An RGB CPU shouldn't be too difficult tbh. There's always some space left around the CPU die and with how thin and tiny the leds are for the RGB it seems feasible to mount some around the CPU die or dies if it's a Ryzen CPU. With a reflective coating on the interior of the IHS and glass or clear plastic on the sides of the IHS so it wouldn't be hidden. You won't be able to get them very bright because of how little space you'd have to work with, but it seems feasible when using the right leds for the job and if you integrate it directly into the CPU pins somehow.
But linus, the RGB lets the data packets from the power cable travel faster, causing an increase in fps and ram speed. Now you just need to download some more ram so that you can get some extra teraflops.
It is night and my eyes are slowly closing. My screen is at minimum brightness. I am half sleeping and PC tower looks like a disco ball, emiting 32 million colors. Future is bright for PC towers.
Doctors in the future will do a surgery to make body organs rgb. They would also implant a battery to make the rgb work and charge your phone as a powerbank.
Hey now, that could look cool. Imagine a big air cooler CPU heatsink with a subtle red glow coming out of the fins. It would look like a burning coal. That might be a nice aesthetic.
Adding RGB these days: We're not doing it cause it's necessary, we're doing it simply cause it can be done. It reminds me of the late 2000's where everything needed to have social media integrated into the product, like fridges with a fucking Twitter app.
Dude just wait for it when your washing machine starts posting stuff like "man my owner is a really dirty guy. Last time he used me is 4 Weeks ago, what did he wear in that time?" and you will have a great time with that /s
We had illuminated PSU cables YEARS ago in servers, helped out a lot with troubleshooting, since it showed whenever a significant amount of power was being drawn through a line.
ltt: *has a cable* also ltt: but the most important thing is, how it affects performance, *so we fired up the unigen valley benchmark* ngl that was kinda funny lol
Furvivor *nuclear sirens go off* An rgb strike from Linus tech tips has been spotted off the pacific coast of the USA. Please report to your local vault immediately
I'm not big on the RGB craze, however I do love that Vegas style waterfall look where it changed colors. Now the fact the case sit on the floor means I'd never see it, and it would get old in about 4 minutes, but still... I'd buy it.
Saw this on Paul's Hardware with his all things RGB rainbow powered build. I think it looks cool if you go all out like Paul's build and can't get enough RGB.
Lets see now: RGB Case RGB Graphics card RGB Motherboard RGB RAM RGB Fans RGB Power supply RGB Water cooling And now RGB cables. We are crossing the no go line one step at a time.
Everyone is allowed to be open with their opinions on the matter of RBG, I respect that. I personally would rather spend my money on some cool fans or liquid cooling! To each their own.
Wouldn't even be unpopular, it's just a style that some people like, some people don't, simple. Me I like stuff like this and I love RGB neon style rigs, other people don't, there's really nothing else to it and Linus's reaction to this the whole video was a tad bit unprofessional TBH, but hey, to each their own. If they perfect this and maybe have it for other cables to really light up a rig I might look into it for my next build.
@@samus4799 yeah but RGB dude. Technology is far more advanced than "sorry it only goes side to side". We've been to fuckin space, let us have flowing RGB cables
Lemme throw a plague here: you can ACTUALLY do the cables themselves light up with electroluminescent wire (tho I doubt it would be good on a PC with the high frequency driver), or you can also make the cable have some light conducting thing that makes the cable itself glow (tho you said the last one on the video). Next step: RGB gamer coffee mug. no, take it up a notch: RGB GAMER COFFEE. NOT THE MUG. THE COFFEE.
Ordered it on Ebay, and installed it, was well worth it for my Unicorn Vomit RBG build!! Also the one I got is finished product and works awesome and in sync with my fans and AIO!!
Do you mean the e-shirt? It uses pre-configured panels that snap into a removable water-resistant or waterproof conduit cradle. The "power" feed is in a small plastic box with controls on it with an optical lead as the "power" cable. The neat part is you can remove the panels to wash the shirt and to swap them out as desired for other panels. EL wire is used to construct the animations or blinking patterns for each panel. Does Linus have enough influence to get color e-paper or e-ink made into the form of clothing wearable tech?
"Welcome to the gaming pc community! How tough are ya?" "How tough I am? I'll have you know I bought all my pc parts on ebay." "Yeah, so what?" "They weren't RGB!" "Right this way, sir!"
PC "enhusiast" logic: I'm gonna buy a platinum power supply so I'm not wasting energy... OH and better jam in 50 Watts worth of LEDs to make it flicker with colors like a brothel!
He IS at COMPUTEX as he said he’d be there and at whatever the hell one comes shorty after CMPTX. He explained this on the last WAN show. All of his channel’s vids this week were mostly shot last week because he knew he’d be gone. I think he took Dennis with him.. Not sure why...
Jadin B, i'm NOT a floatplane member, I came up with this on the spot in just a few seconds, it literally took me longer to type it then come up with it.
You know, out of ALL the options and components out there for and using RGB, I think cabling was the best and most natural choice for something that ought to be RGB. And rather surprised that it took as long as it did for it to happen. I mean, look... you have companies out there specializing in cabling sleeving and solutions, particularly for themed rig builds and especially when other RGB components are involved. Imagine if you had RGB cabling that was the actual cables being RGB. Now imagine that you could program those cables individually... basically doing what Cablemod does, just in RGB. And completely changeable. On the same cable. So barring burnout or life cycle replacement, you wouldn't need to replace your cables if, say, you wanted to change color theme. Or replace your rig. Just reprogram them. Now imagine if you could hue match from the RGB wheel, on top of that. Yeah... think that'd be worth the cost of admission. You'd really only need custom sleeving for black sleeve. Or if you like the unlit aesthetic.
Because what you open the box with must look and feel premium too. If not the unboxed item might not appeal to the audience anymore or even work properly.
I'm just sitting here waiting for LTT to do a '100% RGB covered PC' build, where literally every surface is translucent and powered by RGB's aside from the physical hardware. - case made entirely out of plastic/glass - lit up by RGB's - all wires sleeved with translucent flexible fibre-cable or something - lit up by RGB's - PSU enclosure replaced with a translucent one - lit up by RGB's - 100% translucent fans - lit up by RGB's - GFX card shroud (& fans?) replaced with translucent plastic - lit up by RGB's... actually, nvm. just drill some holes into a plexiglass full-board waterblock and stick RGB leds in there... :D - anything that can't be replaced with translucent material covered up with some sort of thin translucent wrap (hdd's, motherboard, radiators, etc) - lit up by RGB's. I mean, seriously... IT COULD BE DONE. And, if there were any channel out there that should do it, I feel like LTT is the place. It'd be huge clickbait and it'd actually be a fun project to work on. Come on Linus, you know you want to.... The world DEMANDS LTT make a 100% RGB case after all of the RGB love/hate we've seen on your channel.
As vain as it is, i have to say it adds a scifi dimension to a rig. Would be cool if folks were able to use the cable to show stats on the computer such as temps or power consumption.
Remember to set yours to red for maximum electron delivery speed and green for the best power savings. If your cables are overheating don't forget about the blue setting.
Definitely! My PC used to have no RGB of any kind, and I could barely overclock my i7-8700k to 4.9GHZ... But that all changed when I added a couple RGB light strips. Soon after, I could easily overclock to 5.3GHZ, with my temps staying at around 60-70C! 10/10 will buy again
LIAN LI sold me a case back in March of 2010 that still very rare and very wanted in the community. It sells for more money than what when I bought it for $346. This company makes good stuff.
I know Linus & company are cool people (and they even explain their actions well in meta). While no doubt often hugely entertaining, I expect videos to be informative. It's also about respecting your audience; we viewer also have our own time we wish to use at least somewhat usefully and goal-oriented - non-informative titles are a waste of time for a viewer looking for specific information and as such a disservice.
I have no clue why regular stuff is RGB (maybe you wanna flash that cash?) but with this it's not even visible... The RGB water cooling is cool tho. Like pipes of flourecence.
actually it is visible, if you have a nice cable usually you route them in a cool way and I think these look pretty dam nice. Because some people actually care about how their stuff looks.
Can't remember who made it but back in the late 90's there was a 500 watt power supply that had translucent cables with this same principle but they actually had the wires in them and the casing translucent. It didn't have the fancy light shows but did light up with whatever colors the connectors at the power supply were. So it seems like fashion the PC World goes around in cycles of what was past is cool again...
RGB thermal paste when
OzTalksHW Don't give them ideas!
OzTalksHW you stole my comment on ditwitt
stole your heart too.
RGB heatsink?
What about rgb cpus?
Rgb dust filters?
very easy to make and definately possible
@@h4melp612 And they will work for funny fack... wait what we have done?! We give them ideas...
Phanteks already makes an RGB fan frame to give any fan RGB capability. Wouldn't be hard to slap some filter material on that and call it a day. Lol
Robert Kight wtf are you a white version of dj khaled?
Lianli lancool 2
2018: Omg is that a rgb cable?
2024: Omg don’t you have rgb proccesor?
ALL OF THIS....LOL!!!! :)
RGB CPU is bad idea cuz it will need watercool and it will get atleast 1gz and the one thing
It will be hiden! Goddamn
@@Black-ny7gv Lol someone has a poopy diaper
An RGB CPU shouldn't be too difficult tbh. There's always some space left around the CPU die and with how thin and tiny the leds are for the RGB it seems feasible to mount some around the CPU die or dies if it's a Ryzen CPU. With a reflective coating on the interior of the IHS and glass or clear plastic on the sides of the IHS so it wouldn't be hidden. You won't be able to get them very bright because of how little space you'd have to work with, but it seems feasible when using the right leds for the job and if you integrate it directly into the CPU pins somehow.
2027: Omg you have a rgb hard drive?
But linus, the RGB lets the data packets from the power cable travel faster, causing an increase in fps and ram speed. Now you just need to download some more ram so that you can get some extra teraflops.
Here we see a real EPIC GAMER
You sound like my dad trying to sound smart by talking about computer stuff lmao
Layne Bentley yes but the difference is that he is jocking, and you dad is not
No r/whooshes
The power cables just deliver power.
It is night and my eyes are slowly closing. My screen is at minimum brightness. I am half sleeping and PC tower looks like a disco ball, emiting 32 million colors.
Future is bright for PC towers.
Ali Mürteza Yeşil i
Heh, bright.
Ali Mürteza Yeşil The lights are more exciting than your game
RGB sandals with socks
DANNYonPC yes!!!
Make it happen, LTT.
DANNYonPC **Welcome to Czechia**
they might do a DIY video for that as well
DANNYonPC why stop at sandals? Why not an entire outfit
Time for a RGB IO shield.
Gigabyte already did it
@@ziruon1864 yes they did
@@gearz2570 The intensity syncs to the DB of audio output, its pretty cool if you want illuminate it on a wall.
I want one lol
@@ziruon1864 I have one.
Rgb cable: *exists*
RGB CPU incoming?
it's not even visible under the cooler
glowing under that will be sick x'D gonna double the performance of ur cpu
USS-DH lots of AIO coolers have this already.
There is already one
Banana Mustard /r/wooosh
I need some rgb air to breathe
Doctors in the future will do a surgery to make body organs rgb. They would also implant a battery to make the rgb work and charge your phone as a powerbank.
Amelinda Philem try shrooms. You’ll get some RGB life
I ONLY breath RGB air
Well I present to you to the razer mask
RGB monitors.......oh wait
xXpistonXx ! Most screen have RGB
@@arcticfoxacosta THATS THE JOKEEEEEE
IlluminatedFamily I know but I still want to say XD
the entire back is rgb...
I was thinking of the same thing, lmao
>RGB PSU cable
>needs supplemental power...
> using another cable.
When's RGB screws?
simpolang actually tho....
Don’t give them ideas
If they get hot enough
@@wsketchy i mean ya technically the truth
fuck rgb screws wheres the rgb human?
Still waiting for rgb thermal paste
Kem Sprite lmao
That would be the day man
They might make RGB thermal pads since those are a thing now.
How bought you add something to the past that changes color with heat.
Don't fucking give them ideas.
Other tech channels are talking about the ROG Phone. Linus has an RGB 24 pin power cable.
I think we know who's winning here.
RGB ROG phone?
hey kid actually it has a customized RGB Logo
It will probably come out next week due to floatplane...
He's always slow on phone reviews!
Now we need RGB tables, tweezers, Swiss Army Knives (that hopefully have RGB screw drivers) and RGB "anti-static" LiveStrong bracelets.
Thumbnail had me really worried! Had me thinking it was going to be a RGB finned heatsink. Now that... that will be when science has crossed the line.
Hyped On Crypto me too. My heart dropped
Just wait until someone invents transparent aluminum. Problem solved.
Its thermal conductivity is 20x less than pure aluminum, that material won't make a good heat sink. That and it isn't produced in massive quantities.
oh yes me too
Next: RGB Thermal Paste
fluorescence mixed paste in one color only?
Yeah thermal paste mixed with glue stick fluid
Changes colour according to heat,music and anything you can imagine!
After that: RGB DVD Drives (displaying the disc's spin) and RGB ethernet cables (displaying the data flow)
This hasn't crossed my line.
Make RGB condoms and then we'll talk.
Andre Gon Can’t forget RGB Lube.
@@kilo1901 damn that ass would be a disco
RGB condoms are for people who lack commitment. RGB herpes is where it's at.
aluisious Y O O O O O O O O O O O O
They used to make glow in the dark condoms...they still might 🤷♂️
I'm disappointed in myself for wanting one.
Chrishnaw where’s my RGB underpants
Hanging my head in shame and not looking people in the eye because I want...!!!!!%$#$&^%$*
sorry but you should be
Now we just need RGB power cables to power the RGB power cable so we can power the RGB with RGB
Yo dawg, I herd you like RGB...
is that...RGBception
I think I just RGB'd my pants.
Ah ?
Linus should patent RGB sandals before somebody else makes them
I'm pretty sure there is prior art for that. Do a Google image search for 'rgb led sandals' and be amazed... For more variety, try 'rgb shoes'.
But what if you solder socks with RGB strips on them too
Does this count?
I like it
Clip-on RGB cables? Sounds neat, but when will there be RGB lights on RGB lights?
Beriorn What we really need is RGB Cpus
FrenchToost that'd be freaking amazing
Yo dawg, I heard you like RGB lights! So we put RGB lights on your RGB lights so you can light your lights.
How about RGB Cameras so we can just take pictures and videos of the RGB and ditch all that life crap!
This had me dying! xD
"I want a pc that would cause epilepsy to anyone within line of sight"
RGB Heatsink incoming
Hey now, that could look cool. Imagine a big air cooler CPU heatsink with a subtle red glow coming out of the fins. It would look like a burning coal. That might be a nice aesthetic. It already exists
RGB Linus incoming
Neko Master hahaha! RGB a**hole
rgb Hdd and rgb cpu
Every other tech TH-camr: New ROG phone/WWDC News.
LTT: RGB!!!!!!!
Bitwit and Paul's Hardware have done RGB cable as well...
And the new ROG phone has an RGB ROG logo
You mean computex not wwdc
Adding RGB these days: We're not doing it cause it's necessary, we're doing it simply cause it can be done. It reminds me of the late 2000's where everything needed to have social media integrated into the product, like fridges with a fucking Twitter app.
Dude just wait for it when your washing machine starts posting stuff like "man my owner is a really dirty guy. Last time he used me is 4 Weeks ago, what did he wear in that time?" and you will have a great time with that /s
That same washing machine will dance to it's awesome RGB illuminations when you're not home.
We haven't hit late 2000 yet
That same washing machine is gonna have dates with your dryer while your music set is turning up because AI lol
18matts That was 2008 2009 2010, we already did your we just hit the late 2010's with 2018
We had illuminated PSU cables YEARS ago in servers, helped out a lot with troubleshooting, since it showed whenever a significant amount of power was being drawn through a line.
RGB, the PC enthusiasts version of "that one aisle in autozone"
R.G.B. - Ricing Gamer Br0z
I wonder if there's RGB on the sun.
or for british people, halfrauds.
Zap Actionsdower rgb = ricer gaming beast
Austin Jolly not only rgb but all mixes of rgb too and white
Coming up next,
RGB screw......
Chin Foh Hee that's. Possible thoug
Chin Foh Hee And an RGB cd reader. Oh wait theres more. Rgb Hdd and rgb metal for the case!
RGB cpu heatsink
Shut up and take my money!
hey kid umm... I think it's not possible but can we build some led right into it
Still waiting for RGB Socks & Sandal LMG Ultra Overclock Edition.
Intel I7-8705SS (socks and sandals edition)
ltt: *has a cable*
also ltt: but the most important thing is, how it affects performance, *so we fired up the unigen valley benchmark*
ngl that was kinda funny lol
He had me going. I lol'd
*_RGB monitor_*
omg where can i buy one?!
Binninja SANL already a thing, its called a Monitor
you do realize that is a thing right
Binninja SANL . We can all dream, right?
Linus this means that your full RGB build is NOT full RGB 😱😱😱 !!!
omg ur right
What, your so right
The emojis were unnecessary
@@fager5250 no they add to the comedy
Now, the Nuclear Bomb is officially the second worst of humans inventions
Furvivor *nuclear sirens go off* An rgb strike from Linus tech tips has been spotted off the pacific coast of the USA. Please report to your local vault immediately
I'm the dislike!
*cough* Religion is
Furvivor at least it ended ww2
An RGB nuclear bomb would be sick though.
"You never go full RGB".... :D
Now we need only RGB monitor
Ohh wait....
Na he is just old school and only games on Black and white CRTs.
I am colorblind. Not being sarcastic. Not even because of the context.
Michal Hlina I9 RGB
Now we just need a RGB gaming chair.
Oh wait.
When's RGB dust coming tho
Máté Varga glitter???
Máté Varga just sprinkle chalk dust in your PC and voila RGB dust
I already have one, I think it's called "daughter rgb" , not sure. I'll look it up for ya!
Is that pcp
Well, there’s no RGB Coin Battery yet - So that’s something to look forward to...
BlueFrostedGlass don't give them ideas...
You also need a kit with RGB for the cable to the RGB cable. Cableception.
That's actually fairly easy to implement, engineering-wise.
and you could make a cover for that coin battery that glows with your very own personal logo! it would be like those iwatch screens. *evil laugh*
It will rgb thermal paste after that
I'm not big on the RGB craze, however I do love that Vegas style waterfall look where it changed colors. Now the fact the case sit on the floor means I'd never see it, and it would get old in about 4 minutes, but still... I'd buy it.
PC's are becoming art pieces in today's market, you gotta move that bad boy onto your desk and make all bow down to the glory of the rgb
Saw this on Paul's Hardware with his all things RGB rainbow powered build. I think it looks cool if you go all out like Paul's build and can't get enough RGB.
No, it never looks cool 🤮
Lol RGB condoms next oh and RGB shit paper very expensive only rich RGB boys will use RGB as shit paper lol
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm one of these people that likes RGB, done right. Because it makes the computer look like a ooooooooooold arcade machine.
Still waiting for that RGB heatsink.
Lets see now:
RGB Case
RGB Graphics card
RGB Motherboard
RGB Fans
RGB Power supply
RGB Water cooling
And now RGB cables. We are crossing the no go line one step at a time.
we need RGB air ffs!
RGB user!
RGB heatsink
You forgot that there's RGB hard drives.
Soon the only non-RGB thing left will be the person, in which case we should replace all people with RGB robots.
My first thought after the intro was "Are they addressable?"
I just hope it's compatible with asus aura
@@nowayitsaj1983 It says that they are on Asus aura compatible webside
@@casperbergstrom444 well.... that's going in my build then.
@@nowayitsaj1983 They also made the same but 8 pin cables
@@casperbergstrom444 ok
Time for "The ULTIMATE RGB PC Build Guide!" 2.0
B_chan 3.0 now
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I think it's really bad ass! Inarguably I think the RGB on the cables is better than interior LED strips.
A case where only the wires + water tubes have RGB would look amazing.
Brandon Watkins Completely agree. Makes the computer look much more futuristic in my opinion.
i think they should put the fiberoptic lighting cable between the layers of the thing.
Everyone is allowed to be open with their opinions on the matter of RBG, I respect that. I personally would rather spend my money on some cool fans or liquid cooling! To each their own.
Wouldn't even be unpopular, it's just a style that some people like, some people don't, simple. Me I like stuff like this and I love RGB neon style rigs, other people don't, there's really nothing else to it and Linus's reaction to this the whole video was a tad bit unprofessional TBH, but hey, to each their own. If they perfect this and maybe have it for other cables to really light up a rig I might look into it for my next build.
Im sorry, but I'll be buying one if they are reasonably priced.
Devin Dykstra same, but I'm not sorry.
Same...when I can afford a gpu...#*noREGERTs*!
Honestly I think this makes so much more sense than rgb headsets and mouse pads
Its like 200€ for a pack^^
RGB cables need to have the ability to do a flowing light pattern through the cable. Just going side to side is lame.
Theres only one light in the end of each cable, its a light pipe.
@@samus4799 yeah but RGB dude. Technology is far more advanced than "sorry it only goes side to side". We've been to fuckin space, let us have flowing RGB cables
The new version of this does exactly what you are describing.
@@mrx24007 link??
Google Strimer Plus cables
Still waiting for RGB heatsink
Spread Comunism . Well it would just be a covering, but it seems easy enough.
I know this is a joke, but they do RGB water blocks and fans already. Adding a LED strip to the top of a skink would be pretty easy.
Some one hasnt heard of the cryorig quad lumi
There’s one for the m.2slot allready been done
R G B !
R G B !
R G B !
T S M !
T S ...
oh wrong video.
What do want?
*R!* *G!* *B!*
This reminds me of linus’s intro on the rgb pc he made a while ago!!
4:07 damn those ppl who keep 'mistakingly' take your graphics card, we really need to label them.
no one's gonna comment on that awesome and creative huge TV placement?
that's so cool!
it's like a window to any world!
Next big thing in the rgb market
Rgb Zipties😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
Is the world ready?
As someone who is mad into their cable management and likes the idea of glass on the back to show it off, I'd probably buy it lol
Maxime Bakleh lmao I thought about it the moment I saw this video as well xD
This world is done at that point. All hope is lost.
Because I've always though "gee, I wish my PSU cables had RGB"
Lemme throw a plague here: you can ACTUALLY do the cables themselves light up with electroluminescent wire (tho I doubt it would be good on a PC with the high frequency driver), or you can also make the cable have some light conducting thing that makes the cable itself glow (tho you said the last one on the video).
Next step: RGB gamer coffee mug.
no, take it up a notch: RGB GAMER COFFEE. NOT THE MUG. THE COFFEE.
Kalvinjj RGB mug is already a thing by razer.
Kalvinjj But EL wire ain't RGB.
So basically "Nuka Cola Quantum" but you can change the colour of the
dont forget that it must have a radiator
From your lips to God's ears.
Ordered it on Ebay, and installed it, was well worth it for my Unicorn Vomit RBG build!! Also the one I got is finished product and works awesome and in sync with my fans and AIO!!
The tatoo is gone. I'm relaxed now.
LOL same.
Mert Dede must be an older video
Mert Dede floatplane
What's next, RGB distilled water for custom loops?
I'm currently developing an RGB black and white monitor that doesn't light up, so in reality it's just black.
2018: RGB PSU cables
2020: RGB condom 😂
2040: RGB hands😂😂
Lets wait for RGB cpu's
Last not-RGB thing : the person in front of the screen
They are ready. We just have to wait for somebody to figure out how to make heatsinks transparent
Clanking_Feather just wait until we get rgb humans
All we need are rgb sata cables and ssds. And rgb dvd drives.
I use a dvd drive sometimes. Glad i have one in my rig. Not rgb though.
Rgb ssd
By the title I thought the server room caught on fire.
Panama 001 *yes*
🤔 maybe
Now to rgb motherboard circuits:)!
That would look soo clean!
Already done. MSI has a few models out already.
RGB your LTT T-shirts. I bet you'll make good money Linus.
Do you mean the e-shirt? It uses pre-configured panels that snap into a removable water-resistant or waterproof conduit cradle. The "power" feed is in a small plastic box with controls on it with an optical lead as the "power" cable. The neat part is you can remove the panels to wash the shirt and to swap them out as desired for other panels. EL wire is used to construct the animations or blinking patterns for each panel.
Does Linus have enough influence to get color e-paper or e-ink made into the form of clothing wearable tech?
"Welcome to the gaming pc community! How tough are ya?"
"How tough I am? I'll have you know I bought all my pc parts on ebay."
"Yeah, so what?"
"They weren't RGB!"
"Right this way, sir!"
Just got back to watching this
Man, Lian li has come a long way, the Strimer looks so beautiful now
PC "enhusiast" logic: I'm gonna buy a platinum power supply so I'm not wasting energy... OH and better jam in 50 Watts worth of LEDs to make it flicker with colors like a brothel!
If the Rgb is in blue it will be colder 😏
50watts of leds! Thats a LOT of light. Just rgb lighting is not a lot of power
Christian Grey Exactly they managed to get 50Watts of it.
50W of 12v LED's, i hope there building in a server-rack, else space is going to be an issue not to even mention cooling ....
Paul and Kyle already did it, now get to COMPUTEX
How do you think of comments so quickly?
Who else already saw theirs!
He probably is this was on floatplane first most likely so this is from a week ago
He IS at COMPUTEX as he said he’d be there and at whatever the hell one comes shorty after CMPTX. He explained this on the last WAN show. All of his channel’s vids this week were mostly shot last week because he knew he’d be gone. I think he took Dennis with him.. Not sure why...
Jadin B, i'm NOT a floatplane member, I came up with this on the spot in just a few seconds, it literally took me longer to type it then come up with it.
General Term: Non-Disclosure Agreement
*Linus Term: No Drop Agreement*
I wonder *why?*
You know, out of ALL the options and components out there for and using RGB, I think cabling was the best and most natural choice for something that ought to be RGB. And rather surprised that it took as long as it did for it to happen.
I mean, look... you have companies out there specializing in cabling sleeving and solutions, particularly for themed rig builds and especially when other RGB components are involved. Imagine if you had RGB cabling that was the actual cables being RGB. Now imagine that you could program those cables individually... basically doing what Cablemod does, just in RGB. And completely changeable. On the same cable. So barring burnout or life cycle replacement, you wouldn't need to replace your cables if, say, you wanted to change color theme. Or replace your rig. Just reprogram them.
Now imagine if you could hue match from the RGB wheel, on top of that.
Yeah... think that'd be worth the cost of admission. You'd really only need custom sleeving for black sleeve. Or if you like the unlit aesthetic.
*sits down with an old man noise*
"Back in myyyy day, we had multicoloured ribbon cables that didn't need no stinking LEDs to be rainbow coloured(!)"
linus and his big team cant afford a good unboxing knife
Vishnu Prasad oh go back to inbox therapy. We don't do that shit here.
rajesh koothrappali inbox therapy 😂😂😂😂😂
Because what you open the box with must look and feel premium too. If not the unboxed item might not appeal to the audience anymore or even work properly.
They have plenty of intel CPUs lying around, great boxcutters.
Heva Bob ad vaghana?
I'm just sitting here waiting for LTT to do a '100% RGB covered PC' build, where literally every surface is translucent and powered by RGB's aside from the physical hardware.
- case made entirely out of plastic/glass - lit up by RGB's
- all wires sleeved with translucent flexible fibre-cable or something - lit up by RGB's
- PSU enclosure replaced with a translucent one - lit up by RGB's
- 100% translucent fans - lit up by RGB's
- GFX card shroud (& fans?) replaced with translucent plastic - lit up by RGB's... actually, nvm. just drill some holes into a plexiglass full-board waterblock and stick RGB leds in there... :D
- anything that can't be replaced with translucent material covered up with some sort of thin translucent wrap (hdd's, motherboard, radiators, etc) - lit up by RGB's.
I mean, seriously... IT COULD BE DONE.
And, if there were any channel out there that should do it, I feel like LTT is the place. It'd be huge clickbait and it'd actually be a fun project to work on.
Come on Linus, you know you want to....
The world DEMANDS LTT make a 100% RGB case after all of the RGB love/hate we've seen on your channel.
ayporos transparent plastic leds me back to the old transparent gba days
i laugh'nt
Yesn't... just yesn't... you went too far.
Please make another Full RGB build when this is out. You can always do better. The more herasy, the better!!!
As vain as it is, i have to say it adds a scifi dimension to a rig. Would be cool if folks were able to use the cable to show stats on the computer such as temps or power consumption.
Calvin Witt lol but that's like talking practical sense into the millennials wanting these like their very lives depend on it. lol
Calvin Witt I'd be all for temps and power consumption. it would add a layer of coolness to any rig used like that. Time and date even.
This will definitely allow you to overclock better
Remember to set yours to red for maximum electron delivery speed and green for the best power savings. If your cables are overheating don't forget about the blue setting.
Definitely! My PC used to have no RGB of any kind, and I could barely overclock my i7-8700k to 4.9GHZ...
But that all changed when I added a couple RGB light strips. Soon after, I could easily overclock to 5.3GHZ, with my temps staying at around 60-70C!
10/10 will buy again
Now all you need is a little disco ball to hang inside of your pc case. Staying alive, Funkytown oh and Y.M.C.A.!
Matt Gixxer have the Disco ball a couple wireless mini speakers and little figurines dancing on the power supply shroud. Disco build
Disco Stu!
LIAN LI sold me a case back in March of 2010 that still very rare and very wanted in the community. It sells for more money than what when I bought it for $346. This company makes good stuff.
Fantastic new idea! Great......
Marc TV how much do people care about those RGB stuff? I don't want that. Performance is what matters for me
Actual RGB cables could be fun though, but a having it like a cable harness like this is definitely not something I want.
yeah ... kinda ... rgb's are like cancer
still, there is no cure for this disease
The rgb thermal sauce
Thanks for changing the title (eventually). I didn't dare open this before it actually said what it was about...
what was the original?
Just "It Finally Happened..." - fun maybe, but totally uninformative.
as for me, clickbaity titles are a no-go, so didn't watch till now
You didn't watch a Linus video because of what the title said? Haha, what? Do you expect click bait in a Tech channel or something?
I know Linus & company are cool people (and they even explain their actions well in meta). While no doubt often hugely entertaining, I expect videos to be informative. It's also about respecting your audience; we viewer also have our own time we wish to use at least somewhat usefully and goal-oriented - non-informative titles are a waste of time for a viewer looking for specific information and as such a disservice.
It's weird seeing linus from 3 years ago. Minus the dad hat and dad beard
I think, Intel or AMD should come up with an RGB CPU (even if it's hidden under the cooler). Do we have RGB HDD-s or M.2 SSD-s? :D
TheParkanyi yes rgb ssd exists
Jonathan Stevey he ment m.2 ssd not sata
Yes a prototype of m2 rgb ssd is exist
maxi2643 ah I'm that case no, wouldn't matter anyway as most mobo have a heat spreader that would cover it.
It can have RGB around the CPU so it glows from underneath the heatsink.
Hey Linus can you upload on Linus cat tips? Especially as 200k is close.
theaveragehousecat this
I have no clue why regular stuff is RGB (maybe you wanna flash that cash?) but with this it's not even visible...
The RGB water cooling is cool tho. Like pipes of flourecence.
actually it is visible, if you have a nice cable usually you route them in a cool way and I think these look pretty dam nice. Because some people actually care about how their stuff looks.
This pre-production model is is a prototype, I will now mock that it is a prototype...
I've never been into "ricing" out my cars, I doubt I will ever do it to my PCs.
seems pretty pointless to me .. its how it works not looks .
they have rgb one of kind build also
the benchmark part cracked me up!
Zarteck pretty sure the coffee spray i just made is going to be a permanent stain on the wall now
Update the ultimate RGB build with the RGB cables and RGB water cooling fittings
There's loads of these available on ebay now. Ngl I would like to have these. I just love when things glow, it gives a sort of futuristic feel.
Watch them extend this to the cord going from the PSU to the outlet....
I am sorry but I would buy that in a heartbeat
Huh? ^^
RGB Keyboard
RGB Mice
RGB Monitor
RGB Cables
RGB Fans
we need RGB CPU Right now
Faisalovic pretty sure people just like things that light up and change color.
Faisalovic RGB Mousepad
RGB HDD Platter with transparent housing.
RGB chair
Can't remember who made it but back in the late 90's there was a 500 watt power supply that had translucent cables with this same principle but they actually had the wires in them and the casing translucent. It didn't have the fancy light shows but did light up with whatever colors the connectors at the power supply were. So it seems like fashion the PC World goes around in cycles of what was past is cool again...
I would actually buy that, when the price is right.
*_RGB Thermal paste_*
Edsel knows what's up. RGB is so cool
Just bought my Lian Li Strimmer PCIe cable ;) V2 of course. This video has a much younger Linus than I'm used to.