10. Really enjoyed this episode. 9. That face that Rainbow makes after hearing that Starlight's never heard of the Wonderbolts gets me everytime. 8. For some reason, that scene where Chrysalis refuses Starlight's offer reminds me of the ending to the Killing Joke. 7. I love Gabby. Her design is great and she is just so adorable I just want to hug her. 6. I loved this episode. Mostly because of who they picked to voice Quibble Pants.
Out of all youtubers, it feels like Dr. Wolf is a friend even when I know he's talking to billions. Thanks for being amazing, Doc. :3 Also, Saddle Row Review for first spot on your list. I hope I'm right. :D
So this was really difficult to narrow down but I think that I did a pretty good job, I was honestly surprised by some of the choices that I had made, but I think I'm pretty happy with my choices, I might end up changing a few of them but we'll see 10: Buckball Season: A episode that I was surprised by for how much I enjoyed. 9: Viva Las Pegasus: Another episode that I was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed it considering who the two mane characters are in the episode 8: The Saddle Row Review: I'm honestly surprised that this isn't in my top 5, it's definitely one of my favorite episodes overall for the humor alone. 7: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks 6: Stranger Than Fanfiction 5: Flutter Brutter: This is another of those that I was pretty surprised by, I could see Fluttershy's character development in this, and for that reason I love it. This episode is the one that made me change my views on Fluttershy. 4: A Hearth's Warming Tail 3: No Second Prances: Really enjoyed it but I think that Twilight's dislike of Trixie kind of ruined it a little bit. 2: Top Bolt: I really liked the characters and the lesson. 1: Gauntlet of Fire
I have high hopes that "A Hearth's Warming Tail", "Where The Apple Lies", and "The Times They Are A Changeling" are going to appear in the next part! (Or at least some of them, considering they were such great episodes)
My personal favorites were "Gauntlet of Fire", The Saddle Row Review", and my top pick was "Flutterbrudder"! At leaste ONE of them has gotta be in your top 5. :P
#10 - I'd actually place this higher on my list. #9 - Same goes for this. Though Twilight's grudge is a little bit...inconsistent? #8 - It was a satisfying ending. And yes, I do like the new changeling designs. #7 - Probably put this a couple places lower in my opinion. Still good. #6 - Not. Even. Close.
#10. - Same here, man. #9. - Honestly, considering what The Great & Powerful Trixie did in her first appearances so far, it'd be understandable if she had reservations about her in the first place. #8. - Seconded. #7. - I'd say a few places higher myself. #6. - Honestly, I figured it was enjoyable enough to be in the Top 10.
All really great episodes! STRANGER THAN FAN FICTION and NO SECOND PRANCES were definitely my two favorites of this batch. I loved seeing Trixie come back and become more than the occasional antagonist and become Starlight's friend, while I loved the almost satirical humor of FAN FICTION, having been to several anime cons and knowing how crazy we can all get at cons. I imagine that the next 5 are gonna be FLUTTER BRUTTER, DUNGEONS AND DISCORD, SADDLE ROW REVIEW, THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGELING, and PPOV, in no particular order!
Here's my list, but first a couple honerable mentions: Buckball Season, The Saddle Row Review, No Second Prances, Pony Point Of View, Newbie Dash (GoldenFox and Toonkriticy2k, please don't kill me), and Top Bolt Now on to my personal list: 10) The Gift Of Maud Pie [Maud Pie rocks. Nuff' said] 9) The Crystaling [Much like Princess Twilight Sparkle, this was an opener that settled down all the controversy from last season and I like that it's a slice-of-life style opener. Also, Suburst reminds me of myself way too much] 8) Gautlent Of Fire [As someone who didn't like Dragon Quest, this episode was a fantastic sequel with a ton of worldbuilding for Dragons. Also, Ember is probably one of my favorite new characters of this season] 7) Dunguens And Discords [It's a freaking Discord episode. No crap it's gonna be hilarious! Also, it's awesome to see an episode more catering to boys, which for a show targeted at girls is legitmatly nice] 6) The Times They Are A Changling [Despite the rushed ending, this is by far Spike at his best, a clever follow up to the easter egg from The Crystaling and we FINALLY have a Spike solo song]
10. Honestly, I think _that episode_ is more Top 5 worthy than anything else. Seriously, pretty much all the points you said here help explain why it was a great episode, but I do think it's the extra characters in Vapor Trail, Sky Stinger (and yes, I would ship them because they felt like they earned that idea for me), and even Angel Wings that help make push itself into the Top 5 alongside those things you said in the first place. 9. I'd put it a bit higher in the Top 10 myself, but it's certainly a worthy addition to my eyes! To me, though, it might be #7 right now, but regardless of where it's at, this episode does deserve to be in the Top 10 of Season 6. 8. Nice two-parter, but I'm not 100% sure if I'd put it in the Top 10. Don't get me wrong, it was a good way to end the season and all, but at the same time, I do think it might have been a bit better, especially in the first part. Still not a bad choice, though. 7. Honestly, this is another episode that's worthy of being in the Top 5 to my eyes, although exactly at #5. Seriously, Gabby was such a sweetie pie of a character that I can't help but enjoy, and it helps that both the conflict and the comedy was very interesting to the point where it left me wondering a bit as to what's going to happen next! Overall, I'd honestly love to see her return at some point in the future, and considering the positive reaction to her, I think the wait won't be _too long_ now. :) 6. For me, it'd probably be at #10 myself, if even that. I mean, it was definitely enjoyable to watch, but at the same time, I did feel as though Quibble Pants did get a bit too annoying at times. With that said, it definitely reflects fandoms to a T, and the fact that Rainbow Dash was very enjoyable to watch was a bonus as well, although not quite _as enjoyable_ as the Top Bolt was. Overall, not bad so far. You already got two of my Top 5 episodes on board, with another guaranteed Top 10 episode already on board and two potential Top 10 episodes in the mix as well. Now I have to wonder what the Top 5 here are going to be, and whether they involve the other three episodes I _really enjoyed_ this season or not.
10: Definitely a good episode; I really loved Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail's friendship and character development. 9: I'm still a bit hesitant towards this one. I loved the friendship between Starlight and Trixie, but Twilight's portrayal and the twist in the third act about Trixie using Starlight REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. 8: My pick for second-favorite two-parter, the first being "The Cutie Map/Cutie Markless". Makes me wonder what Chrysalis will plan next, while also reminding me a lot of Chrysalis' vendetta against Twilight from the IDW series. 7: I haven't seen a CMC episode like this since... well, "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Thank you! 6: My favorite episode from the first half of season 6. Patton Oswalt's performance was nothing short of funny.
awesome doc! BTW I had fun over at Comic Con in Louisiana I was dressed up as the Green Ranger then I got to meet my idol Steve Cardenas AKA Rocky the Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3
I can't do a top 10 list so I will put them in tears depending on how much I like them. From least to most 3. 28 Pranks Later, Flutter Brutter, The Gift of the Maud Pie, The Crystalling, Buckball Season, Stranger Than Fan Fiction. 2.The Saddle Row Review, A Hearth's Warming Tail, No Second Prances, To Where and Back Again 1. Dungeons and Discord, Gauntlet of fire
I watched Stranger Than Fan Fiction after I watched a few videos on some popular bronies' opinions on whether the show was better or worse after Lauren Faust left the production, and now I think that the episode might very well be a subtle nod to that particular situation/flame war, as it mentions Quibble liking the style of the first few books, and Rainbow preferring the style of the later books. the same way that some bronies like the first few seasons of the show over later ones
Season 6 is sorta like a combination of the strong story telling and character progression from Season 4, and the obvious fan service from Season 5. Its my second favorite season of MLP. My number 1 favorite being Season 4.
Nice doc! Mine would be... 10. Saddle Row Review 9. Stranger Than Fan fiction 8. Top Bolt 7. Hearts warming tail 6. Every Little Thing She Does 5. Flutter Brutter 4. The Fault In Our Cutie Marks 3. To Where and Back Again 2. No Second Prances 1. The Times They Are A Changeling
10. I wish I could like this more, but Sky Stinger just doesn't strike me as the kind of character who deserved his happy ending. 9. Probably could've been a little higher. 8. Honestly, the set-up was pretty clunky for me but the payoff easily made up for it. 7. While a bit inconsistent in regards to what the CMC would do now that they had their cutie marks in comparison to "On Your Marks", it was still an interesting conflict. 6. Probably could've been top five or even top three material. It's that good.
10. I do enjoy this one. It has a unique lesson and interesting new characters. 9. It's alright. Not one of my favorites but it was good to see Trixie again. 8. An awesome finale, even though I'm still not too fond of Starlight's redemption. 7. Honestly, I can't seem to decide between this one or Gauntlet of Fire as my number 1. 6. This is my number 11.
My top 10: 10- A Hearth's Warming Tail 9- Gauntlet of Fire 8- The Fault In Our Cutie Marks 7- To Where and Back Again 6- Stranger than Fan Fiction 5- Top Bolt 4- Dungeons & Discord 3- No Second Prances 2- The Saddle Row Review 1- Every Little Thing She Does Honorable Mentions: Spice Up Your Life, Buckball Season, On Your Marks
I felt that the first three that you mentioned could have been further down the list. I think I can agree why you would have trouble picking 10 since most of season 6 was pretty good.
All I have to say is that "The Fault in our Cutie Marks" at least in title was immediately recognizable to me as a refernece to John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. Never having read the book I don't know if the episode has anything to do with the book though.
I don't think either are going to take number 1, but I'm hoping Dungeons and Discord and especially the Saddle Row Review take a spot in the top 5. (Personally, I think the latter is one of my Top 5 overall - haven't laughed that hard in a long time).
I just noticed Twilight and Pinkie didn't even have one solo episode to themselves this season. Do the writers just not know what to do with them anymore?
I thought you said Twilight and Rarity. Twilight has helped her and Applejack with their friendship, but I don’t think any episodes were ever just the two of them.
I don't think No Second Prances would have made it to my top ten list. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't bad, the story was promising and seeing Trixie again was a definite plus. But it wasn't handled as well as it could have been. :/ I feel that the writers sacrificed Twilight's progression as a character just so that the story could work. She made mistakes that she shouldn't have made because she'd already taught or learnt that particular lesson. :| She was acting the same way as when she was Celestia's student, before she gained the confidence that came with her role as princess. For example, when Celestia and Luna went missing because the vines planted by Discord kidnapped them, Twilight remained calmed and composed and showed a lot of confidence in her and her friends' ability to handle the situation. And in No Second Prances, she was like Celestia's student again, worried about the tiniest thing. Twilight went back to how she was in Lesson Zero. She learnt in that episode that there's no point worrying about little things. And here she's doing exactly that. I know a dinner with Celestia isn't a little thing, especially to Twilight, but it's not a huge thing either. And Twilight knows Celestia better then to think that she would take it badly. And that's actually another thing. The way Celestia acted throughout the episode, the writers sacrificed Celestia's character for humor. Celestia looked like if she would have sent Twilight back to magic kindergarten. :/ I made a video about if anyone's doesn't feel like reading. XD
To Where and Back Again was much too low, it should have been in top 3.Hopefully Hearth's Warming Tail wins. I am afraid Saddle Row Review does, I just do not see what other people see in that episode.
I agree with everything but Fault in Our Cutie Marks. Don't get me wrong, I honestly see why people like it, but I was bored with it. I honestly don't know why, another viewing or two might help.
I think season 6 is boring, bland, rush, straight forward, poor writing and too much hype. Also, the premiere AND finale are super disappointing, Starlight still being the main element that ruined the season for me, Starlight is trying to be Sunset Shimmer but failed so badly...
10. Really enjoyed this episode.
9. That face that Rainbow makes after hearing that Starlight's never heard of the Wonderbolts gets me everytime.
8. For some reason, that scene where Chrysalis refuses Starlight's offer reminds me of the ending to the Killing Joke.
7. I love Gabby. Her design is great and she is just so adorable I just want to hug her.
6. I loved this episode. Mostly because of who they picked to voice Quibble Pants.
the season 6 ending was awesome.
and Stager then Fiction is on my #2 spot.
sorry about the spelling.
Have a Happy Thanks Giving DrWolf.
Out of all youtubers, it feels like Dr. Wolf is a friend even when I know he's talking to billions. Thanks for being amazing, Doc. :3 Also, Saddle Row Review for first spot on your list. I hope I'm right. :D
I do not think Dr Wolf's audience is quite in the billions yet lol.
sneakyfurret I feel the same way too
sneakyfurret true
I suppose that is true, but we aren't even counting the people who aren't sub to him. :x
Yeah but the number of views aren't usually over 100,00
So this was really difficult to narrow down but I think that I did a pretty good job, I was honestly surprised by some of the choices that I had made, but I think I'm pretty happy with my choices, I might end up changing a few of them but we'll see
10: Buckball Season: A episode that I was surprised by for how much I enjoyed.
9: Viva Las Pegasus: Another episode that I was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed it considering who the two mane characters are in the episode
8: The Saddle Row Review: I'm honestly surprised that this isn't in my top 5, it's definitely one of my favorite episodes overall for the humor alone.
7: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
6: Stranger Than Fanfiction
5: Flutter Brutter: This is another of those that I was pretty surprised by, I could see Fluttershy's character development in this, and for that reason I love it. This episode is the one that made me change my views on Fluttershy.
4: A Hearth's Warming Tail
3: No Second Prances: Really enjoyed it but I think that Twilight's dislike of Trixie kind of ruined it a little bit.
2: Top Bolt: I really liked the characters and the lesson.
1: Gauntlet of Fire
Season 6,9,8 and 5 are my fav seasons ever.
I have high hopes that "A Hearth's Warming Tail", "Where The Apple Lies", and "The Times They Are A Changeling" are going to appear in the next part! (Or at least some of them, considering they were such great episodes)
Death The Kid agreed
It won't be "where the apple lies." he thought that one was just decent.
Liking your list so far Doc, looking forward to part 2 ^^
My personal favorites were "Gauntlet of Fire", The Saddle Row Review", and my top pick was "Flutterbrudder"! At leaste ONE of them has gotta be in your top 5. :P
All three of them were in there, yes.
#10 - I'd actually place this higher on my list.
#9 - Same goes for this. Though Twilight's grudge is a little bit...inconsistent?
#8 - It was a satisfying ending. And yes, I do like the new changeling designs.
#7 - Probably put this a couple places lower in my opinion. Still good.
#6 - Not. Even. Close.
#10. - Same here, man.
#9. - Honestly, considering what The Great & Powerful Trixie did in her first appearances so far, it'd be understandable if she had reservations about her in the first place.
#8. - Seconded.
#7. - I'd say a few places higher myself.
#6. - Honestly, I figured it was enjoyable enough to be in the Top 10.
I know that Trixie wasn't the nicest pony back in the day, but why did Twilight still hold a grudge? I know Trixie's apology was rushed, but still?
Probably because she knew of her past and wasn't still fully trusting of her with Starlight Glimmer.
All really great episodes! STRANGER THAN FAN FICTION and NO SECOND PRANCES were definitely my two favorites of this batch. I loved seeing Trixie come back and become more than the occasional antagonist and become Starlight's friend, while I loved the almost satirical humor of FAN FICTION, having been to several anime cons and knowing how crazy we can all get at cons.
I imagine that the next 5 are gonna be FLUTTER BRUTTER, DUNGEONS AND DISCORD, SADDLE ROW REVIEW, THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGELING, and PPOV, in no particular order!
I would wager to guess that Dr. Wolf's favorite episode, is Dungeons and Discord.
Would not surprise me a bit. lol
I'm hopeing its ember
Close, but not quite.
Saddle Row Review was the best episode of season 6!
Here's my list, but first a couple honerable mentions:
Buckball Season, The Saddle Row Review, No Second Prances, Pony Point Of View, Newbie Dash (GoldenFox and Toonkriticy2k, please don't kill me), and Top Bolt
Now on to my personal list:
10) The Gift Of Maud Pie [Maud Pie rocks. Nuff' said]
9) The Crystaling [Much like Princess Twilight Sparkle, this was an opener that settled down all the controversy from last season and I like that it's a slice-of-life style opener. Also, Suburst reminds me of myself way too much]
8) Gautlent Of Fire [As someone who didn't like Dragon Quest, this episode was a fantastic sequel with a ton of worldbuilding for Dragons. Also, Ember is probably one of my favorite new characters of this season]
7) Dunguens And Discords [It's a freaking Discord episode. No crap it's gonna be hilarious! Also, it's awesome to see an episode more catering to boys, which for a show targeted at girls is legitmatly nice]
6) The Times They Are A Changling [Despite the rushed ending, this is by far Spike at his best, a clever follow up to the easter egg from The Crystaling and we FINALLY have a Spike solo song]
In my opinon, The Saddle Row review deserves far more than a honourable mention. It deserves to be among the top 3.
I LOVED Stranger than Fanfiction! Cmon! Patton Oswalt and Rainbow are AMAZING as a duo! Also Daring Do? YES!
10. Honestly, I think _that episode_ is more Top 5 worthy than anything else. Seriously, pretty much all the points you said here help explain why it was a great episode, but I do think it's the extra characters in Vapor Trail, Sky Stinger (and yes, I would ship them because they felt like they earned that idea for me), and even Angel Wings that help make push itself into the Top 5 alongside those things you said in the first place.
9. I'd put it a bit higher in the Top 10 myself, but it's certainly a worthy addition to my eyes! To me, though, it might be #7 right now, but regardless of where it's at, this episode does deserve to be in the Top 10 of Season 6.
8. Nice two-parter, but I'm not 100% sure if I'd put it in the Top 10. Don't get me wrong, it was a good way to end the season and all, but at the same time, I do think it might have been a bit better, especially in the first part. Still not a bad choice, though.
7. Honestly, this is another episode that's worthy of being in the Top 5 to my eyes, although exactly at #5. Seriously, Gabby was such a sweetie pie of a character that I can't help but enjoy, and it helps that both the conflict and the comedy was very interesting to the point where it left me wondering a bit as to what's going to happen next! Overall, I'd honestly love to see her return at some point in the future, and considering the positive reaction to her, I think the wait won't be _too long_ now. :)
6. For me, it'd probably be at #10 myself, if even that. I mean, it was definitely enjoyable to watch, but at the same time, I did feel as though Quibble Pants did get a bit too annoying at times. With that said, it definitely reflects fandoms to a T, and the fact that Rainbow Dash was very enjoyable to watch was a bonus as well, although not quite _as enjoyable_ as the Top Bolt was.
Overall, not bad so far. You already got two of my Top 5 episodes on board, with another guaranteed Top 10 episode already on board and two potential Top 10 episodes in the mix as well. Now I have to wonder what the Top 5 here are going to be, and whether they involve the other three episodes I _really enjoyed_ this season or not.
10: Definitely a good episode; I really loved Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail's friendship and character development.
9: I'm still a bit hesitant towards this one. I loved the friendship between Starlight and Trixie, but Twilight's portrayal and the twist in the third act about Trixie using Starlight REALLY rubbed me the wrong way.
8: My pick for second-favorite two-parter, the first being "The Cutie Map/Cutie Markless". Makes me wonder what Chrysalis will plan next, while also reminding me a lot of Chrysalis' vendetta against Twilight from the IDW series.
7: I haven't seen a CMC episode like this since... well, "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Thank you!
6: My favorite episode from the first half of season 6. Patton Oswalt's performance was nothing short of funny.
This season was really great.
And to me saddle row review was the best episode of this season, undoubtedly. it was almost perfect
awesome doc! BTW I had fun over at Comic Con in Louisiana I was dressed up as the Green Ranger then I got to meet my idol Steve Cardenas AKA Rocky the Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3
I can't do a top 10 list so I will put them in tears depending on how much I like them. From least to most
3. 28 Pranks Later, Flutter Brutter, The Gift of the Maud Pie, The Crystalling, Buckball Season, Stranger Than Fan Fiction.
2.The Saddle Row Review, A Hearth's Warming Tail, No Second Prances, To Where and Back Again
1. Dungeons and Discord, Gauntlet of fire
Applejack's "Day Off" for number one .....
said no one ever.
MegaPurplePrince We are number one!
I watched Stranger Than Fan Fiction after I watched a few videos on some popular bronies' opinions on whether the show was better or worse after Lauren Faust left the production, and now I think that the episode might very well be a subtle nod to that particular situation/flame war, as it mentions Quibble liking the style of the first few books, and Rainbow preferring the style of the later books. the same way that some bronies like the first few seasons of the show over later ones
Season 6 is sorta like a combination of the strong story telling and character progression from Season 4, and the obvious fan service from Season 5. Its my second favorite season of MLP. My number 1 favorite being Season 4.
Nice doc! Mine would be...
10. Saddle Row Review
9. Stranger Than Fan fiction
8. Top Bolt
7. Hearts warming tail
6. Every Little Thing She Does
5. Flutter Brutter
4. The Fault In Our Cutie Marks
3. To Where and Back Again
2. No Second Prances
1. The Times They Are A Changeling
10. I wish I could like this more, but Sky Stinger just doesn't strike me as the kind of character who deserved his happy ending.
9. Probably could've been a little higher.
8. Honestly, the set-up was pretty clunky for me but the payoff easily made up for it.
7. While a bit inconsistent in regards to what the CMC would do now that they had their cutie marks in comparison to "On Your Marks", it was still an interesting conflict.
6. Probably could've been top five or even top three material. It's that good.
10. I do enjoy this one. It has a unique lesson and interesting new characters.
9. It's alright. Not one of my favorites but it was good to see Trixie again.
8. An awesome finale, even though I'm still not too fond of Starlight's redemption.
7. Honestly, I can't seem to decide between this one or Gauntlet of Fire as my number 1.
6. This is my number 11.
My top 10:
10- A Hearth's Warming Tail
9- Gauntlet of Fire
8- The Fault In Our Cutie Marks
7- To Where and Back Again
6- Stranger than Fan Fiction
5- Top Bolt
4- Dungeons & Discord
3- No Second Prances
2- The Saddle Row Review
1- Every Little Thing She Does
Honorable Mentions:
Spice Up Your Life, Buckball Season, On Your Marks
Nice, I think every reviewer should start doing this as well
The only ep on this list i dont like is the last one you talked about but over all it is pretty good cant wait to see rest of the list
Stranger Than Fan Fiction would easily be #1 for me.
Not on this list, mind you, but still.
LOL Luv all ur videos! ! !
i can watch these again! :D
queen chriss is running to fluffle puff. gabe is so cute.
I felt that the first three that you mentioned could have been further down the list. I think I can agree why you would have trouble picking 10 since most of season 6 was pretty good.
Anyone noticed that the season 6 finale is the only season finale without a song?
Calling it now. "Saddle Row Review" will be the top 1.
Still no Celestia centered episode though.
hey doc, are you planning on joining roundtable is magic anytime soon?
Awesome list man. This season has definitely improved. So any word on a 7th season so far?
CallMeRemy Well not all the seasons were perfect but in their own way they all did pretty well for themselves
most of my favorites here are so high here...
Didn't that last scene with queen chrysalis seem similar with that one scene from The Lion King 2?
Stranger than fan fiction wasn't my favorite because I don't really care much for daring do, but the others were awesome.
All I have to say is that "The Fault in our Cutie Marks" at least in title was immediately recognizable to me as a refernece to John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. Never having read the book I don't know if the episode has anything to do with the book though.
Actually its a Shakespeare reference
Okay, I'm the first to comment. So, how have you been Dr. Wolf?
i feel like to where and back again was a little too low.
At least Top Bolt was actually funny unlike "The episode that shall not be named."
Do you mean princess spike?
If you did, sorry, I named it.
Who's a good dog?
Not sure I could even build a top ten of this season xD. Of course the finale is two episodes so there's a start I guess xD
I could build up a Top 5 easily, but a Top 10 is quite more complex for me this time around by comparison.
For me there wasn't a lot of replay value this season.
Diamond Tiara Touche on that end.
of course Chrysalis wouldn't be reformed that easy. we all know the only one who can reform Chrysalis is Flufflepuff :p
Lol yep.
I don't think either are going to take number 1, but I'm hoping Dungeons and Discord and especially the Saddle Row Review take a spot in the top 5. (Personally, I think the latter is one of my Top 5 overall - haven't laughed that hard in a long time).
They're both in the Top 5, dude.
ya ^^ some happy thoughts
argh i am sooo behind o nthe series, so i cant wacth this yet :(, damn
I just noticed Twilight and Pinkie didn't even have one solo episode to themselves this season. Do the writers just not know what to do with them anymore?
I thought you said Twilight and Rarity. Twilight has helped her and Applejack with their friendship, but I don’t think any episodes were ever just the two of them.
I don't think No Second Prances would have made it to my top ten list. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't bad, the story was promising and seeing Trixie again was a definite plus. But it wasn't handled as well as it could have been. :/
I feel that the writers sacrificed Twilight's progression as a character just so that the story could work. She made mistakes that she shouldn't have made because she'd already taught or learnt that particular lesson. :| She was acting the same way as when she was Celestia's student, before she gained the confidence that came with her role as princess. For example, when Celestia and Luna went missing because the vines planted by Discord kidnapped them, Twilight remained calmed and composed and showed a lot of confidence in her and her friends' ability to handle the situation. And in No Second Prances, she was like Celestia's student again, worried about the tiniest thing. Twilight went back to how she was in Lesson Zero. She learnt in that episode that there's no point worrying about little things. And here she's doing exactly that. I know a dinner with Celestia isn't a little thing, especially to Twilight, but it's not a huge thing either. And Twilight knows Celestia better then to think that she would take it badly. And that's actually another thing. The way Celestia acted throughout the episode, the writers sacrificed Celestia's character for humor. Celestia looked like if she would have sent Twilight back to magic kindergarten. :/
I made a video about if anyone's doesn't feel like reading. XD
Well, at least NSP and TWABA didn't get very far
Huh. My top picks for season 6's episodes were of the bottom tier. Eeh, whatever, it's his list not mine
To Where and Back Again was much too low, it should have been in top 3.Hopefully Hearth's Warming Tail wins. I am afraid Saddle Row Review does, I just do not see what other people see in that episode.
CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: My favorite episode is Newbie Dash
im not a brony but ive only watched the whole of season 1 and 2 ;-;
Well at least you can catch up to the rest of the seasons now.
gabriela was a bit too annoying but i never found pinkie pie annoying for some reason. dont know why.
I agree with everything but Fault in Our Cutie Marks. Don't get me wrong, I honestly see why people like it, but I was bored with it. I honestly don't know why, another viewing or two might help.
To where and back again shoud be higher than the fault in our marks! Atleast that is my opinion. I did not enjoy The fault in our marks at all.
Without seeing this I knowI will disagree because I don't like Discord.
I think season 6 is boring, bland, rush, straight forward, poor writing and too much hype. Also, the premiere AND finale are super disappointing, Starlight still being the main element that ruined the season for me, Starlight is trying to be Sunset Shimmer but failed so badly...