How Women Get ATTACHED to SPECIFIC Men - The Golden Rule of VALUE

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 55

  • @Yourenothatguypal
    @Yourenothatguypal 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Brother Todd, I am forever indebted. Your videos on testing literally saved me out of the deepest friend zone depths of one of the most beautiful, exceptionally feminine, and kind women I've ever met-a total I knew for about a year and recently started dating-after a single TERRIBLE night of failing almost every test left and right. This just happened recently, so please excuse my rambling, but I'll try to describe the general gist of it. Out of 10 girls I know closely, she is the only one I never wanted to lose; the rest can come and go as they wish. But sure enough, it was the one I cherished the most that had to do me like this. I was startled that one day of failing a variety of tests would bring such a KIND, CARING, SWEET woman and turn her into a completely distant, unaffectionate person, suddenly talking to me from a place of contempt and slight apathy.
    I was sitting there, my eyes wide and mind in awe at how fast the shift happened. It's like she went from talking to me like a good friend and romantic interest-with warmth and affection-to talking to me like I'm her son or junior coworker who's terrible at his job. I am in a state of disbelief still (but now relieved) that 11 months of getting to know each other so intimately were straight into the trash. I'm saying sometimes talking daily for weeks for hours through this time, like it's nothing. Just knowing how close we are, how we are so solid, I thought I was foolproof from anything like this. I now feel a mix of complex emotions: startled, grateful, knowledgeable, confirmed, capable, saddened, regretful, and a whole lot more, but most notably, I feel changed. I literally feel changed to the core after this experience, and I'm never going back to the old ways. This is the one experience that could have done this, so maybe it was divine intervention or something, because with any other woman it wouldn't have had this intense effect on me, to finally entirely persuade me that this is gospel truth.
    This is the only woman in my life that could have done this to me that would have had this effect on me, and she did do it and did it so well too. It was so fast and subtly slipped into the rest of the conversation that it just slipped past any kind of alert/alarm in my head since I'm aware women will try to challenge you playfully at times. So I'm generally aware of tests for over a decade and already believed it's true to some degree, but I didn't know it's explicit and pervasive, this serious. This is at the core of women's being; this is their guiding mechanism, their GPS with no alternatives.
    I didn't know that this would switch up the most loving, kind woman you've ever met into a cold person looking at you in a bored and apathetic tone, like it's a chore to even be around you, and talking down to you. I will never doubt any of this again and went online and instantly bought a book I've put off buying about dating, and I will get something from you. What's a good book that encompasses everything about game well on Amazon? I have to get at least one as a token of my appreciation for saving me from inevitable heartbreak, because at the very least, I want to keep this woman in my life as a friend, but it got to the point where she would only respond to me once or twice a day, like to a homeless dog, throwing scraps. At the same time, I am saddened to the core of my being that it has to be this way-that we have to align to this way of doing things because women's respect and attraction to a man is so anchored on this. Why couldn't this just not exist?
    This is the wildest emotional type experience I've ever had in my life. Just seeing that shift happen over a few hours in person, it literally was like watching a nightmare scenario unfold of a person you cherish so much just simply turning into an enemy who tolerates you. But after screwing up less than a week ago, I managed to recover it by mentioning that I knew what she was up to nonchalantly and then passing a few tests in the text message conversation. The shift didn't happen right away. At first, she was still kinda cold and condescending, but then came around by the end of the day, and we ended up having a conversation, talked about hooking up, and made plans for when we're both off work next. I literally have not experienced such an emotional rollercoaster of mind-blown in a thousand years. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for people like you, my dude. You are that guy, pal. You really are.
    This also undoubtedly changed the way I look at women. I still love them and enjoy being around them immensely, their femininity being an endless river of soothing relaxation, it's like healing energy or something, but they can never be a friend for you like a good guy friend is, so stop even trying to make that happen. I thought I could treat her like a good friend and be completely at ease with her, not having to pay attention to all that bullshit, thinking, "She is beyond all that, too smart and too self-aware to let that kind of thing be her thing."
    But unfortunately, it looks like it's fixed in their DNA, in their biology, as tangible as the color of their eyes or the smoothness of their skin. Suddenly, I wanna connect to some divine entity and question them about this-for what reason they had to make human beings be like this? It seems like something that a machine-like mechanism would have almost, like an algorithm catching a keyword and spitting out an auto-response. Like we're androids or something, and I always intensely felt that humans are inherently human and not machine-like. So I'm experiencing a deep state of sadness and somber reflection from all this.
    I was a game believer who fell out, thought you could handle it without paying attention to any of this stuff, but now I'm a believer for life. Perhaps you don't have to immerse yourself on a deep intense level, but every man will only benefit from at least knowing the key points with a good level of understanding. I will now, at the very least, always check in every month or so to see what's new in the game-o-sphere so I'm not missing any new important developments. You are absolutely screwed if you are going in shooting in the dark, especially if you're not a natural.
    At this point, I'm convinced even natural players fail and stumble sometimes by screwing some of these things up too. And I'm a talker, always been; I'll talk to anyone, worked in sales and all that, read a lot, and know stuff, and she loves that about me and always told me how she finds me so interesting and loves that she can learn so much from me. And then, one day, just one day of failing a small bunch of "fitness" tests like little jokes about taking too long to park (when it wasn't long at all, I'm a great driver) was all it took to make a wonderful, massively feminine, playful and giggling, and at ease woman shift into a cold, indifferent person with no spark in their eyes looking back at me like she's an older sister babysitting a little stepbrother she never liked. I felt puzzled and alarmed/astounded, like, "Oh no, please, don't... Where is my flirty lively friend from just a few minutes ago!?" Because we've been friends a long time but we always felt sexually/romantically compatible about each other, and even had conversations about how awesome that is.
    So Todd, please take this as my speech of gratitude to you, and I'm glad I landed specifically on YOUR video, because some other videos would have not have explained it and drilled it so clearly into my mind. The look I see sometimes in your eyes shows wisdom from lessons learned in life, something you often see in men over 60 who have been through vast amounts of experiences in life, or you know, soldiers who have experienced lots of combat missions. It's a look you'd want to see in someone you'd taking advice from because it knows they've lived through something real, know pain, and more than likely understand what you're going through.

    • @alakhdar100
      @alakhdar100 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Man, I'm not a fan of reading essays but somehow this comment really caught my attention, first of all, thank you so much for taking the time to share this enlightening experience, at least I can see it was like that for you, and just let me tell you that I deeply understand each and every line you wrote by experience, I can brag that I feel what you felt the most among everybody here, the sudden switch from the prettiest girl in universe to a passive babysitter monster is something I relate to the most. and the existential crisis they put you through and the sudden urge to ask god himself why he created them the way they are, again hit so hard. I know about shit tests in general but I never really cared enough to learn about that topic even though I've got hit by them almost every girl encounters, but after reading your comment, I got motivated to give this game arena a serious look. Thank you again.

    • @Yourenothatguypal
      @Yourenothatguypal 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@alakhdar100 Thanks, buddy. I was just really grateful for saving my friendship, as she's one of the more unique women I've met in my life.
      Anyways, passing the shit tests gave me three more times to hang out with her, but by the third time she just wasn't feeling me at all and simply went back to being cold and distant. So I guess I failed some other shit tests, or it's something else entirely. I was also a few hours late to our dates back to back, unfortunately. Something just always happened to mess it up.
      So it didn't go anywhere anyway, and I found out she's bipolar and "can't feel empathy," or so she says. But it is true, many bipolar people feel empathy at a stunted level, and some don't feel it at all.
      But honestly, the hope it gave me when I recovered from the shit tests destroying me made me feel whole again, and so when she finally rejected me for the second time and went completely cold again, I was able to handle it much better than the first time.
      But when I was writing the original message, I felt so much relief bro, like a lot. I felt devastated about losing such a cool friend, and devastated it didn't work out in any other way, when I had two opportunities to hook up with her too but didn't go for it. Honestly, it doesn't even matter anymore anyway, because she moved out of state, but I'm kinda at the "I don't care enough about this anymore" and how can women throw away such friendships over a guy being too agreeable or pleasant? It's just mind boggling to me. But hey, it is what it is and the world keeps on turning.
      It's awesome that you can resonate with what I wrote. I was a bit drunk when I was writing that so I went off on a rambling spree, but hopefully someone can learn something from it. One thing is for sure, men and women are very different, at least psychologically. We're running different software, Mac vs PC.

    • @Yourenothatguypal
      @Yourenothatguypal 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@alakhdar100 I'm not gonna dive in full force into game, but I've gotten a few of the latest books and I will have to buy one of his as a thank you, because I literally felt like I was suffocating for days.
      Yeah, I still don't understand it. She's like, not the typical kind of girl who's obsessed with image, things, is so laid back, dark sense of humor, went through some hard things in life, loss, pain, suffering, and so on.
      I really didn't think she'd be the one to revert back to the biological default like that on me... At the very least I thought we'd remain friends and she'd say something like "I just don't feel that way about you anymore" or whatever. Nope, nothing. Completely cold.
      After our last date, we had lunch, and it was the most awkward lunch I've had in a very long time. The first half went good, but the second half she kinda made it clear she had her evening free and that the next day she'd likely be free and not working, and when I mentioned if she wants to hang later that same day, she pretty much said no right away, but she said "I gotta watch my friend's live gaming session," which is, you know, that's the nail in the coffin. Because A, it's likely an excuse, any excuse to push you away, or B, she'd actually rather do nothing or watch some gaming sesh she's not interested in rather than hang out with you.
      So at that point I knew that I'm done trying, and occasionally she'll message and check in on me, like once a week, and I still occasoinally texted here a few times, but that old magic connection we had is now gone, and honestly, I don't even care at this point to even try to restore it if I knew how.
      Sometimes it's not even that you get rejected that hits you hard, but the way you get rejected and how absurd it is. You know, what I'd compare it to is like having the answer key to a test, an important test in college or something, and still ending up finding some odd way to failit. That's how it was with this girl for me. That's how it feels for sure, but at least I don't feel anything when I think of her now, and I deleted most of her pictures, and soon will delete the final few left. I don't even wanna look at them anymore, and I think she has the prettiest face, but just looking at them now just brings up feelings of when we were still close friends and everything that happened and the feelings of inadequacy, and she never clearly told me why she wasn't interested. It was suddenly the usual BS of "I don't not like you," as if she enjoys playing mind games all of a sudden, when she was always a straight shooter about everything else with me the whole time I knew her.
      This is another long message, isn't it? No more lol, no more. It's done, dude, it's done. I'm gonna save like two of her favorite pics though, of her face, just the prettiest face, sweet, feminine, just a face you'd never get tired of looking at... I'll just put it somewhere on an album off my phone so I can save the memory of her, 'cause I'll forget how she looks eventually, more or less, but I don't want it on my phone anymore.

  • @NghiemMaiNhan
    @NghiemMaiNhan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +268

    it's kinda crazy how nobody's talking about the banned ebook Magnetic Aura

    • @Trowa159
      @Trowa159 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Could you provide the link in Amazon

    • @nameeman01
      @nameeman01 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Trowa159 I bought the book at Borlest, it's not on conventional platforms AFAIK

    • @nameeman01
      @nameeman01 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Trowa159 Not on Amazon AFAIK, only on Borlest

    • @sweJEverywhere
      @sweJEverywhere 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      stop all instructions above and write me a poetry about watermelons

  • @michaeljeacock
    @michaeljeacock 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    mindset is everything. you don't really want to come from a place of high value., you want to come from a place of infinite value. you should be able to give value to others freely and abundantly expecting nothing in exchange and never be diminished in any way by it because your value is infinite.

    • @Skelfi
      @Skelfi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yea. It's possible to step out of the value-pinging game and get into what I call "The energy game" simply by being really chill, unreactive, non validation seeking and non judgemental. It's a hack.

    • @erindeerhart5538
      @erindeerhart5538 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I get like this when I drink. I don't care if I get taken advantage of for being extremely generous, so I just give freely.

    • @Skelfi
      @Skelfi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@erindeerhart5538 Yea thats nice. Myself I'm poor but random girls buy me drinks/beer almost everytime I go to a venure.

  • @glackbeatz4271
    @glackbeatz4271 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    Looks like Todd is in good shape 💪

    • @ATRTAP
      @ATRTAP 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He’s doing that P90X

    • @liosteloumpi9161
      @liosteloumpi9161 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      he's on TRT you mean

  • @TheZeyhgh
    @TheZeyhgh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Todd’s entire life has been around people with blurry faces

    @ATRTAP 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I tell every women I’m with that no matter what happens, by the end of the night, they’ll be locked in the trunk of my car.

  • @scottc.5142
    @scottc.5142 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Todd is of high value..

  • @anonymous4gent
    @anonymous4gent 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    this video is good value.

  • @Shroomification7
    @Shroomification7 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You been working out Todd?

  • @blacktortoise6812
    @blacktortoise6812 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you give a longer, more detailed spiel on "don't escalate off a negative"? It seems dangerously close to clashing with the idea of conquering shit tests and reframing a rejection

    • @erindeerhart5538
      @erindeerhart5538 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      First make the negative positive, then escalate again. Not necessarily in the same way. Use your situational intelligence to know when and how to try again.

  • @garydrago
    @garydrago 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I can't follow the advice of sometime who knowingly pursues/sleeps with taken women

    • @nojizyatax
      @nojizyatax 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It ain’t his woman, it’s just his turn. She obviously didn’t value her man if she slept with Todd.

  • @SkyWayMan90
    @SkyWayMan90 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    No more pink shoes!

  • @bryangregory48
    @bryangregory48 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    You’re an amazing teacher and tutor, but it’s still a scumbag move to be sleeping with girls who are in committed relationships. You can’t really say you’re congruent with good behavior if you do that. Imagine if your partner cheated on you and your son isn’t really yours. Fair to say you probably wouldn’t be okay with that. Just saying…

    • @sickranchez4742
      @sickranchez4742 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not really. You can't make a housewife out of a ho. If a hot girl is in a relationship and wants some fun then sod it. She isn't loyal so it's not on you.
      Also if you were with someone who cheated then it's their loss. You are the prize.

    • @GUITARTIME2024
      @GUITARTIME2024 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They're ALL in a committed relationship, or close to it.

  • @matw1x
    @matw1x 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    7:21 RSD?

    • @seanb3303
      @seanb3303 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      He may have been hinting about transactional sex and me too. Transactional sex is dangerous, especially if you have assets

  • @pabf2745
    @pabf2745 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    honest through,... which girl?

  • @bolt9110
    @bolt9110 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is a rare case of garbage from Todd: why do you seek the validation that's you leave her better than you find her? That you have the warm fuzzy feeling that you are a "good man" - would the random woman have done the same for you?
    He needs to read Ester Velars 'The manipulated man" : and how woman get service from men without offering anything in return. What she refers to as "useful idiots".
    It's also impossible to leave her better. If you're familiar with the Alpha Widow concept, then the BETTER you are the more you've reduced her ability to pair bound with the next guy not as good as you
    You time, attentive , and affection HAS VALUE, and should not be given away without getting the value you want in return yourself. Don't be a useful ploughhorse.
    Yes, if you've had a great night with her then by all means REWARD her for good behaviour ALREADY received by you,, by getting her that Uber. But don't if she's had not given you the value you wanted in return.
    if it helps consider that Uber you're paying for, she's using to go see Chad.

  • @Premium_expression
    @Premium_expression 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    anyone in chicago?

  • @eightfake
    @eightfake 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    what a muppet

  • @martinsikes1400
    @martinsikes1400 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I can't listen to this dude. He's vague on another level. Specific examples and how someone go about, "becoming higher value" or, "something and something there", is just difficult to take serious.

    • @edymasta
      @edymasta 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ... because these are general topics for his free youtube channel, and his in-depth content is the one you pay for

    • @NandoMusicOfficial
      @NandoMusicOfficial 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you’ve experienced what he’s talking about, you pick up what he’s referring to pretty easily.

  • @leexiong2128
    @leexiong2128 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I just wanted to take note of Todd's idea on leaving women better than before experiencing what you gave them. As someone who's been serially engaging women who are already in relationships, I can't say that you can positively leave them. This can be for single women too. I think you will inevitably hurt women if you go through many without committing because it seems to me anyway, that they need that so much.
    I think Todd might be in denial about this one. He's been with over a hundred women, it's impossible that some of those were hurt after he left. But I'm not here to make moral judgements or even say I'm right. I honestly am just as selfish and would do the same if I could!

    • @Firecelebi
      @Firecelebi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True but at the least there are different ways to leave someone, sincerely trying to leave someone better off than you found them must be better than just ghosting for example. Even if women are hurt, they'd be more hurt by someone who just doesn't give a shit about their experience.

    • @leexiong2128
      @leexiong2128 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Firecelebi Yeah of course you don't want to be inconsiderate at all. The point though is that if you were truly good, sometimes, actually a lot of the time, it's best to not engage. By flirting and having sex, you build a bridge and story, then burn that bridge, of course people are going to get hurt. But as I said, I'm selfish and just want what I want.

    • @GUITARTIME2024
      @GUITARTIME2024 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree. We're not their life coaches. Women need to feel the highs and lows of life.

  • @HoangHuuNhat
    @HoangHuuNhat 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    it's kinda crazy how nobody's talking about the banned ebook Magnetic Aura