Imperial was dazzling! Justin Lee maintained his previous impressive performance but Adam Jones seemed to be the MVP in this round. (Of course, _every_ member of the team played a part here so Sourajit Debnath should be mentioned as well.) Suraiya Haddad was, perhaps, the ideal team captain-business-like and efficient, she listened and knew exactly whom to defer to and when, and conferred only so long as the conversations had a point and ended them when they didn’t, so the team wasn’t just wasting time. She refreshingly kept things moving, often answering the question in midstream, which I rather liked (although that, on one occasion, backfired 18:05). Lincoln - Oxfordshire seemed to get on the ball only in the last few moments (24:45)-team captain Alexander Baker seems a bit flabbergasted in a good way 25:48 when the team finally hits its stride-but it was too little too late.
I agree with all of your comments. I too was blown away by Imperial's performance, particularly the Justin Lee-Adam Jones powerhouse. I cannot comprehend how they have built up their level of knowledge at a relatively young age. I would love to know what their approach and methods are. I thought Suraiya Haddad did a beautiful job as captain. Though, as others have said, it was frustrating that she answered hastily a couple of times when there was no reason not to wait until she had heard the whole question. The mispronunciation of Avogadro was also a bit painful (19:24). That aside, it looks like Imperial are going to be the team to beat.
@@jamesmakey2792 Thanks-and, actually, Justin Lee gave Suraiya Haddad a few answers in the bonus rounds as well. (I’m sure Adam Jones and Sourajit Debnath did, too, but I recall Lee specifically.) Haddad _did_ answer a bit hastily on a few occasions (one of which I mentioned in my opening comment)-but Imperial was far enough ahead during almost all of the show (once things got going, Lincoln-Oxfordshire was no closer than 45 points to Imperial at their closest) that they didn’t have much to lose - _and_ they didn’t lose much - by answering hastily. But you’re right-they probably didn’t _gain_ a whole lot either, since lots of these answers were in the bonus rounds, where, for better or worse (better for them, worse for us), they have all the time in the world. I would guess that the _quaestio interrupta_ thing was just a matter of style (something like “I’m reasonably sure of the answer-let’s move this thing along”), rather than a strategic choice, and, on the whole, as I said, I liked it because, well, it _did_ move things along. (The Avogadro mispronunciation _was_ painful because, at least to me, it seemed like, well, either a genuine slip of the tongue or a mishearing.) And, yes, absolutely, Imperial sure looks like the team to beat. They have the knowledge (especially the Lee-Jones juggernaut-they were strong on starters in both games) _and_ the all-important buzzer speed.
Jones is yet another in the line of those whose range of knowledge is dazzling! I love Haddad's speed but then again, not listening to the whole question can lead to a snare in waiting! Both were supported brilliantly by their team mates.
Thanks again, CosmicPumpkin! This was a straight up slaughter. The winning team looks unstoppable. I'm not the best prognosticater...that's an understatement..but at this point I have to think this is the strongest team in the tournament. No shame in losing to this team. My best to both teams, and each individual.
Good game despite a few buzzer blunders. Imperial,s Jones and Lee showed exceptional knowledge. Disappointed for Lincoln, they started to gain traction towards the end.Two good teams, congrats to all, especially the winners.
For some reason I assumed Lincoln was going to win (perhaps based on my memory of Tatoğlu's dynamite performance in round one), but they seemed to be in deer-in-the-headlights mode this time. Imperial was simply a joy to watch -- Lee and Jones were particularly strong, but everyone pulled their weight throughout. Rajan's occasional ad-libbed mistakes can be off-putting ("The House of the Dead" is by Dostoevsky, not Gogol), but I personally feel he's done an excellent job so far.
Very enjoyable episode tonight. Haddad is such a good team captain - focused, decisive, encouraging and playing with a smile on her face. Great to watch. Kinda wish Amol would phase out this "did you have fun?" patter, it's really wearing thin now! Also, I've been wondering for years when Ana Mendieta might get a mention (she was the Cuban-American performance artist referred to indirectly).
Thanks again Cosmic Pumpkin! Felt bad for Lincoln, especially for a couple of unsuccessful interruptions. All made up for by Baker's face lighting up at the Tanuki questions!
Thanks, Cosmic P. Nice to be back with the regular season again. Impressive show by Imperial again. Although their Captain does a pretty good job, she needs to cool it a bit and not jump in so fast on bonus questions. We saw examples of where her speed didn't pay off. I also find it rather annoying not to hear the whole question!
I agree, but they were so impressive and far ahead pointwise, they didn't need to! However, better than tactic of many leading teams in the past, tactically prolonging their conferring to maintain advantage timewise.
You're right! The delaying tactics are poor sportsmanship. I cannot understand how UC seems to be the only "game show" which doesn't have OFFICIALLY timed answer periods, not just ones arbitrarily imposed by the questioner! Time limits would improve the game, I'm sure.
Yes, but jumping in too fast is also a bit rude especially when so far ahead. We like to hear the question. I do like the faster pace this season, but sometimes it gets too fast and stressful. I know it must be competitive but not at the expense of enjoying it.
Congrats to the winners. I was looking forward to seeing the other team give them a run for their money but, alas, it was not to be. Very sad for them, a great team. Thanks CP, really appreciate this.
Canaletto is not a bad guess just from the picture, the style is similar and even though the scene does not actually depict Venice, it sure looks like it. However, the clue did say that the painter is French. (I assume the extra clue was added both because Lorrain is less well-known and to discourage the guess you just made.)
Canaletto was my first thought before I heard "French". Having been to the National Gallery quite recently, I was blown away by the clarity and detail in his paintings of Venice. Lorrain's 'Seaport at Sunset' doesn't quite compare in that respect.
That was a nice fast-paced game from both sides; the last three matches I think had slacked off in terms of speed. As one criticism, if the winners had waited fractionally longer with the bonus discussions, they may have gotten some more points, but the second-highest score of the R16 is nothing to scoff at. Think based on next week's game, the winners here will play Sheffield in a fortnight - bring on the Quarter-Finals ;)!
The correct translation of the essay by Walter Benjamin is "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical REPRODUCIBILITY" and I will fight anyone who says otherwise...
Leoš Janáček opera is based on Dostoevsky's novel "The House of the Dead", not Gogol who wrote "Dead Souls". Quiz master Amol Rajan at 15:23 says, "It's based on the story by Gogol."
That final score is misleading; I'm fairly certain Lincoln would've mopped the floor with either of last week's teams. That Imperial beat them so soundly just illustrates how far ahead of the pack they are this year. I'm not a betting man, but if I was...
I believe the part where Gogol is attributed as the creator of the story that inspired The House of the Dead is wrong. It is actually adapted from the Dostoevsky novel with the same name.
So far I'd agree they're better than the 2021-22 team - mind you I think that team would've scored more with Rajan as that was the series Paxman really started to slow down his diction. I'd argue their strongest team was from 1995-6 - all of their matches are on TH-cam actually
@@enlisty Yes, that's why I used the word "runaway". Too quick to interrupt even for the bonus questions, and got it wrong a few times. But that could be their strategy. Get the opponents shell shocked.
The 2019 team with Brandon as the star was the stronger of the 2 recent Imperial wins, I feel. Zeng's knowledge of geography was absurd and can't be equalled, but Brandon's broader knowledge was dominating all their matches on its own in 2019. No one came close to competing. This current team is particularly scary because they have more than 1 hard hitter: Lee and Jones are both phenomenal, with Debnath nicely complementing them and Haddad's solid captaining. The team to beat this year.
From Allen, Texas, thanks to CosmicPumpkin for a dose of culture. I got all the concrete questions right, but only b/c I'm an engineer - even though I'm an EE and not CivE. Also got a couple of no/wrong answers. I might sound like a dirty, old man but Haddad is foxemous babe!
A heat (as in rowing or fencing) in which the best competitors who have lost in a previous round compete for a place or places yet left in the next round. From French repêchage, from repêcher (“to fish out, rescue”), from re- (“again”) + pêcher (“to fish”) (Wiktionary)
First of all a black hole is NOT a large dense object, it's a highly compact and massive dense object. Massive means more mass not large. Secondly the engine driving the AGN is not centered on the black hole it is the black hole. Who frames these questions?
If I were to be exceptionally pedantic... For a black hole, more mass effectively does means larger, and the black holes in quasars are always billions of solar masses so quite large. And the accretion disk, which is centred on the black hole, is what emits the radiation. But it did still sound like someone had grabbed a popular science book at the last minute to write an astrophysics question.
@@gooscarguitar lol, sorry my mistake - I just made two comments under University Challenge vids and the other one said something like "the correct answer could be drum n bass". So when I had a youtube pop-up on my phone saying someone replied "the middle word is "and"" I perhaps naturally assumed it made sense that someone was replying to my other comment.
Well.... there are your winners of the whole series. There is no team better than them. I can't see any team getting close to be honest. I think the final should / will be UCL vs Imperial.
Huge props to Warde, no fear on the buzzer & was glad to see her get a couple toward the end there. Personally I was shouting POM POKO from the very first words of the tanuki bonus questions 😂
I guess this is all moot given their results so far but some of the teamwork and collaboration on the bonuses was really poor by Imperial. They rushed through all their answers, sometimes giving a response before the full question was read or rushing out an answer while another teammate was working out a more correct response. It could cost them in later rounds against stronger opponents
If miss Haddad could dial her excitement back just a touch so they didn't rush bonuses quite so much then Imperial would be damn near perfect. That said, i think the high speed play is part of their success too. Lincon were excellent, but when you run into that sort of opponent... a shame. There are weaker teams still in.
I have a question ,how could they know those very detailed information about almost every field ? how could they know about other countries and their history and geography ?!! ,I mean a knowledge that even native citizens might not be familiar with about their own countries!? .Seriously, I feel baffled ,and a bit jealous too lol ,and the more I think about it the more frustrated I get! .. I mean is it a part of GK ? is it something these students take in their universities ? BTW ,I'm North African and I have never met someone who knows this much of information "Quality and quantity-wise!" , so I'm not sure how could someone be like this! .
You have to remember that these teams are selected for what they know: it's like the Olympics of knowledge. But there are many people who have very extensive knowledge because of the work they do. I've been working in the knowledge field for a very long time, as a teacher, a magazine editor and a translator, and I watch UC to see how many of the answers I get right. Every week I do better than the losers but not as well as the winners. Not everyone can be at that level without a great deal of education.
most likely a mix of gooscarguitar and some intense trivia scoping online on every topic/field imaginable. oh how lucky we are to have the world wide web.
If you specialize in any of those fields, you'll recognize that the questions are at about the level of an undergraduate course, i.e. not too detailed. It's still *very* impressive that they know such a wide variety of topics at that level at that age, though.
i hate the vulgar way he flaunts his gold watch and rings like a cheap pimp, acts like he actually knows all the answers and humiliates some wrong answers. He also speaks too quickly and cannot enunciate properly.
It was one of paxman's unforgivable traits, too. In the way it implies stupidity, it disproportionately disincentivises contestants from guessing answers based on their susceptibility to public humiliation. It adds nothing to the game. Rajan could have stopped it. Don't remember Bamber doing this. Next. He doesn't just "wear" the jewellery, he constantly and ostentatiously adjusts his cuff to show off his shiny little watch and dual gold rings. Paxman didn't wear a watch AFAIFK and only wore one simple signet ring. Finally, all this pretending he knows the answer business? Rajan only got a 2:2 English degree. Paxman was another low achieving English language grad. I daresay neither of them know, on average, more than I do. I average about 8 per game - answering before the contestant does. But I only got 5 today. And I stand by my observation that he speaks too quickly and doesn't enunciate adequately. @@andrewclifton9772
it gets worse ! He was in an interview with Piers (assh0le) Morgan wearing TWO watches. One to tell the time and one to make it go shiny shiny. And two effeminate rings on each hand. google up "amol rajan watch" @@afreeman63
Haddad is awful - contributed absolutely nothing but repeating her teammates’ answers. Sometimes she couldn’t even do that: misspelled Lee’s correct suggestion Avogadro as ‘Avogardo’ and lost the points (mark 19’28’’). Hit the buzzer twice, giving incorrect answers on both occasions. Imperial did great but would have gained a much higher score with anybody else in place of Haddad. And, UC, why the hell did you make some of the best teams from the first round compete against each other at this stage???
It's her job to repeat her teammates answers: She is the captain. Have you not watched the show before? And saying Avagardo instead of Avargadro? Well, you just used the word misspelled instead of mispronunciated, so I guess we can all have lapses, eh?
Because the rules only accept the captain’s answer in bonus questions (unless nominate to teammates), regardless of what the teammates answer. This means that the captain may pick the answer from a teammate as the whole team’s answer.
Second point is a good point, they also put UCL against Hertford College, Oxford. However, regarding your first point, seriously? That is your take on the episode?
I thought she did an excellent job. Mispronouncing Avogadro is hardly a major sin and I think if they had lost by 5 points we'd be up in arms about it. She kept the ball rolling; no time wasting as other teams have done when they were ahead; and although she had her lapses she was very well informed and overall an asset to her team.
Imperial was dazzling! Justin Lee maintained his previous impressive performance but Adam Jones seemed to be the MVP in this round. (Of course, _every_ member of the team played a part here so Sourajit Debnath should be mentioned as well.) Suraiya Haddad was, perhaps, the ideal team captain-business-like and efficient, she listened and knew exactly whom to defer to and when, and conferred only so long as the conversations had a point and ended them when they didn’t, so the team wasn’t just wasting time. She refreshingly kept things moving, often answering the question in midstream, which I rather liked (although that, on one occasion, backfired 18:05). Lincoln - Oxfordshire seemed to get on the ball only in the last few moments (24:45)-team captain Alexander Baker seems a bit flabbergasted in a good way 25:48 when the team finally hits its stride-but it was too little too late.
I agree with all of your comments. I too was blown away by Imperial's performance, particularly the Justin Lee-Adam Jones powerhouse. I cannot comprehend how they have built up their level of knowledge at a relatively young age. I would love to know what their approach and methods are. I thought Suraiya Haddad did a beautiful job as captain. Though, as others have said, it was frustrating that she answered hastily a couple of times when there was no reason not to wait until she had heard the whole question. The mispronunciation of Avogadro was also a bit painful (19:24). That aside, it looks like Imperial are going to be the team to beat.
@@jamesmakey2792 Thanks-and, actually, Justin Lee gave Suraiya Haddad a few answers in the bonus rounds as well. (I’m sure Adam Jones and Sourajit Debnath did, too, but I recall Lee specifically.)
Haddad _did_ answer a bit hastily on a few occasions (one of which I mentioned in my opening comment)-but Imperial was far enough ahead during almost all of the show (once things got going, Lincoln-Oxfordshire was no closer than 45 points to Imperial at their closest) that they didn’t have much to lose - _and_ they didn’t lose much - by answering hastily. But you’re right-they probably didn’t _gain_ a whole lot either, since lots of these answers were in the bonus rounds, where, for better or worse (better for them, worse for us), they have all the time in the world. I would guess that the _quaestio interrupta_ thing was just a matter of style (something like “I’m reasonably sure of the answer-let’s move this thing along”), rather than a strategic choice, and, on the whole, as I said, I liked it because, well, it _did_ move things along. (The Avogadro mispronunciation _was_ painful because, at least to me, it seemed like, well, either a genuine slip of the tongue or a mishearing.)
And, yes, absolutely, Imperial sure looks like the team to beat. They have the knowledge (especially the Lee-Jones juggernaut-they were strong on starters in both games) _and_ the all-important buzzer speed.
Haddad is such a delightful captain - always supportive of her team.
Jones from Imperial was a powerhouse!
Jones is yet another in the line of those whose range of knowledge is dazzling! I love Haddad's speed but then again, not listening to the whole question can lead to a snare in waiting! Both were supported brilliantly by their team mates.
Imperial are so casual, they are absolutely the team to beat this season.
Thanks for posting this, not! Made it no surprise who won. Very selfish!
@@michaelmccarthy9411 Don't check the comments before you've watched it then
They are very well rounded. The whole team contributes well.
@@gooscarguitar It's staring me in the face as soon as I click it open!
Absolutely agree, they always look so solid!
Lincoln may have struggled a bit, but the absolute joy in their faces when they got to answer "Animal Crossing" to a question made it all worth it 😀
Brilliant, I was on the edge of me seat. The knowledge they posses. So impressive.
Thanks again, CosmicPumpkin! This was a straight up slaughter. The winning team looks unstoppable. I'm not the best prognosticater...that's an understatement..but at this point I have to think this is the strongest team in the tournament. No shame in losing to this team. My best to both teams, and each individual.
So sad when the losing team gets going too late. Jones is amazing. Thanks CP.
Jones is amazing and he looks like Oscar Wilde.
Good game despite a few buzzer blunders. Imperial,s Jones and Lee showed exceptional knowledge. Disappointed for Lincoln, they started to gain traction towards the end.Two good teams, congrats to all, especially the winners.
🌍 7:22
Suraiya, and the entire Imperial team are quite simply, AWESOME!
For some reason I assumed Lincoln was going to win (perhaps based on my memory of Tatoğlu's dynamite performance in round one), but they seemed to be in deer-in-the-headlights mode this time. Imperial was simply a joy to watch -- Lee and Jones were particularly strong, but everyone pulled their weight throughout. Rajan's occasional ad-libbed mistakes can be off-putting ("The House of the Dead" is by Dostoevsky, not Gogol), but I personally feel he's done an excellent job so far.
Rajan is so polite! No condescending, no put downs, no Paxo.
Very enjoyable episode tonight. Haddad is such a good team captain - focused, decisive, encouraging and playing with a smile on her face. Great to watch. Kinda wish Amol would phase out this "did you have fun?" patter, it's really wearing thin now!
Also, I've been wondering for years when Ana Mendieta might get a mention (she was the Cuban-American performance artist referred to indirectly).
It was phoney from the start, almost patronising.
Totally agree with the sentiment re, "did you have fun?" A pointless question that is more embarrassing than enlightening.
Yes I agree that Amol needs to show some ingenuity
@@deborahbaldwin6660he can’t show what he doesn’t have!
Thanks again Cosmic Pumpkin! Felt bad for Lincoln, especially for a couple of unsuccessful interruptions. All made up for by Baker's face lighting up at the Tanuki questions!
Thanks, Cosmic P. Nice to be back with the regular season again.
Impressive show by Imperial again. Although their Captain does a pretty good job, she needs to cool it a bit and not jump in so fast on bonus questions. We saw examples of where her speed didn't pay off. I also find it rather annoying not to hear the whole question!
I agree, but they were so impressive and far ahead pointwise, they didn't need to!
However, better than tactic of many leading teams in the past, tactically prolonging their conferring to maintain advantage timewise.
You're right! The delaying tactics are poor sportsmanship. I cannot understand how UC seems to be the only "game show" which doesn't have OFFICIALLY timed answer periods, not just ones arbitrarily imposed by the questioner! Time limits would improve the game, I'm sure.
Yes, but jumping in too fast is also a bit rude especially when so far ahead. We like to hear the question. I do like the faster pace this season, but sometimes it gets too fast and stressful. I know it must be competitive but not at the expense of enjoying it.
Haddad seems like the perfect team leader
Just needs to cut down on wasting points by answering too soon/flubbing
Congrats to the winners. I was looking forward to seeing the other team give them a run for their money but, alas, it was not to be. Very sad for them, a great team. Thanks CP, really appreciate this.
Somebody in the question writing team really likes Shostakovich and seems to have a mission to get his name mentioned as much as possible.
*Lincoln - Oxford : 120*
*Imperial : 250*
*Starter Questions Stats*
Warde = 3/5 {30 minus 5}
Tutoglu = 3/5 {30 minus 5}
Baker = 1/1 {10}
Drummond Young = 0/2 {-5}
Starter Success Rate: 53.85%
Lee = 4/4 {40}
Jones = 9/11 {90 minus 5}
Haddad = 0/2 {0}
Debnath = 1/1 {10}
Starter Success Rate: 77.78%
*Bonus Questions Stats*
Bonus Success Rate: 65.00% (13/20)
Bonus Success Rate: 54.76% (23/42)
*In the Quarterfinals*
1. Trinity - Cambridge
2. Open
3. Christchurch - Oxford
4. UCL
5. Manchester
6. Birkbeck - London
7. Sheffield
8. Imperial
Thanks! 😊
More London than combined Oxbridge...
By the way, the record for most correct starters by an individual player in a match is 15*, set by Gail Trimble
@@davidklompenhouwer555 more than welcome.
Imperial are an absolute beast, what a team! Also never heard of Claude Lorrain, I thought it was Canaletto on the second pic round
Canaletto is not a bad guess just from the picture, the style is similar and even though the scene does not actually depict Venice, it sure looks like it. However, the clue did say that the painter is French. (I assume the extra clue was added both because Lorrain is less well-known and to discourage the guess you just made.)
Canaletto was my first thought before I heard "French". Having been to the National Gallery quite recently, I was blown away by the clarity and detail in his paintings of Venice. Lorrain's 'Seaport at Sunset' doesn't quite compare in that respect.
9:37 That question writer knew by opening the question with that was just gonna bait someone to intterupt with "Fermat"
yeah that was a good trap.
Definitely intended as a trap, but it did quite clearly say "19th century" tbf
So happy to hear the racoon dog question, the rest of the quiz is too much for me at this level.
Thanks for publishing these. What amazing depths of knowledge these folks - winners and losers - display
That was a nice fast-paced game from both sides; the last three matches I think had slacked off in terms of speed. As one criticism, if the winners had waited fractionally longer with the bonus discussions, they may have gotten some more points, but the second-highest score of the R16 is nothing to scoff at. Think based on next week's game, the winners here will play Sheffield in a fortnight - bring on the Quarter-Finals ;)!
24:46 "We have seen better days" = Warde's reaction: Yes, we had. ='(
The correct translation of the essay by Walter Benjamin is "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical REPRODUCIBILITY" and I will fight anyone who says otherwise...
I will fight you on the "its" you left out :)
"From the House of the Dead" was based on Dostoevsky's book, not Gogol, surely - mux up with "Dead Souls", perhaps?
Leoš Janáček opera is based on Dostoevsky's novel "The House of the Dead", not Gogol who wrote "Dead Souls". Quiz master Amol Rajan at 15:23 says, "It's based on the story by Gogol."
Thanks for the upload. I always thought there was a rule against interrupting the bonus questions with an answer, but I see that is wrong.
That final score is misleading; I'm fairly certain Lincoln would've mopped the floor with either of last week's teams. That Imperial beat them so soundly just illustrates how far ahead of the pack they are this year. I'm not a betting man, but if I was...
I believe the part where Gogol is attributed as the creator of the story that inspired The House of the Dead is wrong. It is actually adapted from the Dostoevsky novel with the same name.
Tatoglu looks like he can read your mind by just staring at you
Nice to see B.C. return instead of B.C.E. And when the host says “there’s plenty of time” you know that team is going to lose.
Wow! Imperial is like a runaway locomotive. This is perhaps their strongest ever team, even better than the year of Zeng?
So far I'd agree they're better than the 2021-22 team - mind you I think that team would've scored more with Rajan as that was the series Paxman really started to slow down his diction. I'd argue their strongest team was from 1995-6 - all of their matches are on TH-cam actually
Wow, thx for the reply mate. Never watched the retro era of UC@@gabsymalone6307
But their teamwork feels rushed compared to Zeng’s year.
@@enlisty Yes, that's why I used the word "runaway". Too quick to interrupt even for the bonus questions, and got it wrong a few times. But that could be their strategy. Get the opponents shell shocked.
The 2019 team with Brandon as the star was the stronger of the 2 recent Imperial wins, I feel. Zeng's knowledge of geography was absurd and can't be equalled, but Brandon's broader knowledge was dominating all their matches on its own in 2019. No one came close to competing. This current team is particularly scary because they have more than 1 hard hitter: Lee and Jones are both phenomenal, with Debnath nicely complementing them and Haddad's solid captaining. The team to beat this year.
I have just noticed the set looks a bit cheap in close shots and now I can't unsee it
Game felt a lot closer than the final scoreline suggested tbh, Imperial look menacing
That team was on fire! But also the captain was a reall leader
@ 15:25 House of the dead by Gogol, shouldn't that have been dostoevsky?
No way "Animal Crossing" is an actual answer at University Challenge😂
From the House of the Dead by Janacek was based on a story by Dostoevsky, not Gogol!
Thank you for posting.
Thank you.
i love jones and haddad's synchronization at 23:53 😆
Imperial really put their stormtrooper counterparts to shame, because they rarely ever missed 😂
From Allen, Texas, thanks to CosmicPumpkin for a dose of culture.
I got all the concrete questions right, but only b/c I'm an engineer - even though I'm an EE and not CivE. Also got a couple of no/wrong answers.
I might sound like a dirty, old man but Haddad is foxemous babe!
They are superhuman. I was well chuffed to have got 7 answers right!
Good stuff!
What is he saying in the beginning?
“There are no playoffs in this round, no __________, no wild cards...”
repechage. It means second chance
A heat (as in rowing or fencing) in which the best competitors who have lost in a previous round compete for a place or places yet left in the next round.
From French repêchage, from repêcher (“to fish out, rescue”), from re- (“again”) + pêcher (“to fish”)
First of all a black hole is NOT a large dense object, it's a highly compact and massive dense object. Massive means more mass not large. Secondly the engine driving the AGN is not centered on the black hole it is the black hole. Who frames these questions?
If I were to be exceptionally pedantic...
For a black hole, more mass effectively does means larger, and the black holes in quasars are always billions of solar masses so quite large. And the accretion disk, which is centred on the black hole, is what emits the radiation. But it did still sound like someone had grabbed a popular science book at the last minute to write an astrophysics question.
28:14 ; - )
I know that these guys are extremely knowledgeable but as a Filipino it feels nice they know the answer at 7:16
Thanks so much
Where did Lee say he was from?!?! It sounded like he said "Hong Kong - Canada"...
the middle word is "and"
@@PhatInAHat did you think I was replying to a different comment?
@@PhatInAHat I'm not talking about drum and bass you melt. Nobody was talking about drum and bass. Read the original comment that I replied to.
@@gooscarguitar lol, sorry my mistake - I just made two comments under University Challenge vids and the other one said something like "the correct answer could be drum n bass". So when I had a youtube pop-up on my phone saying someone replied "the middle word is "and"" I perhaps naturally assumed it made sense that someone was replying to my other comment.
Well.... there are your winners of the whole series. There is no team better than them. I can't see any team getting close to be honest.
I think the final should / will be UCL vs Imperial.
Imperial is imperial but I think UCL can give Imperial a run for their money.
Did they not lose 5 points for the stall at 8:39?
No because he had finished reading the question
Oh, you're right. I wasn't paying attention enough. Thanks!@@gooscarguitar
How do these special people know the answers and I don’t understand the question? Respect to all of them .
Goooo imperial 🎉
Haddad wanted to answer the Stalin metro question “1915” LOL
Mr tatoglu was superb as always
This is why Imperial is the best!!
Imperial are worthy champions 😀
Huge props to Warde, no fear on the buzzer & was glad to see her get a couple toward the end there.
Personally I was shouting POM POKO from the very first words of the tanuki bonus questions 😂
I guess this is all moot given their results so far but some of the teamwork and collaboration on the bonuses was really poor by Imperial. They rushed through all their answers, sometimes giving a response before the full question was read or rushing out an answer while another teammate was working out a more correct response. It could cost them in later rounds against stronger opponents
Agreed. However, better than tactic of many leading teams in the past, prolonging their conferring to maintain advantage timewise.
That was a little harsh to not accept "Avogardo" - Clearly, everyone knew what they were referring to.
University Challenge have been pretty consistent for maybe the past 6 years in penalizing mispronounced answers, and this is the line they have drawn
@@Ramboost007 Except when Paxman accepted "superium" when the answer was "supremum"
Hapax legonemenon
If miss Haddad could dial her excitement back just a touch so they didn't rush bonuses quite so much then Imperial would be damn near perfect. That said, i think the high speed play is part of their success too.
Lincon were excellent, but when you run into that sort of opponent... a shame. There are weaker teams still in.
She'll learn, they have 2 chances at the quarterfinals for that
7:08 knew the answer because it's my country🤣
How can they remember so much.. what's their secret
Lee is a beast.
Drummond Jones looks very much like Daisy Edgar-Jones, caught me off guard...
Debnath is a smart guy (looks like a kid though).
the words inside the brackets are your real focus innit
Lincolnshire road
Haddad is charming
I have a question ,how could they know those very detailed information about almost every field ? how could they know about other countries and their history and geography ?!! ,I mean a knowledge that even native citizens might not be familiar with about their own countries!? .Seriously, I feel baffled ,and a bit jealous too lol ,and the more I think about it the more frustrated I get! .. I mean is it a part of GK ? is it something these students take in their universities ? BTW ,I'm North African and I have never met someone who knows this much of information "Quality and quantity-wise!" , so I'm not sure how could someone be like this! .
Reading a lot of books, listening to a lot of podcasts, doing a lot of quizzes. The more you do the less random and more predictable it seems
You have to remember that these teams are selected for what they know: it's like the Olympics of knowledge. But there are many people who have very extensive knowledge because of the work they do. I've been working in the knowledge field for a very long time, as a teacher, a magazine editor and a translator, and I watch UC to see how many of the answers I get right. Every week I do better than the losers but not as well as the winners. Not everyone can be at that level without a great deal of education.
most likely a mix of gooscarguitar and some intense trivia scoping online on every topic/field imaginable. oh how lucky we are to have the world wide web.
If you specialize in any of those fields, you'll recognize that the questions are at about the level of an undergraduate course, i.e. not too detailed. It's still *very* impressive that they know such a wide variety of topics at that level at that age, though.
I have a big crush on the cutee from Imperial --- Lee
Jones is one badass boss
What's wrong with the Physics Oxford guy?
suraiya is a stunner!
Get rid of the canned applause-unnecessary & annoying
We need a new host, I'm afraid
Agreed!!! This guy is rushing words & unnecessarily harsh. I didn’t like when the aging Paxman did it but he wasn’t nasty so early on!
i hate the vulgar way he flaunts his gold watch and rings like a cheap pimp, acts like he actually knows all the answers and humiliates some wrong answers. He also speaks too quickly and cannot enunciate properly.
He wears a watch and rings - he hardly 'flaunts' them. 'Humiliates' - well - less than Paxman did. It's part of the game.
I agree I can't stand him, no charisma, no personality but at least he has stopped saying haitch for aitch!!
It was one of paxman's unforgivable traits, too. In the way it implies stupidity, it disproportionately disincentivises contestants from guessing answers based on their susceptibility to public humiliation. It adds nothing to the game. Rajan could have stopped it. Don't remember Bamber doing this.
Next. He doesn't just "wear" the jewellery, he constantly and ostentatiously adjusts his cuff to show off his shiny little watch and dual gold rings. Paxman didn't wear a watch AFAIFK and only wore one simple signet ring.
Finally, all this pretending he knows the answer business? Rajan only got a 2:2 English degree. Paxman was another low achieving English language grad. I daresay neither of them know, on average, more than I do. I average about 8 per game - answering before the contestant does. But I only got 5 today.
And I stand by my observation that he speaks too quickly and doesn't enunciate adequately.
lol "haitch" - such a marker !@@afreeman63
it gets worse ! He was in an interview with Piers (assh0le) Morgan wearing TWO watches. One to tell the time and one to make it go shiny shiny. And two effeminate rings on each hand.
google up "amol rajan watch"
Haddad is awful - contributed absolutely nothing but repeating her teammates’ answers. Sometimes she couldn’t even do that: misspelled Lee’s correct suggestion Avogadro as ‘Avogardo’ and lost the points (mark 19’28’’). Hit the buzzer twice, giving incorrect answers on both occasions. Imperial did great but would have gained a much higher score with anybody else in place of Haddad.
And, UC, why the hell did you make some of the best teams from the first round compete against each other at this stage???
It's her job to repeat her teammates answers: She is the captain. Have you not watched the show before? And saying Avagardo instead of Avargadro? Well, you just used the word misspelled instead of mispronunciated, so I guess we can all have lapses, eh?
Because the rules only accept the captain’s answer in bonus questions (unless nominate to teammates), regardless of what the teammates answer. This means that the captain may pick the answer from a teammate as the whole team’s answer.
Second point is a good point, they also put UCL against Hertford College, Oxford.
However, regarding your first point, seriously? That is your take on the episode?
I thought she did an excellent job. Mispronouncing Avogadro is hardly a major sin and I think if they had lost by 5 points we'd be up in arms about it. She kept the ball rolling; no time wasting as other teams have done when they were ahead; and although she had her lapses she was very well informed and overall an asset to her team.
I would have liked your comment for the 2nd opinion but your 1st one is complete bogus.
Could Ms Haddad please stop fiddling with her hair.
Haddad scratching that neck rash was making me unconfortable
Thank you 🎃 😊