【長岡花火公式】動画で伝えたい素顔の長岡花火 夏

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ม.ค. 2025
  • 日本三大花火大会に数えられる長岡まつり大花火大会。毎年国内外から大勢の観客で賑わいます。そんな長岡花火を裏で支える花火師やスタッフ、そして打ち上げを楽しみに河川敷に向かう地元の人々。決してニュースでは見ることができない素顔の長岡花火をご紹介します。
    楽曲 「starsailor」 ( "騒音のない世界"さんより:noiselessworld.net )
    The true face of the Nagaoka Fireworks captured on video: Summer
    Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show is one of the three largest fireworks shows in Japan. A huge crowd of spectators from Japan and abroad gather each year to watch the show. Behind the scenes supporting the Nagaoka Fireworks are the pyrotechnicians, staff, and the residents along the riverbanks who look forward to the show. Here we introduce the true wonder of the Nagaoka Fireworks, which cannot be seen by just watching the news.
    A video has been released of Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show and Nagaoka Fireworks, which are held on August 2-3 of each year in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.
    produced by Fuller, Inc.(www.fuller-inc... )

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