowledge embedded in every person that knows the supernatural exists and God exists.
Part of the message of the film is to say that people are not wanting to find God and like and enjoy their lives as they've always lived it. If you look at the reason why Neo did not believe in fate when Morpheus asked him if he believed in fate, the reason he didn't believe in it is because "He didn't like the idea of not being in control of his own life". In other words, not believing in God produces a short-term benefit, or at least the illusion of a benefit. If a person doesn't find God, he can shape his life however he wants. He can decide what best suits him. He does not have to restrict himself to observe statutes or commandments or conform his life. If someone says that he ought to do this that a person doesn't want to do, he can simply disagree and continue living as he decides. Thus, Neo, at his state of unbelief, prefer that unbelief because of a type of freedom, or the illusion of a freedom, but in all actuality it is a prison.
This represents the blue pill 🔵.
However, in those times where the truth is expressed subtly, it isn't fully hidden where people are not aware of it, but a person's subconscious picks up on it while the person's conscious mind suppresses it or attempts to explain his experiences according to the natural world as it assists in one's denial of God's existence.
With that said, it's not necessarily true that truth, no matter how theoretically believed, will ultimately lead to perplexing and weaken rationale. The reason is because someone can be very skillful in his view of reality, like The Psychiatrist in The Matrix 4 trailer, for example.
The Matrix 4 trailer with a psychiatrist in Neo sitting in a chair represents an irony, that The Psychiatrist who is well regarded and wise according to this world, holds a prestigious profession, has degrees of education, and respected is actually the one who should be taking the advice from The Patient who is seemingly a nobody, a layman, a person who holds supernatural beliefs whom the world regards as ignorant, or gullible, or crazy, or taken by his imaginations. However, in spite of *THE APPEARANCE (🔵),* it is actually *the patient* who has the truth, and the prestigious educated individual is deceived, and in fact his education hinders him from receiving the truth, as you can clearly see a well-meaning psychiatrist trying to "help" a truth telling patient out of what he believes is a delusion, what it is actually true, and therefore a well-meaning psychiatrist is opposed to the actual truth directly because of how his mind thinks which is opposed to the supernatural and therefore God by nature.
1 Corinthians 2:14 - But the natural man *receiveth not* the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: *neither can he know them,* because they are *SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED.*
The natural man is not perplexed in his life because he has made himself skillful in his prison. It is possible for a man to become skillful in a lie and be even wiser in that lie than a person is in the truth. A lazy man, for example, can be wiser in his own conceit than seven men who can give him a reason to work, and the lazy man can defeat the wisdom of seven men, *and yet the lazy man is still wrong.* This means a person very much is capable of strengthening the illusion of his eyes.
Proverbs 26:16 - The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.
Luke 16:8 - And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation *wiser than the children of light.*
The movie is saying that people are *choosing* not to find God through a sophisticated mental just mechanism, and they're unbelief is actually a supernatural hold by demonic forces that keep that person in unbelief (the agents). The Matrix being a system is a system of information that is presented in a false way to alter the perception of the observer in order to cause him to believe the lie above the truth. Thus, people look at how things appear and arrive to false conclusions, not being aware that they're being lied to which results in their unbelief in God. Therefore, anything that leads a person to a conclusion away from God *is part of the system.* However, because people identify with these beliefs by which gives them the freedom to shape the their lives however they desire, they will fight to defend it, saying "I can do what I want with my body", "there's nothing wrong with being with someone you love", "there is no truth", "good and evil is just a matter of perspective", etc. It is a subconscious choice people make which causes them not to find God, but it is still a choice nonetheless. People prefer the illusion, and this is one of the reasons why people can take so many nuggets and truths out of this Matrix film, *and yet never understand the core of its message,* because the person isn't actively looking God in his life, but looking to see his own wisdom reflected back at himself through what he perceives from The Matrix film.
This brings context to scriptures like this:
Proverbs 18:2 - A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
This is not to call anyone a fool, but it is to say to live this way is not wise and does not lead to the truth.
The Matrix film is about Jesus Christ, and it is telling the viewer that *he is* The Truth.
Not only is the Matrix film telling the audience that Jesus is the truth, but this is coming from a source or a group of people who aren't even Christians who are telling you that Jesus is The Truth.
@@Bi0Dr01d this is well written. I appreciate your effort to put it together. Thank you.
@@cheeseburger3209 I'm glad you found it beneficial. To be honest, I haven't even scratched the surface of the core message of this film yet. There are films like this one, but none as thorough as this one.
The message from this film is actually a very true message, and it's much more shocking than people may perceive, because if people truly knew and understood the core message of this film, their lives would change forever, and it would change the world.
It's a film takes multiple philosophies, both secular and religious, and collects religions from around the world so that this message from the film would apply to absolutely everyone, and they placed Jesus at the very center of all of these religious views as to collect the entire body of the world of people in order to inform them of something specific within Christianity in particular. It's directing agnostics, atheists, new age, and Eastern religions' attention to Christianity.
I don't know how whoever made this film is aware of certain things in Christianity, but they're aware of some secrets in Christianity that not even many Christians are aware of. The people who made this film are not even Christians, and yet they're still telling the audience that Jesus is in fact the true God, and the more closely a person slowly studies The Gospels and the things taught in the Bible, the more person pays attention to what's going on in The Bible, the more they'll start to see a very *significant* connection, and the information in the film is *very* relevant.
@@Bi0Dr01d Jesse Lee Peterson speaks to these truths too. A lot of people know about god (Biblical academics for lack of a better term), but few know him.
Morpheus gave Neo the choice. It was very difficult and hard choice to make. But Neo realizes that the only right way is to follow the path of the truth. It is a chance that have been given to a very few people...
But Morpheus never explained what the truth would entail….
Because he himself dont even know hell for all we know they could be in another version of the matrix when they awoke! @@invitia901
As of late I’ve been a firm believer that religion is very closely connected to addiction…people don’t want a truth if it’s not religious….they want a truth that they can attach religion to if they’re religious…humans long for organization…and anything that seems chaotic or not structured is absolutely always rejected…even by me….I need to feel like the universe can explain who I am…therefore I’m more likely to gravitate towards that resolve
The world is far weirder than the maddest amongst us can imagine.
"Take it easy, dude, but take it!" - Terence McKenna
the truth requires no belief, it is the truth - Terence McKenna
I remember leaving the movie theater after this movie was finished thinking their trying to tell us something we aren’t in the real world we’re in the Truman show these two films left an impact on my mind years later well they weren’t wrong ..
truman show...
Only, nobody is pulling the strings. Humanity does it to itself
I’ve always felt something strange was watching me or manipulating my life. I’ve been known to say I’m living in the matrix or my life is like the Truman show. I’m telling you my life has been a strange one and doesn’t align with any reality I know. Yet I somehow know it. People seem to know me. Yet I don’t know them. Multiple people act strange and do the same thing at once. One such strange example was that after this never happened to me before, a group of men all unrelated to each other mentioned my boobs were big. When I protested that this was inappropriate to say they all said I had a bad attitude and would never find a man. Never happened since
Another example is that every time I wore a certain outfit in my own home. Nobody could see. People would come to tease me. Nobody could possibly know
Watch Dark City, and the anime, Ghost in the Shell.
@@jacobjorgenson9285 exactly
Wow! This is an incredibly well done summary. I have been following your channel for years now. Your instinct for clarity has meant great content consistently. It is inspiring to see your determined pursuit of Truth and the sincerity of your presentation. This video covers so much, so neatly. Thank you.
Man I been watching your videos for years. I actually watched this one multiple times. I appreciate all the knowledge you've given me up til now and the future.
I find myself in this same sort of position when telling others of codependency & the freedom this knowledge has provided me. I did find it truly astonishing people unwilling to receive & examine data. For me, knowledge is power; knowledge is freedom. I would always rather have THE truth than an acceptable facsimile. Knowing this information feels like a super power because I can interact with the world at a deeper level of understanding. For me, that deeper level of understanding will always be more important than a false enjoyable reproduction.
What freedom did knowing about codependency provide you?
@@iamfiguringoutwhoiam Freedom from blame. Freedom from persecution. Freedom from a mental prison.
If you do not know this freedom, I highly encourage you to study & become free yourself.
@@iamfiguringoutwhoiam , for me it was freedom from anger and resentment. It was having compassion for the hurt that those who tormented me must have gone through. It was freedom from constantly reacting to incoming stimuli without awareness. Being able to observe my thoughts and emotions as I was experiencing them. Being able to observe the emotions and actions of others and detecting what they might be experiencing.
That's your decisions. We are cool being ignorant
Another great episode. Your content, storytelling and viewer experience is fantastic.
Lies are very dangerous but the greatest dangers often come from our own assumptions. Great video.
The Matrix broke me in a deep existential way at 17 years old. Trust me. You don't want the truth. There is nothing you can do once you know anyway, so just live your lives and try to be forces for good.
What is this "Truth" that we don't want?
@@gloriouslyaesthetic one reality is how evil the people running the world are, but it’s obvious if you look, war, starvation, child labour, human trafficking, every single one of these issues are easily solvable if someone with power wanted to solve them, but the kind of people who want to solve them don’t have any power, and the people with the power have no desire to solve them, they would actually like to see things become much worse for anyone who isn’t them. There ya go the ugly reality of this world.
@@gloriouslyaestheticthe truth is how choice is an illusion created by the big business firms the ones incharge, the fact is we don't have a choice and the more you think on it the more you realise it since we all are chasing something in life we tend to forget that this chase is programmed into our minds to control is like the movie, we people who live in constant stress of getting to the top are like the batteries for the top corporates, banks and politicians to fullfill their needs, we are their slave and this enslavement is not seen in real life like the Matrix, we can feel it around us but can't see it cause this is the enslavement of mind..
@@gloriouslyaesthetic you dont wanna know lol
I just finished a rewatch of the Matrix. You never fail to be on my wavelength Einzelganger
It’s so amazing how hard it is to accept reality. The truth can be unbearable.
Humanity has shown many times that pretend is preferable
What do you mean?
@@patrick12-420 Why do you think we have gods?
@@micixduda You're the one here who needs to prove, not believers.
"Greatest trick devel ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist".
You guys are pathetic 😂😂😂😂😂
Profoundly stated. After hundreds of other analisies, yours is the first I have really enjoyed. Being a person for whom all things film, I look forward to watching your other works. Thank you.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo
The relationship with the truth is quite spot on. Admittedly sometimes, I have bouts about this. For instance in matters of health. If one finds out he has this or that disease, he knows it comes with restrictions as to what to eat, do etc. It means having to give up something they have been comfortable enjoying for quite a while.
Over 1M subscribers - Congratulation, so very well deserved! Every video uploaded is a treasure, proper piece of art. I love this channel! It got me out of very sad and unpleasant state of mind. Thank you for your work!🙋🏼♀️
*"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." - Nikos Kazantzakis*
Wonderful analysis between The Matrix and The Allegory of The Cave.
What a great video you put together! Thanks for the tremendous work that you did. IMO the Matrix is one of the top five films of all time! I would also include in that mix The wizard of OZ and Back to the future as well. All three with hidden meaning(s) and great storylines.
This has been one of the best TH-cam channels I’ve seen . You definitely deserve a comfortable living . These are incredibly eye opening
The Wachowskis are brilliant beings. Their work is always somehow connected to the struggle to be fully and completely human. I have become more and more interested in the way we use stories to create our identities and realities, and how seriously we take them. So seriously that we would kill a concept all who believe differently. The choice between the red pill and the blue pill is about truth, but it is also about responsibility. Those choosing the blue pill return to a system which absolves them of personal responsibility and power in exchange for the relative comfort and safety of the Matrix. Which is an illusion within the illusion. I think about the scene with Cypher quite often, especially presented with difficult challenges. But, I have always wanted to know the truth, all of it. So, there is no going back. Thank you so much for creating this video. It is great to revisit this masterpiece from time to time.
So are Satan & the demons ! ( Brilliant! ) Look at the BLEAKNESS of their future ! Matthew 25 !
There's a reason 'Jesus only spoke to his disciples in parables'. Jesus was a perfect mirror of God. God/nature speaks to us in stories, the events around us every second. It's up to us to seek truth and decode the stories and find ourselves inside them.
@@masonart4950 Beautifully said. Thank you!
You have to let it all go Neo, fear, doubt and disbelief
That movie alone i think changed collective consciousness....it was that powerful. The idea of what were doing and where we are heading...
I have no idea where you heading but I sure do know where my heading.
This is perhaps your greatest video yet.
Thanks, Ziggy. Glad you enjoyed it :)
All the others have been helpful in getting us to this point so all are equal.
In Matrix reloaded after Neo tells the truth to Morpheus, that the one was another system of control, Morpheus rejects the truth saying he doesn't believe that. Just like mentioned at 21:22 Morpheus was just looking for A truth but not THE truth, and in a way supported the "religion" around "the One" because that was the "truth" that gave the outcome that he wanted.
Wo lol
I was pondering this, for days now and you just solved the puzzle. New Agers are selling we are all one but I know this incorrect. I know we can claim family of one but we were ALL created individually. So I see the story of we are one as yet another additional system of control to keep us from our individual truth. I appreciate you
Just like Christianity. Another false religion of the matrix. Neo the as controlled opposition just like the game Master said in the end. He was a necessary evil for th machines.
@@bluesky7704 we all are one 😂 it’s just the new agers ignore the fact there are differences between us a uniqueness that engulfs is
First time I saw this as a kid I thought it was a fantastic movie. Only many years later have I understood the truth behind the movie and there is nothing that beats it. When people ask me what my favourite movie is: I always say the matrix and people tend to look down as they think of it as action movie, I only smirk back because they wouldn't understand.
they think of it as action movie??? you need new friends.
@@justaguy-69This person didn’t say the people that asked were friends. Don’t make assumptions that harm or are not kind to people.
Yeah indeed the movie isn't what will wake you up, but will resonate in your thoughts as soon as you're ready to relate. The moment you understand this movie at its core, your life changes forever and you start to see the trends in every other movies you watched and will watch.
I don’t know many people that look down on someone saying the Matrix is their favorite film. It has aged fantastically almost 30 years later, the messages are deep and thought provoking, and the action is beautifully choreographed
@Bankai2169 The movie includes many philosophical truths. The awakening (red pill) mostly refers to Plato's cavern analogy. Many more are present and that is why it will NEVER get old.
Amazing video! Next level editing.
Thank you!
I love the way you encapsulate the idea in the last minute, starting @ 21:59 . I've always noticed that people are very narrative driven, we try to fit truth into a narrative that we can make sense of with the pieces we've already accepted into our mental toy box.
Also loved the theme in this video of focusing on how, in Plato's work, the outside world is an objectively better experience, but in the Matrix it's kinda shitty and harder to see the silver lining. I never really focused on that aspect of it before. Well done m8, good show.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo
Your video quality keeps getting better, really great work! Clear and reasonable structure, clear presentation of the main arguments and on top of that you went into thought-provoking reflections at the end of the video that went beyond the actual frame of the movie. Keep it up!
Thanks for the compliment 🙏
As soon as you have your first experience of disassociation, the idea of being in some sort of matrix doesn’t sound so far fetched.
Finally, a comment that isn’t pretentious as shit
Also: quite true
@@zhaumbie haha thanks
@@zhaumbie sadly yes
People mostly in my experience don’t want the truth. The main reaction I get from people when trying to open their eyes is anger 🙄
Probably because they don't believe you.
It is because truth equals responsibility and most people are immoral.
Truth is Consciousness and Consciousness is Truth. Once we become become aware of a truth and we know it as Truth, we become conscious to it and once we are conscious of something, we cannot become unconscious to it.
If we do not like that truth (the truth is not inline with our inner moral compass) then we are morally obligated to apply action in order to try to change that truth so that it is inline with our moral compass. Most people do not want the responsibility that truth brings so they will fight nail and tooth their whole lives to avoid becoming aware of Truth as it means they will have to then take ownership of the truth and apply themselves which is hard uncomfortable work.
Sadly most people are lazy and very selfish and the hardest truths to change in this world is the ones about ourselves.
I personaly see the SEE NO EVIL HEAR NO EVIL SPEAK NO EVIL MONKEYS as being a perfect representation of this. Evil is nothing more then selfishness. If we do not SEE evil acts being committed and we do not HEAR of evil acts being committed then we are unconscious to those evil acts being committed and thus are not morally culpable or obligated to SPEAK out against those evil acts.🙈🙉🙊
Responsibility is hard and it cuts into our play time and sadly most of us are cosmic children who do not want to truely grow up into a cosmic adult as we want to play all the time like monkeys.
Hope this helps to give you some perspective as to why people want to fight us when we try to help them by offering truth.
Yes, the verbal lashings and attacks...I learned to leave people in their womb's demise until/unless they ASK
"WTF: Do you see what I see?" Maybe if I were a rich guru, my concern would be heeded.
@Masupertramp poetically put.
@create306 had a disagreement with someone recently about music, pink floyd's music tells stories and he said they were shit as they had never done any " feel good songs".
I can't believe there was no spoiler alert before telling Plato's cave allegory
I’m going to use the same indignation to anyone who quotes bible verses at me in the future 😅
@@darylingoteborg3178 :D
Why so people can remain confused and basically stupid bc they have no knowledge? Just asking
The sad reality in the movie is that after the third movie neo saved them from the matrix only to be left to the devices of the matrix we battle every day. As long as individuals follow others against their conscience, the Matrix will endure.
Valeria ♥❤💜💙💗💖💓 meaning unconditional love :) (Also a circle equal sides check out the rice experiments too :) ). Much love in the matrix Xo
"Hatred, is most often the first reaction to truth." Tertullian of Carthage 2nd century.
the most crushing thing you have to deal with while 'waking up' is your family thinking you go insane, and starting to loose respect.
They are about to be woken up too. So relax you're not insane. Things are about to get crazy. The real Neo is here and about to make himself known. A biker gang is about to belly flop onto the world stage. The leader of the Diablos MC is the new Christ. Listen to back in black by acdc, or Symphony of Destruction by megadeath. Anything by Metallica. Or the song Everybody Knows. Listen to the words. EVERYTHING is about to change. But relax, he's here to help. Queen said his first name at the very beginning of the song Another One Bites the Dust. After it comes out reply to this message and I'll let you meet him.
The family is a projection.
@@stevendhuddlesonjr6899 Steve who? Steve Jobs?
That's why when Neo goes in the fake Matrix for training purposes for the 1rst time he's having hard time walking in the opposite way of people while Morpheus having less difficulty hands in his back showing perfect control dodging every one. Because he got used to. Then he got distracted by the lady in red, forgetting where he really is and then realizes that losing focus at this point can be costly because when he turns back, Mr Smith waits for him with a gun to his face.
So this is the part you are referring to. People will see you as an annoying entity walking in the opposite direction than the whole world. That's why you are so often called a "conspirationist" and if you lose your focus and start to see too many things that might be but aren't, then your done and they win. You have to pretend you're still one of them and learn how to live with the new you. From that moment, you can become what you want and beat the program.
That's simply called complex family trauma. The "woke" one is usually the one who gets mobbed in a sick family. That's why the word "woke" is such a trigger for crackpot media.
In high school I had to take a class called Theory of Knowledge and my teacher's favorite thing to say was, "how do you know what you claim to know?" He used it so much- we hated it. But bro was speaking facts
Check upanisads and Bhagvad Gita... Later one is the red pill
this is actually interesting. i never looked at it this way... that kind of stuff breaks my brain. lol
@@Thalesium you're definitely right about that. ignorance is bliss as they say
@@Thalesium - I have the opposite experience. It’s not about forgetting. It’s about acknowledging that you don’t know what is the truth but that you know what you are experiencing is real to you at the moment.
There’s a scene in Sword Art Online where the main character enjoys the beautiful day in the fake VR world they are stuck in. Instead of fighting the reality he existed in and hating it, he understood that it wasn’t real but that what he experienced was real inside him.
So no matter what you think about reality, what matters is what you feel and experience about it. It could all be a simulation but what you experience within you is real and no one can take that away from you… except maybe yourself if you allow nihilism to consume you.
You can focus on the abstractness of reality or you can focus on what you know is real inside of you.
If you have a hard time figuring out what’s real inside you, well you should consider figuring out who you are first before focusing on what reality is outside of you.
one of the better parts of IB
Truth is just a word, a concept of our mind. The last few sentences sum up my believes pretty well, I found so many so different truth throughout my life that I just started looking for great philosophical story's as well as a positive outlook on the Life. As Sassy the Sasquatch ones said "You see it when you believe it"
There always is the truth brother don’t let them fool you
Keep our truth to ourselves it’s not for us to reveal to others- it truly is a solo journey
Nietzsche dragged me out of the cave, I'm always angry or at least annoyed I can see why most people prefer lies. It's so frustrating but it's better than being a sucker I guess.
@Spiritual Stuff Good answer.
Next step is to work towards radical acceptance of what is. Then you will lose your anger and annoyance. It is not that you have to like what is, just accept what is. Then you can work within that to better yourself and your situation as you see fit.
You know, the theory I love the most about the matrix is that Zion is a nested matrix, Inception style. Because it shows how taking the dude from the cave into an IMAX is still not showing him the truth. Same with Nietzsche. I too thought I saw through the veil with him, only to find it another cage.
@@raresmocanu1743 "only to find it another cage" I find the Russian nesting dolls a good comparison, even these talks still are just another cage.
What was the most prominent thing you learned from Nietzsche?
As 'Jesus' once said - I have not come to bring Peace I have come to bring the Truth - Blessed it Be.
People need to buy a Red pilled Bible where all of Jesus's statements are printed in red and only read his words.
I wanted to find the truth and after 3 years i found jesus.
@@dgccccc religion is the biggest hoax put onto man. There is no contemporary evidence for jesus
Not quite: Matthew 10:34
Jesus said 'I *am* the truth'
Taking the redpill is not for everyone. I took it one year ago, and it has been traumatizing. But I had to, it wasn't a choice but a must. Realizing what reality really is and then accepting it is the hardest battle of life. But I guess once you accept it, you will be freed forever.
Can you explain it a little better, what do you mean by red Pill here
@@Illusion540 discovering the truth behind certain things in the world. Like the true facade of society, how people really think, how things works
@@law_9840 ^
@@law_9840 - I feel you because once I found out how the real world was it was a 1080 turn into the river bed. It didn’t help that I was depressed but once I cleared my head with the reality that in this world I was going to be alone and that not everybody including your best friends and family is going to understand you😔.
Found out that close friends of mine weren’t really close and that they never really helped me and that It was the other way around. When I tried to vent and talk to someone like my family or friends but nobody cares. I had worked with people that treated me like shit and made me feel that I was a nobody. I felt hopeless at that time. Depression didn’t help, but nothing at that time felt great.
But once I started to accepted the reality and figure out what I needed to do. I was a new person. Nobody really knows about this because I really work on myself than be silence about it. I don’t let it get to me because I’m know that I’m not alone. For the few friends that I have, even though they’re far away and busy we still try to see each other and are happy with our progress. I’m glad that I took that Pill, I had developed my own self and will continue to be. I’m free from the chains that I was once bonded by society and accepted from my peers. I’m more awake that my existence in this world isn’t a Hinder to people.
Keep pushin brotha
Yes, it's really hard to acknowledge THE truth (especially the gloomy truths of the world we live in today), because it isolates us from many of our friends and family members, because they find it too frightening to acknowledge those truths as well.
So, very often, nowadays, discovering and acknowledging THE truth, leaves us quite lonely...
Acceptance is key. You can transform that coldness into warmth with the right understanding. Solitude and loneliness aren't the same. Solitude when met with radical acceptance slowly but surely turns into pure love for everyone and everything. Sending lots of love, you're significantly stronger than you think. ❤️
I mean, finding joy after knowing the truth is still possible and in fact, helps to be more happy. Remember that we need a balance in life, for instance, drinking alcohol, it is bad but it makes you feel happy because you are doing doing that gives you joy. Black and white is not good and I would say, knowing the truth is a usually a greater choice but some people trade it off for happiness. I'd say no one is wrong as long as people don't do absurd or exaggerate things