I am a former Protestant and now a Catholic. In fact, the Eucharist has made me see Jesus in a different way. His love for us is greater than anything!
@@dadbod32 You mean Jesus saying ""Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you" is not biblical? wow....
This part of his talk was the turning point for me, I wrestled with lukewarm protestantism for years, realized THIS is what I'm missing. I can't wait to finish RCIA this spring and experience this wonderful sacrament for myself
I’d have to see a Bible passage that says if you deny the Catholic idea of the Eucharist then you don’t love Jesus. The places that Lord’s Supper is taught (Matthew 26, Romans 11) do not teach the Roman Catholic Eucharist. In fact the transubstantiation concept behind the modern day Eucharist wasn’t an idea in Christianity until the 11th century. Rather, in John 14 Jesus says that those who love him “keep his commandments”. Since Jesus did not order his disciples to observe the catholic Eucharist it is not accurate to say that those who turn away the Eucharist do not love Jesus. Also, the reason Protestants aren’t Catholic is not because of the quality of the music or whatever other straw man argument the Friar wants to say. Protestants believe in salvation through faith alone unlike traditional Catholics who believe the sacraments are necessary for salvation/time off purgatory. The difference between Catholicism and Protestantism is not so small as “My pastor preaches well” it’s a more fundamental disagreement on biblical authority and the nature of salvation.
Well said - but you made a couple errors, my friend. You used scripture to try to persuade catholics to the truth. And you suggest they use "strawman" arguments(which, I agree, they do) but the real word is deceit. They twist and pervert the truth to manipulate weak minds. They are blind leading the blind. Careful where you cast your pearls..... a lesson I am slowly learning.
You actually mention the bible passage that you seek but in the opposite sense - if you love Him then you will follow His commandments. We believe this includes that which was handed down in writing and by word of mouth as we were commanded to follow in 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Of course we think it's scriptural but no doubt will disagree on interpretation. I encourage you to look into early church interpretations of scripture - the Didache in the 1st century applies the term "thusia" or sacrifice to the eucharist and links it to the prophesy in Malachi 1:10-11. Also St. Justin Martyr disagrees with you - he understands "do this" (touto poieite) to mean "offer this" (155 AD). In fact there is a clear continuous Catholic understanding of the eucharist. See St Ignatius of Antioch - Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6-7 (110 AD), St Justin Martyr - First Apology 66 (151 AD), St Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies 4:33:2, or 5:2:2-3 (189 AD), St Clement of Alexandria - Instructor of Children 1:6 (197 AD), Tetrullian of Carthage - Resurrection of the Flesh 8 (210 AD), St Hippolytus of Rome - On Proverbs (217 AD), Origen of Alexandria - Homilies on Numbers 7:2 (249 AD), St Cyprian of Carthage - The Lapsed Treatise 3 15-16 (251 AD), even the Council of Nicaea!! - Canon 18 (325 AD), etc. Would be harder to find someone in the church who disagreed. Also we Catholics can get behind faith alone as Pope Benedict said depending on the meaning of 'faith'. If it's faith working through love like in Galatians 5:6 then happy days.
There it is. “Keep his commandments” That is exactly why we don’t reject the Eucharist and why we don’t believe in faith alone. We are to “Keep his commandments”
I’m a cradle Catholic who left the Church after I separated from my ex. My second husband and I were very happy at our Protestant church. And in all honesty, I grew closer to God than ever before through them. I will always credit them for transforming my life the way they did. BUT…the more I learned about God and read my Bible, the more I felt called back to the Church. I tried hard to find excuses to stay but couldn’t justify it in the end. My husband, who is also a cradle Catholic, and I are now in the process of getting married in the Church (we both received annulments. His was lack of form since they weren’t married in the Church. Mine was lack of consent since I was pregnant and 16 and my ex was 21 when we married.) And we both just received Communion for the first time in over decade for me. Decades for him. I cried! I missed it so much! Father Mike is spot on with this! This is such a gift and blessing. I won’t ever give it up again!
Your doing in Protestants Church is just a fellowship for Christ, and has no communion with HIM. THUS you have no LIFE IN YOU as JESUS' promise. HE Said What I am about to tell you is true. You must EAT the SON of Man's BODY and DRINK HIS BLOOD. If you DON'T you have no LIFE in you (John 6: 53 NIrV). RCC Holy Mass is purely celebration for Christ. The FELLOWSHIP for CHRIST as OASIS of Love, Couple for Christ, Single for Christ, El Shaddai, Charismatic Ministries..etc are the same FELLOWSHIP as yours in Protestant Church. The difference is the absence of the Holy Mass in yours, and we have ours. So you need not to attend fellowship with the protestants, and take Holy COMMUNION in the RCC else you will be guilty of a mortal sin which will lead you in condemnation rather than ETERNAL LIFE in practice double standard condition of Faith. Unless you were INNOCENT. Since someone has called your attention with regard to this matter your ETERNAL LIFE benefit of the Holy Communion would be a CONDEMNATION of your soul. Consult your parish Priest with regards to your case, or you may join the ZOOM channel of Punto por Punto Faith and Morals every tuesdays to fridays at 8:00pm Philippines time. You may ask any questions and discuss anything and everything you want to discuss with about Theology. God bless us all.
@@FePiamonte-eb6jmIf you read what I wrote, you’ll see that Holy Communion played a tremendous part of me returning to the Catholic Church and that I received Communion for the first time in over a decade recently. It was given to me by my Catholic priest. My husband received his at Mass. (I am disabled due to chronic pain and illness and I’m bedridden the majority of the time so our priest brought Communion to me.)
So the more you read the Bible and learned about God, the more you wanted to pray to mary, saints and have another person intercede for you in matters of your faith and personal walk with Christ? I think you missed the point when reading the bible. No where in the bible does it say any of those things. The bible actually goes against many of the things that the Catholic church does. May your eyes opened in Jesus mighty name.
@shawn1869 That's the one reason why Jesus chose the 12 Apostles to teach in ORAL and WRITINGS. EVERYTHING that was taught by them was HEARD from the very mouth of JESUS. ALL MORALS and VALUES were instilled to them which SOME of it NEED TO BE TAUGHT IN ORAL, otherwise the PEOPLE has no more place on earth but the SCRIPTURES alone due to the PLENTIFUL WORKS Jesus did and taught, which you Protestants were keep demanding in CATHOLICS. Jesus said, Teach them to OBEY EVERYTHING I have commanded you and you can be sure that I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU TILL THE VERY END (Mat 28:20 NIrV). So, HOW the SUCCESSORS of 12 APOSTLES be mistaken if "JESUS REMAINS IN THEM TILL THE VERY END?". When ST. PAUL of 12 Apostles sent a letter to TIMOTHY saying, My son be strong in the GRACE THAT IS YOURS ON CHRIST. You have heard me teach in front of many witnesses. PASS IT ON to PEOPLE you can TRUST the THINGS you have heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2: 1-2). Do you think JESUS wrongly DESIGNED the MATRIX of HIS TEACHINGS? Don't you think HIS DESIGNS ended on HIS apostles and disciples only? Does JESUS isn't a good planner? No knowledge in MANAGEMENT, PLANNING and FORCASTING DESIGN SYSTEMS? JESUS knows EVERYTHING, from the very beginning till the end. HE IS THE ALPHA and OMEGA. The MATRIX STRUCTURES of HIS MISSION IS MADE ON HIS OWN DESIGN. Do you think what you see in HIS CHURCH, the RCC founded by HIM ( googles is just a finger tip away to check on) wasn't HIS DESIGN? JESUS said to PETER, You are Peter. On this Rock I will build my CHURCH. The gates of HELL will not be strong enough to destroy it (Matthew 16: 18 NIrV). Don't you realize thousands of SEPARATED CHURCHES hand in hand to destroy the RCC has never succeeded? It is because of this promise. All practices CRITICIZE by many Protestants to the RCC were all DESIGNS of JESUS. Everything happens because Jesus permitted it to happen. Jesus said to Peter, the RCC 1st Pope (tip on the googles to check on) I will give you the keys to the kingdom. What you LOCK on earth will be locked in heaven. What you UNLOCK on earth will be unlocked in earth (Matthew 16:18 NIrV). So, what you see in our practices are permitted by St. Peter which is permitted by JESUS. HANDED OVER BY THE REST OF THE APOSTLES IN EVERY PART OF THE WORLD THEY REACHED. St. Paul sent his letter to Thessalonica saying, So then brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the TRADITIONS that you were TAUGHT by us either by WORD OF MOUTH (which you cannot find in the BIBLE letter for letter), or by LETTER ( those you can find in the Bible) (2 Thessalonians 2: 15 NRSVCE). THEREFORE, you must understand EVERYTHING wasn't find in the BIBLE in details. Those were LOOPHOLES used by the FIRST ANTI-CHRIST CHURCH to destroy the CHURCH of Jesus Christ. Loopholes which put us to the TEST as to how much we TRUSTED and LOVED HIM. We Catholics OBEY THE MAGISTERIUM OF OUR CHURCH because JESUS PERMITTED EVERYTHING WE PRACTICES. GOD BLESS US ALL.
@@shawn1869 Respectfully, the more I read my Bible, the more I discovered that the “cotton candy” interpretation of the Bible by Protestants lacked the reverence Christ deserves, lacked the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (which was practiced for hundreds of years from the very beginning of the Church), that faith alone isn’t enough to save us, that works do matter, that the Church was given the power to bind and loose whatever they decided to bind and loose, that we should be confessing our sins to others and not just God, that divisions such as Luther’s was strongly warned about and denounced, that Mary is clearly a huge part of Revelations and will have an important role in it….I could go on and on. Also, that the Holy Land is filled with Catholic Churches, and that no Protestant pastor could explain away the miracles of Marian apparitions across the world, including the miracle witnessed by thousands and thousands of people in Fatima when they all saw “the sun dance.” I highly recommend reading Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn and Why We’re Catholic by Trent Horn to answer the questions you posed here. They defend and explain each one very well. Still, I will be forever grateful to my Protestant church and family for helping me grow so much in my faith and for helping to transform my life. I still have a lot of respect for our pastor and what he teaches. And the Protestants I know are such good, wonderful people who live by the Word instead of just preaching it. God bless!
This very video changed my life. I saw this, clicked on the full video, and immediately went to my bf, who is in the process of getting confirmed, and asked him to take me to church. Since then I've been going to church with him every Sunday. When I get home from my vacation, imma go our priest and ask to join the church and get confirmed. I've never been more excited. God bless you Fr. Mike! You've helped me in so many ways! The way you explain different parts of the Catholic faith or just Christian faith in general is so easy and fun. Im forever grateful! ❤
@Chiaraxoxo307 have you read the bible? There is no confirmation in scripture. That is a man made tradition like most of catholic doctrine. You dont need to go through any ritual to be ome a born again christian. You simply need to tell Jesus that you put your complete faith in him to save you. Jesus then forgives all your sins making you pure to enter heaven. Luke 7:48Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” 50Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
@gregkeeyako I appreciate you're concern and guidance but I have read the Bible and I have been a chosen Christian for about 7-8 months now. I know what scripture says about being saved. This is more than being saved. This is about strengthening my relationship with God and getting to know Him better through the church traditions and teachings.
@Chiaraxoxo307 so happy for you and I’m going to pray for you! Not trying to pick on you. Please pray about the way of Catholicism and its traditions and getting “confirmed.” Please do what Jesus and the apostles tell us to do and that’s it! And stand strong on that faith. You don’t want to take on a religious mindset. Catholics have a history of no Holy Spirit. It would be better to be alone in your home with Jesus than become a religious Pharisee. Hope you find a good place. We love you
It’s my issue with Catholicism, to much our view on Christianity is the right way all the other ways are not enough… umm we 100% have our faith and Christ, and actively strive to live as him and push our neighbors to do the same… you don’t need to perform ceremonies and extra steps to go to heaven
@@fallenashes transubstantiation is the difference between Catholic Eucharist and Protestant Communion. Catholics believe the bread and the wine actually transforms into Jesus's body and blood. Protestants believe the bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus's body and blood.
@@fallenashesthe false church believes that you're eating the actual body of Christ and drinking His actual blood, sacrificing over and over again every time the Catholics partake in the Eucharist. Google what the false religion doctrines are.... they're not Christian. At all.
This was the teaching and Bible verse that hit me the hardest while converting. I hadn’t heard this talk or one like it but I had heard Catholics believe in the true presence and such but when I heard that Jesus watched crowds leave because of his teaching on the Eucharist, that’s when I really started to see the truth in the Church.
@@ABC123jdAdoring God Brother is not Idolatry, I don't think you Have an understanding, That's exactly what A bunch of His Apostles said and walked away.May you find Real Peace on your Journey to Heaven
You are in serious error with such devotion to Mary. Mary is not Devine. She is not a co-redeemer. Mary needed a Savior as much as anyone else. The emphasis on Mary in the Catholic Church is because the Catholic Church absorbed many pagan religions with their beliefs and practices. The Catholic Mary & Jesus are simply modern versions of ancient goddess & child worship. In Babylon it was Semeramis & Tammuz. In Syria it was Ishtar & Tammuz. In Phoenicia it was Astarte & Baal. In Egypt it was Isis & Osiris. In Greece it was Aphrodite & Eros. In Rome it was Venus & Cupid. Interestingly in all those iterations the goddess was considered the most approachable and compassionate so she was emphasized. Mary HAS nothing to do with our salvation nor does she play any part in our relationship with the Lord. She was simply blessed to be the vessel God chose to bring the Savior into the world.
@Liliahna in Catholicism we believe the bread becomes the Body of Christ. So you ingest Christ to become more like him and he promises to give you eternal life if you eat his flesh and drink his blood. In Protestantism, communion is just symbolic, not beneficial to your soul or special. So adoration is when they put the body of Christ in display and we pray to Him as he is present.
Amen!! Too much emphasis on the virgin mary for me! I’m a former catholic simply because I was raised in it as a child. I have since developed a relationship with Jesus and now Born-again!! Praise God!! Thank you Jesus!!
And Jesus said that if you do not act His real presence is the Eucharist you can have no part in Him... How can we get around this?? Would we have had a right to break from Israel during all of their idolatry? NO! but we certainly have a right now *not* to engage in idolatry if we believe something to be so...
@charitybrook6279 where in the bible does Jesus say this? I've never seen it. I'm curious to know where it is. The catholic church is HUGE into idolatry. They pray to Mary and other saints when the bible says in 1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. Mary was just a woman who was obedient to God she isn't to be prayed to or worshiped that's necromancy. You don't need religion and man made practices you just need relationship and obedience to the Lord. Religion won't get you into heaven only Jesus will.
Thank you Fr Mike…I know in my heart of hearts this to be true….and that the act in the last supper was not about “just facilitating a Passover meal”….this is about the Eucharist, Jesus did not mince words so they were palatable to all who heard/listened….He meant what He said.
So Jesus was saying we need to practice cannibalism? He was speaking of Spiritual flesh and blood just as He refers to Himself as the Bread of Life or the water from which we won't thirst
@ if this is what you believe then this is what you believe….I’m not here to fight what Jesus said and what he meant….i believe and know what Jesus meant.
@@Ruffneckdman I'd suggest you read the entire chapter on this matter John 6. Jesus is speaking of Spiritual food. He says He is the bread of life. He's not speaking of literally eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He is not cannibalistic nor is He saying to actually drink His blood. Just as He did at Passover He referred to the bread and wine. Tell me just exactly what was Jesus saying. Where does it state this transubstantiation in John 6?
A Catholic Mass is like being invited to The Last Supper with Jesus & His apostles. Jesus said the first Mass & told them to continue it until He returns. When the Priest blesses the bread & wine, they transform into The Body & Blood of Jesus Christ; it’s The Transubstantiation. Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is the most beautiful, powerful & intimate union we can have with Him while on earth. We truly become one with Him. 1Cor11:23-29,Jn 6:51-59 We aren't supposed to go to Mass to be entertained, we go to Mass to Worship our God, to hear His Word and most of all to receive Him into our body, to make us one with Him.
@ Jesus Christ performed His first Mass saying for His apostles (first Pope and Priests) to continue His offerings until He returns. 1 Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:51-59. God forbid heathens from making & worshipping pagan images. God commanded Sacred Images be made of pure gold for His Altar & Ark. God knows we do not idolize Sacred Images as they are not idols. They are used to remind us of who they represent. Catholics worship God alone. We have pictures of family & friends in our homes, doesn’t mean we worship them.
The mass is actually quite beautiful and breathtaking. You can see the thoughtfulness time love and adoration put into it. A type and shadow of the Tabernacle and the redemption of Christ.
My Protestestant Church is Christ centered with a great Pastor, ok music (lol) and a loving, community minded congregation. I participate in the Sacrement of Holy Communion where I receive the Eucharist with great humbleness and devotion. I thank Jesus everyday for the ultimate sacrifice he made for me so many years ago. We Christians must put behind us the ridiculus infighting as to which denomination holds God's favour. As Christians we all must stand united against the worldly powers and be clothed in the Armour of God with the strength from our Saviour Jesus Christ and the guidence of the Holy Spirit.
Exactly. As a protestant Christian I’m so tired of both sides trying to show which one loves Jesus more or which one God will accept more. I mean we already have enough to fight against in the physical and spiritual world, so tired of this fight within ourselves
Do you believe that Jesus is truly present in the eucharist ? Do you treat it as such or just pass it around like a snack ? How do you know its not just some random piece of bread ?
@@jron772 YES I Believe That the Concreted Host(Eurcurest)IS INFACT JESUS, Because He SAID it Was,and I PERSONALLY BELIEVE HIM.PRAISE AND GLORY TO HIS NAME
Scripture itself never tells us to follow scripture alone. The only time the words “faith alone” are used in the Bible is James 2:24, which says, "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone". Christ did not claim to be writing a book, but building a church.
@@SquattRakk "Scripture itself never tells us to follow scripture alone" - 2 Peter 1:3-4,20 , 2 Timothy 3:16 , 2 Timothy 3:17 - Matthew 15:6 there is more. There is no point in explaining the second part of your message if you struggle with Scripture be the complete, infallible word of God. I will say this, the reason I personally follow Christ alone is because He is everything I need. His birth, life, death and resurrection has gifted me new life. I can serve my wife and daughter, and my local church all because of who He is and what he accomplished. I find Jesus to be my captain, my savior, my elder brother and friend. Promoting anyone is to His possession diminishes the great work on earth he accomplished. That is why Christ alone.
And Christ alone established the Eucharist, and said Jonh 6 53:54 Then Jesus said unto them verly verly I say unto you except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink His blood ye have no life in you 54.whose eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. By Christ alone ,and ignore everything Jesus established and ordained with His disciples, the new priests for God's new covenant.
If you struggle with scripture alone then there's no point in explaining Christ alone or faith alone. Maybe I should have just written "scripture alone".
I am not RC, but we have holy communion every Sunday, we have simple and solemn music ministry, we study the Bible deeply, and we enjoy our fellowship all the time. Christ is the very center of our worship!
Idk if anyone else here will tell you this, but that’s great. Many Protestants desire rich traditional Church, and they forget that the Reformers were Catholic. Rock concerts are not Church. I’m not Catholic either.
As a Catholic, I respectfully disagree that you are receiving holy communion. Your church most likely doesn't believe in the real presence--just a symbol. Also, through apostolic succession is how we have priests and sacraments. This is all to say that Christ is at the center of your worship, but He isn't in your reception of holy communion.
That is great, but your service never “consecrates” Christ into the host. Doesn’t have the Transubstantiation. This is done through a soul wholly commitment to Christ, with the intention of bringing Him into the piece of bread.
@@lambforjesus2282 transubstantiation is exactly what happens at every Catholic mass. The way Christ himself taught, passed down to the apostles and the church He created.
@ Yes, we have different take in Holy Communion. If we have to consider the true meaning of Jesus last supper, you have to understand the context of passover meal. The passover meal in Jewish custom consists of three bread and four cups. The second bread is the bread to be broken and Jesus’s is affirming that He is this bread. I suggest that you do further study about this and I hope that you can see the essence of Jesus’ words during the last supper. God bless
You cannot love someone without feeling that love from the other person. I love Jesus because he saved me, healed me, redeemed me. He fills me with love , joy and peace every single day. I was saved in march, and not one day has passed by where my smile has left my face. I feel his love every single day. He’s always leading me to read his word, giving me faith, and always is showing me his work around me and showing me I’m not bound to sin no more. That I can live a righteous life because of his spirit that’s in me. A surrendering life. Jesus Loves You.
absolutely beautiful theank you Jesus May the Lord bless you from the crown of your head to the sole of ur feet in our Lord and Savior Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Amen! I remember years ago, as a longtime member of a vigorous anti-Catholic evangelical denomination, visiting a Catholic friend’s parish. As I sat in our pew, close to the front, I clearly heard the priest say over and over again, “The Body of Christ,” as a long line of people moved forward to receive “communion.” The Holy Spirit stirred a desire in me to receive Whom they were receiving, and I knew I could not. That miraculous encounter awakened in me a longing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, even though I didn’t fully understand. I pursued RCIA, was received into The Church, and today receive Jesus regularly. ~It is the Holy Spirit that enlightens and converts people. ~Love you, Fr. Schmitz! Thank you for your surrender, obedience, and service. 🎶
Thank you for sharing. I know two fallen away Catholics who are some form of Protestant and are, of course, anti-Catholic. Reading your comment gives me hope for Protestants.
That’s awesome! I also grew up super anti-Catholic. Last year I accidentally found Pints with Aquinas, and found myself sobbing listening to one of the interviews that was centered around the Eucharist. I was so moved and devastated that I couldn’t receive it. I attended mass for the first time this summer. I plan to join OCIA next fall.
Now you are part of a vigorous anti-evangelical denomination. I'm sure you wouldn't have gone to hell for being evangelical. Maybe you just wanted a change.
I was raised Catholic. I am a believer in christ. At the last supper, when Jesus broke bread, he said, "Do this in memory of me" I have broken bread with Christians in many places. It was no less a celebration of our lords sacrifice and no less recognized by our lord than any Catholic celebration. He told we believers to do this, yes we. He didn't say catholics only. Why create strife and divide. Let's stay true to his word. "Do this in memory of me." Let's all share in that. What a gift!
Read the letters of the apostolic fathers and early church fathers, they explain exactly what the apostles taught them. Scripture says the apostolic fathers are chosen by the Holy Spirit. Anointed by laying on of hands and guided to lead... in fact Scripture even says not to make it hard for them and follow them so as they work with joy and you arnt a burden. Try reading them or even getting audiobooks, also read Iraneus of lyon and Justin Martyr conversation with trypho the jew. You'll know the true church from these writings and proofs
@paddydobbs2318 the true church is a small one, read revelation. It's the one that stays true to God's word. The catholic church has work to do to get back to what the original intent was in the 1st century. They have gone off the path and should be admonished, like all of us that stray. You all know there is a problem you know it in your spirit.
I listened to this talk. It was the primary pivotal moment of the talk. Good homilies, good teaching, and decent time taken for the work that he does is what you see in Father Schmitz. That's what I have observed.
I have been blessed to bring holy communion to a friend in the hospital and now as she recovers at home. She has growing demensia . Recieving Eucharist she feels apart of our Catholic comminty and she is not alone. She glows with love when she recieves. Eucharist...God with us.
As far as I remember as a Protestant every church I have attended believe that when they took communion, the Eucharist, they prayed and believed that they were eating the body and blood of Christ. They also opened it up to all believers who have asked Christ into their hearts, confessed their sins and through prayer asked Christ to be Lord of their lives. I followed Fr Mike through the Bible in a Year the first 2 yrs on the ascension podcast. Sounds to me like they need to do better preparation on what Protestants believe.
As an LCMS member (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod), I assure you that the Eucharist is performed identically at at least one Protestant church, the entire service is.
As Martin Luther was not a bishop, he could not validly ordain any priests, therefore today, there are no priests in the Lutheran church that can validly hold a mass. I'm sorry, but that's just bread your eating.
@@amberthutI must have missed in the Bible where Jesus spells out that only the Roman Catholic Church has any authority. Also the majority of the New Testament preaches that we are all priests with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us when we turn to Christ….
@@amberthut I have extensively studied Both the books of ACTS and MATTHEW and haven’t seen anything close to a blanket authority given to an organization to give people access to God.
I think what matters most is our relation to Christ. Whether we are Protestant or Catholic. Are we seeking Christ first in all things? Is he our Lord AND Savior? Do we acknowledge and accept the gift of grace through faith? We get too caught up on debating smaller details, but ultimately this point will be the thing to save us in the end. True believers are Christ’s church and his bride. We should be united in our love for him
@@mf7269 You have a great point and Catholics agree that relationship is really important. We are built for relationship! Jesus's emphasis in John 6 doesn't seem to be a "smaller detail" as you had mentioned. I hope you will consider prayerfully reading through John 6 and considering these points made by Father Mike here. Furthermore a point I'd make with respect to your comment "True believers are Christ's Church and his bride" Are you saying that this is true even if there is disagreement amongst believers about dogmatic or doctrinal matters? Assuming you will say yes and say that the disagreement doesn't matter so long as you believe in Christ you are part of the Church. A few questions for you on that How does that reconcile with Mathew 18:15-17? Isn't the church you are talking about described in verse 16? How would I handle a cross denominational conflict? Doesn't verse 17 make sense only if God's intention was for one truth, one roof, one law, and one God? Just like the Jews who were one people, under one law, one temple, and one God. Look how Jesus prays for us to be one in John 17:20-23, and how Psalm 133 and Ephesians 4:1-6 call for unity. Do you know what pluralism is? Did Jesus teach pluralism at all? How does your statement about all believers belonging to the church align with pluralism? Furthermore, can God contradict himself? If you and I disagree and we both say we are guided by the Holy Spirit; how is that possible? How can God contradict himself like that? Especially considering Jesus's promise to his Apostles in John 16:13. I hope you will consider reading into some of these Bible passages. When we allow for a fractured view of who God is, we don't allow ourselves to discover how he chose to reveal himself. He is far more beautiful than any man made idea of who he is. God bless you
Agree. Tbh I find his graces to abundant in the Catholic church. Especially the grace he brings through confession and communion . Even the acknowledgement of the saints and their lives give such amazing guidance and lessons. Reading their testimonies constantly shows me different sides of Jesus and idk it's amazing. Do you have to have all these things to have a relationship with Christ? Maybe not, but does it enrich you spiritually? Yeah!
I became catholic fifteen years ago because the spirit changed my heart and gave me the desire to come into this religion. My family frowned on my decision, but I adhered to the spiritual calling from God. Today I am more and more convinced that it was the best decision and choice I ever made in my life 💕
I’ve never been to a church that doesn’t do the Eucharist. And I’ve never been to a Catholic Church either. They might not call it the Eucharist; but that’s what it is. We call it taking communion; but we do the same thing. Eucharist is literally just the formal word for it.
Same here. Other than that the humans in the catholic church has changed many things that God has given to us and brought pagan rituals into the church puts a damper on my heart for that denomination.
It's really important to read church history, learn the teaching of the fathers from the early church and learn about their practices, I'm orthodox Christian and have found great benefit knowing those things @@18cheyenneraine
They have the lord's supper . Not the Eucharist. Learn thd difference . I've debated protestants for 40 years. Rarely do I run in to one who affirms even the real presence view.
@ what does it matter? Christ is in us. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you fail to meet the test! Romans 8:9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. He is there even if it a symbol or real, so when we take communion, it doesn’t matter he’s gonna be there no matter what it doesn’t matter what the Catholic Church or you think it matters, it’s what the Bible says
The Bible is center to a Protestant faith over church. The church is center over the Bible to a catholic/orthodox faith. I can’t ever let anything but the word of God and my relationship with him be center to who I am. I am his child. I was not born of the church but born of God. I will follow him always! And his word is everything but the Holy Spirit dwells in me and if I did not have access to a Bible I know I would have that.
@@TheRachag Amen! I was going to write something similar it you said it perfectly. I owe nothing to a man or a building. I truly believe there is a control factor involved in the catholic ways. I wouldn’t mind watching videos to learn about them. But all is see are put downs towards others. So “holy”.
I just don’t get why it is beneficial to believe one is actually eating Christ’s flesh and drinking his actual blood. Surely it has to be a metaphor, otherwise it seems rather odd to me.
@@TheRachagSacred scripture (Bible) and sacred tradition are central to Catholics, we do not seperate the two. The Bible tells us of the Churches importance and it also tells us to keep both oral and written traditions. 1 Timothy 3:15 15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and [a]ground of the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our [a]epistle.
@@TheRachag Sola Scriptura has led to relativism. Without authority you can do whatever you want and interpret any way you like. Lots of denominational proof to back up that claim.
Then you must want the Eucharist, bc otherwise you only have yourself and YOUR false interpretation. If you want all that HE says - including HIS CHURCH. You cannot divide up like Satan.,
The Eucharist the Real Presence of Christ- is not found in Protestant churches. Jesus described himself as the bread of life, stating that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood will have life eternal (John 6:54). At the Last Supper he gave the apostles and their successors, the bishops (and through them, validly ordained priests), the power and authority to continue his sacrifice when he said, "Do this in memory of me" (Luke 22:19). The Catholic Church has been obeying Christ's command for almost two thousand years, and whereas many Christian denominations see the Eucharist mainly in symbolic terms, the Church has consistently taught that it is truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. Moreover, only Catholic and non-Catholic Eastern priests because of their ordinations-have the sacramental power to consecrate the Eucharist. Catholic Answers - Fr. Joseph Esper
I love Jesus. I'm Protestant, I believe that Jesus Christ is the host. The grapes are the blood of His testimony. Because my church said? Nope. JESUS said.
The Church has the authority to consecrate the Eucharist, and the Church is the reason why you have the scriptures in your hands today to know who Jesus is. Look up what "Laying of the hand" means. It's to pass down authorship. The Catholics have apostolic succession unlike pastor bob in the strip-mall church
Father! I almost spit my coffee across the room. "Pastor Bob in the stri mall." LOL! Anyway, I am studying the catechism with you. I need some apologetics to read as well. I'm serious about knowing the scriptures that back up the beliefs. @@a.ihistory5879
@@AB-ye9uu And you see that is the reason why thousands of denominations exist. And the Catholic church finalized the Canon of the Bible you fully trust today. Pope Damascus I, 382 AD
@@AB-ye9uu You've removed yourself from Christ's body because you assume you're interpretation of the scriptures is correct over the church Christ founded. You must believe that you or pastor Bob has something that Christ lacked. Shame on you
Jesus gave us a church, not a book. The Bible wasn't written until 300 years after Jesus was crucified. The Protestant Reformation didn't happen until the 16th century.
We just had a protestant friend who asked "How can I received Holy Communion." He registered on RCIA and starts this November. He got a little upset because he couldn't understand why he had to wait. We had to explained him the process of becoming Catholic. It's not that people become Catholic in the spot like in protestantism. He understood he had to study a year before becoming Catholic.
I completely understand him. I am currently in RCIA (former Protestant) and I crave the Eucharist more than anything. I have to confess to Jesus from time to time that I am so impatient and frustrated that I have to wait.
Elena thank you for the clarification… in many Protestant Churches you are examined on your knowledge of the faith and your personal testimony before you can take Communion
I have a prot friend who has vowed to never have wine until she sits at Christ's table. I try to explain to her that Hes here on earth with us, in the flesh. Please pray for her.
This is an interesting perspective. As I have aged, I realized that my sect of Christianity (restoration) has always placed a heavy emphasis on the taking of communion every meeting. I never realized that not all churches took communion on a regular basis.
I knew for certain that I am Catholic because one time, I had not gone to church for weeks ( or months) . The first time I went back to mass, my tears fell during consecration. I felt I was home.
Gurl sometimes during mass tears just pour out of my face. I feel embarrassed bc I don't want to be that person that always cries but....ugh it's amazing
@tiredgrouchy8943 ugh so annoying. That's so annoying to say bc duh. But the fact is that church is where believers gather. So I love going bc I know there's people that follow God there. Which is better than over the Internet. I feel like people that say that just don't want to deal with the responsibility of being with other people so they make themselves feel better about staying relatively isolated.
@@tiredgrouchy8943 nah I meant what I said. We value the church. Yeah it's the people, but in mass we have the sacraments and we are in God's presence together. People usually say what you say to devalue that so idk what you're trying to say
Many comments here, so sorry if it has been stated. Building community is something us Catholics do need to do better. I married a Protestant who always laugh at the end of mass how us Catholics make a mad dash to the exit. Around a 1/4 are already gone after communion. The church she grew up in, after mass they have sit around for an hour or so talking over coffee and doughnut/bagels/etc. When our church does that, Catholics grab it and go. I know us Catholics have our groups, but a small percent of us join. Her church has many groups and a lot of participants. I have no problem that we lack the "entertainment" part of mass that our Christian Brothers and Sisters of other religions have. But we must work harder to build community instead of show up for an hour a week and run.
I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:48-51
to me that sounds more like whoever believes that Christ was crucified (eats the flesh) will live forever. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life” does that mean i need to participate in the eucharist or be baptized in order to “believe”?
@@xxtomcatxx First off, yes. If Jesus was implying that John 6:53 was just a metaphor, He would not have replicated it in the last supper. Even if it _was_ a metaphor, why in the last supper? Second, yes. In John 3, it says you need to be baptized with water AND the spirit.
I'm having doubts since they won't stand up for christianity. The supreme court recently ruled that there in no religious right for married couples to live together, even if you broke no laws. but the church is silent.
I'm still Protestant. I love the Eucharist. I love receiving the body and blood of Christ at every divine service at my Lutheran church, when God invites me to his table and says "Come and receive the body and blood of the once sacrificed Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. I am not asking you to offer anything to me. This is purely a gift from me to you. Come with your empty hands and just receive, just as the disciples did at the last supper."
It’s really hard for me to understand why we can’t have all of it. Great community, great preachers, great music, great worship, great tradition and the Eucharist. I like the Catholic tradition but the faith and feeling you get from Protestant churches is also something else when you have such community, engagement and love for christ.
Yah I get what your saying. I would think God would want us to be happy and prosper and encouraged to share his word. If your bot happy and don't prosper why would you share the word of God?
If you don't want the Body Blood Soul and Divinity then you will be lost! You need the Body Blood Soul and Divinity in your Body and Soul to live on ❤❤❤
@jenniferboht961 Before I became a Catholic I was a Protestant, but I came to the conclusion that Protestantism is fake Christianity, invented by "the father of lies".
@@jenniferboht961protestantism was created by a heretic Catholic priest. The Rapture is not in the Bible. Sola fide and Sola scriptura is not in the Bible. Ask Google who founded your religion. Then ask Google who founded the Catholic Church. You might be surprised. I wouldn't put stock in a man in a powdered wig.
Then ypu prefer your sin to Jesus Christ. You prefer to give God what you want rather than give God what he asks of you. Obedience is vital to being a Christian. We all pray for you.
@@MrEliaspalacios6Not seeing how what you said follows…I mean, I guess from your worldview. Must have missed the verse that says not taking the Eucharist equates to loving your sin more than Jesus.
Tradition and sacrament are dead without truth and the soul who longs for Christ longs for food from the word and fellowship. You offer a dead tradition and we long for life
I have Jesus Christ, He is my Lord and Savior. Jesus said “ He that comes to Me will never hunger, and He that believes in Me will never thirst” Jesus said “ true Worshippers, Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Not through a man made piece of bread !!! Flee from idolatry!!!
LoL pride will never allow you to see spiritually if I may ask the bread and wine Jesus used during the last supper were he changed them into His body and blood was made by whom please?
The problem with Catholicism (much like protestantism) is that there’s too many different branches of it. So for this priest (who I honestly believe is a genuine believer), for him to defend “Catholicism”, which Catholicism is it? Because I know Catholics who believe in the Eucharist but also believe in a million other things that they’ve added. Even the current pope keeps amending doctrines. I could go to Minnesota and kneel before the Virgin Madonna, I could go to Mexico and pray to the Virgin Guadalupe, I could go to California and believe that Mary is the Way to Jesus, or Spain and give honor to Fatima. Man, I just want to set my eyes solely on Jesus …that’s why I’m not a Catholic. We Protestants might not have the Eucharist but we regularly have holy communion which in practice is the same thing: The blood and flesh of Jesus, and the same meaning: that it was his sacrifice done for us. That said, I know Catholics that have a very clear focus on Jesus …but it’s definitely not a unanimous thing among Catholics. It gets really messy doctrinally.
Too many branches of Catholicism? There are a few rites, but they all believe the same thing and are in communion with Rome. Their liturgies are somewhat different, but I am guessing you haven't been to the eastern rite masses. Roman Catholicism is consistent. You can go to a mass in any state, any city and it will be performed pretty much identically--liturgy of the word, liturgy of the eucharist--consecration--etc. Now, I will grant you that there are some differences within the humans within the church, but whether or not they follow the catechism and what they church teaches is an entirely different thing. To say the Protestant holy communion and the Eucharist are the same thing is blasphemy. The real presence vs a symbol in a hermetically sealed container are not even on the same playing field. Your understanding of the Eucharist is limited my friend if you truly believe they are the same thing. Your issues with the Blessed Mother seem to be the root of your bias. We give honor to the mother of God, but worship is for God alone. If you would like to discuss this further sometime, let me know. God Bless.
I didn't finish RCIA a decade ago. I'm 42 years old and will enroll next year. Been going to other protestant churches, the level of disinformation on the Catholic Church is astounding. I would have had no idea without my time spent in RCIA. I was meant to have that time earlier in my life to see as clearly as i see now.
So my family my whole life has been Catholic. I just learned today Christians didn’t believe in the Eucharist. Now I can stay without a shadow of the doubt I’m a Catholic.
Right. The physical body and blood if christ, in which we consume spiritually, overseed by our pastor, in our church that follows the teachings of Luther.
Adoration is amazing! The Eucharist is so real. It really is Jesus and you feel His grace and presence so much when you receive the Eucharist or are simply in it's presence.
Read John 6 carefully. So many people left Jesus at that point when he taught them about the Eucharist. Peter told Jesus: ‘Lord this’s hard’. Jesus said to him- You may also leave if you wish to. Jesus wasn’t ready to dilute this teaching. He didn’t use any parables, like he did in other situations. Have you ever wondered why Satanists/ people do black mass steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Church? Why don’t they steal bread broken at a protestant church? Even they know the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
@@sarahgeo276 Roman Catholics and Orthodox misrepresent the historical development of Transubstantiation, since its invention was no sooner than the third century. After all, Transubstantiation only became official Catholic doctrine in 1215 AD, with Pope Innocent III, in the Fourth Lateran Council. So before 200 AD, when writers said that the unleavened grape juice and bread were the body and blood of Christ, they were merely borrowing the words of Christ: "This is my body" etc. It is clear, however, that the church understood this in the symbolic sense, not in the later false doctrine of Transubstantiation. In Mt 26:29 after Jesus had said, "this is my blood" and prayed, he still referred to the contents as, "fruit of the vine". If transubstantiation of the juice into blood had occurred, as both Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches say it was at this time, then Jesus would never have referred to it as "fruit of the vine' but rather "blood". This proves that when Jesus said "take eat & drink" he LITERALLY gave them bread and juice. Paul also refers to the elements of the Lord's Supper as "eat this bread and drink the cup" in 1 Cor 11:26 after they should be transubstantiated. 1 Cor 11:26-27 proves transubstantiation wrong because Paul calls the loaf, "bread" after both Roman Catholics and Orthodox say the "change" was supposed to take place. Catholics make Paul a liar by calling the loaf "bread" rather than what Catholic false doctrine claims it was: Literal Flesh. In 1 Corinthians 11:25, Jesus said literally that the "cup was the covenant". So which is it? Is the it the juice that is the covenant or the juice that is the blood? Is it the cup that is the covenant or is the cup the blood? Quotes from Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian and Hippolytus, which the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches love to quote as authority, proves that before 200 AD, the church viewed the bread and juice as symbols. Conversely, the earliest historical hint of transubstantiation was in the 4th century.
That's not what Eucharist means. Catholics have communion too, it's the coming together to partake in the Eucharist. Eucharist is bread and wine that has become the whole body and blood of Jesus in both of his natures entire.
@@taylormoore3121so only catholics will get to heaven? No other Christians who have received Jesus as their Lord and savior and are trying to live like Christ are not true Christians to the catholics?
Thank you for the reply - and I am delighted to keep any discussion limited to the rest of the New Testament and not arguments from traditions or the words of Popes. To start can you explain where in the NT you believe it clearly says that Priests have the ability to transform Bread and Wine into the actual body and blood of Christ (rather than be symbolic as Protestants believe)
@@middletome happy to have a conversation about the Catholic book, known as the Bible. Any personal man made doctrines, personal interpretations, that don't exist in the bible, such as faith alone, will not be tolerated. Before we start, understand that everytime you quote the Bible, you accept Sacred Tradition, and the Authority of the Magesteriam and Popes, who compiled the Bible in 382AD on the Inspiration of God through the Apostolic Authority granted by Christ. No need to accept my word on this, feel free to look up the first Bible and where the list of books come from. As to your first demand, I suggest you go look up Scott Hhan. He had to stop teaching the Gospel of John as a protostant minister, he realized to his utter shock that John taught the Eucharist straight out of the Bible. My source for the Eucharist begins in the OT, but we'll start with the Gospel of John. without personal interpretation, please tell me where in Scripture Jesus proclaims he is speaking only symbolically, and can you find any ancient sources, such as John the Beloved's direct disciple, Ignatius of Antioch for example, agree with you?
This was something that struck me about my Protestant wife - everything she boasted about Protestant churches were ultimately more about the preacher, community etc - but never about how much closer they were getting to Jesus
@@justinv3512 you actually need to be born again, and have a relationship with Jesus. Another man can not worship Jesus for me. Intercessory pray is one thing, counting on another man for your salvation is Wrong. Look up in the Bible where it reads , cursed is a man who trusts in another man. Just saying…
Do most Christian churches not do the sacrament/communion? I agree, it is essential. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I partake of the sacrament each week
Watch the full video, Fr. Mike Schmitz: "The Hour That Will Change Your Life" | SEEK2015 @FOCUSCatholic Link: th-cam.com/video/LwwiIkrLxTM/w-d-xo.html
Nope. Video not available😢
video not accessible sorry
Wanted to watch … 😭
I can still remember how this talk actually did change my life. It was onward from there and I never looked back!
My Lord My God , I Thirst .. #northernmaine ✝️ 🕊
I am a former Protestant and now a Catholic. In fact, the Eucharist has made me see Jesus in a different way. His love for us is greater than anything!
Me too,episcopalian convert now Joy in the Holy Apostolic Church Universal which outside of it there’s no salvation.
It’s just not biblical. Everything added to the lords supper by Catholics hundreds of years later is abomnable
Me too.
@@dadbod32 You mean Jesus saying ""Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you" is not biblical? wow....
How did you become Catholic?@@HornaTham
This part of his talk was the turning point for me, I wrestled with lukewarm protestantism for years, realized THIS is what I'm missing. I can't wait to finish RCIA this spring and experience this wonderful sacrament for myself
Read Gavin Ortlund's book What it means to be Protestant. Brutal facts.
Welcome home, brother. I ask that you pray for me, and I will pray for you.
You've got it brother@@TheMegaLegoShow
Welcome home! ❤️
same here brother!
I’d have to see a Bible passage that says if you deny the Catholic idea of the Eucharist then you don’t love Jesus. The places that Lord’s Supper is taught (Matthew 26, Romans 11) do not teach the Roman Catholic Eucharist. In fact the transubstantiation concept behind the modern day Eucharist wasn’t an idea in Christianity until the 11th century. Rather, in John 14 Jesus says that those who love him “keep his commandments”. Since Jesus did not order his disciples to observe the catholic Eucharist it is not accurate to say that those who turn away the Eucharist do not love Jesus.
Also, the reason Protestants aren’t Catholic is not because of the quality of the music or whatever other straw man argument the Friar wants to say. Protestants believe in salvation through faith alone unlike traditional Catholics who believe the sacraments are necessary for salvation/time off purgatory. The difference between Catholicism and Protestantism is not so small as “My pastor preaches well” it’s a more fundamental disagreement on biblical authority and the nature of salvation.
Well said - but you made a couple errors, my friend. You used scripture to try to persuade catholics to the truth. And you suggest they use "strawman" arguments(which, I agree, they do) but the real word is deceit. They twist and pervert the truth to manipulate weak minds. They are blind leading the blind. Careful where you cast your pearls..... a lesson I am slowly learning.
This 👏 well said
You actually mention the bible passage that you seek but in the opposite sense - if you love Him then you will follow His commandments. We believe this includes that which was handed down in writing and by word of mouth as we were commanded to follow in 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Of course we think it's scriptural but no doubt will disagree on interpretation.
I encourage you to look into early church interpretations of scripture - the Didache in the 1st century applies the term "thusia" or sacrifice to the eucharist and links it to the prophesy in Malachi 1:10-11. Also St. Justin Martyr disagrees with you - he understands "do this" (touto poieite) to mean "offer this" (155 AD). In fact there is a clear continuous Catholic understanding of the eucharist. See St Ignatius of Antioch - Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6-7 (110 AD), St Justin Martyr - First Apology 66 (151 AD), St Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies 4:33:2, or 5:2:2-3 (189 AD), St Clement of Alexandria - Instructor of Children 1:6 (197 AD), Tetrullian of Carthage - Resurrection of the Flesh 8 (210 AD), St Hippolytus of Rome - On Proverbs (217 AD), Origen of Alexandria - Homilies on Numbers 7:2 (249 AD), St Cyprian of Carthage - The Lapsed Treatise 3 15-16 (251 AD), even the Council of Nicaea!! - Canon 18 (325 AD), etc. Would be harder to find someone in the church who disagreed.
Also we Catholics can get behind faith alone as Pope Benedict said depending on the meaning of 'faith'. If it's faith working through love like in Galatians 5:6 then happy days.
There it is. “Keep his commandments” That is exactly why we don’t reject the Eucharist and why we don’t believe in faith alone. We are to “Keep his commandments”
@@ednaron1229Jesus also said if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out. Do you obey that command?
I’m a cradle Catholic who left the Church after I separated from my ex. My second husband and I were very happy at our Protestant church. And in all honesty, I grew closer to God than ever before through them. I will always credit them for transforming my life the way they did. BUT…the more I learned about God and read my Bible, the more I felt called back to the Church. I tried hard to find excuses to stay but couldn’t justify it in the end. My husband, who is also a cradle Catholic, and I are now in the process of getting married in the Church (we both received annulments. His was lack of form since they weren’t married in the Church. Mine was lack of consent since I was pregnant and 16 and my ex was 21 when we married.) And we both just received Communion for the first time in over decade for me. Decades for him. I cried! I missed it so much! Father Mike is spot on with this! This is such a gift and blessing. I won’t ever give it up again!
Your doing in Protestants Church is just a fellowship for Christ, and has no communion with HIM. THUS you have no LIFE IN YOU as JESUS' promise. HE Said What I am about to tell you is true. You must EAT the SON of Man's BODY and DRINK HIS BLOOD. If you DON'T you have no LIFE in you (John 6: 53 NIrV). RCC Holy Mass is purely celebration for Christ. The FELLOWSHIP for CHRIST as OASIS of Love, Couple for Christ, Single for Christ, El Shaddai, Charismatic Ministries..etc are the same FELLOWSHIP as yours in Protestant Church. The difference is the absence of the Holy Mass in yours, and we have ours. So you need not to attend fellowship with the protestants, and take Holy COMMUNION in the RCC else you will be guilty of a mortal sin which will lead you in condemnation rather than ETERNAL LIFE in practice double standard condition of Faith. Unless you were INNOCENT. Since someone has called your attention with regard to this matter your ETERNAL LIFE benefit of the Holy Communion would be a CONDEMNATION of your soul. Consult your parish Priest with regards to your case, or you may join the ZOOM channel of Punto por Punto Faith and Morals every tuesdays to fridays at 8:00pm Philippines time. You may ask any questions and discuss anything and everything you want to discuss with about Theology. God bless us all.
@@FePiamonte-eb6jmIf you read what I wrote, you’ll see that Holy Communion played a tremendous part of me returning to the Catholic Church and that I received Communion for the first time in over a decade recently. It was given to me by my Catholic priest. My husband received his at Mass. (I am disabled due to chronic pain and illness and I’m bedridden the majority of the time so our priest brought Communion to me.)
So the more you read the Bible and learned about God, the more you wanted to pray to mary, saints and have another person intercede for you in matters of your faith and personal walk with Christ? I think you missed the point when reading the bible. No where in the bible does it say any of those things. The bible actually goes against many of the things that the Catholic church does. May your eyes opened in Jesus mighty name.
@shawn1869 That's the one reason why Jesus chose the 12 Apostles to teach in ORAL and WRITINGS. EVERYTHING that was taught by them was HEARD from the very mouth of JESUS. ALL MORALS and VALUES were instilled to them which SOME of it NEED TO BE TAUGHT IN ORAL, otherwise the PEOPLE has no more place on earth but the SCRIPTURES alone due to the PLENTIFUL WORKS Jesus did and taught, which you Protestants were keep demanding in CATHOLICS. Jesus said, Teach them to OBEY EVERYTHING I have commanded you and you can be sure that I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU TILL THE VERY END (Mat 28:20 NIrV). So, HOW the SUCCESSORS of 12 APOSTLES be mistaken if "JESUS REMAINS IN THEM TILL THE VERY END?". When ST. PAUL of 12 Apostles sent a letter to TIMOTHY saying, My son be strong in the GRACE THAT IS YOURS ON CHRIST. You have heard me teach in front of many witnesses. PASS IT ON to PEOPLE you can TRUST the THINGS you have heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2: 1-2). Do you think JESUS wrongly DESIGNED the MATRIX of HIS TEACHINGS? Don't you think HIS DESIGNS ended on HIS apostles and disciples only? Does JESUS isn't a good planner? No knowledge in MANAGEMENT, PLANNING and FORCASTING DESIGN SYSTEMS? JESUS knows EVERYTHING, from the very beginning till the end. HE IS THE ALPHA and OMEGA. The MATRIX STRUCTURES of HIS MISSION IS MADE ON HIS OWN DESIGN. Do you think what you see in HIS CHURCH, the RCC founded by HIM ( googles is just a finger tip away to check on) wasn't HIS DESIGN? JESUS said to PETER, You are Peter. On this Rock I will build my CHURCH. The gates of HELL will not be strong enough to destroy it (Matthew 16: 18 NIrV). Don't you realize thousands of SEPARATED CHURCHES hand in hand to destroy the RCC has never succeeded? It is because of this promise. All practices CRITICIZE by many Protestants to the RCC were all DESIGNS of JESUS. Everything happens because Jesus permitted it to happen. Jesus said to Peter, the RCC 1st Pope (tip on the googles to check on) I will give you the keys to the kingdom. What you LOCK on earth will be locked in heaven. What you UNLOCK on earth will be unlocked in earth (Matthew 16:18 NIrV). So, what you see in our practices are permitted by St. Peter which is permitted by JESUS. HANDED OVER BY THE REST OF THE APOSTLES IN EVERY PART OF THE WORLD THEY REACHED. St. Paul sent his letter to Thessalonica saying, So then brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the TRADITIONS that you were TAUGHT by us either by WORD OF MOUTH (which you cannot find in the BIBLE letter for letter), or by LETTER ( those you can find in the Bible) (2 Thessalonians 2: 15 NRSVCE). THEREFORE, you must understand EVERYTHING wasn't find in the BIBLE in details. Those were LOOPHOLES used by the FIRST ANTI-CHRIST CHURCH to destroy the CHURCH of Jesus Christ. Loopholes which put us to the TEST as to how much we TRUSTED and LOVED HIM. We Catholics OBEY THE MAGISTERIUM OF OUR CHURCH because JESUS PERMITTED EVERYTHING WE PRACTICES. GOD BLESS US ALL.
@@shawn1869 Respectfully, the more I read my Bible, the more I discovered that the “cotton candy” interpretation of the Bible by Protestants lacked the reverence Christ deserves, lacked the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (which was practiced for hundreds of years from the very beginning of the Church), that faith alone isn’t enough to save us, that works do matter, that the Church was given the power to bind and loose whatever they decided to bind and loose, that we should be confessing our sins to others and not just God, that divisions such as Luther’s was strongly warned about and denounced, that Mary is clearly a huge part of Revelations and will have an important role in it….I could go on and on. Also, that the Holy Land is filled with Catholic Churches, and that no Protestant pastor could explain away the miracles of Marian apparitions across the world, including the miracle witnessed by thousands and thousands of people in Fatima when they all saw “the sun dance.” I highly recommend reading Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn and Why We’re Catholic by Trent Horn to answer the questions you posed here. They defend and explain each one very well. Still, I will be forever grateful to my Protestant church and family for helping me grow so much in my faith and for helping to transform my life. I still have a lot of respect for our pastor and what he teaches. And the Protestants I know are such good, wonderful people who live by the Word instead of just preaching it. God bless!
This very video changed my life. I saw this, clicked on the full video, and immediately went to my bf, who is in the process of getting confirmed, and asked him to take me to church. Since then I've been going to church with him every Sunday. When I get home from my vacation, imma go our priest and ask to join the church and get confirmed. I've never been more excited.
God bless you Fr. Mike! You've helped me in so many ways! The way you explain different parts of the Catholic faith or just Christian faith in general is so easy and fun. Im forever grateful! ❤
What does confirmed mean? 😂 Like what does that even mean? Is that a joke?
Don’t listen to this nonsense
@Chiaraxoxo307 have you read the bible? There is no confirmation in scripture. That is a man made tradition like most of catholic doctrine. You dont need to go through any ritual to be
ome a born again christian. You simply need to tell Jesus that you put your complete faith in him to save you. Jesus then forgives all your sins making you pure to enter heaven.
Luke 7:48Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
49The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”
50Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
@gregkeeyako I appreciate you're concern and guidance but I have read the Bible and I have been a chosen Christian for about 7-8 months now. I know what scripture says about being saved. This is more than being saved. This is about strengthening my relationship with God and getting to know Him better through the church traditions and teachings.
@Chiaraxoxo307 so happy for you and I’m going to pray for you! Not trying to pick on you.
Please pray about the way of Catholicism and its traditions and getting “confirmed.” Please do what Jesus and the apostles tell us to do and that’s it! And stand strong on that faith. You don’t want to take on a religious mindset.
Catholics have a history of no Holy Spirit. It would be better to be alone in your home with Jesus than become a religious Pharisee. Hope you find a good place. We love you
Former Catholic, current Protestant and we get the Eucharist every Sunday. Not sure what he’s taking about.
ik im really confused trying to find someone in the comments to explain. Like we have communion?
It’s my issue with Catholicism, to much our view on Christianity is the right way all the other ways are not enough… umm we 100% have our faith and Christ, and actively strive to live as him and push our neighbors to do the same… you don’t need to perform ceremonies and extra steps to go to heaven
@@fallenashes transubstantiation is the difference between Catholic Eucharist and Protestant Communion. Catholics believe the bread and the wine actually transforms into Jesus's body and blood. Protestants believe the bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus's body and blood.
@@boxerdude671depends on the denomination
@@fallenashesthe false church believes that you're eating the actual body of Christ and drinking His actual blood, sacrificing over and over again every time the Catholics partake in the Eucharist. Google what the false religion doctrines are.... they're not Christian. At all.
If you are a cradle Catholic, thank God every day for the gift you have been given.😊
I am and I do. Thank you for this message.
This! This is why I'm returning to my Catholic faith. Returning to the table of plenty.
I did the same about 5 years ago! After 25 years away.
I thank my mum and grandmother for raising me Catholic 🙏✝️❤️
This was the teaching and Bible verse that hit me the hardest while converting. I hadn’t heard this talk or one like it but I had heard Catholics believe in the true presence and such but when I heard that Jesus watched crowds leave because of his teaching on the Eucharist, that’s when I really started to see the truth in the Church.
From someone who spent 1 hour in adoration today. I pray that Jesus leads to the Eucharist.Amén.
You mean one hour of idolatry
@@ABC123jdAdoring God Brother is not Idolatry, I don't think you Have an understanding, That's exactly what A bunch of His Apostles said and walked away.May you find Real Peace on your Journey to Heaven
@@ABC123jd😢 you’re so lost
why would you pray that Jesus did you towards a piece of bread? Jesus Christ is the ultimate and highest goal
@@virgilbrumley5423 Worshipping bread is idolatry. God is not bread.
Thank you Lord Jesus for establishing your Catholic Church and your promised to be with us until the end of age. 🙏✝️❤️
Also as a Catholic I love Jesus’ Mother, our Heavenly Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
You are in serious error with such devotion to Mary.
Mary is not Devine. She is not a co-redeemer.
Mary needed a Savior as much as anyone else.
The emphasis on Mary in the Catholic Church is because the Catholic Church absorbed many pagan religions with their beliefs and practices.
The Catholic Mary & Jesus are simply modern versions of ancient goddess & child worship.
In Babylon it was Semeramis & Tammuz.
In Syria it was Ishtar & Tammuz.
In Phoenicia it was Astarte & Baal.
In Egypt it was Isis & Osiris.
In Greece it was Aphrodite & Eros.
In Rome it was Venus & Cupid.
Interestingly in all those iterations the goddess was considered the most approachable and compassionate so she was emphasized.
Mary HAS nothing to do with our salvation nor does she play any part in our relationship with the Lord. She was simply blessed to be the vessel God chose to bring the Savior into the world.
Adoration is a humbling experience, when I experienced it for the first time, This is the Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 10:16.
What do u mean?
@Liliahna in Catholicism we believe the bread becomes the Body of Christ. So you ingest Christ to become more like him and he promises to give you eternal life if you eat his flesh and drink his blood. In Protestantism, communion is just symbolic, not beneficial to your soul or special. So adoration is when they put the body of Christ in display and we pray to Him as he is present.
I want nothing but God, Jesus and the spirit
Amen!! Too much emphasis on the virgin mary for me! I’m a former catholic simply because I was raised in it as a child. I have since developed a relationship with Jesus and now Born-again!! Praise God!! Thank you Jesus!!
And Jesus said that if you do not act His real presence is the Eucharist you can have no part in Him... How can we get around this?? Would we have had a right to break from Israel during all of their idolatry? NO! but we certainly have a right now *not* to engage in idolatry if we believe something to be so...
@@charitybrook6279Jesus is not in a cracker
@charitybrook6279 where in the bible does Jesus say this? I've never seen it. I'm curious to know where it is. The catholic church is HUGE into idolatry. They pray to Mary and other saints when the bible says in 1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. Mary was just a woman who was obedient to God she isn't to be prayed to or worshiped that's necromancy. You don't need religion and man made practices you just need relationship and obedience to the Lord. Religion won't get you into heaven only Jesus will.
@@charitybrook6279 Can you give a reference ?
Thank you Fr Mike…I know in my heart of hearts this to be true….and that the act in the last supper was not about “just facilitating a Passover meal”….this is about the Eucharist, Jesus did not mince words so they were palatable to all who heard/listened….He meant what He said.
So Jesus was saying we need to practice cannibalism? He was speaking of Spiritual flesh and blood just as He refers to Himself as the Bread of Life or the water from which we won't thirst
@ if this is what you believe then this is what you believe….I’m not here to fight what Jesus said and what he meant….i believe and know what Jesus meant.
@@Ruffneckdman I'd suggest you read the entire chapter on this matter John 6. Jesus is speaking of Spiritual food. He says He is the bread of life. He's not speaking of literally eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He is not cannibalistic nor is He saying to actually drink His blood. Just as He did at Passover He referred to the bread and wine. Tell me just exactly what was Jesus saying. Where does it state this transubstantiation in John 6?
And most prots still take the Eucharist I know I do as a prot it’s just the silly happy clappy ones that don’t
@@wargey3431 Only we call it Communion
A Catholic Mass is like being invited to The Last Supper with Jesus & His apostles. Jesus said the first Mass & told them to continue it until He returns. When the Priest blesses the bread & wine, they transform into The Body & Blood of Jesus Christ; it’s The Transubstantiation. Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is the most beautiful, powerful & intimate union we can have with Him while on earth. We truly become one with Him. 1Cor11:23-29,Jn 6:51-59
We aren't supposed to go to Mass to be entertained, we go to Mass to Worship our God, to hear His Word and most of all to receive Him into our body, to make us one with Him.
You sacrifice Jesus daily and worship idols. I pray for you.
@ Jesus Christ performed His first Mass saying for His apostles (first Pope and Priests) to continue His offerings until He returns. 1 Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:51-59. God forbid heathens from making & worshipping pagan images. God commanded Sacred Images be made of pure gold for His Altar & Ark. God knows we do not idolize Sacred Images as they are not idols. They are used to remind us of who they represent. Catholics worship God alone. We have pictures of family & friends in our homes, doesn’t mean we worship them.
The mass is actually quite beautiful and breathtaking. You can see the thoughtfulness time love and adoration put into it. A type and shadow of the Tabernacle and the redemption of Christ.
@ Watch The Veil Removed video on TH-cam!
Can bb c l lyj
My Protestestant Church is Christ centered with a great Pastor, ok music (lol) and a loving, community minded congregation. I participate in the Sacrement of Holy Communion where I receive the Eucharist with great humbleness and devotion. I thank Jesus everyday for the ultimate sacrifice he made for me so many years ago.
We Christians must put behind us the ridiculus infighting as to which denomination holds God's favour. As Christians we all must stand united against the worldly powers and be clothed in the Armour of God with the strength from our Saviour Jesus Christ and the guidence of the Holy Spirit.
Exactly. As a protestant Christian I’m so tired of both sides trying to show which one loves Jesus more or which one God will accept more. I mean we already have enough to fight against in the physical and spiritual world, so tired of this fight within ourselves
As a Protestant, you do not receive the Eucharist. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no Protestant Church has the Eucharist.
Do you believe that Jesus is truly present in the eucharist ? Do you treat it as such or just pass it around like a snack ? How do you know its not just some random piece of bread ?
@@jron772 YES I Believe That the Concreted Host(Eurcurest)IS INFACT JESUS, Because He SAID it Was,and I PERSONALLY BELIEVE HIM.PRAISE AND GLORY TO HIS NAME
Amen by his blood we are saved ❤️
Scripture alone, Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone and the glory of God alone.
Scripture itself never tells us to follow scripture alone. The only time the words “faith alone” are used in the Bible is James 2:24, which says, "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone". Christ did not claim to be writing a book, but building a church.
@SquattRakk ...... so you don't think the bible and it's authors were lead by God? ....... uh oh.
@@SquattRakk "Scripture itself never tells us to follow scripture alone" - 2 Peter 1:3-4,20 , 2 Timothy 3:16 , 2 Timothy 3:17 - Matthew 15:6 there is more.
There is no point in explaining the second part of your message if you struggle with Scripture be the complete, infallible word of God.
I will say this, the reason I personally follow Christ alone is because He is everything I need. His birth, life, death and resurrection has gifted me new life. I can serve my wife and daughter, and my local church all because of who He is and what he accomplished. I find Jesus to be my captain, my savior, my elder brother and friend. Promoting anyone is to His possession diminishes the great work on earth he accomplished. That is why Christ alone.
And Christ alone established the Eucharist, and said Jonh 6 53:54
Then Jesus said unto them verly verly I say unto you except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink His blood ye have no life in you 54.whose eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day.
By Christ alone ,and ignore everything Jesus established and ordained with His disciples, the new priests for God's new covenant.
If you struggle with scripture alone then there's no point in explaining Christ alone or faith alone. Maybe I should have just written "scripture alone".
I am not RC, but we have holy communion every Sunday, we have simple and solemn music ministry, we study the Bible deeply, and we enjoy our fellowship all the time. Christ is the very center of our worship!
Idk if anyone else here will tell you this, but that’s great. Many Protestants desire rich traditional Church, and they forget that the Reformers were Catholic. Rock concerts are not Church. I’m not Catholic either.
As a Catholic, I respectfully disagree that you are receiving holy communion. Your church most likely doesn't believe in the real presence--just a symbol. Also, through apostolic succession is how we have priests and sacraments. This is all to say that Christ is at the center of your worship, but He isn't in your reception of holy communion.
That is great, but your service never “consecrates” Christ into the host. Doesn’t have the Transubstantiation. This is done through a soul wholly commitment to Christ, with the intention of bringing Him into the piece of bread.
@@lambforjesus2282 transubstantiation is exactly what happens at every Catholic mass. The way Christ himself taught, passed down to the apostles and the church He created.
@ Yes, we have different take in Holy Communion. If we have to consider the true meaning of Jesus last supper, you have to understand the context of passover meal. The passover meal in Jewish custom consists of three bread and four cups. The second bread is the bread to be broken and Jesus’s is affirming that He is this bread. I suggest that you do further study about this and I hope that you can see the essence of Jesus’ words during the last supper. God bless
You cannot love someone without feeling that love from the other person. I love Jesus because he saved me, healed me, redeemed me. He fills me with love , joy and peace every single day. I was saved in march, and not one day has passed by where my smile has left my face. I feel his love every single day. He’s always leading me to read his word, giving me faith, and always is showing me his work around me and showing me I’m not bound to sin no more. That I can live a righteous life because of his spirit that’s in me. A surrendering life. Jesus Loves You.
absolutely beautiful theank you Jesus May the Lord bless you from the crown of your head to the sole of ur feet in our Lord and Savior Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
i love this fo ru. this changed me
Great testimony, thank you for sharing.
Amen! I remember years ago, as a longtime member of a vigorous anti-Catholic evangelical denomination, visiting a Catholic friend’s parish. As I sat in our pew, close to the front, I clearly heard the priest say over and over again, “The Body of Christ,” as a long line of people moved forward to receive “communion.” The Holy Spirit stirred a desire in me to receive Whom they were receiving, and I knew I could not. That miraculous encounter awakened in me a longing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, even though I didn’t fully understand. I pursued RCIA, was received into The Church, and today receive Jesus regularly. ~It is the Holy Spirit that enlightens and converts people. ~Love you, Fr. Schmitz! Thank you for your surrender, obedience, and service. 🎶
Thank you for sharing. I know two fallen away Catholics who are some form of Protestant and are, of course, anti-Catholic. Reading your comment gives me hope for Protestants.
That’s awesome! I also grew up super anti-Catholic. Last year I accidentally found Pints with Aquinas, and found myself sobbing listening to one of the interviews that was centered around the Eucharist. I was so moved and devastated that I couldn’t receive it. I attended mass for the first time this summer. I plan to join OCIA next fall.
Welcome home!
Now you are part of a vigorous anti-evangelical denomination. I'm sure you wouldn't have gone to hell for being evangelical. Maybe you just wanted a change.
I want Jesus!!!
The Eucharist is my sustenance! Thank you Jesus
Same here!
I was raised Catholic. I am a believer in christ. At the last supper, when Jesus broke bread, he said, "Do this in memory of me" I have broken bread with Christians in many places. It was no less a celebration of our lords sacrifice and no less recognized by our lord than any Catholic celebration. He told we believers to do this, yes we. He didn't say catholics only. Why create strife and divide. Let's stay true to his word. "Do this in memory of me." Let's all share in that. What a gift!
@Chess_innit-lk7ld that's not _all_ He said.
Very good answer
Read the letters of the apostolic fathers and early church fathers, they explain exactly what the apostles taught them. Scripture says the apostolic fathers are chosen by the Holy Spirit. Anointed by laying on of hands and guided to lead... in fact Scripture even says not to make it hard for them and follow them so as they work with joy and you arnt a burden. Try reading them or even getting audiobooks, also read Iraneus of lyon and Justin Martyr conversation with trypho the jew. You'll know the true church from these writings and proofs
@paddydobbs2318 the true church is a small one, read revelation. It's the one that stays true to God's word. The catholic church has work to do to get back to what the original intent was in the 1st century. They have gone off the path and should be admonished, like all of us that stray. You all know there is a problem you know it in your spirit.
I listened to this talk. It was the primary pivotal moment of the talk. Good homilies, good teaching, and decent time taken for the work that he does is what you see in Father Schmitz. That's what I have observed.
so are you catholic?
Spot on as always. Thank you Fr. Mike!
I have been blessed to bring holy communion to a friend in the hospital and now as she recovers at home. She has growing demensia . Recieving Eucharist she feels apart of our Catholic comminty and she is not alone. She glows with love when she recieves. Eucharist...God with us.
Freedom toons sent a path to you.... Thank you
As far as I remember as a Protestant every church I have attended believe that when they took communion, the Eucharist, they prayed and believed that they were eating the body and blood of Christ. They also opened it up to all believers who have asked Christ into their hearts, confessed their sins and through prayer asked Christ to be Lord of their lives. I followed Fr Mike through the Bible in a Year the first 2 yrs on the ascension podcast. Sounds to me like they need to do better preparation on what Protestants believe.
Amazing GRACE HOW SWEET IT IS amen and amen forever eternally grateful for THE CATHOLIC FAITH. AMEN AND AMEN 🙏 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
As an LCMS member (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod), I assure you that the Eucharist is performed identically at at least one Protestant church, the entire service is.
Even if Lutherans replicated the entire ritual, they dont have the authority.
Therefore they dont have the eucharist.
As Martin Luther was not a bishop, he could not validly ordain any priests, therefore today, there are no priests in the Lutheran church that can validly hold a mass. I'm sorry, but that's just bread your eating.
@@amberthutI must have missed in the Bible where Jesus spells out that only the Roman Catholic Church has any authority. Also the majority of the New Testament preaches that we are all priests with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us when we turn to Christ….
@michaelliebelt8089 it's in Matthew and Acts.
@@amberthut I have extensively studied Both the books of ACTS and MATTHEW and haven’t seen anything close to a blanket authority given to an organization to give people access to God.
I think what matters most is our relation to Christ. Whether we are Protestant or Catholic. Are we seeking Christ first in all things? Is he our Lord AND Savior? Do we acknowledge and accept the gift of grace through faith? We get too caught up on debating smaller details, but ultimately this point will be the thing to save us in the end. True believers are Christ’s church and his bride. We should be united in our love for him
@@mf7269 You have a great point and Catholics agree that relationship is really important. We are built for relationship!
Jesus's emphasis in John 6 doesn't seem to be a "smaller detail" as you had mentioned.
I hope you will consider prayerfully reading through John 6 and considering these points made by Father Mike here.
Furthermore a point I'd make with respect to your comment "True believers are Christ's Church and his bride"
Are you saying that this is true even if there is disagreement amongst believers about dogmatic or doctrinal matters?
Assuming you will say yes and say that the disagreement doesn't matter so long as you believe in Christ you are part of the Church.
A few questions for you on that
How does that reconcile with Mathew 18:15-17? Isn't the church you are talking about described in verse 16? How would I handle a cross denominational conflict? Doesn't verse 17 make sense only if God's intention was for one truth, one roof, one law, and one God? Just like the Jews who were one people, under one law, one temple, and one God.
Look how Jesus prays for us to be one in John 17:20-23,
and how Psalm 133 and Ephesians 4:1-6 call for unity.
Do you know what pluralism is? Did Jesus teach pluralism at all? How does your statement about all believers belonging to the church align with pluralism?
Furthermore, can God contradict himself?
If you and I disagree and we both say we are guided by the Holy Spirit; how is that possible? How can God contradict himself like that? Especially considering Jesus's promise to his Apostles in John 16:13.
I hope you will consider reading into some of these Bible passages.
When we allow for a fractured view of who God is, we don't allow ourselves to discover how he chose to reveal himself. He is far more beautiful than any man made idea of who he is.
God bless you
Agree. Tbh I find his graces to abundant in the Catholic church. Especially the grace he brings through confession and communion . Even the acknowledgement of the saints and their lives give such amazing guidance and lessons. Reading their testimonies constantly shows me different sides of Jesus and idk it's amazing. Do you have to have all these things to have a relationship with Christ? Maybe not, but does it enrich you spiritually? Yeah!
Wouldnt you seek the Eucharist then?
Music that moves your heart is jesus. His living inside of you.
I became catholic fifteen years ago because the spirit changed my heart and gave me the desire to come into this religion. My family frowned on my decision, but I adhered to the spiritual calling from God. Today I am more and more convinced that it was the best decision and choice I ever made in my life 💕
I just heard it and I am not the least bit tempted to convert. Praise God for the reformation.
Jesus started Catholic church. Protestant churches started by men.
I’ve never been to a church that doesn’t do the Eucharist. And I’ve never been to a Catholic Church either. They might not call it the Eucharist; but that’s what it is. We call it taking communion; but we do the same thing. Eucharist is literally just the formal word for it.
Same here. Other than that the humans in the catholic church has changed many things that God has given to us and brought pagan rituals into the church puts a damper on my heart for that denomination.
It's really important to read church history, learn the teaching of the fathers from the early church and learn about their practices, I'm orthodox Christian and have found great benefit knowing those things @@18cheyenneraine
Is it a symbol or a reality for you?
They have the lord's supper . Not the Eucharist. Learn thd difference . I've debated protestants for 40 years. Rarely do I run in to one who affirms even the real presence view.
@ what does it matter? Christ is in us. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you fail to meet the test! Romans 8:9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
He is there even if it a symbol or real, so when we take communion, it doesn’t matter he’s gonna be there no matter what it doesn’t matter what the Catholic Church or you think it matters, it’s what the Bible says
Still a Protestant button
The Bible is center to a Protestant faith over church.
The church is center over the Bible to a catholic/orthodox faith.
I can’t ever let anything but the word of God and my relationship with him be center to who I am. I am his child. I was not born of the church but born of God. I will follow him always! And his word is everything but the Holy Spirit dwells in me and if I did not have access to a Bible I know I would have that.
@@TheRachag Amen! I was going to write something similar it you said it perfectly. I owe nothing to a man or a building. I truly believe there is a control factor involved in the catholic ways. I wouldn’t mind watching videos to learn about them. But all is see are put downs towards others. So “holy”.
I just don’t get why it is beneficial to believe one is actually eating Christ’s flesh and drinking his actual blood. Surely it has to be a metaphor, otherwise it seems rather odd to me.
@@TheRachagSacred scripture (Bible) and sacred tradition are central to Catholics, we do not seperate the two. The Bible tells us of the Churches importance and it also tells us to keep both oral and written traditions.
1 Timothy 3:15
15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and [a]ground of the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:15
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our [a]epistle.
@@TheRachag Sola Scriptura has led to relativism. Without authority you can do whatever you want and interpret any way you like. Lots of denominational proof to back up that claim.
God bless Fr.Mike
So true ❤Eucharist is Jesus
I want Jesus only!
Then you must want the Eucharist, bc otherwise you only have yourself and YOUR false interpretation. If you want all that HE says - including HIS CHURCH. You cannot divide up like Satan.,
He's telling the truth...not sugar coated.
But… why are Catholics the only ones who can give the Eucharist?
The Eucharist the Real Presence of Christ- is not found in Protestant churches. Jesus described himself as the bread of life, stating that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood will have life eternal (John 6:54). At the Last Supper he gave the apostles and their successors, the bishops (and through them, validly ordained priests), the power and authority to continue his sacrifice when he said, "Do this in memory of me" (Luke 22:19). The Catholic Church has been obeying Christ's command for almost two thousand years, and whereas many Christian denominations see the Eucharist mainly in symbolic terms, the Church has consistently taught that it is truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. Moreover, only Catholic and non-Catholic Eastern priests because of their ordinations-have the sacramental power to consecrate the Eucharist.
Catholic Answers - Fr. Joseph Esper
@@BethRichey that makes sense… its wrong, but makes sense
Tell me why it's wrong. Tell me what you know that a Catholic priest doesn't know. @@timothyvenable3336
what scripture supports this. That if I reject the Eucharist I am rejecting Jesus Christ himself
Amen. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Fr. Mike.GBU.
Matthew 6:7, romans 3:23, exodus 20:4-5
I am a Protestant and I love the Eucharist. Guess which one I am?
On your way to becoming Catholic!
I love Jesus. I'm Protestant, I believe that Jesus Christ is the host. The grapes are the blood of His testimony. Because my church said? Nope. JESUS said.
The Church has the authority to consecrate the Eucharist, and the Church is the reason why you have the scriptures in your hands today to know who Jesus is. Look up what "Laying of the hand" means. It's to pass down authorship. The Catholics have apostolic succession unlike pastor bob in the strip-mall church
Father! I almost spit my coffee across the room. "Pastor Bob in the stri mall." LOL! Anyway, I am studying the catechism with you. I need some apologetics to read as well. I'm serious about knowing the scriptures that back up the beliefs.
@@AB-ye9uu And you see that is the reason why thousands of denominations exist. And the Catholic church finalized the Canon of the Bible you fully trust today. Pope Damascus I, 382 AD
@@AB-ye9uu You've removed yourself from Christ's body because you assume you're interpretation of the scriptures is correct over the church Christ founded. You must believe that you or pastor Bob has something that Christ lacked. Shame on you
Jesus gave us a church, not a book. The Bible wasn't written until 300 years after Jesus was crucified. The Protestant Reformation didn't happen until the 16th century.
We just had a protestant friend who asked "How can I received Holy Communion."
He registered on RCIA and starts this November. He got a little upset because he couldn't understand why he had to wait. We had to explained him the process of becoming Catholic. It's not that people become Catholic in the spot like in protestantism. He understood he had to study a year before becoming Catholic.
I completely understand him. I am currently in RCIA (former Protestant) and I crave the Eucharist more than anything. I have to confess to Jesus from time to time that I am so impatient and frustrated that I have to wait.
It isn’t common in all Protestant circles to be instantly allowed to participate at the Lords Table… this isn’t a unique feature of Roman Catholicism
@middletome in all 24 Churches of the Catholic Church you have to be a Catholic in Grace to recieve the Eucharist.
Elena thank you for the clarification… in many Protestant Churches you are examined on your knowledge of the faith and your personal testimony before you can take Communion
In the early Church, it was THREE years!
I have a prot friend who has vowed to never have wine until she sits at Christ's table. I try to explain to her that Hes here on earth with us, in the flesh. Please pray for her.
This is an interesting perspective. As I have aged, I realized that my sect of Christianity (restoration) has always placed a heavy emphasis on the taking of communion every meeting. I never realized that not all churches took communion on a regular basis.
Thank you for reminding us Father Mike🙏🏼.
I knew for certain that I am Catholic because one time, I had not gone to church for weeks ( or months) . The first time I went back to mass, my tears fell during consecration. I felt I was home.
Gurl sometimes during mass tears just pour out of my face. I feel embarrassed bc I don't want to be that person that always cries but....ugh it's amazing
THe church is not the building. THe church is the people brought together through the blood and body of Christ Jesus...
@tiredgrouchy8943 ugh so annoying. That's so annoying to say bc duh. But the fact is that church is where believers gather. So I love going bc I know there's people that follow God there. Which is better than over the Internet. I feel like people that say that just don't want to deal with the responsibility of being with other people so they make themselves feel better about staying relatively isolated.
@ try reading and comprehending before you make ignorant statements.
@@tiredgrouchy8943 nah I meant what I said. We value the church. Yeah it's the people, but in mass we have the sacraments and we are in God's presence together. People usually say what you say to devalue that so idk what you're trying to say
So true! Became a Catholic 3 1/2 years ago (was a lifelong Protestant). The Eucharist is a major factor!
As a non-Catholic, my church routinely celebrates communion. I don't see a problem here.
Many comments here, so sorry if it has been stated. Building community is something us Catholics do need to do better. I married a Protestant who always laugh at the end of mass how us Catholics make a mad dash to the exit. Around a 1/4 are already gone after communion.
The church she grew up in, after mass they have sit around for an hour or so talking over coffee and doughnut/bagels/etc. When our church does that, Catholics grab it and go.
I know us Catholics have our groups, but a small percent of us join. Her church has many groups and a lot of participants. I have no problem that we lack the "entertainment" part of mass that our Christian Brothers and Sisters of other religions have. But we must work harder to build community instead of show up for an hour a week and run.
Id like to see Fr. Mike to go on Mike Wingers show.
Finally found the Catholic Church 🇻🇦✝️
I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
John 6:48-51
to me that sounds more like whoever believes that Christ was crucified (eats the flesh) will live forever. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life” does that mean i need to participate in the eucharist or be baptized in order to “believe”?
@@xxtomcatxx First off, yes. If Jesus was implying that John 6:53 was just a metaphor, He would not have replicated it in the last supper. Even if it _was_ a metaphor, why in the last supper?
Second, yes. In John 3, it says you need to be baptized with water AND the spirit.
This is such a great talk and look at this baby faced Father Mike Schmitz!
2015! almost a decade ago.
I have the Eucharist. As a Protestant. And I love it.
Yes, that is the main reason I decided to convert. Since I did convert, I absolutely love the Catholic church.
I'm having doubts since they won't stand up for christianity.
The supreme court recently ruled that there in no religious right for married couples to live together,
even if you broke no laws.
but the church is silent.
What about Jesus?
I'm still Protestant. I love the Eucharist. I love receiving the body and blood of Christ at every divine service at my Lutheran church, when God invites me to his table and says "Come and receive the body and blood of the once sacrificed Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. I am not asking you to offer anything to me. This is purely a gift from me to you. Come with your empty hands and just receive, just as the disciples did at the last supper."
Read or get the audiobook rock and sand by Josiah Trenham. Absolutely amazing
And you are saved by the grace of God. No indulgences. Heaven is free. LCMS. 👍
Wow… that’s a great reflection!
It’s really hard for me to understand why we can’t have all of it. Great community, great preachers, great music, great worship, great tradition and the Eucharist. I like the Catholic tradition but the faith and feeling you get from Protestant churches is also something else when you have such community, engagement and love for christ.
Holy indifference.
Yah I get what your saying. I would think God would want us to be happy and prosper and encouraged to share his word. If your bot happy and don't prosper why would you share the word of God?
If you don't want the Body Blood Soul and Divinity then you will be lost! You need the Body Blood Soul and Divinity in your Body and Soul to live on ❤❤❤
Amen father !! Truly said
I love the Sacrament of Eucharist. My favorite part is the Liturgy of The Word.
Amen Father Mike!
As a Protestant (Anglican) our church has eucharist ❤
Find me a single Bible verse that says the Eucharist is NEEDED for salvation… I’ll wait.
Nothing Protestantism offers comes even close to the infinite glory of the Eucharist.
Protestantism offers the truth
@jenniferboht961 Before I became a Catholic I was a Protestant, but I came to the conclusion that Protestantism is fake Christianity, invented by "the father of lies".
@@jenniferboht961protestantism was created by a heretic Catholic priest. The Rapture is not in the Bible. Sola fide and Sola scriptura is not in the Bible.
Ask Google who founded your religion. Then ask Google who founded the Catholic Church. You might be surprised. I wouldn't put stock in a man in a powdered wig.
@@jenniferboht961 Sure.
@@Gaizaz I’m glad you agree! That’s Wonderful
Well, now you have heard of one! Love Jesus, don’t believe in the Eucharist, but I do take communion….
Then ypu prefer your sin to Jesus Christ. You prefer to give God what you want rather than give God what he asks of you. Obedience is vital to being a Christian. We all pray for you.
@@MrEliaspalacios6Not seeing how what you said follows…I mean, I guess from your worldview. Must have missed the verse that says not taking the Eucharist equates to loving your sin more than Jesus.
@@MrEliaspalacios6obedience has nothing to do with being A Catholic
Lol read that a few times and ask yourself how does this make any sense
What’s the point of “taking” it then? You don’t believe. Just eating bread brother
Catholic Church has the best music
The source and summit of Christian life. #Eucharist
Thank you jesus it’s all you
Tradition and sacrament are dead without truth and the soul who longs for Christ longs for food from the word and fellowship. You offer a dead tradition and we long for life
The tradition and sacraments are at the core of truth.
@@michaelmcgilvray2256no. Jesus is at the core of truth.
I have Jesus Christ, He is my Lord and Savior. Jesus said “ He that comes to Me will never hunger, and He that believes in Me will never thirst” Jesus said “ true Worshippers, Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Not through a man made piece of bread !!! Flee from idolatry!!!
LoL pride will never allow you to see spiritually if I may ask the bread and wine Jesus used during the last supper were he changed them into His body and blood was made by whom please?
The problem with Catholicism (much like protestantism) is that there’s too many different branches of it.
So for this priest (who I honestly believe is a genuine believer), for him to defend “Catholicism”, which Catholicism is it? Because I know Catholics who believe in the Eucharist but also believe in a million other things that they’ve added.
Even the current pope keeps amending doctrines.
I could go to Minnesota and kneel before the Virgin Madonna, I could go to Mexico and pray to the Virgin Guadalupe, I could go to California and believe that Mary is the Way to Jesus, or Spain and give honor to Fatima.
Man, I just want to set my eyes solely on Jesus …that’s why I’m not a Catholic.
We Protestants might not have the Eucharist but we regularly have holy communion which in practice is the same thing:
The blood and flesh of Jesus, and the same meaning: that it was his sacrifice done for us.
That said, I know Catholics that have a very clear focus on Jesus …but it’s definitely not a unanimous thing among Catholics. It gets really messy doctrinally.
Too many branches of Catholicism? There are a few rites, but they all believe the same thing and are in communion with Rome. Their liturgies are somewhat different, but I am guessing you haven't been to the eastern rite masses. Roman Catholicism is consistent. You can go to a mass in any state, any city and it will be performed pretty much identically--liturgy of the word, liturgy of the eucharist--consecration--etc.
Now, I will grant you that there are some differences within the humans within the church, but whether or not they follow the catechism and what they church teaches is an entirely different thing.
To say the Protestant holy communion and the Eucharist are the same thing is blasphemy. The real presence vs a symbol in a hermetically sealed container are not even on the same playing field. Your understanding of the Eucharist is limited my friend if you truly believe they are the same thing.
Your issues with the Blessed Mother seem to be the root of your bias. We give honor to the mother of God, but worship is for God alone.
If you would like to discuss this further sometime, let me know. God Bless.
In Catholicism there's a few branches, in Protestantism theres a pile of twigs
For Anglecan and Lutheran there was a commission??? In 1983 bestowing Apostolic Succession to those Protestants… the Vatican admits to this
I’m a Methodist pastor. We have the Eucharist.
No real presence though…..become Catholic!
I didn't finish RCIA a decade ago. I'm 42 years old and will enroll next year. Been going to other protestant churches, the level of disinformation on the Catholic Church is astounding. I would have had no idea without my time spent in RCIA. I was meant to have that time earlier in my life to see as clearly as i see now.
God is good, and He absolutely puts incredible care into each of our lives, weaving us a path to reach Him. Praise God you are coming home!!!
Protestant here, heard it. Still Protestant.
Love you though Mike!
I guess you dont want Jesus in the Eucharist
Amen... I prefer the Eucharist over a rock concert
The Eucharist is observed by the reformed Church as well we just don't stick to traditions of men but rather scripture
But it's not consecrated. Transubstantiation is EVERYTHING
@@RafaelNogueras-e6jIs this biblical?
@@RichardJarrett-op9vsyes. Jesus Christ literally said this is my flesh and my blood.
@RafaelNogueras-e6j I don't know why catholics think their the only ones that do this, this is communion.
@@RichardJarrett-op9vs ABSOLUTELY
So my family my whole life has been Catholic. I just learned today Christians didn’t believe in the Eucharist. Now I can stay without a shadow of the doubt I’m a Catholic.
This is a ridiculous statement lol
Right. The physical body and blood if christ, in which we consume spiritually, overseed by our pastor, in our church that follows the teachings of Luther.
Adoration is amazing! The Eucharist is so real. It really is Jesus and you feel His grace and presence so much when you receive the Eucharist or are simply in it's presence.
Not based on feelings.
The reason I converted to the Catholic faith
As Roman Chatolic..this is true.
but i pray for brother protestanst.
i am sure soon, Jesus will united all those who is calling His name. ❤
Well said ❤
This is exactly why I, a Protestant, am converting to Orthodoxy.
I want the Eucharist!
Do THIS in memory of me
Jesus is not in the Eucharist Jesus is in your heart he's giving you his Spirit the Holy Spirit
Jesus said “do this in remembrance of me.” And that is the powerful act we share in the Eucharist. What can I say, we take Him literally.
It.s not an either or....it.s both
My flesh is real food.
Jn 6
Read John 6 carefully. So many people left Jesus at that point when he taught them about the Eucharist. Peter told Jesus: ‘Lord this’s hard’. Jesus said to him- You may also leave if you wish to.
Jesus wasn’t ready to dilute this teaching. He didn’t use any parables, like he did in other situations.
Have you ever wondered why Satanists/ people do black mass steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Church? Why don’t they steal bread broken at a protestant church?
Even they know the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
@@sarahgeo276 Roman Catholics and Orthodox misrepresent the historical development of Transubstantiation, since its invention was no sooner than the third century. After all, Transubstantiation only became official Catholic doctrine in 1215 AD, with Pope Innocent III, in the Fourth Lateran Council. So before 200 AD, when writers said that the unleavened grape juice and bread were the body and blood of Christ, they were merely borrowing the words of Christ: "This is my body" etc. It is clear, however, that the church understood this in the symbolic sense, not in the later false doctrine of Transubstantiation.
In Mt 26:29 after Jesus had said, "this is my blood" and prayed, he still referred to the contents as, "fruit of the vine". If transubstantiation of the juice into blood had occurred, as both Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches say it was at this time, then Jesus would never have referred to it as "fruit of the vine' but rather "blood". This proves that when Jesus said "take eat & drink" he LITERALLY gave them bread and juice.
Paul also refers to the elements of the Lord's Supper as "eat this bread and drink the cup" in 1 Cor 11:26 after they should be transubstantiated. 1 Cor 11:26-27 proves transubstantiation wrong because Paul calls the loaf, "bread" after both Roman Catholics and Orthodox say the "change" was supposed to take place. Catholics make Paul a liar by calling the loaf "bread" rather than what Catholic false doctrine claims it was: Literal Flesh.
In 1 Corinthians 11:25, Jesus said literally that the "cup was the covenant". So which is it? Is the it the juice that is the covenant or the juice that is the blood? Is it the cup that is the covenant or is the cup the blood?
Quotes from Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian and Hippolytus, which the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches love to quote as authority, proves that before 200 AD, the church viewed the bread and juice as symbols. Conversely, the earliest historical hint of transubstantiation was in the 4th century.
Hebrews 7:27 - once for all sacrifice!
Orthodox Christian here. We have the eucharist.
Protestantism does have Eucharist we just call it communion
That's not what Eucharist means. Catholics have communion too, it's the coming together to partake in the Eucharist. Eucharist is bread and wine that has become the whole body and blood of Jesus in both of his natures entire.
@@TheMegaLegoShow yeah and Lutherans believe that
@@TheMegaLegoShow lutherans believe in that
And many of you also refer to it as just a symbol. If it's just a symbol to hell with it!
@@taylormoore3121so only catholics will get to heaven? No other Christians who have received Jesus as their Lord and savior and are trying to live like Christ are not true Christians to the catholics?
1 Timothy 2:5 - Who is our mediator? Jesus Christ alone or Mary, Saints, Priests and Popes?
JESUS is the Mediator between God and Man. Before you add your personal "alone"...read the rest of the NT.
@@rebn8346Jesus is THE mediator, not one of many mediators
Thank you for the reply - and I am delighted to keep any discussion limited to the rest of the New Testament and not arguments from traditions or the words of Popes. To start can you explain where in the NT you believe it clearly says that Priests have the ability to transform Bread and Wine into the actual body and blood of Christ (rather than be symbolic as Protestants believe)
@@ABC123jd I suggest you read the Bible. Everytime you pray for someone, as Jesus commanded...are you not acting as intercessor?
@@middletome happy to have a conversation about the Catholic book, known as the Bible.
Any personal man made doctrines, personal interpretations, that don't exist in the bible, such as faith alone, will not be tolerated.
Before we start, understand that everytime you quote the Bible, you accept Sacred Tradition, and the Authority of the Magesteriam and Popes, who compiled the Bible in 382AD on the Inspiration of God through the Apostolic Authority granted by Christ.
No need to accept my word on this, feel free to look up the first Bible and where the list of books come from.
As to your first demand, I suggest you go look up Scott Hhan. He had to stop teaching the Gospel of John as a protostant minister, he realized to his utter shock that John taught the Eucharist straight out of the Bible. My source for the Eucharist begins in the OT, but we'll start with the Gospel of John.
without personal interpretation, please tell me where in Scripture Jesus proclaims he is speaking only symbolically, and can you find any ancient sources, such as John the Beloved's direct disciple, Ignatius of Antioch for example, agree with you?
This was something that struck me about my Protestant wife - everything she boasted about Protestant churches were ultimately more about the preacher, community etc - but never about how much closer they were getting to Jesus
Y'all are so close you need priests, deacons and the papacy to speak with God for you.
@@justinv3512 you actually need to be born again, and have a relationship with Jesus. Another man can not worship Jesus for me. Intercessory pray is one thing, counting on another man for your salvation is Wrong. Look up in the Bible where it reads , cursed is a man who trusts in another man. Just saying…
Let me guess, your wife is actually evangelical or non-denominational not actually protestant .
Do most Christian churches not do the sacrament/communion? I agree, it is essential. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I partake of the sacrament each week