Demonhunter you have heropower that is one mana give hero attack. Think why pirate rogue is so good the heropower and the cheap cards rogues have. Shaman is has half a spell deck, half a pirate deck and half a battlecry highlander deck all of it is bad.
and when I play this deck I lose 5 in a row😂
the same. Awfull
nice play. I like this deck.
Aggro is definitely the way to go.
“I wanna get Legend and I hate this game” 100% me hahaha.
Good stuff as always, Nohands.
Have you tried the triple unholy DK? It's free and I went like 6-3 with, it felt like crazy
I would feel filthy if I played this deck. It's so stupidly op
Pirate dh or pirate shaman which is better and why
Demonhunter you have heropower that is one mana give hero attack. Think why pirate rogue is so good the heropower and the cheap cards rogues have.
Shaman is has half a spell deck, half a pirate deck and half a battlecry highlander deck all of it is bad.
Um, how can you go from Diamond 5 to Legend with a 7:1 record? something seems off with this statement.
Star bonus . He gets 2x per win from rank 5 to legend
Swiper no swiping
Wanna getting legend while hating this gaming, Hearthstone in a nutshell? 😂
rng roulette go weeee
Feels good seeing dirty mana cheating decks lose to good ol' fashioned smORC
Cancer meta deck