Why didn't Lee Shi Tian crew the cultivator with the examplar around 26:30? That was a lethal missed, wasn't it? Or was he afraid of something like a lightning axe?
42:40 why do they start to whisper in the commentary? The players can't hear you in the booth, but us online watchers can't either if you whisper. BDM.
33:05 When you didn't believe in the heart of the cards
Why didn't Lee Shi Tian crew the cultivator with the examplar around 26:30? That was a lethal missed, wasn't it? Or was he afraid of something like a lightning axe?
I don't get that play either. Only if he thinks lava axe + fiery temper would take out the exemplar, too, i guess.
42:40 why do they start to whisper in the commentary? The players can't hear you in the booth, but us online watchers can't either if you whisper. BDM.
BDM is on the floor, maybe 3-4 feet away from the players at this time.
Raph you gotta braid all that arm hair bro!
winning after emrakul and ulamog being resolved? That's some pro to you.
@30:59, Shota misses a trigger off Thing in the Ice from Negate.
or you could rewatch the clip. he doesnt.
Mardu got counterspell!