I don't think we learnt the Bible nearly well enough as Catholics growing up in the 50/60s. When I became a Catechist in my senior years, I realised how little knowledge of the Bible I had, other than the major stories. Nothing to do with Holy Water but this just came to mind. God Bless Fr and Brothers, Sydney Australia
Same here in the USA in the 70's & 80's the entire religious education was "Jesus loves you, what would Jesus do?" Specifically asked the 6th grade catechist "what exactly is a sin?" The entire class cheered because they all wanted to know! She teplied "a sin is something that makes you feel bad" the class collectively groaned. It wasn't until the 1990's when a homeschool mom introduced the "Baltimore catechism" that finally understood the words "deadly sins, venial sins, virtues"😮
Holy Water prayer - "Sprinkle me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: wash me, and I shall be made whiter than the snow. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." I keep Holy Water by my bedside and bless myself before bed and when I awaken. I keep a small bottle in my car and we pray before travel and after arriving in thanks. I was always told that every Catholic home should have - A Crucifix, A Catholic Holy Bible, Blessed candles, Holy Water, Rosary, Missal, Sacramentals, Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Pieta prayer book and other Catholic religious books ( look for the imprimatur and/or nihil obstat on the back of the Title page). Thank you and Easter blessings on you all.
These are things I wish they’d taught me in catholic school. I’ve been trying to figure out a good prayer to use with the holy water font I got recently. Thank you for sharing yours as I find it to be very well phrased. I’ve been also trying to figure out the words to use on the kids when they come & go and at bedtime. If you have any tips for child oriented please share.
@@sam12587 Lord our God, in your mercy be present to your people’s prayers, and, for us who recall the wondrous work of our creation and the still greater work of our redemption graciously bless this water. For you created water to make the fields fruitful and to refresh and cleanse our body. Amen 🙏💦🙏
@@sam12587 Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family!! He is Risen, Alleluia! Teach your children the Guardian Angel prayer. I always ask the Holy Spirit to guide my prayers, whether spoken or reading the Holy Bible. You might feel a little shy at first, but as you practice your Faith, it will become stronger. Think of this like exercise... If your Children are older (around 10) you can teach the the St. Michael the Archangel prayer, in addition tell them to use it if they are feeling bad or threatened. We need our children safe from harm. Anything I've prayed for for family, friends or strangers, I pray for everybody in the whole world.
@@sam12587 Hi Sam, Have you taught your children their Guardian Angel prayer? If they are older, teach the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer. I waken w/ live for God on my heart. "Thank you Father for this day. May I use it in your intention. May I bring the love of Christ to those I meet (encounter). (Or may Christ's love manifest through me). There are many protection prayers. Father, keep my children in your protection this day and may the Blood of of Our Savior wash over them. May no harm come to them (or put your hedge of protection around them). Amen. If your family is having specific issues, pray to the situation, i.e. pray for your family member to be safe from harm, but also pray for the antagonist's heart to change and be turned to God. Multiply your prayer and increase the power of your prayers! I know this might be a little lengthy, but I was trying to cover a few bases. I wish somebody had taught me this for my children when they were little.
⛪Dear Fathers. Listening to your delving so deep into the power of using Holy Water. I use H. Water frequently especially 1st thing in the morning. My dog comes to me as soon as he sees me taking ONLY this particular bottle and sits upright. I bless myself then him asking God to protect him from the wild animals as many come to my place. He will never come and sit if i take any other bottle. I can't explain it. All i know is he is protected because of my faith. 🌧
“By this holy water and thy Precious Blood wash away all my sins, O Lord”. Cross yourself. Dads bless your wife and kids. By all means bless your hotel rooms. Thank you
The Heralds of Gospel, thank you so much for the online teaching about the hidden secret of the Holy Water. This online teaching exposes me more on the benefits of the use of Holy Water by the faithful Catholics.
Holy Water is indeed very powerful. I know a person who was healed of cancer by drinking holy water daily and receiving holy communion daily as well. Thank you Jesus for giving us Priests. Without them we don't have sacraments and sacramentals🙏🙏
I truly believe that the Holy Spirit has guided me to this Podcast to reveal my experience with Holy Water! I was a prolific materbater and could not deal with it on my own. So I asked for enlightenment and was guided to sacret (Roman Rite Exorcised Holy Water ) Every night I blessed myself and my senses, hearing, smell, eyes, taste etc. with the Holy water and also my head containing the brain through which all evil thoughts come. I also blessed my genatalia to ensure that they were protected from coersion! I can assure all of you that this has worked for many years now and I do not have that problem! I suggest that all of you have exorcised Holy Water and Salt in your homes and use it several times a day to bless yourselves and your family! God Bless you all!
As a non catholic Christian, I'm learning more and more and I'm so grateful to find out what there is that attracts and keeps many who are catholic. Secular world tends to poke out issues but evade what is the good and purpose of the faith. Wow. Thank you for your messages to help anyone with a willing heart.❤ Most valuable to really get it ...thank you for your share
I need these podcasts Father Bandet, Brother John and Brother Morgan. Father - I had a pet rock, a rabbits foot and, I’m ashamed to say, being Italian, a horn! Yikes! I didn’t know any better!🙏
Salve Maria🙏🏼Thank you Fr Michael Carlson ,Fr Bandet, Br John and Br Morgan, Herald of the Gospel Organisation. Wish you happy Easter and the Lord enrich every one of you in more wisdom, enrich spiritual growth in abundance. 🙏🏼❤️🕊✝️💒📿🌹🌹🌹🌹
@@HeraldsoftheGospel_official Thank you for confirming. I came down with what was across the globe in 2019. I am living alone and was real sick to the point that I thought I was dying. I found comfort in Mother Mary, our Lord Jesus & called out to them, St. Joseph, St. Michael & my guardian angel. I blessed myself & took sips of Holy water. I survived with no meds. My question to you came because a friend questioned if what I did using Holy water - blessing myself and taking a sip was the right thing to do by the church?
All do respect.....Not all cradle catholics were or are ignorant of the Catholic Church and her teachings Father. Yes maybe a great number due to years of poor catechesis and the state of society these days especially. Thank goodness in these times of technology there are several ways to learn and be taught if you weren't taught as a child, especially through The Baltimore Catechism. Being born Catholic is the greatest privilege!!! Numbers 5:17.....use of holy water ❤
Hello. Yes, true, there are some fortunate and blessed Catholics who were taught well, but most Catholics, over the last several decades, have received very poor catechesis. Thanks be to God that there are ways to learn the Truth! God bless you!
Salve Maria! That was a good podcast as usual. Sacramentals, Hoy water. Thank God for the Sacramentals. Also, I have a doubt. Does the Holy water expire of its Holiness? Thankyou
Salve Maria very good explanation regarding why we use holy water& the benefits received from those who use it& its for our purification of our bodies mind& soul& we are entering into the holy Church & from all bad experiences for fear & for protection. Before we leave our churches Thank you Rev Fr Michael Carlson& all other. BROTHERS PRAISE GOD HALLELUIA
At the entrance of my house by the front door there was always a horrible smell it lasted for a couple of Months I did not know where it came from! I washed the front of my house with bleachs, detergents etc… the smell never went away! One day for some reason I thought of trying Holy water So I sprinkled Holy Water all over the front of my house saying in the Name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit and the smell was no more! I was absolutely amazed! Soon after I had my house Blessed by a good Priest. My house has been Blessed 3 times. I love having my house Blessed!
I have a question : I believe we were plagued by evil spirits when we moved into our new house . My husband , my children and I started having nightmares and problems in our health as well as our business with serious financial losses . My husband started having violent nightmares to the point that I had to put pillows between us so as not get hurt. He has never had nightmares before . My nightmares were definitely demonic .I am catholic so I turned to God for help. I used all the sacrements to rebuke the demons . I pray 3 entire rosaries a day , sprinkle holy water everywhere in the house and in the garden and go to mass twice a week . Things are much better in every way . My husband is a good gentle and kind man who will put everyone before himself. I tried to get him (who is a Greek Orthodox ) to come to church with me but he won’t . He does believe in God and Jesus and will wear a cross and a miraculous Mary medallion around his neck as well as sleep with a Chaplet under his pillow because I as him to but he has never practiced his faith in any pious way. Will my prayers and beliefs in all the sacrements God gave us be sufficient to protect him and the rest of my family from the demons ? I find your videos so enlightening and comforting . Thank you so very much . ❤️
Psalms 51:9 says :Cleans me with hyssop,that I may be pure,wash me,make me whiter than snow.Thank you Fr I have also learnt why we use Holy water when we enter it's for purification and when we leave the church is for protection.Amen Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah.
What do the priests think about adding holy water to say, the coffee, of family members who are atheist or engaging in new age spirituality. Is this an inappropriate use of Holy water, or is it OK to try and protect those we love from the demonic without their knowledge?
How about the Epiphany Water? I go to the Traditional Mass, and it teaches us that it is holier of all the water that is blessed on the day other the Epiphany.
I have a bottle of epiphany water too. My understanding is it’s stronger as it’s been through and exorcism of sorts. Google it, there are some sites that have ideas listed. Yiu can use it to bless anything you don’t want the devil to influence or touch. Now that I better understand the epiphany stuff I’m bringing salt with me next year too.
@@mrsducky3428 The water used in Baptism is not necessary Holy water. Although the official rite of Baptism includes blessing the water, one can be baptised with ordinary water in extreme circumstances
I have been told in Bible class that we can Baptize someone with regular water if they are dying like in an accident. Saying I Baptize you in the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit. So is this right?
They are a 5 volume series about the Supernatural Gift of WIsdom in the Life and Work of the Mentor of Our Founder. Plinio Correia de Oliveira. For now it is only available in Portuguese and Spanish.
Hello sister! In fact, only a priest can give a blessing in the name of the church. You can of course say a prayer over the Rosary asking God to bless it. This is not the same as the priestly blessing.
Someone anointed him with beautiful ointment , wonderful incense,leave her alone,she has done a beautiful thing for me,there is more. There were some who did recognise him when he came,the kings of the East and they came to worship him and they did.They gave him great gifts. Gold for provision, frankincense (a healing sent) and laudernum opium for pain. Simeon recognised him, who else, no one.These things entrusted to his mother Why don't you wake up!
Hello. Some priests do, perhaps because of a misguidance regarding the importance of Holy Water, and whether or not it should be available at this time. But maybe your priest is following the old custom. In the past Holy Water was only blessed at Easter. So during the Triduum, they would empty all the fonts, to symbolize the time before the redemption. And Easter opens the gates of Heaven, thus bringing us the life giving waters.
Holy Water and Holy Anointing oil is for all believers in YESHUA . Not for Catholic only . Thank you YESHUA , Thank you ELOHIM , Thank You RUAH - HA - KODESH ❤❤❤❤🙏🙇🙌🕊️
Because I see at the bottom of your video written sentences where someone wrote " nature is a symbol of god's love". So again word God should br spelled with CAPITAL LETTER as opposed to gods ( pagan gods).
Used to attend a church where the priest told the janitor it was the janitors job to bless the water to make it holy. And the baptismal water was poured out on the plants.
Heb 4:4 For somewhere in the Scriptures this is said about seventh day: " God rested on the SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORK. " 5 This same matter is spoken of again: " They will never enter that land where I would have given them rest. " 6 Those who first HEARD THE GOOD NEWS DID NOT RECEIVE THAT REST, BECAUSE THEY DID BELIEVE : There are, then, others who are allowed to receive it: 7 This is shown by the fact that God sets another day, which is called " Today " . Many years later he spoke of it though David in the scripture already quoted: " IF YOU HEAR GOD'S VOICE TODAY, DO NOT BE STUBBORN. " 8 IF JOSHUA HAD GIVEN THE PEOPLE THE REST THAT GOD HAD PROMISED, GOD WOULD NOT HAVE SPOKEN LATER ABOUT ANOTHER DAY. 9 AS IT IS, HOWEVER, THERE STILL REMAINS FOR GOD'S PEOPLE A REST LIKE GOD'S RESTING ON THE SEVENTH DAY,
Well of course it is God who makes anything holy; man cannot make holy what God has deemed holy. But...man can follow the directives of God to keep holy what God has made holy. We are all sinners... that is why we need God even more. Jesus came to redeem sinners.
Exodus 31:12 THE Lord commanded Moses 13 to say to the people of israel, " keep the sabbath, my day of rest, because it is a SIGN BETWEEN YOU AND ME for all time to come, to show that I, the Lord, have made you my own people. 14 You must keep the day of rest, because it is sacred. Whoever does not keep it, but works on that day, is to be put to death. 15 You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day is a solemn day of rest dedicated to me. Whoever does any work on that Day is to be put to death. 2:28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. Jesus done it on the cross. 16 The people of Israel are to keep this day as a sign of the covenant. 17 It a permanent sign between the people of Israel and the me, because I, the Lord, made heaven and earth in six days. and on the seventh day I stopping working and rested. "
At the entrance of my house by the front door there was always a horrible smell it lasted for a couple of Months I did not know where it came from! I washed the front of my house with bleachs, detergents etc… the smell never went away! One day for some reason I thought of trying Holy water So I sprinkled Holy Water all over the front of my house saying in the Name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit and the smell was no more! I was absolutely amazed! Soon after I had my house Blessed by a good Priest. My house has been Blessed 3 times. I love having my house Blessed!
I don't think we learnt the Bible nearly well enough as Catholics growing up in the 50/60s. When I became a Catechist in my senior years, I realised how little knowledge of the Bible I had, other than the major stories. Nothing to do with Holy Water but this just came to mind. God Bless Fr and Brothers, Sydney Australia
Same here in the USA in the 70's & 80's the entire religious education was "Jesus loves you, what would Jesus do?"
Specifically asked the 6th grade catechist "what exactly is a sin?" The entire class cheered because they all wanted to know! She teplied "a sin is something that makes you feel bad" the class collectively groaned. It wasn't until the 1990's when a homeschool mom introduced the "Baltimore catechism" that finally understood the words "deadly sins, venial sins, virtues"😮
Holy Water prayer -
"Sprinkle me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: wash me, and I shall be made whiter than the snow. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." I keep Holy Water by my bedside and bless myself before bed and when I awaken. I keep a small bottle in my car and we pray before travel and after arriving in thanks. I was always told that every Catholic home should have - A Crucifix, A Catholic Holy Bible, Blessed candles, Holy Water, Rosary, Missal, Sacramentals, Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Pieta prayer book and other Catholic religious books ( look for the imprimatur and/or nihil obstat on the back of the Title page).
Thank you and Easter blessings on you all.
These are things I wish they’d taught me in catholic school.
I’ve been trying to figure out a good prayer to use with the holy water font I got recently. Thank you for sharing yours as I find it to be very well phrased.
I’ve been also trying to figure out the words to use on the kids when they come & go and at bedtime.
If you have any tips for child oriented please share.
@@sam12587 Lord our God, in your mercy be present to your people’s prayers, and, for us who recall the wondrous work of our creation and the still greater work of our redemption graciously bless this water. For you created water to make the fields fruitful and to refresh and cleanse our body. Amen 🙏💦🙏
@@sam12587 Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family!! He is Risen, Alleluia!
Teach your children the Guardian Angel prayer. I always ask the Holy Spirit to guide my prayers, whether spoken or reading the Holy Bible. You might feel a little shy at first, but as you practice your Faith, it will become stronger. Think of this like exercise... If your Children are older (around 10) you can teach the the St. Michael the Archangel prayer, in addition tell them to use it if they are feeling bad or threatened. We need our children safe from harm. Anything I've prayed for for family, friends or strangers, I pray for everybody in the whole world.
@@sam12587 Hi Sam, Have you taught your children their Guardian Angel prayer? If they are older, teach the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer.
I waken w/ live for God on my heart. "Thank you Father for this day. May I use it in your intention. May I bring the love of Christ to those I meet (encounter). (Or may Christ's love manifest through me).
There are many protection prayers. Father, keep my children in your protection this day and may the Blood of of Our Savior wash over them. May no harm come to them (or put your hedge of protection around them). Amen.
If your family is having specific issues, pray to the situation, i.e. pray for your family member to be safe from harm, but also
pray for the antagonist's heart to change and be turned to God. Multiply your prayer and increase the power of your prayers!
I know this might be a little lengthy, but I was trying to cover a few bases. I wish somebody had taught me this for my children when they were little.
⛪Dear Fathers. Listening to your delving so deep into the power of using Holy Water. I use H. Water frequently especially 1st thing in the morning. My dog comes to me as soon as he sees me taking ONLY this particular bottle and sits upright. I bless myself then him asking God to protect him from the wild animals as many come to my place. He will never come and sit if i take any other bottle. I can't explain it. All i know is he is protected because of my faith. 🌧
Thank you for sharing this story...interesting and impressive!
What is the difference between the brown scapular and green scapular?
Imagine our lords baptism when he was baptized and his divinity shot across the waters of creation in an instant while immersed.
The realisation of that gave me goosebumps 🙏
Thank you, and God bless you 🙏
I have two bottles of Holy Water which i had in my altar for a year now. Thank you for alerting me to use them!
“By this holy water and thy Precious Blood wash away all my sins, O Lord”. Cross yourself. Dads bless your wife and kids. By all means bless your hotel rooms. Thank you
The Heralds of Gospel, thank you so much for the online teaching about the hidden secret of the Holy Water. This online teaching exposes me more on the benefits of the use of Holy Water by the faithful Catholics.
Holy Water is indeed very powerful. I know a person who was healed of cancer by drinking holy water daily and receiving holy communion daily as well.
Thank you Jesus for giving us Priests. Without them we don't have sacraments and sacramentals🙏🙏
I saw my father change before my eyes when I would administer the Holy Eucharist ✝️
Salve Maria,Fr.and thank you
Salve Maria, Catherine!
I truly believe that the Holy Spirit has guided me to this Podcast to reveal my experience with Holy Water! I was a prolific materbater and could not deal with it on my own. So I asked for enlightenment and was guided to sacret (Roman Rite Exorcised Holy Water ) Every night I blessed myself and my senses, hearing, smell, eyes, taste etc. with the Holy water and also my head containing the brain through which all evil thoughts come. I also blessed my genatalia to ensure that they were protected from coersion! I can assure all of you that this has worked for many years now and I do not have that problem! I suggest that all of you have exorcised Holy Water and Salt in your homes and use it several times a day to bless yourselves and your family! God Bless you all!
God bless you all fr very well explained love ❤️ it Amen 🙏
May God bless you also, Teresa!
I enjoy your podcasts also ... holy water + confession ... thankyou Jesus, Mary Joseph
As a non catholic Christian, I'm learning more and more and I'm so grateful to find out what there is that attracts and keeps many who are catholic. Secular world tends to poke out issues but evade what is the good and purpose of the faith. Wow. Thank you for your messages to help anyone with a willing heart.❤ Most valuable to really get it ...thank you for your share
Hello. Welcome to our channel, and may God bless you!
Good luck on your journey of learning about Catholicism. It is truly a beautiful religion❤
Salve Maria. Thank you for this valuable education on holy water.
Salve Maria. Wishing a Blessed Holy Triduum and Easter
Salve Maria, Mildred! Blessed Triduum and Easter to you as well.
This was a very helpful teaching of the Catholic faith .
Salve Maria.
Salve Maria!
Cradled Catholic here, he’s absolutely correct.
Thank God in this journey getting close to Christ.
Amen!!! Confident Catholics ✝️ I am a cradle Catholic and took God for granted 😔the Heralds help me see and change my ways ✝️thank you
AMEN Glory to God. 💕✝️
Thank you Fr.Michael, for the online teaching on Catholic doctrines about Holy Water and others.
Thank God for our priest🙏🙏🙏🙏
Keep up the faith and keep God old and new commandments❤❤❤Love and peace be with you all ❤❤❤
What a gift these videos are. Thank you for your work. 🙏
Thank you, gentlemen, this talk has been very helpful to me.
You are so welcome, Karen. God bless you!
It is better to have Holy Water and blessed salt and even pictures or Statues of Jesus Mary and Joseph! All blessed by a Priest!
I need these podcasts Father Bandet, Brother John and Brother Morgan. Father - I had a pet rock, a rabbits foot and, I’m ashamed to say, being Italian, a horn! Yikes! I didn’t know any better!🙏
Hello Michele! God bless you!
Salve Maria🙏🏼Thank you Fr Michael Carlson ,Fr Bandet, Br John and Br Morgan, Herald of the Gospel Organisation. Wish you happy Easter and the Lord enrich every one of you in more wisdom, enrich spiritual growth in abundance. 🙏🏼❤️🕊✝️💒📿🌹🌹🌹🌹
Salve Maria! Blessed Holy Easter to you!
Thank you so much for this very informative podcast on Holy Water!
You are very welcome, Helen.
Salve Maria! Wishing a Blessed Holy Easter!
Salve Maria! Blessed and Happy Easter to you also!
Thank you Fr for giving us more knowledge about holy water.Praise be to God 🙏.
Very enlightening podcast - Thank You for deepening my knowledge and understanding of the devotion of Holy Water
Thanks Father for that explanationi find these podcasts very informative.Salve Maria! from South Africa.
Question for Fr. Bandet, Br. John, Br. Morgan please - Can a Catholic have a sip of Holy water, especially when ill? or is it wrong to do so? and why?
Hello. We can add Holy Water, Blessed Salt, Blessed Oil to our food and drink.
@@HeraldsoftheGospel_official Thank you for confirming. I came down with what was across the globe in 2019. I am living alone and was real sick to the point that I thought I was dying. I found comfort in Mother Mary, our Lord Jesus & called out to them, St. Joseph, St. Michael & my guardian angel. I blessed myself & took sips of Holy water. I survived with no meds. My question to you came because a friend questioned if what I did using Holy water - blessing myself and taking a sip was the right thing to do by the church?
Thank you Father Michael,Father Bandet and Brothers.
You are very welcome, Erlinda! God bless you!
I truly enjoy these podcasts as a cradle catholic I am learning everyday. Thank you
God bless you❤
All do respect.....Not all cradle catholics were or are ignorant of the Catholic Church and her teachings Father. Yes maybe a great number due to years of poor catechesis and the state of society these days especially. Thank goodness in these times of technology there are several ways to learn and be taught if you weren't taught as a child, especially through The Baltimore Catechism. Being born Catholic is the greatest privilege!!! Numbers 5:17.....use of holy water ❤
Hello. Yes, true, there are some fortunate and blessed Catholics who were taught well, but most Catholics, over the last several decades, have received very poor catechesis. Thanks be to God that there are ways to learn the Truth! God bless you!
I bless my house once a week with the holy water n my son house
Salve Maria!
That was a good podcast as usual. Sacramentals, Hoy water.
Thank God for the Sacramentals.
Also, I have a doubt. Does the Holy water expire of its Holiness?
Thank you i learn more and more about our church sacraments and how to use them on this channels. 🙏 to you
Salve Maria very good explanation regarding why we use holy water& the benefits received from those who use it& its for our purification of our bodies mind& soul& we are entering into the holy Church & from all bad experiences for fear & for protection. Before we leave our churches Thank you Rev Fr Michael Carlson& all other. BROTHERS PRAISE GOD HALLELUIA
Salve Maria! God bless you!
Thank you so much for your videos. They are well made and very informative.
God bless you
May God bless you also!
Thank you so much..most enlightening 👍🏼May God bless your endeavours🙏🏽
Thank you wonderful Servants of God, Heralds of the Gospel for this Topic. God bless you more and always.
I love Epiphany water!!!
At the entrance of my house by the front door there was always a horrible smell it lasted for a couple of Months I did not know where it came from! I washed the front of my house with bleachs, detergents etc… the smell never went away!
One day for some reason I thought of trying Holy water So I sprinkled Holy Water all over the front of my house saying in the Name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit and the smell was no more! I was absolutely amazed! Soon after I had my house Blessed by a good Priest. My house has been Blessed 3 times. I love having my house Blessed!
I have a question : I believe we were plagued by evil spirits when we moved into our new house . My husband , my children and I started having nightmares and problems in our health as well as our business with serious financial losses . My husband started having violent nightmares to the point that I had to put pillows between us so as not get hurt. He has never had nightmares before . My nightmares were definitely demonic .I am catholic so I turned to God for help. I used all the sacrements to rebuke the demons . I pray 3 entire rosaries a day , sprinkle holy water everywhere in the house and in the garden and go to mass twice a week . Things are much better in every way . My husband is a good gentle and kind man who will put everyone before himself. I tried to get him (who is a Greek Orthodox ) to come to church with me but he won’t . He does believe in God and Jesus and will wear a cross and a miraculous Mary medallion around his neck as well as sleep with a Chaplet under his pillow because I as him to but he has never practiced his faith in any pious way. Will my prayers and beliefs in all the sacrements God gave us be sufficient to protect him and the rest of my family from the demons ?
I find your videos so enlightening and comforting . Thank you so very much . ❤️
Water as point of contact spreads the grace , also water gets an imprint from the verbal blessings on it, like CD gets imprinted ❤❤
Thank you so much.❤
Thank you for the explanation - all of the explanations are so helpful for me and I am able to pass them along to others ❤
You are so welcome!
Salve Maria 🌹🙏
Thank you Brothers love the informative podcast looking forward to more! 👌
You are very welcome. Thank you for joining us!
Thank you
We all love Bro Morgan
Psalms 51:9 says :Cleans me with hyssop,that I may be pure,wash me,make me whiter than snow.Thank you Fr I have also learnt why we use Holy water when we enter it's for purification and when we leave the church is for protection.Amen Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah.
What do the priests think about adding holy water to say, the coffee, of family members who are atheist or engaging in new age spirituality. Is this an inappropriate use of Holy water, or is it OK to try and protect those we love from the demonic without their knowledge?
Green scapular
Been told you can do that and also hide properly blessed st Benedict's medals in their home and car.
How about the Epiphany Water? I go to the Traditional Mass, and it teaches us that it is holier of all the water that is blessed on the day other the Epiphany.
I have a bottle of epiphany water too. My understanding is it’s stronger as it’s been through and exorcism of sorts.
Google it, there are some sites that have ideas listed. Yiu can use it to bless anything you don’t want the devil to influence or touch.
Now that I better understand the epiphany stuff I’m bringing salt with me next year too.
Also the water used for baptism is way better than the water prooffered in the doorways. 😊
@@mrsducky3428 The water used in Baptism is not necessary Holy water. Although the official rite of Baptism includes blessing the water, one can be baptised with ordinary water in extreme circumstances
I have been told in Bible class that we can Baptize someone with regular water if they are dying like in an accident. Saying I Baptize you in the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit. So is this right?
Yes. You are right. But they have to regularize their baptism if they survive.
Wow this was very interesting. The caption is way off though.
They still do the exorcism blessing of the salt and then the exorcism blessing of the water upon placing the salt in the water.
Actually, at the FSSP, holy water is blessed via a rather long liturgy on Epiphany. It does include exorcisms and blessed exorcised salt.
Which title of Mary is the statue on the shelf?
i chant Psalm 51 in Latin
Father is it consider holy water came from lourdes in france?
What are the urns for on the bookshelf?
Hello. Urns? Do you mean the decorative pieces on the shelves? They are not urns. God bless you.
What are the books in the background?
They are a 5 volume series about the Supernatural Gift of WIsdom in the Life and Work of the Mentor of Our Founder. Plinio Correia de Oliveira. For now it is only available in Portuguese and Spanish.
@@brothernimishcoelho Thanks for the reply. I'm new to Religion and am gathering as much intel on books for future readings.
If the priest is not available to bless the rosary , is it appropriate to do it if somebody ask you ?
Only on an emergency and as a temporary measure until a priest can.
Hello sister! In fact, only a priest can give a blessing in the name of the church. You can of course say a prayer over the Rosary asking God to bless it. This is not the same as the priestly blessing.
Fr. what's the difference between green and brown scapular?
Hello! Here are links to learn about the two scapulars:
Someone anointed him with beautiful ointment , wonderful incense,leave her alone,she has done a beautiful thing for me,there is more. There were some who did recognise him when he came,the kings of the East and they came to worship him and they did.They gave him great gifts. Gold for provision, frankincense (a healing sent) and laudernum opium for pain. Simeon recognised him, who else, no one.These things entrusted to his mother
Why don't you wake up!
So why did my pastor remove holy water from the fonts during the Triduum?
Hello. Some priests do, perhaps because of a misguidance regarding the importance of Holy Water, and whether or not it should be available at this time.
But maybe your priest is following the old custom. In the past Holy Water was only blessed at Easter. So during the Triduum, they would empty all the fonts, to symbolize the time before the redemption. And Easter opens the gates of Heaven, thus bringing us the life giving waters.
Holy Water and Holy Anointing oil is for all believers in YESHUA . Not for Catholic only . Thank you YESHUA , Thank you ELOHIM , Thank You RUAH - HA - KODESH ❤❤❤❤🙏🙇🙌🕊️
GOD is spelled with CAPITAL LETTER always.
When it refers to the one true God, yes. But why did you make this comment, may I ask?
Because I see at the bottom of your video written sentences where someone wrote " nature is a symbol of god's love". So again word God should br spelled with CAPITAL LETTER as opposed to gods ( pagan gods).
I consider my Pet Rock as a decoration.
Used to attend a church where the priest told the janitor it was the janitors job to bless the water to make it holy. And the baptismal water was poured out on the plants.
Hello. There was certainly something amiss there...
@@HeraldsoftheGospel_official yeah, don't attend that church anymore!
Heb 4:4 For somewhere in the Scriptures this is said about seventh day: " God rested on the SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORK. " 5 This same matter is spoken of again: " They will never enter that land where I would have given them rest. " 6 Those who first HEARD THE GOOD NEWS DID NOT RECEIVE THAT REST, BECAUSE THEY DID BELIEVE : There are, then, others who are allowed to receive it: 7 This is shown by the fact that God sets another day, which is called " Today " . Many years later he spoke of it though David in the scripture already quoted: " IF YOU HEAR GOD'S VOICE TODAY, DO NOT BE STUBBORN. " 8 IF JOSHUA HAD GIVEN THE PEOPLE THE REST THAT GOD HAD PROMISED, GOD WOULD NOT HAVE SPOKEN LATER ABOUT ANOTHER DAY. 9 AS IT IS, HOWEVER, THERE STILL REMAINS FOR GOD'S PEOPLE A REST LIKE GOD'S RESTING ON THE SEVENTH DAY,
Genesis 2:3-4
Well of course it is God who makes anything holy; man cannot make holy what God has deemed holy. But...man can follow the directives of God to keep holy what God has made holy. We are all sinners... that is why we need God even more. Jesus came to redeem sinners.
Exodus 31:12 THE Lord commanded Moses 13 to say to the people of israel, " keep the sabbath, my day of rest, because it is a SIGN BETWEEN YOU AND ME for all time to come, to show that I, the Lord, have made you my own people. 14 You must keep the day of rest, because it is sacred. Whoever does not keep it, but works on that day, is to be put to death. 15 You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day is a solemn day of rest dedicated to me. Whoever does any work on that Day is to be put to death. 2:28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. Jesus done it on the cross. 16 The people of Israel are to keep this day as a sign of the covenant. 17 It a permanent sign between the people of Israel and the me, because I, the Lord, made heaven and earth in six days. and on the seventh day I stopping working and rested. "
The Bible doesn't say Jesus blessed the water. He made that up for convenience
At the entrance of my house by the front door there was always a horrible smell it lasted for a couple of Months I did not know where it came from! I washed the front of my house with bleachs, detergents etc… the smell never went away!
One day for some reason I thought of trying Holy water So I sprinkled Holy Water all over the front of my house saying in the Name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit and the smell was no more! I was absolutely amazed! Soon after I had my house Blessed by a good Priest. My house has been Blessed 3 times. I love having my house Blessed!
Great testimony. Thanks for sharing!