I totally agree, especially on that last part. I can't stand people who say "Size doesn't matter", especially when it comes to height. Yes, size matters. I spent my whole life getting this tall. So stop making excuses and step your game up. If you can't stack at least an inch per year to your height, you're simply not trying!
+Xaro Xhoan Daxos my bones don't age as fast as my body does so as a result I am shorter than I should be. I make up for this by working out for an hour a day so I can keep up with taller people
heavyweight champions are heavyweight champions for reason why because size does matter in a fight but more than size is the person in the fight and the muscle and the speed I have seen Short guys knockout really big and tall fellas. so yes while size does matter it's not the only thing that will cause a victory Bruce Lee is a good example of this the dude was was very small but pound-for-pound he was like a brick outhouse. a bullwhip can break a brick and so can a sledgehammer what would you rather be hit with something that can hit you hard and fast and a thousand times or something they can just hit you once every so often. bigger people usually have bigger bones and more muscle not always. in a fight compact tight flexible fast muscles are bigger than larger muscles. when I was at my best I was 217 pounds I had a 32-inch waist and I was 5-10 and could bench 400 lb at my biggest I weigh 280 lb with about a 45 46 inch waist and could only bench about 300. when I was smaller I was actually stronger than when I was bigger.
Hey, about the "skill over fitness" thing. I recently started doing some British military sabre and, being a fat fuck that I am, I quickly found out how out of shape I actually am. Longsword is really forgiving when it comes to physical attributes, thanks to passing footwork and being able to use two hands. However, lunging and recovering is a bitch on the knees and really favors being light and agile, swinging a 1kg sword with a single hand, especially doing wrist cuts, requires powerful forearms and good form if you want to produce a good cut. So yeah, give these guys a one handed sword, see what they think.
The first way to improve is to recognize the need. You posted this comment 4 months ago now. I wonder how you are right now. I hope you improved yourself. I am fortunate to have a very fast metabolism and even so I feel out of shape so fast when sparring with my friends. I lose my breath so easily...
Actually, I find that everything included in this video to be 100% correct and factual. Though, I limited my google search to pictures of Deborah Ann Woll and doughnut recipes.
Good video mate. I fully agree. We can never be samurai, but no hurt in being as good as a samurai! You may not be James Bond but if you can be like him, cool!
I agree wholeheartedly, especially with point #2. Too many people in HEMA or SCA or dare I say LARP, acquire minimal knowledge of a subject and have an inflated idea about who they are in the context of some nostalgic fictional notion of history. I am not a knight of the medieval period and no one is. Doesn't matter if someone has been dubbed a knight by the Church, the Queen, a fraternal organization or some LARPing group. Being an honorary knight today is meaningless to everyone except for the person with the big ego. However, I do see value in emulating the nostalgic imagery of knighthood by cultivating modern conceptions of chivalry and subsequently volunteering to help good causes like feeding the poor. Its also a great thing to use the image of knighthood and chivalry to reach out to children who haven't the sense to live rightly and have no positive role models in their lives. In a modern sense, this would make for a knight of current times but this is a far cry from believing you are going to go out in a suit of armor and fight to the death against barbarians and dragons.
I love all your content man. I'll love the bragging rights of being one of the first 10k subs when you get the millions you deserve. funny guy, keep it up lad.
Part of my list is people who've been taking empty handed martial art classes for a few years and think they know everything about swords after that one day their teacher brought some in. Good videos, my dude.
I could summarize your video with a saying at the school where I train: "The fool strives to correct the others. The student strives to correct himself, which the master also does. The difference between master and student lies in the fact that the master failed more times than the student even tried."
I originally got into weapon based martial arts just so I could be competitive at LARP games. It is genuinely surprising how many people try to do spinny anime bullshit at those events, I almost didn't even need to go through the effort. Also Steven Seagal is a fucking hack, the only thing he knows how to throw is cheeseburgers into his gaping gullet.
I wonder if spinning shit could be useful if you practicw them enough... I mean, in hand to hand martial arts its pretty efective because when done right, it adds to the impact and makes it harder to guess where the hit is going to land... I mean, just look at mma, spinning fist, spinning elbows, spinning kicks, etc... Ive ended more fights with spinning kicks to the head than with punches, and ive fought more times that i would care to count (third world country) And i know that hitting with the edge is more important than hitting hard, but if someone practiced enough... Wouldnt it be usefull at least once in a while? I eont have much experience with swords, but with sticks i know it works just fine... Thrusting isnt as efective with sticks tho...
Ya, you could call out a name, I also wondered, is it me? I'm often a smartass, but no so much on this channel, since I know shit about HEMA, I just enjoy watching some videos about it.
lol I think I've been all of these things in my time. Taken a long, long time to get a grip, been in martial arts over 20 years and still bought into some of that shit until recently. I think starting HEMA has opened my eyes to a lot of stuff regarding the importance of fitness and pressure testing. It's too easy in karate (for example) to be able to do a kata and spar and have good technique to think that when the shit hits the fan you'll do ok. Getting twatted by a longsword over and over makes it harder to deny that I suck lol
I have a weird fixation on saying gorget and sallet like the dictionary states with the t at the end. Why it drives me crazy when people say gorjay or sallay I don't know other than it seems really weird like a native speaker saying canigghet for knight or canife for knife or hug-hes for hughes.
Glad to see I didnt make this list. I don't know if its Japanese martial arts in general. I think its just people. You find it in every group. its the human mind. I'm always talking about this in my videos as well. I got this one guy that argues with me about refining your character and being better in martial arts. nice 'rant'.
No, you're right, it's in every group. Perhaps the reason it seems more common in Japanese martial arts comes from people believing what they do is somehow connected to something magical... techniques sent to the masters mind whilst meditating upon a mountain top kinda stuff. XD
The thing that I find REALLY annoying is training partners who micro manage MY technique. I'm all for people noticing something I'm doing wrong consistently and and offering a suggestion for improvement, but when people start picking apart every tiny bit of my tecnique the first f*cking time they or I have ever done it and every time after that it really winds me up. Oh and training partners who don't wash themselves or their training clothing. By training with you I'm inviting you into my personal space; to show up stinking to high heaven is just rude. Lastly is fairly new to the martial arts people who get told a way to do a technique and then parrot that information back to everyone they can find like they have a full nuanced understanding of its exact mechanics and that any variation you might try on that is wrong.
Your last point about those people who say that being physical isn’t important is in my opinion somewhat incorrect. You never really mention if they are straight up not doing any physical things while claiming to be martial artists and if that is your point I can completely agree. But for those who just like the academic side which I admit I can sometimes do, we just like to stuffy the history and the mechanics and the intricacies of the system and the form but not actually doing it. If the academic side was my only goal I would never say I am a martial artist. But hey great video mate!
Dude, honestly I found your video's not worth to subscribe to until this moment. But this video kinda hit me hard and I COMPLETELY AGREE. so congratz, the awesome (whatever name I filled in for my youtube account) who you never cared about and probably never, will subscribed to your youtube account. Now I gotta go fitness
I'm slightly confused at the point you were trying to make with that last one. Did you mean general physical fitness or did you mean they pick and choose what they want to learn?
I became a black belt and got my butt kicked I started working out as a black belt and got into really super good shape and in my mind I was indestructible. usually when you're working towards a belt if you're in a good school you will get in good physical shape for me that didn't happen until I took up boxing.
I completely agree with your points on Aikido. I used to train in it and the masters were kinda... weird. They want you to study the martial art, but don't want you reading books about it. But you should totally check out sensei's book he just published. Also, they don't want to teach you how to strike, but they expect you to know how to strike. because it's a purely defensive martial art, so they don't teach attacks, just how to defend against them. But you damned well better aim true! Every technique depends on a genuine attack that they're not going to teach you to work! One attack they do allot is called shomen-uchi (which they expect you to learn on your own), and it's complete bollocks. It's basically a karate chop to the forehead. How on earth is attack using the weakest part of the hand against the strongest bone in the body effective in any way? Name one person in history that has ever attacked someone else using this strike and wasn't fucking around. Not to mention the outright delusional attitude that I found in just about every master. Hard to describe but they speak like "I'm an unstoppable tank, I'm the best! Please give me an excuse to prove it!" And the religious connotations... "We don't worship the founder!" "Aikido is not a religion!" Then explain to me why we have to bow to a portrait of O'sensei 4 times before and then 4 times again after training? Oh and absolutely no advice on the legality of using the martial art to defend yourself. Not even a pamphlet. If you're going to advertise self defense, you damned well better know the laws involved in its use or you're just irresponsible. If you want a way to defend yourself, buy a taser or a gun. At least the people who sell you those things won't fuck you around for 10 years on promise that it 'might' work some day. Sorry that turned into a rant.
A lot of Japanese martial arts are a joke these days. Like you have to pray to god you find a rational pragmatic teacher, that just teaches you the actually useful techniques and even does some experimenting on them.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think Aikido is bullshit. I train in it as part of whole curriculum called Budo, which includes Karate, Taekwondo, and Judo. Honestly, if you study these forms of martial art singularly, you're going to encounter a bias. However, if done right, you can utilize some of the techniques learned in Aikido for practical situations. I find the joint manipulations and redirection of weight distribution of your opponents body to be quite effective. How do I know this? I've felt and done these techniques before, giving my teacher resistance, but also working with them in order not to hurt them and myself. My main point is this. Don't religiously study a single style of martial arts. You're gonna get fucked up in real life.
Rokiriko I took ju jitsu once not Brazilian ju jitsu although I have done that and it’s quite good and it sucked, there was more effort put in to pass unrealistic gradings rather than actual sparring, if the coupled sparring with techniques I can get behind that that’s why I do HEMA now
The "My martial arts is the best!" is so freaking annoying. I had this huge discussion with a guy who just started Krav Mega for example that he never wanted to end up on the floor with an attacker who had a knife. To which he just said he would learn how to get out of it. It takes one second or less to stab someone. Urgh... I better not start... Also not disputing disarming techniques, just that you wouldn't want to be on the ground with a guy who have a knife under pretty much any circumstance.
i have to admit i agree with most points you made - except seagul's aikido that is: yes he became kind of a dick in his later years but his aikido is actually really potent as he started his acting career mainly because he is a competent martial artist - though i'm not sure its still sharp and trained recently. the throwing thing you mentioned is simply to protect yourself, from my own training i can tell you a comitted wristlock really hurts (or worse). in the end, i agree it's important to stay open minded and not narrow yourself out of reality
Us HEMA folk are more willing to be wrong because we probably just got out of a 3 hour discussion as to whether or not the apparent crotch bite in our treatise was actually a crotch bite, or just a trick of medieval artwork perspective. 2 1/2 of those hours being dedicated to the worlds most intense session of drawing straws for the preliminary match.
It would be nice to see the meat of your channel. Reviews are nice and all, but all they do is increase your content quantity. Everyone wants to see the journey, and these reviews are really a dime a dozen. No offense intended, but it has been a while since you uploaded anything about your training.
I used to be one of the " I'm a ninja!" guys. I thought that, because I was a yellow belt in Gadi Kenpojitsu, I was a ninja. I mean, I was nine or ten at the time, but still.
I think the thing about those japanese martial arts people(not all of them, of course) is that since most of us are westerners, anything from Japan is exotic, and people tend to have some kind of "exotic is better" mindset. For example, in works of fiction, one is almost certain to find "that eastern kung fu guy", who will be extremely skilled at combat, and will most certainly utilize some sort of acrobatic and/or flashy combat style, armed or unarmed. And so when these people get to learn a Japanese martial art, due to influences caused by various media, they believe it to be this all powerful-mystical-unbeatable shit.
I don't know, I think it is the mind set that comes with that fighting culture. I did Kung Fu for a little while and in one of the lessons I dared to ask the trainer a question about why this and why not that... and was shot down extremely hard from the trainer "stop questioning, start training hard!". Then another student took me away, and scold me of as well for asking. "Just do as the trainer says, he knows best what is good for you to do".... And this mindset of devoting subordination of the oh-so-supreme teacher who knows everything better and just pushes you along the way without you ever daring to ask questions yourself is fundamentally entangled in that mind set. And thats when I learned this is nothing for me.
George Lionon Well, nobody knows "kung fu". Kung fu as a martial art does not exist, so if somebody teaches "kung fu" instead of a specific martial art, they're most likely a fraud. Masters of eastern martial arts do not necessarily despise questions as well. Any good teacher or master of their art knows that students are supposed to ask questions. From what you described, that was probably more of a scammer than anything.
I know there are many many different styles of "kung fu". That one was "Shaplin" Anyway that was the major training "temple" in my city. Yeah I didn't like it. I honestly think it parts of these traditions of teacher supremacy you're taught NOT to be inquisitive. And thats my idea why people on japanese martial arts are also so set on there only be one true truth... Another girl I talked with learned some other school, I forgot what that variant was called, that seemed more appealing to me, while Shaolin is most tradition focused to do it exactly the same way, the old masters did, that one focused on new developments. Anyway, never got do that, and now I don't even remember the name. But seems more adaped to the western style inquisitive notion..
Yeah, I do apologize for being somewhat of the first category. I'm kind of a pedant, but I try to limit my criticisms to things that are at least somewhat important. I do annoy alot of people (more IRL than online), but I've made my peace with that. Although, I am actually subscribed to KnightSquire, so I guess that makes it less bad?
It really comes down to the practitioner really. There are people who study traditional eastern martial arts who get their asses handed to them in a real fight because they are so used to rules of competing. But at the same time, you have people who also study traditional eastern martial arts but for fighting, not competing. People that learn from teachers that are experienced FIGHTERS not COMPETANTS (not sure if that's a real word, English is not my first language). Those kinds of people really are fighting machines. And will beat most threats that are lurking on the city streets. A good rule of thumb: If your teacher (sensei, sifu, etc.) goes on and on about spiritualism and the philosophy behind a technique, find a different club. If they or the techniques they teach are over theatrical, find a different club. tl;dr: If you practice traditional martial arts for sport, you are most likely a shit fighter. If you practice for real fighting situations, you may be a good fighter with time.
I've had similar experiences with some people that study japanese arts. Particularly with koryu stuff. (really old martial arts used for legit war in Japan) It's.....odd. By all means, respect to the arts and the history. I get there are reasons why things were the way they were. There's just a lot of....I don't know how quite to articulate it. Being overly defensive of their art? Excuses? Foolhardiness? Blindness? Sometimes arrogance? For some people, it doesn't seem to be about discussion. Just that you know they're right and you're wrong. Lots of pissing matches with those people.
To be honest about aikido, I always practiced with a mind set that I will never give willingly, I will not fall because I have to fall for the practice, I fall when the technique is properly executed. It took the teacher a few tries before he had the right power and speed before being able to top me. He was too used to people just falling out of "respect". It isn't that the techniques are useless per se. It is just that all this "respectful" practicing makes it look completely fake.
"I hope you feel awful!" Nope; I feel great. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a strong dislike for these kinds of people in my martial arts classes. :P
SlenpaiwasHere The title "King of the Jungle" is not a universally accepted title, do I don think the elephant accepts the lion as the king. I know this is probably a joke, but I am that nit-picky asshole who likes to correct people. Also because I am short, and it sucks when people tell me size doesn't matter. So with that out of the way, I have to say, I have yet to see a single lion kill an elephant.
As the saying goes, it is better to find something that suits yourself than finding ways to suit the thing. Just as a salad is nice only if you mix it well.
_actually i think you'll find_ that it *is* possible to become a knight. And this is pretty cool. Let me explain: If you are granted the privilege of becoming a Knight in the Order of the Golden Spur, which is a vatican papal knight order, you are allowed to enter any roman catholic church brandishing a sword, or riding a horse. I'm dutch, and while it's not typically legal to carry swords here, you *can* carry swords if you are in uniform, for instance, when you're in a knight's order. Which should mean that as long as i wear my insignia, i could *be* a knight, with a sword, in real life. Imagine being a young boy, seeing a knight like me, and saying to your mum *i wanna be a knight some day too mommy!*. She think's it's impossible. But the young boy and i.. we know better. what was i talking about again?
well, sword fighting could still be relevant today, in extreme and unlikely situations, of course, but it can happen! maybe you are attacked at home by burglairs and you grab your sword for self defense, or maybe it-s in the streets, you-re coming home from a HEMA practice session and manage to get the sword out of the bag quick enough to use it...
...and here I am, doing HEMA because I really want to emulate being a Knight inside my own mind, at the least. Well, I guess I can be satisfied with knowing I accomplish that enough that others take note, and that my fencing level is just high enough that I can back up philosophy and ethics with martial artistry to match? >_>
You dissproved yourself with the very first statement. If you don't care, then why do you include it in a video about people that annoy you? if you are annoyed, you do care. I dont think these people nessecarely come here just to correct you, but that tehy watch similar chanels to yours, thus yours being reccomended every now and then and they just didnt chose to subscribe to you for whatever reason. if you then say something that, to them, seems flawed, it is well within their rights to express saied thoughts. Typing this has taken me about a minute and no googling involved, so ill still have planty of time to enjoy whatever it is im enjoying for the rest of the day too.
Does anyone else think his hair would be Jon Snow's if it were black?
7 ปีที่แล้ว
Although i do agree that many from japanese systems refuse to be wrong (and im sure practitioners from other systems as well), there is a trend in HEMA that is slightly the same. it is the infatuation with what you do as better, more true or realistic or correct than others. That european swordplay and swords are somehow all superior or that all other traditional systems are somehow locked in their ways and not open. Not that everyone from HEMA is, i have good friends from HEMA and i to a cetain degree do it myself, but i find HEMA to be just as plagued by martial coultural bias as any other Group of systems.
Ackshually, you will find that this Mario in the background will totally drop off. Edit: Fireflowersh ackshually come out of brown bockshesh. After a hit on a Queshunmark bockshesh.
Thanks for giving me a depression and portion of self-hatred, now I'm just afraid to do anything, because wahtever I'll do will lead me to unwillingly "join" one of these groups of annoying people. I guess it's time to become a hermit with a 20-buck aluminium stick and deploy a tent in park (the 150 meters away from my house).
And also HEMA practitionners who always say "We learn how to kill ! HEMA is a true martial art !". I'm like "Oh really ? Let me call the police then lol." You learn martial arts but you understood anything from it didn't you ? You know "respect", "self-improvement", "having fun" or the fact that It's a hobby and you should just enjoy it and share your passion instead of pissing people around you who like something else. You know... being positive. And HEMA practitionners who are convinced that "Sparring is life ! Your martial art is shit if you don't spar !". Well but breaking news: Sparring is not a real fight. And most of HEMA guys are always complaining most of the time about the points system anyway while normal people in the same team (aka not whining nerds) just want to train more and learn how to improve their style. There is no such thing like "The best martial art that beat everything". Do what you want and keep training everyday. That's all. No secret. And if you want to talk to practionners of other martial art than yours, it's great ! But try to learn from them. And they'll learn from you as well. It can be training method, training phillosophy, tips to maintain your equipement, or even some techniques. A lot of HEMA teachers learned kenjutsu and other fencing styles all over the world before teaching HEMA. So please... Stop being nerds, or at least be the cool ones !
I see a lot of the wannabes/think-they're-viking in the swiss Hema scene. We're pudgy dudes who meet up on the weekend to swing swords at each other amateurishly. How does that have anything to do with what knights actually did? I'm not a knight, I'm not a warrior. I'm an amateur duelist and swordsman and I can take pride in that, because it turns this skinny 20 year old who cries when he's under stress and give him confidence in himself and his body. Hema is the best thing that ever happened to me. Really got off topic, but I wanted to share that.
Ha! I'm not deluded enough to think I'm a ninja because I watch a little ninjutsu on tv and have a katana and a few shurikens I bought online. No... I'm a ninja because I fold my fingers into weird shapes and shout the name of my techniques before I do them!
3 Statements that while you can ignore you should address ?! 1 - If am not mistaken Steven Seagal While is training world class MMA fighters Why do you think is that ? While am not proclaiming that what we see on the video is 100% true and can't be faked , I do say that if that 400 Lb man wants to throw you on the floor he will regardless of the fact that he is a martial artist. And farther more he is 7 th dan ( if this how it's written like that as i am not a native speaker ) This man can wield techniques from aikido and use them as an effective fighting tool. Also ikido is not BS and if you think that you probably should read up more on the subject than you have. .... I will finish it later.
4:21 amen. Steven seagal is a joke to me. and yes critism is important for development (that's why safe spaces are a joke *cough*) I prefer Combat Boxing (kickboxing styles in general) and grappling (almost any discipline except for Aikido. I'd rather study Aikijitsu or Hapkido. ) over Ki masters.
Those people you mentioned, that you see more in Japanese martial arts. Well we find them annoying in Japanese martial arts too ;) So that's not the point I guess. Probably because it’s from a far mysterious country. it's exotic and people tend to think that way. Plus, you have the same people the other way around, that seem to always just trash Japanese martial arts even when they don't know what they are talking about. Being over loyal to your own believes is a problem you see everywhere.
Actually, in reality and in real life, Japanese martial arts isn't the only one who thinks they're way is the right way. There's Fukyu! The Scottish martial art. If it isn't Scottish, it's crap! The style is Mostly head butting and kicking people on the ground.
lol I know it doesn't help but, if you want to be a Knight then why don't you join a historical recreational society; like the Society Creative Anachronism? :P (I'm one of those people who like to keep history alive, and who likes the Martial Art of Fencing in general, I'm joking of course)
haha itd be funny if steven seagal ever went up against a real aikido master though cause there is some truth to it when practiced properly. its based around the throwing and grappling techniques of the samurai with a sword in hand and modern adaptations for self defense invented in the 19th or 20th century. its based off ju jutsu if memory serves and some judo as well which is also based of ju jutsu. it can be decent against unskilled rushing attacks though it requires strength put into it its not effortless like many try to make it seem. also as much as i like japanese and european martial arts i dont ever dream of becoming a samurai or knight, though i hope through lots of practice i can get somewhat close of a representation of their sword and weapons skills, though they practiced this every day from young ages fairly often, but i feel like attaining a reasonable level of skill compared to historical levels is possible. also even historically there was a variance in skill levels.
I totally agree, especially on that last part. I can't stand people who say "Size doesn't matter", especially when it comes to height. Yes, size matters. I spent my whole life getting this tall. So stop making excuses and step your game up. If you can't stack at least an inch per year to your height, you're simply not trying!
Xaro Xhoan Daxos me too!
yah god damn it! I've suffered too much to not to have my size mattering! those pizzas didn't eat themselves!
+Xaro Xhoan Daxos my bones don't age as fast as my body does so as a result I am shorter than I should be. I make up for this by working out for an hour a day so I can keep up with taller people
heavyweight champions are heavyweight champions for reason why because size does matter in a fight but more than size is the person in the fight and the muscle and the speed I have seen Short guys knockout really big and tall fellas. so yes while size does matter it's not the only thing that will cause a victory Bruce Lee is a good example of this the dude was was very small but pound-for-pound he was like a brick outhouse. a bullwhip can break a brick and so can a sledgehammer what would you rather be hit with something that can hit you hard and fast and a thousand times or something they can just hit you once every so often. bigger people usually have bigger bones and more muscle not always. in a fight compact tight flexible fast muscles are bigger than larger muscles. when I was at my best I was 217 pounds I had a 32-inch waist and I was 5-10 and could bench 400 lb at my biggest I weigh 280 lb with about a 45 46 inch waist and could only bench about 300. when I was smaller I was actually stronger than when I was bigger.
Hey, about the "skill over fitness" thing. I recently started doing some British military sabre and, being a fat fuck that I am, I quickly found out how out of shape I actually am. Longsword is really forgiving when it comes to physical attributes, thanks to passing footwork and being able to use two hands. However, lunging and recovering is a bitch on the knees and really favors being light and agile, swinging a 1kg sword with a single hand, especially doing wrist cuts, requires powerful forearms and good form if you want to produce a good cut. So yeah, give these guys a one handed sword, see what they think.
Ranziel1 A little help. LOSE WEIGHT
Thanks for the suggestion.
The first way to improve is to recognize the need. You posted this comment 4 months ago now. I wonder how you are right now. I hope you improved yourself.
I am fortunate to have a very fast metabolism and even so I feel out of shape so fast when sparring with my friends. I lose my breath so easily...
"You can't be Jon Snow, but you can be fucking awesome." Amen, dude.
Actually, I find that everything included in this video to be 100% correct and factual. Though, I limited my google search to pictures of Deborah Ann Woll and doughnut recipes.
I just googled her, she's cute... she looks better as a redhead than a blonde. :)
Nothing wrong with window shopping every now and again is there?
Such a lovely looking woman ! Will make sure to watch her work in movies and series and "honor" her one day. :)
Solid Rollin this guy has no martial art mind....
Solid Rollin complete fucking hypocrit this git... Lusten well to his moaning... Ado crap
I'd add the MMA nerds to that list. "This would never work in a cage!" The scourge of every martial art video or discussion.
Good video mate. I fully agree. We can never be samurai, but no hurt in being as good as a samurai! You may not be James Bond but if you can be like him, cool!
"I like being wrong" - rather liberating, I find.
2:02 am i the only one that thought he would say john cena?
and he's name is...
John... :D
Snow :(
I agree wholeheartedly, especially with point #2. Too many people in HEMA or SCA or dare I say LARP, acquire minimal knowledge of a subject and have an inflated idea about who they are in the context of some nostalgic fictional notion of history. I am not a knight of the medieval period and no one is. Doesn't matter if someone has been dubbed a knight by the Church, the Queen, a fraternal organization or some LARPing group. Being an honorary knight today is meaningless to everyone except for the person with the big ego. However, I do see value in emulating the nostalgic imagery of knighthood by cultivating modern conceptions of chivalry and subsequently volunteering to help good causes like feeding the poor. Its also a great thing to use the image of knighthood and chivalry to reach out to children who haven't the sense to live rightly and have no positive role models in their lives. In a modern sense, this would make for a knight of current times but this is a far cry from believing you are going to go out in a suit of armor and fight to the death against barbarians and dragons.
I love all your content man. I'll love the bragging rights of being one of the first 10k subs when you get the millions you deserve. funny guy, keep it up lad.
Part of my list is people who've been taking empty handed martial art classes for a few years and think they know everything about swords after that one day their teacher brought some in. Good videos, my dude.
I could summarize your video with a saying at the school where I train: "The fool strives to correct the others. The student strives to correct himself, which the master also does. The difference between master and student lies in the fact that the master failed more times than the student even tried."
There's one way you could be Jon Snow: dye your hair and beard black XD
The Wolf Pack XD
I originally got into weapon based martial arts just so I could be competitive at LARP games. It is genuinely surprising how many people try to do spinny anime bullshit at those events, I almost didn't even need to go through the effort.
Also Steven Seagal is a fucking hack, the only thing he knows how to throw is cheeseburgers into his gaping gullet.
Carrots too!
I knew who a guy who liked steven seagal. just as much of a fucking arrogant douche. lol
I wonder if spinning shit could be useful if you practicw them enough... I mean, in hand to hand martial arts its pretty efective because when done right, it adds to the impact and makes it harder to guess where the hit is going to land... I mean, just look at mma, spinning fist, spinning elbows, spinning kicks, etc... Ive ended more fights with spinning kicks to the head than with punches, and ive fought more times that i would care to count (third world country)
And i know that hitting with the edge is more important than hitting hard, but if someone practiced enough... Wouldnt it be usefull at least once in a while?
I eont have much experience with swords, but with sticks i know it works just fine... Thrusting isnt as efective with sticks tho...
shit. I'm the annoying comment guy. I need to reexamine my life.
Nope, not you. :D
Ya, you could call out a name, I also wondered, is it me?
I'm often a smartass, but no so much on this channel, since I know shit about HEMA, I just enjoy watching some videos about it.
lol I think I've been all of these things in my time. Taken a long, long time to get a grip, been in martial arts over 20 years and still bought into some of that shit until recently. I think starting HEMA has opened my eyes to a lot of stuff regarding the importance of fitness and pressure testing. It's too easy in karate (for example) to be able to do a kata and spar and have good technique to think that when the shit hits the fan you'll do ok. Getting twatted by a longsword over and over makes it harder to deny that I suck lol
I have a weird fixation on saying gorget and sallet like the dictionary states with the t at the end. Why it drives me crazy when people say gorjay or sallay I don't know other than it seems really weird like a native speaker saying canigghet for knight or canife for knife or hug-hes for hughes.
Those who say: "practicing any martial art wont give you anything"
Glad to see I didnt make this list. I don't know if its Japanese martial arts in general. I think its just people. You find it in every group. its the human mind. I'm always talking about this in my videos as well. I got this one guy that argues with me about refining your character and being better in martial arts. nice 'rant'.
No, you're right, it's in every group. Perhaps the reason it seems more common in Japanese martial arts comes from people believing what they do is somehow connected to something magical... techniques sent to the masters mind whilst meditating upon a mountain top kinda stuff. XD
yes. i have more to say on this topic as well.
The thing that I find REALLY annoying is training partners who micro manage MY technique. I'm all for people noticing something I'm doing wrong consistently and and offering a suggestion for improvement, but when people start picking apart every tiny bit of my tecnique the first f*cking time they or I have ever done it and every time after that it really winds me up.
Oh and training partners who don't wash themselves or their training clothing. By training with you I'm inviting you into my personal space; to show up stinking to high heaven is just rude.
Lastly is fairly new to the martial arts people who get told a way to do a technique and then parrot that information back to everyone they can find like they have a full nuanced understanding of its exact mechanics and that any variation you might try on that is wrong.
Your last point about those people who say that being physical isn’t important is in my opinion somewhat incorrect. You never really mention if they are straight up not doing any physical things while claiming to be martial artists and if that is your point I can completely agree. But for those who just like the academic side which I admit I can sometimes do, we just like to stuffy the history and the mechanics and the intricacies of the system and the form but not actually doing it. If the academic side was my only goal I would never say I am a martial artist. But hey great video mate!
Wait, I need to train even harder and learn even more? *I thought Jon Snow knows nothing.*
What was the backing track in this vid, also i agree. I've seen people say professionals are wrong.
Dude, honestly I found your video's not worth to subscribe to until this moment. But this video kinda hit me hard and I COMPLETELY AGREE. so congratz, the awesome (whatever name I filled in for my youtube account) who you never cared about and probably never, will subscribed to your youtube account. Now I gotta go fitness
I joined armed martial arts because it's what I love
I joined unarmed Martial arts to defend myself
DONT YOU DARE SLAG OFF "EL GULL OF STEVEN!" - his wrist twists are legendary and send large men flying!
I'm slightly confused at the point you were trying to make with that last one. Did you mean general physical fitness or did you mean they pick and choose what they want to learn?
Can you do a historical swordsman thing for Assassin's Creed, like what you did in For Honor?
I became a black belt and got my butt kicked I started working out as a black belt and got into really super good shape and in my mind I was indestructible. usually when you're working towards a belt if you're in a good school you will get in good physical shape for me that didn't happen until I took up boxing.
I paused the video before it even started playing and your face looks like you accidentally sat on the pointy end of the sword.
I completely agree with your points on Aikido. I used to train in it and the masters were kinda... weird. They want you to study the martial art, but don't want you reading books about it. But you should totally check out sensei's book he just published.
Also, they don't want to teach you how to strike, but they expect you to know how to strike. because it's a purely defensive martial art, so they don't teach attacks, just how to defend against them. But you damned well better aim true! Every technique depends on a genuine attack that they're not going to teach you to work!
One attack they do allot is called shomen-uchi (which they expect you to learn on your own), and it's complete bollocks. It's basically a karate chop to the forehead. How on earth is attack using the weakest part of the hand against the strongest bone in the body effective in any way? Name one person in history that has ever attacked someone else using this strike and wasn't fucking around.
Not to mention the outright delusional attitude that I found in just about every master. Hard to describe but they speak like "I'm an unstoppable tank, I'm the best! Please give me an excuse to prove it!"
And the religious connotations... "We don't worship the founder!" "Aikido is not a religion!" Then explain to me why we have to bow to a portrait of O'sensei 4 times before and then 4 times again after training?
Oh and absolutely no advice on the legality of using the martial art to defend yourself. Not even a pamphlet. If you're going to advertise self defense, you damned well better know the laws involved in its use or you're just irresponsible. If you want a way to defend yourself, buy a taser or a gun. At least the people who sell you those things won't fuck you around for 10 years on promise that it 'might' work some day.
Sorry that turned into a rant.
A lot of Japanese martial arts are a joke these days. Like you have to pray to god you find a rational pragmatic teacher, that just teaches you the actually useful techniques and even does some experimenting on them.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think Aikido is bullshit. I train in it as part of whole curriculum called Budo, which includes Karate, Taekwondo, and Judo. Honestly, if you study these forms of martial art singularly, you're going to encounter a bias. However, if done right, you can utilize some of the techniques learned in Aikido for practical situations. I find the joint manipulations and redirection of weight distribution of your opponents body to be quite effective. How do I know this? I've felt and done these techniques before, giving my teacher resistance, but also working with them in order not to hurt them and myself.
My main point is this. Don't religiously study a single style of martial arts. You're gonna get fucked up in real life.
Rokiriko I took ju jitsu once not Brazilian ju jitsu although I have done that and it’s quite good and it sucked, there was more effort put in to pass unrealistic gradings rather than actual sparring, if the coupled sparring with techniques I can get behind that that’s why I do HEMA now
I'm curious mate, what style do you study? from memory i think you said German longsword
The "My martial arts is the best!" is so freaking annoying. I had this huge discussion with a guy who just started Krav Mega for example that he never wanted to end up on the floor with an attacker who had a knife. To which he just said he would learn how to get out of it. It takes one second or less to stab someone. Urgh... I better not start... Also not disputing disarming techniques, just that you wouldn't want to be on the ground with a guy who have a knife under pretty much any circumstance.
i have to admit i agree with most points you made - except seagul's aikido that is: yes he became kind of a dick in his later years but his aikido is actually really potent as he started his acting career mainly because he is a competent martial artist - though i'm not sure its still sharp and trained recently. the throwing thing you mentioned is simply to protect yourself, from my own training i can tell you a comitted wristlock really hurts (or worse). in the end, i agree it's important to stay open minded and not narrow yourself out of reality
what you Ken do? :v
by the way now that you escaped, who was it that kidnapped you, Ninja Eugene or Brian Danna?
Us HEMA folk are more willing to be wrong because we probably just got out of a 3 hour discussion as to whether or not the apparent crotch bite in our treatise was actually a crotch bite, or just a trick of medieval artwork perspective. 2 1/2 of those hours being dedicated to the worlds most intense session of drawing straws for the preliminary match.
Why don't you post much vids from your club? WE WANT ACTION!
They're coming... I promise. :D
KnightSquire I keep forgetting that you only have 20k subs. Your video quality has really gone up.
KnightSquire that's what she said.
It would be nice to see the meat of your channel. Reviews are nice and all, but all they do is increase your content quantity. Everyone wants to see the journey, and these reviews are really a dime a dozen. No offense intended, but it has been a while since you uploaded anything about your training.
@@KnightSquire and now is the time to fulfill it.
I used to be one of the " I'm a ninja!" guys. I thought that, because I was a yellow belt in Gadi Kenpojitsu, I was a ninja. I mean, I was nine or ten at the time, but still.
I think the thing about those japanese martial arts people(not all of them, of course) is that since most of us are westerners, anything from Japan is exotic, and people tend to have some kind of "exotic is better" mindset. For example, in works of fiction, one is almost certain to find "that eastern kung fu guy", who will be extremely skilled at combat, and will most certainly utilize some sort of acrobatic and/or flashy combat style, armed or unarmed.
And so when these people get to learn a Japanese martial art, due to influences caused by various media, they believe it to be this all powerful-mystical-unbeatable shit.
I don't know, I think it is the mind set that comes with that fighting culture. I did Kung Fu for a little while and in one of the lessons I dared to ask the trainer a question about why this and why not that... and was shot down extremely hard from the trainer "stop questioning, start training hard!". Then another student took me away, and scold me of as well for asking. "Just do as the trainer says, he knows best what is good for you to do"....
And this mindset of devoting subordination of the oh-so-supreme teacher who knows everything better and just pushes you along the way without you ever daring to ask questions yourself is fundamentally entangled in that mind set.
And thats when I learned this is nothing for me.
George Lionon Well, nobody knows "kung fu". Kung fu as a martial art does not exist, so if somebody teaches "kung fu" instead of a specific martial art, they're most likely a fraud. Masters of eastern martial arts do not necessarily despise questions as well. Any good teacher or master of their art knows that students are supposed to ask questions.
From what you described, that was probably more of a scammer than anything.
I know there are many many different styles of "kung fu". That one was "Shaplin" Anyway that was the major training "temple" in my city. Yeah I didn't like it. I honestly think it parts of these traditions of teacher supremacy you're taught NOT to be inquisitive. And thats my idea why people on japanese martial arts are also so set on there only be one true truth...
Another girl I talked with learned some other school, I forgot what that variant was called, that seemed more appealing to me, while Shaolin is most tradition focused to do it exactly the same way, the old masters did, that one focused on new developments. Anyway, never got do that, and now I don't even remember the name. But seems more adaped to the western style inquisitive notion..
Yeah, I do apologize for being somewhat of the first category. I'm kind of a pedant, but I try to limit my criticisms to things that are at least somewhat important. I do annoy alot of people (more IRL than online), but I've made my peace with that. Although, I am actually subscribed to KnightSquire, so I guess that makes it less bad?
I did't really recognize myself as any of these kinds of people that you described in the video, so I guess that's a positive thing :D
It really comes down to the practitioner really. There are people who study traditional eastern martial arts who get their asses handed to them in a real fight because they are so used to rules of competing. But at the same time, you have people who also study traditional eastern martial arts but for fighting, not competing. People that learn from teachers that are experienced FIGHTERS not COMPETANTS (not sure if that's a real word, English is not my first language). Those kinds of people really are fighting machines. And will beat most threats that are lurking on the city streets.
A good rule of thumb: If your teacher (sensei, sifu, etc.) goes on and on about spiritualism and the philosophy behind a technique, find a different club. If they or the techniques they teach are over theatrical, find a different club.
tl;dr: If you practice traditional martial arts for sport, you are most likely a shit fighter. If you practice for real fighting situations, you may be a good fighter with time.
Holy sh*t. Wish NinjaEugene's reaction/rage video incoming soon. Great potential ;)
I've had similar experiences with some people that study japanese arts. Particularly with koryu stuff. (really old martial arts used for legit war in Japan) It's.....odd. By all means, respect to the arts and the history. I get there are reasons why things were the way they were. There's just a lot of....I don't know how quite to articulate it. Being overly defensive of their art? Excuses? Foolhardiness? Blindness? Sometimes arrogance?
For some people, it doesn't seem to be about discussion. Just that you know they're right and you're wrong. Lots of pissing matches with those people.
To be honest about aikido, I always practiced with a mind set that I will never give willingly, I will not fall because I have to fall for the practice, I fall when the technique is properly executed.
It took the teacher a few tries before he had the right power and speed before being able to top me. He was too used to people just falling out of "respect".
It isn't that the techniques are useless per se. It is just that all this "respectful" practicing makes it look completely fake.
Ey knight squire, don't be sad that you 're not Jon Snow. We all love you as the Euron Greyjoy you are
"I hope you feel awful!"
Nope; I feel great. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a strong dislike for these kinds of people in my martial arts classes. :P
This is what i'm going to say about the Size doesn't matter thing. If size mattered the Elephant would be the King of the jungle.
SlenpaiwasHere The title "King of the Jungle" is not a universally accepted title, do I don think the elephant accepts the lion as the king.
I know this is probably a joke, but I am that nit-picky asshole who likes to correct people. Also because I am short, and it sucks when people tell me size doesn't matter. So with that out of the way, I have to say, I have yet to see a single lion kill an elephant.
I'm 5'9 and I don't see how the "size doesn't matter" bothers you. Can you be more precise about your nit-pick?
any opinion on people who practice chinese martial arts?
First view!
Really like your vids. keep up the good work!
I was party of the last group for most of my young teenage years but then I did proper sparing and got my ass beat
Good times
As the saying goes, it is better to find something that suits yourself than finding ways to suit the thing. Just as a salad is nice only if you mix it well.
_actually i think you'll find_ that it *is* possible to become a knight. And this is pretty cool.
Let me explain: If you are granted the privilege of becoming a Knight in the Order of the Golden Spur, which is a vatican papal knight order, you are allowed to enter any roman catholic church brandishing a sword, or riding a horse. I'm dutch, and while it's not typically legal to carry swords here, you *can* carry swords if you are in uniform, for instance, when you're in a knight's order. Which should mean that as long as i wear my insignia, i could *be* a knight, with a sword, in real life.
Imagine being a young boy, seeing a knight like me, and saying to your mum *i wanna be a knight some day too mommy!*. She think's it's impossible. But the young boy and i.. we know better.
what was i talking about again?
well, sword fighting could still be relevant today, in extreme and unlikely situations, of course, but it can happen! maybe you are attacked at home by burglairs and you grab your sword for self defense, or maybe it-s in the streets, you-re coming home from a HEMA practice session and manage to get the sword out of the bag quick enough to use it...
...and here I am, doing HEMA because I really want to emulate being a Knight inside my own mind, at the least.
Well, I guess I can be satisfied with knowing I accomplish that enough that others take note, and that my fencing level is just high enough that I can back up philosophy and ethics with martial artistry to match? >_>
You dislike constructive criticism?
You dissproved yourself with the very first statement. If you don't care, then why do you include it in a video about people that annoy you? if you are annoyed, you do care.
I dont think these people nessecarely come here just to correct you, but that tehy watch similar chanels to yours, thus yours being reccomended every now and then and they just didnt chose to subscribe to you for whatever reason. if you then say something that, to them, seems flawed, it is well within their rights to express saied thoughts.
Typing this has taken me about a minute and no googling involved, so ill still have planty of time to enjoy whatever it is im enjoying for the rest of the day too.
don't correct a fool. they will resent you. correct a wise man and he will appreciate you for years.
Does anyone else think his hair would be Jon Snow's if it were black?
Although i do agree that many from japanese systems refuse to be wrong (and im sure practitioners from other systems as well), there is a trend in HEMA that is slightly the same. it is the infatuation with what you do as better, more true or realistic or correct than others. That european swordplay and swords are somehow all superior or that all other traditional systems are somehow locked in their ways and not open. Not that everyone from HEMA is, i have good friends from HEMA and i to a cetain degree do it myself, but i find HEMA to be just as plagued by martial coultural bias as any other Group of systems.
Ackshually, you will find that this Mario in the background will totally drop off.
Edit: Fireflowersh ackshually come out of brown bockshesh. After a hit on a Queshunmark bockshesh.
Idk. Steven seagal taught Anderson Silva to kick a guy in the face
Actually I think you'll find... why are you so concerned about being corrected, do you prefer to be wrong?
2:46 Man, I thought you WERE a Viking!
Something most of the swordspeople on TV also have in common: great hair.
The hair is flowing, the gem is glowing.
Thanks for giving me a depression and portion of self-hatred, now I'm just afraid to do anything, because wahtever I'll do will lead me to unwillingly "join" one of these groups of annoying people. I guess it's time to become a hermit with a 20-buck aluminium stick and deploy a tent in park (the 150 meters away from my house).
Dont fucking talk about seagull, he's a fucking national treasure
Comments, are coming
And also HEMA practitionners who always say "We learn how to kill ! HEMA is a true martial art !". I'm like "Oh really ? Let me call the police then lol." You learn martial arts but you understood anything from it didn't you ? You know "respect", "self-improvement", "having fun" or the fact that It's a hobby and you should just enjoy it and share your passion instead of pissing people around you who like something else. You know... being positive.
And HEMA practitionners who are convinced that "Sparring is life ! Your martial art is shit if you don't spar !". Well but breaking news: Sparring is not a real fight. And most of HEMA guys are always complaining most of the time about the points system anyway while normal people in the same team (aka not whining nerds) just want to train more and learn how to improve their style.
There is no such thing like "The best martial art that beat everything". Do what you want and keep training everyday. That's all. No secret. And if you want to talk to practionners of other martial art than yours, it's great ! But try to learn from them. And they'll learn from you as well. It can be training method, training phillosophy, tips to maintain your equipement, or even some techniques. A lot of HEMA teachers learned kenjutsu and other fencing styles all over the world before teaching HEMA. So please... Stop being nerds, or at least be the cool ones !
actuaaallly being severly overweight can help in martial arts like sumo fighting
Ya, but also know that the sumo fighters have an incredible amount of muscle as well. its not just fat.
Wait, do you say that Aikido is shit?
I'm surprised Brian Danner didn't make it
heh, I'm totally that comment correcting guy. But I always try to be nice and informative about it :P
I see a lot of the wannabes/think-they're-viking in the swiss Hema scene.
We're pudgy dudes who meet up on the weekend to swing swords at each other amateurishly. How does that have anything to do with what knights actually did?
I'm not a knight, I'm not a warrior. I'm an amateur duelist and swordsman and I can take pride in that, because it turns this skinny 20 year old who cries when he's under stress and give him confidence in himself and his body.
Hema is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Really got off topic, but I wanted to share that.
YOU"RE WRONG!!! I haven't figured out yet what that is but... YOU'RE WRONG!!!
actually I read books, google search is for beginners.
I want to be Ben Affleck in batman therefore I am.
Ha! I'm not deluded enough to think I'm a ninja because I watch a little ninjutsu on tv and have a katana and a few shurikens I bought online.
No... I'm a ninja because I fold my fingers into weird shapes and shout the name of my techniques before I do them!
Hears first one: 8o ... gonna need a sallet ...
1# is one creepy guy.
maybe you should tell these kinds of people they are wrong instead of makeing a video and telling that to us
3 Statements that while you can ignore you should address ?!
1 - If am not mistaken Steven Seagal While is training world class MMA fighters Why do you think is that ? While am not proclaiming that what we see on the video is 100% true and can't be faked , I do say that if that 400 Lb man wants to throw you on the floor he will regardless of the fact that he is a martial artist. And farther more he is 7 th dan ( if this how it's written like that as i am not a native speaker ) This man can wield techniques from aikido and use them as an effective fighting tool. Also ikido is not BS and if you think that you probably should read up more on the subject than you have.
.... I will finish it later.
4:21 amen. Steven seagal is a joke to me. and yes critism is important for development (that's why safe spaces are a joke *cough*) I prefer Combat Boxing (kickboxing styles in general) and grappling (almost any discipline except for Aikido. I'd rather study Aikijitsu or Hapkido. ) over Ki masters.
BUT I AM A NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steven Seagull will never be Jet Li.
Sad truth but truth nonetheless.
3:11 well said, KnightSquire. Well said.
dont lie us! you are a ninja! NINJA EUGENE!! THE STRONGEST and FASTEST ninja in the world! and we all know you can tie your shoes with your teeth!
thank you for calling out Steven Seagal thank the beautiful creater
Thank you for the video thank you for your curly hair
Doesn't hurt to picture yourself being a bad ass when shadow boxing, no? :-D
gotta love british slang
Those people you mentioned, that you see more in Japanese martial arts. Well we find them annoying in Japanese martial arts too ;) So that's not the point I guess. Probably because it’s from a far mysterious country. it's exotic and people tend to think that way. Plus, you have the same people the other way around, that seem to always just trash Japanese martial arts even when they don't know what they are talking about. Being over loyal to your own believes is a problem you see everywhere.
Hey I do Aikido but I can still admit my faults
Actually, in reality and in real life, Japanese martial arts isn't the only one who thinks they're way is the right way. There's Fukyu! The Scottish martial art. If it isn't Scottish, it's crap! The style is Mostly head butting and kicking people on the ground.
actually, ...
He does kinda looks like a blonde, less serious Jon Snow
lol I know it doesn't help but, if you want to be a Knight then why don't you join a historical recreational society; like the Society Creative Anachronism? :P (I'm one of those people who like to keep history alive, and who likes the Martial Art of Fencing in general, I'm joking of course)
It's not like a real medieval knight but it's a title given to you for martial prowess... so ehh
Gave me motivation to train a bit :)
haha itd be funny if steven seagal ever went up against a real aikido master though cause there is some truth to it when practiced properly. its based around the throwing and grappling techniques of the samurai with a sword in hand and modern adaptations for self defense invented in the 19th or 20th century. its based off ju jutsu if memory serves and some judo as well which is also based of ju jutsu. it can be decent against unskilled rushing attacks though it requires strength put into it its not effortless like many try to make it seem.
also as much as i like japanese and european martial arts i dont ever dream of becoming a samurai or knight, though i hope through lots of practice i can get somewhat close of a representation of their sword and weapons skills, though they practiced this every day from young ages fairly often, but i feel like attaining a reasonable level of skill compared to historical levels is possible. also even historically there was a variance in skill levels.
Funny thing is he is a real Aikido master. He just got arrogant, fat and lazy. He was brutal back in the day.
Jacob Jexmark you know what i mean :P also if he hasnt maintained his skills im willing to bet hes rusty as fuck.