What’s Become So Normal That It’s Not Considered Wrong Anymore?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 333

  • @DaftnPunk
    @DaftnPunk ปีที่แล้ว +116

    On Adoption, it can also be very dangerous for children to not know they are adopted. Medical history is the biggest concern I can think of. If a child is predisposed to an illness without knowing or may believe that they are predisposed to something it can be dangerous

    • @CranesWing
      @CranesWing ปีที่แล้ว +10

      For real - I dated a guy who had a 16 year old cousin who didn't know she was adopted (unless she figured it out and didn't let on that she knew), and he told me her parents had no intention of telling her. I even watched the girl graduate and go off to college without being told. I kind of hope it bites/bit them in the ass and hard and she isn't predisposed to anything too dangerous.

    • @Lily-xl4hg
      @Lily-xl4hg ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I am adopted but I have always known, and it always seemed strange to me that kids could get so upset over figuring it out on their own or later in their life that was until I found out my supposed full siblings from my birth mom were actually my half siblings and a lot of people knew this and it makes me feel incredibly betrayed and lied to like I'm not even sure if the people my family says was my dad is actually my dad and if he's not then does that mean I have a real dad out there who might not even know I exist, could he love me or is he the kind who'd rather ignore that I'm his kid, also apparently some of my older siblings knew about the half sibling thing but never thought to tell me so now I am questioning how I feel about them and whether or not I want to consider them family, I don't even know who I am anymore or what ethnicity I am.

    • @Musical_Pigeon
      @Musical_Pigeon ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My mom died when I was really young. I have no clue how to answer questions about family health since I don't know much of anything about her death and health issues. My dad doesn't remember, and if I ask about health issues that I could have from the family, he will mention "well your uncle has emphysema" and then I have to remind my dad that comes from smoking and I don't do that.

    • @anonymouslee2083
      @anonymouslee2083 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Lily-xl4hgI would be upset if I found out I was adopted by finding out I have a hereditary disorder that’s going to kill me in a few months, and it could have been treated if I knew about it sooner.

    • @swearimnotarobot3746
      @swearimnotarobot3746 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Also, if you listen to adopted kids, they will say they wanted to know, and keeping it a secret hurt them. And nowadays, people have so many ways to find out. Genetics, ancestry tests, health screenings, etc.

  • @pirateadam3686
    @pirateadam3686 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    Story 39: I remember seeing an obese guy trying to cycle like one of the Mamil rider. He looked like perfect meme-bait - blue and red lycra outfit, crammed in like the Michelin Man, bright red and sweaty... every trope of 'fat guy trying something' you could think of. But as a normal human, and also obese myself, all I could think was "Well done lad. You saw a probl and you did something about it". Saw the guy after lockdown and it was only the clothes that gave him away; he looks fantastic. Half the size he was and cycling faster than I drive.
    To think someone could have turned him into a laughing stock and made him quit makes me so mad. Major props to him! He even inspired me to live better. Not there yet, but I'm still peddling.

    • @swearimnotarobot3746
      @swearimnotarobot3746 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yeah, people would mock him for being overweight while he’s actively trying not to be, making him insecure about exercising and thus, stopping. And then those same people would say fat people are just lazy. Like what? They’re not the problem; you are. The whole idea of not fat shaming is to do with things like this, because shaming them doesn’t help. Some people try to discredit the movement thinking it’s saying that the movement wants everyone to be fat. There’s literally no winning against these people.

  • @aprettygothichick
    @aprettygothichick ปีที่แล้ว +20

    People not taking time off due to being sick is why both my boyfriend and I got the worst colds we have had in years. A coworker came to work when they were still very much infectious. The thing is we work at a grocery store so they probably infected customers as well. It got so bad for my boyfriend that he considered going to the hospital at one point. If you are sick, please stay home!

    • @JanMaynz
      @JanMaynz ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I get a cold every year. Nothing serious. 2020 happened, and due to precautions, I never got sick. 2021, I got the worst cold of my life! I thought it was the flu! I had a fever, coughing, sneezing, congestion, runny nose... I felt absolutely horrible. Got tested to make sure. Results came back "common cold"
      I was shocked! Usually I just get some sniffles and a little congestion, maybe an occasional cough. I got COVID earlier this year and even that was just mildly unpleasant... I would never have guessed it was COVID! I just had a cough and lost my sense of smell for a week... and the cough could easily have been explained by other things! My boyfriend has a candle he made that, unlit, a whiff is OFFENSIVELY vanilla (I didn't know it was possible until I smelled that candle...) but when burning smells like nothing. I took a whiff as my smell was returning and it just smelled awful strong. A store bought candle was undetectable.
      I, uh... got carried away there... I don't remember where I was going with this... dang ADD!

  • @Avrysatos
    @Avrysatos ปีที่แล้ว +49

    As a kid that was sick I can tell you what it was like for story 30. They try to fail you no matter your grades just because of your attendance. Like I'm sorry I had to get up before dawn to go to a children's hospital again for a pre-surgery check up, teacher, but I have a TINY TUMOR NEAR MY BRAIN. I missed 40 days that year and my parents had to make them put me in the next grade.
    As as side note, it wasn't cancer, and has never returned. That was well over 30 years ago. Maybe they're nicer about kids being sick now.

    • @virustheglitch9836
      @virustheglitch9836 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      One would think they would cut you some slack for a medical emergency. Yikes

    • @Avrysatos
      @Avrysatos 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@virustheglitch9836 Or for the fact that your grades were fine and you had doctors notes? Yeah not so much.

  • @klikkolee
    @klikkolee ปีที่แล้ว +30

    My elementary school had an award for perfect attendance and even a family vacation or illness would prevent you from getting it. It's entirely outside the students control, unless you count the perverse incentive to come in sick and to tell your parents to cancel vacations. Makes my blood boil.

    • @nonai7897
      @nonai7897 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't see what's wrong with that. No ones forcing you to have perfect attendance or try to get the reward. If you did thats great. I was awarded perfect attendance in 3rd grade. Didnt even realize it. We got ice cream. Only managed to do it bc I never got sick and vacations were done during summer. It happened again in 5th grade (another school) but they didn't award us ice cream. I was annoyed and didn't gaf about perfect attendance after that.

    • @2ndcomingofFritz
      @2ndcomingofFritz ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nonai7897at my school, they take it a step further and PUNISH you if you don’t get a certain attendance, which is fucking ridiculous for aforementioned reasons, primarily sickness which - like we’ve established - is almost completely out of the students control.

    • @charliedelfino2102
      @charliedelfino2102 ปีที่แล้ว

      I work in a school. If they come in late in the morning they have to make that time up after school. They're not allowed to do homework during this time because that would give them a leg up over other students and this was a punishment.

    • @swearimnotarobot3746
      @swearimnotarobot3746 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My school gave out a trophy at the end of the year. I think only one person actually got it. Because literally everyone has stuff happen between Monday and Friday, 8am-5pm for the whole year. Weddings, funerals, sick days, etc. I didn’t mind it too much because nobody cared

  • @kristajohnson877
    @kristajohnson877 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It may be because I’m neurodivergent but I think the concept that continuous eye contact is a sign of respect and if you don’t do it you’re disrespectful and immature is just ridiculous. Looking into people’s eyes and having them look into mine is just one of the most uncomfortable things for me. I have to look away and around the area. It doesn’t make me less mature and it doesn’t mean I’m not professional and it doesn’t mean I lack respect. It means that I can’t physically make myself look into someone else’s eyes for more than a second

    • @charliedelfino2102
      @charliedelfino2102 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I totally agree with you. Especially with the growing number of people with social anxiety. I struggle hearing clearly so I lipread and the amount of times I've been told off for not looking at their eyes is ridiculous.

    • @aredape
      @aredape ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree with you. Also, not all cultures look each other in the eyes. Can we please follow suit?

  • @nicholasmoore2590
    @nicholasmoore2590 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This thing in the US about going to work sick and about you only have so many sick days per year. WTF?? In the UK, if you're sick you stay home. The first week you self certify, after that a GPs note is required. Because we have a National Insurance scheme, so we'll also get Statutory Sick Pay for a while. It's not a huge amount, but it's certainly better than nothing. A boss bullying workers the way it seems a lot of US bosses do would cause one hell of a stink - think walkouts, strikes, wildcat strikes, work to rule etc. Seriously, the workers have the whip hand, not the bosses. How will they run their business if you even impose a strict work to rule (spoiler: they can't) and will they sack all their workers at once? How will it go for them trying to run a business where NO-ONE has ANY experience?? Oh, by the way, I'm not some lefty liberal socialist. I'm a dyed in the wool, money loving capitalist! I just effing hate bullies.

  • @joedanrob
    @joedanrob ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Story 12: I cut my finger at work and needed to get stitches at my last job and the nurses said I needed to be off and to keep it elevated. My manager wanted me to come back to work and "Not use my hands". *in a supermarket*. AND THEN they gave me a verbal warning for it, even with it being a workplace injury. What the hell? I also got pink eye a few weeks after that and needed time off with that being contagious and me working with raw food and a lot of shared equipment even on the store side, and they gave me another verbal warning for more time off. I live in the UK for reference

  • @juleskatt
    @juleskatt ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Along with all of the phones in public etiquette...I worked at WalMart for a short time post college. I worked in the infant department and women would come to me looking for baby furniture while talking on their phone. They couldn't be bothered to get off their damn phone to find out if we had a crib or rocking chair in stock. I couldn't refuse to help them (policies at the time), so I would have to try and talk over them or try and get their attention to give them what they asked me for. If you don't have time to shop, don't shop! You can order online, even back then you could. So go away and deal with your real life business outside of freakin Walmart!

  • @kristajohnson877
    @kristajohnson877 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As someone who had to do many shipments for where I worked, we would have one thing of earrings wrapped in like 3 bags of plastic from small to large. It’s honestly so ridiculous how much plastic is used for the shipments

  • @jccw227
    @jccw227 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Smearing/fear mongering in political ads. The 2020 election was especially bad. In Georgia, the Ralph Warnock campaign actually had a brilliant approach by mocking those kinds of ads with a fake one saying he did things like ate pizza with a fork, or that he hated puppies. The opposition completely missed the point and retaliated with an ad over his so-called puppy obsession.

  • @solowingkiba7800
    @solowingkiba7800 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Quitting social media also comes with a huge amount of shaming for doing so. I'm basically treated like a pariah even in my family because I don't keep up with what's going on in people's lives via social media.
    I stopped using most of it 5 years back when I had to stop working for health reasons. My job title for years was Marketing and Social Media Consultant, so it was easier for me to quit having always seen it as work.

  • @karonahim452
    @karonahim452 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Nevermind going to work/school sick, back in 7th grade on the day of the final exam i was hit by a motorcycle from behind while riding my bike to school. Both the Motorcycle and my bike ended up crushing my left foot which was excruciating at the time. The people nearby and even my mom who was on the phone with me after i was dragged to the side told me to just go to the hospital, but I refused because I didn't want to fail the exam. So in the end, I continued on to school with a swollen foot by a kind uncle giving me a ride and my teacher help me climb up the stair to my exam class. Fortunately, I managed to stay above the failing grade after that.

  • @jamesbraun9842
    @jamesbraun9842 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The one about jobs is so true. I work a 50 hour week. The original description said, "Some over time required '. (They said right now we are so busy we have to work extra long days, but it will calm down in summer except it never did.)

    • @acedelta12
      @acedelta12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was promised more shifts after the "post-Christmas slump". We're close to Christmas again and I haven't gotten a 5-shift week in a VERY LONG TIME. It's been 2, maybe 3 if I'm lucky.
      WTF Food City?

  • @noey75
    @noey75 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I used to work for Lowes and I had one manager throw a temper tantrum over the phone when he couldn't get ahold of me on my off day. Another manager on a different off day spam texted me 6 times in a 3 minute span,saying "can you work today please"

  • @crotchwolf1929
    @crotchwolf1929 ปีที่แล้ว +154

    Harry Selfridge came up with "The customer is always right" but he was referring to taste, meaning that if a customer wants to buy and wear the world's ugliest hat, they are entitled to it. From what I know about him he would have never let some late 1800's self entitled Karen tell him how to run his store.

    • @sasukedemon888888888
      @sasukedemon888888888 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Nowadays employees are fired and blacklisted for defending themselves against physically abusive customers assaulting them because of that quote.

    • @Caderic
      @Caderic ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Or the shirt the narrator is wearing?

    • @british35
      @british35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course someone with the name Selfridge made such a BS idea

    • @Spore9996
      @Spore9996 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@british35 Did the true meaning fly right over your head?

    • @british35
      @british35 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Spore9996 No, I was just joking about

  • @gemmapickering2646
    @gemmapickering2646 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here in the UK in 2009 i nearly killed myself (repeatedly) by going to work when i was extremely ill with what turned out to be Swine Flu.
    I was in an awful position, had no money, terrible job in aquatic retail, i was an 'acting manager' i will call it... Because i was basically an assistant manager and a key holder.. but i was paid minimum wage... Same as the other staff 🤦🏻‍♀️ i had to do the cashing up and all refunds and paperwork as well as all my other jobs scrubbing fish tanks, water maintenance, selling fish and tanks etc.
    I was so, so ill, never been so ill in my life and ahould have been in hospital (i couldnt for complicated reasons). I felt nearly as ill recently and had to call myself an ambulance because i had a double kidney infection and i knew i was dangerously close to having sepsis if i didnt already have it .. i thought i was going to die... When i had swine flu i was far more ill 😬 it had gone to my chest and i had bronchitis as bad as it can get, head felt so full of pressure like it would explode, my sinuses... I felt like my eyes, nose, cheeks, neck glands had been full on punched hard. It was triggering migraines so bad that all i could do was lay in foetal position on the cold tile floor in my own vomit and cry. Every inch of my body hurt and i couldnt stand being touched, even loose pyjamas was too painful on my skin. The bronchitis had me coughing hard enough to crack a rib (had tthis happen 3 times now), i was choking on the gunk in my lungs and wheezing... As i breather out the whistle wad so loud anyone around me could hear it. All of this was nothing for what was to come but it was still horrific!
    I called in sick and they could hear how bad it was over the phone! They were furious... The manager i called lived a 10 minute walk from the store.... I had to drive an hour 😡 he said he couldnt possibly get to the shop in time to open up... I had called at 7am to give him that time... I jnew full well he was home, we were friends and had gone to college together, we had mutual friends on social media and i could see what he said in there even if we never spoke on there 🤦🏻‍♀️ but i was dedicated 🤷🏻‍♀️ my dedication to my job and to the hobby (fish keeping) was being abused by my employers and the manager, i was 19 but very naieve, anxious ans eager to please... I had done my best to call in sick and the manager refused to accept it, demanded i was there to open up 'even if all you do is sit behimd the counter all day and advise the other emoyees' and then hung up on me and refused to ansswer. I just didnt know what to do so i had a cry, got dressed and cried more... Couldnt eat so i just left for work and i took him literally even though hadnt meant it. I got a big sturdy bucket and upturned it behind the counter (loads of space). The drive had been horrific as coughing fits nearly made me crash a few times and i was so weak and tited and feverish.
    I sat on that upturnes bucket and refused to do anything at all bar advising other staff and sorting a refund. I couldnt even do anything like read or paperwork or use my phone... I was literally just perched swaying on the bucket with my elbows on my knees and head in my hands and just coughing and whimpering to myself and all i could think about was the terrifying drive home. Then in the early afternoon a couple came into the store who were regular customers and basically friends... They took one look at me and asked what the frick i was thinking being here in this state, i was so clammy and visibly feverish and gross and they were so angry and upset for me. They demanded phone numbers for head office, for the franchise owner and for the area manager, wasnt meanr to give the numbers out but i really didnt care, i was too ill to care. They stood there and called each of them and very calmly raged about the situation and how appalled they were that they treated staff like this (technically wasnt their fault this time, it was the managers but theyve screwed me over many times so they deserved to be made to panic). Obviously my manager that lived ten minutes away was called in and basingally torn a new one and then made to work on his day off. Both area manager and franchise owner descended on the shop to shout at him. Honestly they did not care about me in the slightest... They cared about their image and customers calling this in made them furious. I was just told to piss off home again and not come back until i was better which legally i could do anyway. Not a single word of synpathy or thanks for being so dedicated that i got myself to work anyway when the manager 10 minutes away couldnt be bothered to get out of bed. The drive home was awful but i wasnt against the clock so i could oull over every ten minutes to rest or cough or just cry.
    I only ended up having three days off work and one of those was my scheduled day off! My illness came to a dramatic end as it got worse.and worse and i was just at a loss for what to do as i was so ill... That last night i was burning up, i was on fire and hallucinating, i wad laying on the cold parquet floor cuddling a bucket to be sick in, i could feel my mimd was just slipping, i was awake but nothing made any sense. And i had the worst headache of my life, worse than the migraines and they were so bad they made me with i was dead! The pressure in my head felt so high and i couldnt even blink without searing pain. And then it was the weirdest and worsr feeling ive ever experienced, it felt like... Hot lava was creeping across my brain, kike my brain wad on fire and i was crying wordlessly and out of my mind with pain. After hours of this at about 2am... I had to do sometbing but couldnt think, but something was just screaming in my brain that i had to get cool and it would help. Thats as far as the thoughts would go. I belly crawled and dragged myself by my fingernails all the way to the bathroom.and up the side of the bath to put the plug in and smack the cold water tap before sliooing to the floor again where i was drifiting in and out of consciousness. I managed to slap myself awake enough to turn tap off but it just didnt have the balance or energy or brains to get undressed and i just couldnt think what i needed to do and my brain was on fire so i stopped trying to think abd i dragged myself up the bath and over the edge head first into ths deep bath of very cold water. I floated, drifing in and out of consciouss .. not sure if fron the illness or the shock of the cold water...
    After maybe ten minutes.... Everything seemed to start returning to some semblance of normal, i could think and question things and no longer felt like my brain was on fire but i was cold, so, so cold... I was able to understand i had broken my fever with the cold bath. I didnt think much about it 🤷🏻‍♀️ i was just relieved i felt a bit better. I managed to drag myself out the bath, wrap myself on lots of towels and staggered around the house and collapsed on the couch and jist fell into an incredibly deep exhausted sleep and the weeks of exhaustion melted away. I didnt wake for so many hours and when i did, i knew i was on the mend and i could get up, dressed, eat some toast then think about what to do and still reeling over the terrifying night. I managed by chance to get an emergency doctor appointment and she checked everything, sent me to the nurse to have bloods taken but we discussed the symptoms and agreed that there was no pount me now having the Tamiflu vaccine when ive had swine flu and was now over the worst of it on my own 🤦🏻‍♀️ she was so angry i didnt call for an ambulance but i didnt want to discuss the reasons so we just settled on a bunch of meds for basic stuff like nausea meds and electrolytes and a doctors 33:07 note for work and that was me done and free to go back home and sleep until the next day when i when i went back to work like nothing happened 🤷🏻‍♀️.
    In hindsight (now 35), i am horrified i went through all of that and just accepted it and survived it without trying to seek help. I now.regret not seeking emergency healthcare. With what i know now... I am sure that the infection reached my brain and that's why it felt like my brain was on fire... And that's terrifying! Especially as now at 35 i have dozens of health issues, disorders, syndromes and diseases, all are horrific but all are also very general so i have no overall diagnosis but its thought to be some sort of autoimmune disorder... Maybe lupus? Or could end up being MS 🤷🏻‍♀️ nobody really cares. The chronic fatigue and chronic pain, and.advanced chronic kidney disease (at current rate, i have a year, maybe two before i need dialysis and to go on transplant list 😬). I have so many other health issues too and basically my whole body is affected, I haven't been able to work for.about 9 years and I feel so sick and useless and exhausted with no escape and no direction and no purpose. I have no reason to believe i will ever get better 🤷🏻‍♀️ it is far more likely to keep getting worse 😞 and this is relevent because all my many health problems began soon after i was really ill and it is highly likely that the illness and brain on fire triggered my health decline. If i hadnt pushed myself so hard and my manager hadnt forced me to go in and work that day... I likely wouldnt be so disabled now 😢 a wasted life... Because i doubt i will ever achieve anything or be independent or financially stable. I have so many years in which to do nothing and im already bored...

  • @shawn576
    @shawn576 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Telemarketing to cell phones. It's bad enough when shitbags call you during dinner, but now they call when you're at work, when you're shopping, when you're on vacation. It's unbelievable.

  • @ginabell694
    @ginabell694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is a trend that happens on Tiktok at beginning of the oassed few school years where parents use a photo of a person to trick their kids that that's thier new teacher. It usual an actual person mugshot. But there was also some of a tiktoker who has a disability. Shes quite small in stature even though shes an adult and she doesn't look like a 'typical' person. Shes a really kind person. She even did a tiktok talking about this trend. In one of the videos, the kid started crying, like a lot. The mom thoufht it was hilarious & kept the video going even thoifh her kid was very upset. The dad came in during the video and just kinda laughed uncomfortably. She was being torn a new one in the commnets but stuck to her guns that it was 'just a joke'.

  • @MsAngelique
    @MsAngelique ปีที่แล้ว +132

    The belief that corsets are supposed to damage the body.

    • @benschultz1784
      @benschultz1784 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      When one Edwardian fashion trend that barely lasted a decade ruins something that had been in use since Roman times.
      Also, the modern bra wasn't invented because of problems with corsets, it was due to material shortages from World War 1.

    • @mangalover0149
      @mangalover0149 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Ugh, this. The most popular corsets had more cording in it than boning.

    • @anabeladg
      @anabeladg ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes Yes Yes!

    • @Vanilla_Neko
      @Vanilla_Neko ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah it turns out squishing all your internal organs around just for the sake of making yourself look a little more toned isn't really the smartest idea. And there's a reason a majority of society has left that archaic practice in the past

    • @yourconfusionmaster
      @yourconfusionmaster ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Exactly. They’ll only damage your body if you’re wearing it wrong (wrong size, too tight, wrongly laced etc)

  • @Kreiser_VII
    @Kreiser_VII ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I love that people bring up the bosses making a fuzz about taking you owed vacation/sick days, because my mom has told me during our vacations how she knows she is totally in her right to take those days off, and because she does such a better job at managing her job (receptionist at a clinic) than management does so management can't really threaten to fire her... Also her coworkers ADORE her and work better with her than with management, so kicking my mom would probably ruin the place.

  • @michellecoleman5577
    @michellecoleman5577 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:17 I'm lucky I suppose; I don't mind checking work email and giving my cell for emergency situations because my colleagues/managers don't abuse it. I check my emails but aren't obligated to do anything about it until the next day, and it keeps me from missing meetings that were rescheduled at the last minute. My cell is there for anyone to find if everything hits the fan, but because I work in a culture that respects everyone and treats us like people, I don't necessarily mind helping in such situations should they arise.

  • @creepywaffles4783
    @creepywaffles4783 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The amount of respect adults, parents, and figures of authority get from kids of all ages. It’s only getting worse with every age range.
    I’m 17 and a senior in high school and the amount of times I’ve wanted to throttle my peers is higher than Everest!!!
    And somehow being respectful, following rules, and doing what I’m told when I’m told is being a suck up? And even if I was doing it for that purpose I don’t see how that is even bad or more morally wrong than torturing adults?
    I also hate the idea of advocating against anything is acting like an old person?

  • @mallory3953
    @mallory3953 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A couple of these make me think of my husband's job. It's always a fight whenever he needs time off. His job knows I'm disabled and cannot work. We got married the way we did because it was/is always a struggle with them. I can't schedule my seizures, and I can't know when I'm going to suddenly fall and need my husband's help. It's a fight whenever he needs a sick day for himself, even. The whole place is a shitshow, and have terrible safety procedures. Even worse is they work around dangerous and very hot things everyday.

    • @dudeistpriest787
      @dudeistpriest787 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love woodworking. I love building things, even more I love building things other people like and want, but I can't work in a shop for someone else anymore for exactly the stuff your husband deals with. I got tired of fighting for a single day off because I didn't want to work around power tools while I was so sick I could barely stand up, I got tired of watching _the owner_ tell us to do blatantly dangerous and stupid things because it was 1/100th of a second faster. I'm barely making it selling on my own but I'd rather be poor running an Etsy shop than working a dead-end job with a boss that would have my position filled by lunch if I dropped dead in the morning.

  • @skittlemenow
    @skittlemenow ปีที่แล้ว +2

    working on holidays and retail stores being open and having sales on holidays is really only a thing within the last decade and it's really wrong. There's no reason for anything but the bare essentials to be open on the big family holidays. Everyone who can be, should be able to spend a couple of days a year with their families.

  • @akbdawgo6396
    @akbdawgo6396 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Playing music on trails is actually very important if you are in an area with lots of moose or bears. It is one of the best ways to make your presence known. Maybe not in a city park, however it shouldn't be frowned upon having proper animal saftey, especially if you don't have a gun.

  • @myheartiswriting
    @myheartiswriting ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When it comes to sweat shops, we're okay with it because the cost of well-made goods from well-paid laborers would mean we would spend triple the current price that we pay now. Yes, we care that people are being abused, we care that people are suffering expeditionally from clothing manufacturers, but that's secondary to the price we pay for clothes. People might be miserable an ocean away, but a good quality hoodie that lasts twenty years is $300 and 90% of us would rather spend $30 for one hoodie for two years. I'm not saying it's right, it's just real.

    • @bmv9053
      @bmv9053 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This. It’s a no win situation because you’re inadvertently supporting what’s basically forced labor which you hate but at the same time having had been a single mom for many years at the end of the day if you can buy your baby a pair of shoes and food or just a more expensive pair of shoes you’re going to do what you have to do for you and your child to survive.

    • @dudeistpriest787
      @dudeistpriest787 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@bmv9053 Sadly I don't think you could ever get people that haven't experienced it to understand what a vicious, never-ending cycle it is to be poor. It's not helped at all by every moron on planet Earth telling you, "Well I just don't understand why you can't (insert obvious thing)!" Well Karen, because if my bills are $800/month and my income is $750/month, I have to make a choice between expensive item that will last and no food or food and cheap item that will last _long enough._ Of course then you get the "Well why don't you get a better job/go to school!" line. Oh gee I never thought of that! Let me check my schedule... yep, I'm still working 70+ hours a week just to _survive,_ so when precisely am I supposed to do that? Because I kind of need to sleep every once in a while too.

  • @Acerthorn
    @Acerthorn ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Story 31, I always thought the original phrase was "the customer is always right in matters of taste." In other words, if the customer thinks the wine served with their dinner is too salty, for example, they have the absolute right not to dine there ever again. It's like in Space Jam: The alien kid tells his dad that the theme park (Moron Mountain) sucks and not to bring him there anymore. THAT was an example of "the customer is always right," because it's not like the kid was telling the employees there how to do their jobs.

    • @JV-pu8kx
      @JV-pu8kx ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This one infuriates me. What the OP/narrator is actually talking about is Warranty of Merchantability. And, unless you are shopping in the "as-is" section, this warranty applies to _everything_ you buy. The rest of the misuse/misinterpretation of the "customer is always right" bit just feeds Karen's narcissistic entitlement.
      Too many store chains have it in their policies to bend over backwards to please their customers. It's like the story of a Nordstrom taking back a set of tires because that is where the Karen said she got them from, only they don't sell tires.
      Judge Judy misused the saying with a defendant. The defendant's store wouldn't take back a game/movie/software that had been opened, and there was plenty of notice to this policy (signage, etc.).

  • @Musical_Pigeon
    @Musical_Pigeon ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I try not to go on facebook. For some reason the website and pretty much only the facebook website, doesn't load well on my laptop. And I don't care enough to use it on my phone. I mostly just use it to check the county scanner and find out what the sirens were for. My favorite thing I saw on the scanner was a "possible pedestrian v car" accident when I was watching from my work's window. The guy was walking his dog while riding his bike and a squirrel ran across the road, dog took off and the guy was pulled over his handle bars. I was holding a screaming child so I wasn't really available to go out and talk to the cops. The comments of that post were blowing up with what people thought actually happened and how pedestrians are horrible and how cars are horrible.
    My job also has no problem if I call out sick. I work with kids so I'm more susceptible to some illnesses. We just had a stomach bug go around and I was down for the count this past Saturday. Now we have strep throat going around.

  • @Kate_Hanami
    @Kate_Hanami ปีที่แล้ว

    in regards to story 34: first, that was amazing, chef's kiss
    there was also a few malephores sprinkled in
    stuff like "don't count your books before they hatch" or "you can beat a dead horse to water, but can't force him to drink" or my favourite "we will die on that hill when we get to"
    PS: do not confuse a "malephor" with "malefor"

  • @Palmtop_User
    @Palmtop_User ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 4: i got a job recently working at a CNC retrofit company, specifically retrofitting machines usually with FANUC products. I gotta say im actually impressed with FANUC's packaging. For motor, inputs, drives, etc. theyre purely cardboard like the only plastic you find is the device its self, tape, something holding documentation together, and maybe a bag to prevent dust or whatever. Some of their other products are... less than stellar in the plastic department though

  • @lasmirandadennsiewillja9435
    @lasmirandadennsiewillja9435 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm not sure about the email vs mail applications causing the whole thing with ridiculous requirements. When we were about to graduate Back in the Day™, email applications hadn't arrived in Germany yet and wouldn't for a few more years. Our school covered a short course about writing formal letters in general and applications- and cover letters specifically and I remember how we groaned and joked about ridiculous job requirements ("Hiring 20-year-old with a university degree and ten years of job experience" was already a common joke when I was a kid). Our teacher explained that companies search for what we call "eierlegende Wollmilchsau". It translates to "the egg-laying Wollmilkpig" (an imaginary farm animal that can do the jobs of four - lay eggs, grow wool, and give milk and bacon) and when we say "someone wants an egg-laying wollmilkpig", it means someone has extremely high standards or ideas about something they want, something or someone has to be perfect, flawless, and meet requirements that are plain unrealistic.
    In this context, it means companies want, if it was possible, exactly what they ask for but they know it's unrealistic so they hope that a) people with barely any of those qualifications won't even try to apply and b) that those who meet at least a good part of the requirements will actually apply.
    It was followed by a lesson about hard and soft skills, and what type of skills one can easily learn by doing once they got the job, and others that would be better to already have when applying. Once you can tell in which category the different requirements fall, it's easier to tell if you are qualified to do the advertised job, from your point of view (in other words, would you be able to manage or would you be overwhelmed three days in).
    If you meet the one or two most important requirements that don't sound negotiable, you can ignore most of the rest. I think we were told that as long as we meet about a third of the listed requirements in a job ad, and one of the non-negotiables being included, we got a realistic chance. Basically, now we had a new thing to groan about: apparently, you needed a university degree to decipher something as simple as a job ad.
    Numbers vary depending on the job, company, and specific position but the point is, it's not new. Even back in the late 90s, when the internet was still considered a fancy, expensive toy for the average household in my country, ridiculous requirements were a thing and my parents joked about it before that.

  • @robertsteinbach7325
    @robertsteinbach7325 ปีที่แล้ว

    Paying less than $12/hr for a 6-month needed entry level semi-professional "high rent" area in the Atlanta area. So no one will apply for the job in that area because anyone with any "experience" living in a $1+ milllion house or $4000/mo apartment so anyone that wants to apply, that lives in a lower pay area, has to drive a minimum of 15 to 20 miles away. Since the IRS says the cost for driving per mile is 65.5 cent a mile so for driving 5 round trips for 15-20 miles away costs which is $98.25-$131 a week so that means you have to work over 8-12 hours out of a 40 hour week to pay for the commute. Over 20-25% of your pay just to get there?!? Are you kidding?

  • @PublicHealthGeek
    @PublicHealthGeek ปีที่แล้ว +1

    On Story 11: Ghostry is a browser extension that automatically select deny all on the cookie requests. Pretty good.

  • @NotsilYmerej
    @NotsilYmerej ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In terms of what you can do about plastics is avoid plastics as much as possible. Get glass bottles instead of plastic ones, avoid straws, use reusable cups and/or mugs when possible, and any other suggestions people may have

  • @starchildofthesun
    @starchildofthesun ปีที่แล้ว +2

    telling women or those who were born female, but aren't women (I'm talking transmen and enby people like myself) that they will want children one day. And that 'once you find the right guy, you'll want to bear his children'. One, if I DO end up with a man and end up with kids. Those kids will be OUR children, not HIS children. And two, I don't want kids, because I don't want to end up abandoning them like the b-tch who dares to call herself my mother or the emotional abuser and trainwreck that is my father.

  • @melissabond8144
    @melissabond8144 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 4: THIS! When I stock reading glasses, not only does every single pair of glasses have its own little plastic barcode tag. They also come in a cardboard box individually wrapped in a little plastic bag.

  • @legogeneralgrievous3958
    @legogeneralgrievous3958 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Saying "kill yourself." Remember when that used to be really hurtful? Now it's a weak insult and something people just say to eachother for fun

    • @Sentient-potato
      @Sentient-potato 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ikr, and if someone is suicidal it will probably cause a death

  • @0xEmmy
    @0xEmmy ปีที่แล้ว

    1:41 there are three ways that I can think of, and neither is perfect.
    If your work controls your email account, it can see when your computer downloads the email. But if your computer downloads the email in advance, it's going to show up too early. A lot of email clients will also automatically tell the server that it's been read (so other clients connected to the same account will see it as read). (Importantly, while IMAP has read reciepts built in, POP doesn't.)
    Alternatively, it can just put something in the HTML (most e-mails are HTML files). If they, for instance, put a in there (e.x. the company logo) and tack something onto the URL that's unique to each email, they can see when you open the e-mail because the client has to download the image. But if you configure your email client to just show you the email and let you see it and decide before actually downloading that image, work will never know. (It's important to also have it not automatically mark the message as read).

  • @SenseiRaisen
    @SenseiRaisen ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The argument one is what i always think. Basically are people been cocky, pricks, smug and sometimes condescending. People believing they are moraly right and nobody can question it like in RL or Online. Even more when you had proof their arguments literally fall flat by simple logic too and a lot of inconsistencies as well. Online ones are even more worse because this people knows they can't be touched, because in RL if they do that, the most prominent thing they will get is literally a good straight to the face as an answer and the paint of getting the point across physically.
    If i argue something, is because i know for factual experience and logic too. Nothing is writing in stones and sometimes you will fail flat if you don't think the 2 sides of the coin.

  • @Kate_Hanami
    @Kate_Hanami ปีที่แล้ว

    I didn't finished the video, so I don't know if someone else said, but here goes
    when you sitting at an office 12 hours a day doing nothing, at most you spend 15-20 minutes writing something on word and printing it, but if you want to take a sick day or Paid Time off (PTO) then suddenly you are the most important person in the company and the building might collapse as soon as you step outside
    it's not even about the hustle culture or denying your PTO, you could clock in and immediately walk out the door and only come back to clock out at the end of the day, and not a single soul would notice the difference, but if you need to take you PTO, suddenly they pulled out an ancient database from the depths of windows 98 that was never used or even mentioned beforehand that you need to update to a modern version before the day you were schedule to leave

  • @myautobiographyafanfic1413
    @myautobiographyafanfic1413 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As far as I'm aware, how they know if you've read an email is that they include an image or something from their servers. So the information isn't in the email, it has to be fetched from their server.
    My language around it is all wrong, but they basically see when the image was accessed . (That'd've been done by opening the email)

  • @SappyDuder
    @SappyDuder ปีที่แล้ว

    12:19 it is very much a thing
    My cousin is in nursing school and she had to pay to get an internship at the hospital, EVERYONE had to pay. It was about $500 and she was reimbursed about $200
    I'm in a veterinary assistant/receptionist course and when I asked if we were paid for the mandatory work term, I was told it depends on the place you do the term

  • @KirasCrayCray
    @KirasCrayCray ปีที่แล้ว +1

    14:56 i am myself a 11 year old, almost 12, tall girl. I just went to buy a halloween costume a week ago, and all of the costumes that actually would fit me were super short and revealing. Theres only costume for small little kids, and then it jumps straight to suggestive ones for teens and young adults. Took a while to find
    one that actually was good.

  • @spencerkieft6021
    @spencerkieft6021 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    29:08 This also reminds me of when the Wikipedia article about run-on sentences was all written in a run-on sentence. I personally think they should have left it that way because it was very entertaining.

  • @Cutiemuffinz
    @Cutiemuffinz ปีที่แล้ว +6

    And now we need a video on the best/most common egg corns. My dad told me a story once about someone who replied an email and CC’d the entire company, apologizing for “any incontinence this caused”. Since then I’ve heard so many of that exact story!

  • @Riftdancer527
    @Riftdancer527 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ngl Story 34 had me questioning why until Mr. Facts explained what Egg Corn was and it made so much more sense (first ive ever heard of it and now i wanna look a bit more into it)

  • @feystruck81
    @feystruck81 ปีที่แล้ว

    The way that giving to one annual public service fund drive will put you on a call list for every fund drive under the sun. I was in a place where I was able to donate 30.00. I got so many calls from good charities asking for money that I had an anxiety attack over it. Also. They hang up before you can ask to be removed from the list.

  • @missvon889
    @missvon889 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I will call the hell out when I need to. And yes I've been scolded by the department head but pointed out to him that I was having a serious family issue with suicide and back to back death in the family. And I'll call out again and again.

  • @randomguyontheinternet5030
    @randomguyontheinternet5030 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not accepting sick calls as a restaurant is horrific. It's not like you're in the back of the warehouse or in some office job, you're literally preparing people's food, and it only takes one sick food prep worker to infect hundreds of people through their food. It can be somewhat mitigated if you wear a mask, dont touch your face, and wear gloves, but STILL, managers shouldnt be managers if they cant find someone to cover you. If that person isnt someone else, then it needs to be them.

  • @michaelr.grimmer6660
    @michaelr.grimmer6660 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Heck, I look at junk mail as a way to have plenty of material for starting bonfires on my patio. It’s annoying to get all that junk in the mail so I decided to use it to my advantage.

  • @queenclairdelune
    @queenclairdelune ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The beliefs that soprano sax shouldn't be used other than occasionally jazz ensembles, that men shouldn't express emotions, and that women are incapable of doing anything besides cooking.

  • @iloveanimemidriff
    @iloveanimemidriff ปีที่แล้ว

    24:00 - back in high school, I had to maintain perfect attendance. If I was sick, it didn't matter, I went to school. Whenever I turned in my scorecard, my parents literally didn't even look at the GPA column, they looked at the Absences column, and if there was anything other than glorious 0, they would say "WHY DIDN'T YOU GO TO THE CLASS WE'RE SO HARDLY PAYING FOR?". When I have children, I'll only raise that alert if and only if their cumulative absences are already putting them on the class failure limit.

  • @tomkirby3281
    @tomkirby3281 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was at work one morning, and some guy in the parking lot was yelling into his cell phone arguing with his significant other. We could all hear it, and the windows would not open. Also, some of my postal carriers are too busy yakking on the cell phone to deliver the mail to the CORRECT address. I hate the overuse of cell phones. I think it would be great to have a custom horn in your car that simply and very loudly says "HANG UP THE PHONE AND DRIVE!".

  • @SammyLammy1D
    @SammyLammy1D ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The going to school/work sick had always annoyed me to no end. I have a weaker immune system, so when I get sick, I get real sick. I could have died once becausey classmate decided that him going to school with the flu was more important than my safety.
    My entire class new about my immune system btw, for my own safety.

  • @iflyplanesthrutunnels
    @iflyplanesthrutunnels ปีที่แล้ว

    1:26 not an email service but a 1x1 transparent HMTL image which can send something like a ping saying “[IP] has downloaded the image” or something like that (when you view something like a webpage it must get downloaded to your cache) which is why, by default, images in emails aren’t downloaded by most email clients, to protect against this

  • @sleeping006
    @sleeping006 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    “oh you died? oh cool.”
    (Back then)

  • @lycansniper2295
    @lycansniper2295 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    On calling out of work sick in food service. My boss would be very upset at having to last minute or day or 2's notice find someone to cover my shift if I was sick. Firstly, no one plans on getting sick to give you a week's notice. Secondly, what helped me call out and not be guilted into showing up anyway was pointing out that I was not legally allowed to work in food service (per the regulations you learn about before testing for a license) while presenting certain symptoms.

  • @DreamerSouls
    @DreamerSouls 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've noticed a couple of websites made by open source developers and members of the Linux community, would usually have a cookies option that allows you to select only the mandatory ones for the site to function leaving out all of the rest

  • @RandyBaumery-s4i
    @RandyBaumery-s4i ปีที่แล้ว

    Speaking of plastic. I've seen where to make deliveries of products go even more efficiently in the back of a Wal-Mart, vendors are required to have everything ready in the exact same order as the paperwork, and to prevent problems, the boxes of products are wrapped in yards of large plastic wrap. I surely hope it's getting recycled. 😅

  • @CranesWing
    @CranesWing ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeah I feel like the go to work even when you're sick thing started in school. I don't like that a lot of schools (if not all of them) reward "perfect attendance." I know they're trying to keep kids from playing hooky and all that but like... you can't help getting sick. I know the school I'm working for just started this thing where there's a contest for "best attendance" by classroom, but it's the same sort of thing... and now I worry that they're breeding bullies because then won't the class gang up on the kid who called out sick? Since I don't work in the classrooms and they literally just started this, I don't know the parameters, and maybe I'm overthinking, but.... I'm concerned.

  • @pirateadam3686
    @pirateadam3686 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The U.S.: You are sick? Well, you could use a PTO day but we really need you to come in. Maybe you aren't a team player in our 'family'.
    The U.K.: You're sick? Ah crap... No, it's ok, we'll manage somehow. See you when you're better.
    France: >Closed for lunch - back at 15:00

  • @daphneecontreras9427
    @daphneecontreras9427 ปีที่แล้ว

    im currently employed as a government retail job, so theoretically great conditions...right? Nah. PaRt TiMe employee means full time without the full benefits. Was told for ALMOST THREE YEARS that in time will come a full time position. There was. Was offered and then they removed the offer of a full time position....to hire 2 more part timers.
    i have given my notice and will be working for a huge chain store, night shifts in the hopes pf putting money away and getting a higher education to a career instead. Guess it will be a positive moment in my life later, but sucks rn.

  • @jeffreylastname6863
    @jeffreylastname6863 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Pretty much everything about the American education system

  • @Avrysatos
    @Avrysatos ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a surefire detox method for y'all. Food and water. You have kidneys and a liver and unless they're not working (Which is a much bigger problem than any diet can fix) they do the detox for you.

  • @hy-roller7771
    @hy-roller7771 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeeeeah, i can't tell you how many times i felt like complete sh!t and called into work only to hear "well... how sick are you really? How about you just come in for a couple hours, then you can go home early and rest? We really need you here."
    Nope, I'm sick and you won't be seeing me today.
    The kicker is when you show up the next day and the boss spends your entire shift low key berating you for not coming in when you were sick. Like F U, you don't own me and you're certainly not paying for my healthcare, so suck it, dave. 🤣🤣

  • @paulnash6944
    @paulnash6944 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Pranks.” There are pranks that are genuinely funny, like putting a whoopee cushion on the teacher’s chair, shaking someone’s hand with a joy buzzer, or even writing, “open this box,” on the lid, and, “You just took orders from a box,” in the box. Pranks are meant to make you laugh at someone else’s expense, but it goes out the window when your prank is putting someone’s health or safety at risk and/or the prankster is acting out of malice.

  • @OrnisApiens
    @OrnisApiens ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WRT story 30, there was a kid in my class long ago who was obviously sick and couldn't go home because his family were those sorts of people. The teacher was baffled because this kid was not only sick, but also carrying an armload of used, balled up tissues to wipe his nose while he walked *around* the classroom carrying that load. He seemed reluctant to just dump the tissues for hell knows what reason. She got him to dump the tissues in the trash and sent him to the office after upwards fifteen minutes of this shit.

  • @IliadTactical
    @IliadTactical 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    On the criminalization of d pics. I get the point there but I also wonder how many people's lives would/could get ruined by those false reports. Especially when it would be so easy to just delete a message or have it dissappear in snapshot. I know you can still get those messages back through the companies themselves but that's not really the point.

  • @PlaugeofRomano
    @PlaugeofRomano ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bats DO have bad eyesight though. Microbrats have such weird faces because they focus on echolocation to find their prey and move about, while MEGABATS (aka flying foxes) are sight-focused. It just depends on what species you're talking about.

  • @sonofsparda657
    @sonofsparda657 ปีที่แล้ว

    honestly if you call me at 1am for 15minutes of time, not even work, and you tell me i get paid the full hour just to show up and open the door for your clumsy ass.... you can call me anytime. Its when they do it like my (ex)boss used to that i get pissed and will not even show up for my shifts if you push it too far. That woman thought she could contact me 2 hours before the start of the shift she was trying to assign me on the spot, over the phone.
    "i need you to come in XXXXX called out sick"
    "... that shift starts in 2 hours"
    "yeah, so?"
    "i am two towns away at a family gathering, and not sober anymore, not happening"
    "well, thats your problem, your shift starts in 2 hours, be here"
    "actually, sounds more like your problem, do it yourself or find another idiot, i aint comin in"
    "youll be here or your fired"
    "is that a threat?"
    "its a promise"
    "well, let me make a promise to you aswell, the AK (local emplyee protection agency) is gonna have a field day with you, try me"
    30 minutes later:
    "okay, XXXX is going to cover, you wont have to, you can come in at your normal shift tomorrow"
    "yeah, about that, youre gonna have to find someone to cover for that, i aint coming, i´m not gonna let myself be threatened by a college dropout with delusions of grandure, see ya... or i wont i guess"

  • @Superman37891
    @Superman37891 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Video games actively trying to tempt kids to spend money without their parents’ permission

    • @Riftdancer527
      @Riftdancer527 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, there should some stricter ways to keep kids from throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars on in game crap that if they want to try for should get permission to do so before hand, it reminded me of the article on a girl in it was either Korea or China I can't remember which one, who blew threw a couple hundred grand on Genshin Impact on her dad's credit card and that completely shit whipped the poor guy, and coming from someone who does play that game it's not a cheap game per se
      Quickly editing this comment to note that it's not even just the games themselves as a problem but it does also come down to the parent or guardian monitoring what their kid plays and does because there are of course those parent who would get their kid some bullshit like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto because "it's just a video game" or "video games are for kids" because I swear there's been an increase in parents who just let the internet be the thing to parent their kids instead of themselves

  • @DeathUponYou133
    @DeathUponYou133 ปีที่แล้ว

    18:04 oh my God, THANK YOU!!! i fucking hate that so much! i have enough trouble keeping a sentence going without stopping for an "um" as it is, i sure as shit don't need the unnecessary pressure of stringing a bunch of words in a correct order only for it to become verbal diarrhea (along with stutters which doesn't help).

  • @TellyKNetic
    @TellyKNetic 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Blindingly bright headlights. I no longer drive at night unless it's an emergency because I don't feel safe doing so.

  • @sgtsnokeem1139
    @sgtsnokeem1139 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Especially to someone who has zero history of bad shit.
    Not all of us take it badly.
    I respect the ones who are honest instead of the one's who ghost.

  • @A_Mango_
    @A_Mango_ ปีที่แล้ว +3

    government corruption.

  • @Vanilla_Neko
    @Vanilla_Neko ปีที่แล้ว

    First thing I do I pretty much any new job is wait till the corporate account calls me one day begging me to come in for work on an off day and then immediately block that phone number
    Turns out there's no pressure to do it if you just literally never fucking answer the phone And if anyone ever pesters me about it I just say hey I was busy because it was my day off and that's the end of that
    The only company I had that pushed past that I shut up by basically pointing out that legally you have to pay me for any work I do so I expect to see this phone call in my timesheet with the exact time it started and stopped and to be paid accordingly, And this needs to be paid as overtime as I have already worked my contractually obligated 40 hours for this week
    Suddenly even that company decided maybe they should stop calling me on my fucking off day

  • @ebifuon6776
    @ebifuon6776 ปีที่แล้ว

    Calling people on their days off like they don't have the right to a life outside of work. I've worked multiple jobs that have done this they'll say your on call or that someone was supposed to tell you on your way out but you must have forgotten or its an emergency and you HAVE to come in. One job I went months without a day off for emergencies such as my boss broke one of her nails and could only schedule an appointment with her nail salon that day or she needed a haircut real emergencies I've been called in for and almost got fired for getting a bit pissy when this became an every week thing that almost cost me my marriage. Work will find a replacement but outside that's your real life

    • @ebifuon6776
      @ebifuon6776 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also she would never tell me what the emergency was before I came in just that she needed to come in and once she clocked out after I clocked in THEN and only then was I told what was so important that I had to leave my doctor appointment, date, out with family, or party with family moment just so she didn't have to work........

  • @Irisarc1
    @Irisarc1 ปีที่แล้ว

    "The customer is always right" originally ended with "in matters of taste", meaning "don't criticize the customer for wanting something that you personally don't like."

  • @michellecoleman5577
    @michellecoleman5577 ปีที่แล้ว

    2:36 When it seems the whole world is shaming you for using so much plastic but all your essential diabetes supplies are primarily wasteful plastic.

  • @magicarp79
    @magicarp79 ปีที่แล้ว

    OMG, the phone calls on off days. Like, eff you, it's Sunday.

  • @hackcubit9663
    @hackcubit9663 ปีที่แล้ว

    27:00 oh god the neverending use of wrong words is driving me crazy.

  • @toadsstool3703
    @toadsstool3703 ปีที่แล้ว

    It doesn't take rocket appliances, to get two birds stoned at once! 💀

  • @cult_of_odin
    @cult_of_odin 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I told the COO and HR at my job recently that when I give notice of taking time off I'm not asking their permission. I'm telling them I won't be there. I give plenty of notice to them so don't be calling or asking me to work because I won't. Your lack of proper planning isnt my issue.

  • @junknstuff8501
    @junknstuff8501 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love these videos, and enjoy the reactions too. Though the irony is in his comment "Strangers Aren't Content." He's literally using things strangers have written as content.

  • @DS-lp5xt
    @DS-lp5xt ปีที่แล้ว

    @5:40 where I live most companies want you to become salaried since it reduces the HR hasle as well as often reduce your average hourly wage.

  • @creepywaffles4783
    @creepywaffles4783 ปีที่แล้ว

    The entry job one is a big one. How do you get the experience needed if everyone else wants you to have it?

  • @gusminotaur2112
    @gusminotaur2112 ปีที่แล้ว

    My company transports a lot of recycled paper from the scrap to finished product. As for plastic it's not easy to recycle but it does break down relatively fast in the desert sun.

  • @OldManMontgomery
    @OldManMontgomery ปีที่แล้ว

    Egotism. The idea that one is completely superior to anyone else. Which give way to driving without attention to anyone else, pushing ahead 'in line' and ignoring anyone else's comments or beliefs.

  • @alphabetsalphabets5242
    @alphabetsalphabets5242 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sometimes I have no idea whether the guy narrating is giving his own opinions or just reading of a comment.
    Putting your own body at the centre is a great way to make the difference more explicit, however, I suggest you showing the reddit post or comment that you're reading from in addition to this to make it even clearer as sometimes I can see your eyes looking down or some other direction making it wonder if you're reading the comment/post or a script.
    I do understand that taking screenshots of the source you're reading will mean it takes longer to edit your videos but I really do think it will improve clarity for people like me who actually watch what's going on in the video instead of using it as background noise.
    I'm not sure how common it is for people to look at this type of videos but it's something worth considering.

  • @witchtale3159
    @witchtale3159 ปีที่แล้ว

    32:30 Wow, I read a kids book in elementary that was all about vampire bats and even it said that bats have bad eyes :/

  • @thecanadianredneckfarmer
    @thecanadianredneckfarmer ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing that is really wrong is the rising cost of farming/ any other essential job that keeps us alive! Farming is becoming impossible because the governments are pumping out so many regulations that it’s choking them. And the ones who aernt choked are hit by the rising cost of machinery and fuel and seed ect. No joke a brand new combine harvester nowadays can be over a million dollars! That’s the cost of a house! FOR ONE THING YOU NEED WAY MORE EQUIPMENT. the scary thing is that if farmers disappear everone else does too because y’know eating is important.

  • @heather5540
    @heather5540 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's so weird, casuals in Australia earn more than permanent employees, because casuals don't get paid sick leave etc

  • @bobdull3148
    @bobdull3148 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like this video format a lot better

  • @Tanis031
    @Tanis031 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For hiking thing. That's actually a safety thing. You cannot accidentally surprise a bear if it hears the sweet sweet Gangnam Style. Perk, it also scares off other people! For less of a jerk response, use a bell.

  • @ginabell694
    @ginabell694 ปีที่แล้ว

    My grandma died several years ago. My sister and i live in her home. Every once in a while we get promo mail from this one insurance company. I even contacted them and told them she died. Theyre wasring paper and ive atill received a few more things from them even thoigh they said they removed her from their list.

  • @alyssabaerne9508
    @alyssabaerne9508 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Honestly, while i can understand a need to filter out job applicants to an extent... but it has gone too far when you start hearing of stuff requiring more years of experience for an etry level job than said job field has existed.
    Seen a story about someone who developped some it system and was rejected for a job working with that syayem because the experience required from the employer was more than the system had been around (something like 5 years experience for a system developped 2 years ago)

    • @ShooterPat
      @ShooterPat ปีที่แล้ว

      Saw that story, think it was a javascript library the guy developed himself, but they denied him still lol

  • @taylorslade961
    @taylorslade961 ปีที่แล้ว

    Posting anything and everything on social media. A guy I used to know would air his dirty laundry with the mother of his kids and it was just gross. I called him out about it several times but it never sunk in.

  • @DragoSonicMile
    @DragoSonicMile ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was going to say "the word 'overwhelmed' replaced the word 'whelmed' even though they mean exactly the same thing", but now I feel ridiculous.

  • @Roeclean
    @Roeclean ปีที่แล้ว

    That egg corn was painful, and I will despise anyone that tries to talk to me like that👀👀

    • @mikaruyami
      @mikaruyami ปีที่แล้ว

      Then lord help you if you ever need to learn cockney speak.