Atheists on God and Religion: Critiqued. Gervais, Brian Cox, Stephen Fry, Dawkins and others

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • These are popular Quotes and snippets of interviews and dramas from atheists.
    The ideas are analysed and critiqued rationally.
    Atheists love thinking rationally and so should appreciate having these ideas examined.
    This is Fair use of these snippets for the purpose of commentary and rebuttal.

ความคิดเห็น • 292

  • @lainet
    @lainet หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    It's simple. There is no evidence for god, so why believe something that has no evidence. It's also very clear for anyone to see that gods are a cultural concept and differ depending on where and in which kind of environment people live in. That would not be the case if there would be one true god.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lainet so you disagree with the scientists in the video who don't say there is no evidence

    • @RoamingHeathen
      @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@think-islam-channelI disagree with any scientist that suggests there is evidence for god. What evidence would you put forward as the best example?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is no proof for those closed to it.
      But I'll share my ideas anyway
      Proof of God
      This is a small selection of the evidences for God
      1. The need for an uncaused first cause to avoid an infinite regress of causes or energy
      2. Fine tuning (for example the expansion rate of the early universe is tuned to the 15th decimal place or the highly ordered early universe)
      3. Intelligence behind the universe
      4. The beauty and simple elegance of the math that describes reality
      5. The decipherability of the universe
      6. Exquisite engineering in near infinite quantities in living creatures.
      7. The infinitessimally small probability of the above points occurring all together

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is plenty of evidence for God. You might not be convinced but that doesn't make it "not" evidence. Don't be village, man.

    • @lainet
      @lainet หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@think-islam-channel Here are my thoughts on these...
      1. You trying to solve a mystery with an extra claim that is even a bigger mystery. Where did god come from then? If you don't know something, you cannot just say "therefore it's magic (or god) that I don't need to explain". That's not evidence.
      2. Whatever can be said about the universe, it certainly isn't fine tuned for us humans. Universe is mostly empty space and even the remaining tiny bit is mostly hostile to life. Yes, we can inhabit this tiny piece of rock but it's not surprising that we find ourselves in a universe where we can exist.
      3. What intelligence? Behind universe? To me this seems like a nonsense statement.
      4. I agree that math is beautiful and it describes the world surprisingly well but how do you get from there to it being evidence for god? Rather I'd say that world seems to follow some rules. We can see that from very simple rules complexity can follow, so to me that implies instead that the origin doesn't have to be complex to the extent of some super intelligent entity.
      5. Why would you need god for that?
      6. Evolution is a scientific fact and can explain all the properties of living creatures. There is no evidence of design, instead there's a lot of properties that any good designer would not put in and instead those faults can be explained by evolution.
      7. None of the given points were any good evidence and something being of small probability isn't evidence for god.
      To me it seems you just see beauty, elegance and order around you and you see god as a representation of these attributes, so therefore you just see god everywhere. That's not evidence for god, that's just calling what you experience "god".

  • @RobertSmith-gx3mi
    @RobertSmith-gx3mi หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    In my opinion the reality of the natural world is far and away more interesting and exciting than any story ever dreamed up by a primitive human being about a magical being.
    On its surface eternity might sound wonderful but dig a little deeper and it would actually be torture.
    I find it hard to believe though that people that can not comprehend small changes over long periods of time leading to new species really do grasp the concept of eternity.

  • @akiblue
    @akiblue หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    I think this video does the opposite of what it thinks it's doing. But thank you anyway for spreading the word of some top thinkers of our time.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      God gave you free will.
      Exercise it how you like.
      God has free will.
      He will exercise it how He likes.
      And those you admire greatly
      won't give 2 hoots about you:
      Yet there be men who take to themselves compeers apart from God, loving them as God is loved;
      but those that believe,
      love God more ardently.
      O if the evildoers might see,
      when they see the chastisement, that the power altogether belongs to God,
      and that God is terrible in chastisement,
      *when those that were followed disown their followers*
      and they see the chastisement,
      and their cords are cut asunder
      and those that followed say,
      'O if only we might return again and disown them, as they have disowned us!'
      Even so God shall show them their works.
      O bitter regrets for them!
      Never shall they issue from the Fire.
      QUR'AN 2:165-167
      Make sure your love of these
      top thinkers
      doesn't cause you loss...

    • @akiblue
      @akiblue หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @think-islam-channel I'd rather have a conversation with them than with your gibberish. I didn't read that crap you wrote, but I assume it's just a lot of quoting magical books.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      And they will have nothing to do with you.
      Try contacting them to see how far you get.
      You didn't read what I wrote?
      That tells us a lot.
      When you meet God, He will ask you about that.
      Your choice pal.
      Take care.

    • @RoamingHeathen
      @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@think-islam-channeldo you truly think that your responses could be considered an argument? They are baseless assertions. If I said that at your death, the atheism bagel will devour you, does my confidence in my assertion make you believe it? Or would you require … evidence?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RoamingHeathen give a specific example of a comment of critique that you have an issue with. Let me unpack it for you.

  • @HOUHA99
    @HOUHA99 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Smart thinkers! Thanks for sharing these clips. Here's how I see it: Religion is belief without evidence (faith). Science is the oposite. One is rational, and one is not. So simple.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      thanks for sharing your thoughts.
      Of course I disagree.
      Let me know if you are open to a deeper discussion.
      What's your view on reality?

    • @jumbobwana
      @jumbobwana หลายเดือนก่อน

      We are blinded by science. Nobody knows anything, it's all just speculation.

    • @richardowens9061
      @richardowens9061 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@think-islam-channel I'm open to a deeper discussion on all of this. Are you? Or, will you run away when you encounter arguments you cannot refute? You can start by addressing my comments I just posted on your video.

    • @wfemp_4730
      @wfemp_4730 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel I'm up for a discussion as well.

    • @Simon.the.Likeable
      @Simon.the.Likeable หลายเดือนก่อน

      Religion is belief without evidence but for the Abrahamic religions there is direct evidence against these religions. The Abrahamic religions are based on the mythology of the ancient Hebrews. They, Bnei Yisrael, created one religion for themselves, one religion for Bnei Esau and another religion for Bnei Ishmael. The purpose was to have a compliant population of Noachides who did not convert to Judaism. That way, all the Noachides believed their god originally chose them, they had magical powers of prophecy an their god promised them a holy land.
      They achieved their goal by conquering minds where they could not conquer by the sword. They sent Shimon Keppah to Rome. They still celebrate his victory over Bnei Esau by fasting for him on the 9th of Tevet every year.This is how Christianity was created.
      Later, as Bishop Sebeos writes in his History of Heraclius, the Jews of Edessa deceived the Arabs into fighting the Byzantines for them using the mythology of the ancient Hebrews. (Exactly how they deceive the USA into fighting for them today.) This is how Islam was created.
      The creation of Judaism is described in 2Kings 22. The Kohanim created it after the return from the Assyrian and Babylonian Exiles. As I have shown, they created the other two religions to have the 70 Nations believe their mythology. They baked in just enough contrary verses to ensure their tribal cohesion. That is how they have been able to maintain their exclusivity and insularity for two thousand years. It has been the greatest confidence trick in history. It is now high time to wake up to it and reject it before their timeline reaches its climax in 2030.

  • @jackieking1522
    @jackieking1522 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    I hear no "poor arguments" here. And no rebuttals worthy of the name. There is no evidence beyond our intense longing that some sort of controlling being exists. So, hey, lets enjoy ourselves before vanishing again.🤗

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think you need to do some more research or learn to be honest. There is plenty of evidence. We haven't found a smoking gun yet but the evidence is there and you should know this. If you aren't convinced by the evidence then that doesn't mean that it isn't evidence. It just means that you aren't satisfied yet. Its intellectually dishonest to claim the evidence doesn't exist. Even the atheist favorite Hitchen's recognizes the power of the fine tuning evidence for God and he has said so on multiple occasions before his death. At least he is intellectually honest in this regard. Try to emulate him.

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I always have to ask the theist; "What was your personal experience like during the first 14.8 billion years of the universe before you were born"? "What makes you think you will have a personal experience after your death"?

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@chrisgraham2904 As a theist, I would answer: Why is an experience after death contingent upon an experience before I existed?

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@blusheep2 Before you were born, you didn't have life. After your death you will not have life. It's a reasonable hypothesis that being void of life from either state would be equal in non-existence. I don't know and neither do you. I have no evidence to prove my hypothesis and you have no evidence to prove yours. Why does the theist invent a story to answer an unanswered question?

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@blusheep2 I don't know whether one is contingent upon the other, but neither do you. It is merely a rational hypothesis that your non-existence before you had life, could be the same non-existence that occurs after life.
      The rational and logical default is to not build a belief in anything before you have evidence to build that belief upon. That evidence must be verifiable, demonstrable and repeatable.
      If you can answer my previous question; "What makes you think you will have a personal experience after your death"?

  • @leucol
    @leucol หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Your video does more to support atheism than it does to refute it.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@leucol Thanks for sharing your opinion.
      My job is to deliver the truth.
      If you prefer atheist propaganda then go ahead.
      The consequences may be extremely grave and not in your favour.
      Your intellectual heroes will have nothing to do with you when the judgment arrives.
      Disbelieve by all means.
      It only hurts your chances, not mine.
      I hopefully will be rewarded for at least trying hard to bring people to truth.
      Yet there be men who take to themselves objects of worship apart from God, loving them as God is loved;
      but those that believe love God more ardently.
      Oh if the evildoers might see, when they see the chastisement, that the power altogether belongs to God, and that God is terrible in chastisement,
      when those that were followed disown their followers, and they see the chastisement, and their cords are cut asunder,
      and those that followed say,
      'Oh if only we might return again and disown them, as they have disowned us!' Even so God shall show them their works. O bitter regrets for them! Never shall they issue from the Fire.
      Qur'an 2: 165-167

    • @leucol
      @leucol หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel my only preference is to believe true things and to disbelieve untrue things.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      and how do you work out which is which?

    • @leucol
      @leucol หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel Preponderance of evudence and formal logic.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@leucol give me a good example

  • @traviswolcott
    @traviswolcott หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    The overlay text is uninformed and not convincing at all.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@traviswolcott give some good examples to prove your point

    • @wiffleballer28
      @wiffleballer28 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@think-islam-channel "if the past was eternal, we would not have got to now."
      this is akin to a few of Zeno's paradox's...all of which have been thoroughly solved by modern mathematics (mostly calculus, which Zeno did not have access to).
      "the fine tuning example, gravity."
      this falls to the simple analogy of the puddle.

    • @RoamingHeathen
      @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@wiffleballer28it’s always funny to me when religious folk put forward arguments that they don’t realise atheists have already heard (and dismissed through logic) a hundred times before. I’m guessing the video author hasn’t heard of the puddle analogy and its beautiful simplicity.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Zenos paradoxes are just silly riddles.
      They aren't used in physics.
      Do you believe the past can be infinite? If you say yes, I have questions that will easily refute that idea.
      The puddle analogy is found in no philosophical text book, but just the witty meme of a fiction writer.
      Do you fall for silly memes and paradoxes?

    • @wiffleballer28
      @wiffleballer28 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel you asked for examples to prove the original commentators point that your text is uninformed. I supplied you with said examples... That you are using an old paradox about time from zeno. Then you accused me of falling for said paradox.
      Either you're a master troll, or you're even more uninformed than we thought!

  • @RoamingHeathen
    @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I was listening to this video without watching it. It only serves to support the concept of atheism. And I’m guessing that wasn’t your aim.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      You hear what you want to hear.
      That's a You problem.
      The critique is in the text of you want to read it.
      Ultimately, rejecting God has serious ramifications which only negatively affect you, so do as you please.
      Take care.

    • @RoamingHeathen
      @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel and rejecting the ancient pluralistic gods of the Torres Strait Islanders has serious ramifications on your position in the afterlife those people believe in.
      Does that concern you? Perhaps now you understand how meaningless your threats of hell are given that they swim in an ocean of countless threats offered by countless adherents of countless religions, whose threats are in direct logical contradiction to each other and hence cannot all be true. But they can all be false.
      So, how do we go about working about which belief system is true and which is not. We don’t just ‘hear what we want to hear’; we investigate. We toss aside the trauma-informed religious zeal than our parents and society burdened us with and we follow the actual evidence.
      And we don’t make empty threats about an afterlife that is in its nature unfalsifiable. Because that is the action of a charlatan or a fool.

    • @jackieking1522
      @jackieking1522 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel You said "Ultimately, rejecting God has serious ramifications which only negatively affect you, so do as you please.
      Take care."
      Without detailing the "serious ramifications" you leave yourself open to claims you are threat making. I'm fairly sure you do not intend this, so please ....what is this "God" going to do about my not finding any evidence for its being.

    • @shankz8854
      @shankz8854 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channelrejecting god only has serious ramifications if the god you believe in exists. As for the rest of your comment, you sound like a petulant child. I’ve never heard a good argument for why a benevolent god would punish someone who “was made so as not to believe” as it is said. It’s illogical, irrational and definitely not loving or just. It’s painfully, glaringly human.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That's common knowledge
      It depends which religion you're talking about.
      But let's discuss Islam since that's the point of my channel
      In Islam, succeeding in the purpose of this life leads to an infinity in paradise where your 'body' is perfect, without problems, and you can have whatever your soul desires.
      If you fail in your purpose here, which is to love and acknowledge the One that gave you your life and everything you love, then the final destination may be an eternity in hell.
      Now I don't know why you and other atheists just get all emotional and call this a threat.
      A threat is when you imply you are going to harm someone
      This is the delivery of God news and a warning.
      If I said
      'do not swim in the sea here because there are riptides and you most certainly will die from drowning if you try',
      would I be threatening you or giving you a life saving warning?
      Would I be trying to harm you or trying to keep keep you safe?

  • @doro6065
    @doro6065 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I agree with these guys. Thank you for demonstrating god is created by man.

  • @gill7045
    @gill7045 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    An all-powerful being would not need humans to speak for it!
    The rest is excuses.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      where do you get the idea of 'need' from

  • @RoamingHeathen
    @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ‘Scientists discuss god seriously but not Santa seriously’
    I’m assuming you had your tongue in cheek when saying this, but can you break down for me what your point was in mentioning that? In your view, does an apparent scientific discussion on a deity somehow strengthen the idea that god’s existence is more likely?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you read the comment that was responding to.
      Why do you think it was tongue in cheek.
      It's seems as clear as I can make it.

  • @Amsztel
    @Amsztel หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    3:55 "If it doesn't have a beginning, then the past is infinite which is impossible because we'd never get to Now" - well this is simply false. I'd assume every undergrad physics student knows that. I think either your understanding of time is way too outdated or you don't know what "infinity" means. Or both. Just saying.
    In fact, universe CAN have a beginning AND be eternal. Sounds wild? I know - but learn a bit of science in actual academia and you'll be blown away how fascinating and complex our universe and reality really is. Cheers.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Go ahead then, explain how the PAST can be eternal.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Well then explain how this is. If you are saying that every undergrad student of physics knows this, it should be able to justify. How is something that at one point in the finite past did not exist(from "it had a beginning") eternal?

    • @Amsztel
      @Amsztel หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@blusheep2 @think-islam-channel I think your inability to grasp it lays in misunderstanding what time is. Hint: It's not what you think it is. I would start with special theory of relativity and go from there. I you were really interested in this fascinating topic you would know at least some basics. You'd also know it's impossible to explain those basics to someone in the format of YT comments section.
      I give can some simple analogy. Let f(t) = ln(t) where t∈ℝ+. Now you can graph this function and you'll realize it's eternal (it has no end on both sides) and also has a beginning. In other words there is no point in time (t) where this f(t) doesn't exist.
      Besides - if you can accept that some deity can be eternal then you should also accept universe can be eternal. Otherwise it would be a fallacy of special pleading.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Scientific theories are that.
      They evolve, improve or change with time.
      Please answer these 3 questions.
      1. You agree the past is infinite, right?
      2. You believe that matter/energy is conserved ?
      3. You believe that the matter/energy that makes up your body must have been in existence in a point an infinite amount of time ago in the past, correct?

    • @Amsztel
      @Amsztel หลายเดือนก่อน

      1) Like prof. Cox stated in your clip: We don't know
      2) In a closed system - YES. We don't know if the universe is or isn't a closed system.
      3) We don't know.
      I'm honestly baffled why do you think any of this can be remotely correlated with and existence of any deity or lack thereof. It is not. No matter what the answers are, that wouldn't get us anywhere closer to prove or disprove any deity so what's the point of asking them in the first place?

  • @sx200n1
    @sx200n1 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As many people in this set if clips, and the comments on this video and thousands on TH-cam - No one can provide any proof of god. And therefore for me he doesnt exist, and it makes no difference to my life whether I believe he exists or not. And for me that means that religion is pointless.
    I have absolutely no problem with anyone that does believe in god. But for me he doesnt exist and my belief has no impact on the outcomes of my life.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sx200n1 what about the impact on your next phase of life?

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Its hard to know how much something would effect you until you experience it. If you just merely believe God exists, you don't think that this knowledge would effect your life in some way? Make you requestion things you took for granted or give you a better foundation of truth to make your decisions?
      Now you set your standard on proof. Why does something have to be proved before you believe? Why only God, because I guarantee you that if we were to examine your beliefs the vast majority would be held without proof.

    • @sx200n1
      @sx200n1 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@blusheep2 give me an example of a choice in life that is relevant to whether someone believes in god or not? And obviously that excluded choices about having your kids christened or baptised as that is a religious choice.
      There isn't a single time or choice in my life that would have had a different outcome if I believed in god.
      It wouldn't have affected if I bought a house or rented it, what job I applied for, what I spent my money on, what car I bought, where I went on holiday, how I treat others, etc. not a single one would be any different.
      Why do religious people assume that non believers are nut jobs waiting to go off the rails and do bad things just because we don't have a made up book of morals to live by? Of which most morals are just normal human behaviour and have no link to religion.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @sx200n1 your lady paragraph is totally false. Can you prove believers think that.
      On the contrary, Islam believes that we all have a fitrah given by God ie an innate instinct or probation to 1. Believe in a higher power and 2. To have a conscience

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sx200n1 All your moral choices are relevant to a belief in God.
      _There isn't a single time or choice in my life that would have had a different outcome if I believed in god._
      I doubt that and I think this is a very shallow conclusion. Not only have I experienced going from being an unbeliever to being a believer and can chart the differences in my life by so doing, I also can tell what I would have become under certain circumstances without my faith, because I can see the dichotomy of who we are. Its not just the moral choices we make but what we learn about ourselves and the greater world that plays a role.
      I'm not a Hindu but I can think deeply enough to recognize that if I became one it would have a significant impact on my life. Think about it in reverse. Lets say you were a die hard Christian. You went to church everyday, sung in choir and was going to be a pastor, but one day you realized that you were just conforming to other's expectations and you walked away an atheist. Are you saying that this wouldn't have an effect on your life? If nothing would change going from an atheist to a Christian then nothing should change going from Christian to atheist, right?
      So how would being a Christian change my choices regarding my house, job, money, car, holiday, and treating others? Ill tell you.
      House you buy or rented.... Depending on your financial strength you might buy a house that is smaller then you can afford so as not to put your treasures in things.
      Car... Same thing. As a Christian you might say, "I can afford this car but I could support an entire missionary team if I went with something that works instead of something flashy."
      Job.... You may actually feel led into one job over another. Your choice for a job might not be based on how it prospers you but where you are needed most.
      Spend your money.... A Christian isn't going to subscribe to porn. Gamble thousands away in Vegas.
      Vacation.... Maybe you go on a mission trip with the church instead of Europe
      How you treat others.... Nothing in atheism compels you to treat others well. You may be a compassionate person that treats people very well till that day you don't want to and there is nothing to compel you to no follow your desires.
      The point isn't to say that atheists can't make good decisions. Its simply to show that your belief and relationship to God will be a foundation for all of your beliefs. Under atheism the only thing acting as a foundation for your beliefs is you. Those two different perspectives will change how you make your life's decisions guaranteed.
      _Why do religious people assume that non believers are nut jobs waiting to go off the rails and do bad things just because we don't have a made up book of morals to live by?_
      Well, I don't know that we do think that. That being the case we have seen what happens when atheists gain absolute power. They kill millions of people coming from a "survival of the fittest" mentality. Does that mean all atheists will do that? Of course not.
      I think the point is that there is no objective foundation for an atheist to not do that. What will people do if they don't believe they will ever get caught? Do you think that most people in that scenario would lead a perfectly moral life? I doubt it. Morality in atheism is grounded on thousands of desires that can shift by their own whims. The arbiter of moral truth is the atheist, not the country. Not their families and of course not God. In my worldview I can choose 1 of 2 options. To live for myself or to live for God. If I choose to live for God, then my moral choices are laid out before me. I don't get to change them because I'd rather do something else, or not care that day. Atheists only have the choice.... live for themselves. Its just a simple truth between the worldviews.

  • @bryanmack5410
    @bryanmack5410 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You have no business even trying to discuss the problem of religion. Every single point and reply in your comments is topical, deflecting, pseudo intellectual dribble. Go back to your Bronze Age story books and leave the grown-up stuff alone.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      wow, extreme views.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bryanmack5410 edit that to something more intelligent or have yourself blocked

    • @bryanmack5410
      @bryanmack5410 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel even your reply did exactly what I’m accusing you of doing.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      in your mind.
      What's with the poisonous attitude?

    • @bryanmack5410
      @bryanmack5410 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel what’s with posing as an intellectual? It’s like you’ve never, ever listened to a real debate. It’s embarrassing, especially for those of us who support the real community. You are a wannabe poser, and deep down I bet you know it.

  • @andresvillarreal9271
    @andresvillarreal9271 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    At 24:20 or so, you completely mix science and atheism as if they were the same thing. The ones who are constantly challenging their own views are the scientists, among others. Our scientific knowledge is the sum of the hypotheses that have been challenged relentlessly and have not cracked. I can be an atheist for all the right reasons, or all the wrong reasons. I can say "I believe that there are no gods, and if you tell me otherwise, I will punch you". Or I can say "My theism or atheism is determined by the constant challenges that I put on my knowledge, and atheism is winning". The same goes for theism. You are making all the wrong assumptions about both atheists and theists.

  • @RWonline
    @RWonline หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    What is childhood cancer for?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's a terrible question that speaks to emotion.
      Your doing what people like Dawkins, Gervais and Fry do, which is resort to emotion in the domain of philosophy.
      A better question is this
      'If there is a God, then why would He allow any suffering'.
      I need to do a video on that.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Problem of Evil (POE).
      It’s a fairly straight-forward and logical argument.
      I would say the problem it's mainly a problem for Christians who claim that Jesus pbuh is All-Good and All-loving.
      There are many ways to address the argument.
      You need to reflect on the possibility that this life has pleasure and pain as essential features we need to experience.
      Some atheists complain that there is too much suffering in the world.
      The question to that would be:
      what level of suffering would be compatible with an all loving all powerful god ?
      If you follow this argument logically to it's natural conclusion, the only option would be for every being to be eternally and continuously equally happy and identical in every sense.
      Once we get away with diseases, natural disasters and crimes, the atheist may say: 'Well that person has more money and a better standard of life than the other. This is not compatible with an all loving all powerful god. That person is taller, that one better looking, that one a better singer, that one fitter , that one more intelligent and that one has more spare time' etc etc.
      So the only final solution is uniform and equal perfection. Everyone has to be perfect and have the exact same attributes or they have to have certain emotions removed eg the need to compare with others, insecurity, jealousy etc.
      But this was already there before humans were created: angels in heaven.
      So clearly this world has to have some purpose.
      A video recommendation: Atheist maths professor Jeffrey Lang from Texas : he describes his first encounter with the Quran in a video called the Purpose of Life.
      Lang's early life was blighted by domestic violence. He struggled with why there was evil in the world. You can still hear that trauma in his voice as he recounts his childhood.
      The POE troubled him throughout his life.
      One day he reads the Quran because it was the only book around (he was on the process of moving) and gets to the verse where God tells the angels that he is going to create humans.
      "And when thy Lord said to the angels, 'I am setting in the earth an ambassador.' They said, 'What, wilt Thou set therein one who will do corruption there, and shed blood, while We proclaim Thy praise and call Thee Holy?' He said, 'Assuredly I know that you know not.'"
      Quran 2:30.
      Just listening to Lang unpack this verse from an atheistic perspective was fascinating.
      Why would God create humans when he knew the evil and bloodshed they would commit?
      Great question.
      Think of vaccination of a baby against tetanus: it hurts and the baby has to be restrained and given a small amount of mental trauma. The baby may develop a fever and be unwell for a few days.
      But all these harms are thought to be insignificant compared to the benefit.
      Consider the pain and hardship children have to go through for their education: getting up early for years and struggling through homework and the stress of exams.
      But how does that hardship compare with the goal/achievement and the options it opens up?
      If the next life truly is INFINITE,
      then we compare a maximum of 100 years of suffering here,
      compared to an infinity of bliss and whatever our souls desire.
      100 years/ infinite years
      = exactly Zero percent.
      So from a purely rational/Mathematical viewpoint we could claim that we don't actually suffer here.
      Well, we could at least say that we suffer for zero percent of our total existence, if we get to heaven.
      Have you ever suffered or been in extreme pain on your life?
      I have had extreme pain with things like toothache and backache in the past.
      I don't feel it at all now.
      They are just a memory but they were torture at the time.
      They have left me no permanent harm.
      I would argue that they add to my appreciation of aspects of my health now.
      So you still feel the physical sufferings you had in childhood?
      However, I concede that mental trauma can lead to long term suffering.
      Have you ever had a nightmare with suffering.
      Then you wake, and are OK after a few minutes.
      No harm done.
      Consider that analogy and apply it to a soul waking up in the next life, and considering their earthly suffering as trivial.
      Could that not at least be theoretically possible?
      If not, why not

    • @FirstLast-dm7hv
      @FirstLast-dm7hv หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why do you expect only good to ever happen? There is sin in the world, nothing is perfect except for God.

    • @Reno_Slim
      @Reno_Slim หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      God created evil because god is evil and enjoys watching his creations suffer.

    • @FirstLast-dm7hv
      @FirstLast-dm7hv หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Reno_Slim You are thinking of the godless democrats, sorry.

  • @fekinel
    @fekinel หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Lol..epic religious this satire?...the irony.. haha..

  • @randomyoutubecommenter2863
    @randomyoutubecommenter2863 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Real quick, how old was Aisha when she got married to Muhammad? Answer in just the number please.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@randomyoutubecommenter2863 3 years older than Rebekah.
      And the age of marriage is not equal to the age of consummation.
      Before we go further, what do you use as your yardstick for moral judgments

    • @randomyoutubecommenter2863
      @randomyoutubecommenter2863 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel just a number please

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@randomyoutubecommenter2863 answer my questions please.
      The answer is the same number as your IQ

    • @randomyoutubecommenter2863
      @randomyoutubecommenter2863 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@think-islam-channel Your question is irrelevant to answering mine. Wouldn't any good muslim want to share the quran? please, do tell me what my iq is

    • @RoamingHeathen
      @RoamingHeathen หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@randomyoutubecommenter2863 notice how they’ll never answer it? They just won’t. Odd, isn’t it.

  • @richardowens9061
    @richardowens9061 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    "God" is merely a power play. It is an attempt to steal the authority of an all powerful being. It matters not whether that being actually exists. What matters is that people believe He exists and that certain people speak/spoke for Him. Don't fall for it.
    As for myself, if there is such a thing as a "God" and He has anything to say to me, I have FAITH that He knows where I am and how to say it so I know it is really Him. Therefore, I ignore ALL the clowns who pretend to speak for Him - especially, if they lived and died thousands of years ago.
    And, religion is for those who would have others tell them how they should act, think, feel, and believe. That is counterfeit spirituality. True spirituality is figuring those things out for yourself.
    As long as there are those who would have others tell them how they should act, think, feel, and believe, there will be religions - and, those exploiting them for their own agendas.
    God believers fail to realize that, regardless of whether "God" (whatever that is) exists, or not, "it" will ALWAYS be a construct in their imagination that they created for themselves. And, "God" doesn't have to be anything like that. So, it's just an imaginary friend.
    They can't help this. None of us can. When anyone mentions, "God," all any of the rest of us can do is imagine what they're talking about - because, none of us has ever seen one.
    Now, see if you can argue against any of this.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for that perspective.
      Those are just your unusual views, so they're is nothing logical to argue against.
      All I can do is recommend you read the Quran with an unbiased mind.
      May God guide you.

    • @richardowens9061
      @richardowens9061 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel If there is a real God out there somewhere, I do not need any books written by men to know about him. Any God worthy of the title who had something to say to me would say it and in such a way that I would know it was him. The very fact that no such God has reached out to me tells me that he thinks I am getting along just fine without him.
      And, if you believe you do need books to know about God, then you have no faith in any sort of real God worthy of the title. Ostensibly, those who wrote the Quran and the Bible had a direct relationship with God that you do not believe you could have yourself - which is why you feel a need for a book to know about God.
      You have placed your faith in men who claim to speak on behalf of God. I have faith in a God who I do not believe exists. Chew on that for awhile.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      once again you are just expressing your views as truths.
      What is the evidence you have besides you think so.

    • @richardowens9061
      @richardowens9061 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channelYes, I am expressinng my views. And, my words speak for themselves and are based in logic that is explained in my posts. I don't need any evidence - because, I am making no attempt to influence you or prove anything to you. And, stop pretending that you care about evidence when none of your beliefs that you hold now are based on any that you can present. Yours is a purely faith based belief system. You have zero evidence to support your own claims. It is disingenuous for you to demand evidence from me when you have none of your own. And, I have no burden to prove the non-existence of a God in whom I do not believe. On the other hand, you have a burden of proving to yourself, if not anyone else, that your God exists - because, you believe he exists.. Unfortunately, for you, that is a burden that you cannot meet - despite your desperate need to do so.
      Believe as you would choose to believe - I don't care what you believe.

    • @jackieking1522
      @jackieking1522 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thats great Mr Owens....thank you. I've really enjoyed your contribution. Just transferred it to my "religious" file.... not sure why as I'll be dead quite soon and the only thing I'm pleased with in my life is that I managed to find a wife who agreed with me that our children should grow up as free of religion as we could manage. So non of them ( or the grandchildren!!) will be interested in the nonsense we were bought up with.

  • @luavdahiya
    @luavdahiya หลายเดือนก่อน

    3:56 person name ?

  • @kumaranvij
    @kumaranvij หลายเดือนก่อน

    Question: What are the odds a man made this video?
    Me: 100%.
    Male atheist: We can't know anything 100%.
    Me: That's true. I don't even know, 100%, that a god does not exist. Yet, somehow, I just KNOW that a man made this video. Ask me how!

    • @kumaranvij
      @kumaranvij หลายเดือนก่อน

      Having read the comments section, I see that you purport to be a theist. Are you attempting to pull the wool over our eyes?

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kumaranvij you made that comment to yourself.
      Who was it directed at?
      What your point?

    • @kumaranvij
      @kumaranvij หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel My point is that I don't believe you actually believe in a god.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      thanks for sharing your belief.
      It's quirky, but all least it's very original.

    • @kumaranvij
      @kumaranvij หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel I aim for quirky and original. You're very welcome. Have fun praying.

  • @eatfrenchtoast
    @eatfrenchtoast หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The better question is do you believe in prophets. Lets settle that first then discuss the bigger unknowns.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@eatfrenchtoast yes I do.
      Over to you.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Finckelstein This is just an argument from incredulity. Because you can't understand the decisions of God your are implying that God must not be real. It doesn't follow that your finite knowledge implies such a thing.

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @michaelsowerby8198
    @michaelsowerby8198 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Muslims believe in a god who is eternally one, in the sense of a Unitarian Monad. Question: if your assertion is true, why do you refer to your god using a noun (allah) and a pronoun (he)? Nouns and pronouns are the properties of and only make sense in the context of relationships. A solitary eternal monad, who is in relationship with no-one, doesn't require a noun or a pronoun, or anything which would make a distinction. Such a distinction would not be required. THINK...!

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@michaelsowerby8198 Allah = Al (The) Elah (God).
      How would you discuss God if you can't call him something
      Why allow the word God?
      Allah is the Arabic word for God.
      He is the pronoun of respect. We are not going to address the Creator as It.
      And we reject modern feminists who want to politicians pronouns and demand She.
      He is generic and doesn't specify a male gender in this case.
      It's literary convention.

    • @michaelsowerby8198
      @michaelsowerby8198 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel, that answer does not comport with what the koran says and, assuming you've read it, you know it!

    • @michaelsowerby8198
      @michaelsowerby8198 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@think-islam-channel if 'he' is the pronoun of respect, it logically follows, that allah was not worthy of respect until man was created - since you are claiming that the "temporal" 'he' is the ultimate pronoun of respect. 😮

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't know what point you're making.
      Tell me what the Qur'an says

    • @think-islam-channel
      @think-islam-channel  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @michaelsowerby8198 stupid point about He , but you're in good company:the internet is full of stupid comments

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley หลายเดือนก่อน

    As soon as Allah/Yahweh/Jesus makes an appearance I can get to know him instead of relying on words.

  • @FirstLast-dm7hv
    @FirstLast-dm7hv หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You're right. We are just clumps of cells from some bang some billions of years ago. The trillions and trillions of random mutations over billions of years mixed with a lot of luck and BAM! Here we are. Kudos for my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather for crawling out of the ocean and suddenly be able to breath air.

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Theist: "How could this possibly happen without God"?
      Atheist: "I don't know for sure....but, it did happen".

    • @kumaranvij
      @kumaranvij หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why do you think there was a "bang!" when you were born? Isn't that rather narcissistic of you? Why isn't there a "bang" when everyone is/was born?

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kumaranvij Someone had to bang someone before anyone was born.

  • @dopeydonaldtrump3744
    @dopeydonaldtrump3744 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is only one true god: The Flying Spaghetti Monster

    • @chrisgraham2904
      @chrisgraham2904 หลายเดือนก่อน

      May the sauce be with you.