Just a tip to others out there. Don't accept that the stamp/laser etching size stamped on a main gearbox shim is accurate, Treble check thickness with vernier guage first. I received a 1.4 mm stamped shim that was actually 1.5mm when measured accurately and had to linnish for ages to get it down to the correct thickness I required.😒
Very informative, thanks guys! Been wondering what the layshaft bearing shim method was all about.
Some fettling going on that gearbox setup 😬
Just a tip to others out there. Don't accept that the stamp/laser etching size stamped on a main gearbox shim is accurate, Treble check thickness with vernier guage first. I received a 1.4 mm stamped shim that was actually 1.5mm when measured accurately and had to linnish for ages to get it down to the correct thickness I required.😒
Any chance some pointers could be added to the issues being overcome and what the builder was pointing to to help others.
What a balls ache 🤣
It’s all good fun :)