I'm shocked you're reviewing a lager. I was under the assumption if it wasn't whiskey barrel aged/nothing south of 10%, it wouldn't be worthy of your critique ;-) The color was a bit hard to discern (pay your damn electric bill and turn on a few lights), but looked like a nice Marzen, perhaps. Cheerz Johnny.
Thought this beer was fantastic as well. Cheers and happy holidays!
I enjoyed this one
Cheers Johnny
I love the enjoyability and simplicity Jack’s Abby lagers. Cheers, Bumpy!
I'm shocked you're reviewing a lager. I was under the assumption if it wasn't whiskey barrel aged/nothing south of 10%, it wouldn't be worthy of your critique ;-) The color was a bit hard to discern (pay your damn electric bill and turn on a few lights), but looked like a nice Marzen, perhaps. Cheerz Johnny.
Well, you know I'm always looking to expand my horizons! Cheers!