Is Hebrew Matthew "Anti-Messiah"?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @patriciaking410
    @patriciaking410 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Shabbat Shalom Nehemia & Keith. 🖖💕

  • @johngillatt2740
    @johngillatt2740 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We speak different languages! (I, a speaker of English, have the heritage of forefathers who helped build the tower of Babel!)

  • @dav3miga
    @dav3miga หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm a little anti Paulist ....change my mind
    I was raised in a very Polish Catholic family

  • @auh2o148
    @auh2o148 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It doesn't matter if the Hebrew Matthew doesn't have all of the 'Mashiakh's,' because his gospel is painting Messiah as the King, anyway. John is dealing with Messiah's spiritual side.

  • @jackietate5222
    @jackietate5222 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well, you aren't even translating the text correctly.
    "Anti" doesn't simply mean against in the Greek. It also holds the meaning of "in place of" such as the term Vice as in Vice President. A Vice President isn't against the President.
    This is an important distinction because Jesus lived in the Zugot period of Judaism.
    Zugot means pairs. Because the Jewish leaders of the period ran things in pairs.
    A Nasi and an Ab Beit Deen. The Ab Beit Deen served as a Vice President, so to speak. And notice the title: Ab (Father) Beit Deen (House of Justice).
    So, the "anti" Christ is the Father person whom Jesus often mentioned.
    "If I do not go he will not come".
    "None knows the time except for the Father"
    Let's look further at this.
    Notice the idea that Jesus is the
    'Son of Man'
    And in the Book of Revelation it is often mistranslated that the number of the beast is the number "of a man". However, the Greek doesn't have a word for 'a'.
    The correct translation is:
    The number of Man.
    So, this antichrist figure is Man, the proverbial Father of Christ, ie the Ab Beit Deen.
    You also see that when someone tells Jesus that they think that he is Moshiac he replied "don't tell anyone that".
    For good reason. He knows that he wasn't going to fulfill the prophecies, because he himself was making prophecies about a future Moshiac.
    Another point is that Jewish prophecy doesn't speak of only one Messiah, but rather two. Moshiac Ben Joseph and Moshiac Ben David.
    Jesus' father was who?
    So, as an anointed Nasi and Jewish prophet he was literally was literally,
    Moshiac Ben Joseph.
    And the Moshiac he prophecies would be...?💁
    And this is the tragedy of the story of Jesus.
    Of all the many blatant misinterpretations we hear from the NT story this is among the one that upsets Jews the most about Jesus. And it is totally incorrect.
    It's unfortunate that Jewish scholarship never really took a better look at the story to correct the many inconsistencies we find due to Western unfamiliarity with Jewish culture.

    • @GreenCanvasInteriorscape
      @GreenCanvasInteriorscape หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Rabbi Tovia Singer probably has addressed it. I'm Jewish and the Jews I know know know zero about jezeusian mythology, I've learned more since October 7th revealed the dark side of so many especially online that I'm able to repudiate a lot of the misrepresentations. Odd situation indeed, I've been told shut up jew multiple times, splinters in the eyes, glass houses, so much asinine hypocrisy

    • @jackietate5222
      @jackietate5222 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@GreenCanvasInteriorscape Rabbi Singer is quite a man.

  • @davidwenger9821
    @davidwenger9821 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So my suggestion was not worthy, I take the hint , you have it all correct. I have every book you have mentioned in this series plus the one I originally offered up as well as the Strack&Billerbeck A commentary of the New Testament from the Talmud & Midrash. Oh I forgot that another one not mentioned is Restored New Testament, Willis Barnstone. I only use them to compare Matiytyahu by the by. I'm anti Pauline.

  • @dav3miga
    @dav3miga หลายเดือนก่อน

    It doesn't say Yehoshua ah Melech

  • @dav3miga
    @dav3miga หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm gonna say this, Jesus was more like the Baal Shem Tov

  • @jamesjustice859
    @jamesjustice859 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I understand it as the disciples are using His name but not using His Holy name per His directions.

    • @jamesjustice859
      @jamesjustice859 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The disciples were just notating what their friend Jesus was saying

    • @JameyRocket
      @JameyRocket หลายเดือนก่อน

      What directions

    • @jamesjustice859
      @jamesjustice859 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@JameyRocket I was making reference to when Jesus performed miracle untold all the people around not to say anything because it wasn't his time.

    • @JameyRocket
      @JameyRocket หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jamesjustice859 I'm just wondering what that has to do with His Name

    • @frankkhethanidubedube919
      @frankkhethanidubedube919 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Kkk.. yeshua is his name ...other titles were added by rulers of the day .. don't be confused by the word messiah.. all kings in hebrew Bible were anointed, so the were messiahs ..

  • @cesarmurga5228
    @cesarmurga5228 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So Keith doesn't believe any more in Mr. Jesus Christ?

  • @franksanso97
    @franksanso97 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tehillim 118:26 BARUK HABA BASHEM YAHUAH

  • @mihailgae-draghici4864
    @mihailgae-draghici4864 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus the messiah?? Why is there war in Ukraine 2000 years after his arrival? WHY?

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      There has always been wars 😂

    • @dumbbo1
      @dumbbo1 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeshua often alluded to a king who would leave for a time and then return to reward or punish his servants based on how they behaved while he was away. God’s plan was to grow a family, period, and teach that family how to get along. Adam and Eve dropped the ball, two out of three of Noah’s sons apparently dropped the ball, so out of Shem’s children God called out Abraham to be the great-grandpa of a model nation to teach the rest of the world how to behave…but even they dropped the ball! Yeshua came to teach the Apostles, but then the people they taught started dropping the ball. Instead of getting back in the game, these people made the same mistake so many others had made: if we can’t play the game as God intended, we’ll just make up our own rules and play by them instead! The minority said, “No way! That’s cheating!” and were persecuted for it. People found hundreds of ways to cheat just as their ancestors had done. Fortunately, God, being God, knew this would happen. He didn’t want any whiners in the end complaining, “You didn’t give us Roman Orthodox Conservative Lutherist Presbyterite Yoga Posing Islamormon Atheonostic Ancestor Worshippers - Reformed a chance!”

  • @theomnisthour6400
    @theomnisthour6400 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What nonsense. The Hebrew Matthew was an advocate of the Jewish messiah, a follower of the teacher of righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls - who was one of the real people characters who was a prototype of the Jesus construct - the plastic Jesus, or rather the AI messiah. The teacher of righteousness was the Simon Thassi who briefly restored the independent Kingdom of Israel, and whose teachings caught fire in the Jewish people during the reign of Antiochus VI, and became one of this evil despot's two anti-Roman psyops that made the year 135BC the special one that drove the next zodiac era toward the real start of the Age of Aquarius in 2025. In 135BC - the same year that Simon Maccabeus and all but one of his sons were assassinated by their former benefactor Antiochus - the Syrian miracle worker Eunus - a worshiper of the dark goddess of Apamea - a corruption of Athena by the ecstatic sexand death magic Cybele cult - was crowned Antiochus I in Sicily after initial successes in the First Servile War, that did far more than the later Spartacus revolt to destroy the Roman Republic and turn it toward becoming and Eastern God King of Kings empire.
    The third leg of the Jesus trinity resulted from the efforts of Roman patricians and the more "peaceful" Hellenistic powers of Pergamon and Alexandria to make Rome into a Holy Roman Empire, first under Caesar, Cleopatra and Caesarion, then trying again with deeper planning under the Flavian line, whose "Messiah" Vespasian had been groomed to be the conquering hero over Jerusalem, and his son Titus intended to marry Berenice, the granddaughter of Herod the Great - the brain child of the Roman who arranged for the assassination of the populist reformer Tiberius Gracchus, Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, who spent the rest of his life in Asia Minor setting up the plot to usurp Jewish monotheism and turn it into an Imperial cult to stabilize Roman power.
    This didn't work either, but started the Roman Catholic tradition by eventually producing the first historical Pope/Bishop of Rome, Clement I (a kinsman of Vespasian) and his wife, Vespasian's granddaughter Flavia Domitilla, one of the first Christian saints. Their descendants and other members of the Herodian clan fled to Gaul and then Britain, creating the basis for the legends of Celtic Christianity which the church was so anxious for Vikings and Normans to suppress and replace with Catholic Orthodoxy. HROD became the basis for the name Robert and the bloodlines that continued to try to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, not remembering that the Salem where the last truly anointed Melchisedek priest was nowhere near the Middle East, the Abram narrative and the 12 tribes story being stolen from Indo-European legends of the Brahma messiah (A-Brahm!!!).
    The Flavian plan didn't succeed till Constantine, and even though the Christogram was presented as the sign of conquest, a monogram of the last nonhuman Messiah, the centaur Chiron, by then the cross motif that was told to tie the cult of Jesus to the Spartacus of the 2nd Servile War as a rebirth of the Eunus Syrian miracle worker had gained too much support to revive the cult of Serapis that the Ptolemies had built around the rediscovery of the Ark of the Covenant via the oracle of Siwa by Alexander the Great, who had thought he was the promised Messiah, and doomed himself with his power fantasies. The plan of God is so perfect, that even the awakening incarnations of God can stumble and fall, and only serve to bring the final apocalypse and cosmic jubilee closer.
    Be careful preaching nonsense for your own aggrandizement. It may be part of your planned role, but you don't have to choose to do the evil assigned to your character in the apocalypse virtual reality scenario, and defying your character's base programming is how you avoid the mark of the beast.

    • @kimbooth66
      @kimbooth66 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Soo what are you saying?

    • @theomnisthour6400
      @theomnisthour6400 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kimbooth66 That all the Bible needs to be taken with a grain of salt as the writings and translations of men, and that many will try to discredit parts of it for personal and political benefit, urging you to throw out babies with bath water to support their partisan false gods or their own messiah ambitions. Accusing any figure of being an anti-messiah is a pretty strong statement, especially if they don't talk about their anti-messiah fantasy in context of the real 1666 anti-messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, for whom the argument of deserving the anti-messiah label is far more compelling than this content creator's assault on the writer or writers of one of the canonical gospels.

  • @faithunwavering
    @faithunwavering หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is confusion! If someone is truly saved, they will understand God's Word. Why would anyone, including a new believer, look outside of the Bible for answers about the Bible? The KJV is the preserved Word of God. ALL modern versions are from Satan. If anyone is interested in actual truth about this, you can ask me. Or, research Westcott and Hort God-hating Satan worshippers and their connection to modern bible versions.
    1 Corinthians 14:33
    For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

    • @mitchellmullin4887
      @mitchellmullin4887 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Bible is inspired Word of God, the KJV is just a translation. That a doctrine influenced by Anglican English supremacism.

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill หลายเดือนก่อน

      You've only proven that you're brainwashed especially for calling the KJV the defacto "word of God" 😂 oh my goodness the ignorance.

    • @auh2o148
      @auh2o148 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Only interlinear bibles are the best for both reading and studying. The kjv is corrupted, just like the other modern versions.

    • @faithunwavering
      @faithunwavering หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MinisterRedPill your ignorance of the preservation of God's Word is crystal clear.

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@faithunwavering translations are man's interpretation of God's Word, they're not God's Word itself.
      The uneducated and ignorant shouldn't have opinions on things they have no knowledge of.