Study the Old Testament with Sandra Richter ^^^ Get *Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament* from our store here:
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
Have you KINsidered The scattering after the King was murdered & hung on a tree 🌴 🤔 Precept upon precept YeremiYahu 7 chapter, Psalms 83 YeremiYahu 25 chptr = Luke 21 Deuteronomy 28 & Lamentations.. The Aquarian Gospel of Yahu'shua the MessiYah/Chapter 157 20. The conqueror will carry many of the sons of Abraham away as captives into foreign lands, and they who know not Israel's AllahAYnu will tread the highways of Yarushalem until the anti-Yahua∆im times have been fulfilled. 21. But when the people have been punished for their crimes, the tribulation days will end; but lo, the time will come when all the world will rise, like gladiators in a ring, and fight just for the sake of shedding blood. 22. And men will reason not; they will not see, nor care to see a cause for carnage, desolation, thefts; for they will war with friend or foe. 23. The very air will seem surcharged with smoke of death; and pestilence will follow close upon the sword. 29. And then THE MAN WHO BEARS THE PITCHER🏺♒ will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the SON of MAN will stand FORTH in the EASTERN SKY. 30. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the REDEMPTION of THE EARTH🌎🌍 is NEAR. Revelation 22:12-14 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Aleph and TaU, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 BLESSE∆ are THEY THAT ∆O his COMMAN∆MENTS 🟦🟦, that they may have right to the TREE of LIFE, and may ENTER in through the GATES into the city.
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
Wow! I'm not new in the church, but I am a baby in my true relationship with God. My first pastor told me to start by reading the gospel because I will be lost if i start in Genesis. I tried to read Genesis and Exodus soooo many times, and I finally finished with the Bible recap app. But I can truly say that this is the best 9:55 minutes spent in my life hearing on how to summarize the old testament and how important it is. Thank you! I am subscribed now, and I look forward to learning more. God is good. 🙏🏽
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
Her lecture is 9 minuted and change. That stupidity out of the way, I love Dr. Sandra Richters style and substance. She is as good as any I’ve learned from. Shalom Aleichem
Thank you for your passionate delivery . I am awestruck by the depth and the uniqueness of the “saga”. I am rediscovering my Christian faith and I am really grateful to God about this. But I feel uneasy about the violent / psychotic bits of the Old Testament, e g massacring the whole world except a couple (during the flood). I feel even more uneasy if it s framed like “humanity resisted god , while god , out of his mercy, saved a couple (while wiping out everyone else)”. There s no doubt that in any other story, that God , far from being seen as merciful, would be considered the villain . So the question for me is: if I believe in god, and if I perceive Him as love (which, thanks God, I do), how can I at the same time accept the image of a blood-thirsty tyrant ? I suppose I ll have to give up trying to reconcile these two opposing images rationally. Maybe I should just admit my human intellect is limited and at the moment I just can’t handle that sort of question.
This is a very good question!! After Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God said this to the serpent: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers." Genesis 3:15. Then, before God destroyed the world with a flood, Genesis 6:4 states "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." I think that the 'sons of God' were fallen angels, like Satan. I also think that Goliath was one of the Nephilim. After Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, he sent spies into the land that God had given to Israel. The spies reported back to Moses, "we can't attack those people. They are stronger than we are." Numbers 13:31. "We saw the Nephilim there." Numbers 13:33. The Nephilim were the bad guys because they weren't God's creation. Satan was trying to mess with human genetics. They had to be destroyed. It was very important for the seed of the Israelites to remain pure (human) so that Jesus could be born through that line. A very weird, very evil way to corrupt human DNA was through some kind of nephilim sex magic that is not discussed in the Bible. Basically, God had to destroy what Satan had created so that the Messiah could be born.
Dr. Richter I do appreciate your teaching, you are, gifted. However when using as an example Harry Potter, it's as though this is an endorsement for these acultic works. Maybe that ought to be another topic for lecture. Please enlighten me.
Dr. Richter, I'm confused about something. After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they were too scared to follow God's orders and conquer the Cannanites, so who was the prophet that helped Barack lead the army to defeat the Canaanites??? And who killed the Canaanite general? Would you please give a lecture about these women? Okay okay, now I have an actual question. 😸 Am I correct in my interpretation of Judges 6:4 that Israel lost control of Gaza, which would presuppose that Deborah and Barak's army had previously conquered Gaza??????? David and Solomon's kingdom didn't even include Gaza, did it? Wasn't the tribe of Dan supposed to conquer Gaza? They must have messed up because they're not even on the list to have 12,000 sealed in the end times. 😳 (I would LOVE so much to be able to discuss this with Dr. Richter, but I have only begun learning and I understand that since I don't really have a platform on social media, she probably won't have time to talk to me. I would be very grateful for a response from any of her current or former students). Merry Christmas, everyone!! 🎄✝️❤️
The 10 northern tribes may have been dispersed or temporarily "lost" but we know that they are recovered by the time of Jesus and in the in the selected of the 144,000 of Revelation chapter 7. Only two tribes: Dan and Ephraim, are not listed among the 144,000. It seems they have not received the blessing of restoration and have been replaced by Levi, Menassah and or Joseph. I hope she clears up this notion of missing tribes in her teaching on the completed scriptures.
Elohim's intent with the Bible was to build on the success of the Egyptian culture which was sufficiently organized to put a man on the moon but lacked the technology to that end and to infest the universe with humanity like the blessing of the fleas in Corrie ten Boom's sister's barracks at Ravensbruck that ept the Nazis out Enoch's 7000 year Epoch is the grid that we can measure the prprogress of humaity to tht end. Enoch's Epoch is the Archetype for Jacob's Ladder in Genesis 28:12 that anticipates Aristotle. The Step Pyramid occurs during the 1st 700 year "Week" at year 195 EE ( Enoch's Era) We are in Week 8 year 185 of EE, or 5784 EE. The narrative of the Bible as Epic literature when through a chiasmatic moment at Week 5 year 193 EE, based on the astronomy for Jesus's death.
Appreciate this teaching except when she mentioned Harry Potter. I would NOT read Harry Potter at ALL. That book series is inspired by darkness! Jesus is the light of the world! Jesus delivers us from the Kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light! ALL of our Blessings are found in Christ! Thank you Jesus! We love you Jesus!
So, let me explain a little more! What I mean when I say inspired by darkness. The author of the Harry Potter books said in an interview, as she was riding on a train, this series came to her. In her imagination. The Harry Potter series is NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit! So, what spirit did it come from? It encourages witchcraft etc. Which the Bible calls an abomination to the Lord! So, again there is the Kingdom of darkness(Satan) and the Kingdom of Light(Jesus) I want nothing to do with the Kingdom of darkness!
so here is the question: Did Jesus and Cyrus know about each other, or each other's existence? BTW Cyrus 's first wife was Jewish and it is outlined as a Starbucks logo!
"Devil women" are increasing daily in the fallen churches of today. For as St. Paul has stated, forbidding faithful women of God to teach, preach, and must NOT usurp the God given authority of men...... "11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression". 1 Timothy 2:10-14 (KJV) AMEN!
@@tuconexionlocal7516 You must have overlooked the Lord's commanded for a women to remain silent in the mixed Assemblies, which makes it irrevocable for all of Christ's brethren & sisters. The Truth cannot be changed no matter how many centuries pass. But it does prove who are the true and dedicated followers of Christ and those who are not. "33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women should *remain silent* in the churches. They are *not allowed to speak* but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for *it is disgraceful* for a woman to speak** in the church. 36 Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? 37 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command." 1 Cor 14:33-37 (ANIV) Are you " spiritually gifted" ? Then show your acknowledgement of the "Lord's command" right now! If you fail then you prove your lack of love for the Truth and have become a reprobate and a usurper of the "Lord's command" for women to remain silent and to stop SHAMING themselves before the world and Almighty God. For as it is the "Lord's command" it is irrevocable, irrespective of the passing of time. Reply
@@tuconexionlocal7516 There always will be one who is prepared ro tell the Truth when error is taking place and God's Will is being underpinned and then disobeyed. You must have overlooked the Lord's commanded for a women to remain silent in the Assemblies, which makes it irrevocable for all of Christ's brethren & sisters. The Truth cannot be changed no matter how many centuries pass. But it does prove who are the true and dedicated followers of Christ and those who are not. "33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women should *remain silent* in the churches. They are *not allowed to speak* but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for *it is disgraceful* for a woman to speak** in the church. 36 Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? 37 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command." 1 Cor 14:33-37 (ANIV) Are you " spiritually gifted" ? Then show your acknowledgement of the "Lord's command" right now! If you fail then you prove your lack of love for the Truth and have become a usurper of the "Lord's command" for women to remain silent and to stop SHAMING themselves before the world and Almighty God. For as it is the "Lord's command" it is irrevocable, irrespective of the passing of time. And it's about time you understood and admitted it, and stopped playing the Devil's Advocate....
Study the Old Testament with Sandra Richter ^^^ Get *Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament* from our store here:
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
Have you KINsidered
The scattering after the King was murdered & hung on a tree 🌴 🤔
Precept upon precept
YeremiYahu 7 chapter, Psalms 83 YeremiYahu 25 chptr = Luke 21 Deuteronomy 28 & Lamentations..
The Aquarian Gospel of Yahu'shua the MessiYah/Chapter 157
20. The conqueror will carry many of the sons of Abraham away as captives into foreign lands, and they who know not Israel's AllahAYnu will tread the highways of Yarushalem until the anti-Yahua∆im times have been fulfilled.
21. But when the people have been punished for their crimes, the tribulation days will end; but lo, the time will come when all the world will rise, like gladiators in a ring, and fight just for the sake of shedding blood. 22. And men will reason not; they will not see, nor care to see a cause for carnage, desolation, thefts; for they will war with friend or foe. 23. The very air will seem surcharged with smoke of death; and pestilence will follow close upon the sword.
29. And then THE MAN WHO BEARS THE PITCHER🏺♒ will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the SON of MAN will stand FORTH in the EASTERN SKY.
30. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the REDEMPTION of THE EARTH🌎🌍 is NEAR.
Revelation 22:12-14
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
13 I am Aleph and TaU, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
14 BLESSE∆ are THEY THAT ∆O his COMMAN∆MENTS 🟦🟦, that they may have right to the TREE of LIFE, and may ENTER in through the GATES into the city.
I love the way Sandy Richter lectures.
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
One of the best teachers. God bless her.
It truly was an honor to have Dr. Richter as one of my Old Testament profs in my Asbury years. Money well spent!!
That's amazing!!! You are so blessed!! Dr. Richter is the BEST Bible teacher I have ever listened to. Are you a preacher now?
Love listening to Dr Sandra Richter.
I am closer to understanding the Old Testament and God's purpose due to this video. Thank you.
Wow! I'm not new in the church, but I am a baby in my true relationship with God. My first pastor told me to start by reading the gospel because I will be lost if i start in Genesis. I tried to read Genesis and Exodus soooo many times, and I finally finished with the Bible recap app. But I can truly say that this is the best 9:55 minutes spent in my life hearing on how to summarize the old testament and how important it is. Thank you! I am subscribed now, and I look forward to learning more. God is good. 🙏🏽
Christ said "do not be deceived" SANDY Richter claims that she is a "pastor and church planter" right away anybody that understands the Bible and cares about true Christianity knows that this woman is a fraud. There are no female pastors in Christianity. What you are following is some alternate fake religion. Seed bed is sowing the seeds of deception. You can try to make it look intellectual and appeal to the Marxist, but you cannot fool the true believers.
I recently read The Epic of Eden and LOVED IT! It helped me make sense of the Old Testament. It is so informative!
I throw her book into the trash.
Well Done! A timely message for our world.
Thank You!!!
This is a great video, teaching the GREATNESS of God thru the Old Testament. Thank you SO much🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
You are so welcome!
Excellent thanks, Professor Richter. Love your work. Greetings from Scotland.
You gooo Professor Ritcher!
Thank you. Engaging and informative. Love her delivery and info. Can we print or find that timeline?
Her lecture is 9 minuted and change. That stupidity out of the way, I love Dr. Sandra Richters style and substance. She is as good as any I’ve learned from. Shalom Aleichem
Thank you for your passionate delivery . I am awestruck by the depth and the uniqueness of the “saga”. I am rediscovering my Christian faith and I am really grateful to God about this. But I feel uneasy about the violent / psychotic bits of the Old Testament, e g massacring the whole world except a couple (during the flood). I feel even more uneasy if it s framed like “humanity resisted god , while god , out of his mercy, saved a couple (while wiping out everyone else)”. There s no doubt that in any other story, that God , far from being seen as merciful, would be considered the villain . So the question for me is: if I believe in god, and if I perceive Him as love (which, thanks God, I do), how can I at the same time accept the image of a blood-thirsty tyrant ? I suppose I ll have to give up trying to reconcile these two opposing images rationally. Maybe I should just admit my human intellect is limited and at the moment I just can’t handle that sort of question.
This is a very good question!! After Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God said this to the serpent: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers." Genesis 3:15. Then, before God destroyed the world with a flood, Genesis 6:4 states "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." I think that the 'sons of God' were fallen angels, like Satan. I also think that Goliath was one of the Nephilim. After Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, he sent spies into the land that God had given to Israel. The spies reported back to Moses, "we can't attack those people. They are stronger than we are." Numbers 13:31. "We saw the Nephilim there." Numbers 13:33. The Nephilim were the bad guys because they weren't God's creation. Satan was trying to mess with human genetics. They had to be destroyed. It was very important for the seed of the Israelites to remain pure (human) so that Jesus could be born through that line. A very weird, very evil way to corrupt human DNA was through some kind of nephilim sex magic that is not discussed in the Bible. Basically, God had to destroy what Satan had created so that the Messiah could be born.
How could I make my daughter sea that the OT is not "boring"?
Michael Heiser introduced me to the world of scholarship with his Unseen Realm. I thank Father God for all those who are called to feed His Sheep.
This is great. How can i have a copy of this timeline?
What about the prophecies concerning the restoration of Ephraim and Judah?
Dr. Richter I do appreciate your teaching, you are, gifted. However when using as an example Harry Potter, it's as though this is an endorsement for these acultic works. Maybe that ought to be another topic for lecture. Please enlighten me.
Dr. Richter, I'm confused about something. After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they were too scared to follow God's orders and conquer the Cannanites, so who was the prophet that helped Barack lead the army to defeat the Canaanites??? And who killed the Canaanite general? Would you please give a lecture about these women? Okay okay, now I have an actual question. 😸 Am I correct in my interpretation of Judges 6:4 that Israel lost control of Gaza, which would presuppose that Deborah and Barak's army had previously conquered Gaza??????? David and Solomon's kingdom didn't even include Gaza, did it? Wasn't the tribe of Dan supposed to conquer Gaza? They must have messed up because they're not even on the list to have 12,000 sealed in the end times. 😳 (I would LOVE so much to be able to discuss this with Dr. Richter, but I have only begun learning and I understand that since I don't really have a platform on social media, she probably won't have time to talk to me. I would be very grateful for a response from any of her current or former students). Merry Christmas, everyone!! 🎄✝️❤️
If there ever was a real garden of Eden, which I do not believe there was, why did God put that tree in the middle of the garden in the first place!?
The 10 northern tribes may have been dispersed or temporarily "lost" but we know that they are recovered by the time of Jesus and in the in the selected of the 144,000 of Revelation chapter 7. Only two tribes: Dan and Ephraim, are not listed among the 144,000. It seems they have not received the blessing of restoration and have been replaced by Levi, Menassah and or Joseph.
I hope she clears up this notion of missing tribes in her teaching on the completed scriptures.
Is this a Mormon site?
Can't Hear Her
Elohim's intent with the Bible was to build on the success of the Egyptian culture which was sufficiently organized to put a man on the moon but lacked the technology to that end and to infest the universe with humanity like the blessing of the fleas in Corrie ten Boom's sister's barracks at Ravensbruck that ept the Nazis out
Enoch's 7000 year Epoch is the grid that we can measure the prprogress of humaity to tht end.
Enoch's Epoch is the Archetype for Jacob's Ladder in Genesis 28:12 that anticipates Aristotle.
The Step Pyramid occurs during the 1st 700 year "Week" at year 195 EE ( Enoch's Era)
We are in Week 8 year 185 of EE, or 5784 EE. The narrative of the Bible as Epic literature when through a chiasmatic moment at Week 5 year 193 EE, based on the astronomy for Jesus's death.
Appreciate this teaching except when she mentioned Harry Potter. I would NOT read Harry Potter at ALL. That book series is inspired by darkness! Jesus is the light of the world! Jesus delivers us from the Kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light! ALL of our Blessings are found in Christ! Thank you Jesus! We love you Jesus!
Not the point…
Did you pick up anything, at all, on the other 6 mins 57 seconds of Dr Richter’s summary of the Old Testament?
Inspired by darkness?? I'd avoid reading the old testament aswell if i were you, its pretty dark in there.
So, let me explain a little more! What I mean when I say inspired by darkness. The author of the Harry Potter books said in an interview, as she was riding on a train, this series came to her. In her imagination. The Harry Potter series is NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit! So, what spirit did it come from? It encourages witchcraft etc. Which the Bible calls an abomination to the Lord! So, again there is the Kingdom of darkness(Satan) and the Kingdom of Light(Jesus) I want nothing to do with the Kingdom of darkness!
so Noah's flood in reality is "evil, suffering and gratuities evil!"right?
so here is the question: Did Jesus and Cyrus know about each other, or each other's existence? BTW Cyrus 's first wife was Jewish and it is outlined as a Starbucks logo!
She lies, the ten lost tribes will come home!
Beware, this woman is teaching a false narrative of Genesis! Presuppositions abound!
"Devil women" are increasing daily in the fallen churches of today.
For as St. Paul has stated, forbidding faithful women of God to teach, preach, and must NOT usurp the God given authority of men......
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression".
1 Timothy 2:10-14 (KJV)
There's always one, don't like it, move on. This was a great Iecture, go save some lost souls. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
You must have overlooked the Lord's commanded for a women to remain silent in the mixed Assemblies, which makes it irrevocable for all of Christ's brethren & sisters.
The Truth cannot be changed no matter how many centuries pass.
But it does prove who are the true and dedicated followers of Christ and those who are not.
"33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.
As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women should *remain silent* in the churches.
They are *not allowed to speak* but must be in submission, as the Law says.
35 If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for *it is disgraceful* for a woman to speak** in the church.
36 Did the word of God originate with you?
Or are you the only people it has reached?
37 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command."
1 Cor 14:33-37 (ANIV)
Are you " spiritually gifted" ?
Then show your acknowledgement of the "Lord's command" right now!
If you fail then you prove your lack of love for the Truth and have become a reprobate and a usurper of the "Lord's command" for women to remain silent and to stop SHAMING themselves before the world and Almighty God.
For as it is the "Lord's command" it is irrevocable, irrespective of the passing of time.
There always will be one who is prepared ro tell the Truth when error is taking place and God's Will is being underpinned and then disobeyed.
You must have overlooked the Lord's commanded for a women to remain silent in the Assemblies, which makes it irrevocable for all of Christ's brethren & sisters.
The Truth cannot be changed no matter how many centuries pass.
But it does prove who are the true and dedicated followers of Christ and those who are not.
"33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.
As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women should *remain silent* in the churches.
They are *not allowed to speak* but must be in submission, as the Law says.
35 If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for *it is disgraceful* for a woman to speak** in the church.
36 Did the word of God originate with you?
Or are you the only people it has reached?
37 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command."
1 Cor 14:33-37 (ANIV)
Are you " spiritually gifted" ?
Then show your acknowledgement of the "Lord's command" right now!
If you fail then you prove your lack of love for the Truth and have become a usurper of the "Lord's command" for women to remain silent and to stop SHAMING themselves before the world and Almighty God.
For as it is the "Lord's command" it is irrevocable, irrespective of the passing of time.
And it's about time you understood and admitted it, and stopped playing the Devil's Advocate....