Hello - this video has proved remarkably controversial. We'll discuss our editorial decisions in making this video in full on The Editorial, our podcast where we talk about any channel-related controversies (here: www.youtube.com/@TLDRpodcasts), but we thought we should say one thing here: Some people have said this video should be more balanced, and that we should have talked about the "cons" of immigration. To be clear, in this video, we do NOT say that immigration is a good thing, nor do we propound the "pros" of immigration. Rather, we say that that UK citizens are generally more pro-migrant than is often suggested, and that the UK is relatively good at integrating migrants (or at least, that's what's implied by the data). Nonetheless, thank you for watching, and we hope you still enjoy the video.
"UK citizens are generally more pro-migrant than is often suggested" - Absolutely true, the populist right is very vocal online because of the repercussions of expressing these opinions in real life. Personally I think the failure of Brexit has pushed the average Brit way too far left on this issue though that many people are willfully ignorant of the issues. "UK is relatively good at integrating migrants" - I mean compared to like Sweden I suppose, but that is a very poor standard to hold a government at.
In my opinion, I don't think your team has anything to apologise for. 😅 I think the video content and coverage is indeed impartial: you are discussing exactly what the video title states you will be discussing. You are presenting an series of factual observations! Nothing more - nothing less.
PS. Please, please do a follow-up video (if, and, or, when possible 😅) on the differences among European countries' views on skilled migrants vs illegal/unskilled migrants! I find it incredibly difficult to get reliable information on this, where the sources are not solely focused on illegal immigration issues no matter how well I try to refine my research semantics.
more like bad at building houses. We were bad at it when there were 100k immigrants a year, and when there were 50k. It's a separate issue. There's plenty of evidence in this video showing how much better we are than most at immigration. But ever since thatcher, we sure have been terrible at building homes
@@soccerguy325 Not really a thing in the UK but anyway most native Brits can't afford them and all cheap housing has been taken by the govt to house illegals.
Polls from this year say brits want less immigration, as they have for decades, one poll saying brits are okay with the level of immigration is an outlier not the norm. Brits not wanting discrimination of those living here does mean they want more immigration also.
All the polls I've seen have a clear majority not wanting immigration, with quite a few saying they don't want ANY immigration. Only the rich class want immigration as they want to keep the salaries down and don't want to invest in innovation, only make pretend.
If companies make more money by employing immigrants than brits then they will. You can't blame them for that. The only purpose of private companies is to make as much money as possible within the law. The government could change that by increasing the minimum wage, strengthening employee rights and strengthening the bargaining power of unions. That way everyone gets better wages and more secure jobs. And when immigrants are no longer more profitable for companies, then companies will start employing and training up brits there is a demand for cheap labour, it's easier to reduce that demand than restrict the supply. But neither the torys or reform want any of that. Because they are both run by millionaires who profit off low wages and weak unions. They just use immigration as a smoke screen to distract working people from those doing the real damage, the governments who cut workers rights and the millionaires those governments represent But also, we are going to need to keep letting immigrants in, simply because otherwise our working population will keep shrinking compared to our elderly population. People aren't having enough children, something that's happening in every mature industrialised nation across the world. So far no one anywhere in the world has come up with a solution to this problem that actually works. So until we do figure out how to get people to have more kids, or work out a different economic system that doesn't rely on infinite growth, then we have a choice of welcoming immigrants or our nation going bust
People in government will really be like "you believe in sector bargaining/ full employment as a means to boost wages? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, of cutting immigration" and then not cut immigration.
More people being in favour of a 'fair' immigration system can easily mean more people want asylum seekers to be returned to France, where they were perfectly safe. The word 'fair' is far too open to interpretation to decide it means pro-immigration.
THats not a fair system - Most migratns are not refugees but here for work. its the low wage visa that allows so many to come in and barely speak english.
For the record at least 70% of these people were offered asylum here in France, which was almost unanimously REFUSED ! Our Security Services here now prevent up to 65% of these "small boats" leaving our shores. That means you only have 35% to contend with. But ask yourself, why has this escalated to 4 times of what it was before Brexit !
Step 1: conquer and rule the world Step 2: exploit and profit Step 3: empire falls apart Step 4: complain about immigration from places that where exploited
My parents brought my family here in the late 90’s. The reason then was: 1. You got help from the government like housing, benefits etc so you can land on your feet; 2. The native people are open, decent and welcoming if you are law abiding and your kids will get on in this country if they follow the rules and work hard; and 3. Work is plentiful, and you don’t need licenses and paperwork etc to make a living like you do in France and Germany etc. I am very worried about working class natives in this country though… I think they are getting a raw deal. I don’t want them to fall behind. It must be extremely grating to see foreigners like me come here, get free education, healthcare etc and become a professional, buy a home, start a family etc that they can’t afford because they were born in a council estate or deprived area with a culture of failure, abandoned by their own government. It’s not ok. The government needs to prioritise them now. I say this as a migrant myself, because it needs to be said.
I'm a working class white native, and honestly the problems here are more to do with class than whiteness. Rural and regional areas are also genuinely forgotten. Edit. One other thing I've just thought of is educational inequality: especially if you are learning disabled, the education system of the United Kingdom doesn't work if your parents don't have the capacity or time to help you with academic work, and don't also understand the subjects you are being taught. That's right from primary to university level. There is a silent implied labour within the UK education system from parents so there's a lot of guilt for people who aren't able to academically advance, because it relies mostly on their relationship with their parents and their parents style of parenting. I understand you see us struggling as someone with migrant experience, but honestly this is about class and how people born in places like Cornwall were never really seen as the same sort of people as the Queen or the professors of Oxford. J Draper has a really good video about racism in London, and within it the paradox of racism in the UK becomes clear: racism here is about whether you are a gentleman or a lady, but those with a head start in terms of 'breeding' have more chance of being seen as a gentleman or lady from birth. Thank you for having understanding, but honestly our problems overlap. British university education systems just extend the class system globally. I think the imperial influence of the UK has actually continued in that way, beyond the 60s. Have a nice day and I hope you are doing ok 💙
It is evident that you may be in the EU and control your market because Germany, France, and other nations require qualifications and exams from job applicants within particular sectors.
That is exactly why I gave up being an immigrant after trying a decade ago. I realised I was contributing exactly to the problems I was deploring and understood it was time to pack up. That bedroom in a shared house I was renting for an insane amount, maybe it'd be better off being rented by a local. Also the UK of the late 1990s had a booming economy and wages that allowed most people to be well off. Nothing like today's nation of dereliction.
@@PlurCoElites prefer to develop the London commuter belt instead of pursuing a more balanced model of growth. 😢 ,tories still praise Margaret Thatcher after all her reforms were proven to cause harm.
@@kindmulberry7196to which immigration contributes, it’s simple supply and demand. People unable to book GP appointments due to local practices being over subscribed. Families unable to get children into schools due to over subscription. Families with local connections unable to get social housing due to over subscription.
Most migrants don't end up on the streets, he just said that most immigrant men are more likely to get a job. Govt's lack of investment into public services isn't on migrants
There is no way this is true 😂. I think most people in the UK realise we can't keep going the way we are because let's be honest we can't even look after our own.
To be fair its a bit odd to say Britain gave Hong Kongs residents "generous and populous scemes". They literally were a part of Britain until the 90s when they were given to China. It would indeed be odd to me if the UK didnt give every single Hong Kong resident the option to go to the UK and help them with money, they were and many are british citizens.
Technically they weren't British citizens, they were only British subjects. The only British colonies that have ever had automatic British citizenship have been the British overseas territories since 2002, when a law was passed that gave them all automatic British citizenship just like the UK. The only British passport Hong Kongers were automatically eligible for was the British National Overseas passport from 1987-97, which is completely different to a regular British passport and until 2021 didn't offer you any right to residency in the UK.
these people were also part of the uk most likely at once, why werent they given citizensihp huh? so one colony gets different treatment from the other?
Hong Kong residents were BN(O)s, not full British citizens. British rule over HK was finite from Day 1 because it was a lease agreement with the (then) Chinese Empire and the law reflected that. Sooner or later it was going back to China and nobody wanted the legal headache of giving 5 million people British citizenship at once.
kawinfinity so your saying that suggesting "the Tories are really good people" will get people on every side angry? Are you suggesting that tory supporters will be just as mad at that statement as labour supporters? Does that mean that the torys are actively trying to be bad people and therefore saying they are actually good is suggesting they are failing at their jobs? /s
I watched this and while surprising, I can't say I disliked this. In fact, I was happy. My thought was: we can now finally say the UK isn't racist or xenophobic and everything is fine over there. Good for them.
Imo generalizing "immigration" to one massive category of people is pointless. You need to split it up by migration motivation. Worker migrants, study migrants, family reunification migrants, asylum migrants. For example, I think strengthening the welfare state is most important. So I like worker migrants that are net payers in the welfare state. I don't like asylum migrants or low-skilled migrants because they generally are a net drain on the welfare state. So I'm both for and against migration. And with an aging population you can't afford to be lenient.
Indeed, Education and a history of paying taxes: Welcome to the UK sir/madam, may we take your coat? Please make yourself comfortable. Do try the canapes, they are divine... Persons not meeting this criteria: Thanks but no thanks, you see we are already building on floor plains and don't have enough land to feed our existing population.
aren't these all the same thing? it starts with worker migrants that are invited because of a "labour shortage" but then wont leave later. then comes the family unification migrant and the asylum migrants. And ye know poor mustafa have 4 wives, 50 children and over 200 cousins. And we of course have to take on all of them because we took him.
@@handtrap8868They've really gutted what you can do with the family one with the new earning minimums (currently £29,000 with plans to increase it to £38,700 yearly income in the UK)
I don’t wanna sound like the flood of brexit geezers suddenly entering the comments section but in fairness you’re being a little dishonest. The Tory rhetoric on small boats isn’t landing simply because the Tories are in government and the vast majority of governments in the Western world are unpopular right now due to the cost of living crisis (and in the UK some other factors but the difference isn’t enough to change the overall dynamic). As for the rise of the far right in Europe, even if Reform UK isn’t polling as high as say the AFD, in terms of growth rate I’m pretty sure the rise of Reform UK has been far more dramatic. Not that the main point of the video is wrong or anything, but exaggerating details only hurts your case.
What your forgetting is that the Tory migration rhetoric literally isn't landing. As the video says perspectives of Legal migration hasn't been changed by the small boats problem. Also, remember that reform UK is FAR less extreme than the AfD. Reform's policies are anti-immigration and small government, the AfD is *checks notes* opposed to Denazification.
@@euanstokes2828German laws surrounding the suppression of extremist politics are pretty harsh, I imagine Reform UK would vehemently oppose them if ever implemented in the UK, even the Tories might be reluctant given the recent Scottish Hate Crime fiasco
@@obama9535 no but I mean, the AfD have erm, interesting views towards the Nazis that basically amount to the 'Hitler did good things for Germany' trope. There's a lot of stuff in their electoral ads about Germany being proud of its imperial heritage. You don't see the same thing from reform
@@obama9535 Surveillance of a party, in which a higher number of members are supporting deportation as a valid part of immigration policy (even for German citizens with migration background), is *not* harsh. It's reasonable, and, given our history, perhaps even too less.
The Tories’ immigration rhetoric isn’t landing because they’ve been saying the same things for years and yet immigration is still rising. Nobody can trust them on this issue.
I'm not sure what you mean by "policies that cater to infrastructure, public services etc". That is an incredibly vague collection of buzzwords that don't mean anything. What does this have to do with this video, that only looked at metrics on how much immigrants are different from their native peers in grades, employment and academic prowess. And from these metrics they conclude that immigration seems to be going well in Britain - when compared to other countries. Have you even watched the video? Or do you mean that immigrants should put in extra effort and hours and serve their British overlords for letting them in..? Also: "real-ly"
Britain is way too expensive to live in. Migrants who arrive legally from poorer countries usually are well off or have well off parents. People don't realize but there are plenty of rich people in poor countries. So I'm not surprised to see these stats.
If you work at a place, Uk is one of the best places that gives you economical freedom but instead some people still say oil is so expensive (literally one of the cheapests in europe) beside that; they want to drink in every second which results that they can’t save any money. The best english are who lived at least 1 year in a Mediterranean country so they could see some sunlight which led them to happiness.
This video was interesting but seemed to cherry pick pretty random* stats. *where random is used very charitably. Lumping immigration and asylum seekers together seems bizarre. I think it might be prudent to carefully reconsider the data selection used to put this video together and to evaluate whether the conclusions of the video lead the fact finding or whether the fact finding lead to the conclusions.
But this video does the exact opposite of that - it is saying that the asylum rhetoric has had no effect on the way British people view migration in general.
@@euanstokes2828Legal (referred to in the video as'regular') migration has a very different profile compared to illegal migration and asylum queue jumping. Combining them into one category misses major differences.
@@zen1647 but the whole point of combining them was to show that despite hostile rhetoric towards asylum seeking, the UK still has a pro-immigration outlook
@@euanstokes2828 No one has a problem with skilled immigrants who are able to assimilate into British culture. But only 15% enter the UK on a skilled immigrant visa - 85% have no job or skills. This demolishes the 'skilled workers argument'. Even most of those who do come in on 'skilled workers' visa, turn out not to be skilled but end up in low paying jobs, often using fraudulent certificates of qualification. (There's a thriving business in fraudulent nursing qualifications from Nigeria as a recent scandal showed).
Just like anything to do with growth - most particularly population growth. It grows the overall size of the pie, but everybody gets a much smaller slice of it.
@@oldskoolmusicnostalgiaThis is entirely what the capitalist system is based upon, supposedly. But then the 1% gets 98% of the pie while the people get 2%, the remaining 99% of the population. Isn’t that interesting?
@@KoniTheChiwaNo, the best outcome of capitalism is large and comfortable middle class. 98% get all the wealth is typically what you see in the corrupt Economic Socialist countries like Venezuela or Soviet Union. Late stage capitalism, which the US is sliding into, sees 90% of wealth in fewer and fewer individuals and that is a problem. The middle class is being squeezed out due to hiring cheap workers and outsourcing good paying jobs, while in the Socialist countries wealth is never built at all to spread around. Everyone is poor in Soviet Union except some of the “bosses.” The Soviet Unions GDP for example never really recovered after WW2 while West Germanys skyrocketed with smart investments, competitive hiring and industry.
As a (legal) migrant living in the UK I find the immigration related procedure of the UK very convenient (especially in comparison to other countries)...
Every country that banks on population growth to paint a rosy picture of a growing economy will have facilitated immigration procedures, obviously. Good for you for it's entirely unsustainable.
@@maxdavis7722 in 2020 we came from Ukraine. It was quite different back then living during lockdowns and whatnot. But ultimately the UK never disappointed us...
This is a surprising take and I don't live in the UK at all. The UK being a magnet for immigration because it has less stringent ID requirements than Europe for example is hardly a good thing. Then you've got the business - scams to be more accurate - like universities which revolve around charging immigrants and would-be immigrants fees they can't afford.
It is surprising when you think about it but it's true. We usually look at immigration as an internal problem, but compared to the rest of the world we're cosmopolitan. A good way to put it is this - in France they banned the Hijab with basically 0 opposition from non-Muslim French people. In Britain such a policy would be unthinkable.
@@euanstokes2828 Your reply to their comment makes absolutely no sense, it's not addressing anything they said at all. The UK didn't have the Napoleonic code civil & doesn't have several laws, institutions etc because of that. One obvious thing that happens on mainland Europe is that you show your ID to your prospective employer. If an employer doesn't do their due diligence in making sure their employees are legally able to work, the government comes down on them HARD as illegal black market work. So employers are incentivised to keep on the right side of the law. In the UK this is almost the opposite. Finding work without papers is easy & the chance that the government cracks down on illegal employment situations is so negligible that it's laughable. You may have not understood that point, but it is a solid one. The second point as well. Unis in the UK charge extortionate rates for Brits & well above that for foreign students. Trying to bring up the hijab ban in secondary schools in France is just ... idiotic. Secondary schools in France are ALL state funded. There is a strong separation of religion & state in France. So you're not supposed to have any outward religious symbols at school.(yarmulkes & others are banned as well) Quite frankly that's better than the UK where you get an excellent education if your parents can pay for it & send you to public school, you can get a good education if you are smart & get lucky on the eleven plus test & you go to grammar school or you go to a comprehensive & are f*cked. Comps are becoming more & more a dumping ground. So excuse me, while i don't bow for the "great british education system." Go look up privateschoolmaffia(dot)com
@@LeafHuntress I know why France has this ideology but that doesn't stop it being wrong lmao. What your suggesting is principle with no actual substance and highlights exactly why France has a major problem with integration where the UK doesn't. Because in the UK, these things are no big deal, by passing laws like this you make it a big deal. Considering religion in this topic muddies the waters, so let me put it this way. If someone in France wore a political party badge that would be fine. That's free speech. It's self expression. So why is it any different if someone expresses an opinion in this way about God? What practical problems are there with Muslims being muslim? Also, you clearly have 0 understanding of the UK uni system. The UK charges international students way more and although uni should be free (it actually is in Scotland where I live) England and Wales have very generous student loan programmes for locals. We do let in more international students because we have far more uni places than we need and we use this money to subsidise scholarships etc. No uni in France comes close in international recognition to Oxford, Cambridge or St Andrews, and basically every major city has a redbrick University. Is the system problematic? Yes, but immigration isn't the problem. What frustrates British people is you'll say Brexit was because we're racist Europhobes then propose policies like this. By the end of this year, Scandinavia, Northern Europe and France are likely to be a sea of right-wing governments and the UK is set to elect a leftwing party by a landslide. Europeans have a serious problem with immigration and they need to stop looking down on Britain with such snobbery if they want to realise it. Especially the French.
@@euanstokes2828 FFS what a bunch of UTTERLY ANNOYING word salad. You really cannot write, argue & debate can you? 1. OP talked about something. 2. you go:"blablabalbla irrelevant nonsense not related to the comment or the video blablabla" 3. I told you that OP was right & called you out on your irrelevant nonsense. 4. you now react with the reason you probably actually wanted to write all along; that the French are snobbish. Wow! Such insight! Very much! Do stick that proud empire schtick up your arse. I'm not interested. And your continued obsession with muslims is noted, as is your conflagration of SECONDARY & TERTIARY education. Please stop this bollox, i will not react to that shyte again. Your assumptions about my feelings about people in the UK are far of the mark, especially because some of them are my family. I hate brexit. But as JamesO'B says;"contempt for the conmen, compassion for the conned." Migration has push & pull factors. The push factors are well known; war, poverty etc. The pull factors specifically to the UK are the fact that the UK initiated or otherwise played a part in those wars, the former empire, the language & the facts i already described about ID-cards. You can try to wriggle away from that all you like. The video didn't mention it & it should've. Why are those such sore topics for Brits?
This video was a bit disingenuous... most Brits think immigration is significantly less than it actually is. I'm from an immigrant background and the UK is too pro migrant
Exactly most people when polled think it's around 70k net, when it's closer to 700k net. The same people who are complaining that they can't afford a house, and they don't put the two together.
@@SaintGerbilUK The guilt of being anti-EU migration and Brexit being a failure has swung the opinion pendulum way too far to the left. The only way the average person will acknowledge there is a problem now is if it gets catastrophic.
@@SaintGerbilUKImmigrants aren’t the reason people can’t afford a house. It’s the wealthy who are driving up the prices by buying more with all the money they made during the lockdown.
@@SaintGerbilUKdon’t blame the migrants for housing immigration was increasing since the 60s but at least then we had huge government housing projects and socialised housing which got tanked because Thatcher sold the lot of it of and didn’t build new ones
@@rice4550 There has been more immigration in the past 50 years than the previous 1,000. You cant blame Thatcher for opening the border and flooding the country not leaving any homes for native brits.
The truth is that the UK government has never really genuinely addressed immigration as an issue. The 1971 Immigration Act was the first one to put a brake on immigration, and then Thatcher strengthened it in 1981, but since 2000 it has been all one way traffic towards mass immigration, with both main parties embracing the idea.
Over here in Australia, our conservatives sometime in the 90s-00s were rather successful in creating a distinction between 'good' migrants and 'bad' refugees. They can thus maintain the benefits of a multicultural society and economy while dog-whistling to nationalists on the fringes of their voter base.
Hi, can you all do a behind the scenes video? Like what your workflow looks like from research to recording to graphics? I’m pretty impressed with how fast you crank them out, can you show us how?
1 in 6 people in the uk were born abroad.. just that simple fact should be enough to make people want to stop all migrates. A country needs diversity but 1 in 6 is far too much
This is not to sound offensive but most people of colour like myself could've told you the difference between the Brits and continental Europeans is quite stark. When I'm in the UK I feel invisible, like being part of the furniture. But upon visiting several european countries, I'm constantly reminded that I'm different. Anyone with this experience can tell you that this can be manifested in both positve and negative ways such as stares or random curiosity. Side note, despite being quite mixed, I was suriprise by the amount of segregation in Paris which I thought would be the continental equivilant of London.
It's interesting that you have this experience, as for me I found the opposite to be true. I grew up in the UK countryside. I have European parents and as such look 'not British'. I spent my whole life constantly being, to use your words, reminded that I'm different. However, visiting various European countries I get to experience the invisible, being part of the furniture, life and really it's so much more relaxing. This is why I support freedom of movement, so people like you or I can choose where we feel most comfortable and live there.
Why is it so bad to deport illegal immigrants? There is nobody in that region of the world that genuinely needs asylum (France, Germany, Netherlands etc). The only people trying to seek asylum are people coming from the Middle East and Africa. There are lots of closer options for them if they are genuinely seeking asylum. Why do none of the progressives address this? There is only one reason they are skipping over closer countries to come to the UK and that’s because they think they can welfare and benefits cause the English are a soft touch. That’s called economic immigration and should only be done through the proper legal channels. Can’t get through cause there is already a long waiting list? Well that’s just too bad, go choose another country closer by, you don’t need a financially comfortable life, you need safety from physical threats (if you’re a legitimate refugee). It’s like the progressives want no borders anywhere? Sure you can have that if you want the quality of life in western societies to dramatically decrease. That’s just how it is and I’ve yet to see a compelling argument against this fact. The only thing they seem to muster up is the old “oh it’s the moral thing to do”. No, morality isn’t involved because they stopped being legitimate refugees the second they refused to go to a closer safe country (one where they do not face the persecution they are supposedly desperately fleeing from). Does anyone have any legitimate answers to this? I will change my opinion if anyone can point out genuine flaws in my thinking.
@@SaintGerbilUK They are usually good at providing both sides, especially with their political videos (Biden and Trump for example). However with this topic like many they don't want to even touch the negatives on this topic which just undermines their whole argument. TLDR has really begun to go downhill lately and I hope they see the response to their latest videos and make a positive change or at least realise the UK is in fact really diverse and not everyone is a Middle Class Londoner, some of us have been forgotten about by the Capital.
@@SeñorBurns23 Its true about many of their videos, for example they portray the Israel/Palestine issue as a conservative problem, yet it cost Labour a seat and has much more infighting among Labour supporters, to the point that it might impact them in the GE. And yet they promote ground news...
@@SaintGerbilUK Yes and without us becoming our own echo chamber, I originally began to watch them as I found them to be less bias than most however I've noticed a change especially since October. The example of immigration how we are more open to immigrants but lumping in Ukrainians (mostly made up of women and children) with those from Hong Kong (People with connects to Britain and our values and standards [oversimplification]) to economic migrants consisting of young men is beyond disingenuous.
I am a migrant, landed almost 10 years ago. I work in Precision Medicine services. Today, I am taking the Life in the Uk test because I love this country.
The problem is that the public let themselves get conned into thinking the problem is the minority of people arriving illegally via boat. It's only highlighted in the public dialogue to serve as a distraction from the far more impactful perfectly legal immigration that's going on, which serves to further overburden public services, constrict the housing supply and saturate the labour market.
I feel like Britian, for all of its flaws, is one of the few places outside of the Americas where an immigrant can be deemed a local if they assimilate enough. You can’t be an imperial center (even a former imperial center) if you are freaked out by people don’t look like you.
100% incorrect. The (white) British people hold that British identity extremely close to their chest, which is why even 5th generation minority British people will still get asked “so where are you actually from” despite their identify at that point being unequivocally english
@@bookinsights1092I consider my friends who have immigrant parents who were born here to be British. My nan was born here to Polish parents (refugees from WW2) and she’s as British as they come. I’d even consider my mate who was born in Estonia to be more British, as he moved here only a few months after birth so he’s been here for way way longer.
Integration of immigrants are actually much better in um than many European counterparts, partly because English is already spoken by a lot of people arriving and there are less barriers to integrate, pls a lot are from previous colonies. There is less of a glass ceiling in the workforce too, Sunak and lots of politicians are from different backgrounds (try finding a minority in France and Germany)
My partner is an immigrant (from Greece), and I have friends from immigrant backgrounds. Obviously I love my friends and they’re lovely people, and very welcome here. I don’t think most people have a problem with ‘immigration’ per se. What people dislike is far too much immigration of people who don’t respect our values, and throw their toys out of the pram when we don’t want to live like they do, and refuse to integrate into our society
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn yes one of my grandfathers very much has that attitude. But you do tend to find empty vessels make the loudest noise. Luckily most people are decent people though. I’m not some raving lefty btw, I agree illegal migration should be properly dealt with and legal migration needs to be much lower. But that doesn’t make me a bad person and I’ll still be nice to anyone who is nice to me, and being an immigrant doesn’t automatically make them a bad person. If I was from a poor country wanting better opportunities, I’d do exactly the same thing
Policies do not reflect this. The UK has become more and more stringent with the people who can actually move to the country. You have to: 1. Be a Refuge 2. Work for a company as a "Skilled Worker" with salaries higher than those of British people, and cannot hold multiple jobs at the same time. 3. Be famous and/or rich (The Global Talent Visa) 4. Your spouse is either a UK Citizen, or one of the above, and they make enough money for you to be able to be there. Unskilled labor and other categories are really not meant to be permanent, and things like being a freelance or something along those lines is not really accepted in the UK. These policies are really not that liberal or different when comparing them with places like "Japan", which is popularly thought to be very "anti-immigration".
Not mentioned is the UK's language advantage. English is the world's 'Lingua Franca'. Envision a migrant having to learn Swedish, Dutch or German to integrate vs. already knowing English quite well.
@@stephengray1344 Oh, my bad. Let me stress then that this is, in my opinion, the most important factor in the differences between the UK and countries on the main land.
This is great for immigrants to the UK but terrible for UK emigrants. Especially since the UK has been really bad at integrating language classes into the education curriculum.
Language, plus also culture plays a huge part. The fact that the UK colonised nearly half the world means that fragments of British culture were forcefully implemented and thus entrenched in so many societies, and that’s why for some it may feel easier to adjust to a British identity rather than a Swedish identity for example.
What do you mean we told you so? We're more pro-immigration than you guys by a significant margin and always have been. We should be the ones saying 'we told you so' when we kept trying to tell you that Brexit was about more than immigration. What a notice with a lot of Europeans in the EU is that they are pro-immigration only for themselves. Your not against Brexit because you think Britain should accept more immigrants, your against Brexit because you want special treatment.
@@euanstokes2828 But I give you the benefit of the doubt, the immediate causes of brexit were two: 1. The perceived austerity policies of the European Commission, which was seen as a bunch of unelected bureaucrats who imposed suffering on the Greek people (deliberately ignoring that the main proponents of Austerity were led by Cameron's own Premiership) 2. The migrant crisis of 2015, due to the civil wars in Libya and Syria and the increased activities of the Islamic State and the perceived immobility of the EU in dealing with the Migrant Crisis which led to many in the UK believing that a so-called 'ethnic replacement' under the EU was inevitable ( I lived in the UK in those years, I remember the tabloid headlines) In short, the Conservative Party tried to restore our political virginity by trying to lay the blame for austerity policies on the EU and promising to control so-called immigration (not just illegal immigration, but all immigration in general). What has been happening over the last few years has demonstrated that the problems of the united kingdom were never caused by the European institutions, and brexit supporters now claim that the whole project was based on 'democracy', ignoring that the project was doomed to failure from the start.
@@edoardoturco8780 As is unfortunately quite typical of Europeans, you are viewing British immigration policy only with relation to Europe. I don't know how to tell you this but, there are other continents out there. Yeah of course Brexit was impacted by immigration but anyone who was here at the time will tell you that in 2016 it was at the bottom of our list of priorities with Brexit. What was more important was for instance trade and commerce. British people were worried about British business being outcompeted by European ones, especially those that can hire workers in poor Eastern European countries. Your looking at only the most extreme arguments for Brexit on the far right. This is not why most people voted for it. To a certain extent, British people feel more attached to the commonwealth than Europe.
@@edoardoturco8780 also let's not forget, the Conservative party was pro-EU as well until like 2019. The man who called for a Brexit referendum, David Cameron, was a remainer and campaigned for a no vote. Both the remain and Leave camps were cross party at the time.
"Foreigners work harder for the same salary, are more skilled and speak multiple languages" - Business owner Edit: Specific example - If I offer 35k to a junior sales rep, I dont care where they come from, I just need someone to competently do the job. And if they're a foreigner they're likely to get more money, not just the same, because they speak and write in more languages meaning I can sell to more markets. They are pushing the salaries up not down. My advice to Brits is get off your backside, stop complaining and learn the skills the same way these foreigners did. There is no excuse, in this instance learning a second language is literally free, and this is by no means the only example.
Very, very good question that! I mean - if I think about what a large proportion of income immigrants in South Africa send back home to their families (especially the Zimbabwean workers I have spoken with)... some of them keep barely enough money for them to get by on a day-to-day basis. They left their families and everything that they know, to go work their hands to the bone, in order for the family to survive. 😢 I can totally see the same thing being true in the UK.
how much did your government spent for your education and everything needed before you start working? hundreds of thousands of quid. . While immigrants, especially those highly skilled, you spent zero and you get a fully working adult to contribute to the economy. Even with the little amount they send back home, they are still an economical advantage compared to lowly skilled locals like yourself who has not paid enough tax to cover the expenses for you to grow up. Whether you admit this or not, the influx of immigration is a result of the UKs downfall, and not the other way around. You need more people because the locals are not having babies and are barely productive because of either laziness or just plain old stupidity, your economy is not growing on it's own. You're poor and you need more people to look like you're less poor.
As a Jamaican - American immigrant here in the UK that migrated last year with lots of family here & many others looking to come up I'll tell you why (from my perspective). 1. It's English speaking, 2. There's loads of job opportunities. 3. Great education system. 4. It's safe (no mass shootings, incredbily low murder rate, no guns) 5. The pound goes incredbily far back home (even sending what most would consider "a little bit of money" is a lot back home), 6. Cost of living (despite the current cost of living crisis it's much more affordable here (apart from London) than back home on local wages than many other countries. 7. British people tend to be more accepting to foriegners or care less when compared to other popular destinations especially in Europe. 8. Many of us (especially those from Commonwealth countries) are more familar with British systems. 9. An actual healthcare system that works! (Despite the current difficulties facing the NHS it's still way better than back home). 10. It's easier & quicker to migrate here (if you're a skilled individual or student) than it is to get to US, Canada, or Australia (a few people use the UK as a stepping stone to get to those places), 11. Many of us have a family member or friend here already, 12. Many of us have our countrymen based here already & it's easier to access many of our cultural products (for me it would be Jamaican food, having a black barber, going to Jamaican music concerts or comedy shows, being able to speak Patois to several people who understand etc.) tons of Jamaicans & other Caribbean people are here.
The chart about U.K. cities being less segregated actually proves the opposite. Leicester, Bradford and Birmingham are the most diverse cities in the U.K. and are the most segregated. York, Liverpool etc are less diverse and have lower segregation for now but are moving to the direction of Leicester. London as usual bucks the British trend
There has been more immigration into Britain in the past 20 years than the past 2000 combined. Yet we were never asked. Consecutive votes for Conservative governments & the Brexit vote was, at least in part, driven by claims to reduce migration. Instead the opposite has happened. A referendum on whether to reduce net migration to below 50,000 a year is the only way to see what the British people want and hold the government accountable to deliver against it.
Oh, yes, if this country needs anything, it's another referendum. With roughly 35-40% of the electorate planning to vote for Tory or Reform, what we need is quality education and teaching of critical thinking skills, not another meaningless, divisive box-ticking exercise.
@@TheRedmike67 Democracy only works if you have a free press and an educated, informed electorate. Otherwise you just have an electorate with no critical analytical skills, brainwashed to vote against their own interests.
I’ve heard from multiple people who moved into the UK recently, that immigrating there for non-EU highly skilled ppl has been made significantly easier since brexit, as the labour market was decreased so much it is now difficult to find workers without migration
Yeah and because of this my job is finally well paid because there’s hardly anyone in construction the workforce is tight. It took a labour crisis for business to realise “oh wait we can pay decent money and still make sickening profits”. C***s
See, let me tell you that the last part of your sentence is a complete crock. The state of jobs here is awful, any time a vacancy opens up anywhere there's 300+ applicants for it and they require multiple years experience and a large list of requirements for a minimum wage entry level job, because they can get away with asking for such a list as they're spoiled for choice. Getting into any industry here if you don't already have experience is literally impossible.
@@awwastor The reason for that then is because as I said: It is impossible to get any work experience as an Englishman. Every job that used to be entry level now asks for years of experience so they have their pick of whoever they like, which usually ends up being a migrant as they'll work harder for less pay. This widens the experience gaps even further as if you're English nobody will bother taking a chance on you so you can get any experience at all.
I think it also has to do with the fact that the UK is far more multicultural than any other EU country. Like it is easier to integrate various people when you have doing exactly that for the past 300 years.
The fact that immigrants are outperforming natives across the board is not a sign of a good immigration system. Instead, it shows just how badly we are failing the natives. Additionally, as you say, poorly educated immigrants are employed in favour of poorly educated natives. These people's parents and ancestors have paid-in and built the country that we have today, and yet we are importing people to replace them. That is a shameful statistic! All this video shows is that British immigration is good for the immigrants, not that Britain is good at immigration.
We are really poor at Training and education. So we have massive skills shortages, we're also very unhealthy so many are not fit to work. Even our much heralded Premier League is packed full of overseas players !
"Many are not fit to work" yet unemployment is lower than most other countries. Curious where you've got this from? And what studies make the claim that "unhealthy" people are "not fit to work"? Long term unemployed are usually disabled, not overweight 😅
@@n00dl3 Depends on how your government defines 'unemployment'. If you take your dog out for a walk, you're counted as a dog-walker and thus employed, thanks to the Tories.
We've already tried the education gambit, unfortunately when we challenge the students with what they've learned, most can't pass the tests and when it comes to the parents; none of them are willing to accept that maybe little Susie or Timmy is just not as bright as they'd have hoped or need to put in more effort - culturally they're too babied. Instead the schools lower the passing grade, more kids "pass" the school looks good for the pass rate, funding increases, the nation's IQ drops a few points and we're worse off at the end of the generation then we were at the start.
Every time you make an immigration video you miss the mark. You think that cherry picking some random survey you are going to push "the message": I would say that most of people here are center, left-center in terms of ideology. And we've been brainwashed for 20+ years, but you know what? People are fed up. I don't need any bulclrap survey I just need to go out in my city, Barcelona, and see it for myself. And the only data I'm going to rely is crime statistics, se*ual assault rates, and overall economic impoverishment in high migrant areas. And I think I speak for millions upon millions of europeans.
I'm a French who lives in UK and the illegal migration is a real issue who must be dealt with has it has terrible impact on people opinions by pushing them towards the far right.
Nobody in the U.K. has a problem with legal European migrants, the problem isn’t with immigration, the problem is with the illegal migrants who are disrespectful and low quality (usually from Islamic nations in Middle East or Northern Africa). It isn’t an “immigration problem”.
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn I don’t think we’ve come close to a fair attempt on a clamp down tbh. I think your legalese approach will fall further victim to Russian geopolitical tremors in Sahel.
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn I say legalese because it’s an accurate description of the emptiness of your proposed solution - let’s just throw more laws at it! Very much reminiscent of how the Irish border issue would be resolved with ‘high tech solutions’ it has no substance. Answer me this how many illegal migrants even attempt, even Google for, a legal entry first before attempting crossings? As for harsher enforcement, obviously the Rwanda plan (I love Rwanda, and as a white man have lived and worked extensively in Kigali and Lusaka - they’re lovely cities) and any active enforcement plan comes under intense (and to an extent rightful) scrutiny - that so far has limited any fair test application of the powers. We’ve yet to see an active effort by anyone but French gendarmerie in recent weeks at actually turning around small boats, and preventing their voyages. If we did go a legal route, rather than creating more bureaucracy as you suggest (which also has to be funded by tax FYI), perhaps it’d be better to add a tougher line law - one strike policy - if you get caught illegally trying to enter the UK you can never ever come here or stay. A true deterrent. End of the day; the weakness of European immigration and border system lays in the ability to exploit, overwhelm and frustrate our bureaucratic machine - with no quick fire tools for processing and effectively removing individuals. It’s toothless. And any attempt to sharpen the blade is dulled by emotional blackmail.
At 1:05 min, rejected asylum seekers in France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands no longer receive any money. In Germany, those rejected receive a tolerated stay and continue to receive their money. That's why the costs are shifting; in Germany the most is paid.
How much is the fact that immigrants are doing better than native brits to do with them living in London where there are better educational and employment opportunities than the rest of Britain?
London has one of the largest muslim population and it has changed for the worst, white people are not see as the number one anymore we are the forgotten race and we have been let down for the past 20/30 years this post will be deleted
That's more of a skill issue. A company would be more likely to hire someone with the necessary skills for the job than someone who happens to be British. At my company I work in the engineering side, British people that are working are the older ones whereas the younger engineers are generally migrants. This might just be because young British people are no pursuing engineering like the older generation did. This is supported by my experience in university where migrant and international students outweighed the number of native British people.
@@Anthony_Romfordfeel free to provide your source of data that proves this? 1. Brexit actually proved the opposite is true once and for all. We drastically restricted EU labour and ended up with worker shortages everywhere i.e there were no British ppl stepping in to do the job, the foreigners weren't competing for the jobs they were adding to them. 2. Since we had these shortages the gov massively increased non EU labour, the put an earnings threshold on the requirements, the threshold was higher than the majority of Brits make i.e. they have made it that foreigners take the high paying jobs and Brits have to take the low paying ones.
@@Anthony_RomfordI think you missed his point, namely there's not that many people applying with the skills to fit the role, - its got nothing to do with wages; they could always be higher but that's one specific example out of many.
It is a net benefit... to certain sectors: -that rely on cheap labour to undercut local wages -that welcome an injection of big money from abroad (money laundering, real estate, higher education) Creates plenty of low paid "service" jobs and ultimately does little to boost the economy or living standards.
@@O-OO1-O immigrants tend to be attracted to big cities, as that’s where the opportunities tend to lie. London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester. Southampton too as there will be a lot of job opportunities there due to the docks. Where I’m from in Norwich there is certainly a large white majority population, probably due to it being a relatively small city with few job opportunities, and a very long way from any other big city. Devon and Cornwall are the same
Just a note on all the graphs shown in this video - because the legend is coming up last, it's impossible to know what they're trying to show without pausing as soon as it shows up. If you're not going to linger on these animated graphs once they're complete, put the legend up from the start.
@DLB-po6nn Lmao conservatives hate legal migration just as much as they hate illegal migration. You're such a fool if you think they make a distinction.
The whole framing of these statistics is strange. For instance the "immigration is the most important issue" graph also happens to coincide with other issues like housing becoming unaffordable for huge sections of the population or the slow-motion collapse of public services becoming obvious including the NHS. Or over much of the recently polled period, even the media firestorms over Rona, or Ukraine, or Israel. Many of these issues would be viewed in a poll as "different" to immigration, but they are unavoidably tied directly to it. Mass immigration is indeed a primary cause of the domestic problems listed (although, not the only one). Also as the migrant population explodes, you're diluting the poll results with people who aren't British, especially if these polls are conducted in places like London, Birmingham, Leicester etc. which they probably are, given that large cities are the easiest places to obtain relevant sample sizes. Also RE: the thumbnail. No, largely they don't "love Britain" in the sense that early American immigrants loved the ideals of America and wanted to expand the young nation and its culture. They love free money and a relatively easy life, they live as they lived at home, just transplanted into an area that someone else made wealthy. You can tell because they name their kids whatever they would have at home, teach them the same values, eat the same food and fly the same flags.
Perhaps your analysis of people's attitudes to immigration should distinguish between immigrantion and MASS IMMIGRATION. I think you would get a very different picture than the false picture you provide.
As a "legal" immigrant to the UK, it is exceptionally expensive to actually get to and stay in the UK. With the visa fees, nhs fees (on top of nhs taxes) and the upcoming fees for an IRL its frustrating to see how many illegal immigrants come in and dont contribute to the economy while still having access to public services and funds...
In what world do you think those people who come here illegally, (for non asylum seeking reasons) would have access to recourse to public funds?. You think the guy who's hiding in a shipping container is just going to go to the job centre, get his N.I. number, and magically access universal credit once he clears the customs inspection?. And if what you're referring to as illegals having "access to public services and funds" is regarding asylum seekers (the only people who can access them despite illegal entry), it's a pittance relative to the benefits UK citizens are capable of accessing, and combine this with the number of asylum seekers relative to the UK population on benefits and their impact is a drop in the bucket. The only reason you could even call that a "drain" on the system is because the brainless tools in charge would rather waste the billions of pounds they could be using to streamline, and service the infrastructure that deals with asylum seekers to properly clear their cases and assess them faster, (drastically reducing the already small amount of them there are), on stupid bs like programs that will fail because they circumvent international law, and making asylum seeker prison barges as a "deterrent".
You're looking for the impossible then; news is a concept of humanity and humanity is naturally biased one way or the other to one degree or the other.
@octavianpopescu4776 it's clearly a Liberal biased take. No mention of the crappy hotels asylum seekers get assigned to whilst homeless people freeze to death, no mention of the asylum seekers drowning in the channel or asphyxiating in the back of trucks, no mention of the asylum seeker who pretended to convert to Christianity to avoid deportation and then threw acid at someone, no mention of statistics that portray immigration negatively such as 46% of those who follow Muhammad in Britain supporting hamas.
@@mappingshaman5280 They're saying the UK is a model country and that we, Europeans, are more intolerant. They're actually praising the UK, instead of criticising it, as lefties would do, they're praising it for how tolerant and diverse it is. Or one of the criticisms on the left of the UK is that it's racist or this video goes against that idea. So, I don't see it as having any liberal bias.
@@mappingshaman5280Every problem blamed on immigrants is actually due to rapidly increasing wealth inequality and the extremely poor handling of the economy by the Tories.
Here's some food for thought. I've taken the following directly word for word from the Conservative manifesto and data from the Office for National statistics: 2010 Immigration 604,000, emigration 339,000, net migration 256,000 Conservative manifesto: "We will take steps to take net migration back to the levels of the 1990s - tens of thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands." 2015 Immigration 664,000, emigration 334,000, net migration 329,000 Conservative manifesto: "Our commitment to you: keep our ambition of delivering annual net migration in the tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousands" "We will tackle people trafficking and exploitation. We will ease pressure on public services and your local community. We will protect British values and our way of life. We will promote integration and British values" 2017 Immigration 644,000, emigration 395,000, net migration 249,000 Conservative manifesto: "We will reduce and control immigration." "But with annual net migration standing at 273,000, immigration to Britain is still too high. It is our objective to reduce immigration to sustainable levels, by which we mean annual net migration in the tens of thousands, rather than the hundreds of thousands we have seen over the last two decades". 2019 Immigration 772,000, emigration 553,000, net migration 219,000 Conservative manifesto: "There will be fewer lower-skilled migrants and overall numbers will come down. And we will ensure that the British people are always in control." 2022: Immigration 1,234,000, emigration 489,000, net migration 745,000. 2023: Immigration 1,405,000. Keep in mind that those entering are usually foreign and those leaving are often British - you can see why 'replacement theory' has so much traction We also know that 15% come in on 'skilled' work visas, and 85% have no job and come in as dependents etc. They are a net drain on the economy, going into low paid jobs and take more out of the system than they put in. This demolishes the 'skilled workers argument'. Even most of those who do come in on 'skilled workers' visa, turn out not to be skilled but end up in low paying jobs. Often using fraudulent certificates of qualification, (there's a thriving business in fraudulent nursing qualification from Nigeria). One should also mention the elephant in the room. 42% of the 10 million foreign born residents in this country came in the last decade. Since New labour came to power 26 years ago we have had more immigration into this country than the previous 2,000 years combined! (I'm not saying Labour and LibDems would any better, I'm just pointing out why voting for any of the main parties will do nothing to stop the flow). The actions of all political parties have blatantly undermined democracy. If you vote for any of the main parties you will get more of the same - promise one thing and do the opposite.
When are people going to realise that the U.K. has no problem with immigration at all as a concept, in fact in most places it is welcomed. The problem in the U.K. is with specifically the vast quantity of low quality Islamic migrants. I don’t know of anyone who had a problem with freedom of movement with the EU. I’ve never heard anyone moan about European migration from Italians or Germans or Scandinavians, Greeks, etc. Easter Europeans like Polish and Romanians were historically controversial but as far as I’m concerned in _current year_ nobody has any issues with Eastern European migrants either. The issue of Islam isn’t just a British one either, it’s very observable across the whole western world. Please stop conflating it with immigration as a whole…
@@euanstokes2828 its the sect of people who practice it who warp it into being violent and evil. most brits have no problems with the religion. just the people who claim to be a part of it.
@@euanstokes2828 it is incompatible with western values, namely sharia law. Also, the migrants who just so happen to be Islamic (forming a pattern/correlation) are usually uneducated and disrespectful. I’ve known many who openly declare how much they hate the U.K. and the west in general while living here and having the benefits of not living in a bombed-out, sandy ruin. There is also no effort for integration of Islamic people to British or western values, they generally keep in isolated communities and prefer to retain their Islamic identity over any form of national identity (problematic). Just lots of general red flags.
As a Canadian (a country that has long been and remains a deeply pro-immigration country - albeit with some patches of resistance mostly outside of urban areas in ethnically and linguistically homogeneous communities, not least in Québec), I have to say that this report does correspond to my sense (admittedly from afar) of how well integrated immigrants are in the UK compared to continental European countries. It's frankly struck me as deeply ironic that so many prominent Tory politicians are themselves from immigrant backgrounds (albeit UK-born if I understand correctly). This is not unfamiliar to me: I identify as a Canadian Tory and take some pride in the fact that our "blue tribe" here is just as welcoming and supportive of immigrants into the fold as other parties here. Given how many immigrant electors there are in this country and how instinctively conservative many of them are, we really have no choice in any event. What we DON'T have here is a nativist "Reform UK" party: even our party of the same name from back in the 1990s - when the Canadian Tories fractured into different regional tribes, divided mostly by ideology and the "national question" - was as pro-immigration as any other Canadian party at the time.
That's because Canada is a Settler colonist Society. Whites are NOT native to the Americas, and everyone knows this. (This is a Reply to the last part of your Comment btw.)
After Brexit, UK is like the least pro migrant country in Europe. I am from Italy, I have a master’s degree in law and between high cost of living, hardship in finding a job and getting a Visa, high risk of unemployment and salary that is no march for the cost of living I would never think about moving there. Instead, in the last 5 years I have been between Poland and Czech Republic as I believe that eastern europe is overtaking western europe. Here it’s easier to find a job, cost of living is reasonable, cities are safe and salary are not so bad. Most of my peers feel the same, they would never go to UK, France, Italy or other southern euopean countries. Maybe UK is good for people with very high education in sectors that pay really well and for which there is high demand. Low skilled immigrants are not wanted and so are the people doing average office jobs, such us customer service ones. Only reason why I am not in the UK is because between cost of living, salaries, migration policies, rising crime and stagnant economy is like the opposite of a pro migrant country. If by migrants we mean the ones who are not going to be trouble makers, of course.
Recently moved to the UK as a highly skilled worker in the IT-industry. Although the UK has more active problems than my country of origin, I do think the UK has more potential to give me a better life and more respects my lifestyle, also I value the British culture highly. I'd love to become a permanent citizen of the UK in a couple of years and I think I have a lot to offer in return.
....'The UK looks like one of the most anti-migration countries in the world'. From the attitude of a majority of the people in UK, yes, not from the government's outlook! I don't know where these surveys were obtained from! I am yet to hear Brits say that immigration has been beneficial to the UK, although nobody wants to admit that all services, including NHS, care sector, transportation, retail and hospitality sectors would collapse, if there was no immigration. People in power know that it is easier and less expensive to import doctors, nurses, skilled engineers, hospitality staff and others, rather than train home grown skilled professionals.
@@kinoraiand that is called conspiracy theory. Also you do know the population statistics of the UK right? Do you think the gain in labour support was made up of immigration? That would mean 10s of millions of immigrants suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Yes immigrants are more likely to vote Labour, but the bulk of shift in support for Labour, statistically has to be from white British people. You act like native British people couldn't possibly care about immigrants, when clearly you are projecting your own views onto them
@@kinorai The US and Canada also have large immigrant populations. And yet the conservative parties there are not losing popularity. So your loony theory doesn't really make sense.
@@SashedPotatoAnd why do you people support their genocide? Look at London. It isn’t even an English city anymore. It’s been colonized by others who stole the homeland as punishment for England’s “original sin”.
This video leaves me astonished...I lived in the UK for seven years and I never felt welcomed by the locals, just tolerated because I was working and therefore contributing to the economy.
One massive difference I’ve seen in the uk is 4th and 5th generation ethnic migrants who are basically brits, they used to get vexed at me when I’d ask them so where are you from thinking they also came from abroad xd. The new migrants I feel have ways to still go but even second and generation migrants here are really well integrated and there is no pressure to be British leading most of them to just naturally become British. I came here as part of some work years ago, I’m a mechanical/aerospace engineer and fell in love with the English countryside. Moved to Scotland recently and still love the country going hiking the weather and everything. Don’t think I’d move back home to the states where everything just feels so shit even if I could get a much higher salary there.
Exactly and this is what doesn't happen in Europe. We take this for granted in the UK. A wise man once said, when even your immigrants are anti-immigrant, you know you've got a good immigration system.
Sure some areas of the UK, but the country as a whole is significantly less segregated than the United States. Just look at the graph at 6:15 in the video.
As someone who lived in leicester for uni, it's strange to see it up there as one of the most segregated cities in the country. I was very aware of the different cultures in Leicester and that was actually a big plus to me, but people still got along well and I never felt out of place or like I'd stumbled into the wrong neighbourhood.
I mean speaking as a recruiter we take on a fair few immigrants (like our new health and safety manager) and it's never down to that. Sometimes they just have more skills and experience. Most organisations want someone who will do the job as well as possible and will last
@@james3098 If there wasn't as many people flooding the country, giving you so much choice you'd have to pay people better. The poor want jobs that keep up with inflation and the rise of cost of living and the rich want and are getting richer. We're fighting a losing battle so I left. I live abroad now and I'll never go back. Trust me people feel discriminated against and are dying to speak out but have no choice but to comply.
Might the rise in acceptance of migrants have something to do with that fact that 1/6 of the population are migrants and 1/5 are of recent migrant background?
Usually the more migrants are in a country, the higher the number voting in favour of immigration as those immigrants have larger proportion of say in the matter. Vast majority of them are in favour, while the rest can be divided. And in the end of the day, even if majority of population would be against, no government in UK would close the doors.
Our visa scheme is quite mad. Aussie highly qualified mate could only stay for 2 years unless sponsored. He paid higher tax and NI along with his NHS levy but found it hard to stay. But a cheap low tax deliveroo driver can get a visa for life and bring family over it seems. Whole system needs a rethink.
Now think don’t these low tax individuals come from places where they’re chain smokers from young. Didn’t we just pass a bill that will stop smoking? Who’s going to clear up the excess? Well I think you’re intelligent enough to put the pieces together
Yes the bar really is insanely low. The fact we're so critical of our own immigration system is actually a good sign that the general popular view is more favourable to it. Think of it this way - France banned the Hijab. Muslim women in France are literally not allowed to wear their cultural dress, to almost no resistance from non-Muslim French people. Such a policy would be unthinkable in Britain.
@@reaux3921 anyone who thinks women should have the right to choose what they want to wear or not. If they banned cross necklaces I guarantee there would be outrage, probably from you too.
When they put the migrants in the cities they cluster them all together when they should spread them all out thin. If they’re clustered they’ll just create their own little segregated groups and won’t integrate, then you have the situation we are in now with the “us districts” and the “them districts” and eventually you end up like Sweden with “no-go zones”…
the more immigrants there are in a place the more likely the brits living there are to see immigration in a positive light. And over the last decade public sentiment has become only more positive toward immigrants. So yeah, go to any English city and you'll see why people like immigration so much
I live in France and I don't know where they get these statistics from or who they are polling but I do not know a single person who would agree with them... This is complete BS.
How certain are you that the people you know well enough to know their position on this issue are a representative sample of the entire French population?
@@dariusalexandru9536but why does he think these polls are fake? He shouldn’t believe that the small slice of france that he knows is representative of all of france.
You mean the country that banned the Hijab? If you live in a French city where lots of immigrants are like Paris you'll probably feel this way, but one issue France has in particular is its rural areas especially in the south are racist as fuck. Like genuinely worse than the Southern USA. I attended a conference in Menton a few weeks ago and that was very clear.
@@maxdavis7722especially when France has such a sharp urban-rural political divide. Well really its more of a Paris vs Everywhere else political divide.
I'm all for fair immigration policies, but I suspect many that do want to come to the UK, do so because the UK is a soft touch on these policies, also, corporations want to keep wages down and the irony is, since Brexit, the UK needs every advantage it can get, migrants that are willing to do the jobs others don't and for far less money is a competitive advantage, not saying it's the right thing to do but the UK is a lot more lax on its rules when it comes to immigration compared to other European countries. The irony in all this is that Brexit was supposed to be a big selling point in reducing immigration, in the end, we ended up with more. The real problem for the UK, even with immigration, if the UK pushes that too hard with lower wages, you'll end up with Brits complaining about stagnant wage growth, then there's also the chance the EU will put traffic on goods from the UK to cancel out the benefits of those low wages, the end result, the UK ends up losing out on two fronts, lower wages and no benefits from the cheap labour with our biggest market.
As a UK business owner (SME), I can reassure you that a few very profitable companies make the headlines (and create impression that everyone is spitting money), while the majority of the companies, like 90% of them have very tight margins and cannot deliver high quality products/services with these types of margins. As a result, higher quality labour at lower cost would really help companies to reinvest and deliver better products/services to consumers. Generally, UK is a very competitive market and most of companies must re-invest profits or they will be killed by a competitor who reinvests (again excluding some cash cows that make the headlines). So it is a popular but wrong argument that businesses should pay fair wages and pocket less profits. If there were fat profits, in a competitive market like the UK, 10 competitors would immediately pop out to take these margins from you (again except a few industries making the headlines, where barriers to entry are high and it is hard to take their margins).
Hello - this video has proved remarkably controversial. We'll discuss our editorial decisions in making this video in full on The Editorial, our podcast where we talk about any channel-related controversies (here: www.youtube.com/@TLDRpodcasts), but we thought we should say one thing here:
Some people have said this video should be more balanced, and that we should have talked about the "cons" of immigration. To be clear, in this video, we do NOT say that immigration is a good thing, nor do we propound the "pros" of immigration. Rather, we say that that UK citizens are generally more pro-migrant than is often suggested, and that the UK is relatively good at integrating migrants (or at least, that's what's implied by the data).
Nonetheless, thank you for watching, and we hope you still enjoy the video.
I thought this video was very informative.
"UK citizens are generally more pro-migrant than is often suggested" - Absolutely true, the populist right is very vocal online because of the repercussions of expressing these opinions in real life. Personally I think the failure of Brexit has pushed the average Brit way too far left on this issue though that many people are willfully ignorant of the issues.
"UK is relatively good at integrating migrants" - I mean compared to like Sweden I suppose, but that is a very poor standard to hold a government at.
In my opinion, I don't think your team has anything to apologise for. 😅 I think the video content and coverage is indeed impartial: you are discussing exactly what the video title states you will be discussing. You are presenting an series of factual observations! Nothing more - nothing less.
"Hey we weren't balanced on this topic, so why don't you consume more of our content"
Why would I want more biased content?
PS. Please, please do a follow-up video (if, and, or, when possible 😅) on the differences among European countries' views on skilled migrants vs illegal/unskilled migrants!
I find it incredibly difficult to get reliable information on this, where the sources are not solely focused on illegal immigration issues no matter how well I try to refine my research semantics.
750k immigration whilst making 150k homes a year is not a good thing, no. The UK are not good at immigration.
@@soccerguy325 the point is the UK isn't building enough, due to government policies.
more like bad at building houses. We were bad at it when there were 100k immigrants a year, and when there were 50k. It's a separate issue. There's plenty of evidence in this video showing how much better we are than most at immigration. But ever since thatcher, we sure have been terrible at building homes
I think HMO's also add to this problem
@@soccerguy325 Not really a thing in the UK but anyway most native Brits can't afford them and all cheap housing has been taken by the govt to house illegals.
And migrants get exploited into paying huge rents for a bunk bed in a slum house.
The uk is a mess.
- With love from your convict friends in Australia.
This at least is something everyone can agree on… if only we all agreed on the why too
Complete societal collapse within 40 years.
Youre very close behind.
Do you mean convict? Conviction is the is the outcome not the people
Polls from this year say brits want less immigration, as they have for decades, one poll saying brits are okay with the level of immigration is an outlier not the norm. Brits not wanting discrimination of those living here does mean they want more immigration also.
Oh no, left-wing propaganda channel lied again. Who would have guessed.
Makes you wonder why after decades of saying you want less immigration, you still get record numbers of them year after year
Which poll is it your referring to
All the polls I've seen have a clear majority not wanting immigration, with quite a few saying they don't want ANY immigration.
Only the rich class want immigration as they want to keep the salaries down and don't want to invest in innovation, only make pretend.
Uk companies rather keep wages low by bringing in migrants rather than risk profits by paying a decent wage and employing Brits.
“Companies” like the NHS
If that was the case, the UK wouldn't have one of the worse cross sectional shortages in its post-war history.
That isn't the fault of immigrants though you gotta blame the government and the businesses for not having better labour laws and higher minimum wage
If companies make more money by employing immigrants than brits then they will. You can't blame them for that. The only purpose of private companies is to make as much money as possible within the law. The government could change that by increasing the minimum wage, strengthening employee rights and strengthening the bargaining power of unions. That way everyone gets better wages and more secure jobs. And when immigrants are no longer more profitable for companies, then companies will start employing and training up brits
there is a demand for cheap labour, it's easier to reduce that demand than restrict the supply. But neither the torys or reform want any of that. Because they are both run by millionaires who profit off low wages and weak unions. They just use immigration as a smoke screen to distract working people from those doing the real damage, the governments who cut workers rights and the millionaires those governments represent
But also, we are going to need to keep letting immigrants in, simply because otherwise our working population will keep shrinking compared to our elderly population. People aren't having enough children, something that's happening in every mature industrialised nation across the world. So far no one anywhere in the world has come up with a solution to this problem that actually works. So until we do figure out how to get people to have more kids, or work out a different economic system that doesn't rely on infinite growth, then we have a choice of welcoming immigrants or our nation going bust
People in government will really be like "you believe in sector bargaining/ full employment as a means to boost wages? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, of cutting immigration" and then not cut immigration.
More people being in favour of a 'fair' immigration system can easily mean more people want asylum seekers to be returned to France, where they were perfectly safe. The word 'fair' is far too open to interpretation to decide it means pro-immigration.
This x100
This morning on this thread -- I misspelt that word to imply 'fair exchange'
i.e towards
'like for like' -- but going easy on the obsessions...
THats not a fair system - Most migratns are not refugees but here for work. its the low wage visa that allows so many to come in and barely speak english.
For the record at least 70% of these people were offered asylum here in France, which was almost unanimously REFUSED ! Our Security Services here now prevent up to 65% of these "small boats" leaving our shores. That means you only have 35% to contend with. But ask yourself, why has this escalated to 4 times of what it was before Brexit !
UK is so great that the english are trying to leave the UK, good job
Step 1: conquer and rule the world
Step 2: exploit and profit
Step 3: empire falls apart
Step 4: complain about immigration from places that where exploited
@@kuil What’s step 5?
@@ad_astra468 Try and figure it out
@@kuil Ah yes - we had a successful empire so we can't be anti-immigration. How about we just have open borders as a form of reparations!
@@neptune1525 Step 5: let the newcomers turn UK into the same shithole they came from
My parents brought my family here in the late 90’s.
The reason then was:
1. You got help from the government like housing, benefits etc so you can land on your feet;
2. The native people are open, decent and welcoming if you are law abiding and your kids will get on in this country if they follow the rules and work hard; and
3. Work is plentiful, and you don’t need licenses and paperwork etc to make a living like you do in France and Germany etc.
I am very worried about working class natives in this country though… I think they are getting a raw deal. I don’t want them to fall behind. It must be extremely grating to see foreigners like me come here, get free education, healthcare etc and become a professional, buy a home, start a family etc that they can’t afford because they were born in a council estate or deprived area with a culture of failure, abandoned by their own government. It’s not ok.
The government needs to prioritise them now. I say this as a migrant myself, because it needs to be said.
Thank You, reading this comment I feel understood 🙏🏻
I'm a working class white native, and honestly the problems here are more to do with class than whiteness. Rural and regional areas are also genuinely forgotten.
One other thing I've just thought of is educational inequality: especially if you are learning disabled, the education system of the United Kingdom doesn't work if your parents don't have the capacity or time to help you with academic work, and don't also understand the subjects you are being taught. That's right from primary to university level. There is a silent implied labour within the UK education system from parents so there's a lot of guilt for people who aren't able to academically advance, because it relies mostly on their relationship with their parents and their parents style of parenting.
I understand you see us struggling as someone with migrant experience, but honestly this is about class and how people born in places like Cornwall were never really seen as the same sort of people as the Queen or the professors of Oxford. J Draper has a really good video about racism in London, and within it the paradox of racism in the UK becomes clear: racism here is about whether you are a gentleman or a lady, but those with a head start in terms of 'breeding' have more chance of being seen as a gentleman or lady from birth. Thank you for having understanding, but honestly our problems overlap. British university education systems just extend the class system globally. I think the imperial influence of the UK has actually continued in that way, beyond the 60s. Have a nice day and I hope you are doing ok 💙
It is evident that you may be in the EU and control your market because Germany, France, and other nations require qualifications and exams from job applicants within particular sectors.
That is exactly why I gave up being an immigrant after trying a decade ago. I realised I was contributing exactly to the problems I was deploring and understood it was time to pack up. That bedroom in a shared house I was renting for an insane amount, maybe it'd be better off being rented by a local.
Also the UK of the late 1990s had a booming economy and wages that allowed most people to be well off. Nothing like today's nation of dereliction.
@@PlurCoElites prefer to develop the London commuter belt instead of pursuing a more balanced model of growth. 😢 ,tories still praise Margaret Thatcher after all her reforms were proven to cause harm.
housing crises, unfunded nhs, low wages, crime up and stretched public services. yeah its going fantastically
Tbf this video is about immigration specifically and the attitudes towards it.
That's the government's fault, not migration
@@kindmulberry7196to which immigration contributes, it’s simple supply and demand. People unable to book GP appointments due to local practices being over subscribed. Families unable to get children into schools due to over subscription. Families with local connections unable to get social housing due to over subscription.
ah yes, the problem is not rich people hoarding over 90% of the country's wealth and caring about only themselves, it's the migrants!
Most migrants don't end up on the streets, he just said that most immigrant men are more likely to get a job. Govt's lack of investment into public services isn't on migrants
There is no way this is true 😂. I think most people in the UK realise we can't keep going the way we are because let's be honest we can't even look after our own.
Immigrants help us "look after our own", you only need to look into most NHS hospitals to see that.
@@mankytoes You're not wrong 🤙🏻
@@Red_Bug_James you both are wrong we aren't taking in a million NHS workers every year are we now lads come on lets face it
@@mankytoes Joking right?
@@Red_Bug_James Its like saying Charles M was a human, and so is a surgeon.
To be fair its a bit odd to say Britain gave Hong Kongs residents "generous and populous scemes". They literally were a part of Britain until the 90s when they were given to China. It would indeed be odd to me if the UK didnt give every single Hong Kong resident the option to go to the UK and help them with money, they were and many are british citizens.
Exactly my thoughts. Well done for delineating so eloquently
Technically they weren't British citizens, they were only British subjects. The only British colonies that have ever had automatic British citizenship have been the British overseas territories since 2002, when a law was passed that gave them all automatic British citizenship just like the UK. The only British passport Hong Kongers were automatically eligible for was the British National Overseas passport from 1987-97, which is completely different to a regular British passport and until 2021 didn't offer you any right to residency in the UK.
these people were also part of the uk most likely at once, why werent they given citizensihp huh? so one colony gets different treatment from the other?
@@meretricioussimp7759 They want the benefit of services, tax, revenue that the colonies generate but not the people who generates it.
Hong Kong residents were BN(O)s, not full British citizens. British rule over HK was finite from Day 1 because it was a lease agreement with the (then) Chinese Empire and the law reflected that. Sooner or later it was going back to China and nobody wanted the legal headache of giving 5 million people British citizenship at once.
All sides of all arguments disliked this lol
Why do you think this is?
😂😂😂😂 so true! I clicked on the video thinking “I bet this is going to get me seething”
Let’s see!
kawinfinity so your saying that suggesting "the Tories are really good people" will get people on every side angry? Are you suggesting that tory supporters will be just as mad at that statement as labour supporters? Does that mean that the torys are actively trying to be bad people and therefore saying they are actually good is suggesting they are failing at their jobs? /s
I watched this and while surprising, I can't say I disliked this. In fact, I was happy. My thought was: we can now finally say the UK isn't racist or xenophobic and everything is fine over there. Good for them.
@@octavianpopescu4776 just google uk racists incident and you will change that opinnion.
Imo generalizing "immigration" to one massive category of people is pointless. You need to split it up by migration motivation. Worker migrants, study migrants, family reunification migrants, asylum migrants.
For example, I think strengthening the welfare state is most important. So I like worker migrants that are net payers in the welfare state. I don't like asylum migrants or low-skilled migrants because they generally are a net drain on the welfare state. So I'm both for and against migration.
And with an aging population you can't afford to be lenient.
Education and a history of paying taxes:
Welcome to the UK sir/madam, may we take your coat? Please make yourself comfortable. Do try the canapes, they are divine...
Persons not meeting this criteria:
Thanks but no thanks, you see we are already building on floor plains and don't have enough land to feed our existing population.
It's intentional to draw strawmans
Imigration is illegal migration you can do any of those (especially the family one) legally to some extent.
aren't these all the same thing?
it starts with worker migrants that are invited because of a "labour shortage" but then wont leave later. then comes the family unification migrant and the asylum migrants. And ye know poor mustafa have 4 wives, 50 children and over 200 cousins. And we of course have to take on all of them because we took him.
@@handtrap8868They've really gutted what you can do with the family one with the new earning minimums (currently £29,000 with plans to increase it to £38,700 yearly income in the UK)
I don’t wanna sound like the flood of brexit geezers suddenly entering the comments section but in fairness you’re being a little dishonest. The Tory rhetoric on small boats isn’t landing simply because the Tories are in government and the vast majority of governments in the Western world are unpopular right now due to the cost of living crisis (and in the UK some other factors but the difference isn’t enough to change the overall dynamic). As for the rise of the far right in Europe, even if Reform UK isn’t polling as high as say the AFD, in terms of growth rate I’m pretty sure the rise of Reform UK has been far more dramatic. Not that the main point of the video is wrong or anything, but exaggerating details only hurts your case.
What your forgetting is that the Tory migration rhetoric literally isn't landing. As the video says perspectives of Legal migration hasn't been changed by the small boats problem.
Also, remember that reform UK is FAR less extreme than the AfD. Reform's policies are anti-immigration and small government, the AfD is *checks notes* opposed to Denazification.
@@euanstokes2828German laws surrounding the suppression of extremist politics are pretty harsh, I imagine Reform UK would vehemently oppose them if ever implemented in the UK, even the Tories might be reluctant given the recent Scottish Hate Crime fiasco
@@obama9535 no but I mean, the AfD have erm, interesting views towards the Nazis that basically amount to the 'Hitler did good things for Germany' trope. There's a lot of stuff in their electoral ads about Germany being proud of its imperial heritage. You don't see the same thing from reform
@@obama9535 Surveillance of a party, in which a higher number of members are supporting deportation as a valid part of immigration policy (even for German citizens with migration background), is *not* harsh. It's reasonable, and, given our history, perhaps even too less.
The Tories’ immigration rhetoric isn’t landing because they’ve been saying the same things for years and yet immigration is still rising.
Nobody can trust them on this issue.
Why are we classing native Brits struggling in schools compared to immigrants as a good thing?
That's the plan. The war is on the British and marks are politicised and not merit based at all
Because it means immigrants are productive and more worthy of staying there than natives.
So the islamists take over 😡😡😡😡
i agree thats not a good thing, i think its just pointed out cause in most european countries its the other way
"Real good at immigration" - what does that even mean? We need sensible policies that cater to the reality of infrastructure, public services, etc.
Now they've changed the title.
Real good means people live peacefully in self segregated communities, it's bad if it turns into Yugoslavia
I'm not sure what you mean by "policies that cater to infrastructure, public services etc". That is an incredibly vague collection of buzzwords that don't mean anything. What does this have to do with this video, that only looked at metrics on how much immigrants are different from their native peers in grades, employment and academic prowess. And from these metrics they conclude that immigration seems to be going well in Britain - when compared to other countries. Have you even watched the video? Or do you mean that immigrants should put in extra effort and hours and serve their British overlords for letting them in..? Also: "real-ly"
I agree we need better and more sensible infrastructure and public services, not less immigration
The housing crises is the everything crisis.
Britain is way too expensive to live in. Migrants who arrive legally from poorer countries usually are well off or have well off parents. People don't realize but there are plenty of rich people in poor countries. So I'm not surprised to see these stats.
If you work at a place, Uk is one of the best places that gives you economical freedom but instead some people still say oil is so expensive (literally one of the cheapests in europe) beside that; they want to drink in every second which results that they can’t save any money. The best english are who lived at least 1 year in a Mediterranean country so they could see some sunlight which led them to happiness.
That's why most English people complain about their own economical freedom, in fact. Isn't it?
This video was interesting but seemed to cherry pick pretty random* stats. *where random is used very charitably. Lumping immigration and asylum seekers together seems bizarre.
I think it might be prudent to carefully reconsider the data selection used to put this video together and to evaluate whether the conclusions of the video lead the fact finding or whether the fact finding lead to the conclusions.
Specifically what data did you think was random here?
But this video does the exact opposite of that - it is saying that the asylum rhetoric has had no effect on the way British people view migration in general.
@@euanstokes2828Legal (referred to in the video as'regular') migration has a very different profile compared to illegal migration and asylum queue jumping.
Combining them into one category misses major differences.
@@zen1647 but the whole point of combining them was to show that despite hostile rhetoric towards asylum seeking, the UK still has a pro-immigration outlook
@@euanstokes2828 No one has a problem with skilled immigrants who are able to assimilate into British culture. But only 15% enter the UK on a skilled immigrant visa - 85% have no job or skills. This demolishes the 'skilled workers argument'. Even most of those who do come in on 'skilled workers' visa, turn out not to be skilled but end up in low paying jobs, often using fraudulent certificates of qualification. (There's a thriving business in fraudulent nursing qualifications from Nigeria as a recent scandal showed).
'Possibly' good for the economy but terrible for the average Brit.
Just like anything to do with growth - most particularly population growth. It grows the overall size of the pie, but everybody gets a much smaller slice of it.
@@oldskoolmusicnostalgia that's not how economic growth works
Your employer not caring about your rights at the job isn’t because of immigrants, bud.
@@oldskoolmusicnostalgiaThis is entirely what the capitalist system is based upon, supposedly. But then the 1% gets 98% of the pie while the people get 2%, the remaining 99% of the population. Isn’t that interesting?
@@KoniTheChiwaNo, the best outcome of capitalism is large and comfortable middle class. 98% get all the wealth is typically what you see in the corrupt Economic Socialist countries like Venezuela or Soviet Union. Late stage capitalism, which the US is sliding into, sees 90% of wealth in fewer and fewer individuals and that is a problem. The middle class is being squeezed out due to hiring cheap workers and outsourcing good paying jobs, while in the Socialist countries wealth is never built at all to spread around. Everyone is poor in Soviet Union except some of the “bosses.” The Soviet Unions GDP for example never really recovered after WW2 while West Germanys skyrocketed with smart investments, competitive hiring and industry.
As a (legal) migrant living in the UK I find the immigration related procedure of the UK very convenient (especially in comparison to other countries)...
Out of interest why did you come here? This whole comment section is so fucking anti UK. Was it just for family?
@@maxdavis7722 I came to work for a very interesting prop-tech start-up. But also I always admired the culture and the traditions here...
@@alexkarpukhin interesting, if you don’t mind, where were you originally from?
Every country that banks on population growth to paint a rosy picture of a growing economy will have facilitated immigration procedures, obviously. Good for you for it's entirely unsustainable.
@@maxdavis7722 in 2020 we came from Ukraine. It was quite different back then living during lockdowns and whatnot. But ultimately the UK never disappointed us...
This is a surprising take and I don't live in the UK at all. The UK being a magnet for immigration because it has less stringent ID requirements than Europe for example is hardly a good thing. Then you've got the business - scams to be more accurate - like universities which revolve around charging immigrants and would-be immigrants fees they can't afford.
It is surprising when you think about it but it's true. We usually look at immigration as an internal problem, but compared to the rest of the world we're cosmopolitan.
A good way to put it is this - in France they banned the Hijab with basically 0 opposition from non-Muslim French people. In Britain such a policy would be unthinkable.
@@euanstokes2828 tbh I think a large silent majority would support it, it’s just an incredibly loud minority the MSM only lets you hear from
@@euanstokes2828 Your reply to their comment makes absolutely no sense, it's not addressing anything they said at all.
The UK didn't have the Napoleonic code civil & doesn't have several laws, institutions etc because of that.
One obvious thing that happens on mainland Europe is that you show your ID to your prospective employer. If an employer doesn't do their due diligence in making sure their employees are legally able to work, the government comes down on them HARD as illegal black market work. So employers are incentivised to keep on the right side of the law.
In the UK this is almost the opposite. Finding work without papers is easy & the chance that the government cracks down on illegal employment situations is so negligible that it's laughable.
You may have not understood that point, but it is a solid one.
The second point as well. Unis in the UK charge extortionate rates for Brits & well above that for foreign students.
Trying to bring up the hijab ban in secondary schools in France is just ... idiotic.
Secondary schools in France are ALL state funded. There is a strong separation of religion & state in France. So you're not supposed to have any outward religious symbols at school.(yarmulkes & others are banned as well)
Quite frankly that's better than the UK where you get an excellent education if your parents can pay for it & send you to public school, you can get a good education if you are smart & get lucky on the eleven plus test & you go to grammar school or you go to a comprehensive & are f*cked. Comps are becoming more & more a dumping ground.
So excuse me, while i don't bow for the "great british education system."
Go look up privateschoolmaffia(dot)com
@@LeafHuntress I know why France has this ideology but that doesn't stop it being wrong lmao. What your suggesting is principle with no actual substance and highlights exactly why France has a major problem with integration where the UK doesn't. Because in the UK, these things are no big deal, by passing laws like this you make it a big deal.
Considering religion in this topic muddies the waters, so let me put it this way. If someone in France wore a political party badge that would be fine. That's free speech. It's self expression. So why is it any different if someone expresses an opinion in this way about God? What practical problems are there with Muslims being muslim?
Also, you clearly have 0 understanding of the UK uni system. The UK charges international students way more and although uni should be free (it actually is in Scotland where I live) England and Wales have very generous student loan programmes for locals. We do let in more international students because we have far more uni places than we need and we use this money to subsidise scholarships etc. No uni in France comes close in international recognition to Oxford, Cambridge or St Andrews, and basically every major city has a redbrick University. Is the system problematic? Yes, but immigration isn't the problem.
What frustrates British people is you'll say Brexit was because we're racist Europhobes then propose policies like this. By the end of this year, Scandinavia, Northern Europe and France are likely to be a sea of right-wing governments and the UK is set to elect a leftwing party by a landslide. Europeans have a serious problem with immigration and they need to stop looking down on Britain with such snobbery if they want to realise it. Especially the French.
@@euanstokes2828 FFS what a bunch of UTTERLY ANNOYING word salad.
You really cannot write, argue & debate can you?
1. OP talked about something.
2. you go:"blablabalbla irrelevant nonsense not related to the comment or the video blablabla"
3. I told you that OP was right & called you out on your irrelevant nonsense.
4. you now react with the reason you probably actually wanted to write all along; that the French are snobbish.
Wow! Such insight! Very much!
Do stick that proud empire schtick up your arse. I'm not interested.
And your continued obsession with muslims is noted, as is your conflagration of SECONDARY & TERTIARY education.
Please stop this bollox, i will not react to that shyte again.
Your assumptions about my feelings about people in the UK are far of the mark, especially because some of them are my family.
I hate brexit. But as JamesO'B says;"contempt for the conmen, compassion for the conned."
Migration has push & pull factors.
The push factors are well known; war, poverty etc.
The pull factors specifically to the UK are the fact that the UK initiated or otherwise played a part in those wars, the former empire, the language & the facts i already described about ID-cards.
You can try to wriggle away from that all you like. The video didn't mention it & it should've. Why are those such sore topics for Brits?
This video was a bit disingenuous... most Brits think immigration is significantly less than it actually is.
I'm from an immigrant background and the UK is too pro migrant
Exactly most people when polled think it's around 70k net, when it's closer to 700k net.
The same people who are complaining that they can't afford a house, and they don't put the two together.
@@SaintGerbilUK The guilt of being anti-EU migration and Brexit being a failure has swung the opinion pendulum way too far to the left. The only way the average person will acknowledge there is a problem now is if it gets catastrophic.
@@SaintGerbilUKImmigrants aren’t the reason people can’t afford a house. It’s the wealthy who are driving up the prices by buying more with all the money they made during the lockdown.
@@SaintGerbilUKdon’t blame the migrants for housing immigration was increasing since the 60s but at least then we had huge government housing projects and socialised housing which got tanked because Thatcher sold the lot of it of and didn’t build new ones
@@rice4550 There has been more immigration in the past 50 years than the previous 1,000.
You cant blame Thatcher for opening the border and flooding the country not leaving any homes for native brits.
The truth is that the UK government has never really genuinely addressed immigration as an issue. The 1971 Immigration Act was the first one to put a brake on immigration, and then Thatcher strengthened it in 1981, but since 2000 it has been all one way traffic towards mass immigration, with both main parties embracing the idea.
Over here in Australia, our conservatives sometime in the 90s-00s were rather successful in creating a distinction between 'good' migrants and 'bad' refugees. They can thus maintain the benefits of a multicultural society and economy while dog-whistling to nationalists on the fringes of their voter base.
Hi, can you all do a behind the scenes video? Like what your workflow looks like from research to recording to graphics? I’m pretty impressed with how fast you crank them out, can you show us how?
JK lol ❤️
1 in 6 people in the uk were born abroad.. just that simple fact should be enough to make people want to stop all migrates. A country needs diversity but 1 in 6 is far too much
Why? I don't see a problem with this.
Pretty sure it's 1 in 5
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn feel free!
Why is that? I don’t give a shit, personally. Only a racist would care.
The country does not need diversity, for any reason, ever. There is absolutely no good reason or excuse for it under any circumstances.
Gaslighting nonsense.
This video quotes stats you just use buzzwords.
@@mnm1273here's a stat you'll hate we have had more immigration in the past 20 years than we have in the previous 2000.
@@SaintGerbilUK That is how population growth works
@@SaintGerbilUK Assuming that's true (you give no source) it doesn't change anything about the claim that the video makes.
@@aidan-4759 typically it's been done by people making more people rather than importing them.
This is not to sound offensive but most people of colour like myself could've told you the difference between the Brits and continental Europeans is quite stark. When I'm in the UK I feel invisible, like being part of the furniture. But upon visiting several european countries, I'm constantly reminded that I'm different. Anyone with this experience can tell you that this can be manifested in both positve and negative ways such as stares or random curiosity. Side note, despite being quite mixed, I was suriprise by the amount of segregation in Paris which I thought would be the continental equivilant of London.
It's interesting that you have this experience, as for me I found the opposite to be true. I grew up in the UK countryside. I have European parents and as such look 'not British'. I spent my whole life constantly being, to use your words, reminded that I'm different. However, visiting various European countries I get to experience the invisible, being part of the furniture, life and really it's so much more relaxing. This is why I support freedom of movement, so people like you or I can choose where we feel most comfortable and live there.
That chart at 5:36 is incredibly misleading, you should be very wary of using an axis that doesn't start at 0.
Excellent point! They need to improve their data analysis communication skills.
I love how the first minute of the video shows that the rest of the video is full of lies.
They are not all asylum seekers most are illegal immigrants,they are not the same thing.
Illegal immigrants... do seek Asylum, you know?
collectively they're _mass_ illegal immigrants
Why is it so bad to deport illegal immigrants? There is nobody in that region of the world that genuinely needs asylum (France, Germany, Netherlands etc). The only people trying to seek asylum are people coming from the Middle East and Africa. There are lots of closer options for them if they are genuinely seeking asylum. Why do none of the progressives address this? There is only one reason they are skipping over closer countries to come to the UK and that’s because they think they can welfare and benefits cause the English are a soft touch. That’s called economic immigration and should only be done through the proper legal channels. Can’t get through cause there is already a long waiting list? Well that’s just too bad, go choose another country closer by, you don’t need a financially comfortable life, you need safety from physical threats (if you’re a legitimate refugee). It’s like the progressives want no borders anywhere? Sure you can have that if you want the quality of life in western societies to dramatically decrease. That’s just how it is and I’ve yet to see a compelling argument against this fact. The only thing they seem to muster up is the old “oh it’s the moral thing to do”. No, morality isn’t involved because they stopped being legitimate refugees the second they refused to go to a closer safe country (one where they do not face the persecution they are supposedly desperately fleeing from). Does anyone have any legitimate answers to this? I will change my opinion if anyone can point out genuine flaws in my thinking.
even so called Legal are very very bad . . .
Great video, now let’s see you talk about the negatives about immigration to keep the discussion balanced!… or is that not allowed?
They'd never do that, because they are a fair and balanced channel.
@@SaintGerbilUK They are usually good at providing both sides, especially with their political videos (Biden and Trump for example). However with this topic like many they don't want to even touch the negatives on this topic which just undermines their whole argument. TLDR has really begun to go downhill lately and I hope they see the response to their latest videos and make a positive change or at least realise the UK is in fact really diverse and not everyone is a Middle Class Londoner, some of us have been forgotten about by the Capital.
@@SeñorBurns23 Its true about many of their videos, for example they portray the Israel/Palestine issue as a conservative problem, yet it cost Labour a seat and has much more infighting among Labour supporters, to the point that it might impact them in the GE.
And yet they promote ground news...
@@SaintGerbilUK Yes and without us becoming our own echo chamber, I originally began to watch them as I found them to be less bias than most however I've noticed a change especially since October. The example of immigration how we are more open to immigrants but lumping in Ukrainians (mostly made up of women and children) with those from Hong Kong (People with connects to Britain and our values and standards [oversimplification]) to economic migrants consisting of young men is beyond disingenuous.
I am a migrant, landed almost 10 years ago. I work in Precision Medicine services. Today, I am taking the Life in the Uk test because I love this country.
The problem is that the public let themselves get conned into thinking the problem is the minority of people arriving illegally via boat.
It's only highlighted in the public dialogue to serve as a distraction from the far more impactful perfectly legal immigration that's going on, which serves to further overburden public services, constrict the housing supply and saturate the labour market.
I know there was a survey of European cities including London and London came out as one of the most diverse populations and also the most integrated.
Hence the high murderrates
I feel like Britian, for all of its flaws, is one of the few places outside of the Americas where an immigrant can be deemed a local if they assimilate enough.
You can’t be an imperial center (even a former imperial center) if you are freaked out by people don’t look like you.
No you can't be deemed a local. The majority of the population will not see you as English because English is an ethnicity.
@@bookinsights1092 I take it all back. Enjoy your loser island as it further slides into irrelevance.
Pirata @@bookinsights1092
100% incorrect. The (white) British people hold that British identity extremely close to their chest, which is why even 5th generation minority British people will still get asked “so where are you actually from” despite their identify at that point being unequivocally english
@@bookinsights1092I consider my friends who have immigrant parents who were born here to be British. My nan was born here to Polish parents (refugees from WW2) and she’s as British as they come. I’d even consider my mate who was born in Estonia to be more British, as he moved here only a few months after birth so he’s been here for way way longer.
Integration of immigrants are actually much better in um than many European counterparts, partly because English is already spoken by a lot of people arriving and there are less barriers to integrate, pls a lot are from previous colonies.
There is less of a glass ceiling in the workforce too, Sunak and lots of politicians are from different backgrounds (try finding a minority in France and Germany)
The UK has always been more civilised than mainland Europe tbh.
My partner is an immigrant (from Greece), and I have friends from immigrant backgrounds. Obviously I love my friends and they’re lovely people, and very welcome here. I don’t think most people have a problem with ‘immigration’ per se. What people dislike is far too much immigration of people who don’t respect our values, and throw their toys out of the pram when we don’t want to live like they do, and refuse to integrate into our society
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn yes one of my grandfathers very much has that attitude. But you do tend to find empty vessels make the loudest noise. Luckily most people are decent people though. I’m not some raving lefty btw, I agree illegal migration should be properly dealt with and legal migration needs to be much lower. But that doesn’t make me a bad person and I’ll still be nice to anyone who is nice to me, and being an immigrant doesn’t automatically make them a bad person. If I was from a poor country wanting better opportunities, I’d do exactly the same thing
If being a class ridden medieval society is considered "more civilised" you have a point.
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn The Sun newspaper some would say
Policies do not reflect this.
The UK has become more and more stringent with the people who can actually move to the country.
You have to:
1. Be a Refuge
2. Work for a company as a "Skilled Worker" with salaries higher than those of British people, and cannot hold multiple jobs at the same time.
3. Be famous and/or rich (The Global Talent Visa)
4. Your spouse is either a UK Citizen, or one of the above, and they make enough money for you to be able to be there.
Unskilled labor and other categories are really not meant to be permanent, and things like being a freelance or something along those lines is not really accepted in the UK.
These policies are really not that liberal or different when comparing them with places like "Japan", which is popularly thought to be very "anti-immigration".
@DLB-po6nn That enters in the point no.1. All of those people will try to apply to be a Refuge.
Not mentioned is the UK's language advantage. English is the world's 'Lingua Franca'. Envision a migrant having to learn Swedish, Dutch or German to integrate vs. already knowing English quite well.
You clearly weren't paying attention through the whole video. It explicitly says that English is the world's most common second language.
@@stephengray1344 Oh, my bad. Let me stress then that this is, in my opinion, the most important factor in the differences between the UK and countries on the main land.
This is great for immigrants to the UK but terrible for UK emigrants. Especially since the UK has been really bad at integrating language classes into the education curriculum.
@@SuperSmashDolls UK emigrants do okay. Everyone else speaks English too.
Language, plus also culture plays a huge part. The fact that the UK colonised nearly half the world means that fragments of British culture were forcefully implemented and thus entrenched in so many societies, and that’s why for some it may feel easier to adjust to a British identity rather than a Swedish identity for example.
Uk is the most comfortable and helpful for its immigrants and people of England (English)are decent and of good nature
As a Fellow European, I must say this: We told you so.
What do you mean we told you so? We're more pro-immigration than you guys by a significant margin and always have been.
We should be the ones saying 'we told you so' when we kept trying to tell you that Brexit was about more than immigration.
What a notice with a lot of Europeans in the EU is that they are pro-immigration only for themselves. Your not against Brexit because you think Britain should accept more immigrants, your against Brexit because you want special treatment.
@@euanstokes2828 Do you really believe that?
Brexit was never about immigration?
This is pure doublethink.
@@euanstokes2828 But I give you the benefit of the doubt, the immediate causes of brexit were two:
1. The perceived austerity policies of the European Commission, which was seen as a bunch of unelected bureaucrats who imposed suffering on the Greek people (deliberately ignoring that the main proponents of Austerity were led by Cameron's own Premiership)
2. The migrant crisis of 2015, due to the civil wars in Libya and Syria and the increased activities of the Islamic State and the perceived immobility of the EU in dealing with the Migrant Crisis which led to many in the UK believing that a so-called 'ethnic replacement' under the EU was inevitable ( I lived in the UK in those years, I remember the tabloid headlines)
In short, the Conservative Party tried to restore our political virginity by trying to lay the blame for austerity policies on the EU and promising to control so-called immigration (not just illegal immigration, but all immigration in general). What has been happening over the last few years has demonstrated that the problems of the united kingdom were never caused by the European institutions, and brexit supporters now claim that the whole project was based on 'democracy', ignoring that the project was doomed to failure from the start.
@@edoardoturco8780 As is unfortunately quite typical of Europeans, you are viewing British immigration policy only with relation to Europe. I don't know how to tell you this but, there are other continents out there.
Yeah of course Brexit was impacted by immigration but anyone who was here at the time will tell you that in 2016 it was at the bottom of our list of priorities with Brexit. What was more important was for instance trade and commerce. British people were worried about British business being outcompeted by European ones, especially those that can hire workers in poor Eastern European countries.
Your looking at only the most extreme arguments for Brexit on the far right. This is not why most people voted for it. To a certain extent, British people feel more attached to the commonwealth than Europe.
@@edoardoturco8780 also let's not forget, the Conservative party was pro-EU as well until like 2019. The man who called for a Brexit referendum, David Cameron, was a remainer and campaigned for a no vote. Both the remain and Leave camps were cross party at the time.
"Foreigners work harder for the same salary, are more skilled and speak multiple languages" - Business owner
Edit: Specific example - If I offer 35k to a junior sales rep, I dont care where they come from, I just need someone to competently do the job. And if they're a foreigner they're likely to get more money, not just the same, because they speak and write in more languages meaning I can sell to more markets. They are pushing the salaries up not down. My advice to Brits is get off your backside, stop complaining and learn the skills the same way these foreigners did. There is no excuse, in this instance learning a second language is literally free, and this is by no means the only example.
Modern slavery
@@LoveOfLam pretty disrespectful to people in actual slavery.
Reverse Colonisation
trust me they are not talking about syrian/morrocan scumbags they are talking about highly skilled workers from europe/asia
What proportion of immigrants' "same salary" is sent abroad ?...
Very, very good question that! I mean - if I think about what a large proportion of income immigrants in South Africa send back home to their families (especially the Zimbabwean workers I have spoken with)... some of them keep barely enough money for them to get by on a day-to-day basis. They left their families and everything that they know, to go work their hands to the bone, in order for the family to survive. 😢
I can totally see the same thing being true in the UK.
how much did your government spent for your education and everything needed before you start working? hundreds of thousands of quid. .
While immigrants, especially those highly skilled, you spent zero and you get a fully working adult to contribute to the economy. Even with the little amount they send back home, they are still an economical advantage compared to lowly skilled locals like yourself who has not paid enough tax to cover the expenses for you to grow up.
Whether you admit this or not, the influx of immigration is a result of the UKs downfall, and not the other way around. You need more people because the locals are not having babies and are barely productive because of either laziness or just plain old stupidity, your economy is not growing on it's own. You're poor and you need more people to look like you're less poor.
As a Jamaican - American immigrant here in the UK that migrated last year with lots of family here & many others looking to come up I'll tell you why (from my perspective). 1. It's English speaking, 2. There's loads of job opportunities. 3. Great education system. 4. It's safe (no mass shootings, incredbily low murder rate, no guns) 5. The pound goes incredbily far back home (even sending what most would consider "a little bit of money" is a lot back home), 6. Cost of living (despite the current cost of living crisis it's much more affordable here (apart from London) than back home on local wages than many other countries. 7. British people tend to be more accepting to foriegners or care less when compared to other popular destinations especially in Europe. 8. Many of us (especially those from Commonwealth countries) are more familar with British systems. 9. An actual healthcare system that works! (Despite the current difficulties facing the NHS it's still way better than back home). 10. It's easier & quicker to migrate here (if you're a skilled individual or student) than it is to get to US, Canada, or Australia (a few people use the UK as a stepping stone to get to those places), 11. Many of us have a family member or friend here already, 12. Many of us have our countrymen based here already & it's easier to access many of our cultural products (for me it would be Jamaican food, having a black barber, going to Jamaican music concerts or comedy shows, being able to speak Patois to several people who understand etc.) tons of Jamaicans & other Caribbean people are here.
from my perspective as a Pole this country is not running in a good direction
But you as a Jamaican, have come to Britain to be Jamaican, not British. That's what rubs people the wrong way
The chart about U.K. cities being less segregated actually proves the opposite. Leicester, Bradford and Birmingham are the most diverse cities in the U.K. and are the most segregated. York, Liverpool etc are less diverse and have lower segregation for now but are moving to the direction of Leicester. London as usual bucks the British trend
There has been more immigration into Britain in the past 20 years than the past 2000 combined. Yet we were never asked. Consecutive votes for Conservative governments & the Brexit vote was, at least in part, driven by claims to reduce migration. Instead the opposite has happened. A referendum on whether to reduce net migration to below 50,000 a year is the only way to see what the British people want and hold the government accountable to deliver against it.
Exactly the tag line for the leave campaign was "take back control"
It feels like they haven't taken back control and just given up control.
Oh, yes, if this country needs anything, it's another referendum. With roughly 35-40% of the electorate planning to vote for Tory or Reform, what we need is quality education and teaching of critical thinking skills, not another meaningless, divisive box-ticking exercise.
It's been on most governments manifesto to reduce immigration since Thatcher.
Non have delivered.
@@hg82met”stop holding democratic votes because I don’t like the majority result” is literally what you just said.
@@TheRedmike67 Democracy only works if you have a free press and an educated, informed electorate. Otherwise you just have an electorate with no critical analytical skills, brainwashed to vote against their own interests.
I’ve heard from multiple people who moved into the UK recently, that immigrating there for non-EU highly skilled ppl has been made significantly easier since brexit, as the labour market was decreased so much it is now difficult to find workers without migration
Yeah and because of this my job is finally well paid because there’s hardly anyone in construction the workforce is tight. It took a labour crisis for business to realise “oh wait we can pay decent money and still make sickening profits”. C***s
See, let me tell you that the last part of your sentence is a complete crock. The state of jobs here is awful, any time a vacancy opens up anywhere there's 300+ applicants for it and they require multiple years experience and a large list of requirements for a minimum wage entry level job, because they can get away with asking for such a list as they're spoiled for choice. Getting into any industry here if you don't already have experience is literally impossible.
@@KCzz15 yeah I mean, by "highly skilled" I meant work experience or postgraduate
The reason for that then is because as I said: It is impossible to get any work experience as an Englishman. Every job that used to be entry level now asks for years of experience so they have their pick of whoever they like, which usually ends up being a migrant as they'll work harder for less pay. This widens the experience gaps even further as if you're English nobody will bother taking a chance on you so you can get any experience at all.
I think it also has to do with the fact that the UK is far more multicultural than any other EU country. Like it is easier to integrate various people when you have doing exactly that for the past 300 years.
The fact that immigrants are outperforming natives across the board is not a sign of a good immigration system. Instead, it shows just how badly we are failing the natives.
Additionally, as you say, poorly educated immigrants are employed in favour of poorly educated natives. These people's parents and ancestors have paid-in and built the country that we have today, and yet we are importing people to replace them. That is a shameful statistic!
All this video shows is that British immigration is good for the immigrants, not that Britain is good at immigration.
We are really poor at Training and education. So we have massive skills shortages, we're also very unhealthy so many are not fit to work. Even our much heralded Premier League is packed full of overseas players !
Almost like the government is prioritising non-uk born people over native Brits.
"Many are not fit to work" yet unemployment is lower than most other countries. Curious where you've got this from? And what studies make the claim that "unhealthy" people are "not fit to work"? Long term unemployed are usually disabled, not overweight 😅
@@n00dl3ok I live in Aberdeen, Scotland and 25% of Aberdeen do not work and just sit on benefits 🖕🏻
@@n00dl3 Depends on how your government defines 'unemployment'. If you take your dog out for a walk, you're counted as a dog-walker and thus employed, thanks to the Tories.
We've already tried the education gambit, unfortunately when we challenge the students with what they've learned, most can't pass the tests and when it comes to the parents; none of them are willing to accept that maybe little Susie or Timmy is just not as bright as they'd have hoped or need to put in more effort - culturally they're too babied.
Instead the schools lower the passing grade, more kids "pass" the school looks good for the pass rate, funding increases, the nation's IQ drops a few points and we're worse off at the end of the generation then we were at the start.
Every time you make an immigration video you miss the mark. You think that cherry picking some random survey you are going to push "the message": I would say that most of people here are center, left-center in terms of ideology. And we've been brainwashed for 20+ years, but you know what? People are fed up. I don't need any bulclrap survey I just need to go out in my city, Barcelona, and see it for myself. And the only data I'm going to rely is crime statistics, se*ual assault rates, and overall economic impoverishment in high migrant areas. And I think I speak for millions upon millions of europeans.
Brexit failed, carry on wearing your clown make up. Every time the British folk “rise up” it is just a joke.
I'm a French who lives in UK and the illegal migration is a real issue who must be dealt with has it has terrible impact on people opinions by pushing them towards the far right.
Nobody in the U.K. has a problem with legal European migrants, the problem isn’t with immigration, the problem is with the illegal migrants who are disrespectful and low quality (usually from Islamic nations in Middle East or Northern Africa).
It isn’t an “immigration problem”.
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn I don’t think we’ve come close to a fair attempt on a clamp down tbh. I think your legalese approach will fall further victim to Russian geopolitical tremors in Sahel.
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn I say legalese because it’s an accurate description of the emptiness of your proposed solution - let’s just throw more laws at it! Very much reminiscent of how the Irish border issue would be resolved with ‘high tech solutions’ it has no substance. Answer me this how many illegal migrants even attempt, even Google for, a legal entry first before attempting crossings?
As for harsher enforcement, obviously the Rwanda plan (I love Rwanda, and as a white man have lived and worked extensively in Kigali and Lusaka - they’re lovely cities) and any active enforcement plan comes under intense (and to an extent rightful) scrutiny - that so far has limited any fair test application of the powers.
We’ve yet to see an active effort by anyone but French gendarmerie in recent weeks at actually turning around small boats, and preventing their voyages.
If we did go a legal route, rather than creating more bureaucracy as you suggest (which also has to be funded by tax FYI), perhaps it’d be better to add a tougher line law - one strike policy - if you get caught illegally trying to enter the UK you can never ever come here or stay. A true deterrent.
End of the day; the weakness of European immigration and border system lays in the ability to exploit, overwhelm and frustrate our bureaucratic machine - with no quick fire tools for processing and effectively removing individuals. It’s toothless. And any attempt to sharpen the blade is dulled by emotional blackmail.
"I'm a French who lives in UK"
I am sorry and hope you will soon recover from having a mix of the worst national identities.
@@JayTeeEN 🤣🤣🤣
Nice one👍
At 1:05 min, rejected asylum seekers in France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands no longer receive any money. In Germany, those rejected receive a tolerated stay and continue to receive their money. That's why the costs are shifting; in Germany the most is paid.
Repeal the "multi-cultural" aspects of the race relations act
-- preserve the multi-ethnic...
How much is the fact that immigrants are doing better than native brits to do with them living in London where there are better educational and employment opportunities than the rest of Britain?
London has one of the largest muslim population and it has changed for the worst, white people are not see as the number one anymore we are the forgotten race and we have been let down for the past 20/30 years
this post will be deleted
That's more of a skill issue. A company would be more likely to hire someone with the necessary skills for the job than someone who happens to be British. At my company I work in the engineering side, British people that are working are the older ones whereas the younger engineers are generally migrants. This might just be because young British people are no pursuing engineering like the older generation did. This is supported by my experience in university where migrant and international students outweighed the number of native British people.
@@marufbepary100 when they hire a foreigner(s) then it undecuts british wages
@@Anthony_Romfordfeel free to provide your source of data that proves this?
1. Brexit actually proved the opposite is true once and for all. We drastically restricted EU labour and ended up with worker shortages everywhere i.e there were no British ppl stepping in to do the job, the foreigners weren't competing for the jobs they were adding to them.
2. Since we had these shortages the gov massively increased non EU labour, the put an earnings threshold on the requirements, the threshold was higher than the majority of Brits make i.e. they have made it that foreigners take the high paying jobs and Brits have to take the low paying ones.
@@Anthony_RomfordI think you missed his point, namely there's not that many people applying with the skills to fit the role, - its got nothing to do with wages; they could always be higher but that's one specific example out of many.
My intuition on the matter of immigration is that it is a net benefit to the UK, but those benefits are not distributed across the UK evenly.
I wonder if there's like a study somewhere that shows all the cities in the UK and the number of immigrants travelling to each one.
It is a net benefit... to certain sectors:
-that rely on cheap labour to undercut local wages
-that welcome an injection of big money from abroad (money laundering, real estate, higher education)
Creates plenty of low paid "service" jobs and ultimately does little to boost the economy or living standards.
@@O-OO1-O immigrants tend to be attracted to big cities, as that’s where the opportunities tend to lie. London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester. Southampton too as there will be a lot of job opportunities there due to the docks. Where I’m from in Norwich there is certainly a large white majority population, probably due to it being a relatively small city with few job opportunities, and a very long way from any other big city. Devon and Cornwall are the same
Just a note on all the graphs shown in this video - because the legend is coming up last, it's impossible to know what they're trying to show without pausing as soon as it shows up. If you're not going to linger on these animated graphs once they're complete, put the legend up from the start.
If an immigrant is caught doing criminal things then depending upon the severity of the crime they should be deported
Suella claiming to be against multiculturalism while also being the daughter of extremely multicultural immigrants herself is RICH 😂😂
Like anti-abortion activists who have had abortion.
@DLB-po6nn Lmao conservatives hate legal migration just as much as they hate illegal migration. You're such a fool if you think they make a distinction.
I'm also an immigrant against mass immigration and multiculturalism, yes very rich 😂
Look who is in charge
Indians after 300+ Years of colonialism:
Guess I'm in charge now.
International Chewry.
TLDR: “Wow you’re really good at this!”
Britain (head in hands): “shut up…” 😭
The whole framing of these statistics is strange. For instance the "immigration is the most important issue" graph also happens to coincide with other issues like housing becoming unaffordable for huge sections of the population or the slow-motion collapse of public services becoming obvious including the NHS. Or over much of the recently polled period, even the media firestorms over Rona, or Ukraine, or Israel. Many of these issues would be viewed in a poll as "different" to immigration, but they are unavoidably tied directly to it. Mass immigration is indeed a primary cause of the domestic problems listed (although, not the only one). Also as the migrant population explodes, you're diluting the poll results with people who aren't British, especially if these polls are conducted in places like London, Birmingham, Leicester etc. which they probably are, given that large cities are the easiest places to obtain relevant sample sizes.
Also RE: the thumbnail. No, largely they don't "love Britain" in the sense that early American immigrants loved the ideals of America and wanted to expand the young nation and its culture. They love free money and a relatively easy life, they live as they lived at home, just transplanted into an area that someone else made wealthy. You can tell because they name their kids whatever they would have at home, teach them the same values, eat the same food and fly the same flags.
Perhaps your analysis of people's attitudes to immigration should distinguish between immigrantion and MASS IMMIGRATION. I think you would get a very different picture than the false picture you provide.
Why are most your soruces taken from twitter?
The sources are all linked
As a "legal" immigrant to the UK, it is exceptionally expensive to actually get to and stay in the UK. With the visa fees, nhs fees (on top of nhs taxes) and the upcoming fees for an IRL its frustrating to see how many illegal immigrants come in and dont contribute to the economy while still having access to public services and funds...
In what world do you think those people who come here illegally, (for non asylum seeking reasons) would have access to recourse to public funds?.
You think the guy who's hiding in a shipping container is just going to go to the job centre, get his N.I. number, and magically access universal credit once he clears the customs inspection?.
And if what you're referring to as illegals having "access to public services and funds" is regarding asylum seekers (the only people who can access them despite illegal entry), it's a pittance relative to the benefits UK citizens are capable of accessing, and combine this with the number of asylum seekers relative to the UK population on benefits and their impact is a drop in the bucket.
The only reason you could even call that a "drain" on the system is because the brainless tools in charge would rather waste the billions of pounds they could be using to streamline, and service the infrastructure that deals with asylum seekers to properly clear their cases and assess them faster, (drastically reducing the already small amount of them there are), on stupid bs like programs that will fail because they circumvent international law, and making asylum seeker prison barges as a "deterrent".
I would kill for a news channel thats actually unbiased
You're looking for the impossible then; news is a concept of humanity and humanity is naturally biased one way or the other to one degree or the other.
What's biased about this? If that's what the statistics say, that's what the statistics say.
@octavianpopescu4776 it's clearly a Liberal biased take. No mention of the crappy hotels asylum seekers get assigned to whilst homeless people freeze to death, no mention of the asylum seekers drowning in the channel or asphyxiating in the back of trucks, no mention of the asylum seeker who pretended to convert to Christianity to avoid deportation and then threw acid at someone, no mention of statistics that portray immigration negatively such as 46% of those who follow Muhammad in Britain supporting hamas.
@@mappingshaman5280 They're saying the UK is a model country and that we, Europeans, are more intolerant. They're actually praising the UK, instead of criticising it, as lefties would do, they're praising it for how tolerant and diverse it is. Or one of the criticisms on the left of the UK is that it's racist or this video goes against that idea. So, I don't see it as having any liberal bias.
@@mappingshaman5280Every problem blamed on immigrants is actually due to rapidly increasing wealth inequality and the extremely poor handling of the economy by the Tories.
Here's some food for thought.
I've taken the following directly word for word from the Conservative manifesto and data from the Office for National statistics:
2010 Immigration 604,000, emigration 339,000, net migration 256,000
Conservative manifesto: "We will take steps to take net migration back to the levels of the 1990s - tens of thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands."
2015 Immigration 664,000, emigration 334,000, net migration 329,000
Conservative manifesto: "Our commitment to you: keep our ambition of delivering annual net migration in the tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousands" "We will tackle people trafficking and exploitation. We will ease pressure on public services and your local community. We will protect British values and our way of life. We will promote integration and British values"
2017 Immigration 644,000, emigration 395,000, net migration 249,000
Conservative manifesto: "We will reduce and control immigration." "But with annual net migration standing at 273,000, immigration to Britain is still too high. It is our objective to reduce immigration to sustainable levels, by which we mean annual net migration in the tens of thousands, rather than the hundreds of thousands we have seen over the last two decades".
2019 Immigration 772,000, emigration 553,000, net migration 219,000
Conservative manifesto: "There will be fewer lower-skilled migrants and overall numbers will come down. And we will ensure that the British people are always in control."
2022: Immigration 1,234,000, emigration 489,000, net migration 745,000.
2023: Immigration 1,405,000.
Keep in mind that those entering are usually foreign and those leaving are often British - you can see why 'replacement theory' has so much traction
We also know that 15% come in on 'skilled' work visas, and 85% have no job and come in as dependents etc. They are a net drain on the economy, going into low paid jobs and take more out of the system than they put in. This demolishes the 'skilled workers argument'. Even most of those who do come in on 'skilled workers' visa, turn out not to be skilled but end up in low paying jobs. Often using fraudulent certificates of qualification, (there's a thriving business in fraudulent nursing qualification from Nigeria). One should also mention the elephant in the room. 42% of the 10 million foreign born residents in this country came in the last decade. Since New labour came to power 26 years ago we have had more immigration into this country than the previous 2,000 years combined! (I'm not saying Labour and LibDems would any better, I'm just pointing out why voting for any of the main parties will do nothing to stop the flow). The actions of all political parties have blatantly undermined democracy. If you vote for any of the main parties you will get more of the same - promise one thing and do the opposite.
Disingenuous with a capital D. I’m so glad the last few months have proven all of this wrong 🤣
When are people going to realise that the U.K. has no problem with immigration at all as a concept, in fact in most places it is welcomed. The problem in the U.K. is with specifically the vast quantity of low quality Islamic migrants.
I don’t know of anyone who had a problem with freedom of movement with the EU. I’ve never heard anyone moan about European migration from Italians or Germans or Scandinavians, Greeks, etc.
Easter Europeans like Polish and Romanians were historically controversial but as far as I’m concerned in _current year_ nobody has any issues with Eastern European migrants either.
The issue of Islam isn’t just a British one either, it’s very observable across the whole western world. Please stop conflating it with immigration as a whole…
What's wrong with Islam?
@@euanstokes2828 its the sect of people who practice it who warp it into being violent and evil. most brits have no problems with the religion. just the people who claim to be a part of it.
@@euanstokes2828 it is incompatible with western values, namely sharia law. Also, the migrants who just so happen to be Islamic (forming a pattern/correlation) are usually uneducated and disrespectful. I’ve known many who openly declare how much they hate the U.K. and the west in general while living here and having the benefits of not living in a bombed-out, sandy ruin.
There is also no effort for integration of Islamic people to British or western values, they generally keep in isolated communities and prefer to retain their Islamic identity over any form of national identity (problematic).
Just lots of general red flags.
Survey outside of M25 will be opposite to this guys points 😂
illegals are the problem, he’s talking about legal migrants. Unregulated
As a Canadian (a country that has long been and remains a deeply pro-immigration country - albeit with some patches of resistance mostly outside of urban areas in ethnically and linguistically homogeneous communities, not least in Québec), I have to say that this report does correspond to my sense (admittedly from afar) of how well integrated immigrants are in the UK compared to continental European countries.
It's frankly struck me as deeply ironic that so many prominent Tory politicians are themselves from immigrant backgrounds (albeit UK-born if I understand correctly). This is not unfamiliar to me: I identify as a Canadian Tory and take some pride in the fact that our "blue tribe" here is just as welcoming and supportive of immigrants into the fold as other parties here. Given how many immigrant electors there are in this country and how instinctively conservative many of them are, we really have no choice in any event.
What we DON'T have here is a nativist "Reform UK" party: even our party of the same name from back in the 1990s - when the Canadian Tories fractured into different regional tribes, divided mostly by ideology and the "national question" - was as pro-immigration as any other Canadian party at the time.
That's because Canada is a Settler colonist Society.
Whites are NOT native to the Americas, and everyone knows this.
(This is a Reply to the last part of your Comment btw.)
You disgust me
This is gross
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nnthey don’t become native over time
Africans will never become European
@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nnTory’s are the worst
Can anyone help me understand the graph at 1:04? The bottom axis isn’t labelled and I’m really not sure how to read it.
After Brexit, UK is like the least pro migrant country in Europe.
I am from Italy, I have a master’s degree in law and between high cost of living, hardship in finding a job and getting a Visa, high risk of unemployment and salary that is no march for the cost of living I would never think about moving there.
Instead, in the last 5 years I have been between Poland and Czech Republic as I believe that eastern europe is overtaking western europe. Here it’s easier to find a job, cost of living is reasonable, cities are safe and salary are not so bad.
Most of my peers feel the same, they would never go to UK, France, Italy or other southern euopean countries.
Maybe UK is good for people with very high education in sectors that pay really well and for which there is high demand. Low skilled immigrants are not wanted and so are the people doing average office jobs, such us customer service ones.
Only reason why I am not in the UK is because between cost of living, salaries, migration policies, rising crime and stagnant economy is like the opposite of a pro migrant country. If by migrants we mean the ones who are not going to be trouble makers, of course.
Recently moved to the UK as a highly skilled worker in the IT-industry. Although the UK has more active problems than my country of origin, I do think the UK has more potential to give me a better life and more respects my lifestyle, also I value the British culture highly. I'd love to become a permanent citizen of the UK in a couple of years and I think I have a lot to offer in return.
....'The UK looks like one of the most anti-migration countries in the world'. From the attitude of a majority of the people in UK, yes, not from the government's outlook! I don't know where these surveys were obtained from! I am yet to hear Brits say that immigration has been beneficial to the UK, although nobody wants to admit that all services, including NHS, care sector, transportation, retail and hospitality sectors would collapse, if there was no immigration. People in power know that it is easier and less expensive to import doctors, nurses, skilled engineers, hospitality staff and others, rather than train home grown skilled professionals.
yes we have 1.4 million doctors and engineers coming in every year don't we
"Because there are not that many conservative voters left" !!! I laughed so hard at this one.
It is funny because it is true. Thanks
Yes lets fill it up with non brits!
That's what we call population replacement.
@@kinoraiand that is called conspiracy theory.
Also you do know the population statistics of the UK right? Do you think the gain in labour support was made up of immigration? That would mean 10s of millions of immigrants suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Yes immigrants are more likely to vote Labour, but the bulk of shift in support for Labour, statistically has to be from white British people. You act like native British people couldn't possibly care about immigrants, when clearly you are projecting your own views onto them
@@kinorai The US and Canada also have large immigrant populations. And yet the conservative parties there are not losing popularity. So your loony theory doesn't really make sense.
@@SashedPotatoAnd why do you people support their genocide? Look at London. It isn’t even an English city anymore. It’s been colonized by others who stole the homeland as punishment for England’s “original sin”.
This video leaves me astonished...I lived in the UK for seven years and I never felt welcomed by the locals, just tolerated because I was working and therefore contributing to the economy.
It’s going to end in tears.
To many old people, strain the economy through pensions, increase immigration to stop this, avoid economic disaster (look at South Korea and Japan
You should’ve made this a 2 part video the pros and cons like you’ve done before.
One massive difference I’ve seen in the uk is 4th and 5th generation ethnic migrants who are basically brits, they used to get vexed at me when I’d ask them so where are you from thinking they also came from abroad xd.
The new migrants I feel have ways to still go but even second and generation migrants here are really well integrated and there is no pressure to be British leading most of them to just naturally become British.
I came here as part of some work years ago, I’m a mechanical/aerospace engineer and fell in love with the English countryside. Moved to Scotland recently and still love the country going hiking the weather and everything. Don’t think I’d move back home to the states where everything just feels so shit even if I could get a much higher salary there.
Exactly and this is what doesn't happen in Europe. We take this for granted in the UK.
A wise man once said, when even your immigrants are anti-immigrant, you know you've got a good immigration system.
I see this a lot with 2nd generation migrants
There are segregated neighbourhoods. Braverman is right.
Sure some areas of the UK, but the country as a whole is significantly less segregated than the United States. Just look at the graph at 6:15 in the video.
As someone who lived in leicester for uni, it's strange to see it up there as one of the most segregated cities in the country.
I was very aware of the different cultures in Leicester and that was actually a big plus to me, but people still got along well and I never felt out of place or like I'd stumbled into the wrong neighbourhood.
how much does a hotel owner get per immigrant daily weekly monthly
from government ???
landlords homeowners
It just shows that employers care more about cheap labor and diversity above anything else.
I mean speaking as a recruiter we take on a fair few immigrants (like our new health and safety manager) and it's never down to that. Sometimes they just have more skills and experience. Most organisations want someone who will do the job as well as possible and will last
@@james3098 If there wasn't as many people flooding the country, giving you so much choice you'd have to pay people better. The poor want jobs that keep up with inflation and the rise of cost of living and the rich want and are getting richer. We're fighting a losing battle so I left. I live abroad now and I'll never go back. Trust me people feel discriminated against and are dying to speak out but have no choice but to comply.
0:45 Nice Dads Army imagery. 🙄
_"Who do you think you are kidding von der Leyen"_ 😂
Its so fucking over for this country get me out
Might the rise in acceptance of migrants have something to do with that fact that 1/6 of the population are migrants and 1/5 are of recent migrant background?
Usually the more migrants are in a country, the higher the number voting in favour of immigration as those immigrants have larger proportion of say in the matter. Vast majority of them are in favour, while the rest can be divided.
And in the end of the day, even if majority of population would be against, no government in UK would close the doors.
Immigration is way too high.
Ur bias is showing again
@@TH3YGXNEImagine asking this😂😂😂
Our visa scheme is quite mad. Aussie highly qualified mate could only stay for 2 years unless sponsored. He paid higher tax and NI along with his NHS levy but found it hard to stay. But a cheap low tax deliveroo driver can get a visa for life and bring family over it seems. Whole system needs a rethink.
Now think don’t these low tax individuals come from places where they’re chain smokers from young. Didn’t we just pass a bill that will stop smoking? Who’s going to clear up the excess? Well I think you’re intelligent enough to put the pieces together
I remember the excuse for being in the EU as being unable to control immigration, even though non-EU was always twice the size of EU group.
This is wonderful, I’ve thought this for ages and it’s great to see hard evidence for it. Rishi take note !!!!
A rare good news story for the UK
If the UK can be considered good at immigration then the bar is insanely fucking low.
Yes the bar really is insanely low. The fact we're so critical of our own immigration system is actually a good sign that the general popular view is more favourable to it.
Think of it this way - France banned the Hijab. Muslim women in France are literally not allowed to wear their cultural dress, to almost no resistance from non-Muslim French people. Such a policy would be unthinkable in Britain.
@@euanstokes2828who cares. Headscarf is dumb
@@reaux3921 anyone who thinks women should have the right to choose what they want to wear or not.
If they banned cross necklaces I guarantee there would be outrage, probably from you too.
@@euanstokes2828Who gives a shit about the cancer which is Islam
@@euanstokes2828Duh its the native religoon
UK is good at integrating? M8 go look at the state of English cities 😂
How do u think it could be fixed?
When they put the migrants in the cities they cluster them all together when they should spread them all out thin. If they’re clustered they’ll just create their own little segregated groups and won’t integrate, then you have the situation we are in now with the “us districts” and the “them districts” and eventually you end up like Sweden with “no-go zones”…
Britain has had immigrant communities since the 19th century and society hasn't collapsed yet
@maxdavis7722 it cant. Nowhere has this happened and it been good.
the more immigrants there are in a place the more likely the brits living there are to see immigration in a positive light. And over the last decade public sentiment has become only more positive toward immigrants. So yeah, go to any English city and you'll see why people like immigration so much
I live in France and I don't know where they get these statistics from or who they are polling but I do not know a single person who would agree with them... This is complete BS.
How certain are you that the people you know well enough to know their position on this issue are a representative sample of the entire French population?
@@stephengray1344 maybe he suggest that the pools are fake ,not that he can make better pools
@@dariusalexandru9536but why does he think these polls are fake? He shouldn’t believe that the small slice of france that he knows is representative of all of france.
You mean the country that banned the Hijab?
If you live in a French city where lots of immigrants are like Paris you'll probably feel this way, but one issue France has in particular is its rural areas especially in the south are racist as fuck. Like genuinely worse than the Southern USA. I attended a conference in Menton a few weeks ago and that was very clear.
@@maxdavis7722especially when France has such a sharp urban-rural political divide. Well really its more of a Paris vs Everywhere else political divide.
Isn't it ironic that throughout the anglosphere,The only country that has trouble integrating is the UK.
I'm all for fair immigration policies, but I suspect many that do want to come to the UK, do so because the UK is a soft touch on these policies, also, corporations want to keep wages down and the irony is, since Brexit, the UK needs every advantage it can get, migrants that are willing to do the jobs others don't and for far less money is a competitive advantage, not saying it's the right thing to do but the UK is a lot more lax on its rules when it comes to immigration compared to other European countries.
The irony in all this is that Brexit was supposed to be a big selling point in reducing immigration, in the end, we ended up with more.
The real problem for the UK, even with immigration, if the UK pushes that too hard with lower wages, you'll end up with Brits complaining about stagnant wage growth, then there's also the chance the EU will put traffic on goods from the UK to cancel out the benefits of those low wages, the end result, the UK ends up losing out on two fronts, lower wages and no benefits from the cheap labour with our biggest market.
Re your last paragraph, we already are p*ssed of with it!
As a UK business owner (SME), I can reassure you that a few very profitable companies make the headlines (and create impression that everyone is spitting money), while the majority of the companies, like 90% of them have very tight margins and cannot deliver high quality products/services with these types of margins. As a result, higher quality labour at lower cost would really help companies to reinvest and deliver better products/services to consumers.
Generally, UK is a very competitive market and most of companies must re-invest profits or they will be killed by a competitor who reinvests (again excluding some cash cows that make the headlines).
So it is a popular but wrong argument that businesses should pay fair wages and pocket less profits. If there were fat profits, in a competitive market like the UK, 10 competitors would immediately pop out to take these margins from you (again except a few industries making the headlines, where barriers to entry are high and it is hard to take their margins).
Did you guys enjoy your Saturday march?