Why I left the Independent Baptist Movement (my statement of faith)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 268

  • @robertholley2195
    @robertholley2195 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Jesus is the only way to be free.

  • @2000somoa
    @2000somoa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I have been an Independent Baptist since I was saved in 1967. I have been an independent Pastor for 49 years. Many of the things you are talking about I have never held or taught. I do believe the King James Bible is Gods Bible for the English-speaking people.

    • @YTforChrist
      @YTforChrist 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Pastor I honor your service, at 51 I just started ministering at a local care home....many of the things he says is exactly why I attend a local Independent Baptists church. Serving God- Consistency and a way of Life. ❤️❤️

    • @edgarsofia6611
      @edgarsofia6611 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is the day of apostasy. Just go ahead what you want

    • @melbahall4180
      @melbahall4180 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I do believe you should dress your best as respect to God. Some music is more entertaing than praise if you have a good teaching pastor he can explain. King James Version conviction does nt always make you feel good but will make you want to do better

    • @randyharrell496
      @randyharrell496 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@melbahall4180 I get it but when you make everything into a legalistic law what are you doing ?

    • @danielclingen34
      @danielclingen34 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That’s interesting seeing as your tradition, explicitly opposes the top command of Christ, and seeing as the KTV is not even a translation, it was king James editing the bishops Bible, and it is one of the least accurate Bibles out there.

  • @michaelragnanese
    @michaelragnanese 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I am a former IFB pastor who now pastors a Independent Evangelical Church.
    I can relate very much with what you said,

  • @jimmason5738
    @jimmason5738 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I've been an independent Baptist for 40 years. I never knew it was a "movement".
    Over the years, I've come to believe that the churches are full of unsaved pastors and members. With a "123 Repeat after me" and giving "assurance" of salvation to lost people type doctrine just opens the door wide open to satan.
    Truely Saved men of God preaching the Truth will keep the devil away.
    I was a "lost" ,"preacher" too. But when I got under real preaching the Holy Spirit convicted me and I was able to believe the Gospel and Jesus forgave me of my sin.
    I thang God in in a small independent Baptist church where Truth is preached.

    • @Cmb-s6d
      @Cmb-s6d 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      It messed my life up

    • @Cmb-s6d
      @Cmb-s6d 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bad... I was so bitter at God and anything having to do with it.

    • @Cmb-s6d
      @Cmb-s6d 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Was... I still am. I definitely still am

  • @dr.michaelshanlian6713
    @dr.michaelshanlian6713 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I can relate. Graduated from an IBF college back in the 70's and served as a church planter/pastor mostly bi-vocationally. Around the fifteen year mark of my ministry I began to question many of the practices and beliefs I was taught in my twenties. God in His grace connected me with a pastor who had started a church in Michigan who was a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. We became fast friends. Over the next 8 years we would meet once a month for accountability, discussing Scripture and discipleship.
    As time went on, the scales began to all off my eyes as I realized that my ability to be a critical thinker had been eroded through unquestioning loyalty to the doctrines and lifestyle dogmas of the IBF movement. Ironically, in my fifties I returned to academia and earned my graduate and post graduate degrees from two original IBF universities, Liberty and Tennessee Temple. By this time, both Liberty and Tennessee Temple had soften their positions on dress, music, KJO etc... and were more balanced in their approach in teaching systematic theology and personal convictions. My critical thinking skills were welcomed, not shunned.
    Today at 71, I lead the men's ministry at a Southern Baptist Church in South Carolina and also work part time as a jewelry appraiser. As a lifelong learner, I never stop evaluating and critiquing my Biblical worldview. Like you, I am at peace knowing that always being right is not a requirement for becoming a mature believer. Knowing that my relationship with Jesus does not depend and obeying a laundry list of do's and don'ts. Thanks for this insightful video. I could not have articulated it any better! Bless you my brother!

  • @angiehorn3280
    @angiehorn3280 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I grew up independent Baptist and it was a cult. I'm not saying that every church is this way but the one I went to was. It was a culture of deep shame that I struggle with today. They were so strict that I couldn't wear jean material (skirt) because men wear jeans.

  • @newcovenantguy610
    @newcovenantguy610 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I am a Christian, but I told my wife I regret marrying into an IFB family. After several years, most of them have not made me feel welcomed, reached out to me, and place their churches, church camps, church events, church activities above family. The IFB religion and it’s subculture leaves a lot to be desired.

  • @Himeko-wv7fu
    @Himeko-wv7fu 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I got free when I was 18, I'm almost 27 now. Still not sure of anything and also lost my memories of everything you described except I always felt my mind and body react in a way as if there was trauma, anytime I tried to find a community with people who can love and accept me without instilling this kind of fear. Like none of it is real.😢 thank you for sharing this, most people don't really know what IFB, and I have to show my therapist this video to help heal

  • @monessarmohan1256
    @monessarmohan1256 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Baptist do not believe in miracles. They said the time for it is over. I just had a friend healed from cancer and he said, “Thank you Jesus”. Before, he was a Sikh from India, now he is a Christian. We are told to pray for the sick and cast out demons. It does not mean all sick will be healed and all demons would go but we do not know what God can do when we obey his command. I cannot be a Baptist.

  • @Robert-lo6uf
    @Robert-lo6uf 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m going through the same you already been through. I had no idea really what I got into coming from a secular Christian church background.
    I was able to see that the pastor and congregation always dressed to impress and how my pastor looked down at me and my wife for not meeting the dress code in their eyes. After a few months attending last week’s message woke me up. He preached about how clothing makes you right before God. He also said men can’t wear shorts even when you’re not in church! The last time I read the Bible Jesus wore a tunic, was born in a poor manger and didn’t have a place to lay his head. MANY LEGALISTIC CHURCHES DONT REALIZE THAT THEY ARE DOING THE SAME SIN AS THE PHARISEES WERE SO CONDEMNED FOR! (Holiness is judging your self and legalism is judging others) Legalism is based on fear and pride. It says “I must do this to prove how good I am!
    Man sees the outside appearance but GOD sees the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
    I’ll end with LUKE 18:9-14. The religious Pharisee prayed with himself because God didn’t hear him.
    Luke 18:9-14
    9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
    10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.
    11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
    12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
    13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
    14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted🙌

  • @1611Out-law
    @1611Out-law 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The problem with most people that leave the church is they don't pray about things, and if they do, they don't wait on God to answer. The independent baptist churchs that I've been involved with, loves sinners. They try to reach sinners. As far as women wearing dresses, we only require that if they are in leadership or in the choir. Other than that, God has to deal with their heart about stuff like that. I think there is a biblical standard on what nakedness is. Showing of the thy is nakedness in Gods eyes. Tight revealing clothes is not for church.

    • @redpillrevolution6066
      @redpillrevolution6066 ปีที่แล้ว

      While I agree with what you say, the focus on the external is paramount on IFB churches. Plus, the cult like rivalry of IFB camps. The borderline worship of big name IFB preachers. The fact that God miraculously heals from smokin' and drinkin' but not much else. Talking about how people ought to be in church on Sundays them knockin' folks over after church to go somewhere to eat. Theatres are Satanic hellholes, but the same movies are OK as long as you got VidAngel. Have self control, but ots OL if the preacher is a gluttonous overweight fire breather. Take vacations only on Thursday through Saturday or Sunday night after church til Tuesday. Make going to a building the epi-center of your life. These are the things that happen in IFB churches...oh yeah, you gotta have a school staffed by "teachers" who are also members...

    • @riverrat9954
      @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว

      That Bible, KJ at that!!!

  • @aliciamock1503
    @aliciamock1503 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think it is so important that people who long to walk in the abundant life the Christ has for us understand that Jesus himself is The Word. All of scripture is supposed to point him and what did he say? Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. If our church or spiritual groups are not expanding our love for one another, and for God, as well as deepening our humility, peace and freedom, but instead are putting burdens and yolks upon us that resemble more bondage than freedom, then we are immersing ourselves in something that resembles more of a cult than a church. This is the sad state that so many even well-meaning churches are in. When our focus is on doctrine and defending truth and being “right” we tend to huddle in our bubbles and/or hunker down in fear. anxious. This reflects a dim light (if any) to a world is in need of the healing power of God’s unconditional and transforming love.

  • @historyandhorseplaying7374
    @historyandhorseplaying7374 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I guess I don't fully understand the complaint. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic high school. We all had to wear exactly the same things, all had to use the same Bible, say exactly the same prayers, taught that classical music is the only music, taught that even thinking about just entering a Protestant church was instant damnation etc. In comparison, baptist churches are mind blowingly different, including compared to each other. And there is infinitely less pressure to conform, by a long shot. The spiritual inconsistencies seem so much smaller. By the way, Im very welcomed, even as a Cathoic Latino! I'm not finding racism or bigotry at all.

  • @erinbuller3572
    @erinbuller3572 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I’m 25 and left the church when I was 19. It has been a ROUGH time deconstructing those beliefs but I’m finally getting somewhere. This video made me feel so heard and understood

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Stay strong! It’s a long road. It’s been over 10 years and we still struggle. Healing takes time!

    • @krinks4677
      @krinks4677 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      John spoke of you.....They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

    • @heidirobinson3352
      @heidirobinson3352 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@krinks4677 :: 🙏💄💛🗽🇺🇸🎂

    • @danielmoore8538
      @danielmoore8538 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@krinks4677 😂

    • @samlawrence2695
      @samlawrence2695 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@krinks4677Did John use the KJV? Twisting the scripture to make it conform to your opinion. Is typical of the KJV only cult.

  • @LifeWithJesus365
    @LifeWithJesus365 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Your video hits home for me, but in a very unique way. I need prayer as it's soul wrenching for me this journey. Not coming out of IFB, but forcefully going in. See I'm in a very unique situation. I was non denominational. Radically changed, converted to Christ through the use of Christian hip hop outreach. Began to lead in a very passionate and radical way traveling the world to see others know the same Christ I encountered. Then one day I met a man who was very encouraged by my church and the music outreach I was involved with, but he was a Nazarene. Not too big on his denomination though it was in the family. I had my doubts but Because I believe like you said as a non denominational I went forward. He was sincere in His love for God and wanting to grow. We married after he felt "called" to my church. Eventually through a hunger of wanting to study he came across IFB TH-cam channels that changed his life. He built a good friendship with a brother who just happened to be IFB unbeknownst to him. So when it all tied together he just knew it was God. That said, I'm now advised and expected to submit to my spouse. We have been attending the IFB church for about 2 years now. Personally we have fought so much about it. My husband is a covert narcissist so this denomination fits him exactly. He is very particular on everything even on the home front. I'm constantly told the woman was always used to deceive the man in the word and that I'm just under the enemies influence and am a wife to be ashamed of. I believe he'd like to be an IFB leader one day. It's so very hard for me. So very hard. Thanks for prayers. I've had much advice but don't have peace yet to change anything. Pray that direction and peace will come at the right time.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is a uniquely tough situation and I hope you find guidance through it.
      When I left my first youth pastor position my wife (then fiancé) was immediately to blame. It’s a tough environment that unfortunately draws men in that fit the bill. Prayers that you find peace and answers!

    • @terryrossbach2521
      @terryrossbach2521 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes this is narcissistic persons dream church . Praying for you.

    • @iraqiimmigrant2908
      @iraqiimmigrant2908 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whoa… I’ve seen your comments on another channel but I can’t remember where…

  • @WeibenWang
    @WeibenWang ปีที่แล้ว +3

    “The opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty.” -Anne Lamont. Faith is struggling for truth, not having the Truth. I couldn’t have faith if I didn’t doubt.

  • @CC-oq1ts
    @CC-oq1ts 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    They never allowed Non Essentials!
    There is a foundation but in the whole of scripture there are different interpretations and it's okay to discuss that.
    One of the most important things I was taught was Non essentials. Denominations can worship their own doctrinal positions instead of Jesus!
    Jesus sat with sinners and taught them while he loved them.
    I prefer Non denominational. Denomination is a division of a whole.

  • @ogmakefirefiregood
    @ogmakefirefiregood ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Living Christ will call His sheep out of the world and into His Kingdom. He has called you to Himself and will lead you home.

  • @emilywalton2339
    @emilywalton2339 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I noticed you can't question doctrine. Or the pastor or what he's preaching. We used to attend a IB church we don't anymore. Infact we don't go to church. We read our bibles and pray and serve him. I'm tired of church's preaching about money. I'm so happy you didn't lose your faith in him.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's a hard balance to strike, but I think it helped that I found my faith before I found the IFBC. Hang in there!

  • @randyharrell496
    @randyharrell496 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If a person really thinks the KJ V is the only bible you can read why don’t they speak in that language

  • @Blessedhope83
    @Blessedhope83 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m here with ya brother.

  • @AungusMacgyver
    @AungusMacgyver ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Chris. I grew up in an IFB church and went to an IFB college so I can relate to a lot of this. Music and clothes were a big deal to my parents and still are. God used my girlfriend who is now my wife to help me see that the reasoning my parents used was flawed and not based on Scripture. The biggest thing that has helped me is to ask what the standard is. For a lot of IFB folks the standard seems to be their traditions and what they have been taught and what they personally are convicted of. There is no room for genuine disagreement. And often their convictions are not based in Scripture. As you've probably already realized, there is no prohibition in scripture of using drums or other sorts of instruments that IFB churches prohibit. In fact, there is usage of those things in the Psalms. And the same goes for the KJV. They hold it up as the standard and judge all other translations against it but without a solid reason for why it should be the standard.
    Anyway, I hope you are in a healthier church situation now. My wife and I now attend a reformed Baptist Church in Providence Rhode Island. We don't align 100% with their doctrine but they are committed to the Scriptures and growing together as believers and that has made a huge difference.

  • @redpillrevolution6066
    @redpillrevolution6066 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The unspoken understanding... absolutely spot on. Its amazing how much all IFB churches are almost carbon copies of one another. Have you heard pf "Baptist Bride"?? Look it up...

  • @scottsponaas
    @scottsponaas 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I just want to thank you for posting this. I have only been a believer for about a year. I came to faith on my own accord. Well, what I mean is that I wasn’t pressured into it by friends or family, but I did finally reach a point where I threw up a prayer asking God to reveal Himself and He has…repeatedly. Recently I came across a guy in the comments section of another video here on TH-cam and the guy was vehemently proclaiming he was an atheist. He then went on to explain how he had been raised in a cult and was done believing in God. I resisted the urge to argue and instead asked questions and he went on to explain that he wasn’t calling all Christians a cult, just Independent/Fundamental Baptists. Anyways, he also went on to tell me that he left faith all together, but we connected over the fact that I used to be an addict and he’s currently battling an alcohol addiction. I wanted to try to understand his perspective more so I went in search about why he would believe that Independent Baptists were a cult, and based on your account here, I understand it so much more than I did when he brought it up. He didn’t really want to get into it, so hearing you give your account has been incredibly helpful. I feel like he has thrown his entire faith away, like you mentioned in this video, but he needs help. I realize I have no power over whether or not he finds his way back to Christ, but I feel like the Holy Spirit is guiding me to just be there for him. Your openness will at least help me to empathize with him a little more and I can’t thank you enough. God bless 🙏

  • @heidirobinson3352
    @heidirobinson3352 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Bible prophecies are continuing to be fulfilled. The human heart and the human brain each have their own memories. Life and love are miracles from God each day. God is love. God is glorious. God hates sin.

  • @63stratoman
    @63stratoman หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like much of what you said up to the end where you said (I do hope I heard you wrong and if so, please clarify) the Bible is not “ the one truth.” I take strong exception to this. The scriptures are the FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice! You were taught wrong about the King James but it is still an accurate and viable translation. I spent 20 years in the IFB myself and how I got out and on to better thinking and better doctrine was by holding firm to the scriptures and claiming the verse “Let God be true but every man a liar!” God’s preserved word is not limited to a single translation of the Bible and the King James Only position actually undermines the Chicago Statement on biblical inerrancy. I left all the silliness behind and am now more Independent, more Fundamental, and more Baptist than ever! Just rightly defined and for all of the right reasons!

  • @tinaflavin8083
    @tinaflavin8083 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Well they are exactly right. You're right about that but there are good reasons for it. Look up the 4 videos, Third Adam 1,2,3 and 3X
    There's also a book called "Calling Evil Good" go check it out to find the understanding of these things .

  • @Addie-j6f
    @Addie-j6f 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Like all things in life, balance is key! Im ifb and know it's culty sometimes but it is right on a lotta things. We never want to be legalistic but we also don't want to be lukewarm

  • @Steven-sy8mn
    @Steven-sy8mn 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I left the southern Baptist convention Church to IFB and after researching the history of Dispensationalism i left the ifb and now i am now just a Christian who believes the king James Bible is Gods preserved Word to the English speaking people of God. I am a historicist in theology and i believe Jesus is the Son of God and He died for whosoever will come to Him in faith and repentance and Acts 2:38 be baptized for the remission of Sins and its valid for as many as the Lord calls. Legalism and man made rules and scripture twisting will save no one. God bless everyone. Jesus is still saving lost souls and keeping them preserved in Him. Amen +

  • @katiemiller676
    @katiemiller676 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you!

  • @sharoncolabella1145
    @sharoncolabella1145 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    A good youtube listen: Born Again Barbarian's channel, "For God's Sake, Don't Go To Church!" and "RUN FROM THE CHURCH BUILDINGS!!!". They are designed with the recovering Independent Fundamental Baptist in mind!

  • @thesignsuite8427
    @thesignsuite8427 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Chris, my story is very similar to yours. I’m in the deconstructing phase and it’s actually going pretty well.
    I’m so frustrated by some of comments here. The mean ones like “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” just prove the spiritual racism you referred to. The ones trying to defend the movement just prove the perpetual blindness. It’s like they’re trying to tell you things you’ve already heard and even yourself preached a million times. Did they even listen to the video??

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The spiritual abuse and manipulation is rampant in the comments and speak for themselves. The “and you know it” is my favorite. Such a clear example of gaslighting. No, I know no such thing and is the reason I have moved on and found healing.
      Thanks for the supportive comment!

  • @dr.michaelcesar8571
    @dr.michaelcesar8571 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment . . . So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Heb 9:27, Rom 14:12) This beguiled young man, along with all you readers (and me, too) will fulfill those two verses. Have a nice day. Maranatha !

  • @karenwood3705
    @karenwood3705 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Didn't Jesus say don't worry about what you wear or eat

    • @morganrohnke
      @morganrohnke ปีที่แล้ว

      ....... He said not to worry about what you wear in relation to having cloths, not the type of cloths.

    • @kausamsalam8543
      @kausamsalam8543 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was actually Apostle Paul who said not to worry about the Commandments anymore and eat whatever you want.
      Jesus on whom be peace was not “insolent” to his blessed mother Mary, as the Quran teaches-and he did not eat the flesh of swine. He prayed in the wilderness to the One God. He fasted. He was kind. He was merciful-not like the “Christians of drunkenness and lechery and stalking-that I met.

  • @TyCampbellTX
    @TyCampbellTX ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As an independent Baptist pastor, it seems like you weren't in a great church. That's the beauty of being independent. When one church goes legalistic and such, it doesn't affect any other church.

    • @chuck8925
      @chuck8925 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lol I know from experience they are all mostly the same especially here in the south. Do they really think southern gospel is the music played in heaven? Probably far from it. Women shouldn't wear jeans, men and women separate in most church things, judgmental, contemporary Christian music is bad, looked down upon if divorced, scare people to get saved by constantly talking about hell when they should be teaching on God's love which they do but hell hell hell constantly. So many other things. I still go to one mainly because of my wife. It was her church when we got married 6 years ago. I still haven't joined and probably won't. I'm sure I'm talked about behind my back and compared to wife's former deceased husband but I don't care. I work out alot lol so I know they won't say anything to my face. And they look down on other denominations even southern Baptist which gets me because I had deceased relatives who were southern Baptist and really good Christians.

    • @TyCampbellTX
      @TyCampbellTX ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@chuck8925 Sorry to hear about your situation. There are plenty of bad churches out there. The name on the sign doesn't make a church good. I pray that you find a good church that you can both grow in one day. I grew up in IFB churches like you have described, but they aren't all like that. A good church is a breath of fresh air.

    • @snackpup
      @snackpup ปีที่แล้ว

      now i know why Jesus takes up the dead in christ first. because these christians are the most pathetic sad of all history. you IFB arent sticking to the TRUTH !! you are letting the world guilt you !!! well the world is no good!!! I came from the world!!! i didn't know OSAS until i was old!!! i was driven mad by the world and it's religions !!! but finally i found bible believing truth and am happy. you guys have the right stuff but you are pathetic if you dont stick to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@chuck8925 If you want to discuss sameness, have I got a story for you. I grew up Catholic, went to 4 years of Catholic school. Sameness? My friend, we all had to wear EXACTLY the same uniform. The nuns were all dressed alike. Every Catholic church is almost identical, there is militant sameness and rules for everything. I have lately begun exploring becoming a Baptist (long story) and found that the differences beteeen your churches are BEWILDERING, it's like being on another planet. So I don't get the complaint about "sameness"-- if you don't like sameness, try going to a Catholic mass ANYWHERE! Sorry I just don't understand where people are coming from with that complaint.

    • @uriahpeep9008
      @uriahpeep9008 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@chuck8925 As the Bible says, you have become "unequally yoked" to your wife. Your yoke will never be made correct until this problem of your wife's judgemental church has been resolved between the two of you. When both of you decide to honestly tackle this problem (with a resolution happening) your marriage will be healed.

  • @SM-wr9nb
    @SM-wr9nb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for this video, you pretty nailed it. I see all this and has been bothering me for the longest time. I hope one day to leave the movement and never look back.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks so much for the encouragement. hang in there and I hope you find your path!

    • @toddbyers759
      @toddbyers759 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There were many eye opening moments for me as I moved away from this denominational cult as it were. My uncle was the Pastor if my first church as a “Youth Director”. He asked me to leave after I asked what “Lording over the Flock” meant. Ooops ha. He was using the Bible to threaten the church into keeping quiet and letting him dictate his ideas. One huge thing for me was also realizing there was no building in the NT called a sanctuary to attend like a temple, no priest regarded as being in charge of your decisions and no altars to pray at. Read about why the veil was torn from top to bottom. 🙂

  • @mariahconklin4150
    @mariahconklin4150 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Then again at the baptist church I’m at the pastor did say that we do have all different believes and he made it seem like that’s okay.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That’s great! Every Baptist church is different, mine was a Fundamental Baptist Church.

  • @mamawlife7852
    @mamawlife7852 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I do believe a lot of what IFB does as far as only KJV, to wear dresses, but some is a little to much that favors cultists views. Seems they are against other denominations yet they do the same things such as women wearing no pants, long hair(pentecostals) men in suits(JW) and (SDA), and it's their views or no views.
    I do feel like an outcast there. Like they now I doubt the IFB and I do feel ignored. They know I am questioning the IFB. I do like the preaching but until I started watching these videos, I probably have missed a lot of things that was said but I will try listen harder. Not every IFB is the same but I do not like that my family won't go there bc they have a red flag hanging over them. So confused as what to do bc my daughter goes there and I got her to go there. Lots of prayers coming so I can be lead correctly.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's a tough struggle for sure. My encouragement is to read the Bible, but as it is and not through the filter they put on it. There are a lot of comments that IFB folks are leaving and they are quoting heavily on scripture. That's a good thing, it just doesn't always mean what they think it means. This leads to manipulating the Bible because "you know what it means" and "be not like the world". While those statements are true, what isn't true is that just because I'm not like you I'm "of the world".

  • @heidievaning
    @heidievaning 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amen brother. You hit the nail in the head. Instead of guidance i got judged and shunned without matt 15, they skipped it but im about to in and demand to be heard. Not for my sake but the sake of the kids being handled by narcotics

  • @Moonless6491
    @Moonless6491 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've mostly quit any type of large church. I just go to a small gathering sometimes of people my age, many of who were damaged by the IFB. I just can't worship a God portrayed like the IFB portrays. It's a Christian concentration camp who argues over legalism using an old translation that only speaks literally without context. I'm still a Christian, but I also have looked at the spiritualism of cultures who never had a Jesus to better understand my own God. And, what I find, is that most Christians are blind and afraid of the God they worship. There are so many questions, but I don't believe in a God who condemns his creation to an eternal torture out of love. That would be a monster. For now, I just choose to believe there is a God that is teaching me things through life to be. It's true, I have many questions and doubts, but I know there is a God out there who loves me and I have to have faith that he has my best interest in mind. The IFB is a cult, and it's purely evil where Jack Hyles is god, the fourth part of the trinity. Jesus taught love and acceptance with two main commandments. Love your neighbor and love your God.

  • @withlittleman
    @withlittleman 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I feel your pain. I can relate to what you say on so many levels. We cannot walk alone, we must rely on christ and the finished work on the cross. It is a new covenant, thus why its called the new testament. So the question i ask myself is what is the difference in what we do and what they did in the old testament. Also, are we doing things the same as the world. What is salvation and what does it look like for a new Christian.
    I believe music does effect us in a negative way, if its not sound doctrine the Kjv is the best translated, from the Greek and Hebrew languages, how ever there is some Aramaic written portions that are loosely translated.. its a narrow way and fee find it.. i pray you do. Don't get caught up in activities of the church if they are worldly

  • @lebo8877
    @lebo8877 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've searched many churches in my area coming out of a large prosperity preaching church that pushed there sins under the rug. Finding the only one that took the word of serious and lived a life of separation of worldly things was a ifb with a pastor that show love to all that came in the doors regardless of what they where wearing. The closer the walk with God the less of a desire to look like the world

  • @JSStuart100
    @JSStuart100 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    These churches sound great. Im looking for one now. Sounds like what America lacks and needs now. Thank you.

  • @simonotieno1222
    @simonotieno1222 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Now that's your personal feeling I am one but I have never felt that way we believe but force it on you either ideologically or practically that's your personal feeling and wanting to conform to this world u should be encouraging your self to stick to biblical principles not following trends peace with your faith security is only in Jesus Christ aslord and savior

    • @viylangager4020
      @viylangager4020 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol. It's not just his feelings or thoughts.

  • @americodiloretto217
    @americodiloretto217 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What do IFB's believe about Easy Believism, Free Grace Theology or Once Saved Always Saved ?.

    • @everlastinglifeResources
      @everlastinglifeResources ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Good ones are OSAS, Free grace, Easy beliviesm affirming.

    • @BrianRich1689
      @BrianRich1689 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They're the inventors of easy believism. They were influenced by heretics like Wesley, and Finney. Sad stuff.

  • @gogogadget-ml8hd
    @gogogadget-ml8hd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've went to Baptist churches all my life, more because of a severe lack of options, but for me there is no spiritualalty in any of them... It's all about being seen and social standing as well as gossiping and spreading rumors. Here in the south if you don't go to a good ole country Baptist church you ain't right with the Lord and your going to hell SMH, it's like yeah I'm sure people who barley have a grasp on modern English are interpreting the Bible correctly. I don't trust any man who dresses like a used car salesman and screams at the top of his lungs and tries to scare people into belief (not saying you shouldn't have a deep fear of God because we all certainly should) but when you focus on it too much you miss out on his love and mercy which in my opinion is the true path to becoming closer to the Lord. The holy spirit came into my life more out of love for God than simply the fear of him. I only go to church because god tells us to go fellowship but I feel closer to God when I come home and research the Bible and talk to others online who understand where my faith is at and where I'm coming from... My faith isn't a one or two hour a week thing it's God god God 24/7 for me and I don't see anything like that when I go to church unfortunately...

    • @ruthmiller4513
      @ruthmiller4513 ปีที่แล้ว

      I love your comment and that is so where I am right now. I have God in my heart, soul and mind 24/7 not just an hour or 2 each week. Thank you. AMEN

    • @snackpup
      @snackpup ปีที่แล้ว

      that's not the HOLY GHOST. the HOLY GHOST loves BIBLE PREACHING. the HOLY GHOST loves RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT AND ANGER. you got the devil's ghost. the worldy spirit that doesn't like the bible being preached and wants everyone to hold hands. Proverbs 11:21
      “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

    • @uriahpeep9008
      @uriahpeep9008 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Brother Brimstone! Take care you do not get scorched with all that mean preachin'!

  • @aaronadams8166
    @aaronadams8166 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It's a tough journey. My thinking is still skewed.

    • @toddbyers759
      @toddbyers759 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was a youth pastor for 10 years. It took years to get deprogrammed. I recommend Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. It will free you forever and very quickly !

    • @toddbyers759
      @toddbyers759 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would also recommend Joe Didpenza

    • @toddbyers759
      @toddbyers759 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joe Dispensa

    • @aaronadams8166
      @aaronadams8166 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@toddbyers759 took a look. Thank you very much for your recommendation of Dr. Joe D. He's definitely not for me though.

    • @toddbyers759
      @toddbyers759 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@aaronadams8166 I understand it’s very unorthodox. Joe is a believer. Objectivity was stolen from my life as an independent Baptist. In fact everything was purposely taught in black and white as this video above stated. Bless you in your quest, I know it’s the hardest road I ever experienced. My heart is with you! Outwitting the Devil is another game changer for me. It’s a lot to take ask someone to open your mind after coming out of total legalism and conjured rules. Jesus dealt directly with this in the Bible. It’s very comforting to know He agrees with you😊

  • @kasspriscilla9350
    @kasspriscilla9350 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I just barely attend Bible Baptist church and I witness some of the things you're talking about women wearing dresses and skirts men and suits saying that the king james Bible is the only Bible you can use and I was discouraged to use the NIV which just makes it simpler to understand the word of God And of course I do have an IV and A And the king James but the thing I couldn't understand is that he was jumping around from roost to verse and then he was staying on 2 verses for over an hour then he got into politics and then he got into other other discussions thinking that this is related to the subject which I couldn't fall along at all And they sing these old hymns and everything else I felt so at a place I don't even know if I should continue to go or not I'm not saying that all the teachings are bad but I just don't understand it I never was raised a Baptist and I've been looking for a church

  • @tinaflavin8083
    @tinaflavin8083 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dresses and skirts aren't a MUST... but it's encouraged but it's for modesty purposes. I am turning to this was. The church should NOT be worldly and the world should not be churchy.
    You're wrong about much of this and why.

    • @iraqiimmigrant2908
      @iraqiimmigrant2908 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Except the people who made up those rules are in hell or prison for molestation and adultery (Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, David Hyles, etc. etc.). It’s a grift made to lure conservatives.

  • @debbiehill254
    @debbiehill254 ปีที่แล้ว

    I attended my first independent baptist in 2020. My reason they were open during lockdown. I knew immediately something was off. But I had heard enough to question why I felt to leave. I was awakened when the pastor said the holy spirit is not for today. The legalism and mockery of the spiritual gifts caused me to leave 2 months ago. Since then the pastor has tried to get my husband to come back. He shows up at his work and endlessly texts him. He has mocked and gossip ed about me in the pulpit. I'm so grateful God allowed me to realize it was time to leave

    • @riverrat9954
      @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว

      I do NOT know of any Independent Fundamental Baptist that teach this os believe it!!!

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 ปีที่แล้ว

      What was "off"?

  • @jenpatrick4741
    @jenpatrick4741 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this video. I’m currently leaving my church for stuff like .. a girl has to wear dress and is a slut for wearing leggings meanwhile the pastor is cheating on his wife but they ignore it.

    • @mollymuch2808
      @mollymuch2808 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don’t worry
      We live to the audience of only 1 in life to Him we must give account

  • @tinaflavin8083
    @tinaflavin8083 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Study to Show thy selves approved.

  • @banmancan1894
    @banmancan1894 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One of the best videos I've seen all year. Shoutout to a fellow deconstructed/reconstructed Christian!

  • @riverrat9954
    @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    John 14:15 KJV - If ye love me, keep my commandments.
    Proverbs 11:30 KJV - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
    1 John 4:21 KJV - And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

    • @kausamsalam8543
      @kausamsalam8543 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed, as an outsider-those who cannot follow their own commandments-as Jesus’s original teachings-on whom be peace-cannot be faithful to their own school communities, nor their own families, nor their own souls--my studies in other aspects of Christian tradition-Unitarian or Catholicism -is that such groups actually follow Jesus’ teachings, and are kind to people, (instead of misusing their power to hurt, stalk, or defame people who behaved correctly).
      May Allah bless the true practitioners of the teachings of Jesus, on whom be peace-on people who do not join gangs or Klanswomen’s Klans or hate groups that try and kill off brown people or Muslim women.
      For justice comes with mercy, and mercy is part of human love -which psychopaths from Klans misusing their religion do not understand.

    • @riverrat9954
      @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Kausam Salam Allah is in a Devil's Hell this very moment according to the WORD'S OF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE!
      Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the laugh no man cometh unto the Father but by ME, Jn14:6

    • @PrisonPreacher
      @PrisonPreacher ปีที่แล้ว

      @@riverrat9954 *life

  • @HowardJohnson-r3f
    @HowardJohnson-r3f 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great decision ! You can't disagree with a Fundamentalist. He will start making accusations against you. I have come to the conclusion that the movement is a cult. I could literally talk for hours about what is wrong with Fundamentalism but I am signing out.

  • @RJ-ce6si
    @RJ-ce6si 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wierd & boring! This is my last church been to so many over the years. After all the contemporary junk, the name it & claim it, carnivall Christianity, make me feel good churches I landed in a mountain Independant Baptist church. Preach the bible only, no wierd junk, no special mystery messages formulated by putting 19 various scriptures together out of context. Everything you talked about aint going on here, Ive heard others whine about the same things. Mostly from those that want worldly comprimise. KJV only, you betcha! Only the unwise will pick up a translation or version not knowing anything about it & claim its good. Best help yourself & do a study on the various translations & their intentions, it's a long ride but you need it.

  • @jondstewart
    @jondstewart 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Come on now! Independent Baptists are an awesome group of people. Rigid, judgmental, homely, and enjoying culinary delights in the fellowship hall after some night services consisting of pimento cheese sandwiches, cocktail sausages, potato chips, and the like.

    • @uriahpeep9008
      @uriahpeep9008 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bring on the Pepto Bismal........quick!!

  • @Lokie-cd2hw
    @Lokie-cd2hw 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You have to be careful about IFB churches. Some are borderline cults especially if the pastor is from the Jack Hyles camp.

  • @dudleygordon6191
    @dudleygordon6191 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You can give some people a million dollars and an apple pie and they wouldn’t be happy! Grinding the old axe here isn’t he, going public to discredit a church and a family, maybe there’s a reason they don’t bend over backwards for him! Just saying! 👍🏻

  • @frankspaulding670
    @frankspaulding670 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just don't go away from historical christian thought and whatvtge church has learned and practiced for 2000 years. Still hold to the fundamentals of the faith. We are not that different, unless yoj start believing anything you think is ok. We have to have rooted ourselves in Scripture Alone, in christ, faith and grace alone. Lay hold of eternal life.. 1tim6:12-14

  • @justinepanes366
    @justinepanes366 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have been in an outstanding kind of Church brother Baptist who only taught and preaches what ks in the bible unlike other churches that use bible and more like other books, please dont be General Yes it is some Baptist became modern now they got drums their music theyre doctrine shifting but not all mate Not all Baptist Church are like where youve been, here in CA many Baptist Churches were like what your saying and we moved out and look for another old time church and found one. It doesn't mean i saw a mess in this place i will see it on the other side right.

  • @simonotieno1222
    @simonotieno1222 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You can never agree with everything in all denomination but one principle is Jesus alone is the savior if ur not with us ur not with us we even don't have to listen to you unless ur willing to hear the truth of Jesus

  • @ilovemyboyfriend5425
    @ilovemyboyfriend5425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i was told i never be saved cause i live with my bf and im not sinfree

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If we could earn it, He wouldn't have needed to die for it. The point is quite literally that we cannot earn it.

    • @ilovemyboyfriend5425
      @ilovemyboyfriend5425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@chriswhite9676 they just say well if u really saved u stop sinning

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ilovemyboyfriend5425 Even Paul struggled with sin after being saved. That is not biblical and instead is using religion to control their congregation.

    • @ilovemyboyfriend5425
      @ilovemyboyfriend5425 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chriswhite9676 well just because i live with my boyfriend means im sinning so i cant be saved

    • @Ahuntrgw2013
      @Ahuntrgw2013 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ilovemyboyfriend5425 You “can’t be saved” but only until you repent (do a 180-degree turn from that, or whatever path you are on) and turn to Jesus. No, we CANNOT DO anything to get salvation because Jesus already paid the penalty for our sin. Until you realize and accept that, neither you, nor I, nor anyone else in this world can be saved.

  • @jackbenimble1373
    @jackbenimble1373 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have problems with denominations (demoninations). Because Scriptures have no denomination. Secondly. I was raised without God. And toured big stages as a rock guitarist for years. I've had a worldly upbringing. Now I am 50 with a wife and three kids. And i have learned FROM Scriptures that every person is an angel, exiled in a body, with a demon. The world is ruled by Satan. Sending out the unsaved to seduce us to fall and fail. I once listened to contemporary Christian music. No more. It has ALL the hallmarks of worldliness that stimulates the flesh. It nurtures the demon side of us. I have lived around the Amish for years. And have learned some things. They understand what society does. Its quicksand. 2022 is far worse than 20 years ago. As tech advances, it becomes easier to be swept away by society. Satan owns this world. The people are gorgeous today. Many are wolves inside, ready to tempt you to pieces. Its EVERYWHERE. satan wants it to ne easy for us to party. To lavish. He wants our consciousness deep in this world. Because its all enmity to GOD. And you know what the Bible says about that. I agree with any church that tries to protect the heart. While i dont agree with controlling others or laying guilt. I do believe in not updating 1000s of years old TRUTH to mix better with 2022. This is a very dark period. Getting more sinful every day. And brainwashing masses into believing Bad is Good. Better stick with time tested wisdom. Your life here means ZERO compared to Salvation. Because if you die while you're not saved, it'll take a miracle to be.

    • @everlastinglifeResources
      @everlastinglifeResources ปีที่แล้ว

      Here is the Gospel (or, Good News): God says that we are sinners and that no amount of good works or behavioral changes on our part could ever make us holy enough to enter into Heaven. God sent His only begotten Son to be crucified on the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus paid a debt that He did not owe, because we owed a debt of sin that we could not pay. 2nd Corinthians 5:21, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross for us all. His dead body was buried in a grave. On the third day, Jesus raised up bodily from the dead.
      The instant you believe this, God knows it and He saves you. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” The free gift (Romans 5:15) is based solely upon your trust in what Jesus did for you, and has absolutely nothing to do with what you do for Him. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” It is that simple my friend to be saved.

  • @BaptistJoshua
    @BaptistJoshua ปีที่แล้ว

    Anxiety...quit caffeine.
    Depression...consider Lithium Orotate.

  • @kingfobbit399
    @kingfobbit399 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The “view form your foxhole” is just that, your view, not the total picture.
    Independent Fundamental Baptists are not a sect or cohesive group, and no two churches are joined in any way other than fellowship with each other.
    There are no ties that bind like other churches that belong to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) or other groups that are similarly associated to some type of. National or International body.
    Independent in IFB means Independent from other Churches as the Bible clearly teaches.
    Regional or (that) Church specific observances are just that, specific to that Church and others may also adopt the same but they are not Doctrine.
    The one thing that IFB churches do share is Doctrine, meaning if the Bible does not say it than it should not be included in the faith.
    As far as your statements, it is clear that you yearn to be part of the “World” and are seeking any reason to justify your choices. You know exactly what I mean, and you also know that other people in this comment section will have their head explode agreeing with what you have said as they also are looking for a reason to leave the perceived restrictiveness of the faith and fully embrace the world.
    The Apostle Paul spoke of the “Baby” Christian who was only able to drink milk because they were not developed enough to eat meat yet (1 Cor 3:2). In this analogy Paul is basically saying people who are new to the faith are only able to digest what is soft on their system and that through time (like how a baby develops and gradually starts eating solids) the more developed Christian would be able to understand.
    Just like you talk about your issues with racism you very easily grouped all IFB into the same category like it is a Denomination which it clearly is not. All people are humans created in GODS image, there is only one race of people.
    What you have missed is that point in your church is not that they deny bigotry amongst man, it is that racism is an impossibility since there is only one race.
    You are young and I cannot be hypocritical of your journey in faith because I had gone through the same things in my youth.
    I hope you continue to work through your questions and seek the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT and not that of man.

  • @randyharrell496
    @randyharrell496 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Here’s one that grab you the church isn’t the system it’s the body

  • @badboy63079136
    @badboy63079136 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know it been a long time and you may or may still feel the same way and it sounds like you landed in a super strict IBF church but it of note to mention not all of them are the same. Yes I believe the KJV is the correct Bible for English speaking people and all you have to do is compare missing or changed versus from other versions and that all I needed as proof. Sure you can use other versions but why not use the best? NO! It doesn't mean your lost if you go to a different church and personally I find it hard to believe that any IBF church would teach that other the the Ruckman folks. Contemporary Christian music has its problems, Ray Botz, Tony Vincent, Amy Grant are perfect examples just look how they live thier lives and bang it is clear. I listen to Contemporary music as entertainment but not for worship, I'm not a fan of hymns either but it's not that big of issue for me. The pants the is supposed to be a modesty issue and I really don't agree with that concept and I don't mind arguing my point on the subject and my fellow Christians that disagree with me have never made me feel lesser in anyway but have defended thier position for sure and I'm OK with that. I have always resisted the cookie cutter mold that all people want to force on others because God made me a individual with my own mind and thoughts so im going to be myself regardless of what others think. I hope you landed in a good Church with solid teaching and that is a risk when you move out of the IBF and into a less fundamental Church is often they move away from the basic teachings of sound Bible study. Smiling Joe, Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland are just a few that are examples of people that get sound doctrine completely wrong but if you got saved then bad doctrine is not going to get you lost by any means but I may have consequences in this life and the next as with all incorrect beliefs as would changing your alternator on your car when you actually have a radiator problem. God didn't die on a Cross so that we could beat ourselves into the ground with a rule book but rather free us from the penalty of the law forever! You do you man!

  • @bobrenshaw381
    @bobrenshaw381 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you - well said. I look at the stars and appreciate just how little we know and are. I am still amused at the fanaticism shown to the King James Version of the bible and am left wondering how non-English speaking people can be saved because of their inability to read the KJV - or is that an excuse for racism?

  • @gwangecourage9512
    @gwangecourage9512 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Brother, what you just said seem like you have just missed a good church IFB. Don't allow the apostesy of this age deceive you. I love the KJV and I love IFB.

  • @ToblikB688
    @ToblikB688 ปีที่แล้ว

    Isnt a statement against wokism, crt and lack of free speech more in order?Not to mention what they're doing to kids in schools and elsewhere?

  • @kennethmuxlow8626
    @kennethmuxlow8626 ปีที่แล้ว

    i love the kjv and the old hyms the contemporary church is the fallng away but i dont follow scofield and the pretrib rapture

  • @SandyFerguson-o8z
    @SandyFerguson-o8z 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You just left your peticular church. They are each independent. Not every church is for every person. Find one you approve of. Make sure it follows the Bible.

  • @StephenJoseph777
    @StephenJoseph777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The good thing about independent baptists is every church is independent and don’t all agree with how you describe your experience. I’m IFB and like Christian rock. I believe KJB only , am against modern church practices. But I have grace and fellowship with true brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • @Landis_Grant
      @Landis_Grant 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Christian rock is an oxymoron because rock and roll music was created by Satan.

  • @randyharrell496
    @randyharrell496 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Don’t give into your past just keep digging legalism is just wrong period some people who might know me out there aren’t gonna like what I’m saying but I can’t go back to be that way I was so so called heavenly minded is was no earthly good

  • @rickkilgore1147
    @rickkilgore1147 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @mattyd.2067
    @mattyd.2067 ปีที่แล้ว

    There’s only one Finished Product of the English Bible to the English language God’s Mouthpiece to the rest of the world 🌎 1611 Authorized King James Bible! I’m sorry for your loss and your Bad experience. People and Churches are not perfect We all still have a old sinful nature. William Tyndall died for this translation of the 1611 all other versions come from Wescott and Hort!!

  • @ryanallenfoltz
    @ryanallenfoltz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Gospel is by definition prejudicial. What you're talking about is theosophy. The lady that came up with that philosophy was an occultist

  • @coldanielleensaijp9465
    @coldanielleensaijp9465 ปีที่แล้ว

    If your not pleased in KJV change it - at face your rant: as it appears -steeped in mental or emotional disorder

  • @heidirobinson3352
    @heidirobinson3352 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Everyone thinks that their brand of Christian beliefs are correct before their understanding of God/the Holy Trinity.

  • @mariahconklin4150
    @mariahconklin4150 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m in a Bible believing church and I’m finding it to be annoying. I’m more stressed out and the pastors are weird. 🤷‍♀️🤔 They focus too much on how the world is evil and how Satan is the enemy. No you guys I truly believe that people are just broken and that’s why we can do bad things. We can either do good things or bad we have a choice which way to go.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It’s tough to sift through what is legitimate Bible teach and what is traditions and interpretations of men. Hang in there I hope you find what you are looking for!

    • @fundamentalbaptistsermons686
      @fundamentalbaptistsermons686 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Your comment don’t make no sense are you for the Bible or not ,do you read your Bible

    • @1611Out-law
      @1611Out-law 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Its not about your feelings. What does the bible say?

  • @jamest4659
    @jamest4659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I found healing in a LCMS. I also like Andrew Farley. He has a TH-cam channel.

  • @cjames9320
    @cjames9320 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's unfortunate you don't believe in the preserved Word of God. When you compare modern Bibles to the King James (God's Preserved Word, and the only flawless English Bible) you find that the difference is not only in the modernity of the language but modern Bibles change doctrine. They all do this. You can't convince me that altering God's Word to say and mean something different isn't of Satan.

  • @williamallen1236
    @williamallen1236 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It sounds like you were in a Bible believing church. I hope you found a religion you can agree with.

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I have read, studied, and do read the Bible. Unfortunately the term “Bible believing” is often used to mean that the church agrees with your personal view of Christianity and often not with the Bible at all. My religion has not changed but I have found healing in Christ away from these false interpreters of Gods teaching.

  • @Yocuzziee
    @Yocuzziee ปีที่แล้ว

    I can see how you got deceived. It all started with the "modern song" you listened and look where you are at now. You started questioning the bible and God after listening...Can you not see it? God tells us to judge righteously and new bibles demean Jesus. I pray that you repent.

  • @riverrat9954
    @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where are you going to Church NOW!!!

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  ปีที่แล้ว

      A wonderful church that walks the balance!

    • @riverrat9954
      @riverrat9954 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chriswhite9676 what's its name?

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@riverrat9954 I don’t give out that kind of information online.

  • @spencershaw2407
    @spencershaw2407 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    bro are you even reading the KJV?

    • @spencershaw2407
      @spencershaw2407 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ohhh i figured it out now that I had a minute to think about it its that Women you are with that caused you to change your beliefs

    • @chriswhite9676
      @chriswhite9676  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@spencershaw2407 Thanks for such a clear living example to my point. God Bless.

    • @jamest4659
      @jamest4659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@spencershaw2407 I am sure you will have many stars in your crown. SMH

    • @spencershaw2407
      @spencershaw2407 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jamest4659 I'll cast my crown to the ground

  • @kausamsalam8543
    @kausamsalam8543 ปีที่แล้ว

    “To cast judgment” is what too many people of that group do-I agree.
    May Allah give you your inner peace through your own studies in your faith.

  • @Stella-mi7vz
    @Stella-mi7vz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So sad you walked away, I love the IFB

    • @Thevoiceinthewilderness2013
      @Thevoiceinthewilderness2013 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've got news for you, Jesus said in the Revelation that ONLY way into the kingdom is by keeping the commandments of God. None of these Judeo/Christian religions do that. In fact, they believe that if you keep the commandments of God you are not a believer in Christ. This was the strong delusion, the one that has deceived even the Messianic Jews, that you no longer have to obey your creator. Paul prophesied his own words against us. The whole world has plunged to the depths of sin because of it.
      Jumping from one of these fake religions into another is jumping from the fire into the frying pan expecting to be saved.... none of them can help you; either way you're gonna get burned!!!

    • @jesusfaith2232
      @jesusfaith2232 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sad you still in this cult …Lord open your eyes!

    • @snackpup
      @snackpup ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Thevoiceinthewilderness2013 that's talking about trib saints not church. th-cam.com/video/VnTj--yWydY/w-d-xo.html

  • @Floridagypsy
    @Floridagypsy ปีที่แล้ว

    You need to listen to Danny Castle. He helps keep me straight in this world of new age crap being brought into the church. KJV only!!! Inspired word of GOD!

    • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
      @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 ปีที่แล้ว

      I listen to and love Pastor Danny too although I'm not IFB just a non-denom Gospel believer.A real firebrand for the Lord. Danny upholds the old paths but wouldn't be coercive and controlling or legalistic the way a good few other IFB pastors can be. Thomas Cucuzza is well worth checking out too if you haven't heard of him.

    • @vixenrevitup
      @vixenrevitup ปีที่แล้ว

      KJV-Onlyism is a heretical “tradition of men.” Do some studying on the history of the Masoretic text versus the Septuagint (which has been PROVEN to have been the Scripture used by Jesus Christ because ancient Hebrew had died during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities) sometime. A comparison between the OT and NT of the Masoretic text shows a roughly 20% match of repeated verses. The Septuagint matches at least 80% of the time between the OT and NT. This lack of matching is what leads Christians to believe that there are some 500 prophesies still needing to be fulfilled today. That’s bologna. The vast majority of the Bible has come true, and many of the tribulations within the Bible began rapidly occurring after 1948 (when duped Christians declared the Edomites as God’s Chosen People, thus fulfilling God’s prophecy that Esau would break the yoke of Jacob from his neck and steal the birthright from the true Israelites of Scripture, which are the Anglo-Saxon [Saxon means “Isaac’s sons,” thus fulfilling God’s promise in Romans 9:7 that “THROUGH ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS SHALL BE NAMED”] and kindred people).
      Look up a 12-per sermon on Internet Archive called, “The King James Only Deception 1-12.” You will find definitive PROOF that KJV-Onlyism is a heresy being lead in the modern era by an occultist practitioner of witchcraft… And the witch whose books most people read to promote said heresy needs to have her publications treated in the manner described in Acts 19:19: BURN THEM!
      Then start reading the NASB (I prefer the 1977 version). It is the most accurate word-for-word translation by theologians everywhere. Then pick up many other translations to see how they compare (I personally love the Ferrar Fenton translation and have a second edition from 1902 and a fifth edition from 1931). Notice how there are no NASB-Only, Ferrar-Fenton-Only, or Geneva-Bible-Only movements. Why not? Could Christians not get saved prior to 1611 thanks to their Geneva Bibles? No, that is idiocy. Read the 1611 Bible’s Preface To the Reader. They tell you that they were not divinely inspired, admit there were MULTIPLE full passages that they had to guess how to translate using what we label as “Dynamic Equivalency” today, and declare the need to read MULTIPLE translations so that even the most “vulgar” (this word meant “simple” or “layman’s” back in the early 1600’s; not “disgusting” or “immoral” as we know it to mean today) tongue can understand Scripture. KJV-Onlyism is arrogance to the highest degree, and you people worship this translation of sinful, fallible men (under the order and direction of a homosexual King James, no less) as an idol of old.
      You are nothing more than “hypocrites” (this word is synonymous with the modern word “actor,” by the way). And Jesus said, “Woe unto you… hypocrites” in multiple NT verses…

  • @mollymuch2808
    @mollymuch2808 หลายเดือนก่อน

    33 thousand errors in the KJV

  • @scobo4743
    @scobo4743 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video is not edifying to the body of Christ. Your story contradicts itself. You say don't judge but then judge out the other side of your mouth. You are still lost. Hope you get clear and don't put stumbling blocks for others to get tripped up on.

  • @ProjecthuntanFish
    @ProjecthuntanFish 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dont let the door hit you on the way out

    • @jamest4659
      @jamest4659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm glad we don't pray to you.

    • @caitlinsoliman1658
      @caitlinsoliman1658 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Not nice

    • @ProjecthuntanFish
      @ProjecthuntanFish 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@caitlinsoliman1658 cry me a river

    • @jakeb.5489
      @jakeb.5489 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@ProjecthuntanFish let me guess, you're a Steven Anderson follower. Am I right?

    • @ProjecthuntanFish
      @ProjecthuntanFish 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jakeb.5489 Steven Anderson is a heretic and most likely a sociopath

  • @joebungo6310
    @joebungo6310 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really think you were running loose in a IFB and really never got saved and so you have a opposing spirit which is the spirit of the devil

  • @Ephesians2-8KJV
    @Ephesians2-8KJV 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I go to an IFB church and I love it! I got saved by a soul-winner preaching the crystal clear Gospel from the word of God, and been going to that church ever since. I got plugged in, got more clean time under my belt than ever, and my life is going uphill in many areas. There's also an opportunity to go organized soul winning every day of the week and spread the message to another me looking for truth. While I do have my own opinions and convictions like most people, I love that we keep the main thing, the main thing. There's no perfect church out there so we just do the best we can to align with his Word not ours. I've never been personally attacked by my pastor or any other church member about what I believe or what I do. Just clean preaching from the Bible

  • @tinaflavin8083
    @tinaflavin8083 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You've gotta find the middle ground buddy. Seek God the word of God and he will make straight your path. Do not seek the world ... but the word

    • @snackpup
      @snackpup ปีที่แล้ว

      he's seeking the world. you bible believers are pathetic. you know the truth but dont stick to it. i came from CALVINIST background. i didn't know OSAS until i was old. the world drove me mad and trust me it will eat any one of you little bible believers if you leave your company. when i came to bible believing truth just 2 years ago, i finally had peace and joy.
      the world always lures you with niceties at first. but then it eats you.

  • @1611Out-law
    @1611Out-law 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The bible also says very clear in
    1 John 2:15-17 KJV - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
    You cant conform to this world.
    Ephesians 2:2 KJV - Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

  • @keithdavis4683
    @keithdavis4683 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Independent condemn everything but what they allow

  • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
    @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Brother, I'm not IFB but a Gospel believer who would be more comfortable with non-denom Bible churches, especially those associated with the open Brethren. I appreciate the evangelism emphasis of the IFB and the strong stand they generally take on salvation by faith alone and the eternal security of the believer. They do tend to over-emphasise the sinners prayer methodology mind that doesn't sit so easy with me. Nonetheless, many have come to saving faith through the witness of IFB churches and that I praise God for. The main thing that puts me off the IFB is the spiritual elitism that affects many but I certainly wouldn't say all and I am aware of more moderate less sectarian IFB fellowships that are virtually indistinguishable from conservative Bible churches. I hope these are the future of the movement and gain more traction. The elitism really comes out in their insistence on separation standards for living a sanctified Christian life. Much of this goes beyond the Scriptures or is at best majoring on minors. However, non-conformity or not conforming enough can and does result in cold shouldering and being given a rocky ride spilling over into spiritual abuse. I greatly admire your honesty in this video about the struggles you have faced and may it give hope and encouragement to those undergoing the same. Many, many blessings to you and your household Chris.

  • @Aaron-kt7nj
    @Aaron-kt7nj 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So what im hearing, is you based your entire faith on a casting crowns song and a moment where you doubted God and the entire Bible. You didnt search the scriptures? You didnt pray and cry out to God to show you the truth and the right way? I dont know what church you grew up in but to decide your whole eternity on emtions and feelings is exactly what the devil wants you to do. Search the scriptures to see what God says and ask God to show you the right way, and God will show you, unless you just want to live in sin and your reasons are just excuses to do that. But the Bible says that he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool. I have a reason to believe thats why your still battling depression and anxiety. Your heart is not settled in the truth of Gods Word. There is no peace my God saith unto the the wicked. Theres still hope if you really want to know the truth but not if you just want your truth