@@jxcess3891 So you don't even know the basics of science. You're obviously not married because you know absolutely nothing about women, lmao! You can induce lactation, you don't have to be pregnant to do it. 😂
Sheikh Albani's grave is in my area in Amman-Jordan, he is buried in a public cemetery and his grave is very simple. His life was very simple for a great man like him. May Allah have mercy on him.
@Orient Express You're asking so you can look at what an ideal, 'Islamic' grave looks like yeah? cause nowadays people are innovating too much. Flowers, Qur'anic ayat, structures on the grave etc
This whole incident with Mohammed Hijab was a blessing in disguise. So many people (myself included, to an extent) got to know about who al-Albani was and what his status was & still is. May Allah grant the Shaykh Jannatul-Firdaws, Ameen. Jazak'Allahu Khayran, brother.
Alhamdulilah. I was also born in Albania and its sad to see how much that country has went astray. And now its all filled with corruption and led by greedy people. May Allah guide us and protect us. An I never knew that there was a sheikh from my country who was such a big influence to the deen.
@@fhdm3762 in a lot of corruption and a lot of debt. They borrow money to build dumb stuff and half of them are unfinished cuz the leaders steal from the loaned money
@@fhdm3762 To add to what Kai said, When Al-Albani's father moved to Syria, It was when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved and Albania became it's own state. It is right before Albania was a kingdom and it still maintained some things... when the King was taken over by Communists, it all went down hill. The country went into an extreme dictatorship, communist country and to this day, still hasn't managed to get out and away from it. They elected a democratic leader to then later elect a socialist one now.
@@ahmadismile5388 about 70% of the Albanian population is muslim. The older generation are the ones that take it more seriously. But most of the young generation are caught up with todays life and waste their time copying the west lifestyle. There are still young people who go to islamic schools and are devoted muslims, but the rest only use the muslim name as an identification. The bigest problem is the government and media who are trying to westernize the country
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 leaders need to be approachable, its not common these days, too much judgement and condemnation off the bat. Islam is not a cult but some operate as if it is.
@Snow White if you’re talking about practising Islam, then we're proud to practice it while knowing the truth and the actual meaning behind the teachings, not the meaning that people twist like the person above 😊
@ayadollar khomaini I'm good, and I sincerely hope you're the same on that front, because as I will be asked about this, so you will be asked about your rejection of the same.
صدق من قال فيكم انتم كقوم موسى أراد الله لهم ورسولهم موسى عليه السلام المن والسلوى لكنهم طلبوا البصل والبلوى ، استبدلتم الذي هو أدنى بالذي هو خير ، فضربت عليكم الذلة والمسكنة وبِتّم بغضب من الله ، نزلتم كما نزلوا وحرفتم كما حرفوا فنالكم ما نالوا !! وفي الآخرة لن تجدوا لكم وليا ولن يكن لكم نصيرا !! نسأل الله السلامة والعافية وأن يرد أهل الأمازيغ إلى سبيل المؤمنين وطريقهم وصراطهم وكف المسلمين شر السلفية الخوارج بجميع طوائفهم ! حم لا ينصرون!!! غلبوا هنالك وانقلبوا صاغرين!!! جعلنا الله تعالى في نحوركم !!
Akhi I don't think the people today understand how much if a mountain of knowledge sh. Al-Bani was. He was a muhaddith of the highest caliber. May Allah Grant him Jannah and his students for continuing his works. He only passed away 20 years ago. رحمه الله
Akh Farid, thank you for bringing us closer to the scholars. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make a series of this so that the common folk like us get to know the great scholars of our ummah. Especially gems from the past like ibn taymiyyah, ibn al qayyim, ibn abdil wahhaab etc. Yes we can do research on our own but the reality is that we won’t. So if you’d spoon feed it to us perhaps we could benefit tremendously. May Allah bless you and reward you with the greatest of rewards. You mentioned it’s unfortunate that you were born to late to meet and thank al albani for his contributions to the ummah. May Allah build you both a palace next to each other’s in al firdaws so you can meet him daily. Allahumma ameen.
Say this 3 times for 6 hours worth of reward: Subhan-Allahi Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi(Glory and praise be to Allah, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, as much as the weight of His Throne, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)
Elhamdullilah a lot of people in kosovo macedonia and albania knowing sheikh albani and all albanian are really proud for the knowledge and all the work that sheik albani have does for the muslim umma . May allah bless sheikh albani whit jannah !!
Thank you my brother Farid for being the light in the dark cave that is Al-Albani's current online presence May Allah bless you and preserve you upon righteousness Aameen
Shayk Albani will get a lot of people’s good deeds on yaum Qiyamat. Scholars are given one reward even if they make errors. We should not denigrate scholars
@@jxcess3891 why do I feel like this is Christian prince with a new account for hiding? Perhaps it's because of the mistranslations, lack of honest conveying and islamaphobia... Jesus pbuh was not god, get over it...
I truly appreciate these kinds of biographies about our ulama alkibar. It brings them close to him in a way that makes us want to strive like them. For instance, that tangent about Albani connecting with his students and even playing football with them. It was a heart melter.
I struggled a lot over the past 20 years about how much to trust or not trust works by Al-Albani, I couldn't find out much about him and perhaps should have tried harder. I watched this entire video and I feel like a fool for not giving this legendary scholar's works more time and attention. May Allah swt have mercy on him and grant him the highest ranks in Jannah ammen.
How can any Muslim disrespect such a scholar let alone a da,ee who suppose to protect the dignity of scholars? My Allah rectify and improve our akhlaaq! May Allah have mercy on the sheikh! he has done a great service for the ummah!
Even I didn't know about Sheikh Albani Rahimahullah a year and half ago. Alhamdulillah, a very close friend of mine told me about him and the fact that the sheikh was a great Muhaddith of the last century. It's unfortunate that people in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan don't know about the sheikh. They only listen to moulana and aalims of the subcontinent but never go beyond it. Yes, language is a barrier but people can overcome such barriers...the biggest barrier is that people in the subcontinent are involved in 'taqleed' (blind following) of their own school of thought i.e, that which they inherited from their parents. People here have closed their eyes and just don't want to know other great scholars across the world. May Allah open our eyes and guide us all on the one true path. Aameen
44 ppl disliked this video?if your sunni or salafi how can you dislike this information it melts the heart? this tells me alot about someones subscribers of another channel and "fans" it proves you never knew who Al Albani was in the first place because you dont seek knowledge and you have more love for a youtuber than a mountiain of knowledge of the past decades
That quote snippet at the end should be sufficient for people to understand how great the scholars of Islam are/were, and shoot down all these claims of "blind following". May Allah (swt) grant Al-Albani and all the shuyookh of Islam Jannat Al Firdous. Ameen.
It's amazing how all these major scholars had so much hardship and were not accepted by people around them in their time but these celebrity sheikhs nowadays only care about the numbers of followers.
Brother Farid I was just watching the video of urself and brother Daniel. And u were talking about how ppl were discouraging u. You mentioned u had like only 5000 subs. And Masha’Allah today you have over 4 times more in just a year. Yes you are appreciated Yes you are needed Yes the work you do is very important. We all play our own little roles b4 our meeting with our Lord😊 If it was not for all you brothers online that I have been watching nonstop for the past 2 yrs....I would not be in the place I am today. So may Allah reward you with jannatul firdous and forgive all ur sins. And to all my brothers fighting online for Allah and His Prophet pbuh.
Say this 3 times for 6 hours worth of reward: Subhan-Allahi Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi(Glory and praise be to Allah, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, as much as the weight of His Throne, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)
May Allah have mercy on sheikh Muhammad al albani. A great sheikh, even if some may disagree with some minor fiqhi opinion he had, the fact still remain he is a great sheikh. And a role model for all of us
@Good Boy When you say something like this, you MUST give a clear example. Otherwise you will be considered a bad boy. However, no one is without mistakes. That includes Al-Albani. But to say that he should not be taken seriously is ridiculous and nonsensical.
Such a beautiful video with many, many benefits! I love that he asked for 3 days to think about the ultimatum his father gave him and was not impulsive. I learned so much about him from this and feel my love for him increase. May Allah have mercy on him and reward you abundantly. aameen
It would be great if you make a video explaining how people were dealing with ahadiths before sheikh al Albani so that we can feel his influence on this matter
Wallahi this video was so beautiful. My level of respect for shaikh Albani is through the roof now. I feel ashamed that I've never looked into his biography before. May Allah grant him jannat Al firdous
Laaaaaaa ilaha ila Allah much love and respect to you my dear brother for your work may Allah bless you with learning and become a great imam !!!! Al Imam Albani is a star in heaven i can send you a video here on YT from one preacher who saw prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S. with Albani together in his dream......also you can find from Sheikh Muhammad Hassan from egypt what he says who was imam Albani he was in his life like imam Bukhari rahimuallah anyway may Allah bless Sheikh Albani with jannah firdous al aala ya rabb
It's refreshing to see this type of content rather than always refuting the baseless and idiotic claims of the islam haters. One of the best videos made here
Subhan'Allah. The ending says it all, the greatest of our people don't have the arrogance of thinking they are perfect. This is the character that we should try to embody. May Allah SWT reward the Sheikh and guide us all. Ameen.
May Allah give shaykh Albani jannatul firdaus for all the good work he has done. On a side note, I have heard this photo is not shaykh Albani's but his brother's.
Jazakallah khair akhi. How unfortunate are the young people who are clouded with ignorance to the sheer tsunami of ilm, insight and humility of such scholars.. may ALLAH SWT grant him jannatul firdaus
@@heyyoitsyourboicovid1925 I'm doubting the authenticity of your comment. Firstly, Allah (SWT) is NOT sadistic, people are, and rightly so the unjust deserve what they get as their due reward - even if that means burning in hell for eternity, man cannot even enumerate the blessings God has given him, so an enumerable punishment is completely fair, just. Secondly, Who is Allah? You answered that in your second question: Almighty God. Look up the 99 names of Allah.
@@heyyoitsyourboicovid1925 allah is god If your arrogant enough that you won't obey god with just avoiding pork and zina then its not that he's sadistic its that your just stupid
Al-Albani, Abdulkader Arnaouti, Shuayb Arnaouti and Vehbi Sulejman Gavoçi all in the field of hadith, all with albanian descent brought up in Damascus, Ash-Sham, much ore less in the same era subhanAllah.
I really enjoyed this bro! I would love to see you do more of these types of videos where you give us a brief biography of a certain scholar. Jazak Allahu Khair
I became muslim the year he died and never knew who he was becaue I was new then after a few years and reading some of his works... there will never be another al-albaani what a man
MashaAllah Shiekh May Allah bless you I love you so much for the sake of Allah Almighty May Allah grant Muhaddis ul asar Imam ul asar Allama Shiekh Albani R.A jannat ul firdous Ameen
jazakallah kher bro Farid you brought back alot of old memories i remember i learnt my prayer from a book of Sheikh Albani and i become in love with him may allah have mercy on him
Shubhan Allah brother you're so right. I'm from Jordan where Sh Albani's grave, his students, his children and his institute are found, and I personally come from a generally practising family and my father is well-read yet I had no clue who Al Albani is until I went to the UK and people started asking/talking about him!
The final clip was what Mohammed Hijab wanted to tell to people. He did not do it in the best and most comprehensible way. Thank you for this video Farid, I learned a lot. Can you do more of these kind of video ? It is really amazing.
@Il yas making takfir is not a matter for the laypeople. This is something that should be done by scholars. You can't read Kitaab At-Tawheed and end up thinking that you know everything about the religion and have become a scholar. This is very basic of basic that you need to start practising as a muslim. You shouldn't delude yourself into believing that you have enough knowledge and wisdom to make takfir after reading just Kitab At-Tawheed.
@Il yas also are you saying thar Sh.Albani is a kafir when you say "He is not from Islam"? This is a really serious accusation. May Allah protect our tongues from saying things that will destroy us. Aameen.
@Il yas ah I see your ideology. I know that you'll probably ignore my advice but please learn your religion first. Making takfir of a muslim is not a simple matter. It should be done by scholars. It cannot and shouldn't be done by laypeople. Can you imagine the chaos if everyone made takfir of everyone? Like you're doing with Sh.Albani rahimahullah. If you go down this road, it will only take you down a path of destruction for yourself and for others. May Allah guide all of us.
Firstly, MashaAllah & Jazak Allah Khair akhi Farid for this video 10/10 Sheikh AlBani is a giant of recent times and deserves our respect for his efforts and contributions. I found this really informative and encouraging to learn more
The way he became a self-taught expert on Islam, learning from the books rather than the ulema. Subhanallah, Allah swt gives guidance and knowledge whomever he wills. May Allah grant Jannah father of al Albani even though he was strict Hanafi Madhab follower. He supported his son al Albani.
There are men, scholars or otherwise who God sends to renew his religion. We hope that indeed Albani was such a scholar and man. He has left a legacy and great contribution to Islam and Muslims. Alhamdulilah for God making raising us this age with such scholars even if we did not get the knowledge from their sittings, millions if not billions benefited from his contribution. Might God forgive his shortcoming, increase his rankings and make join those he loved, Prophet SAW, his companions and other great scholars of Islam.
Brothers in comment section: Plzz stop fighting each other in the name of firqa. We all are muslims. And ALL true scholars are us. Im Hanafi but i love all true scholars including sheikh Albani rh. U can disagree with any scholar in any Masala bcz they can make mistakes but we should respect All true scholars from any school of thought.
Thank you brother Farid. Have you checked the video of a sister who saw the sheikh and the prophet (s.a.s) in a dream? The sheikhs reaction had me in tears
Wa Alayka Assalamu wa rahmatullāh dear brother Farid may Allāh subhanahu ta’ala be pleased with you amen. Can you please tell me the names of those weak and authentic Hadiths books in English? I’m a revert Muslim from Cuba and I want to learn as much Allāh subhanahu ta’ala allows me, insha Allāh. Jazak Allāh kheir.
JazakAllahu khairan Ustadh. May Allah 'azza wa jalla grant this great Scholar of the deen the highest rank of Jannah. May Allah SWT lead us on the path of the pious predecessors. Aameen.
@@limitedquantitysufiyyahexp4905 Wdym 'my sheikhs'? I just learn what I can from whoever isn't obviously deviant or foolish. Idk what makes you think I'm some kind of 'mad bro hajji fan'
@@limitedquantitysufiyyahexp4905 Like as far as stuff on TH-cam? I like Farid Responds, SP-FILES, Saajid Lipman, People of Knowledge, Dawah Man, Bro Hajji, Ustad Abdulrahman Hassan, Nasir Al-Hanbali, Sunnah Defence and Daniel Haqiqatjou. What's with the interrogation akh? I don't know what you mean by 'supporting' Bro Hajji, I benefit from his videos, he's not perfect but I learn from him and he helps me to have a balanced view.
My teacher studied with Sheikh Albani for over 9 years may Allah bless Sheikh Albani with Jannat Al Firdous
Who is your teacher my dear brother?
@@TheReminderChannnel Sheikh Abu Suhaib Al Bassam Hafizullah
@@jxcess3891 get a life mate 😂😂
Ameen ya rabbal alameen
@@jxcess3891 So you don't even know the basics of science. You're obviously not married because you know absolutely nothing about women, lmao! You can induce lactation, you don't have to be pregnant to do it. 😂
No, it's not unfortunate you were born during this Era.. You're doing a really good work in our era. You're here for a reason. Jazakhallahu khair.
TRUE!!!!!! Br Farid, thank you thank you for your work!
Sheikh Albani's grave is in my area in Amman-Jordan, he is buried in a public cemetery and his grave is very simple.
His life was very simple for a great man like him.
May Allah have mercy on him.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 your comments are of good knowledge, you are a well seeker , I like you man. be blessed
Yes by sahaab
Albani is actually the name of a beer company in my country
@@hansm3195 It's referring to the country Albania if I'm not mistaken
@Orient Express You're asking so you can look at what an ideal, 'Islamic' grave looks like yeah? cause nowadays people are innovating too much. Flowers, Qur'anic ayat, structures on the grave etc
One of the best 28 minutes of my life. May Allah bless you.
@ayadollar khomaini Why?
@ayadollar khomaini He may be trying to say that it was something special.
@ayadollar khomaini Bro, it's called figurative speech
This whole incident with Mohammed Hijab was a blessing in disguise. So many people (myself included, to an extent) got to know about who al-Albani was and what his status was & still is. May Allah grant the Shaykh Jannatul-Firdaws, Ameen. Jazak'Allahu Khayran, brother.
And another positive from that incident is that it exposed mohammed hijab
Son you go watch wwe
That's more up your road
@@sumbtch1168 How did he get exposed? Care to elaborate?
@@aarfeenanees9147 if you follow his Twitter you’ll know. The things he said about scholars of salafiyyah was so bad.
Alhamdulilah. I was also born in Albania and its sad to see how much that country has went astray. And now its all filled with corruption and led by greedy people. May Allah guide us and protect us. An I never knew that there was a sheikh from my country who was such a big influence to the deen.
How is Albania 🇦🇱 currently?
@@fhdm3762 in a lot of corruption and a lot of debt. They borrow money to build dumb stuff and half of them are unfinished cuz the leaders steal from the loaned money
@@fhdm3762 To add to what Kai said, When Al-Albani's father moved to Syria, It was when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved and Albania became it's own state. It is right before Albania was a kingdom and it still maintained some things... when the King was taken over by Communists, it all went down hill. The country went into an extreme dictatorship, communist country and to this day, still hasn't managed to get out and away from it.
They elected a democratic leader to then later elect a socialist one now.
Do Albanians take Islam seriously
@@ahmadismile5388 about 70% of the Albanian population is muslim. The older generation are the ones that take it more seriously. But most of the young generation are caught up with todays life and waste their time copying the west lifestyle. There are still young people who go to islamic schools and are devoted muslims, but the rest only use the muslim name as an identification. The bigest problem is the government and media who are trying to westernize the country
I’m genuinely shocked people didn’t know Sheikh Al Albaani
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 leaders need to be approachable, its not common these days, too much judgement and condemnation off the bat. Islam is not a cult but some operate as if it is.
@@jxcess3891 Don't forget that you wrote this on the Day of Judgement! :)
@Snow White if you’re talking about practising Islam, then we're proud to practice it while knowing the truth and the actual meaning behind the teachings, not the meaning that people twist like the person above 😊
@Snow White Practiced what? Please at least use coherent sentences.
@ayadollar khomaini I'm good, and I sincerely hope you're the same on that front, because as I will be asked about this, so you will be asked about your rejection of the same.
May Allah have mercy on him. May Allah reward you, Farid.
Ameen. His intention was to help Islam lest they understood him and give him due respect instead of putting him into trouble
36 Salty Yasir Qadhi Supporters
@who cares he is saying wrong information about the religion, don’t trust him
Al-Albani’s influence went so far to reach my amazigh village, he was very famous and loved in the many amazighs villages across the the atlas and rif
صدق من قال فيكم انتم كقوم موسى أراد الله لهم ورسولهم موسى عليه السلام المن والسلوى لكنهم طلبوا البصل والبلوى ، استبدلتم الذي هو أدنى بالذي هو خير ، فضربت عليكم الذلة والمسكنة وبِتّم بغضب من الله ، نزلتم كما نزلوا وحرفتم كما حرفوا فنالكم ما نالوا !! وفي الآخرة لن تجدوا لكم وليا ولن يكن لكم نصيرا !! نسأل الله السلامة والعافية وأن يرد أهل الأمازيغ إلى سبيل المؤمنين وطريقهم وصراطهم وكف المسلمين شر السلفية الخوارج بجميع طوائفهم ! حم لا ينصرون!!! غلبوا هنالك وانقلبوا صاغرين!!! جعلنا الله تعالى في نحوركم !!
@@TheMercifulAndJust الله يهديك تب قبل ان تحاسب على كل كلمة قلتها عند الله
Handicapped munafiq
Sheikh Albani was from Albania 🇦🇱.
May Allah grant him Jannah.❤️
Allah S.W.T bless you, brother Farid!
And you to akhi :)
@@denzo_dridz8923 and you too akhi.
@@usmanuddin1366 and you brother
And to you all
@@furqanmeer3685 ameen
Scholarly biographies; I'd love to see more videos like these, BarekAllahu Feek!
Me tooo!!!,
Akhi I don't think the people today understand how much if a mountain of knowledge sh. Al-Bani was. He was a muhaddith of the highest caliber. May Allah Grant him Jannah and his students for continuing his works. He only passed away 20 years ago. رحمه الله
I cried when he said he took his hand even before sheikh Sulaymen start crying..
The arabs mistake the name, they think that it is "El Bani" while his name is "al Albani" which means "the Albanian".
@@outofservice5438 no the one speaking is sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhelee سليمان الرحيلي
@@fortnajt no we dont get it wrong in arabic its clear الألباني Al Albany unless some one is making short cuts
@@fortnajt I looove sheikh Al Albany so much respect u must feel honored that he is from your country
More kind of these videos brother Farid, its amazing
BarakAllahu feek
Asalamu alaikum bro, does the mecool kd1 stick support full motion hardware deinterlacing in Kodi?
@@undonetheory265 yeah hehe
@@500gsma3 wa salam bro, dont know bro sorry
@TechUtopia salam habibi, i didnt know u were muslim
Akh Farid, thank you for bringing us closer to the scholars.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to make a series of this so that the common folk like us get to know the great scholars of our ummah. Especially gems from the past like ibn taymiyyah, ibn al qayyim, ibn abdil wahhaab etc. Yes we can do research on our own but the reality is that we won’t. So if you’d spoon feed it to us perhaps we could benefit tremendously.
May Allah bless you and reward you with the greatest of rewards.
You mentioned it’s unfortunate that you were born to late to meet and thank al albani for his contributions to the ummah. May Allah build you both a palace next to each other’s in al firdaws so you can meet him daily. Allahumma ameen.
Say this 3 times for 6 hours worth of reward: Subhan-Allahi Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi(Glory and praise be to Allah, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, as much as the weight of His Throne, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)
@@Hello-bc1em why under my comment tho?
Elhamdullilah a lot of people in kosovo macedonia and albania knowing sheikh albani and all albanian are really proud for the knowledge and all the work that sheik albani have does for the muslim umma .
May allah bless sheikh albani whit jannah !!
يا فريد .. أبكاني هذا المقطع المفيد جدا، بارك الله فيك .. رحم الله الشيخ واسكنه الفردوس .. جزى الله الشيخ عن الإسلام خيرا
May Allah grant Mujadeed e Islam Sheikh Al Albani Rahimahumullah JannatulFirdaus, he was the greatest scholar of last 1,2 centuries ❤.
Thank you my brother Farid for being the light in the dark cave that is Al-Albani's current online presence
May Allah bless you and preserve you upon righteousness Aameen
Shayk Albani will get a lot of people’s good deeds on yaum Qiyamat. Scholars are given one reward even if they make errors. We should not denigrate scholars
@@jxcess3891 why do I feel like this is Christian prince with a new account for hiding? Perhaps it's because of the mistranslations, lack of honest conveying and islamaphobia... Jesus pbuh was not god, get over it...
Even Iam Hanfi but I know Sheikh Nasir Uddeen Albani (R.A). I love & respect him alot ❤
Brother does that pfp depicts Ibn Sina the deviant?
Asalamu Alaykum from Albania 🇦🇱
Wa alaykom essalem! From your tunisian brother.
Wa alaikumussalaam from Indian Brother 🇮🇳. Ya Allah unite us under one flag.
@@Bilal-BS from Kerala
WSm from bosnia
Walikum Salam, USA. How’s life for Muslims in Albania 🇦🇱
Jazak Allahu Khairan Farid for shedding light to this wonderful Soul, Will forever be grateful to his works, May Allah grant him Jannat ul Firdaus.❤️
Much respect to the sheikh ,May Allah grant him jannatu fardouzal acla .
Al albani rahimaullah without a doubt was a ocean of knowledge, may allah bless him and grant him jannat al firdaus
I truly appreciate these kinds of biographies about our ulama alkibar. It brings them close to him in a way that makes us want to strive like them. For instance, that tangent about Albani connecting with his students and even playing football with them. It was a heart melter.
I struggled a lot over the past 20 years about how much to trust or not trust works by Al-Albani, I couldn't find out much about him and perhaps should have tried harder. I watched this entire video and I feel like a fool for not giving this legendary scholar's works more time and attention. May Allah swt have mercy on him and grant him the highest ranks in Jannah ammen.
This Channel deserves Millions of Subscribers....💕🥺
Don't worry, br Farid is just on yt for a year...with time, he will grow and so will his channel InshaAllah
Nice I have same name.
How can any Muslim disrespect such a scholar let alone a da,ee who suppose to protect the dignity of scholars? My Allah rectify and improve our akhlaaq! May Allah have mercy on the sheikh! he has done a great service for the ummah!
Al Albanis influence and his work for the Deen of Allah also reached my small village in India back in 1990's .
i am Albanian from North Macedonia and i had a chance to do Umrah with an Albanian Imam who was Sheikh Albanis student for some years elhamdulilah
farid in sha Allah you can make more videos like this about scholars
I agree
May Allah have mercy on the shaykh, greatest scholar of the last century
His name "Nasiruddin" means helper of the deen right? Makes perfect sense! May Allah have mercy on his soul and grant him Jannah!
May Allah bless you akhi. I was looking for info about the sheikh for a long time. may Allah reward you greatly
Even I didn't know about Sheikh Albani Rahimahullah a year and half ago. Alhamdulillah, a very close friend of mine told me about him and the fact that the sheikh was a great Muhaddith of the last century. It's unfortunate that people in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan don't know about the sheikh. They only listen to moulana and aalims of the subcontinent but never go beyond it. Yes, language is a barrier but people can overcome such barriers...the biggest barrier is that people in the subcontinent are involved in 'taqleed' (blind following) of their own school of thought i.e, that which they inherited from their parents. People here have closed their eyes and just don't want to know other great scholars across the world. May Allah open our eyes and guide us all on the one true path. Aameen
44 ppl disliked this video?if your sunni or salafi how can you dislike this information it melts the heart? this tells me alot about someones subscribers of another channel and "fans" it proves you never knew who Al Albani was in the first place because you dont seek knowledge and you have more love for a youtuber than a mountiain of knowledge of the past decades
Sunni salafi is one and the same akhi why make it separate
I follow hanafi madhab and I have big respect for Sheikh Albani
This story teaches you alot of lessons. Alhamdulillah ☝️
That quote snippet at the end should be sufficient for people to understand how great the scholars of Islam are/were, and shoot down all these claims of "blind following". May Allah (swt) grant Al-Albani and all the shuyookh of Islam Jannat Al Firdous. Ameen.
A gem from albania, may allah grant him the highest jannah
It's amazing how all these major scholars had so much hardship and were not accepted by people around them in their time but these celebrity sheikhs nowadays only care about the numbers of followers.
Brother Farid I was just watching the video of urself and brother Daniel. And u were talking about how ppl were discouraging u. You mentioned u had like only 5000 subs. And Masha’Allah today you have over 4 times more in just a year. Yes you are appreciated Yes you are needed Yes the work you do is very important. We all play our own little roles b4 our meeting with our Lord😊
If it was not for all you brothers online that I have been watching nonstop for the past 2 yrs....I would not be in the place I am today. So may Allah reward you with jannatul firdous and forgive all ur sins. And to all my brothers fighting online for Allah and His Prophet pbuh.
Say this 3 times for 6 hours worth of reward: Subhan-Allahi Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi(Glory and praise be to Allah, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, as much as the weight of His Throne, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)
Allah o akbar, may Allah bless the shaykh with the highest levels of jannah and preserve our brother Farid for such an amazing video.
May Allah have mercy on sheikh Muhammad al albani.
A great sheikh, even if some may disagree with some minor fiqhi opinion he had, the fact still remain he is a great sheikh. And a role model for all of us
@Good Boy When you say something like this, you MUST give a clear example. Otherwise you will be considered a bad boy. However, no one is without mistakes. That includes Al-Albani. But to say that he should not be taken seriously is ridiculous and nonsensical.
Subhanallah I've learned so many things about al Albani and I love him for the sake of Allah.
Whether you like it or not, Al Albani had a huge impact on uloom ul-ħadith.
A much needed video! It was essential to let others know about Shaykh Al Albaani, after all that has been going on. May Allah reward you brother!
May Allaah bestow his mercy in immense abundance on Shaykh Al albaani.
Such a beautiful video with many, many benefits! I love that he asked for 3 days to think about the ultimatum his father gave him and was not impulsive. I learned so much about him from this and feel my love for him increase. May Allah have mercy on him and reward you abundantly. aameen
It would be great if you make a video explaining how people were dealing with ahadiths before sheikh al Albani so that we can feel his influence on this matter
Thank you so much for this. It’s so inspiring. Just found you on you tube. Great work 👍
May Allah Have Mercy Upon Sheikh Albani rahimahullah
Heard his story several times, but still brings tears to my eyes, رحمه الله. بارك الله فيك فريد
Yo Farid can also do a video explaining the life of shaykh bin baz and Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen?
Perhaps more unknown scholars as these scholars biographies are more known to the public, generally speaking, as is found in their books for example.
There's many videos explaining their life, it's not hard to find
@@outofservice5438 That is great idea, I want to know more about the real scholars.
Wallahi this video was so beautiful. My level of respect for shaikh Albani is through the roof now. I feel ashamed that I've never looked into his biography before. May Allah grant him jannat Al firdous
Alhamdulillah...One of my my beloved inspirations Allahma SHEIKH MOHAMMAD NASIR UDDIN AL ALBANI RAHIMULLAH ❤❤❤
Laaaaaaa ilaha ila Allah
much love and respect to you my dear brother for your work may Allah bless you with learning and become a great imam !!!!
Al Imam Albani is a star in heaven i can send you a video here on YT from one preacher who saw prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S. with Albani together in his dream......also you can find from Sheikh Muhammad Hassan from egypt what he says who was imam Albani he was in his life like imam Bukhari rahimuallah anyway may Allah bless Sheikh Albani with jannah firdous al aala ya rabb
It's refreshing to see this type of content rather than always refuting the baseless and idiotic claims of the islam haters. One of the best videos made here
Subhan'Allah. The ending says it all, the greatest of our people don't have the arrogance of thinking they are perfect. This is the character that we should try to embody. May Allah SWT reward the Sheikh and guide us all. Ameen.
I wish the video was longer
Got to learn many things about the beloved sheikh not found easily elsewhere on internet
may Allah give sheikh Albani paradise al firdaus
May Allah give shaykh Albani jannatul firdaus for all the good work he has done.
On a side note, I have heard this photo is not shaykh Albani's but his brother's.
Jazakallah khair akhi. How unfortunate are the young people who are clouded with ignorance to the sheer tsunami of ilm, insight and humility of such scholars.. may ALLAH SWT grant him jannatul firdaus
Assalamualaikum ❤️
Waiting for the proofs of prophethood series .
Wa Alaykum Assalam, how to become imam Murrah's student?
@@tasneemmohiuddin8380 You must become the meme.
We need an Anon Ymoose, any takers?
Walaikum salam akhi. How you doin?
@@heyyoitsyourboicovid1925 I'm doubting the authenticity of your comment.
Firstly, Allah (SWT) is NOT sadistic, people are, and rightly so the unjust deserve what they get as their due reward - even if that means burning in hell for eternity, man cannot even enumerate the blessings God has given him, so an enumerable punishment is completely fair, just.
Secondly, Who is Allah? You answered that in your second question: Almighty God. Look up the 99 names of Allah.
@@heyyoitsyourboicovid1925 allah is god
If your arrogant enough that you won't obey god with just avoiding pork and zina then its not that he's sadistic its that your just stupid
You are such a treat to watch. May Allah keep you under his protection.
Al-Albani, Abdulkader Arnaouti, Shuayb Arnaouti and Vehbi Sulejman Gavoçi all in the field of hadith, all with albanian descent brought up in Damascus, Ash-Sham, much ore less in the same era subhanAllah.
May Allah bless Sheikh Albani with Janatul firdous. He has done soo much for the ummah.
I really enjoyed this bro! I would love to see you do more of these types of videos where you give us a brief biography of a certain scholar. Jazak Allahu Khair
I became muslim the year he died and never knew who he was becaue I was new then after a few years and reading some of his works... there will never be another al-albaani what a man
MashaAllah Shiekh May Allah bless you I love you so much for the sake of Allah Almighty May Allah grant Muhaddis ul asar Imam ul asar Allama Shiekh Albani R.A jannat ul firdous Ameen
jazakallah kher bro Farid you brought back alot of old memories i remember i learnt my prayer from a book of Sheikh Albani and i become in love with him may allah have mercy on him
May Allah grant our Sheikh Jannatul Firdous
May Allah reward you brother. I love al albani but you just made me love him more now...Allah have mercy on him
You also should’ve added the clip of the Algerian woman seeing Albani walking at the same path as the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم!
I heard that. Shayk Albani was crying. Had tears in my eyes.
@Good Boy The fact that you commented this so many times proves that you have a desperate agenda
Shubhan Allah brother you're so right. I'm from Jordan where Sh Albani's grave, his students, his children and his institute are found, and I personally come from a generally practising family and my father is well-read yet I had no clue who Al Albani is until I went to the UK and people started asking/talking about him!
Good to see descriptions with the video brother, this will help with the algorithm In Shaa Allah
Opinions might be differ with shaikh but none cant deny his efforts and works hi done for deen barak allah.
The final clip was what Mohammed Hijab wanted to tell to people. He did not do it in the best and most comprehensible way. Thank you for this video Farid, I learned a lot. Can you do more of these kind of video ? It is really amazing.
Thank you for introducing Sheikh El Albani To us. May Allah increase our knowledge. Ameen. JazakAllah khair.
@Il yas then you distance yourself from a Scholar of Islam.
@Il yas so basically you're not happy that it's not that easy to make takfir, if you follow Sh.Albani's opinion?
@Il yas making takfir is not a matter for the laypeople. This is something that should be done by scholars. You can't read Kitaab At-Tawheed and end up thinking that you know everything about the religion and have become a scholar. This is very basic of basic that you need to start practising as a muslim. You shouldn't delude yourself into believing that you have enough knowledge and wisdom to make takfir after reading just Kitab At-Tawheed.
@Il yas also are you saying thar Sh.Albani is a kafir when you say "He is not from Islam"? This is a really serious accusation. May Allah protect our tongues from saying things that will destroy us. Aameen.
@Il yas ah I see your ideology. I know that you'll probably ignore my advice but please learn your religion first. Making takfir of a muslim is not a simple matter. It should be done by scholars. It cannot and shouldn't be done by laypeople. Can you imagine the chaos if everyone made takfir of everyone? Like you're doing with Sh.Albani rahimahullah. If you go down this road, it will only take you down a path of destruction for yourself and for others. May Allah guide all of us.
This is an amazing series, hope you make more, jazakum Allah khair
Firstly, MashaAllah & Jazak Allah Khair akhi Farid for this video 10/10
Sheikh AlBani is a giant of recent times and deserves our respect for his efforts and contributions. I found this really informative and encouraging to learn more
Mashallah, a fantastic video. Perhaps, you could make this a series where you tell us about the greatest islamic scholars and their biographies?
The way he became a self-taught expert on Islam, learning from the books rather than the ulema.
Subhanallah, Allah swt gives guidance and knowledge whomever he wills. May Allah grant Jannah father of al Albani even though he was strict Hanafi Madhab follower. He supported his son al Albani.
Mashallah a touching tribute to a great scholar
Ma Sha Allah brother. Very good compilation, a brief look into Shaykh Albani's life full of insight and inspiration.
Golden video! Barakallahu feek
There are men, scholars or otherwise who God sends to renew his religion. We hope that indeed Albani was such a scholar and man. He has left a legacy and great contribution to Islam and Muslims. Alhamdulilah for God making raising us this age with such scholars even if we did not get the knowledge from their sittings, millions if not billions benefited from his contribution.
Might God forgive his shortcoming, increase his rankings and make join those he loved, Prophet SAW, his companions and other great scholars of Islam.
Brothers in comment section: Plzz stop fighting each other in the name of firqa. We all are muslims. And ALL true scholars are us. Im Hanafi but i love all true scholars including sheikh Albani rh. U can disagree with any scholar in any Masala bcz they can make mistakes but we should respect All true scholars from any school of thought.
@@safiasaleh7322 baarak Allah feeh
Bārakallahu-Feek feek for this beneficial video
Jazaak Allah for your explanation & educating us
May Allah have mercy upon our Sheikh, Muhammad Nasir'ud deen al Albani
Jazakallah khair my brother farid
jazkaAllah Khair ❤️.
Many people reject his valuable work because it's not matching with their false philosophical garbages .
Thank you brother Farid. Have you checked the video of a sister who saw the sheikh and the prophet (s.a.s) in a dream? The sheikhs reaction had me in tears
@@231doughboy Try finding it on TH-cam
SubhanAllah I never knew about his life but I always had a big love for this man! Allah ie rahmoe!
Wa Alayka Assalamu wa rahmatullāh dear brother Farid may Allāh subhanahu ta’ala be pleased with you amen. Can you please tell me the names of those weak and authentic Hadiths books in English? I’m a revert Muslim from Cuba and I want to learn as much Allāh subhanahu ta’ala allows me, insha Allāh. Jazak Allāh kheir.
JazakAllahu khairan Ustadh. May Allah 'azza wa jalla grant this great Scholar of the deen the highest rank of Jannah. May Allah SWT lead us on the path of the pious predecessors. Aameen.
This was very educational jazakallah
Aren't you that mad bro hajji fan? Who are your Sheikhs??
@@limitedquantitysufiyyahexp4905 Wdym 'my sheikhs'? I just learn what I can from whoever isn't obviously deviant or foolish. Idk what makes you think I'm some kind of 'mad bro hajji fan'
@@SIGSEGV1337 OK who isn't " Deviant or foolish"? List some names. And do you support bro hajji?
@@limitedquantitysufiyyahexp4905 Like as far as stuff on TH-cam? I like Farid Responds, SP-FILES, Saajid Lipman, People of Knowledge, Dawah Man, Bro Hajji, Ustad Abdulrahman Hassan, Nasir Al-Hanbali, Sunnah Defence and Daniel Haqiqatjou. What's with the interrogation akh? I don't know what you mean by 'supporting' Bro Hajji, I benefit from his videos, he's not perfect but I learn from him and he helps me to have a balanced view.
@@SIGSEGV1337 Sp files and bro hajji are not good, do you support rebellion against the ruler?
Please do more of these videos akhi. They're honestly so beneficial masha'Allah TabarakAllah