Hello, Press down the power button twice. The first press should have the screen display a picture of a hand pressing the power button. Then press it again and it will deactivate. If you have more questions; please call our Care Team at 888-505-0212. Take care.
I loved this one. Had no trouble at all with it...
We love it too!
That lady is the absolute best for this kind of thing. And I love her haircut!
We think she's great too!
Love the way she explains things :)
How does it getting oxigen supply? From air or from an extra cylinder?
How to or which button to show us the hours on the machine ?
Hello, the hours will be displayed on the screen as soon as you turn on the SimplyGo unit. Take care.
Can I use humidifier bottal
Hello, yes you can! Here is a link to all SimplyGo compatible parts: www.directhomemedical.com/all-simplygo-portable-oxygen-concentrator-parts.html
My SimplyGo autostarts on Mains power all buttons work on panel except Power ON/Off. Can someone provide solution? Thanks.
Hello, Press down the power button twice. The first press should have the screen display a picture of a hand pressing the power button. Then press it again and it will deactivate. If you have more questions; please call our Care Team at 888-505-0212. Take care.
How much huhu2
Hello, here is a link to our SimplyGo listing on our website: www.directhomemedical.com/simplygo-portable-oxygen-concentrator-respironics.html