This video shows me two things, I know nothing about deck building, and I have so much to learn. Watching this makes me want to play all the time, especially since I have it for free on my phone. I will subscribe so I can learn more. Great content.
Just recently started watching your runs. This was absolutely magnificent. Thank you. Countless cool interactions and so much information to process. I could spend days analyzing this and come out to be a much better player. Your time and dedication definitely shows especially in your post run analysis. Thumbs Up earned.
Between this video & Baalor posting a Rampage video (that run was crazy good), it's safe to say that Rampage having a good holiday season in the Spire.
Spoilers for the run to follow: Dear Jorbs, Please upload more loss runs. If I knew there was a chance a video contained a loss I would be on the edge of my seat more, which I enjoy. Much appreciated, Someone you've never met
Jorbs! Wow, what a run! I’m a typical TH-cam Jorbs watcher, as I’ll fall asleep during most runs, but I purposely came back multiple times for this one. I loved all your commentary during the run, and I even got to learn some new card interactions. I know the result didn’t show, but damn it was such an entertaining run, that’s about as close as it gets. Thanks for all you do!
I love a Rampage run. Shame it often isn't a good idea to pick it Act 1 as Jorbs mentioned back in the days he was doing Ascension 15. I don't remember which run it was, but I think one time he picked it up he said he'd do it 30 times as often in the card rewards if the upgrade not only increased scaling but also made it cost 0 energy. I don't know, would it be _that_ much better if at 0 energy if your deck isn't super trimmed? I guess with exhaust you can trim during a fight instead of relying on removals.
I think It costing 0 would be an incredible upgrade. Energy is such a restraint and, at 0, it's a scaling anger that doesn't clog your draw pile so you can go infinite (or very big). Even in larger decks, it'd be really solid. Exhaust synergies and powers can turn 40 cards into 10 very quickly after one draw cycle.
Yes, a cost reduction from 1 to 0 is huge. Not only do you get to play it more, but it becomes an anger that doesn't cost increasing amounts of draw. Also yeah, ironclad can go infinite in very large decks because exhausting cards substitutes removals very well. Like, second cycle after powers, exhausts, say a fiend fire can take you down from 40 cards to somewhere a lot smaller.
I love that StS has a difficulty curve like: Act 1: sometimes its hell, sometimes its free with a good balance of hard rooms/easy rooms and the elites/bosses either being decent checks or great loot opportunities Act 2: Your character is Doom Guy but it is literally hell on earth 24/7 and there's not nearly enough health packs. Act 3: eh youre either good enough to clear or not, oh and our question marks suck
As a long time Jorbs and Baalor enjoyer it's kind of funny how you both converged towards each other in your plays, maybe just means that both of you are better. You started taking Dark embrace and Streamline more as an example which is something he did, and he takes coolheaded and acros earlier which is something you did first. Also shows that card draw is good lol I don't know if you like to hear your play compared to other Streamers, so if you don't I'm sorry.
I'm actually pretty surprised that you included a run where you didn't win! Also I think if you just never played the brutality, it would've been a win. You literally just barely lost the hp from those few turns of brutality hitting you and doing absolutely nothing for you. After having 3 evolve and drawing wounds every turn, brutality is nothing but problems right?
Shouldve kept playing dropkick and pommel on that 3rd to last turn to run up your energy with nunchaku so you couldve played rampage a few extra times to guarantee the kill straight up
My favorite thing about youtube jorbs is when he says "this song is jam" and theres just the sts theme playing
It certainly doesn't deal damage to my sleep schedule
I fucking love how your on every video i lovd you man
Jorbs sleeper gang 😭
You need a sleep schedule to exist before it can take damage.
This video shows me two things, I know nothing about deck building, and I have so much to learn. Watching this makes me want to play all the time, especially since I have it for free on my phone. I will subscribe so I can learn more. Great content.
21:00 that hearty laugh is exactly the reaction to this double highroll wtf 😂😂😂🎉
Jorbs outbursts make my day
you know the run's going places when it starts with a chatter professing that they're attracted to the ironclad
Just recently started watching your runs. This was absolutely magnificent. Thank you. Countless cool interactions and so much information to process. I could spend days analyzing this and come out to be a much better player. Your time and dedication definitely shows especially in your post run analysis. Thumbs Up earned.
This run felt very impressive taking a deck that consistently felt so bad so far
Between this video & Baalor posting a Rampage video (that run was crazy good), it's safe to say that Rampage having a good holiday season in the Spire.
i got to A15 with a rampage deck a few days ago!
Spoilers for the run to follow:
Dear Jorbs,
Please upload more loss runs.
If I knew there was a chance a video contained a loss I would be on the edge of my seat more, which I enjoy.
Much appreciated,
Someone you've never met
This might be the first time ive seen jorbs take mark of pain in the many years ive watched him
Jorbs! Wow, what a run! I’m a typical TH-cam Jorbs watcher, as I’ll fall asleep during most runs, but I purposely came back multiple times for this one. I loved all your commentary during the run, and I even got to learn some new card interactions. I know the result didn’t show, but damn it was such an entertaining run, that’s about as close as it gets. Thanks for all you do!
I love a Rampage run. Shame it often isn't a good idea to pick it Act 1 as Jorbs mentioned back in the days he was doing Ascension 15. I don't remember which run it was, but I think one time he picked it up he said he'd do it 30 times as often in the card rewards if the upgrade not only increased scaling but also made it cost 0 energy. I don't know, would it be _that_ much better if at 0 energy if your deck isn't super trimmed? I guess with exhaust you can trim during a fight instead of relying on removals.
I think It costing 0 would be an incredible upgrade. Energy is such a restraint and, at 0, it's a scaling anger that doesn't clog your draw pile so you can go infinite (or very big).
Even in larger decks, it'd be really solid. Exhaust synergies and powers can turn 40 cards into 10 very quickly after one draw cycle.
I think almost any early damage common (or uncommon for rampage) would be way better if it got a free energy off its upgrade
I agree 0 energy makes a lot of “unplayable” cards seem better - like Phantasmal Killer+ costs you a draw but you get to play it every time 🎉
Yes, a cost reduction from 1 to 0 is huge. Not only do you get to play it more, but it becomes an anger that doesn't cost increasing amounts of draw. Also yeah, ironclad can go infinite in very large decks because exhausting cards substitutes removals very well. Like, second cycle after powers, exhausts, say a fiend fire can take you down from 40 cards to somewhere a lot smaller.
I remove a strike every time I get rampage. Just a better single attack basically. Gets stronger after use too
It deals 136 damage. Don't worry title jorbs I've got your back.
The good faces are REALLY good. I always wonder about clicking that button.
I love that StS has a difficulty curve like:
Act 1: sometimes its hell, sometimes its free with a good balance of hard rooms/easy rooms and the elites/bosses either being decent checks or great loot opportunities
Act 2: Your character is Doom Guy but it is literally hell on earth 24/7 and there's not nearly enough health packs.
Act 3: eh youre either good enough to clear or not, oh and our question marks suck
RAMPGE... proofread, Jorbs!
wow. I have watched multiple videos now and thats the first one that I saw that ended in a loss.
As a long time Jorbs and Baalor enjoyer it's kind of funny how you both converged towards each other in your plays, maybe just means that both of you are better. You started taking Dark embrace and Streamline more as an example which is something he did, and he takes coolheaded and acros earlier which is something you did first. Also shows that card draw is good lol
I don't know if you like to hear your play compared to other Streamers, so if you don't I'm sorry.
I never considered that each hit from a fiend fire counts as a separate hit against byrds. ya learn something new every day
What a cool run and tense finish.
1:36:37 jorbs returns from bathroom
Immolate after Evolve too tempting for me 😮 But the reasoning works for sure!
Great run!
What a run. Realy WP
goddamn i love close runs
That hexaghost fight was a buttclencher. Would the video just end there abruptly?
Probably more likely that it would have never have been uploaded, it's rare Jorbs uploads a video that doesn't get to act 4
I'm actually pretty surprised that you included a run where you didn't win! Also I think if you just never played the brutality, it would've been a win. You literally just barely lost the hp from those few turns of brutality hitting you and doing absolutely nothing for you. After having 3 evolve and drawing wounds every turn, brutality is nothing but problems right?
Emotional damage
But is it a rampage deck?
Was a turn you never used heal
minor spelling mistake
Sub optimal gameplay. Unsubbed.
I would not recommend this joke structure because it's basically as hurtful en masse as people who say it with /srs
Shouldve kept playing dropkick and pommel on that 3rd to last turn to run up your energy with nunchaku so you couldve played rampage a few extra times to guarantee the kill straight up
His pommel strike was not upgraded, he could've not played rampage more than he already did