No "Gear bug," Zappa be possessed by several spooks. The dominant one, S-Ko, pretty much abuses the poor dude... hence his blackouts and waking up in strange places with broken bones all over the place. Faust: "Have you seen a young man who folds his body in half?"
I swear, I thought the lyrics were crap when I first heard em. But then I thought about who Zappa was, then put two and two together. The song fits and sounds like something he'd sing about since he's in constant agony (that we, the players laugh at cause he's funny, sort of) and wishes for eternal bliss or at the very least, eternal rest from his curse. So, this song rocks. And Zappa rules. I still have a hard time playin as him, though. Gotta try again.
Right?? I’ve been to mass enough times to recognize prayer songs when I hear them. And this? This is literally Zappa desperately praying to God for salvation!
@@akirax461 isn't that what strive is though? All these old characters coming to terms with their conflicts and learning how to use their abilities to the max?
@zephyrexx Zappa wants to cure himself, and Faust, being the good doctor, decides to see if he's curable. After a humorous story, Faust decides that he can only be cured by himself, much to the dismay of Zappa. Shenanigans ensue.
I like it....Reminds me of a knight's loyalty to his king. (Just got done reading Macbeth, LOL) Fits Zappa well.....Even better, since he's my favorite character to use.....:)
Majestyyy delivers my soul into deadly pains of HHHEELLLL, Lord majesty redeems your heart from the bottom of the DEEEEPPP ABYYYSSS!!!!! I love this song lol
I'm pretty sure he just wants eternal rest and my theory is that the guitar is S-Ko, Centapede (because she's tge one whos the most pronaounce cause shes the strongest and the chaotic rage filled energy) the pianos are the lesser spirits Rhao, Sword, Dog, and the triplets (less pronounced since their the weakest and attempt to relieve/ ease him of his distress) while the vocals are Zappas since its his perspective and that he wants to finally rest
It has been a short time since Zappa interest me and I already find him awesome but geez how the hell Zappa managed to survive with all those weird pose ? (He is even able to spin his head and arms by 360° )
poor, unfortunate baby... i love him, feel so bad for him... helpless, ill baby... how can he be helped... he was crying before battles and then go back in unnatural pose. wish i could hug him. dont cry, Zappa, sweetheart, i love you, you are handsome, yes, more than Testament. yes. and than Venom, Chipp or Axl. most handsome. cutest. everything will be ok, honey. no ones gonna hurt you... Faust will help you, my lovely... shhh... my poor one...
Yes im insane i know. But this girl is Megumi. I wonder why she couldnt be revived and stay with Axl. That would be better. After years i can make fin of myself
This is just speculation, but you know how when you look into a crystal, your reflection is either broken or reflected many times back (refraction?)? Maybe it's a way to show that he's shattered, or that he has multiple personalities (S-Ko's influence, of course)? Then again, it could be strictly stylistic...
I'm pretty sure he just wants eternal rest and my theory is that the guitar is S-Ko, Centapede (because she's tge one whos the most pronaounce cause shes the strongest and the chaotic rage filled energy) the pianos are the lesser spirits Rhao, Sword, Dog, and the triplets (less pronounced since their the weakest and attempt to relieve/ ease him of his distress) while the vocals are Zappas since its his perspective and that he wants to finally rest
I think Zappa is either a bastard child of Dio and Erina (but maybe not cos they are both blondes and brown hair from blondes is genetically impossible) or of Vanilla Ice and Nena. Vanilla cos of the same hair color, Nena cos of earrings (I think she gave him her earrings as a memory of her) and that Zappa is a little brownish, has female face. Definitely his parents are Vanilla and Nena. Nena is Hindi, but thats close to Australia since Zappa is Australian. Or his mother could be Malena, her and Nena look almost the same, but one is more like muslim, one Hindi. But the father is definitely Vanilla, no doubt about that and that makes Zappa partially a vampire.
Well, this pretty much explains it alot more then your first theory--which to be honest, kinda confused me a bit. Lol. But, since the other ghost are no longer doing evil, could this effect be decreased?
Another speculation: when an element is concentrated, it crystallizes (well, sometimes). Perhaps this shows that he has so much evil in him, it's saturated?
Only S-Ko is 'evil' even so it's just obsession towards him and hates guys out of revenge, the other spirits are suprisngly caring for him like how they try to console him when he got imprissoned by Ky
@wambulenceman Here's fun, Zappa's technically 200 years in the future compared to Megumi. Megumi is, therefore, dead. Now, what's the criteria for being a ghost? Having a pulse ain't one. And a changed name means jack in Guilty Gear. Just as Dr Baldhead.
he has a type of parasite in his body which is the ghost lady who happens to be his dead girlfriend but when ever the ghost lady possesses hi he loses conciousness and the ghost control his body then when he awakes he has memory of what happened
Both the crystals and the cats can be seen in the background on Zappa's stage ("Phantom City", I believe.) Of course, why they're there (assuming the artist didn't just say "I like cats and crystals, so let's throw 'em in") is open to debate...
I've loved Guilty Gear for ages, is my fav fighter, and still play GGXXAC+ over MVC3 But why does Zappa have 6 fingers in the beginning? Don't give me crap for this.
megumi is the ghost in zappa's body, slayer sucked her blood in an "adventure" and he ghost is immortal becouse she werw killed by a vampire, and axl's clone is raven
@UltraNaba I see.. You make a good point but at the same time possessing people and making them do freaky shit isn't exactly a criteria for being a ghost either. Though I can see where you are coming from. S-ko is said to be lots of things though like a failed experiment or a gear left alone during the war. I suppose it could be possible that she is Megumi but for now there isn't really enough to go by.
The godly thunder ghost is the strongest amongst the fighting ones but ALL of them are afraid when S-ko I think her name is around and yrah she is axles girlfriend just like raven is a dead doppleganger of axel accidentally created by faust (in another dimension) by him accidentally screwing up the operation and axel dying..i think thats how it gos
"Not Well" meaning "mentally" or "physically"? I heard that Axl's time lap problem is keeping him from going back to the present-day. Could Megumi be depressed?
To be honest, the others ghost wants to leave him the fuck alone, and console him when he's in pain. It's S-KO that's messing him up bad. But still, they other ghost doesn't want to leave.
Gee, nice comeback. Pardon my ignorance, which must be sooo huge that you wouldn´t dream about considering answering my question. I´ll just guess: the answers are "yes" and "nothing, they don´t ever". Troll out
well I think Slayer somehow saw S-ko (Ghost with black hair) And Slayer asked S-ko if she wanted to the underworld and S-ko accepted but she asked Slayer to bring Zappa with her. (This maybe incorrect.)
Someone said he is based on Jojo Bizzare characters. In my opinion his parents would be Vanilla Ice and Nena from "Jojo bizarre-stardust crusaders". Thought also that he is a bastard kid of Dio and Erina (woulndt make any sense). Thought of George II and Lisa Lisa (dont remember, too many characters), but he doesnt look like them, then his parents are Vanilla Ice and Nena.
Jani Myllyoja yes but they might have something in common. Zappa comes from nowhere, he didnt exist in the original and if he is based on them, he might be their relative.
+Fusun Patel It's just character that has alot based on it does not have to mean that Jojo and Guilty geat share universe these things are called refrence or easter eggs
Radientzone345 they might be his parents. But wonder why they hurt him with a strange name. There are many strange names in GG, lucky that he is not Testament or Chipp cos Chipp makes me think of this chipmunk from Disney. If so, why they didnt make a Dale?
okok I get it!! They´re from a fighting game where many (or all the?) characters are named after famous rock musicians. But seriously, Zappa (the real one) has nothing in common with all the other ones. He wasn´t a genuine rock musician. I don´t even think he liked rock music very much. He just gave people what they wanted at the time. He´d rather liked to write and play "modern music" (like Strawinsky, Schönberg, Varese, etc. - I know the term is confusing)....
Yah know what' skip what I just said about the "not well part" I'vr misread you. But I did heard that Axl's time lap problem is keeping him from going back to the present-day. Couldn't this make Megumi depressed?
The Character Zappa and this song Reminds me of something from the Twilight Zone. A man possessed and controlled by a Beautiful Woman Spirit that doesn't want to leave his side. These Pictures look like they are a couple. Those rings on his wrist are more like handcuffs if you think Symbolic. When he is not wearing them, he is not controlled. On 3:23 I think the woman Spirit Left him because his rings are gone and the cupids symbolize it. He want her back from the expression of his face
WRONG! It's Axl's love! (Well at least I think) Megumi(Axl's girlfriend) might've got depressed after Axl left her by accident due to his time travel problem. After a certain period of time she died and then her spirit (S-ko) might've blamed Axl for leaving her. Then S-ko came across Zappa. And everyone knows Zappa has a handsome face. Does that clear it up? (Please correct me if i'm wrong.
No "Gear bug," Zappa be possessed by several spooks. The dominant one, S-Ko, pretty much abuses the poor dude... hence his blackouts and waking up in strange places with broken bones all over the place.
Faust: "Have you seen a young man who folds his body in half?"
But at least you get 7 ENTIRE STANDS!!!! How will Zato=1 and Eddie beat him
But really man faces hell hopefully he’s doing well after XRD
@@am.bisonmain9077 He's doing fine in XRD. He has a career and friends.
I desperately want Zappa in strive cause imagine his theme is an entire opera, I would kill for this possessed Australia in Twink in strive.
This would go so hard please daisuke
@@ummmmmmmmN im afraid.. season 4 isn't giving us Zappa...
@@PyraBlitz6969 as unlikely as it is, I’ll keep hoping for season 5 zappa
@@ummmmmmmmN A MAN'S COPE.... NEVER DIES!!!!!!!!!
I love how the tone of the voice matches the song, it's almost like an opera chorus mixed with metal, thats what makes this song so good.
Why is everyone talking about his outfit like they're amazing fashionistas?
His outfit looks like it came out of jojo
@@BigJ2006 cause it did (was based out of jojo)
They probably just have watermelon in their Easter hay ZAPPA ROCKS!!!! HEAVEN OR HELL!!!!!!
He has a thong over his top
Vanilla Ice + Dio
The Virgin Zato=1 and Eddie Vs Chad Zappa and S-Ko
Just gave up his eye sight
I swear, I thought the lyrics were crap when I first heard em. But then I thought about who Zappa was, then put two and two together. The song fits and sounds like something he'd sing about since he's in constant agony (that we, the players laugh at cause he's funny, sort of) and wishes for eternal bliss or at the very least, eternal rest from his curse. So, this song rocks. And Zappa rules. I still have a hard time playin as him, though. Gotta try again.
I dont think its funny but yes, this song fits him. Feel bad for him since always
Right?? I’ve been to mass enough times to recognize prayer songs when I hear them. And this? This is literally Zappa desperately praying to God for salvation!
This song is basically “OH GREAT HEAVENS SOMEONE HELP ME!?!?!”
I hope they bring zappa back in strive, crossing my fingers he comes on first DLC
He was exorcised, so he doesn’t have his ghosts anymore. But it would be a cool to see a Zappa where he is able to control them
@@akirax461 I thought that in the end he had accepted his ghost.
@@akirax461 isn't that what strive is though? All these old characters coming to terms with their conflicts and learning how to use their abilities to the max?
@@Jus_Jxck meanwhile ky literally refuses to use holy order techniques like grinders overhead or any other shenanigan that has ever existed :,(
@@akirax461correct, but I’m pretty sure Zappa and S-ko are on good terms now.
I really love this song, it really captures the struggle of the character.
No it doesnt
@@gogglyspecsgs9305 Well, yeah, NOW I know that.
Zappa is awesome. I love characters with weird and unique battle styles.
I just got into guilty gear and omg he's so cool
I can't stop listening to it it's so good the lyrics are awesome it's so cool I just want him in strive now
This is the best sounding one on the whole sound track
this would make a sick noble phantasm chant.
Ya'll ever notice that Zappa has 6 fingers in the first image?
Fucking ghosts
Thats just something that HAPPENS in guilty gear’s old art
Why yes i have, Mr. Faust, he went that way. *Points*
Zappa wants to cure himself, and Faust, being the good doctor, decides to see if he's curable. After a humorous story, Faust decides that he can only be cured by himself, much to the dismay of Zappa. Shenanigans ensue.
Unforgivable. You can never forgive a shenanigan.
Zappa for Guilty Gear Strive
Daisuke please xD
Hold on hold on, the game HEAVILY implies that the ghost possessing Zappa; S-Ko, is in fact the ghost of Axl's former girlfriend Megumi.
Hmm? In what way?
I remember that, but wasn't I-no that too? My head hasn't dived into the lore of this franchise in nearly forever now
I'm glad this exists :)
I like it....Reminds me of a knight's loyalty to his king. (Just got done reading Macbeth, LOL) Fits Zappa well.....Even better, since he's my favorite character to use.....:)
Majestyyy delivers my soul into deadly pains of HHHEELLLL,
Lord majesty redeems your heart from the bottom of the DEEEEPPP ABYYYSSS!!!!!
I love this song lol
I bet that girl ghost is his stand
I'm pretty sure he just wants eternal rest and my theory is that the guitar is S-Ko, Centapede (because she's tge one whos the most pronaounce cause shes the strongest and the chaotic rage filled energy) the pianos are the lesser spirits Rhao, Sword, Dog, and the triplets (less pronounced since their the weakest and attempt to relieve/ ease him of his distress) while the vocals are Zappas since its his perspective and that he wants to finally rest
Holy shit cool theory
Makes it tragic still
This song is good, it reminds me of opera ... fits the character so well
I wonder what happens if both Zappa and Bedman meet?
+De'Vante Bragg OH MY GOD BOTH OF MY MAINS... :D
紅シュウ I know right?
and what will happen if possessed Zappa meets possessed Dizzy? kill one another, maybe wwiii
im in love with this song
Dude, no need for an anger rant, we get it!!!!!
It has been a short time since Zappa interest me and I already find him awesome but geez how the hell Zappa managed to survive with all those weird pose ? (He is even able to spin his head and arms by 360° )
Magic xd
His attire was influence by Jojo Bizarre adventure like Dio and Vanilla Ice or Iced in American version.
yer 100% correct my friend, right on the dot with it i say
Bridget here, tho I find Zappa to be really interesting, espicaly later in the series when he gets more control of his spirit.
S-ko is a female and its a reference to a Japanese horror film , The ring.
poor, unfortunate baby... i love him, feel so bad for him... helpless, ill baby... how can he be helped... he was crying before battles and then go back in unnatural pose. wish i could hug him.
dont cry, Zappa, sweetheart, i love you, you are handsome, yes, more than Testament. yes. and than Venom, Chipp or Axl. most handsome. cutest. everything will be ok, honey. no ones gonna hurt you... Faust will help you, my lovely... shhh... my poor one...
Did girl is S-Ko
Yes im insane i know. But this girl is Megumi. I wonder why she couldnt be revived and stay with Axl. That would be better. After years i can make fin of myself
this is hell life ultimate
This is just speculation, but you know how when you look into a crystal, your reflection is either broken or reflected many times back (refraction?)? Maybe it's a way to show that he's shattered, or that he has multiple personalities (S-Ko's influence, of course)? Then again, it could be strictly stylistic...
I'm pretty sure he just wants eternal rest and my theory is that the guitar is S-Ko, Centapede (because she's tge one whos the most pronaounce cause shes the strongest and the chaotic rage filled energy) the pianos are the lesser spirits Rhao, Sword, Dog, and the triplets (less pronounced since their the weakest and attempt to relieve/ ease him of his distress) while the vocals are Zappas since its his perspective and that he wants to finally rest
i noticed that in the end the final pic he isnt wearing those rings around his wrists
@UltraNaba She also gives him the rare ability to be awesome and hilarious at the same time, can't forget that.
@UltraNaba I can tell you that its not Megumi. Megumi is in Axl's current time. The ghost posessing Zappa is named S-Ko
Plis Daisuke, zappa in strive plis
oh hai dio brando
I think Zappa is either a bastard child of Dio and Erina (but maybe not cos they are both blondes and brown hair from blondes is genetically impossible) or of Vanilla Ice and Nena. Vanilla cos of the same hair color, Nena cos of earrings (I think she gave him her earrings as a memory of her) and that Zappa is a little brownish, has female face. Definitely his parents are Vanilla and Nena. Nena is Hindi, but thats close to Australia since Zappa is Australian. Or his mother could be Malena, her and Nena look almost the same, but one is more like muslim, one Hindi. But the father is definitely Vanilla, no doubt about that and that makes Zappa partially a vampire.
Correction the ORIGINAL ring
1:41 that face
so like does being possessed give you a fat ass or something
anyways i need him. carnally
@@GiSTAR-GGyou are so real for this
only the realest fucker around !! @@guiltygearnerd
Well, this pretty much explains it alot more then your first theory--which to be honest, kinda confused me a bit. Lol. But, since the other ghost are no longer doing evil, could this effect be decreased?
Another speculation: when an element is concentrated, it crystallizes (well, sometimes). Perhaps this shows that he has so much evil in him, it's saturated?
Only S-Ko is 'evil' even so it's just obsession towards him and hates guys out of revenge, the other spirits are suprisngly caring for him like how they try to console him when he got imprissoned by Ky
@@xidjav1836 aye, also this comment is 12 years old.
Here's fun, Zappa's technically 200 years in the future compared to Megumi. Megumi is, therefore, dead. Now, what's the criteria for being a ghost? Having a pulse ain't one.
And a changed name means jack in Guilty Gear. Just as Dr Baldhead.
yeah because I have ggx2 and in the story eddie says during his stiry mode after he beats zappa that he has a mind parasite
It's been said that [S-Ko]character is based on the character Sadako from "Ringu", which the Japanese version of "The Ring."
he has a type of parasite in his body which is the ghost lady who happens to be his dead girlfriend but when ever the ghost lady possesses hi he loses conciousness and the ghost control his body then when he awakes he has memory of what happened
Can someone explain to me Zappa's story? does he know he gets possessed? I saw his story when he searched for Faust for help but didn't get it.
If that's the case, perhaps it's not a saturation of evil, then, but a saturation of spirit.
that most suck having a ghost dog,legionaires, a lightning spirit and the grudge having in ur body
Listen to this song with surround sound!
In this day an age almost NO songs make sense
has anyone notice zappa has six fingers?
yes, he has, his small finger has two "heads"
Mine was Faust, but Zappa was so awesome he kicked my ass. :D
Both the crystals and the cats can be seen in the background on Zappa's stage ("Phantom City", I believe.) Of course, why they're there (assuming the artist didn't just say "I like cats and crystals, so let's throw 'em in") is open to debate...
No... Kangaroos becam the tailors' employers. XD
I've loved Guilty Gear for ages, is my fav fighter, and still play GGXXAC+ over MVC3
But why does Zappa have 6 fingers in the beginning? Don't give me crap for this.
megumi is the ghost in zappa's body, slayer sucked her blood in an "adventure" and he ghost is immortal becouse she werw killed by a vampire, and axl's clone is raven
@UltraNaba I see.. You make a good point but at the same time possessing people and making them do freaky shit isn't exactly a criteria for being a ghost either. Though I can see where you are coming from. S-ko is said to be lots of things though like a failed experiment or a gear left alone during the war. I suppose it could be possible that she is Megumi but for now there isn't really enough to go by.
@1hitgamer He has many ghosts within him. Read the wiki. It will explain.
no im talking about the girl thats with slayer. im asuming thats sharon.
The godly thunder ghost is the strongest amongst the fighting ones but ALL of them are afraid when S-ko I think her name is around and yrah she is axles girlfriend just like raven is a dead doppleganger of axel accidentally created by faust (in another dimension) by him accidentally screwing up the operation and axel dying..i think thats how it gos
Poor guy. Just wants to be loved...
"Not Well" meaning "mentally" or "physically"?
I heard that Axl's time lap problem is keeping him from going back to the present-day. Could Megumi be depressed?
...haves. Wow.
To be honest, the others ghost wants to leave him the fuck alone, and console him when he's in pain. It's S-KO that's messing him up bad. But still, they other ghost doesn't want to leave.
i was talking about the girl controling him
the ghost chick is so awsome that force him to dress like that
Gee, nice comeback. Pardon my ignorance, which must be sooo huge that you wouldn´t dream about considering answering my question. I´ll just guess: the answers are "yes" and "nothing, they don´t ever".
Troll out
well I think Slayer somehow saw S-ko (Ghost with black hair) And Slayer asked S-ko if she wanted to the underworld and S-ko accepted but she asked Slayer to bring Zappa with her. (This maybe incorrect.)
Zappa was the first of all male guilty gear characters I played
Bro you played abuser sim
@@am.bisonmain9077 wow took 14 years for someone to comment to this.
Oh yeah I forgot about that.
Someone said he is based on Jojo Bizzare characters. In my opinion his parents would be Vanilla Ice and Nena from "Jojo bizarre-stardust crusaders". Thought also that he is a bastard kid of Dio and Erina (woulndt make any sense). Thought of George II and Lisa Lisa (dont remember, too many characters), but he doesnt look like them, then his parents are Vanilla Ice and Nena.
His costume and poses are based on jojo thats all
Jani Myllyoja
yes i know, thats why I have a theory that his father is Vanilla Ice
+Fusun Patel Well Jojo and Guilty gear do not share universe
Jani Myllyoja yes but they might have something in common. Zappa comes from nowhere, he didnt exist in the original and if he is based on them, he might be their relative.
+Fusun Patel It's just character that has alot based on it does not have to mean that Jojo and Guilty geat share universe these things are called refrence or easter eggs
the vocals here are so fast o.o
wait isn't the only reason he possessed by ghost is because of a rare form of parasite similar to how eddie controls zato-1?
I'm seeing 5 fingers on his hand in the first picture
wow sharon looks like kokoro from DOA 4
Radientzone345 they might be his parents. But wonder why they hurt him with a strange name. There are many strange names in GG, lucky that he is not Testament or Chipp cos Chipp makes me think of this chipmunk from Disney. If so, why they didnt make a Dale?
okok I get it!! They´re from a fighting game where many (or all the?) characters are named after famous rock musicians. But seriously, Zappa (the real one) has nothing in common with all the other ones. He wasn´t a genuine rock musician. I don´t even think he liked rock music very much. He just gave people what they wanted at the time. He´d rather liked to write and play "modern music" (like Strawinsky, Schönberg, Varese, etc. - I know the term is confusing)....
Yah know what' skip what I just said about the "not well part" I'vr misread you. But I did heard that Axl's time lap problem is keeping him from going back to the present-day. Couldn't this make Megumi depressed?
666th like
@fr801 dam your right
if it wasnt for this ghost zappa would be a really cute guy ^.^
We are so close to 666 likes...
Uhm... travelling outfit? this is a future Australian man, so I dunno.
@MugenMag Nah, go up to Broly from DBZ, "Hey Broly, nice dress."
The Character Zappa and this song Reminds me of something from the Twilight Zone. A man possessed and controlled by a Beautiful Woman Spirit that doesn't want to leave his side. These Pictures look like they are a couple. Those rings on his wrist are more like handcuffs if you think Symbolic. When he is not wearing them, he is not controlled. On 3:23 I think the woman Spirit Left him because his rings are gone and the cupids symbolize it. He want her back from the expression of his face
WRONG! It's Axl's love! (Well at least I think) Megumi(Axl's girlfriend) might've got depressed after Axl left her by accident due to his time travel problem. After a certain period of time she died and then her spirit (S-ko) might've blamed Axl for leaving her. Then S-ko came across Zappa. And everyone knows Zappa has a handsome face. Does that clear it up? (Please correct me if i'm wrong.
I heard rumors that S-Ko is Axl Low's girl, but I have my doubts about that.
why has zappa 6 fingers in the 1st pic?? O_O
This sounds like Avenged Sevenfold. FUCKING AWESOME!!!
look at S-ko hand at 1:12
who are the other people other than Zappa, S-ko, Slayer and Sharon in 1:42?