I've got the 502, been cracking so far, 1500 miles in 3 days last week around France and Belgium, didn't miss a beat, even sitting at 125/130kmh on motorways, a bit vibey though at that speed. Wanting to upgrade to 702 though for extra oomf for touring..... No rush though!
Love this bike. I’m really tempted so much for your money just concerned about how available parts will be in the future
You and me both!
Keep us updated on how you find it please mate
Hi Pete, I know what you mean. It was like that with the trk502, now there's hundreds of after-market parts available.
Will do Pete.
9:51 bless you 😊
Just buying the 702 Steve. How many miles on yours now and has it been reliable ?
Hi Ray, done 5000 so far and no issues whatsoever. Seat is a bit hard, but putting a gel inset in this winter.
Not really, had the rear shock swapped on warranty. But other than that 8500 trouble free miles.🏍
I think they are cracking value for money 😂
Totally agree, if it's anything like the 502 for reliability, I'll be happy.
No problems then with the 502?
I've got the 502, been cracking so far, 1500 miles in 3 days last week around France and Belgium, didn't miss a beat, even sitting at 125/130kmh on motorways, a bit vibey though at that speed.
Wanting to upgrade to 702 though for extra oomf for touring..... No rush though!