Awesome thanks for the ride! I just wished I was there driving! Not to criticize because I don't know the track but I feel like you are turning into the corners a little too soon? Go into them a little later and use the whole track coming out and carry that speed. I may be wrong but it seems to me you can keep the speed up turning later using all of track coming out.
Great job, Shawn!
Awesome thanks for the ride! I just wished I was there driving! Not to criticize because I don't know the track but I feel like you are turning into the corners a little too soon? Go into them a little later and use the whole track coming out and carry that speed. I may be wrong but it seems to me you can keep the speed up turning later using all of track coming out.
@glenngray6895 Yeah, you're 100% correct.... Palmer is late apexes on nearly everything, and I was definitely turning in too early.