She was a member of 2nd Infantry Regiment, or as we know it, The Iron Regiment. That regiment fought constantly since 1912 to late 1918. They were always first to charge and last to withdrawn. 1. First Balkan War they fought in all 3 major battles (Kumanovo, Prilep and Bitolj battles) 2. Second Balkan War: At battle of Bregalnica where Bulgarian victory was nearly at hand, they charged hill 650 despite already loosing 50% of manpower and breaking trought the lines completly disrupted Bulgarian advance and turned tide of battle. 3. Battle of Cer in WW1. They were at very center of battle, right at vilage of Tekeris, completly destroying Austrian offensive and forcing them to leave not just their positions but Serbia completly. 4. At battle of Kolubara they took important strategic position of hill Kremenica on charge, despite loosing all comanding officers in progress. 5. In 1915 when Serbia was attacked by AustroHungary, Germany and Bulgaria combined and since Serbia refused to capitulate, and moved Army trought Albanian mountains to find a way out, Iron regiment was last to leave country soil, protecting it's withdrawal until completed. 6. After recovery and getting settled on Thesaloniki front, they fought in Gornicevo battle and managed to liberate Bitola. 7. After breaking trought Thesaloniki front in 1918 they became one of the most decorated regiments in the history of warfare. "These Serbs are tough in trouble, sober, modest, unbreakable. They are the free men, proud of their nation and the masters of their fields. For the freedom of their homeland these peasants instantly turned into the most courageous soldiers, the most persistent, the best of all soldiers. These are the glorious troops, made of endurance and zeal, the ones that make me proud of leading them, shoulder to shoulder with the French soldiers, to a victorious march for the freedom of their fatherland." Luj Franše d’Epere
@@repak05 I wouldn't call Austro-Hungarian troops a heroes in this case, they slaugthered litteraly everything that moves in Mačva region, woman, old people, children, even cattle and pets prior to Cer battle. Litteral genocide.
@@mimicar100 I think its important to see this by neutral sight after the century. Both sides had their shares of attrocities. Killing austrians wounded by serbian civillians and poisoning of soldiers who atleast tried to treat Serbs with respect (mainly austrian soldiers of slavic origin) was a common thing as well. Its always same in every war. The only important thing is that Serbs won, partially due incompetence of Austrian commanders (dont forget the 8th landwehr regiment which was spearhead of 21st landwehr division was successfully ambushed by serbs after their guards fall asleep because they marched whole day with 0,5l of water per soldier and Potiorek just force them to march faster and faster.) I dont want to disrespect bravery of serbian soldiers, but it alone did not win the battle.
@@repak05 What? Lol mate, i am all in for neutral opinion, and yes, most of Slovaks and Czech soliders treated civilians with respect, but the rest commit terrible things, those are facts, you cannot deny or pollish or excuse that.
Some interesting facts: When offered the chance to live in France and receive a pension for her service Milunka refused, preferring to live in her own country. She had one biological daughter and also adopted 3 abandoned children, even though she was a single mother working a low paying job. During Nazi occupation in WW2 she refused to attend a local ball, although she was asked specifically, she refused on the grounds that German military officers would be there. Because she spoke out she was arrested and served time in a labor camp. She was a true patriot until the end, an incredible women both in her public and private life!!
When later German officer find out her name on list he send to bring her to see is it really her. When they bring her he say I just want to shake hands to greatest hero and let her go home.
@@boriskoren6862 Amen all should fear God brother. I myself am a follower of Christ. I never wanted to be a bible study teacher. I feared him to much plus the responsibility but God gave me no choice. So I went threw John MacArthur seminary school.
This woman had more balls than many men, and in all honesty, I think her place in whatever the hall of Great warriors should be called is on the right of Sun Tzu as a personification of his teachings. Warrior, Soldier, who don't want to kill enemy yet still can win.
@@ZaBuZa891srb More actually there were 11 asf i know.Milunka Savic,Flora Sands,Sofija Jovanovic,Natalija Bjelajac and lot more who fought as komite during Toplica uprising in Serbia.
Really bro? At a comment saying Romania Loves Serbia you're gonna put russian flags? Romanians fought and died at the battle of Belgrade in 1456 and in countless battles after. Where was russia for Serbia in these past 500 years?
Песня посвящена Милунке Савич-Глигоревич. Милунка Савич _24 июня 1890, Копривница - 5 октября 1973, Белград) - сербская военнослужащая, участница Первой мировой войны, сержант 2-го Железного пехотного полка имени князя Михайло армии Королевства Сербия, кавалер пяти орденов (Сербии, Франции, Англии, России). Обладательница самого большого количества наград среди женщин - военнослужащих Сербии; одна из самых известных женщин, сражавшихся на фронтах Первой мировой войны. В боях была ранена как минимум девять раз, за свою выдающуюся храбрость была прозвана французами Сербской Жанной д’Арк
I have seen a photo of her in uniform and decorated with medal strolling in Thessaloniki (Salonica) Greece while recovering from injury in battle ( thus she was holding a walking stick).
Всегда я будут гордый что я брат такых знакомых славных народов как русские и сербские!!! Без оглядки на Европу: Слава России и Слава Сербии из Словакии!!! 🇸🇰🤝🇷🇸🇷🇺
Одна сербская женщина взяла на себя задачу отправиться прямо на фронт, рискуя жизнью для своей семьи и страны. Ее звали Милунка Савич. Привет из России 👋
Odlična montaža, na opasno dobru pesmu. Milunka Savić i mnogi drugi... Da li smo ih dostojni? Veliki naklon na montaži i podsećanju... Kao što neko reče, sa ovim je ona reklama, mi smo svet, dobila pravo značenje, kao i ona šaljiva... 250. Raketna brigada 26.03.1999. I jedan od nas je upalio dugme na 7 sekundi i oborio F117 ponos NATO avijacije ... Mi smo svet! Opet još jednom, SVAKA ČAST!
I like how the very first scene is a muddy, torn to s**t battlefield and when the drums hit heavy, the puddles shake, like artillery pounding. Well done.
Her Grandson says she played an even bigger role than historians want to admit. Hopefully we get more info if that’s true. It wouldn’t be the first time historians tried to silence a women in history.
If the scene where she marched into that trench with a grenade in hand demanding surrender of the enemy is true then she is one dangerous hero the one who has no fear of death is a force that will never fear the enemy.
@@kevinkocher9347 well one of the 23 Bulgarians was a general and after the Great War she eventually married his son had a daughter and some time later got divorced During WW2 she was invited to a banquet that was to be attended by many higher ranking Wehrmacht and Waffen SS officers but she declined and was subsiquently sent to a concentration camp for 10 months so she technically was also a Holocaust survivor
Cool song and music video. This woman was a badass soldier. Tribute and to her memory and braveness serving her country. Milunka Savic legendary female warrior forever.😎👍🔥🔥🔥
Milunka needs to be modern girls role model…….not Kim Kardashian. If girls were raised to be badasses, imagine how strong our nation would be if if men and woman both could be as honorable and strong as she was!
@@ZaBuZa891srb Da li je Sabaton stvarno posvetio pesmu njuj ili necem/nekom drugom a vi ste samo ono napravili da bude o Milunki? Inace odlican video i dobro je sto ste stavili emgleski tekst i slike da i drugi razumu.
@@goranstojanov1160 Iako se u tekstu nigde ne spominje Srpska vojska ili Milunka Savić, pesma je o njoj, i čak spominju kako je pripadnica gvozdenog odreda (misli se na gvozdeni puk).
In Brazil we had Maria Quitéria: a girl that fought in the War of Independence. Her disguise doesn't had effect, but she was respected and gained a improvised female uniform with a scottish kilt. Maria Quitéria became lieutenant and had her own female platoon!
Ми смо певали кад' нам је било најтеже, запевали смо када су нас француске лађе пребацивале из Албаније на Крф, а били смо живи лешеви. Француски морнари и официри су плакали слушајући нас, и говорили су: Какав диван рад. Певали смо кад' смо умирали на оству Крфу и Виду, певали смо када смо гинули на Солунском фронту... - Милунка Савић
Иако јој се тадашња Југославија није одужила Срби је ипак памте! А и многи други хероји су код комуниста завршили тако и наше је да памтимо те неправде!
Stop writing nonsense. Milunka got land from the state and built a house with her then-husband on that land. She left that when she got divorced. Then she worked and got a military pension after WW2. She was not as celebrated as she would have been in some other country that didn't participate in every single war there ever was on earth, and spawned so many war heroes that they can't keep count, but she didn't die in poverty. She at least had a pension and lived better than many city-living people in that war-torn country, it was a tough time for everyone
Il n'y a que SABATON pour faire revivre les héros de guerre oubliés du passé et leurs actes héroiques. Qui connaissait cette femme ? pas moi avant ce titre. Magnifique hommage :)
Who shall be remembered In the ancient house of war? All the medals, all those stories In the alley of the greats Celebrated hero Who has wandered through the dark She stand before you All that metal shining bright Lost in time, returning to the light Bow before, this lady fight for life (So sister) Raise your hand For the lady of the dark Soldier with no will to kill With a philanthropic heart (forever) Break the norm She's the girl in uniform Fighting side by side with men She will fight until the end Lied to be respected And to change her brothers fate Took a bullet, earned her freedom And a place among the stars And she served the Iron squadron Served the toughest of them all No fear of dying For the frontline, she was born Sacrifice, she took her brothers place War to war, a place where she belong (So brother) Raise your hand For the lady of the dark Soldier with no will to kill With a philanthropic heart (forever) Break the norm She's the girl in uniform Fighting side by side with men She will fight until the end Don't fear the reaper Don't fear the war She spared the life of brothers She'll fight for honour She'll fight for life A lady goes to war Raise your hand For the lady of the dark Raise your hand For the lady of the dark Soldier with no will to kill With a philanthropic heart (forever) Break the norm She's the girl in uniform Fighting side by side with men She will fight until the end!
Хвала на позитивном коментару. Хтео сам да убацим и сцене из тог филма али нисам успео да их пронађем у одговарајућој резолуцији. Хвала на подршци и наставите пратити мој канал.
A tough life creates strong people and women, apparently the mostly peaceful post Europe WWII years have been a reason why war seems too easy to under taken unprepared or not been fully aware of the fall out of it.
Lads, I have a feeling that if Milunka Savic and Ecaterina Teodoroiu (a romanian female soldier also from WW1) would've met, they would've been great friends. Too bad that Ecaterina died in the war...
Sqditon should do a song for the woman who lost her husband when the nazis invaded Russia, she sold there farm and got a tank qnd rage a one woman war against the nazis.
She was a member of 2nd Infantry Regiment, or as we know it, The Iron Regiment. That regiment fought constantly since 1912 to late 1918. They were always first to charge and last to withdrawn.
1. First Balkan War they fought in all 3 major battles (Kumanovo, Prilep and Bitolj battles)
2. Second Balkan War: At battle of Bregalnica where Bulgarian victory was nearly at hand, they charged hill 650 despite already loosing 50% of manpower and breaking trought the lines completly disrupted Bulgarian advance and turned tide of battle.
3. Battle of Cer in WW1. They were at very center of battle, right at vilage of Tekeris, completly destroying Austrian offensive and forcing them to leave not just their positions but Serbia completly.
4. At battle of Kolubara they took important strategic position of hill Kremenica on charge, despite loosing all comanding officers in progress.
5. In 1915 when Serbia was attacked by AustroHungary, Germany and Bulgaria combined and since Serbia refused to capitulate, and moved Army trought Albanian mountains to find a way out, Iron regiment was last to leave country soil, protecting it's withdrawal until completed.
6. After recovery and getting settled on Thesaloniki front, they fought in Gornicevo battle and managed to liberate Bitola.
7. After breaking trought Thesaloniki front in 1918 they became one of the most decorated regiments in the history of warfare.
"These Serbs are tough in trouble, sober, modest, unbreakable. They are the free men, proud of their nation and the masters of their fields. For the freedom of their homeland these peasants instantly turned into the most courageous soldiers, the most persistent, the best of all soldiers. These are the glorious troops, made of endurance and zeal, the ones that make me proud of leading them, shoulder to shoulder with the French soldiers, to a victorious march for the freedom of their fatherland." Luj Franše d’Epere
damn when I remember my great grandpa speak about Cer battle and now I see who was fighting againts them. Fighters on both sides were heroes...
@@repak05 I wouldn't call Austro-Hungarian troops a heroes in this case, they slaugthered litteraly everything that moves in Mačva region, woman, old people, children, even cattle and pets prior to Cer battle. Litteral genocide.
@@mimicar100 I think its important to see this by neutral sight after the century.
Both sides had their shares of attrocities. Killing austrians wounded by serbian civillians and poisoning of soldiers who atleast tried to treat Serbs with respect (mainly austrian soldiers of slavic origin) was a common thing as well. Its always same in every war.
The only important thing is that Serbs won, partially due incompetence of Austrian commanders (dont forget the 8th landwehr regiment which was spearhead of 21st landwehr division was successfully ambushed by serbs after their guards fall asleep because they marched whole day with 0,5l of water per soldier and Potiorek just force them to march faster and faster.)
I dont want to disrespect bravery of serbian soldiers, but it alone did not win the battle.
@@repak05 What? Lol mate, i am all in for neutral opinion, and yes, most of Slovaks and Czech soliders treated civilians with respect, but the rest commit terrible things, those are facts, you cannot deny or pollish or excuse that.
Some interesting facts: When offered the chance to live in France and receive a pension for her service Milunka refused, preferring to live in her own country. She had one biological daughter and also adopted 3 abandoned children, even though she was a single mother working a low paying job. During Nazi occupation in WW2 she refused to attend a local ball, although she was asked specifically, she refused on the grounds that German military officers would be there. Because she spoke out she was arrested and served time in a labor camp. She was a true patriot until the end, an incredible women both in her public and private life!!
When later German officer find out her name on list he send to bring her to see is it really her. When they bring her he say I just want to shake hands to greatest hero and let her go home.
30-торо деце је усвојила. Прогањали су је и Титови комунисти. Тек 1971-ве је додељен мали стан, а '72 је умрла.
Srbsko je srce, srce Boga samog! Mi se samo Boga plasimo!
@@boriskoren6862 Amen all should fear God brother. I myself am a follower of Christ. I never wanted to be a bible study teacher. I feared him to much plus the responsibility but God gave me no choice. So I went threw John MacArthur seminary school.
This woman had more balls than many men, and in all honesty, I think her place in whatever the hall of Great warriors should be called is on the right of Sun Tzu as a personification of his teachings. Warrior, Soldier, who don't want to kill enemy yet still can win.
Milunka Savic the best Serbian woman soldier I WW1
@@spasojeivanovic279 well and the only one
There were actually 2 female soldiers in Serbian army. Milunka Savic and Flora Sands (volunteer from England).
@@ZaBuZa891srb More actually there were 11 asf i know.Milunka Savic,Flora Sands,Sofija Jovanovic,Natalija Bjelajac and lot more who fought as komite during Toplica uprising in Serbia.
@@МаркоСтаменковић-о3ы Надежда Петровић...
Tako je brate Srbine!!!
Maybe the "World" hate us,but we stand honorably ! To the Last Dying Breath!
The World loves you! Živio Srbija!
Every one made his mistakes. Who can think to be superior and always right?
Glory for serbia and montegro and russia and india
Until the last dying breath my brother!
Mogu samo da nas mrze
Milunka nismo te zaboravili 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Respect to Milunka Savić from Mexico 🫡🫡🫡
Thanks to Sabaton, the world will never forget her!
Warrior, teacher, mother, hero.
And holocaust survivor
@@Justin-pe9cl you can make that connection through what we have said
Milunka Savic-Gligorijevic.Sergent of the 2nd Regiment of the Serbian Army.Wounded nine times,the most decorated women in the history of warfare!!!!
Наша војска треба оформити женски одред "Милунка Савић". Има доста девојака које би браниле Србију истом жестином као Милунка,слава јој!
Јако добра идеја. Моја жена и ћерка су мање али ватрене,пуне снаге... Ћерка је хтела у војску.
Definitivno treba to uraditi.
Прво угаси Пинк, можда после нешто и буде
@@daneb7265 ne samo pink..danas a nekada moras da odrastes u surove uslove da bi bio neko a ne da zivi se u svili i kadifu.
Da, to bi definitivno trebalo! Samo ne znam posto je "feministcko" doba doslo?! Koliko bi se htele izjednaciti sa nama???😂
Much love to our Serbian bros and sisters RO❤️SRB !
@@ZaBuZa891srb Serbs love you back! :D
@@SuperPartibrejker Ја сам исто Србин :). Поздрав из Новог Сада
@@ZaBuZa891srb Pozdrav iz Ljubljane, Srbine! 😃
Really bro? At a comment saying Romania Loves Serbia you're gonna put russian flags? Romanians fought and died at the battle of Belgrade in 1456 and in countless battles after. Where was russia for Serbia in these past 500 years?
Песня посвящена Милунке Савич-Глигоревич.
Милунка Савич _24 июня 1890, Копривница - 5 октября 1973, Белград) - сербская военнослужащая, участница Первой мировой войны, сержант 2-го Железного пехотного полка имени князя Михайло армии Королевства Сербия, кавалер пяти орденов (Сербии, Франции, Англии, России). Обладательница самого большого количества наград среди женщин - военнослужащих Сербии; одна из самых известных женщин, сражавшихся на фронтах Первой мировой войны. В боях была ранена как минимум девять раз, за свою выдающуюся храбрость была прозвана французами Сербской Жанной д’Арк
She Is most dekorated female in history of warfar🙋🤓
Никакой Жанне и не снилось сравниться с этой Леди
i would have never found out her amazing story if sabaton had not writ a song about her
And i think that is greatest thing about Sabaton. Some stories would never got big attention of public without them.
@@ZaBuZa891srb Exactly, I’ve learned about many unsung heroes because of that band 🤘❤️
Same; Sabaton’s pretty much the voice of unsung war heroes
I have seen a photo of her in uniform and decorated with medal strolling in Thessaloniki (Salonica) Greece while recovering from injury in battle ( thus she was holding a walking stick).
Hail to all soldiers who fought fot their Motherland. And of course for such a unique person as Milunka. With love and respect from Russia
Всегда я будут гордый что я брат такых знакомых славных народов как русские и сербские!!! Без оглядки на Европу: Слава России и Слава Сербии из Словакии!!! 🇸🇰🤝🇷🇸🇷🇺
Slava Rodu Slavenskom!
" Na kralevoy holi " is such a beautifull Slovakian song ,cant stop listening her!
Greetings to Slovakian brothers from Serbia!
djekuju pane🇷🇺🇷🇸
I hate to ask but can someone please translate I only know English Google isn't doing it
Сви сте били против нас, ми се никад нисмо предали! Будите нам захвални што сте данас слободни. 🇷🇸
Koji je Srpski bend obradio ovu tematiku?Sami sebe ne postujemo.Postuj druge da bi tebe postovali. Hvala Sabaton.
@@hudhud3404 Recimo Bora Čorba i pesma Ded. Slažem se, jako malo.
Ko je slobodan danas?
@@dekipet Препев руске песме "Мы живëм на отцовской земле".
Love from Greece to our Serbian brothers🇬🇷🇷🇸😜
the song was epic btw
Одна сербская женщина взяла на себя задачу отправиться прямо на фронт, рискуя жизнью для своей семьи и страны. Ее звали Милунка Савич. Привет из России 👋
@@ZaBuZa891srb 🤝
Није једна било их је много!!! поздрав 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸 ZZZ😊😊😊
@@НебојшаВук так и есть в первую мировую был целый полк
За Россию за Донбасс ❤
Odlična montaža, na opasno dobru pesmu.
Milunka Savić i mnogi drugi...
Da li smo ih dostojni?
Veliki naklon na montaži i podsećanju...
Kao što neko reče, sa ovim je ona reklama, mi smo svet, dobila pravo značenje, kao i ona šaljiva...
250. Raketna brigada
I jedan od nas je upalio dugme na 7 sekundi i oborio F117 ponos NATO avijacije ...
Mi smo svet!
Opet još jednom, SVAKA ČAST!
Хвала пуно 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Достојни. Две ћерке,обе добре особе. На испитима 10-тке. Али ако им се замериш ... Једино Бог може помоћи.
great video and settings , been to Serbia couple of times allwas a pleasure warm and friendly people ,great food and hospitality
She was never a lady of the dark! Only and always a Lady of the Light!!!
I like how the very first scene is a muddy, torn to s**t battlefield and when the drums hit heavy, the puddles shake, like artillery pounding.
Well done.
Her Grandson says she played an even bigger role than historians want to admit. Hopefully we get more info if that’s true. It wouldn’t be the first time historians tried to silence a women in history.
Slava Herojima !!!
Glory to the heroes!
Serbia 1914.
This is amazing. Never knew about her before today.
We have Hajduk Veljko. This man is a biggest warior on earth. Napoleonic wars.
me neither (before hearing this song)
Slavic girls were badass in both wars. She and the famous soviet sniper as well as the female aircraft company of the russians are incredible.
Napokon istina o SRBIMA !!!! HVALA !!!!
If the scene where she marched into that trench with a grenade in hand demanding surrender of the enemy is true then she is one dangerous hero the one who has no fear of death is a force that will never fear the enemy.
I believe that's how she captured like 23 Bulgarians the service caps checked out.
@@maddhattergaming6863 interesting
@@kevinkocher9347 well one of the 23 Bulgarians was a general and after the Great War she eventually married his son had a daughter and some time later got divorced
During WW2 she was invited to a banquet that was to be attended by many higher ranking Wehrmacht and Waffen SS officers but she declined and was subsiquently sent to a concentration camp for 10 months so she technically was also a Holocaust survivor
@@maddhattergaming6863 i'am a student of history
She had several wounds.
Хахахаха легендо, дао си смисао реклами "Ви сте свет", без оног текста, а са текстом Сабатона, све је већ много боље. Свака част брате.
Хвала пуно 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@@ZaBuZa891srb Jel' kako se ono zove onaj film njoj posvećen?
Milunka Savić 🕊️🇷🇸
This is a FAN MADE video?!?
Holy crap this was good!
Od Milunke Savić do Ane Brnabić i Miljane Kulić! E Srbine šta si dočekao! Od heroine do sline!
Vala baš
Cool song and music video. This woman was a badass soldier. Tribute and to her memory and braveness serving her country. Milunka Savic legendary female warrior forever.😎👍🔥🔥🔥
Milunka needs to be modern girls role model…….not Kim Kardashian.
If girls were raised to be badasses, imagine how strong our nation would be if if men and woman both could be as honorable and strong as she was!
Honestly the song with the video choked me up a bit, what a legend!
Братской Сербии привет из России. Косово это Сербия. Держитесь братья сербы мы вместе должны победить западных садомитов
Спасибо братан, привет из Сербии. Вперед к победе! [Z]
За Россию за Донбасс
Нажалост, ми Срби, од Милунке, дођосмо до Ане Брнабић... :(
Druze to je kako kazes 😂😂
Ali potomci Samurai zene Manga lutke sta kazes na to?
Can we get Netflix on a series for this girl, that would be I show I would be down to watch any day!
There is many serbian films about her
Odlično ste ovo montirali. Svaka čast!
Хвала пуно 💓💓🇷🇸
@@ZaBuZa891srb Da li je Sabaton stvarno posvetio pesmu njuj ili necem/nekom drugom a vi ste samo ono napravili da bude o Milunki? Inace odlican video i dobro je sto ste stavili emgleski tekst i slike da i drugi razumu.
@@goranstojanov1160 Iako se u tekstu nigde ne spominje Srpska vojska ili Milunka Savić, pesma je o njoj, i čak spominju kako je pripadnica gvozdenog odreda (misli se na gvozdeni puk).
@@goranstojanov1160 Pesma je o Milunki.
@@goranstojanov1160 stvarno je posvetio pesmu Milunki
In Brazil we had Maria Quitéria: a girl that fought in the War of Independence.
Her disguise doesn't had effect, but she was respected and gained a improvised female uniform with a scottish kilt.
Maria Quitéria became lieutenant and had her own female platoon!
I know that you are brave folk ❤
Ми смо певали кад' нам је било најтеже, запевали смо када су нас француске лађе пребацивале из Албаније на Крф, а били смо живи лешеви. Француски морнари и официри су плакали слушајући нас, и говорили су: Какав диван рад. Певали смо кад' смо умирали на оству Крфу и Виду, певали смо када смо гинули на Солунском фронту...
- Милунка Савић
90% су биле италијанске лађе..велика је заблуда и лаж била да су само француске биле.И то су урадили под претњом велукомученика Цара Романова.
An amazing women. Read her history she led an unbelieve life.
Dude this fan tribute is sick! Rock on!
Trebace nam jos poneka Milunka, takvo vreme dolazi.
Brave Serbian people!
Holy cow this is really well done.
Милунка Савић....за крст часни и слободу златну
On my WWI Play list Lady of the dark plays right before Hellfighters two of my favourite songs from sabaton's new album.
Живела Србија! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Respect from Bulgaria
She fought bulgarians.
@@skitotrachia3361 I know that. Respect our enemies.
@@АнтониоМарлевскиgreetings for you from Belgrade brother never war between us again ❤
Pravo domace svaka cast kao da je sabatonov official video!! 🤘🤘👌🔥
Parabéns a banda Sabaton..... resgatam histórias esquecidas de heróis em foram de ótimas músicas.
Serbs will never surrender to wester or eastern invaders. This is our land! Fight till the end my brothers! Živjela Srbija, živjela Republika Srpska!
Thank you for your service and the women who followed you in warfare.
She was a bad ass and a true warrior and leader.
I freaking love this
estaba esperando estos videos apenas salieron las canciones
I love your channel keep up the great stuff
Thank you for you comment. I'm glad you like my content.
@@ZaBuZa891srb No worries mate 👍
🇷🇸 Serbia Strong 🇷🇸 Eternal Memory Milunka 🙏🕊️☦️❤️🥇
the most decorated female fighter in the history of the war ... after the war she was a cleaner and raised about 30 children and died in poverty!
Иако јој се тадашња Југославија није одужила Срби је ипак памте! А и многи други хероји су код комуниста завршили тако и наше је да памтимо те неправде!
Stop writing nonsense. Milunka got land from the state and built a house with her then-husband on that land. She left that when she got divorced. Then she worked and got a military pension after WW2. She was not as celebrated as she would have been in some other country that didn't participate in every single war there ever was on earth, and spawned so many war heroes that they can't keep count, but she didn't die in poverty. She at least had a pension and lived better than many city-living people in that war-torn country, it was a tough time for everyone
Chinese have Fa Mulan, we have Milun Savic (Milunka)❤ Our grandma Milunka was hero❤❤ Gloyi to fallen heroes who gives life for our freedom 😢❤
Milunka Savic
r.i.p milunka savic
a true warrior !! so cool
Enough to make a grown man cry
slava joj i hvala
Il n'y a que SABATON pour faire revivre les héros de guerre oubliés du passé et leurs actes héroiques. Qui connaissait cette femme ? pas moi avant ce titre. Magnifique hommage :)
Живела Србија!
Based Serbia. Respect to all Serbs! Косово је Србија. Слава России! Слава Сербии!
Awesome video and can easely be sabatons officiall music video to that song
Thank you ❤️
Svaka cast braco i sestre :)
nisam znao za ovo do danas! TACK I ALLA FALL sabaton!
Bravo Sabaton I neizmerno I velikoooo a tako ipak malo HVALA
Ovo se čekalo dobro odrađeno
Who shall be remembered
In the ancient house of war?
All the medals, all those stories
In the alley of the greats
Celebrated hero
Who has wandered through the dark
She stand before you
All that metal shining bright
Lost in time, returning to the light
Bow before, this lady fight for life
(So sister)
Raise your hand
For the lady of the dark
Soldier with no will to kill
With a philanthropic heart (forever)
Break the norm
She's the girl in uniform
Fighting side by side with men
She will fight until the end
Lied to be respected
And to change her brothers fate
Took a bullet, earned her freedom
And a place among the stars
And she served the Iron squadron
Served the toughest of them all
No fear of dying
For the frontline, she was born
Sacrifice, she took her brothers place
War to war, a place where she belong
(So brother)
Raise your hand
For the lady of the dark
Soldier with no will to kill
With a philanthropic heart (forever)
Break the norm
She's the girl in uniform
Fighting side by side with men
She will fight until the end
Don't fear the reaper
Don't fear the war
She spared the life of brothers
She'll fight for honour
She'll fight for life
A lady goes to war
Raise your hand
For the lady of the dark
Raise your hand
For the lady of the dark
Soldier with no will to kill
With a philanthropic heart (forever)
Break the norm
She's the girl in uniform
Fighting side by side with men
She will fight until the end!
Milunka Savić 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Disney couldnt make Serbs as heros, so instead of Milunka we got Mulan.
Srbija svetinja 🇷🇸
🙋🏻…for the lady of the dark!
I love her story❤
She was very cool and the video is amazing
Nice work 👍 . If you only use clips from " St. George Shots the Dragon " , but ... it is wery good as it is . 👍
Хвала на позитивном коментару. Хтео сам да убацим и сцене из тог филма али нисам успео да их пронађем у одговарајућој резолуцији. Хвала на подршци и наставите пратити мој канал.
very nicely made
Milunka Savic 💪😍
I’m a huge Milunka Savić fan!
Great song. Hoping for one about Pavlichenko next :D
A tough life creates strong people and women, apparently the mostly peaceful post Europe WWII years have been a reason why war seems too easy to under taken unprepared or not been fully aware of the fall out of it.
Lads, I have a feeling that if Milunka Savic and Ecaterina Teodoroiu (a romanian female soldier also from WW1) would've met, they would've been great friends. Too bad that Ecaterina died in the war...
Is there a full movie of this , i woud love to see it (love the video!)
Now I want a copy of that movie.
You can find it on internet. Just search on google "King Peter I" full movie.
Never forget who you are SRBINE!!!
Неки смо знали ко смо и пре њиховог 'објашњења'.
Данас нам кажу деци новог века да смо недостојни историје наше…
Да нас је захватила западњачка река и да нам се душе опасности плаше..
Yeah, that’s pretty good
Bravo 👏👏👏
Sqditon should do a song for the woman who lost her husband when the nazis invaded Russia, she sold there farm and got a tank qnd rage a one woman war against the nazis.
Preci nam se okrecu u grobu kad vide ko nam zemljom hoda...