Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) ✦ Reaction & Review ✦ I'm emotional! 🥹

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 623

  • @kaiielle
    @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Hi everyone. I'm very sorry that I couldn't have a live premiere for the final Star Wars movie reaction. It is 4:45pm on Easter Sunday and my lovely dog, Ella, has not had a good weekend. We are leaving shortly to get her admitted to a vet hospital. I'm excited to read your comments when I get the opportunity to. And naturally, I have no clue when my next reaction video will go out. I'll keep y'all posted in the Community tab. Thanks for being awesome. 💜
    - - - - -
    This is a bittersweet day, as I watch and react to the last Star Wars movie. And I'm happy that I could cap off this journey with a movie that I enjoyed overall and had fun with. This has been an incredible experience and I can't thank you all enough for joining me on it. Make sure to check out the end of the video to see what series is coming up next! And may the force be with you! ✦ KL 💛
    PS. Check the video description for important links!!

    • @jaydisqus3353
      @jaydisqus3353 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hope the doggo is healthy...

    • @zmarko
      @zmarko 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I hope Ella makes a speedy recovery!

    • @sean---the-other-one
      @sean---the-other-one 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hope your dog recovers well.
      As for Rey Palpatine, whether anyone likes it or not, it was planned for sure, right from Ep VII. Palpatine had a particular lightsaber move that no one else had, that weird stabbing move. All other moves everyone had were slashes and parries that flowed, but ol’ Palpy had that two-handed pull-back then thrust forward thing. Rey did that also in TFA and TLJ and again here in ROS. The fight scenes are painstakingly choreographed, and I’d guarantee that it was no accident that Rey was given that one signature move that the Emperor had.

    • @Gathbard
      @Gathbard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope Ella gets better soon. Best wishes!

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope Ella is alright!

  • @ceruleanblu3184
    @ceruleanblu3184 2 ปีที่แล้ว +162

    Threepio’s last line in this movie is “Did you hear that?” which was his first line in A New Hope.

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      JJ's a TRUE fan. Great catch

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Ironically, Leia's first line is "Darth Vader" and her last line is "Ben", his grandson's name. Even moreso, Artoo's first line is beep and his last beep😉

    • @hansolis1689
      @hansolis1689 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Wow. I'd just realized that, thanks

    • @turntsnaco824
      @turntsnaco824 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thought Arlo watched Kaielle for a second.

    • @GobiPup
      @GobiPup ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In some ways this is my favorite sequel film. Yeah it’s rushed and thin at points but it has heart and plenty of great stuff to hold onto.

    @KINGNOTHING_515 2 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    R2D2 is the only character in the whole series that has memory of all the events from the start. He never had his memory wiped like C3PO did at the end of episode 3

    • @UthacalthingTymbrimi
      @UthacalthingTymbrimi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      It could be argued that Chewbacca does as well to a certain extent, at the very least he was alive during all of the movies. And, as much as it pains me to say it, the same can be said for Palpatine.

    • @JL-kt5bs
      @JL-kt5bs ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I thought he did, but had a copy without knowing it that Luke ended up finding that had pics of his parents

    • @frances3064
      @frances3064 ปีที่แล้ว

      there is a theroery that star wars is the history of R2 not the other character for that bvery reason

    • @rhaspados666
      @rhaspados666 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It is thought that the movies are r2 far in the future telling the story

  • @Phatooine
    @Phatooine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Kylo Ren in the opening of the movie was on Mustafar. The same place where Obi-Wan defeated Anakin and Anakin burned to a crisp.
    So here's something to consider that practically nobody talked about when we were introduced to Snoke in 2015 (The Force Awakens) that frustrated me. Who taught Snoke the ways of the Force? And to a point where he was so powerful and took over the remnants of the Empire that became the First Order? And where was Snoke during the events of the original trilogy when you see how old he appear? This movie explained all of that when Palpatine creating Snoke.
    Also as said briefly in the movie that the Sith had knowledge of cloning and bringing back the dead. And that Palpatine had this idea about living forever through other clone bodies of himself once his original body died.
    Rey being the granddaughter of Palpatine also explained to me why she was so gifted and powerful in the Force.
    Also know that Carrie Fisher passed away before filming of this movie. It actually changed the how this movie played out because JJ Abrams used a ton of unused footage cut from the other two movies to put her in the film. Originally Leia was suppose to have a huge role in the film which was why Luke was killed off in the last film to give Leia her chance to shine and show how powerful in the Force she was.
    Fisher's death screwed that up because they wouldn't recast her because of how iconic her character is. And the emotion behind it with how fans felt at the time so recasting was not an option and CGI'ing her face on another actress wasn't an option either because of the fan outrage of those ideas at the time.
    And one thing we didn't get because of Fisher's death was a confrontation between Kylo Ren and Leia. That was suppose to happen. We got robbed of that again because of Fisher's death. JJ used Harrison Ford briefly as Han Solo to replace what Leia was supposed to do. And yes, JJ talked Ford into making a brief cameo in behave of Carrie Fisher.
    But that is why the Leia scenes seemed so awkward. But considering the circumstances JJ was in when making the film, I think he did the best anyone could do when writing scenes around the unused dialogue filmed that was cut from the other movies.
    The festival you see that was "once every 42 years" was a nod to the fact that this movie came out 42 years after the first Star Wars film was ever released in 1977 (A New Hope).
    The words Finn was going to say wasn't that he loves Rey, but the Force is awakening in him.
    Rey did die and Ben Solo gave his life to save hers. Just like Anakin/Vader gave his life to save Luke's.

    • @plxnet
      @plxnet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      In the Vader Immortal VR game it explains why Mustafar looks like that.

    • @williamozdal7442
      @williamozdal7442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With regards to Snoke, palps says ‘I made snoke’ and you see pieces of him (snoke) in various tubes on Exegol. My understanding is that Palpatine literally created snoke (clone technology) and infused him with force like abilities, possibly/probably controlling him from afar. Palpatine tells Ben ‘I have been every voice inside your head’ and snoke admits to bridging the minds of Rey and Ben so that feels like a logically conclusion to make to me.

    • @kaenopianciennechaine9226
      @kaenopianciennechaine9226 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@williamozdal7442 That's what The Mandalorian has been building towards

  • @littleredruri
    @littleredruri 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    My favourite thing about this film: the first time we ever see Ben smile in this entire trilogy, is right at the end, with Rey in his arms, and the light in his soul as he finally rests... it's honestly beautiful.

  • @sparkleclover
    @sparkleclover ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I've never gone from smiling to frowning so fast when Ben suddenly dropped dead lmao

  • @KyleMcintoshMAC316
    @KyleMcintoshMAC316 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I remember watching The Rise of Skywalker on the big screen the first day and I was holding back tears when Leia passed away. R2-D2 saw her birth and her death. A few days later I took my girlfriend to see the movie on a date and she couldn't stop crying for hours seeing her go. RIP Carrie Fisher

    • @LiamTaylor-fp6ee
      @LiamTaylor-fp6ee 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Disney Shill 🤮🤮🤮

  • @Timmah73
    @Timmah73 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    If the rumors are true about this film's production there were tons of re-writes and re filming trying to put together a movie that closed out the series and also pleased all the fans including the ones that hated Last Jedi, those who liked it AND the Rey & Kylo shippers. I myself don't actually hate this movie cause I was past caring but I find it kind of an enjoyable disaster. Ironically, I think the people who hate this movie the most are the ones that love Last Jedi cause it tries to go "LOL NAH".
    However as an OT fan since I was a kid my biggest gripe along with many others is of course "Somehow Palpatine returned!" Everybody loves Palpa papa Palpatine but he deserved to die in RotJ by Anakin's hand and stay dead. Which also, all they could be bothered to get out of Hayden Christiansen was a "Rise" in the chorus of voices at the end? It would have been great to see him and Luke as ghosts at the end helping Rey and Ben.
    These movies really made me wonder if I was just getting old and cranky and didn't like Star Wars anymore. Then The Mandalorian came out and I went "NOPE still love Star Wars just not those movies!" lol

    • @danielgarza8219
      @danielgarza8219 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hayden had a full line. "Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did."
      Your comment proves that you don't know what you're talking about.

    • @Timmah73
      @Timmah73 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@danielgarza8219 OH BOY A FULL LINE. Yeah I watched this movie in full exactly once so I was just going off what I was seeing on the reaction video. I knew it wasn't much at all.
      Also oh wait he didn't bring back balance BECAUSE SOMEHOW PALPATINE RETURNED. Now it's coming back to me why people mocked the hell out of that line.

    • @paradox_4094
      @paradox_4094 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@danielgarza8219 mega cringe takeaway from that comment

    • @tenebrisrex333
      @tenebrisrex333 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Neither the Jedi or Sith was destroyed. He brought balance by his going against palpatine, saving his son and dying for it.
      The destruction of the Sith was an assumption not absolute.
      But you know what was absolute? The dark side of the force having abilities some considered to be unnatural...
      As palpatine is the most powerful force figure even more strong than Yoda and Plagueis, as palpatine destroyed his master proving he was stronger in the force for evading plagueis's power to predict, Palpatine without question would have had the ability to transfer his life force into a clone and he would have had the foresight to know that Vader would betray him that's why he wanted Luke dead or for Luke to turn and kill his own father.
      If not there are Sith ghosts that haunt items, much like in Harry Potter with Voldemort's horcrux, The Sith ghost May communicate, feed off or even possess those that come to contact with the item.
      If palpatine didn't have clones his Spirit could have remain within the wreckage of the death Star that ripped him from his flesh.
      You satisfied now?
      And I agree there should have been a bunch of Jedi spirits standing by Ray to attack the emperor.
      Actually it would have been really something to see the Sith ghosts and the Jedi spirits combat. The two lightsabers defending against palpatine's Force lightning was absurd.
      The diad should have finished him off not simply Ray.

  • @christophercaporale2182
    @christophercaporale2182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Regarding your statement of loosing your memory I can speak from first hand experience that it’s terrifying. Almost two years ago I woke up on the floor didn’t know who I was or my child was standing over me. It wasn’t until I heard “daddy” I figured out she was my child. For over a year when I would see my doctor or talk to the VA I had to pull out my wallet to give them information. I had to get use to walking with a prosthetic leg again. What’s freaky is how muscle memory takes over when fixing things or reflexes. Oddly I cannot remember how to write in cursive anymore and my handwriting is terrible and I use to be an artist but I can not remember how to draw. I don’t remember family or friends and if I don’t see or talk to someone regularly I won’t remember them the next time I see them. That and the fact I cannot physically speak I don’t go out very much to prevent running into people who I did know and explaining I cannot remember them or physically speak for them to walk away like they never knew me. Only a very few people have stuck by me but have also respected my space to deal with this and to not overload me. I don’t know who I was in the past and people find it hard to accept that or the fact I can’t remember them.
    I want to say I love your channel and reactions and I look forward to more of them in the future.

  • @godaininja
    @godaininja 2 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    I don't really like the sequel trilogy, I'm more of an old Expanded Universe guy, but it does make me happy to see the fan service and Ian's performance. I wish we got more of Hayden's Anakin though than just a couple of voice lines.

    • @b.u.l.1734
      @b.u.l.1734 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      We'll get him in the Obi-Wan show, so don't worry.

    • @godaininja
      @godaininja 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@b.u.l.1734 looking forward to it. :)

    • @carter2700
      @carter2700 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I’m not a big fan on the newest movies but I like the ideas of them

    • @rush3r975
      @rush3r975 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@carter2700 episodes 1-3 were personally my favourite. It brought that new early 2000’s feeling with updated technology and a lot more intense battles. It gave a clear cut of how 4-6 happend. As Disney for some reason feels the need to bring back everyone to make the movies more of a nostalgia feeling which I don’t mind but I’d rather more story line instead of their “some how palpating she back” shenanigans

  • @AlphaTacDef1
    @AlphaTacDef1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Leia: I love you.
    Han: I know.
    Ben: Dad.
    Han: I know.

  • @Nijsh.
    @Nijsh. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    I actually kinda enjoy watching this film, I mean, I still don't think its good, but I do enjoy watching it. I think it adds a lot of really cool stuff to the universe but also kinda leaves some unanswered questions

    • @starscape09
      @starscape09 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Agreed. Even the worst Star Wars stuff I still enjoy. And there's a lot of fun things in it. Need a follow up series with Rey and Finn training though.

    • @emptypool7236
      @emptypool7236 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@starscape09 I recently rewatched the Last Jedi starting from when Rey and Kylo are in the elevator to the throne room. The movie is so much better without the first half and dare I say enjoyable.

  • @Chase1.9
    @Chase1.9 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I couldn’t care less. I love this movie. Despite all of its problems, despite all of the inconsistencies, despite all that, I love this movie. I’m not at all ashamed of saying that TROS is one of my favorite Star Wars movies period.

    • @emptypool7236
      @emptypool7236 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      SAME. I loved it even though I went in pretty much knowing the whole storyline. Its a shame I can't see it again in theaters.

    • @GabbyGJROXJones
      @GabbyGJROXJones 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes the sequel trilogy (as a whole) has its issues, but out of all three of them, TROS is my favorite.

  • @ren_amidala
    @ren_amidala 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    If you’re interested in looking it up George Lucas actually had a plan for a sequel trilogy that he had given to Disney that would have focused on leia; with the idea being the prequels we’re about the father, original trilogy the son, and sequels about the daughter. I don’t hate the sequels we were given however I kinda wish they had taken a lot of the ideas that George had given them.

  • @b.u.l.1734
    @b.u.l.1734 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I really wish we had gotten Colin Trevorrow's version of Ep. 9, which had the title of 'Duel of the Fates'.
    The script leaked not long after TROS came out and, imo, it's a VASTLY superior story that actually gives characters like Finn and General Hux some much needed development (and the Knights of Ren are actually useful in that script).
    If you want a "what if..?"-type of scenario, I recommend checking out that version of the movie that we almost had.

  • @IggyStardust1967
    @IggyStardust1967 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    My main beef with this trilogy overall, is that there was no story arc from the outset. Movie 1 - Movie 2 - Movie 3. They just made it up as they went along, and it shows. But now that THAT is out of the way....
    My critique of this movie by itself, is that it needed either a longer run time, or to be broken into 2 parts. People can argue over which way would be better, but really, it can go either way for me. When I say it needed a longer run time, it's because this movie had a LOT to pack in. Some things were "retconned" because Rian Johnson didn't seem to even watch The Force Awakens, and I question if he even is a Star Wars fan. I'm okay with Palpatine coming back. It does kinda make sense, immortality is what he had always been searching for, despite knowing the "Sith Rule of Two", and that Anakin would eventually try to kill him. It would have benefited the story to have SOME explanation about the clone body he occupies, rather than a simple "I made Snoke" and "I have been every voice you have ever heard inside your head". Also, seeing Vader's castle on Mustafar would have given us the clue we needed to piece together that that was where Kylo found Vader's wayfinder.
    It's just a bunch of small details that would have made the movie much better. I don't hate this one, in fact, I like it way more than The Last Jedi.

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Every detail doesn't have to be shouted. I think I'm Gonna totally convince you that there is zero continuity errors and how JJ made all the movies connect perfectly. He did a great job. First, Palpatine HAD TO BE in this movie. He began as the PHANTOM MENACE. Remember, he ALWAYS was planning ahead and manipulating things behind the scenes and each trilogy made clear and as Leia said in this movie. We already knew he planned to cheat death, but then we're surprised he did? No!. He manipulated everything but didn't have plans if his physical body was defeated? No way, so the whole circle from episode one to episode nine is now complete. He had to be in the whole saga. He was the ultimate villain.
      Second, Rey's journey makes full sense. She had incredible unexplained power from the start. She even naturally had fighting style like Sideous. It was clear, especially starting in eight that she struggled with the dark side. Luke was shocked how quickly she went to it. This movie brings this home with her inner conflict, then we learn why.
      Third, besides Rey fighting like Sideous as one small clue, during Snoke interrogating Rey when he suspended her in air, the emperor's theme was profoundly playing during that whole scene. Perfect foreshadowing that Sideous was actually the power behind Snoke. Finally, of course, the whole cloning aspect totally fits not only in the Star Wars mythology but also with the fact that Sideous was behind all the cloning in the saga. It all makes sense.
      Fourth, Luke's character faultering because he failed makes total sense for any human being but even for Luke who always had inner struggles. During episode eight, through Rey and Yoda, he came back to his senses and learned, just like Yoda says, from his failure, which then he revealed in a humorous way in nine, talking about how a Jedi's weapon should be treated. It was obviously supposed to show what he learned and also produce a chuckle.
      Fifth, things coming out of left field and fake outs, like Padme having twins, not A baby, Vader being Luke's father, Leia being his sister, did Han die or not?, and so forth, are very common in Star Wars. So things like Rey being the emperor's grand daughter and other things aren't unusual.
      Sixth, Rey and kylo being a dyad in the force explained everything. From the start they seemed strangely drawn to each other. He never really wanted to him her. She kept sensing good in him. The force united then to defeat Sideous. That final kids I think was more of an intense emotional release than romantic. It just seemed right to me and Daisy acted it perfectly. Their connection in the sequel trilogy is one of the most complex in the whole saga.i loved it. And they are both better actors than many in some of the other movies.
      I believe if you go back and watch the movie with what you know now you'll see that there actually is continuity.
      Anyway, I chocked up with you watching your reactions. This is one of the most emotional Star Wars movies. Enjoyed your reaction.

  • @athens_1psvr31
    @athens_1psvr31 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The Mandalorian did Star Wars right. Went back, moved forward, and stepped away from following the Skywalker family story.

    • @Darthoil
      @Darthoil 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well with Grogu they are setting up for the return of Palpatine's cloning.
      They could have decannoized the whole sequel trilogy by having Grogu choose the lightsaber instead of 5he armor.

  • @Jawa_Jedi
    @Jawa_Jedi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Kylo was actually on mustafar at the start of the film, the same planet anakin and obi wan had their episode 3 fight

  • @Jake-vu7nr
    @Jake-vu7nr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    For me. I love Star Wars, I love this movie… BUT one thing that bugs me about the sequels is that they totally erase the importance of Ani going tot he dark side but returning to the light to compete the prophecy he was in initially given by being the chosen one

    • @Jake-vu7nr
      @Jake-vu7nr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Also my own little issue because I love Ani is that lightsaber is his not Luke’s… Luke’s is the green one and these movies just hate Ani and the prequels

  • @onemoreminute0543
    @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Like with Ep 8, I'll lay out my thoughts on this movie
    - The design of Exegol is really spooky and unique
    -The lightsaber duels in this film are probably the best in the trilogy
    -The moment between Kylo and Han was actually rather touching
    -Performances are all good
    -I can't fault Babu Frik or Klaud the Slug
    -So much of this film is unintentionally hilarious for me
    - The big elephant in the room... Palpatine returning. Not only does the plot fail to explain 'how' he returned, but it arguably damages Anakins sacrifice from ROTJ by bringing him back, rendering his arc pointless
    -And they replace the 'First Order' with the 'Final Order', which apparently was behind everything the WHOLE TIME! It also somehow has a star fleet even more powerful than the previous Order, with Death Star lazer cannons.
    -The pacing of this film is arguably too fast and the way in which the plot develops is rather hamfisted. The sequence on Pasaana is a good example...
    -Lando shows up out of nowhere, the heroes accidentally fall into a pit that just so happens to have the thing they're looking for, C-3PO can somehow translate the dagger, and that dagger somehow , if positioned correctly, shows where a Sith wayfinder is on...the mangled ruins of the second Death Star?
    Its so unbelievably convoluted. That would be like if an ancient Mayan dagger , when positioned correctly, showed the map to El Dorado when looking at the wreck of the Titanic.
    - Missed opportunities for characters. It would have been a more interesting struggle for Rey to overcome if she HAD killed Chewbacca. It would have been more moving if C-3PO HAD been saying goodbye for the last time.
    -Hux being against Kylo makes sense due to the events of TLJ, but him working with the Resistance seems to fly in the face of his big Nazi speech from TFA
    - Rey being the granddaughter of Palpatine.... they tried to appease both sides. "Oh, well her parents are still nobodys! It's only her grandfather whose somebody important!". But I mean, it was never implied that Palpatine even had children in any of the previous films!
    - Finn and Poe's arcs basically go nowhere. They try to get Finn to have rapport with another defecting Stormtrooper, but it doesn't go anywhere. Poe is basically given the same backstory as Han from Solo - a smuggler with a shady girlfriend.
    -The score in this film is unoriginal and used in tonally jarring moments. I mean, who thought playing peaceful 'the Force' theme would be appropriate for a Star ship blowing ?
    -Palpatines plan.... what was it again? To get Kylo to kill Rey? To bring them together to suck out their energy? To have Rey 'strike him down'? (The sound effect for his mega Force lightning was funny as hell though 🤣)
    -The whole Rey-Kylo romance... it may seem hypocritical coming from a defender of the Anakin-Padme romance, but it just doesn't work. They definitely had a relationship in the previous movies, but it wasn't romantic.
    - Rey taking the Skywalker name could have been thematically justified if it was thematically consistent to begin with. She went from the implied daughter of Han and Leia (TFA), to a nobody (TLJ), to being told don't be afraid of who you are despite being a Palpatine, to then taking an entirely new name.
    Thanks for coming to my mega Ted Talk

    • @williamozdal7442
      @williamozdal7442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hard to argue with a lot of this. #Respect

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not to mention, Rey, a 19 year old girl falling for the 30 year old man that did nothing but terrible things to her, lol.

    • @merchillio
      @merchillio 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I don’t agree that Palpatine’s return diminishes Anakin’s sacrifice.
      Palpatine was the master puppeteer behind everything since (chronologically) Ep1, it was appropriate that he’s come back at the end, I just wished they had built up to it.
      The way I see it, Anakin’s redemption was saving his son more than killing his master. He failed at saving his wife, but he got the chance to save his son.

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@merchillio It also diminished him succeeding at the prophecy.

    • @themalcahtwinz4743
      @themalcahtwinz4743 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@merchillio Lol they coulve replace Palpatine with Plagueis and it would've made so much more sense.

  • @briansview2886
    @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I think I'm Gonna totally convince you that there is zero continuity errors and how JJ made all the movies connect perfectly. He did a great job. First, Palpatine HAD TO BE in this movie. He began as the PHANTOM MENACE. Remember, he ALWAYS was planning ahead and manipulating things behind the scenes and each trilogy made clear and as Leia said in this movie. We already knew he planned to cheat death, but then we're surprised he did? No!. He manipulated everything but didn't have plans if his physical body was defeated? No way, so the whole circle from episode one to episode nine is now complete. He had to be in the whole saga. He was the ultimate villain.
    Second, Rey's journey makes full sense. She had incredible unexplained power from the start. She even naturally had fighting style like Sideous. It was clear, especially starting in eight that she struggled with the dark side. Luke was shocked how quickly she went to it. This movie brings this home with her inner conflict, then we learn why.
    Third, besides Rey fighting like Sideous as one small clue, during Snoke interrogating Rey when he suspended her in air, the emperor's theme was profoundly playing during that whole scene. Perfect foreshadowing that Sideous was actually the power behind Snoke. Finally, of course, the whole cloning aspect totally fits not only in the Star Wars mythology but also with the fact that Sideous was behind all the cloning in the saga. It all makes sense.
    Fourth, Luke's character faultering because he failed makes total sense for any human being but even for Luke who always had inner struggles. During episode eight, through Rey and Yoda, he came back to his senses and learned, just like Yoda says, from his failure, which then he revealed in a humorous way in nine, talking about how a Jedi's weapon should be treated. It was obviously supposed to show what he learned and also produce a chuckle.
    Fifth, things coming out of left field and fake outs, like Padme having twins, not A baby, Vader being Luke's father, Leia being his sister, did Han die or not?, and so forth, are very common in Star Wars. So things like Rey being the emperor's grand daughter and other things aren't unusual.
    Sixth, Rey and kylo being a dyad in the force explained everything. From the start they seemed strangely drawn to each other. He never really wanted to kill her. She kept sensing good in him and wanted to save him. The force united them to defeat Sideous. That final kiss I think was more of an intense emotional release than romantic. It just seemed right to me and Daisy acted it perfectly. Their connection in the sequel trilogy is one of the most complex in the whole saga. I loved it. And they are both better actors than many in some of the other movies.
    I believe if you go back and watch the trilogy with what you know now you'll see that there actually is great continuity.
    Anyway, I choked up with you watching your reactions. This is one of the most emotional Star Wars movies. Enjoyed your reaction.

  • @ethanvilla4418
    @ethanvilla4418 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Your love for C3PO is adorable. You kept making me tear up... and I'm not even a fan of this movie. MORE than sure you're a true Star Wars fan. Your reactions to this franchise were pure joy to watch, kaiielle.

  • @rorythenerd
    @rorythenerd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Life long fan, liked this movie. Didn’t really like the sequel trilogy overall because of the inconsistencies and the storylines but I did get emotional at the fan service parts of the trilogy. So very mixed feelings for me really

    • @rorythenerd
      @rorythenerd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @Dayspring why have you singled out my comment? The video was clear to be respectful of peoples opinion. I respect your opinion, you’re 100% entitled to it but I am a life long fan because I was watching and enjoying Star Wars with my dad as a baby, I’ve watched everything, not read everything, not got all the merch because I’m not rich, but that still makes me a life long fan.
      As was stated in the video you can be a fan just by saying you’re a fan, you don’t have to conform to anyone’s idea of what a fan is.
      I am a true Star Wars fan and I enjoyed aspects of the sequels.
      So did many true fans.

  • @ProjectImpossibleOfficial
    @ProjectImpossibleOfficial 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    "Rey who?"
    YOU UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT! So many fans say that she isn't a skywalker and it's just awful ot see all the hate people have for her character. I'm so glad you understand what her whole character arc is about!!!

    • @vishnuprasad730
      @vishnuprasad730 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @fernandoscocozza6783
      @fernandoscocozza6783 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Exactly! Only few people understood that it's linked to the sense of belonging. Family is what we choose, not just blood.

    • @HugeESmalls
      @HugeESmalls 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@fernandoscocozza6783 im okay with those stories, I actually really like found family stories. Rey is just a bad character so I didn't care when she found her family. If she earned the name skywalker then sure, but she eased her way through everything

    • @ProjectImpossibleOfficial
      @ProjectImpossibleOfficial 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @Scott Moore LMAO what?? That's such a foolish thing to say. Maybe you've been listening to Mike Zeroh too much, because she definitely DOES have a character arc.

    • @spacezombie13
      @spacezombie13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Scott Moore her arc is finding a place to belong. in 7, she thinks she belongs on jakku waiting for her parents, and accepts they arent coming so she thinks her place may be with han and when he dies she goes after luke. in 8, she realizes luke wasnt the legend she built up and tries to beling with ben, but decides she cant stay with him on the dark side and goes back to the resistance, eventually feeling luke's final moments and deciding to be with leia. in 9, she tries to be with the jedi of the past, but cant feel them. leia gives her luke's lightsaber literal minutes after rey says she will earn it, as a way to say "you dont need to EARN it, it's yours" (forshadowing that LEIA already saw her as a Skywalker even then) she is hit with the bomb that she is palpatine's grandaughter (technically the daughter of his clone, but the movie never says that, a legitimate problem i have) and is scared that she is meant to be a monster like palpatine. then luke's ghost shows up and tells her "some things are stronger than blood", cementing that she doesnt NEED to belong with her birth family. she goes to fight palpatine and take a stand not as a palpatine, but as a jedi. this results in the jedi of the past acting through her and giving her the boost she needs to defeat the emperor. in the end, she decides her place of belonging is carrying on the Skywalker legacy (given the actual bloodline has died out now), so she takes up their name to honor them.
      sorry i wasnt here six months ago to explain to you the character arc you apparently missed.

  • @luigouvea
    @luigouvea 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    30:30 - “Am I a true Star Wars fan now?”
    DEFINITELY!!!! You’re one of us now!

  • @timothywhitfield8785
    @timothywhitfield8785 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    One of the best things I love about Star Wars is over the years I have heard someone say a different episode was their favorite. Whether is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Rogue or Solo... I have seen them all listed as the 'best' or favorite' on that persons chart - and I love that. Every single one of the films did something for someone.

  • @victorvaltersson3325
    @victorvaltersson3325 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    When Disney bought LucasArt I was so hyped, I have never been more looked forward to see a movie more than when I realised we were getting more Star Wars movies. After The Last Jedi I just felt done. I was not mad or didn't even hated the movie was just dissapointed I guess for multiple reasons. So when Rise of Skywalker came out I had 0 expectations on the movie and was just like, let's see some fans service and cool effects for two hours, so I actually ended up having a good time with this one, even though it has a lot issues.

  • @willisapril
    @willisapril 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    2:33 Knowing Disney my guess is within 5 to years we will see Episodes 10, 11, 12. Hate will die down for these sequels like the prequels.

  • @Johnadams20760
    @Johnadams20760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    that scene where 3po says there is a festival every 42 years. little trivia for you. this final movie ocurred exactly 42 years after a new hope. ;)

    • @IggyStardust1967
      @IggyStardust1967 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not only that, but 42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question of "Life, The Universe, and Everything."

    • @Johnadams20760
      @Johnadams20760 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@IggyStardust1967 oh that is ture as well, but i think in this case it was a nod to star wars fans :)

  • @Lexio5526
    @Lexio5526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    37:38 the most badass attack of Star Wars. Pure rage

  • @glennallen239
    @glennallen239 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In a interview Mark Hamill had said that he did not feel like he was playing Luke Skywalker in Episode VII. He said it was more like a Harry Skywalker. Mark said that Luke would not have acted like that. Luke would have tried to save Ben his Nephew like his Father Anakin.
    I was 13 Years old in 1977 when the first Star Wars movie Episode IV was released. I had wanted the next Trilogy to have picked up from where episode VI had ended. I understood the need for the prequels and did enjoy them. Then I was excited when we got Han Solo and Rogue One movies.
    Then the Sequels came like I had always wanted and I liked the nod to the original Trilogy. It made sense to have the old characters and new Ones. Episode VII made sense to be more like Episode IV because it was having similar problems and introductions.
    For me along with the feeling that Luke would not have acted like he did in episode VIII would have been this logic. Obi Wan who had experience in a Student turning would have talked to Luke. Master Yoda and Anakin would have been talking to Luke.
    Episode IX had to correct some of the problems from Episode VIII. It made sense about Palpatine returning because in the prequels Palpatine told Anakin about the Cheating death and that had seduced Anakin to the Dark Side.
    I liked that Rey took the Skywalker name because she had all of the Jedi in her.

  • @jphogannet
    @jphogannet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A 10 million dollar check for his brief appearance is why Harrison Ford agreed. 10 million AND they paid his agent 1 million directly without taking it out of his cut. One days work, No reshoots, no marketing appearances and it was kept under wraps.

  • @MorrisB3
    @MorrisB3 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The facial gestures. Lol. I LOVE this movie. Everyone I hear that hates the fan services I can't take seriously. Skywalker is the perfect blend of the old and new world to me. Then that last line, Rey Skywalker, is so beautiful. The Star War saga has always been about choosing your destiny to me. I stan it.

  • @Johnadams20760
    @Johnadams20760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the old guy at the end was Wedge antilles, one of the piolets that fought with luke

  • @CanadianSam999
    @CanadianSam999 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Just a thought on one of the most controversial aspects - Rey taking on the name Skywalker; seen through a Eurocentric/North American point of view, it seems gratuitous.
    However, bearing in mind that a great many aspects of the Star Wars story are based upon Eastern ideas, it makes perfect sense. It is quite common in Asian cultures to give names that have significance regarding the character aspects the parents wished for a child. It was also common for a person in those cultures to change their names at varying points in their life so their name would reflect who they were, what they identified with, at that particular phase of life. We are not the same at 40 as we were at 20; at 20 we were not the same as when we were 4. At this juncture in Rey's journey she chose to take a name that identified with who she had grown into, a name that had personal significance for her going forward. Not only had Luke and Leia been her mentors and had trained her in spite of knowing her past, the name Skywalker also represented her new role as one who traveled the galaxy, outgrowing her being stranded as a scavenger on Jakku.

    • @Gitano_Music
      @Gitano_Music 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I saw it as the name Skywalker isn't just a name any longer. It has become an ideal; something to strive for, with all it's imperfections. Even through utter darkness the name always carried a visceral light of hope. Cheers.

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Gitano_Music While I do like that thematic idea, don't you think it kind of betrays what Leia told Rey earlier in the movie? About not being afraid of who you are?

    • @Gitano_Music
      @Gitano_Music 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onemoreminute0543 Actually, to me, it reinforces it. I view it as Leia telling her not to be afraid of who SHE actually is; to fulfill HER path. Later, that's doubled down by Luke's, "Some things are stronger than blood."

  • @CaptainFettCosplay
    @CaptainFettCosplay 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The thing about this movie is when you watch it the 2nd time and sit down and think about it, it has massive issues. Like by bringing Palpatine back totally negates the importance of Luke and Anakin. Then the dagger makes zero sense. How does an ancient artifact show the Death Star and where it's crashed and then the vantage point of where They just happened to land and stand on the cliff? The C-3PO thing... If his mind is wiped, how can he remember what the dagger says? Then he says taking a last look at his friends. It feels hollow and would have been better with his actual friends like R2, Chewy, Leia.
    Don't get me wrong, I liked this when it hit, but upon more watching and thinking it's just a mess. It's JJ Abrams in typical fashion. He sets up stuff and reboots things but can't ever seen to stick the landing at the end.
    And hopefully you watch The Mandalorian!!!

    • @Nekrovelho
      @Nekrovelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The whole sequel trilogy doesn't make sense when you sit down to think about it though, at least this is thoroughly enjoyable and has Senate fanservice too.

    • @Nekrovelho
      @Nekrovelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Scott Moore Things don't need to make sense to be enjoyable, but it of course helps. I enjoyed this bit despite the "whole trilogy" not making much sense. I enjoyed the fanservice (and some other things too) so it makes it good enough. Obviously not on par with the OG trilogy, but better than much of the Prequels *for me.*

  • @athens_1psvr31
    @athens_1psvr31 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was born in 79 and seen the original earlier than I can remember. I loved 7 and 9. Knowing that JJ had to comeback and try to fix a wrecked story and was able to make something as entertaining as this is super commendable.
    Rey was supposed to be a Skywalker originally, which is obvious by things said by the actress and her taking the last name in the end. The relationship element was made in 8, and yes it was kept for the fan noise of “Shipping” fans. (Eye roll here)

  • @stevenorellano2039
    @stevenorellano2039 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think General Pride was in a movie called Warlock. He played a witch hunter transported to the 20th century from the 1600s.

  • @porkins74
    @porkins74 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Luke catching the saber was a "F-you" to what Rian Johnson did in Ep VIII. J.J. was trying to win back the lost fans but it was too late at that point. We were done with Disney Star Wars and each director trying to one up the other proved that they had no end goal and no plan from the start which was later revealed to be the case.

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      No it was an, Luke learned his lesson from failure, just like Yoda told him in the previous movie... Continuity!

  • @PeteOliva
    @PeteOliva 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Fabulous reaction. Not my favorite movie (I actually love TLJ better, BUT I do enjoy it.) To this DAY I have noooooooo idea how people got so upset about Rey taking the Skywalker name. It makes absolute and total sense to me. The Skywalkers shaped who she became. She was their adopted child. I think it was a good ending to the sequels. I like the fact that they hinted her having dark side connections was nice in TLJ but I wish they'd been more specific with hints Palpatine was alive in it. Palpatine being in this felt so abrupt but I still liked it.
    I wish Ben could have lived. Rey STILL could have been a Skywalker even if he'd lived!

  • @Johnadams20760
    @Johnadams20760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    btw, last jedi, they reallymessed luke up, they never would have had him throw away the light sabre, so this is their way of fixing that

  • @Shashu_the_little_Voidling
    @Shashu_the_little_Voidling 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Say about the rest of the movie what you want, but that first scene with Kylo meeting Palpatine is so good

  • @erindrury785
    @erindrury785 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel the same. I grew up with the OT and loved TFA and this one. I loved just moments of TLJ. I adore Rey and her friendships with Finn and Poe and, of course, loved all of the droids and fan service. Still not convinced of the way they went with the Palpatine connection, but I actually like that she took the Skywalker name. I would have loved Hux switching sides completely. I hope for a future Zorri and Poe collaboration. I do like that Kylo passed on as Ben. Adam and Daisy were amazing together in every scene.

  • @wolviespartan
    @wolviespartan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You were a true fan as soon as you watched A New Hope, everyone could see that :)

  • @GavinBollard
    @GavinBollard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I wasn't overwhelmed by this film at the cinemas because I wasn't onboard with the Last Jedi. I also think that seeing it in cinemas (with no subtitles) made it hard because it's sometimes hard to catch all the dialogue. I haven't watched it since (because then I'd have to watch at least the previous two again). Your reaction has made me want to watch this again.
    There were some great things that came out of the Last Jedi (the dyad, Luke's force Ghost) so I don't think it was entirely ignored but you're right. It's all about not having a proper overarching story.
    Thanks. These reactions have been enlightening.

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks so much!

    • @Nekrovelho
      @Nekrovelho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I recommend rewatching it, I actually did enjoy the fanservice and re-railing shamelessly at the theatre and rewatching it just reinforced my idea of it being the Sequel I enjoy the most. Despite the general negativity surrounding it. I wish I'd had the subtitles to help recognize the voices though, missed quite a few of them back then.

  • @obiwankenobi687
    @obiwankenobi687 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Every word that comes out of Palpatines mouth is just iconic. I even get excited when he appears in a comic or a novel because I’m like yesssss new Palpatine dialogue. I just adore that mans voice

  • @OrionX3
    @OrionX3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is also my favorite of the 3 sequels. For me I would say 9 - 7 - 8.
    - This movie fixed some issues I had with 8, and I think if JJ or even Ryan had done all 3 it would've been good. (As I'm typing this you're saying the same thing lol)
    - I think if someone is able to look past Palpatine being alive the movie is VERY enjoyable. The scenery is awesome, fights are great, the ending with rey and kylo's fight with the emperor.
    - The force healing I didn't mind for the same reasons you said during the film, in games we've always done it. And I feel like a simple explanation of why prequel and OT era jedi couldn't do it where it's entirely possible Rey learned it from the ancient jedi texts she took from the original jedi temple on Aach-To. So no problems with that from me.
    Thanks for another critical breakdown and great video!

  • @DarthRushy
    @DarthRushy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    nobody tell kaiielle that there's a whole Star Wars: Droids cartoon series with R2 and C-3PO available on Disney +. And yes, it's the same actor for 3PO.

  • @MrSprattibaggs
    @MrSprattibaggs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love TH-cam's auto-generated closed captions, like at 7:40: "Hiding in the unknown regions, on a world called... Mexico..." Old Darth Sidious cooling his jets down in Guadalupe.

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They sure can be wrong in the funniest of ways. 😂 One day, I'll correct the errors or get someone else to. But until then, I'll enjoy these comments.

    • @MrSprattibaggs
      @MrSprattibaggs 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kaiielle Don't touch those subtitles. They're one of the best parts of TH-cam!

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MrSprattibaggs Incorrect subtitles are not a great experience for the folks who need them, though! So one day they will be fixed.

  • @davidwalker3783
    @davidwalker3783 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The biggest reasons the hardcore fans don't like this movie or trilogy is because palpatine won. He got everything he wanted, the Skywalkers are gone, the palpatine bloodline lives on, and everything Anakin and Luke did was for nothing, and Rey took everything that belonged to the Skywalkers. They shuda called it the palpatine saga. If they wuda just made snoke Darth plagueis, everyone wuda been happy. And rey shuda been Luke's daughter. Killing the biggest villain in the middle of the story killed the trilogy. That's why I walked out wen Snoke got sliced.

  • @PatrickPrejusa
    @PatrickPrejusa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @gregggg426
    @gregggg426 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Idk if u know but spice running is basically selling drugs soooo that's why Ray and fin had such a reaction

  • @wxgrad
    @wxgrad 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    At 36:43 yes, that was Dennis Lawson who played Wedge Antilles in Ep IV... the only other survivor from the first Death Star.

  • @stardust-scavenger1748
    @stardust-scavenger1748 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Rise of Skywalker is my favorite of the sequels. While I agree there is quite a bit of wasted potential in the sequels, I have found a lot in them to enjoy and personally resonate with. A few things I really love:
    1) The underrated bookended parallels. Whether intentional or not, they’re there. Bear with me because I love this so much: Dave Filoni has said that the reason Duel Of The Fates is titled such, is because the battle between Maul and Qui Gon is actually a battle for Anakin’s fate. If Qui Gon lives, he will be the father figure Anakin needs to keep him on the path of the light. If he dies, which happens, then that opens the opportunity for Palpatine to step in as the father figure and groom/manipulate Anakin for the dark side. So… In the sequel trilogy, while Rey does train with Luke and have a bond, it is heavily implied (in the movies, and most of the books) that Leia is who Rey is closer to. She is not only Rey’s eventual master but mother figure. All this to say: The saga begins with a Palpatine becoming a father figure to a Skywalker and enslaving the galaxy in the process, and it ends with a Skywalker becoming a mother figure to a Palpatine, and freeing the galaxy in the process.
    2) this is something JJ and Terrio said themselves. At the end, Rey wraps Luke and Leia’s lightsabers, as if swaddling a baby, before burying them. This was intentioned to symbolize righting the wrong of the twins being separated at birth. She puts them to rest “together” as they always should’ve been.
    3) In the novelization, Leia ruminates the legacy she leaves before she sacrifices herself to save Kylo. To Poe, she leaves her Organa legacy. To Ben, her Solo legacy. And to Rey, her Skywalker legacy. She essentially bequeaths them her knowledge, her heart, and her spirit. I think that’s really beautiful, and being aware of that, you can see that through-line when you watch the movie. She is mentor to Poe, mother to Ben, and both to Rey.
    Now that I’ve written a novel…I really appreciate your reactions. They have been a blast to watch!! Thank you so much. MTFBWY

  • @DontrelleRoosevelt
    @DontrelleRoosevelt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    JJ Abrams had the hardest job since... George Washington!? LOL ... He had to satisfy amounts of times to spend with certain characters, while introducing valuable new ones, and then, finishing a 9-part story that I doubt NO ONE wanted to attempt to do. As it stands, this is my third favorite of the nine films, and I've been watching them since the beginning, many decades ago.

  • @tamiasrodentia21
    @tamiasrodentia21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The story of Rey being a Palpatine or Kylo had so much potential. I think this movie is overrhated for what it was trying to fix in the trilogy.

  • @bidwell13
    @bidwell13 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    27:56 Harrison decided to come back because he felt that the part was pivotal to Kylo’s growth and he enjoyed acting with Adam Driver 30:46 in the Rise of Skywalker book this scene was extended and hilarious when you picture it in your head. Here’s the excerpt: “An R2-series astromech spotted him and rolled in his direction. He was white with blue markings, and he bore the scars of battle. An uncouth little thing, but it paid to be polite in these circumstances.
    “Hello,” C-3PO said. “I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations. And you are?”
    The astromech rolled back as if struck. Then beeped insistently.
    “My memory backup? Why would a stubby astromech droid have my memory stored?”
    The little droid beeped again, irritated.
    “Well, I’m quite certain I’d remember if I had a best friend.” C-3PO turned away. There was nothing worse than an astromech with delusions of grandeur.
    The astromech warbled insistently.
    “You want to put what in my head? Under no circumstances-”
    The blue droid extended his transfer arm and began to chase after him.
    “You stay away from me with that!”
    More warbling, almost too fast to keep up with.”
    Excerpt From
    The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition (Star Wars)
    Rae Carson

  • @joseluzaboza4420
    @joseluzaboza4420 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was watching it subbed and It was so fun cause it transleted something into "So was Kylo in Mexico" in 8:03 and I was like.. yes for sure he was in Mexico 🤣🤣

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      LMAO one day I'll have the time or the $$ to hire someone to go in and fix auto subtitle errors.

  • @BwillsAlwight
    @BwillsAlwight 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First off, I hope Ella feels better soon.
    Second, I'm so glad you enjoyed this movie.
    I've been with star wars not since 1977, but watching them in the late 90's on VHS over and over again as a kid.
    I love the Original Trilogy, I love the Prequel Trilogy, and I love the Sequel Trilogy (especially this movie).
    I had my problems with TLJ, and by extension this movie (the course correction was pretty jarring and made for a pretty incoherent trilogy), but there's just so much to love about them and I don't believe they deserve all of the hate they receive.
    Thanks for your reactions to this series KL, it's been amazing seeing someone fall in love with the franchise that I've loved since I was a young lad.

  • @J.luis1
    @J.luis1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello to you kaielle, it's an honor to meet you here. I just found one of your videos announced and i couldn't help it to watch it. To tell you the truth, all the videos that i watched until now were your reactions on all Star Wars movies and i can tell you. I love the way you react to them and i like the way you give your critics and your likes at the end of each movie according to your thoughts☺️It was great to see you getting lost on those moments when you were enjoying them cause i can tell you that i was almost like you when I watched those movies from the first time as well. I have all those movies and even if i get older, I won't get tired of watching them a million times over.😁

  • @claymccarthy6198
    @claymccarthy6198 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In the novelization of the movie ... when R2 restores his memories .... something happens where 3po remembers what happened before his first memory wipe ... in episode 3

  • @davidsomoza
    @davidsomoza 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I dont want to invalidate other's oppinions about the sequels , they sure might be right but i freaking love ALL the movies: prequels, sequels and others. PD: PET DAT DOGGO

  • @Ld.801
    @Ld.801 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another AWESOME call back is when Ben is fighting the knights of ren before he has the lightsaber he uses Han Solo mannerisms really cool call back.

  • @martinkennard2580
    @martinkennard2580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A tidbit Billie Lorde. Carrie Fishers daughter played a rebel character in this chapter and I think in 8.

  • @KazuTree
    @KazuTree 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm wicked late to the party here, but the "Harrison Ford not liking Star Wars/Han Solo" thing is sort of a major simplification.
    Harrison Ford liked being in Star Wars, but he sees it for what it really was. To him, it's a goofy space movie he made as a favor to his buddy George that ended up spiraling into a huge thing. He gets annoyed that it's what people know him for, rather than something he's really passionate about (like Indiana Jones) or some of his more artsy films (like Blade Runner).

  • @JakeH2987
    @JakeH2987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Firstly, big love to our favorite Chonk

  • @onemoreminute0543
    @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just thought, isn't Tatooine a kind of weird place for Rey to bury the remnants of the Skywalker legacy?
    I mean, this is the same planet where Anakin was born a slave and lost his mother, Luke watched his aunt and uncles corpses burn to a crisp, and where Han and Leia suffered in Jabba's Palace?

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Or the fact Rey even knew about it. Not once during the trilogy did they mention where Anakin and Luke came from.

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ugh, why do people have to be spoon fed? Leia trained Rey for a year? They never discussed where Luke came from?

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@briansview2886 The point being each trilogy can still be watched without knowing the others. Kids going into Star Wars for the first time have no idea what was going on at the end, lol.

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@willfanofmanyii3751 That's one of the things I'm curious to see in a few decades time. The sequels will have brought in a new generation of SW fans, but how will they understand certain plot points when many of them harken back to movies they probably didn't even see?
      TFA and TLJ carry a.... mostly consistent story with each other but how on earth does a new fan understand Ep 9 when it brings back a character who never appeared in the previous two movies, who has all these relationships now?
      I remember watching one person react to Star Wars (OT and PT) who had already watched the sequels. When Palpatine appeared in Empire, I remember she was like 'oh this guy'. The emotional/dramatic weight of the character only makes sense if you've seen what came before.
      And lastly, how will the fans deal with the thematic differences between 8 and 9? If you liked 8's direction, 9 completely throws that films ideas out the window.

  • @melodydiagames
    @melodydiagames ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whelp, I typed a whole big comment talking about how my views have changed so much about this movie. How I started out hating it but now love it. But that all got deleted by the TH-cam app crashing on me... So...
    Instead I will just recommend the 2016 C-3PO comic. It's a single issue and only 40 pages long, but I feel like if there was anyone out there that could possibly love it as much as I do it would be you. (Threepio also had some great moments in the Poe Dameron comics, where I felt the two had some great chemistry. One of my previously deleted complaints about this movie was actually how their chemistry was actually much worse in the movie)
    Anyways, GREAT REACTION! Def gonna check out your Patreon once I find spare time to be able to do full watch-alongs. 😁

  • @johndesalvo7157
    @johndesalvo7157 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm in your "camp"! I liked this film best out of the previous feels the most "Star Wars" of all the sequels. People seem to forget but Rey being a decendant of Palpatine was a popular theory after The Force Awakens was released back in 2015. Considering how obsessed Sidious's Master (Darth Pelagius "the wise") was with stopping one from dying... immortality, it's not surprising to me that Palpatine picked up where Pelagius left off after he killed him in his sleep. Once Palps completed his master plan and gained complete control of the republic nearly wiped out all but a scattered remnant of the Jedi and declared the republic an Empire and himself the Emperor the Revenge Of The Sith was completed. Once the New Empire was fully functioning and the shock waning Palps, took a backseat letting Mas Ameda handle day to day functions on the political side.. rarely making public appearances. Tarkin and Vader were his enforcers "in the field" and whatever Ameda, Tarkin, and Vader ordered was to be acknowledged as if it came from the Emperor himself. Vader was forbidden to kill or interfere with Tarkin as he shared Palps vision and was a genius strategist given vast powers and unprecedented stretches of
    The empire to rule as he saw fit.,every bit as ruthless and very nearly as cunning as Palpatine...even Vader was obedient to Tarkin on The Death Star... everywhere else they were basically equals in the eyes of Palpatine...both having been groomed for service for decades by Palps in his Senatorial days. Vader being the the enforcer ..or the Emperor's "Fist" while Tarkin was a military genius extending Palpatines will and excelled at snuffing out rebels and other revolts with an icy reserve, cunning, ruthlessness, he was so efficient and effective and feared that Palpatine created his title of "Grand" Moff ..specifically for his(at the time) new position surpassing even the moffs in power....and outranking everyone in the entire Empire save Palps (obvi), Ameda and (With some exceptions-only when both were on his command of the death star...he was considered absolute commander even over Vader on ultimate decisions backed by Palpatine himself as he understood that sometimes a cunning genius -level military and political strategist is more effective than a powerful, but unnecessarily rash and chaotic-flexing his muscles when a more subtle, low key approach was required over a fearsome "monster"!) Both were considered just as useful in different ways by Palpatine and they were excellent at keeping each other on their feet and both excellent sources of checking and balancing the other as intended be Palpatine early on so as a preventative measure against thoughts of higher aspirations.

  • @leebreezy1980
    @leebreezy1980 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So happy you're enjoying these movies Kaiielle, I agree... I do not like it when (so called) Star Wars fans criticize or bash any of the movies. #STARWARS4LIFE!!

  • @arisenomega
    @arisenomega ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think this movie did a great job working with that is got in The Last Jedi, and I enjoyed it. Personally would have preferred the same person do all three movies, so that we can get consistency in characters and plot, but what's done is done.

  • @andrew-jv7iv
    @andrew-jv7iv 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I was a prequel hater until I finished clone wars. I hope additional content around the sequel trilogy help me feel the same way. For now I consider them an abomination ;)

    • @BSM-vw6cf
      @BSM-vw6cf 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Star wars Resistance attempted to do that but in my opinion it failed to do so.

    • @littleredruri
      @littleredruri 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wish they would stop setting shit in between 3 and 4, the sequel era has basically zero surrounding media and it's really annoying. I hope they make some more stuff like a Finn and Poe spin off series or movie, or some more world building for the planets, that kind of thing. There's still infinite stories that could be told in the star wars universe yet it's almost always in between 3 and 4. AS IF THAT ERA HASN'T BEEN MAPPED OUT ENOUGH

    • @Solidaritas1
      @Solidaritas1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@littleredruri There is Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett, but yeah, I definitely agree overall...let's get some more 6-7 gap stuff and even some Canon old republic stuff besides a few names and comments.

  • @arraymac227
    @arraymac227 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Note: _Empire Strikes Back_ has a rather slow start.

  • @SydBarrettArchives
    @SydBarrettArchives 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First off I wanted to say that I enjoyed watching you watch these movies, and that you didn't listen to the "haters" out there. As for me, I saw A New Hope when I was 6 in 77', and I have enjoyed every single movie since, granted, some more than others, but I love them all. The different directors really didn't matter as even Lucas didn't direct episode V and VI. While I do agree that The Last Jedi was a bit disjointed in this trilogy, it was still a good movie.
    As for the people who claimed retcon on bringing the Emperor back, it's BS, he was always coming back and not only did I know it when Force Awakens came out, I'll point out how I knew.... watch Palpatine fight with his lightsaber in III when Mace and the other jedi first fight him, look for the stabbing style he has, then watch Rey fight Kylo in the forest in VII, and there was the tell that I saw when VII came out. So Palpatine was always going to be back and Rey was always going to be a Palpatine...
    Anyways, again, thank you for great reactions, enjoy the shows as they are great too and fill in some interesting things. And we'll all look forward to Kenobi and beyond!

    • @briansview2886
      @briansview2886 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What I said to her above
      I think I'm Gonna totally convince you that there is zero continuity errors and how JJ made all the movies connect perfectly. He did a great job. First, Palpatine HAD TO BE in this movie. He began as the PHANTOM MENACE. Remember, he ALWAYS was planning ahead and manipulating things behind the scenes and each trilogy made clear and as Leia said in this movie. We already knew he planned to cheat death, but then we're surprised he did? No!. He manipulated everything but didn't have plans if his physical body was defeated? No way, so the whole circle from episode one to episode nine is now complete. He had to be in the whole saga. He was the ultimate villain.
      Second, Rey's journey makes full sense. She had incredible unexplained power from the start. She even naturally had fighting style like Sideous. It was clear, especially starting in eight that she struggled with the dark side. Luke was shocked how quickly she went to it. This movie brings this home with her inner conflict, then we learn why.
      Third, besides Rey fighting like Sideous as one small clue, during Snoke interrogating Rey when he suspended her in air, the emperor's theme was profoundly playing during that whole scene. Perfect foreshadowing that Sideous was actually the power behind Snoke. Finally, of course, the whole cloning aspect totally fits not only in the Star Wars mythology but also with the fact that Sideous was behind all the cloning in the saga. It all makes sense.
      Fourth, Luke's character faultering because he failed makes total sense for any human being but even for Luke who always had inner struggles. During episode eight, through Rey and Yoda, he came back to his senses and learned, just like Yoda says, from his failure, which then he revealed in a humorous way in nine, talking about how a Jedi's weapon should be treated. It was obviously supposed to show what he learned and also produce a chuckle.
      Fifth, things coming out of left field and fake outs, like Padme having twins, not A baby, Vader being Luke's father, Leia being his sister, did Han die or not?, and so forth, are very common in Star Wars. So things like Rey being the emperor's grand daughter and other things aren't unusual.
      Sixth, Rey and kylo being a dyad in the force explained everything. From the start they seemed strangely drawn to each other. He never really wanted to kill her. She kept sensing good in him. The force united them to defeat Sideous. That final kiss I think was more of an intense emotional release than romantic. It just seemed right to me and Daisy acted it perfectly. Their connection in the sequel trilogy is one of the most complex in the whole saga. I loved it. And they are both better actors than many in some of the other movies.
      I believe if you go back and watch the trilogy with what you know now you'll see that there actually is continuity.
      Anyway, I choked up with you watching your reactions. This is one of the most emotional Star Wars movies.i Enjoyed your reaction.

  • @xlrouge
    @xlrouge 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "The Force will be with you now, always"

  • @scottcarver7393
    @scottcarver7393 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nitpick: Why does Rey jack BB-8 at the end? He’s Poe’s droid. He needs that droid to fly his xwing. R2D2, on the other hand, is pretty much masterless at this point AND has all the memory of being with Luke and Leia that can potentially benefit Rey. It makes much more sense for R2 to be with her.

    • @LordVolkov
      @LordVolkov 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      A choice that makes sense wouldn't make sense in this movie...

    • @danielgarza8219
      @danielgarza8219 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      For all you know Poe is waiting on the Falcon, 40 yards off camera. Why assume negatives for which there is no implication?

  • @connorredshaw7994
    @connorredshaw7994 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Apparently Harrison ford came back to do a cameo as Han solo was for Carrie fisher.
    Also at 29:44 the actress playing a younger leia training with a young Luke is Carrie fishers daughter who also plays a member of the resistance in all three sequel films

  • @boatieuk72
    @boatieuk72 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great reaction and I love that as Star Wars fan that you've been able to express so many level headed thoughts.
    I feel this trilogy is just OK, and I get that people are unhappy that so many plot points leave us reacting like huh, but the movie has so many good points that I'm willing to forgive the miss-steps.

  • @BatFan1
    @BatFan1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The fan are so confusing:
    Criticism of Ep 7 : "It's a rehash of Ep 4"
    Ep 8 goes in a whole new direction:
    Criticism of Ep 8: "This sucks it's not the Star Wars i know"
    * sigh *
    Ep 9 brings back familiar themes
    Criticism of Ep 9: "This sucks they're pandering to fans"
    * siiiggghhh *

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think the major issue people had was consistency. You can't keep pulling a story left, right, and centre just because the fans don't like the initial direction it's taking.
      When you tell a story, you have to stick to the one you wanted to tell , like Lucas did with the prequels. Of course, Disney didn't really have much of a planned story to begin with

  • @ganapatikamesh
    @ganapatikamesh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    While I did like The Last Jedi, I also like this film, too. Though as you said, “those who liked The Last Jedi might hate this film because of its fan service that seems to undo things in The Last Jedi”, I certainly do know people that fit that fit that description. I also know people who didn’t like The Last Jedi and despite this film basically addressing their criticisms with The Last Jedi they don’t like this film either. For me it’s Star Wars and I’ve been watching Star Wars since I was six years old. I watched the Ewok and Droids cartoons on Saturday mornings, watched both made for tv Ewok films, and I basically just enjoy all things Star Wars to various degrees. About my only annoyance with this film is the wink-wink-nudge-nudge of romance between Zorii and Poe. Prior to seeing this film there had been several iterations of Poe & Finn as a couple by the fandom. I didn’t think it’d ever get picked up and used in the film. Even though I’m gay, I definitely wasn’t expecting any LGBTQ+ characters to appear in Star Wars. If anything, most characters romantic orientations, sexual orientations, etc is left vague and I think that’s part of why I have always enjoyed Star Wars over other films where such things are emphasized. Star Wars seems to emphasize friendships more than romance. And so a part of me immediately thought about how there was so much buzz in the fandom about Poe-Finn being romantically together that upon Poe and Zorii’s interactions that included romantic implications, I just thought that felt like it was specifically added to try to shut down the Poe-Finn thing in the fandom. Not that it did. And it definitely felt like it was added in as the flow feels off....and the added same-sex kiss quickly at the end between two background characters also feels like it was added in to appease fans of the Poe-Finn thing so the producers could say “see we’re not homophobic, we put a same-sex kiss in it.” Which totally missed the point. The people who liked the Poe-Finn thing all told me the reason was because of their personalities. It wasn’t those fans trying to intentionally add LGBTQ+ characters. They just felt like these characters flowed into such a relationship naturally based on their personalities and interactions with each other. While I wasn’t a fan of the Poe-Finn thing, I did appreciate the cute artwork and storytelling those fans did and I can’t fault them for interpreting something differently than I do since their interpretation did make sense. And nothing about this film changes that (although there were loud voices at the time trying to say otherwise). Even if Poe and Zorii were romantically interested in each other at one time, Zorii isn’t interested now and that doesn’t mean Poe can’t be interested in Finn, too. I mean, it’s Star Wars so Poe could be interested in lots of different characters...even the ones that are aliens! And so while the interactions/dialogue between Poe and Zorii was annoying to me, it didn’t altogether make me like the film less. It was just something that really popped out to me when first watching it in theaters. The kiss between Rey and Ben did make me giggle a little since aren’t they kinda technically cousins. I mean since Sidious was involved in Anakin’s creation and Sidious is thus also involved in Rey’s creation, too, wouldn’t that kinda make them cousins related via Sidious? Anyways I giggled because it reminded me of when I watched the original trilogy and learned that Luke and Leia were siblings because of Vader (i.e. both the protagonists were related and it is through the antagonist).
    Great reaction!

    • @haraldschuster3067
      @haraldschuster3067 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My reason for HATING that movie is not about change to lore or anything like that. One may or may not like change, that's a personal thing. What I hate is the utterly senseless collection of CGI scenes that happen for no reason and make no sense. They're an insult! Whoever wrote that didn't give (or know) a damn about consistency, logic, worldbuilding, etc. The scene was deemed cool, was put it, no questions asked.
      The knife wouldn't work. There is no reason it exists outside of the script - someone was too lazy to come up with a good chase idea.
      The navigation thingy makes no sense - the planet isn't INSIDE a nebula. Just fly around it. Where did all the massive Star Destroyers on the planet came from and how did the Republican Fleet arrive? Oh, yeah, it's only "unnavigable" for non-force users when it needs to be ... yuck!
      Navigation beacon needed to know where up is, really? While within the gravitational field of a planet? Drop a coin and go the other way? Look out of the window, spot the planet and go the other way? Ah, well - forbidden because script. Ack!
      Horse charge in hight altitude atmosphere - weeeell ... how about we tip the ships a bit and make them slide off? Ah, forbidden by script because of "cool" effect.
      And those are just the ones that stick most to my memory. There were other moments that made 0 sense.
      And that's why I consider this movie to be an insult to anyone who - in addition to working eyes - has a semi-functional brain. Cramming in cool scenes that make no sense don't impress me.

  • @WrestlingSmarks
    @WrestlingSmarks 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My only problem with criticisms of this movie trying too hard to retcon The Last Jedi is the only things they retconned from the last Jedi are the things that last Jedi was retconning from the force awakens. Rian Johnson spent his entire movie not following up on a single storyline thread that continued over from JJ‘s first film, so I think your initial comment about one Director doing the entire trilogy is completely apropos here. If JJ had done the middle film, the entire trilogy would’ve had consistency and continuity.
    I also love Force and Rise. My only problem with the trilogy is The Last Jedi. I don’t hate it as much as I used since the final film did in fact fix my issues with it, but like you I wish they wouldn’t have needed to and there was one through line.

  • @JumpRopeEttes
    @JumpRopeEttes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    when they were in the quick sand finn was actually going to tell Rey that he is force sensitive because he can scene some things...

  • @willisapril
    @willisapril 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The problem with these sequels was they were making things up as they went along unlike Lucas who had a backstory for the prequels. Which is why there was no continuity, They also never answered questions like how did Maz get Luke's lightsaber, how did Sidious/Palpatine survive the explosion. What was Finn going to tell Rey ? I would really love to know the original plan like who was Rey really supposed to be, Who was Snoke supposed to be. etc.

  • @darkjedi447
    @darkjedi447 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So when everyone is sinking in the quicksand and Finn wants to tell Rey something, its not to say he loves her. He wanted to tell her that he has the Force also, but they cut that storyline out of the final cut of the movie ( which he wasn't happy about lol ).
    I'm an original fan from 1977 and in my heart I really feel like episodes #7-9 are NOT STAR WARS cannon to me. I know that the changing of director visions and Disney not knowing what they wanted to do for episode#9 so they made up many things at the last moment, really left me feeling empty after following the series since I was a kid. Was also sad that 'Ruin' Johnson killed off the main character of the 9 movies ( Luke ) in Episode #8.
    By the way Disney is rumored to be trying to change Rey's story to have Ben Kenobi as her relative on her mother's side if the family ( to made us whiny STAR WARS fans more happy ) and to help explain how she knows so much about the Force without any original training in #7 and #8. Let's see what happens. Thanks for your review. Keep smiling 🤘 🙂

  • @paulgnsn554
    @paulgnsn554 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    KL amazing reaction! Your responses were exactly right I think.

    • @paulgnsn554
      @paulgnsn554 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think although the continuity and even story didn't make much sense, the feel of the movie and the tone of the humour was way more like the original trilogy than Last Jedi. Rey being a Palpatine was a fan theory after Force Awakens, because her fighting style echoed Palpatine's in Episode 3. I thought she was a Kenobi with the mind trick skill, but I was happy with her being a nobody...but only if she'd been a fugitive from luke's Jedi school to at least explain her abilities. I felt sorry for Kelly Marie Tran. At the same time, Rian Johnson said he wrote her character as one that wouldn't fit into Star Wars and instead would be like a person he would hang out with. In Last Jedi, it felt like she'd been forced in as a substitute for Rey, though I didn't feel their chemistry was anywhere near as good.

  • @astropictures4396
    @astropictures4396 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Even though I don’t think it’s a good film in terms of writing, I can’t help enjoying it and kinda loving it? Idk I wish we actually saw Hayden Christensen as Anakin again instead of just hearing him, but other than that I do kinda love it

    • @ajrochester9364
      @ajrochester9364 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I 100% agree . I enjoyed the movie for what it was. There’s a edit someone did on TH-cam bringing anakin back as a force ghost to defeat paplatine still making him the chosen one in the end. I’m 50/50 with the movie but I honestly enjoyed it for what it is👏🏼

  • @onemoreminute0543
    @onemoreminute0543 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fun fact: Palpatines 'message' mentioned in the opening crawl of the film was actually played during a Fortnite crossover event

  • @phluke9578
    @phluke9578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ll tell ya. Ima huge Star Wars fan. Like waiting in line for episode 1 back in 99 for almost 2 months. Yeah ok I know lol. But I’ll say I am now convinced fully… you are a true true Star Wars fan old school, even though you just saw them. We can all tell. Yes. You rocked this reaction and your true emotions and thoughts and comments. We all have those crying emotions it shows what these characters and music and story means to us. Thank you!!! You are a true Star Wars fan! ❤️🤓 you understand at the end… all of it.

  • @cyatic
    @cyatic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes, that was Wedge!

  • @BrownoJr
    @BrownoJr 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing I don’t understand is how after all these years the Death Stars doors are still operational

  • @ARandomInternetUser08
    @ARandomInternetUser08 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Seeing Mustafar again honestly gave me chills.
    The "I know" from Han I loved. It was obviously a callback to the "I know"s from e5 and e6.
    I'm glad Luke grew past his wanting the Jedi to end and throwing his lightsaber away.
    When Luke lifted the x-wing and Yoda's theme played, I loved the callback to when Yoda had to do it for Luke in e5, and now Luke was able to do it himself.
    I loved it when Ben was holding Han's blaster, carrying on his family.
    I don't personally mind Rey taking the name Skywalker, just because her powers were so high, and there were only 2 bloodlines that were known for their power: Skywalker and Palpatine, so she couldn't just be some obscure person, or else that'd be a little suspicious, and she sure as heck couldn't stay as a Palpatine, because she'd be killed on sight by anyone.

  • @FallenHellscape
    @FallenHellscape 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don’t you understand, this script included the words, “A Jedi’s weapon deserves more respect,” because that was JJ Abrams’ message to Rian Johnson who wrote the thing to be tossed into the ocean.

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, I understood that.

  • @stevebragg4256
    @stevebragg4256 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A lot of things people don't notice, the first planet shown that Kylo is on at the beginning (& found the wayfinder) was Mustafar, the lava planet Kenobi and Anakin fought each other on, he was in a forested part of it, not far from Vader's castle (as shown in Rogue One). The planet was known to be cooling off somewhat and not quite as Volcanic.
    What absolutely contradicted? I've read peoples thoughts, I've been a fan of SW since the early 80s, I buy all the behind the scenes and reference books. Not understanding when people say things were "Undid". Palpatine was a clone in this movie who was deteriorating & working to restore himself, his son (Rey's father) was a failed clone of him whom gets with the woman who is Rey's mother. The novel explains all of that, & cloning himself was something Palpatine had set up before Return of the Jedi . I think eventually Rey will have her own series on Disney plus, if not another film.

  • @petervfl
    @petervfl 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fav part was seeing Jodi Comer as Rey's Mom ha

  • @BratBond1
    @BratBond1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well, Kaiielle, your reaction to this film was something that I did and didn't expect from you. You brought both reason and disgust at the moments that you saw, and it was a thrilling ride. Good luck on the new movies.

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And by the end of the trilogy, everything is back to the way it was when Return of the Jedi ended. Minus the Skywalkers being dead, plus Luke, Leia and Han's legacy being stolen by Rey, Fin and Poe.

    • @feliperabelo4375
      @feliperabelo4375 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      They weren't stolen, they ended. Rey, Fin and Poe are empty shells, we know nothing about what they feel towards anything, Rey has powers because the scenes need them, Fin does nothing but scream Rey's name and his background is only used for conveniences and Poe knows how to fly

  • @dabe1971
    @dabe1971 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    36:43 Yep. That's Wedge Antilles - played by Denis Lawson, who just happens to be Ewan McGregors Uncle....

  • @storm0fficial
    @storm0fficial 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me, the host of a Star Wars podcast who knows way too much about SW watching the announcement at the end: HEY, I was in one of those! (The Dark Knight Rises)

  • @Retro_Frostt
    @Retro_Frostt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been a lurker on your Twitch channel for years but only recently discovered your YT :D And I loved your entire star wars franchise reaction :D
    With Harrison ford returning;
    He talked about why he came back in an interview, JJ Abrams asked him to come back.. "JJ is a brilliant creator. When he asks me to do something. I do it."

    • @kaiielle
      @kaiielle  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for watching!

  • @arraymac227
    @arraymac227 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did you see the line omitted from '-Dad... -- -- I know.' ?