I don’t know in what language Selena Gomez is performing. What I do know is that it is not Spanish. This movie is very disrespectful on several levels. It's a film to show Europeans and Americans what THEY WANT to see in us: poor, savages and bandits. It's the Green Book of this season. This movie will age poorly and will always be remembered as a huge awards mistake. “I’m still here” is the real Latin American film of the season.
It's a great movie in fact that movie gave me the idea for another similar: let's make a movie about the 9/11 where one of the terrorist transitioned to a women, then she create a foundation for the family victims to help them, but the movie it's not filmed in USA is in Iraq, all the cast is Arab and nobody talks English properly but hey these are the creative licenses that the director can take in the name of art right?, it doesn't matter if you represent in a proper way the USA, the important thing is the message. ... then when she dies, she is named Nobel Peace Prize winner for all the work she did, sounds great doesn't it? worthy of winning many awards and reflect the struggle of the human spirit to become a better person regardless of the hundred/thousand people that you killed.
Yeah! I used this example. (Súper bad english I’m sorry) This movie equals this: “imagine a musical about the naz* ocupattion in france.. thousands of families murdered, and in the musical, with a german cast portrait a Hitler in his way to be forgiven because he wants to become a Woman… imagine the disrepect we are feeling in México 🤬
Those who say the acting is good definitly don't speak spanish at all, and if you think that a murder/narco can be forgiven for finding the bodies he murdered, well, you are part lf the problem. This movie is making fun of the victims of the narco
@@Zuranthiumthat is literally what most Mexicans think, we hate it here for it's lack of research, horrible acting, terrible songs and lack of sensitivity. Maybe if you step out of your bubble you'll see that it was made by a bunch of ignorant foreigners with huge egos. No effort was made to research the country they set the movie in, because they tought they knew everything about Mexico without ever being there just like you
@@Zuranthium Que sentirías tú si un familiar tuyo desaparece sin saber si esta vivo o no, o peor aún que lo encontrarán hecho pedazos o con algún otro tipo de tortura??? Te gustaría ver algo como eso representado como un musical???
This movie is VERY offensive to Mexicans on so many levels; I wish the director had tried harder to do his homework on a very sensitive topic for us. When people applaud him, it is because they don't know how it is really happening and clearly are not victims of so many parents of the cartels. Shame on them.
@@carljcreighton I bet if Jacques, the director, had done a movie about Mexico where he said every 5 minutes gorditas are the best food in the world, tequila is the most amazing thing, and he would have said a typical phrase like "Viva Mexico cabrones" during the premiere, Mexicans would say it's the best movie ever filmed while chanting to Jacques "Jacques hermano, ya eres mexicano". That's how Mexicans are wired, they love when you praise them but hate when you say something "negative" about their country.
I think for non-spanish speakers you cannot grasp just HOW TERRIBLE the accents are, many hollywood actors in the past have done dedicated work to do a respectful and credible work training for the accent of their character...and as a mexican it's truly appalling that in this movie no one even tried. It's so problematic on so many levels but in terms of acting alone...it's just so disrespectful and laughable
@@lucaspettersen6935they are actors though, that Is a thing they train to do. Usually in these móviles they even have language trainers for that. yeah, Selena isn't as good in the language to develop an accent. But that's the season she shouldn't have been cast in the first place
I am currently on vacation in Mexico, they are DESTROYING this movie down here, they think its bonkers bad and this pos winning at the golden globes is sending them though the roof
The big problem of the movie is how representate the problem of the missing people by the narcos. Thanks God I hadn't the experience to have a missing familiar, but the situation on real life is a extremly complicate bullshit, the way they solve the problem in the movie is disrespectful. The worst part is that the director of this movie confessed that he don't investigated about the narcos in Mexico. The movie has other problems like the spanish of the cast, the unlogic lyrics and other bad aspects, but the metioned problem is the worst. Sorry if my english has the same quality like Selena Gomez's spanish.
yo soy Mexicana y la verdad se me hizo una total burla esta película una falta de respeto a un tema muy delicado que afecta a familias y ala sociedad mexicana en estos tiempos, jugar de esa forma con los desaparecidos se me hizo algo fuera de contexto . Y ni que decir del horrible español de Selena y Zoe le falto mucho corazón a esta película y a la interpretación de las actrices.
emilia perez me encantó. . no pretende reflejar la realidad mejicana. solo se basa ligeramente. los actores tampoco son mejicanos, salvo una. artistica y tecnicamente es sobresaliente, de ahi los premios. otra cosa es que como mexicano te pueda ofender mas o menos. en europa no nos tomamos esto tan en serio.
I don’t think it needed to be a musical or a Mexican cartel film in order for it to get its point across. Couldn’t feel sympathy for a drug lord unfortunately
As a Mexican born and raised. This movie, in my opinion, is very offensive to Mexicans and portrays a harsh and complex reality of Mexico as if it were a game. None of the actors are Mexican, which is evident in their accents. The film hasn’t even been screened in Mexico. Talking about women searching for the bodies of their children is an incredibly difficult topic, and here the French director, who has already admitted he hasn’t been to Mexico and did only minimal research into Mexican culture, makes that apparent. Selena Gomez speaks broken Spanish and even makes many grammatical mistakes. The script’s approval by someone whose first language is not Spanish is also very obvious. Overall, it is an offensive film, reinforces stereotypes, and doesn’t even portray Mexicans.
callate la boca jaja, como mexicano, born and raised, this movie is awesome, it's a different perspective, mexico it's used as a background to tell a story, that is what movies are about and it's a very valid take, hasn't been screened in mexico because IT'S A FRENCH NETFLIX FILM and you can watch it on that platform. it just happens to be set in mexico. Or did you complain about james bond because they put us a yellow filter? or Narcos because most of the main cast is not mexican? or Disney Coco because the main singer for the character was born in US? if you take a story told by someone else to be offensive, then the problem is within yourself, but just because is not portrayed with the same perspective you have (because, again, the director is french) doesn't mean it's offensive!! watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is! a great story, with great music.
Zoe Saldaña deserves credit for saving this movie from total ridicule. She’s asked to do a lot of goofy stuff and carries the material with conviction.
Zoe Saldaña's character has moral issues with working as a defense attorney, but working for and becoming besties with a head of a Mexican drug cartel is somehow ok? I guess because the movie needs her to be.
Im confused: she's a lawyer but other than creating Switzerland passports for Jessi and the kids, i dont know what she actually does as a lawyer? am i missing something or lost in translation??? Is that what lawyer does?
@@MovingUp-u5n She has a degree in law but the movie establishes that the firm she works for specializes in getting people off for crimes. The movie opens where she's covering a case where a man murders his wife but the law firm is covering up the murder and claiming it is a suicide. She's extremely discontent with her line of work and realizes its morally reprehensible, while simultaneously being imbued to do this work because she has no other path in life. She's in her 40s and very clearly does not have the money or connections to start her own firm.
I was very disappointed at the movie. I thought the musical was weird and boring. The story took a weird turn with the thing of becoming a “nice” person by changing identity. It was all weird.
This movie is equivalent to this: imagine a musical about the Naz* occupation in France, where thousands of families were murdered. Now picture the musical featuring a German cast, portraying Hitler on a journey to redemption because he wants to become a woman. Can you imagine the level of disrespect we’re feeling in Mexico? 🤬
Critics pretending to like it is hilarious. Its a cringe fest. The music is horrible and it only got nominated because its a trans movie. 13 nominations what a joke
Why can’t the women in the film recognize that’s a man? Zoe recognizes this man but his own wife/mother of his children doesn’t? Okay, sell me a bill of goods.
You can be an LGBTQ+ ally and someone who supports Latine people and Mexican people and admit that this movie is just bad! It’s a horribly done movie and a “musical” with really bad music but also a disrespectful movie to Mexicans and a harmful movie to trans people. This movie amplifies many of the negative tropes associated with both Mexicans and with trans people. Let’s stop trying to elevate this movie as the woke movie of the year because it is NOT.
If you want to see a French-European interpretation of social struggle and crime in Mexico I would recommend Luis Bunnuel's films of the 1950's such as "Los Olvidados" and "El Bruto."
bro, this movie is OFFENSIVE to a delicate topic and mexican culture, even to spanish languaje too and latinos in general so take another look into it and do some research
I just finished this movie. So weird. A lot of good stuff , some cheesy B movie stuff but in the end, as a Mexican, I can tell this was not made by a Mexican but someone that really doesn’t know Mexico at all. When Emilia asks if there’s good schools in Polando, I was like……. Really? If you live in Mexico City everybody knows Polanco is the best place to live. It’s like an American asking if Beverly Hills is nice. Laughable and sloppy. Still there’s some good stuff in a weird way.
Awful movie if you actually understand spanish and Mexican culture. The whole script feels like it was written with google translate, the songs are awful and the singing is atrocious. Selena’s spanish is beyond terrible, it feels like she’s reading cue cards phonetically with no emotion or understanding of what she’s actually saying. I couldn’t believe that this movie is nominated let alone winning awards 🤦
I really hated this movie. Many of the criticisms were the same as mine, but were clearly amplified for me. During the screening, both Christy's assessment that it's like Mrs. Doubtfire and Alonso's impression that it is obvious it's a movie about a transgender person that's not made by a transgender person became apparent to me. Also a little King of New York in that criminal trying to go legit. Almodovar could have done something much better with this material, and it's a clear influence.Totally disappointing because Audiard has made some terrific films. Gives me no joy to knock down a big swing like this.
Amen! I feel the exact same way, this movie is so problematic and it's a big swing and a huge miss. It's just really disheartening that a movie with a trans actress in the lead role and the cast isn't given any great material to work with.
@@tlovehater No it's not, it might be nominated but it won't win. This is film is like Almodovar if it was half-baked with actors giving one-note performances as these two dimensional characters.
@@tlovehater if you go in thinking it'll be Pedro-level, you will be sorely disappointed. It's nowhere near that. And Netflix is essentially dumping it on streaming, so I think it'll be forgotten quickly. My friend and I were the only people in a Saturday afternoon showing. If you're curious about Audiard, Rust and Bone, The Beat My Heart Skipped, and Read My Lips are all very good.
Im so glad I found you guys, you literally have the same exact thoughts as me on every film ive seen this year so now i truly have someone I can trust for film recommendations. You're critical and intelligent and don't swing just on emotion and actually think about the craft of filmmaking. Congrats!
The Spanish on this movie is so wrong. It sounds like they used google translator. For example, Selena’s character says “me duele la pinche vulva” no one says that in Spanish is so weird 😂. It’s not just the accent or pronunciation, it’s the grammar and words and phrases that we don’t used and sound weird.
Revisiting the review after its 13 Oscar noms. I will say the movie reminds me of Three Billboards in where it NEVER looks like where it’s set and whole papers can be written on how stranded Selena Gomez is. The dialogue is clearly translated and her spanish is further endangered by the ridiculous misuse of Spanish. I don’t hate the film, Karla Gascon is giving a movie star performance, she literally comes off as someone who belongs on the big screen but MAN this movie doesn’t protect its cast. Non Mexican actors deliver half assed Spanish, bizarre misuse of language and in my personal opinion a frankly hilarious disregard for Mexican culture. There are whole scenes set in Mexico that are clearly just Paris. Paris can stand in for other places ie The Substance but MAN. That said it really is a big swing.
I wanted to like “Perez”. I did not. Nothing works. A musical where no one can sing. I felt Gascon was the weakest performance. Saldana is best and the lead (100% category fraud). A real miss. It need not win all these awards.
Movie was hot dog ass lol 😂 everyone getting paid for their reviews . I love you guys but come on . Be honest , you will never watch this again . And the fact it’s up for 13 nominations is a crime . Every other movie nominated was 100x better than this .
I would applaud that it's weird and daring if at least had investigation and context right and if the non mexican (at all) language that is "spoken" in this was at least consistent. Ok. it's on Netflix, is there... but you know... they want us mexicans to pay for it and go to the movies inspite of the disrespect the director has towards Mexico and it's people. The casting director said that they looked for the best actors and actresses but they didn't even research!!!!
Knowing the academy, this is likely going to get 13 Oscar nominations. Sigh.
16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1
Oh. The songs starts from poorly made rithms with of street noises, that's something nobody ever saw! Stomp out loud, and plenty of others. Really! That's dazzling???
I agree with you both. I saw this movie and it really doesn't handle trans identity issues with a sympathetic hand and it's very offensive towards Mexican culture. I hope it doesn't get awards. 👎
There’s a number that lists all the surgeries that felt off. I think it’s based on a French book and the songs are written by French composer. So I get why it’s France’s submission.
Oh hey- it’s the guy that had a melt down in Peri Nemiroff’s comment section screaming at me about Joker 2 getting nominated for Best Picture and how great of a film it was while shitting on Emilia Perez and how it had zero chance of getting nominated…then deleted those meltdown comments after Joker got panned by audiences and bombed at the office. It’s nice to see you care SO much about women and marginalized voices that the second a woman you got in an argument with proves you wrong that you run to delete the whole conversation thread. Welcome back, David.
@@rebekahp4083 Hey I got off Joker 2 right after it released, it's nice to see you care SO much about the marginalized voices of the trans community when Emilia Pérez is offensive toward them and yet you keep defending it after it's been panned by Mexicans and trans people on Twitter and Letterboxd. I didn't delete any of my comments, they disappeared from Perri Nemiroff comment section just because she didn't like I doubted her predictions. It's nice to see how condescending people like you can become when you clearly don't know everything. The only one having a meltdown is you. Great job, Rebekah.👍
@@davidfilmexpert David, that’s interesting, I’ve had plenty of different predictions than Peri and I’ve never had my comments deleted. I even went back to double check her video where you attacked me in the comments and found plenty of other people politely disagreeing with her in the comments section and having very different predictions than her. All of those comments are still up. You’ll forgive me for finding it hard to believe that Peri deleted specifically your comments not immediately after the video came out but only weeks later following Joker’s failure at the box office and after I asked you how you now felt about your comments given the film’s commercial and critical failure. As for trans rights and representation in film, you’re right I do care very much about that issue! As a woman who is part of the LGBT+ and is in a relationship with a trans person, it’s an issue I have to deal with on a daily basis and forgive for assuming here- I’m willing to bet probably affects me and my life much more than it does yours. Since I care so much about this issue, it’s a good thing I never once commented on Emilia Perez’s individual merits or whether or not I personally find the movie to be problematic. If you’ll recall our previous conversation, our one point of agreement was that neither of us liked the film. No, you attacked me in the comments and had a meltdown solely because I pointed out (correctly as it turns out) that given Emilia Perez’s performance at film festivals and festival reactions that I was personally present for- it objectively has a pretty good shot at getting into Best Picture at the Oscars and likely some other major categories over films like Joker. That’s what lead to you calling me silly, brainless, and whatever other derisive adjectives you used. Problematic films make it into the Oscar conversation nearly every year and sometimes those films even go on to win best picture- like Green Book and Crash. I absolutely loathed Green Book personally but I still predicted it would win Best Picture in 2019, because awards prognostics are not based on my personal feeling towards a film- it’s simply my opinions on what I feel has a good shot at making into the Oscar conversation based on past metrics and statistics. As for my tone, you’ll have to forgive some of the snark, but I do find it deeply ironic when a man accuses a LGBT+ woman, that is an a relationship with a trans person, of transphobia for the apparently very daring act of saying that a film has a good chance of doing well during awards season…. I think I’ve said about all I have to on this subject but I would like to leave you with some advice. Maybe the next time a woman disagrees with your awards predictions (because that is all our disagreement was actually about- not whether Emilia Perez is a good film or whether or not it’s good trans representation) maybe instead of melting down and making some pretty sexist inferences that they have no clue what they’re talking about because they have a different opinion than yours- maybe instead of calling those women condescending for calling out that behavior- you should ask yourself if you’re really doing this because you care about uplifting marginalized voices? Because that person you’re being pretty nasty to- might just be one of those marginalized people who you claim to care about uplifting. I genuinely don’t wish you any malice, but do feel strongly about calling people out, especially men, when they are behaving rudely and unprofessionally. Just some food for thought and that’s all I really have left to say on the matter.
The movie is really bad. The storyline is insulting and does not represent the mexican culture. The language they use and the expressions they use in Spanish in the film is not how we speak. The songs are terrible. And they dont even sing well. I am a fan of Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña, but this is the worst movie they have ever been in. I think it's a bad choice in their career. I dont think they deserve any recognition as the best film. Unless the standards to judge a good film are very low. Wicked was a much better movie with amazing singers and great songs.
This "film" was so cartoonish and disrespectful it should be attacked from all fronts. Anything that wins at Cannes is because of propaganda and for throwing some stereotypes here and there . Note: Gómez can't have a terrible accent because she doesn't speak the language. She is not an Ibero-american.
Interesting how the narrative on this film has shifted as more people (including Trans/LGBTQA+ film critics) have seen it but it still might do well at the Oscars. I think the fact that it is on Netflix might hurt it more with the Academy.
The depiction of Mexico isnt bad. As a Mexican i am not mad at it. The acting itself is good. The story is at least interesting, what gets me is having Zoe be Dominican and no very clearly indicate that she is and is now living in Mexico and working there as a lawyer and it isnt dawning on anyone that is what is happening. There are black people in mexico she could have played a true mexican, by getting the accent right , but i feel like this movie did not make the efford to cast any mexicans as the main characters or give the actors the time to sound and feel mexican. Selena is supposed to be a mexican american women that still cannot speak spanish fluently even after living in mexico for years, just give the girl more time to get it right. The lady playing Epifania is the only mexican actress in the cast and she does an amazing job. I think from the mexican audience she is the only that makes sense in this story. Everything else feels fake. Like a soap opera by way France. The other issue i have with it is that the main character is one of the most violent man turn trans women. The trans part is not the issue, the issue is that i am supposed to believe that a men that has inflicted so much violence and death and was probably one creating many of the death and missing of my country has a sudden chance of heart and now wants to help people find their missing death. The story just didnt give me enough to belive the change. Just didnt.
You must’ve missed the part where Rita said she’s Dominican but moved to Mexico to be a lawyer. That alone invalidates this entire comment, respectfully
I’m also Mexican and the main thing that wasn’t believable is the way they portray our country. Very cliche and not realistic. It feels like the Mexico that a foreigner that’s never been here imagines.
@@juanvsreviews you must want Hollywood to only show Mexico in a positive light when in reality Mexico struggles with that shit and is the main reason why Mexico isnt the #1 country in the world. It’s not unrealistic it happens. Btw también soy mexicano
@@RickiiTenseenot necessarily. I think when someone who lives in Mexico City has to ask If Polanco has good schools, specially someone who has as much money as Emilia, then you know the person that made the movie doesn’t understand Mexico City It’s almost like if in an American movie someone asks if Beverly Hills is a nice neighborhood
@@RickiiTensee it is not about Hollywood portraying Mexico in a positive light. It is more about the same cliches being put on movies over and over again. There is a constant dissonance during the movie, and the reasons become apparent when you see who directed it and wrote it. You have a French director, who doesnt speak Spanish or English, directing a movie in Spanish about a country that he knows not so much about. The movie feels like a fucking google search about Mexico. And they were actually very insensitive about the whole matter of people killed by the Cartel...
Emilia Pérez, a film that, instead of delivering an experience, seems determined to test our patience... Drama? Comedy? It doesn’t matter, because what it truly achieves is leaving us wondering: "Why did I decide to watch this movie? Was it because it’s Oscar-nominated or because Mexico is being used as a media theme?" 😏
I watched it last night and agree with much of what you both said. A for effort and I was mostly thrilled with it, even though it didn’t work all that well. I’m more in the positive camp with it cause I love the ambition and also feel putting the spotlight on trans stories is helpful.
This movie doesn't deal with gender identitiy. He simply tell us about human nature. No matter how we try to escape what WE are, sooner or later, our true nature catches up with us. This movie IS brillant in it's staging, in thé émotion, the music IS mémorable. This movie mixes all genres ans whatever one thinks ideologically, it succeeds in what it sets out to do.
I totally agree. I think these critics and others are disappointed they didn't see the film they hoped to see rather than appreciating the film for what it is. The crime and melodrama elements are perfectly blended with the musical numbers which, in turn, perfectly fit with the tone of the film. It's so common for everyone to judge films based on narrative and 'what happens' and not enough appreciation of the storytelling process. Who cares about what happens in the end? Just because there is gender re-assignment in the film doesn't mean it is a political movie about trans people. The ambition and level of surprise is enough for me to make it extremely satisfying
100% agree with you i believe it's the core of the movie..about humanity..yes of course it did not please everything that our society expects it to touch ie sex/gender/culture, but the story telling and how the music was used to amplify the film's goal and story is definitely great and creative. Other movies i find great too for 2024 are The Substance, Smile 2, Hitman, Anatomy of a fall and Hundreds of Beavers.
The arrogant and racist French casting director said she searched for Mexican actresses and didn't find any talented enough, then she search in the whole Latin America and, again, she didn't find any talented actresses.
Watched it last night. Really enjoyed it. Question for Alonso: there's been some chatter online that Selena Gomez's Spanish isn't very good. What did you think? Very interested to know your thoughts.
@@carmenromo013as a latin american i can assure you this is one of the most disrespectful movies ever made. not by only picking AMERICAN actresses without accent (wich is so fuckin ugly and funny), as for the fact that this film is taking the place of others REAL internationals movies at many awards
yes! me too..i enjoyed it in a sense that it focuses more on humanity...on where would our desires and dreams would take us, on how can we cope to changes and or consequences. I think it was a beautiful film overall and the leads performed with grace and empathy.
I agree and I think it's not only a problem of speaking with a very strong accent but also she seems not to understand exactly what she is saying so, it impacts her acting in a very negative way.
I don't exactly know why I feel this tremendous urge! I want to find all this absurd and ridiculous situations 😢 "light bulbs" Mariachis, the huge colorful tianguis, why do the main characters visit this tianguis, why didn't Manitas had a psychologist? He really didn't need that sexual affirmation surgery😢. He ended up with a woman! It was fortunate for him that he was killed before being dumped by this woman because he didn't have all the equipment 😮 good for him that she was eager for tenderness. I think the ending was very absurd, totally absurd for a Roman Catholic country where Our Lady of Guadalupe rules. The image of Emilia would be destroyed in seconds flat. 😂 The good thing about the movie, according to what I've heard, was Selena Gómez 's lover...❤ An eye candy! ¡Un taco de ojo! 🎉 Very alpha !
Based on the trailer of this movie alone, I had ZERO interest in ever seeing this movie and I'm going to boycott Oscar Night yet again which is going to tank anyway in the Nielsen ratings as it continually loses year after year after year for being out of touch with the tastes of real, everyday, normal audiences.
Really dug this one, glad I caught a theatrical screening before it got dumped to Netflix. Pretty much Tootsie but with the presentation and tone of a fantastical telenovela opera. Couldn’t get enough of the three central performances. Favorite scene of the film was definitely the dinner party musical number; that song actually hasn’t left my head since watching Emilia. Liking it the more I think about it, but gotta see it again to be sure.
No is not that complicated, It’s just Horrible. If Selena could understand what she said and how she said it, she wouldn't come out from under the bed.
Aren't you embarrassed by your review where most of the world thinks it's stupid racist never mind you embrace the racism I haven't heard anyone who knows anything about music you could claims this is close to being music
Thanks very much for watching our review, David, and sharing your thoughts. We tried to engage with the film on its artistic merits, and appreciated that it was trying something ambitious, but fell short. Apparently lots of Academy voters think this is music, though, because it's got two of the five nominations in the best original song category. (We don't love them either.)
Jaques Audiard has tried to make a musical NOT in the Hollywood style, but a more like folkloric Bollywood musical. Via Mexico and with French creatives........ whatever....... The first 30 minutes are interesting, lustrous and even promising. Then we move on to a nonsense that borders on the absurd. It's like watching the worst episode of the most tacky soap opera with amateur actors, ever made by any Mexican network. The final part is a rush of hallucinogens mixed with cheap sentimentality and worst of all; with "altruistic" pretensions. The story of the transsexual is simply anecdotal. It could just have been the story of an African rafter in Madrid, a Cuban dissident in Miami or a Muslim transvestite in Paris. The idea was to have an agenda (any cause is welcome here) to preach, sing and make clear. The ending is full of insufferable NGO hymns and other artifices that add nothing to the narrative. Emilia Pérez film (and not, Perez) is the reflection of her main character: a trans film, which wants to be something that nature has denied it, only to end up not knowing what the hell it is. And I could assure you that not even its own director knows.
Watched and discussed this with my film club tonight and was fully expecting it to be as polarizing among us as it’s proven to be among critics and audiences. All four of us loved it and had a litany of splendid insights into it. I didn’t even want to see it when I first heard about it. The trailer made it look interesting if not necessarily good. But tonight it unexpectedly vaulted to the #1 spot on my 2024 top 10 list-in-the-making.
It`s ironic that, although portrayed by a trans woman, the film is still labelled as problematic and yet the fact that the movie stars three non-mexican leads doesn't get a mention... You`re right, this will movie a cult classic cause its a(nother) borderline masterpiece by Audiard.
Oh it's such an intriguing combination of factors, including the casting. We did talk about how we enjoyed seeing Zoe Saldaña and Selena Gomez act and sing in Spanish, which is unusual. Thanks for watching!
When your first language is Spanish is very hard to get past how ridículous the acting, script, and lyrics are. Like being badly translated by Google translate.
I'm catching up with some movies before the Oscars and watched this today. I am surprised that I liked it. Maybe it's because I liked the songs. True that the plot doesn't land on solid ground, but still. I understand all those people having issues with the themes and how the movie depicts some things... I don't know. I just didn't take it so seriously, I guess. The accents are a mash-up, for example. But I didn't care much.
I don’t know in what language Selena Gomez is performing. What I do know is that it is not Spanish.
This movie is very disrespectful on several levels. It's a film to show Europeans and Americans what THEY WANT to see in us: poor, savages and bandits.
It's the Green Book of this season. This movie will age poorly and will always be remembered as a huge awards mistake.
“I’m still here” is the real Latin American film of the season.
Selena's Spanish is horrible and impossible to understand. I saddens me to say it, but it is the truth
It's a great movie in fact that movie gave me the idea for another similar: let's make a movie about the 9/11 where one of the terrorist transitioned to a women, then she create a foundation for the family victims to help them, but the movie it's not filmed in USA is in Iraq, all the cast is Arab and nobody talks English properly but hey these are the creative licenses that the director can take in the name of art right?, it doesn't matter if you represent in a proper way the USA, the important thing is the message. ... then when she dies, she is named Nobel Peace Prize winner for all the work she did, sounds great doesn't it? worthy of winning many awards and reflect the struggle of the human spirit to become a better person regardless of the hundred/thousand people that you killed.
Yeah! I used this example. (Súper bad english I’m sorry)
This movie equals this: “imagine a musical about the naz* ocupattion in france.. thousands of families murdered, and in the musical, with a german cast portrait a Hitler in his way to be forgiven because he wants to become a Woman… imagine the disrepect we are feeling in México 🤬
Those who say the acting is good definitly don't speak spanish at all, and if you think that a murder/narco can be forgiven for finding the bodies he murdered, well, you are part lf the problem. This movie is making fun of the victims of the narco
The movie does not make fun of victims at all, nor is it saying murder is forgiven. What a braindead take.
@Zuranthium last comment was for your right?
@@Zuranthiumthat is literally what most Mexicans think, we hate it here for it's lack of research, horrible acting, terrible songs and lack of sensitivity. Maybe if you step out of your bubble you'll see that it was made by a bunch of ignorant foreigners with huge egos. No effort was made to research the country they set the movie in, because they tought they knew everything about Mexico without ever being there just like you
@@Zuranthium Que sentirías tú si un familiar tuyo desaparece sin saber si esta vivo o no, o peor aún que lo encontrarán hecho pedazos o con algún otro tipo de tortura??? Te gustaría ver algo como eso representado como un musical???
this movie sounds interesting, ill give it a watch
This movie is VERY offensive to Mexicans on so many levels; I wish the director had tried harder to do his homework on a very sensitive topic for us. When people applaud him, it is because they don't know how it is really happening and clearly are not victims of so many parents of the cartels. Shame on them.
which other film has given a platform for these issues? Say what you want about the quality of the film, but it has done that at least.
@@carljcreighton I bet if Jacques, the director, had done a movie about Mexico where he said every 5 minutes gorditas are the best food in the world, tequila is the most amazing thing, and he would have said a typical phrase like "Viva Mexico cabrones" during the premiere, Mexicans would say it's the best movie ever filmed while chanting to Jacques "Jacques hermano, ya eres mexicano". That's how Mexicans are wired, they love when you praise them but hate when you say something "negative" about their country.
We must congratulate Selena Gomez, she speaks great italian in this movie
That's was her mistake she spoke in italian when she eas clearly trying to speak in simlish (the "the sims" language)
I think for non-spanish speakers you cannot grasp just HOW TERRIBLE the accents are, many hollywood actors in the past have done dedicated work to do a respectful and credible work training for the accent of their character...and as a mexican it's truly appalling that in this movie no one even tried. It's so problematic on so many levels but in terms of acting alone...it's just so disrespectful and laughable
Gómez can't have an accent because she doesn't speak the language .
@@lucaspettersen6935they are actors though, that Is a thing they train to do. Usually in these móviles they even have language trainers for that. yeah, Selena isn't as good in the language to develop an accent. But that's the season she shouldn't have been cast in the first place
Zoe also can't speak with a mexican accent. And everyone forgets and forgives, also because the movie excuses itself telling us she is Dominican
The accents were terrible.
I am currently on vacation in Mexico, they are DESTROYING this movie down here, they think its bonkers bad and this pos winning at the golden globes is sending them though the roof
That's interesting. Yeah, we've gotten a lot of strong responses here in the comments.
The big problem of the movie is how representate the problem of the missing people by the narcos. Thanks God I hadn't the experience to have a missing familiar, but the situation on real life is a extremly complicate bullshit, the way they solve the problem in the movie is disrespectful. The worst part is that the director of this movie confessed that he don't investigated about the narcos in Mexico. The movie has other problems like the spanish of the cast, the unlogic lyrics and other bad aspects, but the metioned problem is the worst.
Sorry if my english has the same quality like Selena Gomez's spanish.
@@BreakfastAllDayand you will continue to. This movie is shit.
Thank you for speaking for the entire country of Mexico. I had no idea you were their spokesperson.
@@sunblue22 i am not, just like you absolutely positively aren't either, so cry me a river 🤷♂️😂
yo soy Mexicana y la verdad se me hizo una total burla esta película una falta de respeto a un tema muy delicado que afecta a familias y ala sociedad mexicana en estos tiempos, jugar de esa forma con los desaparecidos se me hizo algo fuera de contexto . Y ni que decir del horrible español de Selena y Zoe le falto mucho corazón a esta película y a la interpretación de las actrices.
in english, please.
@@Huguirury don't know ow how to push a button to translate??
emilia perez me encantó. . no pretende reflejar la realidad mejicana. solo se basa ligeramente. los actores tampoco son mejicanos, salvo una. artistica y tecnicamente es sobresaliente, de ahi los premios. otra cosa es que como mexicano te pueda ofender mas o menos. en europa no nos tomamos esto tan en serio.
boohoo .. U just made me wanna watch it more.
@@carmengonzalezgay249yo no estoy ofendido de nada, pero la película artística y técnicamente es de lo más mediocre que he visto 😂
I don’t think it needed to be a musical or a Mexican cartel film in order for it to get its point across. Couldn’t feel sympathy for a drug lord unfortunately
By the way... What was the point? 😮
As a Mexican born and raised. This movie, in my opinion, is very offensive to Mexicans and portrays a harsh and complex reality of Mexico as if it were a game.
None of the actors are Mexican, which is evident in their accents.
The film hasn’t even been screened in Mexico.
Talking about women searching for the bodies of their children is an incredibly difficult topic, and here the French director, who has already admitted he hasn’t been to Mexico and did only minimal research into Mexican culture, makes that apparent.
Selena Gomez speaks broken Spanish and even makes many grammatical mistakes. The script’s approval by someone whose first language is not Spanish is also very obvious.
Overall, it is an offensive film, reinforces stereotypes, and doesn’t even portray Mexicans.
I completely agree with you.
Totally agree! And it is so sad this movie is getting so many awards like if a whole culture is being ripped apart!
callate la boca jaja, como mexicano, born and raised, this movie is awesome, it's a different perspective, mexico it's used as a background to tell a story, that is what movies are about and it's a very valid take, hasn't been screened in mexico because IT'S A FRENCH NETFLIX FILM and you can watch it on that platform. it just happens to be set in mexico.
Or did you complain about james bond because they put us a yellow filter? or Narcos because most of the main cast is not mexican? or Disney Coco because the main singer for the character was born in US?
if you take a story told by someone else to be offensive, then the problem is within yourself, but just because is not portrayed with the same perspective you have (because, again, the director is french) doesn't mean it's offensive!!
watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is! a great story, with great music.
@@oscarmoshidiota you don't know mexico
I agree 🥺
This movie was utter shit.
Zoe Saldaña deserves credit for saving this movie from total ridicule. She’s asked to do a lot of goofy stuff and carries the material with conviction.
Zoe kicked a$$ on this film. She literally carried and passed the baton to Sofia.
My thoughts exactly. It takes a special kind of actor to pull that off.
i think sofia is pretty good in this film. even better than zoe
One small correction. There were 4 actresses who won best actress in Cannes. Karla, Selena, Zoe and Adriana Paz (the only Mexican actress among them).
Thanks for that!
Adriana Paz was not even invited to the damn Golden Globes
Zoe Saldaña's character has moral issues with working as a defense attorney, but working for and becoming besties with a head of a Mexican drug cartel is somehow ok? I guess because the movie needs her to be.
I enjoyed the film, but I agree with you on this part.
Im confused: she's a lawyer but other than creating Switzerland passports for Jessi and the kids, i dont know what she actually does as a lawyer? am i missing something or lost in translation??? Is that what lawyer does?
@@MovingUp-u5n She has a degree in law but the movie establishes that the firm she works for specializes in getting people off for crimes. The movie opens where she's covering a case where a man murders his wife but the law firm is covering up the murder and claiming it is a suicide. She's extremely discontent with her line of work and realizes its morally reprehensible, while simultaneously being imbued to do this work because she has no other path in life. She's in her 40s and very clearly does not have the money or connections to start her own firm.
I was very disappointed at the movie. I thought the musical was weird and boring. The story took a weird turn with the thing of becoming a “nice” person by changing identity. It was all weird.
This movie is equivalent to this: imagine a musical about the Naz* occupation in France, where thousands of families were murdered. Now picture the musical featuring a German cast, portraying Hitler on a journey to redemption because he wants to become a woman. Can you imagine the level of disrespect we’re feeling in Mexico? 🤬
Emilia Pérez is the worse movie ever.
This movie will never be a cult classic. 😂
This is like a telemundo nightmare
Critics pretending to like it is hilarious. Its a cringe fest. The music is horrible and it only got nominated because its a trans movie. 13 nominations what a joke
They’re terrified of criticising this movie.
We … actually criticized it quite a bit. But thanks for watching.
Five out of ten seems fairly critical
Breakfast All Day: you were very “kind” to this movie. And you're welcome for me watching, not many people are.
@@BreakfastAllDay naaaahh felt like a kiss ass.... afraid to say what you actually think kind of a thing....
@@MrMortombachman A five? It shouldn't get more than an 1 out of 10.
Why can’t the women in the film recognize that’s a man? Zoe recognizes this man but his own wife/mother of his children doesn’t? Okay, sell me a bill of goods.
You can be an LGBTQ+ ally and someone who supports Latine people and Mexican people and admit that this movie is just bad! It’s a horribly done movie and a “musical” with really bad music but also a disrespectful movie to Mexicans and a harmful movie to trans people.
This movie amplifies many of the negative tropes associated with both Mexicans and with trans people.
Let’s stop trying to elevate this movie as the woke movie of the year because it is NOT.
Let's never forget that Lars Von Trier first did this kind of musical in 2000 with Dancer In The Dark.
I liked both movies....but I think Dancer in the Dark was more complete and powerful - with better songs.
@ 100%
And no one has done it better since imo
So bad! still in awe that it won musical over others
If you want to see a French-European interpretation of social struggle and crime in Mexico I would recommend Luis Bunnuel's films of the 1950's such as "Los Olvidados" and "El Bruto."
bro, this movie is OFFENSIVE to a delicate topic and mexican culture, even to spanish languaje too and latinos in general so take another look into it and do some research
I appreciate big swings but I did not enjoy this movie at all and can't believe it is being considered an awards contender.
I just finished this movie. So weird. A lot of good stuff , some cheesy B movie stuff but in the end, as a Mexican, I can tell this was not made by a Mexican but someone that really doesn’t know Mexico at all. When Emilia asks if there’s good schools in Polando, I was like……. Really? If you live in Mexico City everybody knows Polanco is the best place to live. It’s like an American asking if Beverly Hills is nice. Laughable and sloppy. Still there’s some good stuff in a weird way.
This review is the break I need from watching election results.
Awful movie if you actually understand spanish and Mexican culture. The whole script feels like it was written with google translate, the songs are awful and the singing is atrocious. Selena’s spanish is beyond terrible, it feels like she’s reading cue cards phonetically with no emotion or understanding of what she’s actually saying. I couldn’t believe that this movie is nominated let alone winning awards 🤦
I really hated this movie. Many of the criticisms were the same as mine, but were clearly amplified for me. During the screening, both Christy's assessment that it's like Mrs. Doubtfire and Alonso's impression that it is obvious it's a movie about a transgender person that's not made by a transgender person became apparent to me. Also a little King of New York in that criminal trying to go legit. Almodovar could have done something much better with this material, and it's a clear influence.Totally disappointing because Audiard has made some terrific films. Gives me no joy to knock down a big swing like this.
Amen! I feel the exact same way, this movie is so problematic and it's a big swing and a huge miss. It's just really disheartening that a movie with a trans actress in the lead role and the cast isn't given any great material to work with.
We agree, we enjoy big swings around here. Thanks for your thoughts.
Y'all had me at Almodovar! I was gonna watch this anyway because it's going to be a big awards player
@@tlovehater No it's not, it might be nominated but it won't win. This is film is like Almodovar if it was half-baked with actors giving one-note performances as these two dimensional characters.
@@tlovehater if you go in thinking it'll be Pedro-level, you will be sorely disappointed. It's nowhere near that. And Netflix is essentially dumping it on streaming, so I think it'll be forgotten quickly. My friend and I were the only people in a Saturday afternoon showing. If you're curious about Audiard, Rust and Bone, The Beat My Heart Skipped, and Read My Lips are all very good.
This movie is so pretentious and offensive in so many ways and I can’t quite understand how many American reviewers and the academy don’t get it.
I just watched it, and i hated it. You gave zero sympathy for emila perez because of what she does to her family. It's a 1 for me
Im so glad I found you guys, you literally have the same exact thoughts as me on every film ive seen this year so now i truly have someone I can trust for film recommendations. You're critical and intelligent and don't swing just on emotion and actually think about the craft of filmmaking. Congrats!
Glad you’re here, Marcus, thank you!
The Spanish on this movie is so wrong. It sounds like they used google translator. For example, Selena’s character says “me duele la pinche vulva” no one says that in Spanish is so weird 😂. It’s not just the accent or pronunciation, it’s the grammar and words and phrases that we don’t used and sound weird.
Revisiting the review after its 13 Oscar noms. I will say the movie reminds me of Three Billboards in where it NEVER looks like where it’s set and whole papers can be written on how stranded Selena Gomez is. The dialogue is clearly translated and her spanish is further endangered by the ridiculous misuse of Spanish. I don’t hate the film, Karla Gascon is giving a movie star performance, she literally comes off as someone who belongs on the big screen but MAN this movie doesn’t protect its cast. Non Mexican actors deliver half assed Spanish, bizarre misuse of language and in my personal opinion a frankly hilarious disregard for Mexican culture. There are whole scenes set in Mexico that are clearly just Paris. Paris can stand in for other places ie The Substance but MAN. That said it really is a big swing.
I wanted to like “Perez”. I did not. Nothing works. A musical where no one can sing. I felt Gascon was the weakest performance. Saldana is best and the lead (100% category fraud). A real miss. It need not win all these awards.
Movie was hot dog ass lol 😂 everyone getting paid for their reviews . I love you guys but come on . Be honest , you will never watch this again . And the fact it’s up for 13 nominations is a crime . Every other movie nominated was 100x better than this .
I would applaud that it's weird and daring if at least had investigation and context right and if the non mexican (at all) language that is "spoken" in this was at least consistent. Ok. it's on Netflix, is there... but you know... they want us mexicans to pay for it and go to the movies inspite of the disrespect the director has towards Mexico and it's people. The casting director said that they looked for the best actors and actresses but they didn't even research!!!!
😅 walking on ice talking about this woke trash 😅 the movie is bad just say it
This is not an artistic film an intellectual film or in anyway a heroic film. It’s just a trash film.
Selina Gomez doesn’t speak Spanish %%%%
Knowing the academy, this is likely going to get 13 Oscar nominations. Sigh.
Oh. The songs starts from poorly made rithms with of street noises, that's something nobody ever saw! Stomp out loud, and plenty of others. Really! That's dazzling???
This movie is an insult to Mexico and it will bomb hard over here.
I agree with you both. I saw this movie and it really doesn't handle trans identity issues with a sympathetic hand and it's very offensive towards Mexican culture. I hope it doesn't get awards. 👎
There’s a number that lists all the surgeries that felt off.
I think it’s based on a French book and the songs are written by French composer. So I get why it’s France’s submission.
Oh hey- it’s the guy that had a melt down in Peri Nemiroff’s comment section screaming at me about Joker 2 getting nominated for Best Picture and how great of a film it was while shitting on Emilia Perez and how it had zero chance of getting nominated…then deleted those meltdown comments after Joker got panned by audiences and bombed at the office. It’s nice to see you care SO much about women and marginalized voices that the second a woman you got in an argument with proves you wrong that you run to delete the whole conversation thread. Welcome back, David.
@@rebekahp4083 Hey I got off Joker 2 right after it released, it's nice to see you care SO much about the marginalized voices of the trans community when Emilia Pérez is offensive toward them and yet you keep defending it after it's been panned by Mexicans and trans people on Twitter and Letterboxd. I didn't delete any of my comments, they disappeared from Perri Nemiroff comment section just because she didn't like I doubted her predictions. It's nice to see how condescending people like you can become when you clearly don't know everything. The only one having a meltdown is you. Great job, Rebekah.👍
Its not offensive.
@@davidfilmexpert David, that’s interesting, I’ve had plenty of different predictions than Peri and I’ve never had my comments deleted. I even went back to double check her video where you attacked me in the comments and found plenty of other people politely disagreeing with her in the comments section and having very different predictions than her. All of those comments are still up. You’ll forgive me for finding it hard to believe that Peri deleted specifically your comments not immediately after the video came out but only weeks later following Joker’s failure at the box office and after I asked you how you now felt about your comments given the film’s commercial and critical failure.
As for trans rights and representation in film, you’re right I do care very much about that issue! As a woman who is part of the LGBT+ and is in a relationship with a trans person, it’s an issue I have to deal with on a daily basis and forgive for assuming here- I’m willing to bet probably affects me and my life much more than it does yours. Since I care so much about this issue, it’s a good thing I never once commented on Emilia Perez’s individual merits or whether or not I personally find the movie to be problematic. If you’ll recall our previous conversation, our one point of agreement was that neither of us liked the film. No, you attacked me in the comments and had a meltdown solely because I pointed out (correctly as it turns out) that given Emilia Perez’s performance at film festivals and festival reactions that I was personally present for- it objectively has a pretty good shot at getting into Best Picture at the Oscars and likely some other major categories over films like Joker. That’s what lead to you calling me silly, brainless, and whatever other derisive adjectives you used. Problematic films make it into the Oscar conversation nearly every year and sometimes those films even go on to win best picture- like Green Book and Crash. I absolutely loathed Green Book personally but I still predicted it would win Best Picture in 2019, because awards prognostics are not based on my personal feeling towards a film- it’s simply my opinions on what I feel has a good shot at making into the Oscar conversation based on past metrics and statistics.
As for my tone, you’ll have to forgive some of the snark, but I do find it deeply ironic when a man accuses a LGBT+ woman, that is an a relationship with a trans person, of transphobia for the apparently very daring act of saying that a film has a good chance of doing well during awards season….
I think I’ve said about all I have to on this subject but I would like to leave you with some advice. Maybe the next time a woman disagrees with your awards predictions (because that is all our disagreement was actually about- not whether Emilia Perez is a good film or whether or not it’s good trans representation) maybe instead of melting down and making some pretty sexist inferences that they have no clue what they’re talking about because they have a different opinion than yours- maybe instead of calling those women condescending for calling out that behavior- you should ask yourself if you’re really doing this because you care about uplifting marginalized voices? Because that person you’re being pretty nasty to- might just be one of those marginalized people who you claim to care about uplifting. I genuinely don’t wish you any malice, but do feel strongly about calling people out, especially men, when they are behaving rudely and unprofessionally. Just some food for thought and that’s all I really have left to say on the matter.
The movie is really bad. The storyline is insulting and does not represent the mexican culture. The language they use and the expressions they use in Spanish in the film is not how we speak. The songs are terrible. And they dont even sing well. I am a fan of Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña, but this is the worst movie they have ever been in. I think it's a bad choice in their career. I dont think they deserve any recognition as the best film. Unless the standards to judge a good film are very low. Wicked was a much better movie with amazing singers and great songs.
This is this decades Crash.
it makes Crash look like The Godfather.
This "film" was so cartoonish and disrespectful it should be attacked from all fronts. Anything that wins at Cannes is because of propaganda and for throwing some stereotypes here and there . Note: Gómez can't have a terrible accent because she doesn't speak the language. She is not an Ibero-american.
NPR types love this. 99% of the regular film going public couldn't care less about anything in this movie
What is an NPR type exactly?
@@BreakfastAllDaySchweaty Balls make for wonderful seasons eatings❤
Thank you for voting, Christy:)
I tried to help!
@@BreakfastAllDay **hugs**
Y’all make the best reviews
Horrible film😂
Interesting how the narrative on this film has shifted as more people (including Trans/LGBTQA+ film critics) have seen it but it still might do well at the Oscars. I think the fact that it is on Netflix might hurt it more with the Academy.
Mexicans hate the movie that includes Mexican trans people. It's so full of cheap clichés and stereotypes that it's basically brownface the movie
The depiction of Mexico isnt bad. As a Mexican i am not mad at it. The acting itself is good. The story is at least interesting, what gets me is having Zoe be Dominican and no very clearly indicate that she is and is now living in Mexico and working there as a lawyer and it isnt dawning on anyone that is what is happening. There are black people in mexico she could have played a true mexican, by getting the accent right , but i feel like this movie did not make the efford to cast any mexicans as the main characters or give the actors the time to sound and feel mexican. Selena is supposed to be a mexican american women that still cannot speak spanish fluently even after living in mexico for years, just give the girl more time to get it right. The lady playing Epifania is the only mexican actress in the cast and she does an amazing job. I think from the mexican audience she is the only that makes sense in this story. Everything else feels fake. Like a soap opera by way France.
The other issue i have with it is that the main character is one of the most violent man turn trans women. The trans part is not the issue, the issue is that i am supposed to believe that a men that has inflicted so much violence and death and was probably one creating many of the death and missing of my country has a sudden chance of heart and now wants to help people find their missing death. The story just didnt give me enough to belive the change. Just didnt.
You must’ve missed the part where Rita said she’s Dominican but moved to Mexico to be a lawyer. That alone invalidates this entire comment, respectfully
I’m also Mexican and the main thing that wasn’t believable is the way they portray our country. Very cliche and not realistic. It feels like the Mexico that a foreigner that’s never been here imagines.
@@juanvsreviews you must want Hollywood to only show Mexico in a positive light when in reality Mexico struggles with that shit and is the main reason why Mexico isnt the #1 country in the world. It’s not unrealistic it happens. Btw también soy mexicano
@@RickiiTenseenot necessarily. I think when someone who lives in Mexico City has to ask If Polanco has good schools, specially someone who has as much money as Emilia, then you know the person that made the movie doesn’t understand Mexico City
It’s almost like if in an American movie someone asks if Beverly Hills is a nice neighborhood
@@RickiiTensee it is not about Hollywood portraying Mexico in a positive light. It is more about the same cliches being put on movies over and over again. There is a constant dissonance during the movie, and the reasons become apparent when you see who directed it and wrote it. You have a French director, who doesnt speak Spanish or English, directing a movie in Spanish about a country that he knows not so much about. The movie feels like a fucking google search about Mexico. And they were actually very insensitive about the whole matter of people killed by the Cartel...
I thought the cinematography was more like a the cinematography you see in a David Finch film: Dark, moody and underlit.
Cringe movie
Emilia Pérez, a film that, instead of delivering an experience, seems determined to test our patience... Drama? Comedy? It doesn’t matter, because what it truly achieves is leaving us wondering: "Why did I decide to watch this movie? Was it because it’s Oscar-nominated or because Mexico is being used as a media theme?" 😏
It's trying to do a lot all at once, and not all that successfully.
I watched it last night and agree with much of what you both said. A for effort and I was mostly thrilled with it, even though it didn’t work all that well. I’m more in the positive camp with it cause I love the ambition and also feel putting the spotlight on trans stories is helpful.
This movie is pure garbage
Trash movie.
I loved this film!!! beautifully shot and incredible exhilaration. So definitely watch it!!!
This movie doesn't deal with gender identitiy. He simply tell us about human nature. No matter how we try to escape what WE are, sooner or later, our true nature catches up with us. This movie IS brillant in it's staging, in thé émotion, the music IS mémorable. This movie mixes all genres ans whatever one thinks ideologically, it succeeds in what it sets out to do.
I totally agree. I think these critics and others are disappointed they didn't see the film they hoped to see rather than appreciating the film for what it is. The crime and melodrama elements are perfectly blended with the musical numbers which, in turn, perfectly fit with the tone of the film. It's so common for everyone to judge films based on narrative and 'what happens' and not enough appreciation of the storytelling process. Who cares about what happens in the end? Just because there is gender re-assignment in the film doesn't mean it is a political movie about trans people. The ambition and level of surprise is enough for me to make it extremely satisfying
Loved it ❤
100% agree with you i believe it's the core of the movie..about humanity..yes of course it did not please everything that our society expects it to touch ie sex/gender/culture, but the story telling and how the music was used to amplify the film's goal and story is definitely great and creative.
Other movies i find great too for 2024 are The Substance, Smile 2, Hitman, Anatomy of a fall and Hundreds of Beavers.
Shame everyone in Mexico hates it, if you like it, that speaks more about you than anything else. It was basically stereotypes: the motie
@@dudeduck I like originality, that's what it says about me.
Based on the SAG nominations, this film is on its way to the Academy Awards.
Was it a bigger swing then than Joker 2?!
Por que eles não contrataram atores mexicanos para fazer esse filme?
The arrogant and racist French casting director said she searched for Mexican actresses and didn't find any talented enough, then she search in the whole Latin America and, again, she didn't find any talented actresses.
Watched it last night. Really enjoyed it. Question for Alonso: there's been some chatter online that Selena Gomez's Spanish isn't very good. What did you think? Very interested to know your thoughts.
Is not good... At all
I didn't understand a single word coming from Selena, and I'm a native Spanish speaker
Mexico and most latin america hates this movie
As a native Spanish speaker, I had some problems to understand her. I don't think even Selena understood what she was saying.
I was surprised how much I enjoyed this! Crossing my fingers that zoe and Selena can show up for some of this awards season they totally blew me away
Because you don't speak spanish, Selena is a joke in México for her horrible acting in this movie
@@s0l0musicayes, I am sure Spanish is not your thing. And I guess you've never been to MÉXICO. Not even to a border town. 😊
@@carmenromo013as a latin american i can assure you this is one of the most disrespectful movies ever made. not by only picking AMERICAN actresses without accent (wich is so fuckin ugly and funny), as for the fact that this film is taking the place of others REAL internationals movies at many awards
What a pretentious review lol this movie was terrible. Just because it deals with lgbt issues doesn’t mean it’s good and daring and bold lol
I usually hate musicals, but this was so different and so interesting. I liked it much more than I thought I would. I really enjoyed the performances.
yes! me too..i enjoyed it in a sense that it focuses more on humanity...on where would our desires and dreams would take us, on how can we cope to changes and or consequences. I think it was a beautiful film overall and the leads performed with grace and empathy.
@@blessing291yes! Specially Manitas's girlfriend looking for a guy that she is making sure HE WILL DIE! 😂 ONE WAY OR ANITHER😅
Shame it's just a front and an absolute insult to Mexican people. That's why we hate it here
as a latino... the spanish in this movie made no sense... i think they literally used google translate...
Selena Gómez's spanish is really really bad
No es su primera lengua.
@BreakfastAllDay claro, al igual que Zoe Saldana, pero ella lo hizo muy bien. Si Selena no tiene buen español, es mejor buscar otra actriz
I agree and I think it's not only a problem of speaking with a very strong accent but also she seems not to understand exactly what she is saying so, it impacts her acting in a very negative way.
If this wins international feature over I’m still here I’m gonna be pretty pissed
I don't exactly know why I feel this tremendous urge! I want to find all this absurd and ridiculous situations 😢 "light bulbs" Mariachis, the huge colorful tianguis, why do the main characters visit this tianguis, why didn't Manitas had a psychologist? He really didn't need that sexual affirmation surgery😢. He ended up with a woman! It was fortunate for him that he was killed before being dumped by this woman because he didn't have all the equipment 😮 good for him that she was eager for tenderness. I think the ending was very absurd, totally absurd for a Roman Catholic country where Our Lady of Guadalupe rules. The image of Emilia would be destroyed in seconds flat. 😂 The good thing about the movie, according to what I've heard, was Selena Gómez 's lover...❤ An eye candy! ¡Un taco de ojo! 🎉 Very alpha !
Based on the trailer of this movie alone, I had ZERO interest in ever seeing this movie and I'm going to boycott Oscar Night yet again which is going to tank anyway in the Nielsen ratings as it continually loses year after year after year for being out of touch with the tastes of real, everyday, normal audiences.
Yes, I do consider the T weirdos to be abnormal because THEY ARE.
Really dug this one, glad I caught a theatrical screening before it got dumped to Netflix. Pretty much Tootsie but with the presentation and tone of a fantastical telenovela opera. Couldn’t get enough of the three central performances. Favorite scene of the film was definitely the dinner party musical number; that song actually hasn’t left my head since watching Emilia.
Liking it the more I think about it, but gotta see it again to be sure.
I loved Tootsie!
Terrible taste. L
How is this different from JOKER 2?
Thanks for the nuanced conversation. This is a complicated movie with many moving parts that I feel simplified statements will not do justice.
No is not that complicated, It’s just Horrible. If Selena could understand what she said and how she said it, she wouldn't come out from under the bed.
Not nuanced or complicated at all. It was basically brownface:the movie
Nah it’s trash just say it
Now i know why this movie has success, for you kind of people who dont know shit about us…
Aren't you embarrassed by your review where most of the world thinks it's stupid racist never mind you embrace the racism I haven't heard anyone who knows anything about music you could claims this is close to being music
Thanks very much for watching our review, David, and sharing your thoughts. We tried to engage with the film on its artistic merits, and appreciated that it was trying something ambitious, but fell short. Apparently lots of Academy voters think this is music, though, because it's got two of the five nominations in the best original song category. (We don't love them either.)
Hola!! 32K Christy! Muy bueno!!
Gracias, Jason!
It's a weird movie tbh.
I don't have the attention span to try to watch
Jaques Audiard has tried to make a musical NOT in the Hollywood style, but a more like folkloric Bollywood musical. Via Mexico and with French creatives........ whatever.......
The first 30 minutes are interesting, lustrous and even promising. Then we move on to a nonsense that borders on the absurd. It's like watching the worst episode of the most tacky soap opera with amateur actors, ever made by any Mexican network.
The final part is a rush of hallucinogens mixed with cheap sentimentality and worst of all; with "altruistic" pretensions.
The story of the transsexual is simply anecdotal. It could just have been the story of an African rafter in Madrid, a Cuban dissident in Miami or a Muslim transvestite in Paris.
The idea was to have an agenda (any cause is welcome here) to preach, sing and make clear.
The ending is full of insufferable NGO hymns and other artifices that add nothing to the narrative.
Emilia Pérez film (and not, Perez) is the reflection of her main character: a trans film, which wants to be something that nature has denied it, only to end up not knowing what the hell it is.
And I could assure you that not even its own director knows.
For was it great or were u eight, can u guys do "Charly"? 1968. Luv you two. You're amazing. -Steve C.
This is probably my most anticipated movie this season. Lots of different opinions, the delicate subject matter, and interesting concept.
You'll have to let us know what you think!
@@BreakfastAllDay It's dogsh*t. There you go. You let it off far too easily. But you're two shills.
Watched and discussed this with my film club tonight and was fully expecting it to be as polarizing among us as it’s proven to be among critics and audiences. All four of us loved it and had a litany of splendid insights into it. I didn’t even want to see it when I first heard about it. The trailer made it look interesting if not necessarily good. But tonight it unexpectedly vaulted to the #1 spot on my 2024 top 10 list-in-the-making.
You are not mexican ..that movie is basura
Good to see your friends and you like cheap clichés and stereotypes with no basis in reality. It was basically brownface the movie
@ You do realize you’re behaving like a troll, right?
@OldBluesChapterandVerse you do realize it's not just my opinion but the opinion of most Mexican people who actually live in Mexico?
@ Most, eh? Do you have the data to support that claim? Are we talking 83%? 62%? That precipitous 51%?
A very bad movie.
5.6??? WHAT!?
Yeah, way too high.
I loved this movie!! Indescribable
4 winners best actress, not 3. (Adriana Paz)
I really enjoyed this film. It kinda reminded me of Dancer in the Dark in tone. It's certainly not your typical "musical."
That is an interesting comparison!
I'm not even american but I know that at times like this movies and art are our refuge.
It`s ironic that, although portrayed by a trans woman, the film is still labelled as problematic and yet the fact that the movie stars three non-mexican leads doesn't get a mention... You`re right, this will movie a cult classic cause its a(nother) borderline masterpiece by Audiard.
Oh it's such an intriguing combination of factors, including the casting. We did talk about how we enjoyed seeing Zoe Saldaña and Selena Gomez act and sing in Spanish, which is unusual. Thanks for watching!
So no awards for Karla, Zoë, and SeGo then?
Esto es un insulto a la inteligencia, wow.
La pelicula, o nuestro video?
I like this movie. Not sure where the all the negativity coming from
That’s great, what did you like about it?
When your first language is Spanish is very hard to get past how ridículous the acting, script, and lyrics are. Like being badly translated by Google translate.
I'm catching up with some movies before the Oscars and watched this today. I am surprised that I liked it. Maybe it's because I liked the songs. True that the plot doesn't land on solid ground, but still. I understand all those people having issues with the themes and how the movie depicts some things... I don't know. I just didn't take it so seriously, I guess. The accents are a mash-up, for example. But I didn't care much.
Thanks for the report, Angel! Yes, it seems that a lot of people are criticizing the variety of Spanish accents here.
Exactly! You didn't take it so seriously but cartel violence and thousands of deaths is serious.