It's worth emphasizing that the foundation for which everything else he says is this: that both people have to be willing to put in the work to make a marriage work
Yes, but I have never understood why you should desire something that generates extra work for yourself as well as emotional despair and anguish? The happiest I have ever been is when I was on my own, just can't understand why everyone tells us we will enjoy marriage so much?
Cool video. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation, my relationship of 12 years ended, but i couldnt just let her go i did all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual counselor who helped me bring her back
3rd marriage about to divorce asked God Himself for wisdom James 1 5 Hebrews 4 13 He said... 25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.
Wrong. You are a slave. Worse, a thrall. You aren't ready for freedom. They are ALL my children. And a Father is right by God's judgement alone. The Father nevers defers the authority of judgement to the child. To do so is foolish and invites evil.
Wow. My last three relationships had to end into marriage as my plan. I didn’t want to waste time. But these girls kept touching wounds from childhood that I never healed. I didn’t grow with father and mother or any family member. I needed love and care. In most cases where pain was, it was in those areas that needed to be filled. The void is real and I now see it differently. Now I am very scared to fall in love, I don’t want to add on wounds. I have been thinking of focusing on self and live life as it is. But this video helps me to understand a few things and the need to confront myself. Wow. The depth or revelation and wisdom. I will watch it a few times because I feel like I need more from it.
When you find the rest of yourself and make that real connection - the other person's pain hurts you worse than if it actually happened to you and their joys fill you with more joy than if it actually happened to you - and when they're gone you feel as if you're missing far more than just half of yourself. We were SO much a part of each other - now that he's left this life, I barely feel like 20% of my original "self" is left.💔All day, every day, 80% of 'me' is gone, down into the ground and I'm left here aimlessly. The only purpose left is tikkun olam for Hashem on my own, by myself. My life is far less effective now.
I think we live in an age where society is too dysfunctional to be able to handle marriage. It reminds me of what God told the prophet Jeremiah (16:2): "The word of the Lord came also unto me, saying, 2 Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons or daughters in this place." In such times there is no net benefit to marriage.
"To remain happily married, we really have to face yourself in a way that we don’t have to if we don’t get married." 🎯 Spot on! very well explained, Tq Rabbi 🙏🏽
inorder for a marriage to be successful imv, both parties must be ready for marriage, meaning they both must prioritize the relationship itself, and continually nurture it and support it. there also needs to be closeness in the prior development of both parties, so that they are at a similar, very close point in their development as souls :)
I think to have a happy and successful marriage requires both patners to first see each other as Equal human beings. Then do on to other as you would want to be treated. Be willing to face yourself everyday as you strive to be a better version of yourself everyday.
I love the idea of the challenge that marriage brings to each person, because now they have to deal with who they are, for better or for worse. A lot of all the other things said here I cannot agree with because they are not in the Holy Scriptures. At least not that I am aware of. And I do not believe in creating my own interpretations of Holy Scripture. nonetheless, it's a great reminder that marriage is no fairytale. But it can bring about joy and a certain level of human fulfillment.
Another icing on the cake, thank u....yes everything comes with challenges including marriage. But if God commanded, then I believe its attainable. I also believe as divine concept, requires divine wisdom, biblical principles and intentionality to thrive....John 15:5. The intertwined of two individuals as ONE indivisible entity should be a team work, primarily to fulfill Gods WILL..Matt 19:5., meaning they are supposed to be a reflection of each others weakness, strength, challenges, wins and growth. But the success begins with each person's determination, dedication and commitment to this purpose and process..
Gen 1:23,26 ... This 6th-day 'man' spoke in 'mans' best understanding , logic & knowledge ... w/o the Divine Providential WISDOM of his CREATOR'S WILL & INTENT ! ... That's why these Worldly 'hook-ups' become Stale & NEVER Last ! ... When the SPIRIT OF THE CREATOR is NOT in these marriages , they are DOA , PERIOD ! ...
So many other comment writers find this message a revelation. Old fashioned? How about saying "In the current declining civilization" men no longer greet each other by asking 'where's your better half' because there isn't one. Explains a lot about why so many men and women feel lonely. Get off the phone and go get right with God; you'll meet some interesting and friendly people.
No. Life is intolerable under the economic system of our times. That is why most relationships don't work. (Outside of the esoteric significance you assign). When people are on survival mode all the time it doesn't draw out the best for either partner.
Nah if this were true it would be the opposite. If life were hard people would look for help surviving. Its the exact opposite, life is too easy so people create problems to have something to fight about. Women can live on their own so they dont value men.
Guys the only good reason to marry is if you want children with a lifelong partner who you consider to be your soulmate. Otherwise you are on a hiding to nothing in the family and divorce courts with their blatant favouritism towards the wife and equally hostility to the husband. Also if sex is your primary aim certainly do not marry as before the wedding the sex will be plentiful but afterwards its frequency is likely to seriously decline, especially if kids come along as your wife is likely to give almost all her energies to them and not you. In truth when kids come along they are her first priority, not you her husband. As long as wives can divorce for frivolous reasons and not be financially penalised (e.g. I don't feel it) marriage rates will decline inexorably as what is in it for men ? Assuming your moral and religious views allow it if you meet a compatible lady who is over 35 and you want to live with her and you own your own property best not to marry her as she wouldn't be entitled to your property if you part ways.
I forgot who I heard it from first but the wife should put her husband first, not the kids and it makes sense to me. Of course she wants to tend to her babies but a family's foundation comes from the bond between the parents first. If they don't love each other the kids will know it like I had to grow up with. Nobody should be raised like that.
looks like now "science" is confirming what also the greeks like in one of plato's dialogues is mention as well as here that it seems when our first embrio is made from the very beginning there always two but in most cases only one survives and gives birth while other few remain the two and are born twins and the same goes for the shadow work part I do agree that best shadow work can only or is def best be done in pairs
That is not true that you have to face yourself in marriage. You have to face the other person. I don't believe his version of any part of marriage. I have NEVER heard a married man say he wished he was still married to his ex-wife. I know many more divorced men than married men.
Be careful, because if you do not have a proper foundation with torah, married with children, etc. it can rot your mind. Otherwise, you are playing with dynamite.
What changed Yahweh’s behaviour towards Israelites so much as to not save them from the plot of Hitler, whereas He saved them spectacularly from the plot of Amman?
Regarding a change in divine favour, the law does speak of curses for disobedience, so it is possible to forego much divine protection by how one lives, our own choices aggregating to a national level, enough national sin leading to national punishment, unpopular as such a concept may be. Whether such was the case in this instance...? Ultimately however Hitler's plan was a failure - European Jewry was not wiped out, and only a few short years later the nation of Israel was established again, something which had not been for the better part of two millennia, quite an incredible turnaround!
@ add to this the fact that prophets stopped talking to Israelites, which is unthinkable for a gathering of people connected to Him; plus the crimson tissue/rope stopped being miraculously turned white on the day of Pesakh suddenly after about 30-35 AD till destruction of the temple and onwards as stated in the Talmud (I can say exact verses). It all seems more like no body of the Jews are neither friends of Yahweh, nor Abraham’s children any longer, unless they become Christians.
The healing you describe is what our Messiah is suppose to give. We are wounded because our parents were wounded and they were wounded because of their parents as far back as you can go. This is the human condition. We all have been afflicted because of sin and the only healing is in Messiah where healing and wholeness can be given. He seems to be waiting for something as he doesn't seem to be here healing the people. Our Father in Heaven needs to be our Father on Earth. I guess it's that 120 year or 120 jubilees or 6,000 year thing. IOW, we wouldn't have these relationship problems if both people were whole. People aren't whole because of the abuse they've suffered and their separation from God which only He can cure. May He come soon and love and heal the people. 😔🙏
JESUS said u can divorce for adultery only matt if your spouse is mentally and physically abusing u by all means leave, get away to remain safe
No Jesus did not…remarriage is adultery unless your first spouse is not alive. Death separates the covenant spouse. If you get remarried while first spouse is living then you are in adultery period. Now, if you get a divorce you are to remain single meaning not date or have another spouse except if the first spouse is not alive longer living. God said that Moses permitted you all to divorce but in the beginning it was not so. Meaning God has not permitted divorce but man has and people have been divorcing left and right in adultery and won’t inherit the kingdom.
Thank you for this beautiful inscription. You can't have a good marriage with someone mediocre For everyone who got lucky... praise God Singing with Björk "I miss you but I haven't met you yet."
You are just living in wrong environmemt and wrong people... We here in Philippines, divorce or annulment is a least topic in marriage. I guess its bcoz of our culture and own view of how we value the importance of marriage. Its a surprise to us seeing divorce is very common in other country.
Stay single & serve God. Jesus warned those that married would have struggles. You cannot force benevolent behavior out of anyone unwilling to love you. God doesn't force love he asks us to show our love through obedience. People need to wake up and stop seeking the wisdom of humans. Jesus gave you the answers seek his words. It is arrogant humanity that ignores the wisdom of the Living God & his SON whom he sent to redeem all flesh.
One o non one non moo interest important sacrifice so creativity in group family or group patriotic FESTS creativity group creativity sacrifice you non volyd and non returning
God hates divorce. He doesn't permit divorce, it's the hard heart of man that pressured Moses to agree to their insistence to divorce. Hard hearted people who divorce cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. God never contradicts His Holy Word. Be reconciled or stay by yourself. What God has joined together, let no man rend asunder. All Glory to Almighty God in Christ Jesus' name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen.
@LeahK-u5v Dr Joseph Webb on" the Permanency of Marriage." His teachings explain the Biblical view of marriage.
God is you... the Kingdom of Heaven is in you. It is not outside of you. It is not a place you go when you die because you are never born and you will never die. You are a soul and that soul is God, the Universe, your higher self. Basically you are awareness. You are not the mind nor the body.
If you divorce, you’re looking after your assets. And your own retirement. Greedy and selfish. Instead of sharing your life when you get old and you’re golden years. You wanna be greedy and selfish.
@lancemarchetti8673 God hates divorce. He does not contradict His Holy Word. What God has joined together let no man rend asunder. Do you think Moses permitted divorce or when Jesus was questioned, in the book of Matthew,they both stated "Because of your hardened heart,Moses permitted divorce. " Do you believe a hardened heart enters the kingdom of heaven? Be reconciled or remain single. All Glory to Almighty God in Christ Jesus name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen.
If you can ask King Harold if I can borrow the money so I can kick everybody out of my government. The national debt amount. Call federal reserve, and tell the king that has 500 trillion in the bank find them and ask him to lend Solomon the 36 trillion. so I can kick all the workers out of my territory. It has to be paid 2027. My workers came up on all the money I had. And I had enough to pay for it hidden in my corporations. Stole everything. Did the paperwork 1994 king it has to be paid before 2027. You cannot reset with a debt. Can you look for the king that has 500 trillion in the bank and Israel? Needs a loan. Salomon needs a loan at 36 trillion to pay off the national debt. My workers kept the money. And he’s the only king that I know that has that.
It's worth emphasizing that the foundation for which everything else he says is this: that both people have to be willing to put in the work to make a marriage work
Yes, but I have never understood why you should desire something that generates extra work for yourself as well as emotional despair and anguish? The happiest I have ever been is when I was on my own, just can't understand why everyone tells us we will enjoy marriage so much?
I marriage you have put up with a lot of bs...
@@integr8er66poor partner choice. People don’t have the qualities and maturity for marriage.
I would like to differ. A marriage should be working long before the ceremony or a signed piece of paper.
He is right. The problem is that only few can face the challenge, and that a marriage needs a community too ❤
It needs an extended family that is my case had to go it alone as others were hands off
Cool video. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation, my relationship of 12 years ended, but i couldnt just let her go i did all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual counselor who helped me bring her back
Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counselor, and how do i reach him or her?
Her name is Shelly renee white , and she is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive
Pmsl u soft la that's pathetic 😂😂😂
Exactly!! Very hard lessons to learn.
Your spouse is there to show you your weaknesses as well as strengths.
Psalm 139 1-18 all our days ordained before one came to pass
3rd marriage about to divorce asked God Himself for wisdom James 1 5 Hebrews 4 13
He said... 25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.
@@richardjohanson612 Did you not love her as yourself, and that's the problem? Or do you love her as yourself and that's the problem?
Well said
Wrong. You are a slave.
Worse, a thrall.
You aren't ready for freedom.
They are ALL my children.
And a Father is right by God's judgement alone.
The Father nevers defers the authority of judgement to the child.
To do so is foolish and invites evil.
Ok, I learned something today. Thank you.
Wow. My last three relationships had to end into marriage as my plan. I didn’t want to waste time. But these girls kept touching wounds from childhood that I never healed.
I didn’t grow with father and mother or any family member. I needed love and care. In most cases where pain was, it was in those areas that needed to be filled. The void is real and I now see it differently.
Now I am very scared to fall in love, I don’t want to add on wounds. I have been thinking of focusing on self and live life as it is. But this video helps me to understand a few things and the need to confront myself. Wow. The depth or revelation and wisdom. I will watch it a few times because I feel like I need more from it.
After divorce I learned I wasn't selfish enough.
_"Nobody gets married with the plan that they're getting divorced."_
Oh, I think a lot of women do.
That's actually the main plan.
A marriage should be working long before the ceremony or a signed piece of paper. That's what most never talk about.
The men know it's coming, the women usually pick when.
A woman does
❤ wow. That was something incredibly beautiful - glory be to the One who made us. Peace be with you Rabbi, from your Muslim sister.
Thank you for sharing that powerful insight. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Wonderful insights
When you find the rest of yourself and make that real connection - the other person's pain hurts you worse than if it actually happened to you and their joys fill you with more joy than if it actually happened to you - and when they're gone you feel as if you're missing far more than just half of yourself. We were SO much a part of each other - now that he's left this life, I barely feel like 20% of my original "self" is left.💔All day, every day, 80% of 'me' is gone, down into the ground and I'm left here aimlessly. The only purpose left is tikkun olam for Hashem on my own, by myself. My life is far less effective now.
0:45 He nailed it.
You have to face it together, refuse to let go, and lift each other up.
As a matter of fact I DO believe that there are women who do in fact plan on divorce before getting married. I know one.
I think we live in an age where society is too dysfunctional to be able to handle marriage. It reminds me of what God told the prophet Jeremiah (16:2): "The word of the Lord came also unto me, saying, 2 Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons or daughters in this place." In such times there is no net benefit to marriage.
Correct, 2 adult children cannot form a stable marriage.
This is exactly how I see it, but didn’t until I got married.
Marriage is real simple, and most people hate simplicity.
Agreed. A marriage should be working long before the ceremony or a signed piece of paper.
@@lancemarchetti8673 Correct, Women want weddings, not marriage.
"To remain happily married, we really have to face yourself in a way that we don’t have to if we don’t get married." 🎯
Spot on! very well explained, Tq Rabbi 🙏🏽
A lovely explanation
I love this concept of marriage.
It can go one huge step further. A marriage should be working long before the ceremony or a signed piece of paper.
inorder for a marriage to be successful imv, both parties must be ready for marriage, meaning they both must prioritize the relationship itself, and continually nurture it and support it. there also needs to be closeness in the prior development of both parties, so that they are at a similar, very close point in their development as souls :)
That's beautiful Rabbi ❤
Incredibly on point
Very powerful wisdom from the tour
Deep indeed: that which afflicts us is what heals us...
that Tree where life was lost, there life has been saved _ the Cross!
So much wisdom.
Wow ! That’s so powerful!
The best revelation of marriage I have ever heard. I've been resisting marriage. Perhaps I'll reconsider!
I think to have a happy and successful marriage requires both patners to first see each other as Equal human beings.
Then do on to other as you would want to be treated. Be willing to face yourself everyday as you strive to be a better version of yourself everyday.
Marriage frees a person from other choices.
I love the idea of the challenge that marriage brings to each person, because now they have to deal with who they are, for better or for worse.
A lot of all the other things said here I cannot agree with because they are not in the Holy Scriptures. At least not that I am aware of. And I do not believe in creating my own interpretations of Holy Scripture.
nonetheless, it's a great reminder that marriage is no fairytale. But it can bring about joy and a certain level of human fulfillment.
maybe 10% of marriages follow this ideal script
What you describe as a split soul is a known Greek Concept.
And every married couple fights at some point or many.
That is an interesting approach, but definitely not the whole answer to 'Why we should get married?'
This is so profound.
Another icing on the cake, thank u....yes everything comes with challenges including marriage. But if God commanded, then I believe its attainable. I also believe as divine concept, requires divine wisdom, biblical principles and intentionality to thrive....John 15:5. The intertwined of two individuals as ONE indivisible entity should be a team work, primarily to fulfill Gods WILL..Matt 19:5., meaning they are supposed to be a reflection of each others weakness, strength, challenges, wins and growth. But the success begins with each person's determination, dedication and commitment to this purpose and process..
Damn didn’t expect to hear such good advice, blew me away
Gen 1:23,26 ... This 6th-day 'man' spoke in 'mans' best understanding , logic & knowledge ... w/o the Divine Providential WISDOM of his CREATOR'S WILL & INTENT ! ... That's why these Worldly 'hook-ups' become Stale & NEVER Last ! ... When the SPIRIT OF THE CREATOR is NOT in these marriages , they are DOA , PERIOD ! ...
Absolute facts!
Old-fashioned German men say "my better half" when they mean their wives.
I heard this from so many people around me!
If they have old-fashioned wives, that might even be true.
We have that expression in America too. (And as in Germany, wives do not refer to their husbands that way.)
So many other comment writers find this message a revelation. Old fashioned? How about saying "In the current declining civilization" men no longer greet each other by asking 'where's your better half' because there isn't one. Explains a lot about why so many men and women feel lonely. Get off the phone and go get right with God; you'll meet some interesting and friendly people.
@joelmelito1746 I think it's perfectly fine to be old-fashioned, and I am old-fashioned myself. I'm even a "better half." 😇
I learned something from Mrs rabbi
No. Life is intolerable under the economic system of our times. That is why most relationships don't work. (Outside of the esoteric significance you assign).
When people are on survival mode all the time it doesn't draw out the best for either partner.
Nah if this were true it would be the opposite. If life were hard people would look for help surviving.
Its the exact opposite, life is too easy so people create problems to have something to fight about. Women can live on their own so they dont value men.
Mine beat me Everytime I got pregnant so I healed when I left. I found my hidden half was very strong.
That's horrific. I hope you continue to heal and that your children are doing well.
My children all died.
It’s simple….the modern woman does not submit. It’s that simple.
It’s 2 captains in the cockpit. You need 1 leader and one follower.
Guys the only good reason to marry is if you want children with a lifelong partner who you consider to be your soulmate.
Otherwise you are on a hiding to nothing in the family and divorce courts with their blatant favouritism towards the wife and equally hostility to the husband.
Also if sex is your primary aim certainly do not marry as before the wedding the sex will be plentiful but afterwards its frequency is likely to seriously decline, especially if kids come along as your wife is likely to give almost all her energies to them and not you. In truth when kids come along they are her first priority, not you her husband.
As long as wives can divorce for frivolous reasons and not be financially penalised (e.g. I don't feel it) marriage rates will decline inexorably as what is in it for men ?
Assuming your moral and religious views allow it if you meet a compatible lady who is over 35 and you want to live with her and you own your own property best not to marry her as she wouldn't be entitled to your property if you part ways.
I forgot who I heard it from first but the wife should put her husband first, not the kids and it makes sense to me. Of course she wants to tend to her babies but a family's foundation comes from the bond between the parents first. If they don't love each other the kids will know it like I had to grow up with. Nobody should be raised like that.
Outwardly noone can understand whats going on. Some marriages are meant to be made while some to be broken 😢
So much to unpack... I guess well intended but mostly complete imagined nonsense said with such confidence.
The second half inside of me can go to hell, because its going there anyway, and taking me with it, if hell exists.
looks like now "science" is confirming what also the greeks like in one of plato's dialogues is mention as well as here that it seems when our first embrio is made from the very beginning there always two but in most cases only one survives and gives birth while other few remain the two and are born twins and the same goes for the shadow work part I do agree that best shadow work can only or is def best be done in pairs
That is not true that you have to face yourself in marriage. You have to face the other person.
I don't believe his version of any part of marriage.
I have NEVER heard a married man say he wished he was still married to his ex-wife.
I know many more divorced men than married men.
The lesson of Adam and Eve says everything one needs to know about marriage.
Life is change. How it differs from the rocks. My wife is my mirror.
This is fascinating. I'm going to look at the Zohar.
Be careful, because if you do not have a proper foundation with torah, married with children, etc. it can rot your mind. Otherwise, you are playing with dynamite.
What changed Yahweh’s behaviour towards Israelites so much as to not save them from the plot of Hitler, whereas He saved them spectacularly from the plot of Amman?
I see the question. Why do you ask?
Regarding a change in divine favour, the law does speak of curses for disobedience, so it is possible to forego much divine protection by how one lives, our own choices aggregating to a national level, enough national sin leading to national punishment, unpopular as such a concept may be. Whether such was the case in this instance...?
Ultimately however Hitler's plan was a failure - European Jewry was not wiped out, and only a few short years later the nation of Israel was established again, something which had not been for the better part of two millennia, quite an incredible turnaround!
@ add to this the fact that prophets stopped talking to Israelites, which is unthinkable for a gathering of people connected to Him; plus the crimson tissue/rope stopped being miraculously turned white on the day of Pesakh suddenly after about 30-35 AD till destruction of the temple and onwards as stated in the Talmud (I can say exact verses). It all seems more like no body of the Jews are neither friends of Yahweh, nor Abraham’s children any longer, unless they become Christians.
The healing you describe is what our Messiah is suppose to give. We are wounded because our parents were wounded and they were wounded because of their parents as far back as you can go. This is the human condition. We all have been afflicted because of sin and the only healing is in Messiah where healing and wholeness can be given. He seems to be waiting for something as he doesn't seem to be here healing the people. Our Father in Heaven needs to be our Father on Earth. I guess it's that 120 year or 120 jubilees or 6,000 year thing. IOW, we wouldn't have these relationship problems if both people were whole. People aren't whole because of the abuse they've suffered and their separation from God which only He can cure. May He come soon and love and heal the people. 😔🙏
It's kind of like God meeting himself through US being here.
Pawnbroking, Usury and loan sharking is where the religion of jahweh is based upon.And for 3000 years.
All things are pieces of our personalities.
What's in your territory, kingdom is pieces of you.
That is exactly Catholic teaching!
JESUS said u can divorce for adultery only matt if your spouse is mentally and physically abusing u by all means leave, get away to remain safe
No Jesus did not…remarriage is adultery unless your first spouse is not alive. Death separates the covenant spouse. If you get remarried while first spouse is living then you are in adultery period. Now, if you get a divorce you are to remain single meaning not date or have another spouse except if the first spouse is not alive longer living. God said that Moses permitted you all to divorce but in the beginning it was not so. Meaning God has not permitted divorce but man has and people have been divorcing left and right in adultery and won’t inherit the kingdom.
Thank you for this beautiful inscription.
You can't have a good marriage with someone mediocre
For everyone who got lucky...
praise God
Singing with Björk "I miss you but I haven't met you yet."
That kabala is so wrong with so many things
Especially about marriage
It's not that simple !
Tikkun Olam 🌎
This expression was stolen by the liberals and they have no idea of what the concept means
Abandoned all hope on marriage women are broken save yourself peace quiet and solitude men
This is all fine until you don't care
Sorry mate
Ye didnt convince me
Day women are just unhinged
...And then you get divorced, for someone else's frivolous cause, and lose half. You get yoked into indentured servitude. Congratulations
I never found my second half, they did things I wouldn't do, Cheat!
You are just living in wrong environmemt and wrong people...
We here in Philippines, divorce or annulment is a least topic in marriage.
I guess its bcoz of our culture and own view of how we value the importance of marriage. Its a surprise to us seeing divorce is very common in other country.
BS. Divorce is 80% done by women as they are rewarded $$$ by the laws. Follow the $$$
Stay single & serve God. Jesus warned those that married would have struggles.
You cannot force benevolent behavior out of anyone unwilling to love you.
God doesn't force love he asks us to show our love through obedience.
People need to wake up and stop seeking the wisdom of humans. Jesus gave you the answers seek his words.
It is arrogant humanity that ignores the wisdom of the Living God & his SON whom he sent to redeem all flesh.
❤🎉 1000😊❤❤
This guy thinks he is wise. Sad!
One o non one non moo interest important sacrifice so creativity in group family or group patriotic FESTS creativity group creativity sacrifice you non volyd and non returning
Marriage sucks.
God hates divorce.
He doesn't permit divorce, it's the hard heart of man that pressured Moses to agree to their insistence to divorce.
Hard hearted people who divorce cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
God never contradicts His Holy Word.
Be reconciled or stay by yourself.
What God has joined together, let no man rend asunder.
All Glory to Almighty God in Christ Jesus' name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen.
Amen to this I was just posting some info similar to this to response about adultery.
Dr Joseph Webb on" the Permanency of Marriage."
His teachings explain the Biblical view of marriage.
God is you... the Kingdom of Heaven is in you. It is not outside of you. It is not a place you go when you die because you are never born and you will never die. You are a soul and that soul is God, the Universe, your higher self. Basically you are awareness. You are not the mind nor the body.
Marriage is only recent.
We're still learning how it works.
Are you the man or the woman?
Oh stop with the fantasies.
It's not a fantasy. The only thing I will add is that this works best when both partners are open to doing the work.
Agree with you.😂
You’re not allowed to remarry if you got divorced. You’re blocking chances for other people. You already lived your life. Move on by yourself. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
If you divorce, you’re looking after your assets. And your own retirement. Greedy and selfish. Instead of sharing your life when you get old and you’re golden years. You wanna be greedy and selfish.
Stop living by the kills the chance for people wanting a second chance at finding love again. Think like Yeshua, not like a Pharisee.
God hates divorce.
He does not contradict His Holy Word.
What God has joined together let no man rend asunder.
Do you think Moses permitted divorce or when Jesus was questioned, in the book of Matthew,they both stated
"Because of your hardened heart,Moses permitted divorce. "
Do you believe a hardened heart enters the kingdom of heaven?
Be reconciled or remain single.
All Glory to Almighty God in Christ Jesus name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen.
Mother Mary of the Germans. Saint Martin. That me. Israel Solomon’s house that me. King. 👑
If you can ask King Harold if I can borrow the money so I can kick everybody out of my government. The national debt amount. Call federal reserve, and tell the king that has 500 trillion in the bank find them and ask him to lend Solomon the 36 trillion. so I can kick all the workers out of my territory. It has to be paid 2027. My workers came up on all the money I had. And I had enough to pay for it hidden in my corporations. Stole everything. Did the paperwork 1994 king it has to be paid before 2027. You cannot reset with a debt. Can you look for the king that has 500 trillion in the bank and Israel? Needs a loan. Salomon needs a loan at 36 trillion to pay off the national debt. My workers kept the money. And he’s the only king that I know that has that.