Tisese: A Documentary on Three Mosuo Women (三個摩梭女子的故事 )

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • "Tisese: A Documentary on Three Mosuo Women"
    Duration: 58mins
    Language: Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese & English Subtitles
    Director: Chou Wah Shan
    Publisher: Ying E Chi
    Year of publication: 2001
    Mosuo, located in South-West China, is the only Matrilineal society in China. The first record of Mosuo culture dates back more than two thousand years. Today, this tribe still retains their unique culture, in which people live with their mothers' families and never marry. Concepts such as 'father', 'husband' and 'wife' have no meaning in Mosuo culture. Men and women may sleep together at night, but during the day they return to their own families. Mosuo culture is one in which men and women live harmoniously, and where there is no difference in status between the genders. Director Chou Wah Shan is a former associate professor at Hong Kong University, whose area of interest is gender and sexuality. He spent more than a year with the Mosuo people, and the result is an intimate portrait of this fascinating tribe.
    片長 58分鐘
    語言 普通話對白
    字幕 中英文字幕
    導演 周華山
    出版社: 影意志
    出版年份: 2001

ความคิดเห็น • 72

  • @emonypemony
    @emonypemony 8 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    What a beautiful and harmonious community! Men respect women and vice versa, men and women are equal, it's all about family love and care. And there is almost never any conflicts or fights. modern societies should learn from this

  • @joezhou7491
    @joezhou7491 9 ปีที่แล้ว +49


    • @kateschiu
      @kateschiu 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @joezhou7491
    @joezhou7491 9 ปีที่แล้ว +16


  • @ngloletta.7431
    @ngloletta.7431 9 ปีที่แล้ว +65


    • @tonghailin3337
      @tonghailin3337 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Ng Loletta. 痛苦? 总比某些 “负责任”家庭逼着生儿子强吧

    • @dnw2202
      @dnw2202 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      girls help girls. women help women.

  • @LigerTigon
    @LigerTigon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12


  • @theresalong622
    @theresalong622 8 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Really respect their culture in regards of worldview. They really treasure kinships and family relationships and see less of materialism. Hope this culture will be passed on and not ceased to exist because of modernization.

  • @soontackhoay2883
    @soontackhoay2883 6 ปีที่แล้ว +18


    • @LigerTigon
      @LigerTigon 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @贪白
      @贪白 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @BDPro便當教授
    @BDPro便當教授 8 ปีที่แล้ว +37


    • @LigerTigon
      @LigerTigon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @LigerTigon
      @LigerTigon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @bella8303
      @bella8303 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @LigerTigon
      @LigerTigon 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @dapenglin902
    @dapenglin902 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12


  • @danielaocampohernandez3875
    @danielaocampohernandez3875 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What a beautiful way of living. I hope one day we gave the real value to kindness, hardworking, to mothers and family in westside world.

  • @FrackleBomb
    @FrackleBomb 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for posting this documentary! Very helpful!

  • @starsbydaylight
    @starsbydaylight 10 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Thanks a million for sharing this brilliant documentary.
    The wisdom of the young and old Tibetan Mosuo women & men about what is
    best for human beings & animals is priceless.
    Sad to see that there is too much tourism.
    I wish I was born in the Mosuo culture, and hope that Humanity soon will return to living in matri-focal clan cultures, to the valid shamanic One Creatress Goddess spirituality, to the ways people and societies can flourish, experience and express dynamic, living spirituality as it was done for hundreds of thousands of years,
    until some 5000 years ago the new, bloody patriarchal he-God revolution with its male-dominance and impossible nuclear-family-model began to be brutally enforced upon the egalitarian, sexually autonomous, matriarchal clan-societies.
    In Asia, India, the Middle & Near East, northern Africa, Europe, the Americas,
    and eventually worldwide the bloody patriarchal revolution factually was the beginning of the end of the ancient highly evolved, peace loving, egalitarian,
    animal friendly, agriculture-focal, matri-focal & clan & community-focal, arty, not-dogmatic, valid shamanic One Creatress Goddess true civilization.

    • @starsbydaylight
      @starsbydaylight 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Lofaszbandy, yes, a good few theories
      do exist about how human beings
      came to be human beings. Of course this remains an interesting question until
      the "how" is proved.
      Finding the answer to that question is not
      of major importance for restoring the well being of all human beings, animals and
      The he-god in the sky theory, about
      a motherless man who creates
      the first man, then creates from that man
      a woman, a woman hated by that he-god
      and by him declared to be evil and the
      cause of all misery that humanity will
      have to experience on Earth, as the
      he-god quickly declares on page 3 in all
      of he-god's patriarchal-Abrahamic bibles,
      while he-god "talks" to men only,
      and makes a snake "talk evil" to the
      woman, and then the woman makes the
      man do an evil deed, etc., that theory is
      too mad to even contemplate.
      Darwin's theory, from ape to human being,
      is not at all accepted by many brave
      A scientist is brave when he challenges Darwin's theory, because his good
      reputation as a scientist will be suddenly heavily slandered by corrupt scientists,
      he might lose his job, etc.
      Few people know that Darwin himself
      wrote the following in his biographical
      "Not one change of species into another
      is on record. We cannot prove that a
      single species has changed into another."
      Charles Darwin, from his
      "My Life and Letters",
      Vol.1, page 210.
      Darwin himself also wrote:
      "... as by this theory, innumerable
      transitional forms must have existed.
      Why do we not find them embedded in
      the crust of the earth? Why is not all
      nature in a confusion of halfway species
      instead of being as we see them,
      well-defined species?"
      Stephen Gold, evolutionary biologist at
      Harvard University (1980) wrote:
      "The known fossil record fails to
      document a single example of evolution
      accomplishing a major transition --
      every paleontologist knows that most
      species don't change."
      The Canadian scientist W.R. Thompson
      "I am not satisfied that Darwin proved
      his point or that his influence in scientific
      and public thinking has been beneficial.
      The success of Darwinism was
      accomplished by the [unprecedented]
      decline in scientific integrity."
      Richard Milton was initially an ardent
      believer in Darwinian-doctrine...
      after 20 years of studying and writing
      about evolution... He found that the
      theory could not stand up to the rigours
      of rudimentary investigative journalism.
      He published a book titled,
      "The Facts of Life: Shattering the Myths
      of Darwinism".
      Corrupt scientists with an evil agenda
      give us:
      1. Australopithecus or 'southern ape'
      2. Homo habilus or 'tool using man'
      3. Homo erectus or 'upright man'
      4. Archaic homo sapiens or 'old modern
      5. Homo sapiens or 'modern man'.
      The 'southern ape' man is a lie.
      The 4 other types of man are one
      and the same man as the so called
      Homo sapiens.
      Two anatomists, Strauss and Cave
      discovered why the fossil man found
      in 1908 and depicted in a reconstruction
      by Prof. Boule, stooped... suffered from chronic arthritis, just as had the original
      Neanderthal man found in Germany in
      The skeletons had no relationship
      whatsoever to primitive species of man.
      French Prof. Boule was responsible for
      the first face and body reconstruction,
      which he made while relying upon his
      own preposterous pre-conceptions.
      Prof. Boule wrote, "Neanderthal man
      is a half-man and half-ape being. He
      cannot walk upright and stoops,
      as do apes."
      Boule's utterly baseless theory is
      responsible for the popular mental
      image we have of Neanderthal man,
      which still abides to this day.
      Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal
      skeletal remains with those of modern
      humans have shown that there is nothing
      in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively
      indicates locomotive, manipulative,
      intellectual or linguistic abilities inferior
      to those of modern man.
      If 'Neanderthal man' had come back to
      life today, most probably they would not
      be different from the other people in the
      New York subway, provided that they
      had bathed, were shaved and wore
      modern suits. =:^)
      "Why doesn't the [corrupt] scientific community abandon
      Darwin's failed hypotheses?
      Simple: The Zionist-dominated media
      and educational establishment are
      determined that, like unconditional
      support of Israel, their holocaust mythology,
      hate-laws, hate-speech, ["anti-racist",
      "diversity", "tolerance", "multiculturalism"]
      and 'civil rights' favoritism, there will be
      no end to the relentless force-feeding
      of evolution. Belief in evolution is a
      prerequisite for the Zionist-supremacist
      New World Order."
      Ted Pike, researcher, May 2011.
      I don't care if we stem from penguins
      or from butterflies. For now I like to
      think that our first ancestors were
      well-defined human beings who were spontaneously brilliant and kind, and
      who glided down to earth on a rainbow.
      I care about finding out how humanity,
      the animals and nature can live in
      dignity, as free born beings,
      and how all can benefit from, enjoy eco-friendly prosperity, and human beings can enjoy truly valid spirituality, just like
      our maternal-Clan ancestor's did
      not at all so long ago, when they
      celebrated human life, animal life,
      nature's beauty and her abundance,
      the sacredness of life, in their independent, truly democratic, happy republics.

    • @starsbydaylight
      @starsbydaylight 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fact? LOL ! Darwin himself wrote that he didn't believe in the evolution theory.
      The "Darwinian evolution theory" wasn't
      his theory.
      You too are still Darwinian-brainwashed
      by the criminal propagandists of the impossible Darwin theory.
      If that makes you happy, so be it.
      Even if the whole world would believe
      in that invalid theory, that still wouldn't
      make that invalid theory valid.
      So far, it has remained an evolution THEORY.
      What's the hurry about to explain how
      intrinsically brilliant and kind human beings
      came to exist on earth.
      Sure, the Zionist's women-hating
      "he-God" creation-theory as it appears in t
      their genocidal Torah is a psychopathic lie.
      But, that 2500 years ago by the Judaic-Levitican priesthood concocted lie makes
      "he-God" "create" well-defined human beings,
      albeit that people within the "first" days of their existence were declared evil by "he-God"
      and to live their 1 life in working in sweat
      and tears for their daily bread, which means
      they would have to be slaves of the racial + male supremacist communist_Zionist tyrants.
      The 20th century Stalinistic-Zionists developed Darwinism because people
      were giving slave-driving "he-God" the boot. Zionists realized that they had had to get rid
      of their "he-God"-hoax, but they needed to keep people trapped in some other form of feeling inferior, so they developed the
      half-animal half-human being lie.
      And, it is a mystery to me that you are blind
      to the FACT that Israhell's socialist Zionists
      are crapping their "promised land" hoax
      for 7 decades on end, dropping dirty uranium bombs again and again on defenseless women and children and anybody else in what's not yet Zio-land-grabbed of Palestine,
      as well as are Zio-crapping their ghoulish influence all over the world.
      Anyway, you are entitled to your opinions.
      No need to reply.
      The very best of luck, to you too.
      I am out.

    • @starsbydaylight
      @starsbydaylight 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Lofaszbandy, thanks for appreciating
      the thoughts I shared with you.
      I guess you had to type into
      google-translate every sentence from
      the text sent to you by your teacher
      about the hunter-gatherer - theory -
      and about the sneaker-gene-behavior
      theory. Thanks for
      having done that time consuming job!
      Let's keep an open mind, let's consider
      all we are investigating concerning
      historical, archeological, natural and
      social scientific data as theories,
      because the validity of the interpretations
      of existing data must remain open for
      re-evaluation, because interpretations put forward by professional and self-educated people of recorded historical events and archeological artifacts always depend on
      the given mindset of the interpretator,
      s/he might be biased as a result of
      having taken as truth what is a half-truth,
      or even taken downright lies as truth,
      be that done knowingly or unknowingly.
      Your own command of the english language
      is very good, you being Swedish and young.
      I was born in the south of the Netherlands,
      and moved to Ireland two decades ago.
      My english is grammatically not perfect, i
      it never will be. I gave up trying to become perfect in english because people
      tell me that my english is good enough to
      express my thoughts and feelings.
      Yes, Zionism is the 100% fascistic
      Internationalist-Communist most powerful
      terrorist Sneakers organization on Earth,
      their top-members and lower ranking comrades are from all races, and from
      all continents.
      The ancestors of the present day
      top-Zionist elite mafia began centuries
      ago with the setting up of a worldwide Sneakers network.
      The descendants of the elite mafia have managed to create Sneaker cells
      all around the world, thus they have
      managed to eventually take
      over all the governments in the Occident,
      have put in place Sneaker
      puppet-presidents in many small countries, and also in big nations worldwide,
      with the aim to rule the world from
      a centralized one world-government,
      that government being at present the
      innocent looking United Nations,
      but the UN is known among some
      Awake People by the name of the
      Zionist Totalitarian-Socialist Trojan Horse.
      Zionism is not a religion, nor are its
      members of Jewish ethnicity only.
      Zionism is a patriarchal-economical slave
      drivers system that was developed 2500
      years ago by the A-Brahmanistic
      (anti-Brahma/he-godless) communistic A-Brahmin priesthood. They are the originators of the sick racial and male supremacist, tyrannical he-God patriarch
      in the sky hoax.
      "He-God" was invented by them for
      use as an intimidating Stalin-in-the-sky tool,
      for enforcing the patriarchal profit making for personal gain system upon the defenseless, maternal-Clan peoples, to destroy the
      matriarchal civilization's non-profit making Gift-Economy when nobody owned nor sold
      land, when Clan-people knew they were
      mere caretakers of Nature, of their
      ancestral lands, of people, animals,
      and nature, and therefore shared
      - communially - the land, shared all their produce from the land.
      The word - communially - is used to
      make the distinction visible between
      living and owning - communially in maternal-Clan societies -, which is the
      the total opposite of the
      patriarchal - communistic -
      ruthlessly exploitative and utterly
      destructive economical system based on private property ownership of vast areas of land, of existing natural resources all sorts,
      as well as private ownership
      of human rights, law systems, of the
      contents of minds of people, their daily lives, private ownership of their slaves working
      in any production system,
      be that in industrial or scientific processes.
      The disastrous patriarchal-economical and mind-control system is still being enforced upon the whole world population.
      The Abrahamic-patriarchal system is
      based on a mercilessly slave-driving economical system for personal gain of
      the pseudo-religious, political and scientific elite only, as well as on gender & skin color racism, on brutal land grabbing, plunder, exploitation, war, destruction and genocide.
      Let's forget for now, about how and when
      people like us appeared on Earth.
      Excavated, carbon dated archeological artifacts show that people like us
      existed at least some 350.000 years ago.
      Some researchers believe that people
      like us have existed for millions of years
      on planet Earth. Some even believe:
      some billions of years.
      We have been taught that our
      pre-historical ancestors were dimwitted,
      aggressive people, always warring
      and killing each other.
      That the fittest of them survived
      the onslaughts of their fellow
      human beings.
      This doesn't make sense.
      If that would have been the case
      then humanity would have long since
      ceased to exist.
      It are not the fittest human beings who
      survive on planet Earth,
      it are the brightest human beings who
      have secured the survival of our humanity
      on planet Earth where natural mega-cataclysms occurred that almost
      wiped out most of humanity in the areas
      where the hugely devastating disasters
      took place.
      Also, many a big, strong, carnivorous
      animal on the hunt had to go home
      exhausted and hungry because the
      much smaller animal s/he was chasing
      outwitted him/her.
      Also, a big muscled man or woman
      isn't necessarily the brightest man
      or woman.
      In fact, when I studied the faces
      of male and female body-builders
      I thought that the look in their
      eyes is quite stupid.
      For animals and human beings alike,
      hunting animals in forests is a hit
      and miss situation, it is a job that
      demands utter silence of walking and
      talking, the changing wind direction can r
      reveal the hunters hidden presence too,
      so there is no guarantee that human
      hunters will be able to kill a big animal,
      or any other animal, every time they
      go hunting for to provide their people
      with meat.
      Therefore it is said by people who
      re-analyze the hunter-gatherer theory
      from a non-patriarchal perspective,
      that it is more likely that our ancestors
      were gatherers-hunters.
      That edible vegetation, roots, nuts,
      seeds, and fruit naturally abounded,
      and were their primary sources of food,
      and that meat was their secondary source
      of food, even after people domesticated
      animals like goats and pigs, their diets
      were mainly vegetarian, because
      to maintain a herd of animals for
      meat takes up too much arable,
      land for growing grains and
      other food to feed the herd with.
      To produce 1 kg of meat, one needs some
      30 kg of grains, potatoes etc, to feed
      to the animal that will be eaten eventually.
      Meat eating every day causes famine
      in the long run.
      When I was very young farmers with
      a wife and some 5 kids had one pig
      that they were feeding for providing
      meat for 1 year.
      What I have found out, thanks to many
      male and female researchers, about the Sneaker gene I will share with you
      next week.
      And, I will then also chat a bit about
      other info in the text sent to you by your
      hunter-gatherer teacher.
      At the moment I am busy helping a friend
      to move house. This action will go on
      for many days to come. Other
      things I have to do are many.
      So, patience please =:^)
      Big greeting! ~Anna

    • @starsbydaylight
      @starsbydaylight 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello again Lofaszbandy,
      So, yes, The Brotherhood. There certainly exists an organized crime syndicate that terrorizes the world population, the Earth,
      the atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, and some of the planets in our solar system, all done with weapons developed secretly; with poisons of many kinds in food, water,
      air, and in all other things we have to buy,
      like a sofa, a floor carpet, wall paints,
      washing up liquid; even touching the type
      of receipts we get i.e. from a bank-machine
      in the street, and from the till in a shop
      when having paid for bread, cheese etc.,
      are covered with something poisonous;
      literally all we eat and drink, and 99.99% of what we have is poisoned to a degree
      that is unhealthy; also laptop screens
      emit blue light that little by little damages
      eye sight; medical treatment and medicines
      are dangerous, more people die from treatments than are cured, in fact curing people is almost non-existent.
      We are bombarded with radio frequency attacks that make people feel confused,
      with the Main Stream Media lies,
      the Hollywood garbage, with an overload
      of mind penetrating noise all sorts,
      and no government does anything about
      this mega assault on body and mind,
      so obviously the fascist Brotherhood
      is mega-mega-mega-powerful and have
      an unlimited amount of money at their
      Their organization consists of many sub-organizations that operate worldwide under different names; many names we
      know, like the UN, European Parliament,
      US Administration, the Bilderburg Group
      who are a small group of the elite monsters and maybe they are the real Brotherhood;
      the NGOs, World Trade Organization, UNESCO, World Life Fund, the Red and White Cross, Amnesty International, Wikileaks, "Anonymous" people who
      wear the clown-esque black & white masks,
      who are our enemy, who pretend to
      represent the "opposition against governments" in protests taking place
      in many countries. The list of "normal"
      names we know that are used as an alibi
      by the branches of the Brotherhood
      is endless, like Osama Bin Laden
      who is a MossadCIA secret agent
      and highly likely is still alive;
      Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, latest is Khorasan;
      also the name Israel and Zionism; also
      the words "keep smiling" together with
      that freaky face with eyes and mouth only,
      on stickers or on a thingy with a pin so that
      ppl can fasten it onto their jacket;
      "politically correct", "hate-speech",
      "anti-semitist", "multicultural", "diversity",
      "anti-racist", all these are some of the
      words coming from, and names for
      terrorist branches of the fascist
      Brotherhood, and I think that they are
      the Internationalist-Communists whose
      organization is founded, funded and
      dictated to by Zionists whose ideology
      has always been communism, which is
      socialism, fascism, as well as Zionist
      designed impotent-democracy that has
      been mega-propagandized and forced down
      the brains of people as being a great system, but is a covert form of economical-fascism, the people were lured into believing "democracy" works, but now many know it never did, work, it just made everything
      easier for the fascist Shadow World Government for carrying out their insatiable looting, and their heinous crimes.
      Zionists own the World Bank and all
      other Big Banks, through usury banking, making govs taxing the people poor,
      and triggering world-financial crashes
      they have stolen 99% of all the money
      in most of the world, and thus have
      "bought" - stolen a sky high mountain of
      bars of gold,
      so they can afford to literally buy governments, the scientific world, the
      Main Stream Media, newspapers, the educational system to make it useless;
      hire, train and equip armies, have
      weapons all sorts made, and the rest.
      Zionists are the only one
      terrorist organization who can afford,
      in covert and overt ways to destroy societies, i.e. by pumping big cities and towns full of hard drugs, they can wreck countries, humanity and the world, while in the mean time having built a network of connected underground cities where they and a group
      of slaves can remain for 12 years.
      They have melted the rocks deep down underground, thus have built the cities,
      as well as an underground network of roads.
      I have no idea if melting the rock is true,
      it doesn't seem to me far fetched.
      We have no idea what kind of technologies
      they have developed.
      BTW, recently I heard that the UFO fleets
      (scaremongering ShadowWGov't tactics:
      "the ET aliens are invading") seen in
      the skies all around the world are highly
      likely holograms.
      Last year I watched/studied the behavior
      of some of these UFO fleets on various
      YT videos, and noticed that they very suddenly disappeared complete from sight.
      Maybe this means that "the fleet" reaches
      the edge of the width of the
      beam of the hologram projector.
      * About the evolution of Humanity.
      I grew up Roman-Catholic
      in an opposite of fundamentalist family.
      I never felt a connection with their God,
      or Jesus, or creation story, or anything else
      that was written in their bibles,
      so I never was a RC.
      I was a born free-thinker.
      Then Darwin came along.
      Apes turning into human beings.
      This made no sense to me at all.
      I never was a Darwinist.
      I kept an open mind for other theories.
      I was more interested in finding out
      why governments were massacring
      people everywhere, why they, nor
      the UN didn't stop it from happening
      again and again, while many millions
      of people worldwide demanded an
      end to it all again and again.
      The fact that nothing ever was done
      to stop wars and poverty made me
      to never vote on any political party.
      When I was 19 I came across a teaching
      about how human beings come into
      existence. It was one of the teachings
      on the Science of Mind of the last
      Buddha, a man who lived some 2500
      years ago in Nepal.
      The teaching is called:
      The Wheel of Life.
      The teachings of the female and Buddhas
      are based on Shamanic non-speculative
      (no he-God in the sky nor she-Goddess.)
      This teaching needs a lot of study and
      contemplation of the subject matter.
      The Science of Mind, the study of how
      mind works is demanding, it is a very satisfying study.
      What is taught makes sense to me.
      So, factually mind, cosmic consciousness, creates complete human beings, like the human beings we are now, no evolution
      from ape to human being, no brute to kind human being, no big or small brain is
      involved. Mind creates all transient
      phenomena; transient phenomena are compounded phenomena made up of
      earth, water, fire, air and ether.
      Therefore they are impermanent
      phenomena, they have a certain lifespan,
      then fall apart into earth, water, fire, air
      and ether again, each element will unite
      again with its essence, nature and energy. Mind itself is not compounded, it is empty
      of conceptualizations, it is conscious
      dynamic, creative energy, and can
      instantly create whatever it thinks of.
      This is our mind.
      This my explanation here is far too simplistic.
      It takes most people living in our time
      an average of 20 years serious study,
      a lifetime of contemplating
      the many aspects of the subject matter mind,
      as well as practicing for years on end
      many specific methods to actualize
      aspects of, or even actualize our
      complete all knowing mind.
      We are all knowing, nothing can be added
      to our all knowing mind nor taken away
      from it.
      Mind is not static, not a closed
      Mind is - completely - awake
      and limitless creative, just like
      dynamic cosmic consciousness
      is, and so too is our mind completely
      awake, it is crystal clear all knowing.
      Buddha means Awake, through
      wisdom & method awakened to the
      original essence, nature and energy
      of all pervading cosmic consciousness
      in his/her own mind.
      There were, are, and will be women and
      men who diligently actualize their
      true state of mind, this is a personal experience, and then practice to stabilize
      their mind to remain in pristine all knowing consciousness. The highest quality of
      pristine mind is unconditional Great Compassion.
      There is much more to it than this.
      *About the hunter-gatherers.
      Funny is that through my study (books) of
      the origins and ideology of Zionism,
      I ended up way past the relatively recent beginnings (4000 years ago) in Greater Europe (Middle & Near East) of patriarchal Judeo-Zionism, and with the help of books
      on the pre-patriarchal Matriarchal Civilization worldwide, I was suddenly
      350.000 archeological years back in time.
      Among the excavated oldest artifacts from
      that time there are small ritualistic statues
      of women, pointing to the existence of
      the Great Cosmic Mother civilization.
      No similar statues of men have so far been
      In my books the main gist of many author's theories on the matriarchal civilization are given. The theories come from archeologists, historians, philosophers, theologians, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, poets, artists and amateur-researchers.
      Of course not all of these
      people interpret the surviving artifacts, the ancient manuscripts and stone tablets with
      ancient script in the same way.
      Just as well :^)
      Most books on the mother goddess
      civilization I have bought during the last
      three years and were published in
      around the mid 20th century, and the
      authors of the these books are stuck in
      the Darwin hoax.
      That's understandable,
      because they had left he-God behind,
      the motherless man in the sky without
      a female consort who created human
      beings, countless galaxies and everything
      else within a week and then declared
      his creation to be complete
      ("his" static creation),
      and the only other option for the appearance
      of human beings they had was Darwin.
      So, they all first plough through the times
      when human beings were "evolving" from
      "half stupid" to who we were some
      10.000+ years ago,
      when we were definitely provable the same
      as we are now, brilliant and kind.
      One theory about gatherer-hunter first, followed by hunter-gatherer appeals to
      me, because in this chronology
      a natural mega cataclysm takes place
      some 10.000 years ago (according
      to geologists) that almost wipes out
      the major part of a highly sophisticated humanity.
      Before this disaster took place the people
      were agricultural-focal, and fruits and
      nuts etc., were plenty available in nature.
      So catching fish and hunting animals
      (which is not as easy as it seems)
      was done, but was not the main source
      of food for the clans.
      After the multi-mega disaster nature was
      horrifically wounded.
      All arable land was destroyed, seeds to
      sow where gone, fruits and nuts
      were gone, cities, towns, villages,
      houses, tools, even some mountains
      and rivers, all was gone,
      there was total destruction and chaos.
      Now fishing and hunting became of
      primary, life saving importance
      for the survivors.
      I am thinking about you writing that
      in the hunter-gatherer time the
      hunters had hunted so much that
      there were almost no animals
      left to hunt,
      therefore agriculture became the
      first source of food.
      Maybe the near total depletion of wild
      animals for the hunt came about as a
      result of that huge mega disaster having
      taken place some 10.000 years ago,
      when most animals must have perished.
      *About big and small human brains.
      Big brain is more about intelligence.
      Small brain is more about ...
      This theory I have to give a total miss.
      The bigger the potato the least
      palatable it is.
      Same with carrots.
      People with small size skulls are
      potentially just as intelligent as people
      with a bigger size skull.
      Children are often brighter than
      big headed :^) adults!!!
      *About passing on genes & racism.
      From my studies about the maternal-Clan civilization I have learned that our brilliant ancestors had developed a genial system
      that guaranteed that people who wanted children had children with compatible gene-people.
      The maternal-Clan system is very intricate.
      Is so completely different from what we
      have now that it takes time to even
      understand how that societal Clan-structure
      functions. Clans do not have children
      with members of any clan.
      I prefer it to what we have now,
      because now we have gene-chaos.
      I have to to sleep.
      Soon enough I will get back to the
      other points
      on your agenda :^) to share the
      treasures that I have dug up.
      I am waiting for a laptop-screen to
      arrive by post from the US that
      filters blue-light out.
      My eye-doctor has told me to immediately
      buy such a screen.
      I read a lot, and have used the laptop
      far too much during the last 4 years.
      My eyes have been damaged.
      If only I would have known about the
      damaging blue-light coming from the
      screen when I got the laptop 5 years
      From the beginning I have reduced the brightness of my screen quite a lot.
      After I have received the screen
      I will gladly continue with our sharing
      of knowledge and wisdom,
      all done for the benefit of ourselves
      and of all living beings.
      Till then & Take Care.

    • @임진남-q6y
      @임진남-q6y 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      r31234567890v000098765431wqqweyuoppgwqwestarsplkssxbydaylllŹxc9vbn♉🔙♊♉♈🔯🐴🐴🐗🐴🐴🐴🐮🐄🐂🐺🐂🐃🐖🐺🐂🐃🐺🐣🐭🐭🐕🐶🐈🐱🐀🐁ight b3 . I 😶😭😝😝😋😗😙😙😘😚😚😎😎😜😵😨😧😦😥😥😤😣😔😩😩😷😞😱⌛♍♌♋

  • @montiago123
    @montiago123 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What a wonderful documentary. I hv more understanding of this kind of culture after viewing this video. Thanks for sharing.

  • @JULIA-j4n5l
    @JULIA-j4n5l 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @franc765
    @franc765 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    thanks a lot!!! it's so convenient to show it in my class without checking out the DVD from library.

  • @luvinaw3500
    @luvinaw3500 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7


  • @Breado2
    @Breado2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you .. what an eye-opener

    • @cflamss
      @cflamss  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @gianvittorio63
    @gianvittorio63 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    thanks, very interesting

  • @meredithr9824
    @meredithr9824 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Marriage issue aside, most people in the west have forgotton most households and families were intergenerational. Alot of the needed services of today (childcare, etc) are only needed because extened families live a long distance from each other.

  • @PrincessSakuno
    @PrincessSakuno 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i love this already

  • @kokone17348
    @kokone17348 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @axezgg2153
    @axezgg2153 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @LigerTigon
    @LigerTigon 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    15:45 因此作为家长得向这位舅舅学习,我也是假如我嫁女儿或娶媳妇或娶女婿的话,我绝对不让她/她将不论父姓或母姓总之原姓改为夫/妻姓,或改为男/女同居配偶姓,或冠夫/妻姓,或冠男/女同居配偶姓,因为不想让子女像包括汉人在内全球中外民族种族的太多女人在结婚或同居试婚后沦为被原生家庭泼出去的水,不再是含辛茹苦扯大她的原生家庭的女人,被大男人和欧巴桑冠称为从石头里爆出来,天上掉下来,从悉尼奥运村堆填区/填埋场或池塘挖出来,从世界四大洋:太平洋、大西洋、印度洋或北冰洋捞上来的,没有原生家庭的,长大后为没家的

  • @MsSophieLiu
    @MsSophieLiu 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @爸爸-v6h
    @爸爸-v6h ปีที่แล้ว


  • @miuwong9291
    @miuwong9291 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @filmfluss
    @filmfluss 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    when was this film shot?

  • @josephalbert8441
    @josephalbert8441 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People of god(nature) 😊

  • @majixwahenga9874
    @majixwahenga9874 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ladies have to work too much...I like the system ..they are lucky aids and other STDs is not there...they also have high level of integrity

  • @yann8593
    @yann8593 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @maeyagroup
    @maeyagroup 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    爱情故事片《玛达咪》( auspicious) 是一个关于摩梭女孩与下乡知识青年的美好爱情故事,有点像摩梭版本的《蝴蝶夫人》。国际发行开始。请关注脸书 获得观影票。 facebook.com/Auspicious2020;
    Our new feature film " Auspicious " just completed, it will releae woldwide, please go follow the facebook page for get screening tickets. facebook.com/Auspicious2020
    it is a beautiful love store like " madam butterfly"

  • @meredithr9824
    @meredithr9824 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    How did these people escape China's one child policy? Is this just a very old video?

    • @freddokoe6962
      @freddokoe6962 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Meredith Richardson in China we have 56 different ethics group the major one is han peoples. only han people need to process one child policy rest of 55 ethics group no need

  • @游千雅
    @游千雅 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @OfficialTISESE
    @OfficialTISESE 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wtf ???? My name !!!!

    @MsJLOVEZ 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Han culture is Patriarchy, which men are superior than women and in Mosuo culture, there are no marriages, no concept of "virginity" which is still a value in Han culture. There are so many domestic violence, extramarital affair problems among Han Chinese. I like the idea of “走婚” which there are no marriages and there are respects for women and men.

    • @MrJermson
      @MrJermson 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      it's not only Han culture patriarchal. In fact mosuo culture is the minority. Seeing how united their family units are and the happiness shown by the mosuo people, I think matriarchal system could be a good system as well.

  • @axezgg2153
    @axezgg2153 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6


  • @COZMECAmusic
    @COZMECAmusic 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    absolutely brilliant. thank you for sharing.

  • @Pluto-q7o
    @Pluto-q7o 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Marcel7592
    @Marcel7592 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i d love to go there. J'aimerais bien visiter cet endroit

  • @Sneakydud2
    @Sneakydud2 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    its actually cantonese, not mandrin

  • @ccthirtythree
    @ccthirtythree 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for this!

  • @張景森-i7i
    @張景森-i7i 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @i9o9bb
    @i9o9bb 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1
