My daughter had a traffic violation, and I told her we should go to court so she should see what happens. I really believe that she was innocent. We got there, and the prosecutors first put you in a side room and review what they have, but don't really give you anything. Tell you if you challenge it, it will cost you more in the long run. And then ask you to choose, even though it's not really a choice. The judge did reduce the fine and I paid it for her because I felt she didn't deserve it. At the same time, it was a learning experience for her and taught her the real world as it stands. The courts aren't for you, they're stacked against you for sure.
They are corrupt evil institutions for sure. Traffic court especially are not there for the benefit of the community, they are there solely to keep people in subjection and extort money from them
What happens in traffic court? The officer will tell his side of the story and you will tell yours then the judge will convict you based solely on the officers testimony without any other evidence. You will then pay the fine and have points assessed on your record which will increase your insurance premiums for several years if you were foolish enough to hire a lawyer you will have to pay him too. If you want to appeal you must pay more fines even though you have a right to due process and you will have to pay for a court transcript. I can't speak for other states but in new york city they won't stay your order even though you have a right to due process. No one will know about what occured during trial the judge will continue to convict people based soley on officer testimony you can't sue them because of judicial immunity. The police officer will go on to continue pulling people over and if they lied during your case please rest assured that they have lied on many others before you and will continue to lie about many others after you. You will never know if they were caught in their lie maybe someone had dash cam who knows. Basically the system is a scam by the judicial branch and the state to generate revenue for the state and until it goes to the Supreme court if they will even take it it's going to keep happening.
@@christiangraces3732yes and no. If you get a citation then your insurance company will raise your insurance and you get points on your license. Not the government but your local city
Im 20 and i was in an collision where i was guilty. I feel like my life is done for now that it is in my record. Luckily no one was injured but i really wanted to get into trucking and now i fear they wont accept me ;/
Same recently happened to me except the car struck me, but I got a citation because I only had my permit with me. I turn 20 next week and I’m terrified to go to court next month.
I have three tickets for traffic violation. Two were from red lights (they were right next to each other) and one was because of proximity to a moving ambulance. I fled what I thought was going to be a carjacking (late at night in the worst neighborhood on the south side of Chicago) The officer said it wasn't an excuse. I'm not really sure what to do other than go to the court date, plead not guilty, and give my side of the story.
These are a complete scheme and operate completely administratively there is no injured party nor will you ever know whether this is criminal or civil.... Dismissed for uninforcable colorable action...
Don’t you love how she conveniently left out a challenge of the court’s jurisdiction to hear the matter? Prosecution of Traffic “offenses” in Illinois are brought under a criminal jurisdiction, sometimes for petty offenses the court will tell you it’s a quasi-criminal jurisdiction (which does not exist in any rule of procedure I’m familiar with). No violation of a state statute where there is no actual injured party can be considered criminal; however, the courts trick people by the thousands each day. Stand before the court in propria persona under the common law by SPECIAL APPEARANCE (look that up) and move the court to dismiss the matter(s) without prejudice for lack of jurisdiction seeing there’s no actual injured party, no corpus delecti, no case, no crime. The proceedings must be over an actual controversy between two like parties (I.e a man/woman and a man/woman).
The discretion of fine amount is what she must love and makes it suspenseful if she’s handling your citation. Don’t you love you have to pay the citation amount plus what she decides on top of court fees. I would enjoy her job :-)
Yes if you make a claim that there is no real money in circulation then you have no way to pay besides the promise to pay which is what federal reserve notes are
I’m confused what do you mean about that. I just got in a car accident like I had another car both of us walked away but the cop gave me a court hearing
just came from traffic court. It was done through zoom and took less than 10 minutes. Had i not gotten two ticket prior he would have dismissed the ticket.
This is deliberate fraud being committed by this Woman. Administrative court require a contract with given full disclosure. Deceitful acting requires disobedience...
Since Jurisdiction in inferior courts is vested by the sufficiency of the pleadings and since citations for summery offenses are nether complaints or pleadings, there can be no empowerment of the court in the absence of a well plead controversy. Furthermore it has been well established that statements by attorneys in their briefs or in oral arguments are insufficient to invoke the authority of the court.
Please explain how you have jurisdiction without all 7 elements of jurisdiction on a traffic violation made for governmental employees only! No damages to PROPERTY and no harm to man/ no corpus deliti?
BRILLIANT. The court does not have authority to decide its own jurisdiction. That decision is required to be adjudicated. The claim of jurisdiction is presumed based on “public benefit” and a citizen is observed as the benefit of the public entity. in other words your citizenship requires a payment of tax forbearance, and it is demanded from the citizen in exchange for the privileges the “state” provides. Corpus delicti requires a criminal element. Traffic offenses are not criminal but yet are misrepresented as a criminal charge. The misrepresentation is a deliberate omission of giving false and misleading statements. Now let's spot the CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
Is the police officer allowed to bring up details in the pullover (if I am being pulled over for a traffic ticket) that subjectively influence how much money I have to pay or the extent of the consequences. For example, if an officer suspected marijuana in the car but did not place a possession of marijuana charge, can this still be used to subjectively change the nature of the case? I want to trust law enforcement, but it takes a lot of reading and going through boring documents and keeping my marbles straight to know what they can and can’t do to you fairly.
Never trust them, it's all a scam, put the officers on the brady list this way they can't even appear in court. Case Dismissed. Don't ask me how I know!
I really appreciate your time and effort to help all of people who watch this video. A little concern is that the words are professional but we are not, eventually I understand most if not all, so thanks again. BTW I used to be in Newark court and saw Judge reduces fine but only for certain race of people.
Someone who admittly there guilt before consulting with a attorney or even believe that u are safer without a attorney look always ask for a good ole lawyer u need that no matter how good u rehearse u are no attorney I've never not will I ever represent shit
traffic citations are not a crime, they are civil matters. an example is one neighbor suing another neighbor. the state (a fiction) is bringing a civil charge against a citizen (real person). there's no victim, but the state claims a waste of a finite resource. guess the finite resource is the cops time spent collecting revenue from citizens. mayor's decide what city cops do. so how can a driver waste a finite resource when the mayor assigned a cop to write tickets to fill the coffers instead of solving crimes where there were actual victims?
The judge is an arbitrator, the clerk is in charge of vessel document mechanics. The actual court room floor is a vessel in dry dock. It acts purely as a clearing house for legal disputes. LAW IS CONTRACT and CONTRACT IS LAW (only) The court room floor is the land of contract negotiations. The court is the actual document contract offer that both parties and the adjudicator has in front of them. The judge the whole time is looking for a way to get joinder with your estate (LEGAL NAME) and extort your sweat equity. Learn how to be the executor and benefactor of your estate.
@@MicroShelterGuy The judge is an arbitrator, the clerk is in charge of vessel document mechanics. The actual court room floor is a vessel in dry dock. It acts purely as a clearing house for legal disputes. LAW IS CONTRACT and CONTRACT IS LAW (only) The court room floor is the land of contract negotiations. The court is the actual document contract offer that both parties and the adjudicator has in front of them. The judge the whole time is looking for a way to get joinder with your estate (LEGAL NAME) and extort your sweat equity. Learn how to be the executor and benefactor of your estate. :)
case using Using judge dredd Jerry Dean Rice II format for hearing.17 usc 501 and 17 usc 511 forms 486, 477, 486, page 964,965,966 and page 2 and 3 for identification of parties in court for state tribunal and parol on a civil or criminal level and civil awards if necessary.
I’m going to court Jan 4 for speeding going 80 in a 45, driving without a license, (I had a permit) so also driving without an adult can somebody tell me what to expect ?
I got a citation for traffic court for speeding, Im not sure if I should be worried or not it was my first offense on anything I’ve had a clean driving history forever. Are there any tips? Is it worth fighting or just pay the fine?
@@miriamlm9727 yeah they said I was racing. Cop told me I have to just go in and explain why I was speeding. Most of my friends have said I’ll either get it thrown out or I’ll have to pay a fine and write and essay and or take a drivers course. Watched a lot of videos to educate myself a bit more but would love help!
@@On5Zayy I have a court date on my ticket . I actually have it on July 27th . I haven’t got anything saying how much I need to pay for the ticket in the mail like he said I would . The only thing I got in the mail was another ticket for window tint ! When he told me nothing about it when he pulled me over and he just sent me it through the mail . I was very upset . Even though window tint ticket is not a big deal I was upset he could of told me that in person . I had my son with me he’s 1 when he pulled me over he just said I was going 75 on a 55 and I even told him I don’t recall going 75 .. he just ignored me as I handed him my registration and he said he was going to be in his car .
I know I for a fact I wasn’t going 55 but I sure wasn’t going 75! He was on the opposite side of the road behind other cars and he busted a U turn right after we passed each other and pulled me over . If he was going 55 with the other cars there is no way he would of just been right behind me if I was going 75. I don’t know what I should say in court .. I don’t want to say I’m guilty. He put down that he got me on a radar/ LiDAR and mvars.
So I just got a speeding ticket today. Driving 15mph above the limit of 35mph in North Carolina. I’m thinking of just paying the fine (which is $221 + $4.94-$6.06 *if I pay with credit or debit card, which is what I’m planning to as I don’t have much choice). I have a court date beginning of November, what should I do? Should I go to court or pay the fine? Which btw, I’ve never had a speeding ticket & the one time I was pulled over was for expired tags & no proof of insurance *tho I did have insurance just not in the car & the one in the car wasn’t in my name & was also expired* - but the case was dropped as it wasn’t my fault *it was my brother’s car that he had given to me & this happened in Colorado).
same thing happened to me, I have an ohios drivers license and I was visiting my brother in NC and got stopped doing 75 in a 55, I had to schedule coming down here just to appear in court which sucked a lot, Im planning on pleading guilty and not fighting it but i’m just kinda worried what my insurance is going to look like, if anyone’s interested I’ll comment an update
@@dominickczetli343update please. I got 81 in a 65. Which is a class 3 misdemeanor. And a criminal offense. I’m from Ohio and got a ticket in NC also. Richmond county. Speed limit was 70mph most of the time. Didn’t even see a cop. If it was 70mph speed zone I wouldn’t even be in this bs
I went 40 MPH over the speed limit 95 in a 55 , I have a clean record and recent college grad ...I read the Illinois law for speeding over 40 and it listed possible jail time likely is it for this to happen to me , this is my first offense and Im very remorseful .
@@Cheetosboy12354 pleading no contest you will still get the points on your license. Unless they make a deal where you plead guilty to a non moving violation. even though no points, your insurance still gets wind of it and rates go up. @Jermaine Jefferson are you quite sure about that?
Ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE. Administrator enforcing statutory civil codes. Note, the US flag with gold fringe denotes admiralty/maritime law (the US has been bankrupt since 1933, research Jekyll Island). 1) Where is the injured party? 2) What property was damaged? 3) Was there some breach of contract? Always sign a ticket with UCC 28 1-308 "without prejudice" never "represent" your strawman, "present" yourself in court as flesh-blood human. [LEARN THE MEANING OF THE ABOVE STATEMENT!!!] Never cross the gate (floodgate into their waters where they have maritime jurisdiction) They know what they do, watch them in court laughing mockingly at the "people" seated in the room. You are not a "Person" Black's law defines a person as "legal fiction" or corporation (your strawman, a piece of paper with FULL CAPS NAME and SSN on it created for you by your govern-ment (etymology = control mind) from your live birth document so corp-orations (dead speak) and courts can use) These administrators are attempting to negotiate a contract with you first initiated by the po-lice (to drink, louse, parasitic insect) officer. The Clerk of court, the prosecutor and the police officer will attach a bond against your "strawman" "legal fiction" via a court instrument. Black's Law dictionary (google it with PDF, you can find it for free) is a must and NEVER say you understand (stand under their authority) ask for a court interpreter to decode the deceptive speak forked-tongue legalese language they practice. If they do not give you a 1099 OID and receipts from the court appearance, each can be reported to the IRS for tax evasion for profiting off your strawman account. IRS Tax form 3949-A. IRS does not take lightly tax fraud no matter who the individuals or company (corporation, court system) is. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. KNOW THYSELF. No manmade entity has authority over Creation of Creator practicing divine law (do no harm) see common law. Creator sees all the misdeeds that are brought upon his creations.
You never plea or beg a public servant! Only innocent! They have no jurisdiction in the first place! All codes, statutes and policies are not expressed law only made for governmental employees not the PUBLIC! The codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law.” (Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.)
@@allut312 no just research, case laws , it's all in Black and white! And learn real definitions of words, they always use legalese to trick you into consent, they in fact have no jurisdiction over man whatsoever and they know it, without a contract or consent there is no jurisdiction, unless you have caused harm or damages to PROPERTY!
@@allut312 A ‘Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 Sold 244, 248), A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law, A concurrent or ‘joint resolution of legislature is not “Law,” (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Old. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd. v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165). STATUTE. [Blacks law 4th edition] The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature. US.SUPREME COURT DECISION -‘The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy, and statutes are “not the law”, [Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261] US. SUPREME COURT DECISION - “All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…” [Rodrigues v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985).1 Stop the fraud!
I’m currently facing a revocation for accumulating to many points in Maryland. Is there anyone who has tried to defend themselves and if so how’d it work out?
ABOLISH JUDICIAL DISCRETION AND IMMUNITY. SET DEFINITE FINES. SET DEFINITE SENTENCES. ABOLISH QUALIFIED IMMUNITY NOW! No person in our Republic should be above or exempt from the laws of our great nation. To the judge, what’s up with that flag in the background having a yellow border? Isn’t that a maritime flag?
I was taking a driving test of car to buy from a guy.he didn’t tell me car has no insurance.i was near his hom and hit car with a ford truck and his truck and my car is ride off.guy was ok and after he is acting like has pain.and now who will pay for everything
I have to go for doing 35 over on the highway while I was in the left lane the 28th basically what I got I’ll basically pay an entire pay check which I don’t mind but why do I need to go to court for my first ever ticket makes no sense the cop said it’s in my best interest to go (I’m guessing he’s not going to show)
This lady is blowing a load of nonsense with the fines. Most fines are between 5 and 75 dollars. The amounts she is talking about is the fine plus the predatory court fees.
so what can i expect going into court for driving 95 on the freeway, not under the influence of anything. should i just plead guilty and what is the worse that can happen if i do?
A man/woman have the unalienable right to Travel freely in their automobile using public roadways without any driver's license, insurance, or registration, UNLESS you are doing commerce and making money using public roadways. But when you were lied to and tricked into believing that traveling was a privilege that you needed the states permission in the form of a license, you contracted into agreeing to follow all their BS codes and statutes. Do yourself a favor and research our Natural rights and how to claim your status.
How can I get out of not paying a street sweeping ticket? Don’t tell me to just not pay it because private companies can’t legally make you pay. All they’ll do is make me pay a late payment
At 5:25 pm I see the CHP officer A. Bullard tagging along another officer on a Motorcycle and I had an opening to enter the last lane to the left. As soon as I entered the lane the sheriff on the motorcycle was sped up towards me from a distance and I was right behind officer A. Bullard when all of a sudden you see the sheriff on the motorcycle sound his horn toward me and exits by jumping all 4 lanes off to Mclay st on pacoima as im still following the flow of traffic behind the sheriff in front of me and we make it near the exit on paxton,and as required to keep all eyes on the road and look to my right shoulder as I place my lights to exit reducing my speed from the flow of traffic as the sheriff was leading by example in front of me, I prepared to exit 65 feet from my destination he also reduced his speed as-well and I waved "no" towards him implying to him for his partner shouldn't be jumping lanes and as I exit I hear the CHP officer sound off his lights 25 feet from my exit and request for me to pull over . He implied he was not associated with the CHP officer on the motorcycle. Which an officer is and can correct another officers mistakes even through his inner-combs. As I requested to know at what speed did he clock me with his speedometer he replied with "he was bumper pacing me!" Which from my understanding With this technique, the officer must maintain a constant distance between the police vehicle and the suspect's car long enough to make a reasonably accurate estimate of its speed from behind me. As I exited the freeway by moving lanes from left to right he also needed to reduce his speed along side me to be behind me which reducing his speed allowing me to visually apear passing him inquiring to him that I was speeding by passing him when in actuality he did not use any device to clock my speed. And was emotionally distressed that I signaled officer A. Bullard with my finger "NO" at him when we both reduced our speed, I for exiting and officer A. Bullard to pace me from behind from along side the left lane. I would request his dash cam footage of the incident along side his officer notes through the process of Discovery. And explained to him the situation which he was unpleased about me mentioning it to him when we see each other in court.
Bro I have a gdl with 13 tickets including careless improper letting of and one-way also no headlights .. and failure to yield for public something police & failure to appear and some other things
It should. Seeing we have the constitutionally protected right to travel freely ensuring life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness. No victim no crime. Codes and statutes are not law.
This Is Not At All How It Went For Me. The Judge Read Out My 2 Citations And He Asked If I Would Like To Dismiss The Second One. I Said Yes, He Is Like, Ok Take Care. That Fast.
Not sure, 5 years ago I got a ticket for rear ending someone. I fought it with a traffic lawyer and got it reduced to a non moving violation. But it depends on the ticket.
I pass a stop sign while on my phone and just got my license will the revoke it it’s 3 points for the red light and 1 for the phone i really did it on accident by my car stalling out should I fight it or just go in guilty I wanna keep my license tho😢
How about how about I enter your interpersonal conflict management corporation, and not enter a plead? What if I told you there was no corpus delicti? What if I told you your interpersonal conflict manager used his emergency lights without an emergency that's a felony? What if I told you his stupid ticket is not admissible in court he's only a third party. You see their job is that when people are in conflict with one another the police are called upon to serve as a third-party to bring that dispute to some constructive outcome. Stay in your jurisdiction because don't forget 42 1983. As far as I know under a fourth and fourteenth amendment we can travel on public access in a automobile without a driver's license or insurance or registration? The DMV is a fraud all the suggested posted speed limit for commercial. In order to pull over a traveler the interpersonal conflict manager has to have a constitutional one and a lawyer present! Also the stupid little notes your parents put on the tickets. Like obstruction I hope you know that's a secondary offense! There is no loss to the courtroom there is no injured party there is no crime.every time you've helped somebody in contempt of court you are in a situation where you can be sued under 1983! Because we are supposed to be able to uphold our rights and that would be freedom of speech! So be careful with guys like me that know the Constitution you better hold your oath!!! Everybody is understanding would be in a national is and what a corporation is and what is a suggested posted speed limit? Try it again make another video explaining our freedom to travel that would be great 👍 👍 explain how a peace officer is a citizen and they don't have the power to arrest, one more time they are a interpersonal conflict management that would be New York 1960 good luck finding it. I would clown you in 3 minutes.. when in trial I would ask your peace officer to recite his oath and I will make sure that he is held incompetent to stand trial if I know my amendment rights more than him if I uphold my old he better uphold his
I was in a accident but it was only me involved, it was raining very hard and I switched lanes into a wet spot in the road which made me slide off the road and my car was damaged but I was the only party in the accident , officer issued me a “Failure to reduce speeds to avoid accident or , driving fo fast for conditions “ ticket in illinois , my insurance is already going to be high due to my car and this ticket won’t make it any better , am I able to easily fight this due to me being 22, 3 years into driving and this being my first ticket ever , and the harsh weather conditions ?
🐑Our Heavenly Father spoke of the lambs and from here to Mother Russia of its grounds. Let those who gain understanding of the mark of the beast thats within them of one who preys on others every movement and predatory of money laundering.
This is why you should not break the law traffic court is not a easy thing after you have to pay that fine in those penalties you will never break the law never again so please when you’re driving drive safe you don’t wanna end up in traffic court
We must learn the law and stop this law fiction. You plea and you give them jurisdiction. Utilize your 6th amendment and request the legal jurisdiction (not location of court) is this criminal or civil and by some chance they will admit the truth its an administrative. All but one requires a contract. Ask that contract to brought into evidence. If they by chance state its common law then ask them to produce the injured party and by some chance they say its the the state/county/city then let them know this needs to be in federal court as the judge and prosecutors or employees of said party and can’t also be the injured party. 🙏🏽✌🏽
Good video. But I noticed you didn't mentioned anything about The Constitution. Are you aware ALL traffic Stops are a VIOLATION of The Constitution ? You have The Right to travel freely on State and City Highways and Streets without being molested by Government Officials, unless you've committed a crime. Traffic Stops are NOT crimes. You don't go to jail or prison for Traffic Stops. Somewhere in the video, you mentioned; these are Petty cases, or something to that effect. The only people that should be standing before any judge in a Court of Law are criminals. We are NOT criminals, stop treating us like that. We The People, We elect Our Government Officials into Office to UPHOLD and DEFEND The Constitution ! The Government works for The People ! Yes,
Notice the flag in the back. It has a gold fringe. That's a military flag. This means you are not in a real court of law. What you have instead is a administrative proceeding under maritime admiralty law or commercial law. They do not serve justice here. It's basically a military tribunal where they bill you for exercising you freedoms. As a private American, you do not submit yourself to these types of courts. The police and judges involved in this system pretend to provide justice for the public but this system is a way for them to enslave you and make a profit off your performance acting as the person they named on the docket. As a slave and prisoner of martial law, it is your duty to escape. These justices of the peace are literally foreign agents on American soil. Also, notice how much security they need to have a courtroom. That means they are really taking advantage of innocent people. Imagine being sentenced for a crime you didn't commit. I'd be so mad, I'd make plans to utterly destroy the justice system by any means necessary. So make note of all the names of the players here. Remember the judge's names, and the jurors names... also the cop that charged you and most definitely the prosecutor [because they have a propensity to exaggerate your alleged offense.]. Make your list. Get them one by one. As long as you were innocent, you are justified in extracting your pound of flesh from them. God is on your side on this. Even of you die exacting your vengeance on these liars, you are going to heaven. Everyone else in the court system is going to hell.
can someone get D.U.I without blowing the Breathalizer 🤷🏻♂️ i crashed by myself, against a Wall .. under alcohol 🍻 only damaged my car ... What consecuenses am i facing ?? in Atlanta area ..
I believe they appoint you a public defender but I personally would highly recommend a private lawyer. Also I believe you have to fill out a form to see if you qualify for a public defender but I could be wrong
Please don't burn sub-titles into the video... For those of us with dyslexia- it is like someone lit off fireworks at the bottom of the screen. Captioning is a wonderful option- and can be turned on and off as needed. Sometimes I need the captions... and some people need it on every video... but there is a reason a button exists.
@@robslifting4life "Why don't you just turn them off, genius..." Re read what I said. There are captions and subtitles- you cant "turn off" something that is part of the video file as a superimposed image over the main video. Maybe do that before you make such a "clever" remark...
@@mylifeisalie6781 it is pretty standard to embed the captions- not burn them in. One could argue the population size that needs captioning is even smaller.
@Digital Design and Innovation it's a qol feature. Reading captions while listening to something improves attention span and retention of material. It is also helpful if I word that is spoken sounds off. If you cant read it anyway, or it's too much to look at it, simply don't. All that's there is her face. Sounds like you just want to complain to complain
I personally would want to establish Jurisdiction 1st, but then again you know that or should know that. You sound as crooked as all other Magistrates, way to lie and Mislead the people your supposed to serve😮😢Truly pathetic. You shall answer for your complicity soon enough😊❤
My daughter had a traffic violation, and I told her we should go to court so she should see what happens. I really believe that she was innocent. We got there, and the prosecutors first put you in a side room and review what they have, but don't really give you anything. Tell you if you challenge it, it will cost you more in the long run. And then ask you to choose, even though it's not really a choice. The judge did reduce the fine and I paid it for her because I felt she didn't deserve it. At the same time, it was a learning experience for her and taught her the real world as it stands. The courts aren't for you, they're stacked against you for sure.
Did she take driver class or anything afterwards?
And does finding an lawyer help?
Its all about accessing your trust and getting the BID, Performance & Surity Bonds secured and ledgered into CRIS (Court Registery Investment System)
She didn't appeal afterwards?
They are corrupt evil institutions for sure. Traffic court especially are not there for the benefit of the community, they are there solely to keep people in subjection and extort money from them
Did She Contact An Attorney
For me, they dismissed it but gave me a a court cost that was equal to the ticket. These motherfuckers getting money no matter what, guilty or not.
They're criminals.
A least is not going in ur record or is it. I got a ticket going to court for it so if I loose it is going to be double
still better than if it were to show up on your record and make your insurance skyrocket
@@markussantos9340what?? Are you FORCED INTO SERVATUDE?? BY YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES???
@@christiangraces3732 bro what have you been smoking
Bottom line is, blah blah blah give us money! That all that court really is.
It’s all Illegal anyways…
😂😂😂😂😂 exactly
What happens in traffic court? The officer will tell his side of the story and you will tell yours then the judge will convict you based solely on the officers testimony without any other evidence. You will then pay the fine and have points assessed on your record which will increase your insurance premiums for several years if you were foolish enough to hire a lawyer you will have to pay him too. If you want to appeal you must pay more fines even though you have a right to due process and you will have to pay for a court transcript. I can't speak for other states but in new york city they won't stay your order even though you have a right to due process. No one will know about what occured during trial the judge will continue to convict people based soley on officer testimony you can't sue them because of judicial immunity. The police officer will go on to continue pulling people over and if they lied during your case please rest assured that they have lied on many others before you and will continue to lie about many others after you. You will never know if they were caught in their lie maybe someone had dash cam who knows. Basically the system is a scam by the judicial branch and the state to generate revenue for the state and until it goes to the Supreme court if they will even take it it's going to keep happening.
What happens in traffic court.
Short version: you pay regardless of guilt
Long version: this video
@Emmanuel Ateshi whose number have you given here?
I got my shit dismissed 🤷♂️
@@derekanderson8456 how?
For real she gave me 1% of new info and that was her name
Idc about points on my license as much as I do my insurance
@@christiangraces3732yes and no. If you get a citation then your insurance company will raise your insurance and you get points on your license. Not the government but your local city
It’s not the government finding you it’s still private corporations government is federal.
She is not going to go to heaven after she passes away.
She knows and doesn't care
Criminal cloaked in a black robe, telling ya lies, just to make it easier for her to fleece ya!
Im 20 and i was in an collision where i was guilty. I feel like my life is done for now that it is in my record. Luckily no one was injured but i really wanted to get into trucking and now i fear they wont accept me ;/
keep pushing, i believe on you
Hey bro how did it go in court for you
You’re only 20 so it’ll come off in a couple years just be careful for your record ! Good luck love
Same recently happened to me except the car struck me, but I got a citation because I only had my permit with me. I turn 20 next week and I’m terrified to go to court next month.
same here. how did it go?@@noraafrica3555
I have three tickets for traffic violation. Two were from red lights (they were right next to each other) and one was because of proximity to a moving ambulance. I fled what I thought was going to be a carjacking (late at night in the worst neighborhood on the south side of Chicago) The officer said it wasn't an excuse. I'm not really sure what to do other than go to the court date, plead not guilty, and give my side of the story.
How did it go?
How’d it go?
She is not a judge .....just a administrator ...that flag tells me everything
These are a complete scheme and operate completely administratively there is no injured party nor will you ever know whether this is criminal or civil.... Dismissed for uninforcable colorable action...
Don’t you love how she conveniently left out a challenge of the court’s jurisdiction to hear the matter? Prosecution of Traffic “offenses” in Illinois are brought under a criminal jurisdiction, sometimes for petty offenses the court will tell you it’s a quasi-criminal jurisdiction (which does not exist in any rule of procedure I’m familiar with). No violation of a state statute where there is no actual injured party can be considered criminal; however, the courts trick people by the thousands each day.
Stand before the court in propria persona under the common law by SPECIAL APPEARANCE (look that up) and move the court to dismiss the matter(s) without prejudice for lack of jurisdiction seeing there’s no actual injured party, no corpus delecti, no case, no crime. The proceedings must be over an actual controversy between two like parties (I.e a man/woman and a man/woman).
Great info., thank you for educating people.
The People need to unite. Do you teach on this subject offline?
Makes a lot of sense.
Exactly. Of course this broad is going to defend the deception of her church. It is her income.
If you get a lawyer or enter a plea that's how they get you into their jurisdiction.
How about some more information when pleading not guilty? What steps follow upon that court appearance. What does resdy to go mean exactly? Thanks.
The discretion of fine amount is what she must love and makes it suspenseful if she’s handling your citation. Don’t you love you have to pay the citation amount plus what she decides on top of court fees. I would enjoy her job :-)
Criminals occupying our govt positions.
So, if I am in a quasi-criminal court and I lose, may I pay with my quasi-checkbook?
@Emmanuel Ateshi who is he
😂😂😂 this one took me out 😭
Yes if you make a claim that there is no real money in circulation then you have no way to pay besides the promise to pay which is what federal reserve notes are
Never plea it’s a scam . All ways ask for the injured party to come forth.
Can you explain this more lol
@@anner3132 Ye are entitled to face your accuser. Since there is no crime and THERE IS NO INJURED PARTY you cannot face your accuser.
I’m confused what do you mean about that. I just got in a car accident like I had another car both of us walked away but the cop gave me a court hearing
just came from traffic court. It was done through zoom and took less than 10 minutes. Had i not gotten two ticket prior he would have dismissed the ticket.
she should be a voice actor. really clear and easy to understand
This is deliberate fraud being committed by this Woman. Administrative court require a contract with given full disclosure. Deceitful acting requires disobedience...
Phahahaha and yet another frauditor sticks his head above the parapet!
If I am going to court for my third speeding ticket within a year, what are the chances I get jail time, and how could I possibly avoid that ?
Did you get jail time?
Are you in jail????
Did you get out jail?
Since Jurisdiction in inferior courts is vested by the sufficiency of the pleadings and since citations for summery offenses are nether complaints or pleadings, there can be no empowerment of the court in the absence of a well plead controversy. Furthermore it has been well established that statements by attorneys in their briefs or in oral arguments are insufficient to invoke the authority of the court.
Please explain how you have jurisdiction without all 7 elements of jurisdiction on a traffic violation made for governmental employees only! No damages to PROPERTY and no harm to man/ no corpus deliti?
BRILLIANT. The court does not have authority to decide its own jurisdiction. That decision is required to be adjudicated. The claim of jurisdiction is presumed based on “public benefit” and a citizen is observed as the benefit of the public entity. in other words your citizenship requires a payment of tax forbearance, and it is demanded from the citizen in exchange for the privileges the “state” provides. Corpus delicti requires a criminal element. Traffic offenses are not criminal but yet are misrepresented as a criminal charge. The misrepresentation is a deliberate omission of giving false and misleading statements.
Now let's spot the CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
Is the police officer allowed to bring up details in the pullover (if I am being pulled over for a traffic ticket) that subjectively influence how much money I have to pay or the extent of the consequences. For example, if an officer suspected marijuana in the car but did not place a possession of marijuana charge, can this still be used to subjectively change the nature of the case? I want to trust law enforcement, but it takes a lot of reading and going through boring documents and keeping my marbles straight to know what they can and can’t do to you fairly.
Did you ever figure this out? Had a similar question
@@cinemalover4027yea im wondering the same
Never trust them, it's all a scam, put the officers on the brady list this way they can't even appear in court. Case Dismissed. Don't ask me how I know!
Phahahaha, and you trust one of us idiots on here to give you good advice🤣🤣
Is failed to yield when changing lane and hit an car afterward an traffic case or civil case?
I’m in TX so I’m not sure how court works here.
I really appreciate your time and effort to help all of people who watch this video. A little concern is that the words are professional but we are not, eventually I understand most if not all, so thanks again. BTW I used to be in Newark court and saw Judge reduces fine but only for certain race of people.
Someone who admittly there guilt before consulting with a attorney or even believe that u are safer without a attorney look always ask for a good ole lawyer u need that no matter how good u rehearse u are no attorney I've never not will I ever represent shit
traffic citations are not a crime, they are civil matters.
an example is one neighbor suing another neighbor.
the state (a fiction) is bringing a civil charge against a citizen (real person).
there's no victim, but the state claims a waste of a finite resource.
guess the finite resource is the cops time spent collecting revenue from citizens.
mayor's decide what city cops do.
so how can a driver waste a finite resource when the mayor assigned a cop to write tickets to fill the coffers instead of solving crimes where there were actual victims?
The judge is an arbitrator, the clerk is in charge of vessel document mechanics. The actual court room floor is a vessel in dry dock. It acts purely as a clearing house for legal disputes. LAW IS CONTRACT and CONTRACT IS LAW (only) The court room floor is the land of contract negotiations. The court is the actual document contract offer that both parties and the adjudicator has in front of them. The judge the whole time is looking for a way to get joinder with your estate (LEGAL NAME) and extort your sweat equity. Learn how to be the executor and benefactor of your estate.
Where can I read more about this information? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
@@soulusher5378 Blacksite32 John C. Lovett! Most everything you need to know.
What? Say that again for us pal…
@@MicroShelterGuy The judge is an arbitrator, the clerk is in charge of vessel document mechanics. The actual court room floor is a vessel in dry dock. It acts purely as a clearing house for legal disputes. LAW IS CONTRACT and CONTRACT IS LAW (only) The court room floor is the land of contract negotiations. The court is the actual document contract offer that both parties and the adjudicator has in front of them. The judge the whole time is looking for a way to get joinder with your estate (LEGAL NAME) and extort your sweat equity. Learn how to be the executor and benefactor of your estate. :)
My right ear really enjoyed this
case using Using judge dredd Jerry Dean Rice II format for hearing.17 usc 501 and 17 usc 511 forms 486, 477, 486, page 964,965,966 and page 2 and 3 for identification of parties in court for state tribunal and parol on a civil or criminal level and civil awards if necessary.
I’m going to court Jan 4 for speeding going 80 in a 45, driving without a license, (I had a permit) so also driving without an adult can somebody tell me what to expect ?
How did It go I got one for drag racing and no insurance and it’s my 1st offense
I got a citation for traffic court for speeding, Im not sure if I should be worried or not it was my first offense on anything I’ve had a clean driving history forever. Are there any tips? Is it worth fighting or just pay the fine?
I’m in the same boat. Got my first speeding ticket and don’t know what to do . It was a California highway patrol .
@@miriamlm9727 yeah they said I was racing. Cop told me I have to just go in and explain why I was speeding. Most of my friends have said I’ll either get it thrown out or I’ll have to pay a fine and write and essay and or take a drivers course. Watched a lot of videos to educate myself a bit more but would love help!
@@miriamlm9727 did they give you like a court date or do you just have to pay the ticket?
@@On5Zayy I have a court date on my ticket . I actually have it on July 27th . I haven’t got anything saying how much I need to pay for the ticket in the mail like he said I would . The only thing I got in the mail was another ticket for window tint ! When he told me nothing about it when he pulled me over and he just sent me it through the mail . I was very upset . Even though window tint ticket is not a big deal I was upset he could of told me that in person . I had my son with me he’s 1 when he pulled me over he just said I was going 75 on a 55 and I even told him I don’t recall going 75 .. he just ignored me as I handed him my registration and he said he was going to be in his car .
I know I for a fact I wasn’t going 55 but I sure wasn’t going 75! He was on the opposite side of the road behind other cars and he busted a U turn right after we passed each other and pulled me over . If he was going 55 with the other cars there is no way he would of just been right behind me if I was going 75. I don’t know what I should say in court .. I don’t want to say I’m guilty. He put down that he got me on a radar/ LiDAR and mvars.
That sweet lady doesn't want to help you....she wants your money!
So I just got a speeding ticket today. Driving 15mph above the limit of 35mph in North Carolina.
I’m thinking of just paying the fine (which is $221 + $4.94-$6.06 *if I pay with credit or debit card, which is what I’m planning to as I don’t have much choice).
I have a court date beginning of November, what should I do? Should I go to court or pay the fine?
Which btw, I’ve never had a speeding ticket & the one time I was pulled over was for expired tags & no proof of insurance *tho I did have insurance just not in the car & the one in the car wasn’t in my name & was also expired* - but the case was dropped as it wasn’t my fault *it was my brother’s car that he had given to me & this happened in Colorado).
Bro what happened - same thing just happened to me
@@kattieamanda2297 Recently?
same thing happened to me, I have an ohios drivers license and I was visiting my brother in NC and got stopped doing 75 in a 55, I had to schedule coming down here just to appear in court which sucked a lot, Im planning on pleading guilty and not fighting it but i’m just kinda worried what my insurance is going to look like, if anyone’s interested I’ll comment an update
@@dominickczetli343update please. I got 81 in a 65. Which is a class 3 misdemeanor. And a criminal offense. I’m from Ohio and got a ticket in NC also. Richmond county. Speed limit was 70mph most of the time. Didn’t even see a cop. If it was 70mph speed zone I wouldn’t even be in this bs
I went 40 MPH over the speed limit 95 in a 55 , I have a clean record and recent college grad ...I read the Illinois law for speeding over 40 and it listed possible jail time likely is it for this to happen to me , this is my first offense and Im very remorseful .
I have a very similar situation. Please share how it went!
What ended up happening ?
Lmao bruh same 😅 no not funny 😥
@@mr_solano989 traffic school and a fine
Where does it say on the ticket how they tracked your speed?
There is literally no point in pleading no contest. You still pay. You still get marks on your license. Might as well just plead guilty.
that what im going to do. hopefully my 3 points get off. don't care about fine just want those points of my record.
if you plead no contest you won't be held liable in civil court
@@Cheetosboy12354 pleading no contest you will still get the points on your license. Unless they make a deal where you plead guilty to a non moving violation. even though no points, your insurance still gets wind of it and rates go up.
@Jermaine Jefferson are you quite sure about that?
@@Cheetosboy12354 same. I got four points for not stoping completely at a stop sign. Sucks
@@daltonh9898 got my points removed by just calling the county traffic clerk. Just payed the $200 fine 😭
Ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE.
Administrator enforcing statutory civil codes.
Note, the US flag with gold fringe denotes admiralty/maritime law (the US has been bankrupt since 1933, research Jekyll Island).
1) Where is the injured party?
2) What property was damaged?
3) Was there some breach of contract?
Always sign a ticket with UCC 28 1-308 "without prejudice" never "represent" your strawman, "present" yourself in court as flesh-blood human.
Never cross the gate (floodgate into their waters where they have maritime jurisdiction)
They know what they do, watch them in court laughing mockingly at the "people" seated in the room.
You are not a "Person" Black's law defines a person as "legal fiction" or corporation (your strawman, a piece of paper with FULL CAPS NAME and SSN on it created for you by your govern-ment (etymology = control mind) from your live birth document so corp-orations (dead speak) and courts can use)
These administrators are attempting to negotiate a contract with you first initiated by the po-lice (to drink, louse, parasitic insect) officer.
The Clerk of court, the prosecutor and the police officer will attach a bond against your "strawman" "legal fiction" via a court instrument.
Black's Law dictionary (google it with PDF, you can find it for free) is a must and NEVER say you understand (stand under their authority) ask for a court interpreter to decode the deceptive speak forked-tongue legalese language they practice.
If they do not give you a 1099 OID and receipts from the court appearance, each can be reported to the IRS for tax evasion for profiting off your strawman account.
IRS Tax form 3949-A. IRS does not take lightly tax fraud no matter who the individuals or company (corporation, court system) is.
No manmade entity has authority over Creation of Creator practicing divine law (do no harm) see common law.
Creator sees all the misdeeds that are brought upon his creations.
You never plea or beg a public servant! Only innocent! They have no jurisdiction in the first place! All codes, statutes and policies are not expressed law only made for governmental employees not the PUBLIC! The codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law.” (Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.)
The People need to unite. Do you teach on this subject offline?
@@allut312 no just research, case laws , it's all in Black and white! And learn real definitions of words, they always use legalese to trick you into consent, they in fact have no jurisdiction over man whatsoever and they know it, without a contract or consent there is no jurisdiction, unless you have caused harm or damages to PROPERTY!
@@allut312 A ‘Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 Sold 244, 248), A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law,
A concurrent or ‘joint resolution of legislature is not “Law,” (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Old. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd. v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).
STATUTE. [Blacks law 4th edition] The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature.
US.SUPREME COURT DECISION -‘The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy, and statutes are “not the law”, [Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261] US. SUPREME COURT DECISION - “All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…” [Rodrigues v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985).1
Stop the fraud!
@@allut312 all law must be expressed not implied!
@@allut312 here is a good teacher David!
I’m currently facing a revocation for accumulating to many points in Maryland. Is there anyone who has tried to defend themselves and if so how’d it work out?
Errr, there’s a reason why you accumulated too many points - It’s cos you’re a sh#t driver!
My fine was doubled just because I chose to have a bench trial. So exercizing my right cost me an a ADDITIONAL 300.00!
Can I plead not guilty and request for continuous? What I meant is I don’t want to go for trial on my first appearance without an attorney.
If the defendant ask you for a contingency and when both parties return but now the plaintiff needs a contingency, is that allowed?
ABOLISH JUDICIAL DISCRETION AND IMMUNITY. SET DEFINITE FINES. SET DEFINITE SENTENCES. ABOLISH QUALIFIED IMMUNITY NOW! No person in our Republic should be above or exempt from the laws of our great nation. To the judge, what’s up with that flag in the background having a yellow border? Isn’t that a maritime flag?
You are an Administrator enforcing statutes and just because you usually hear these things does not mean those are the only pleas available.
I was taking a driving test of car to buy from a guy.he didn’t tell me car has no insurance.i was near his hom and hit car with a ford truck and his truck and my car is ride off.guy was ok and after he is acting like has pain.and now who will pay for everything
I do not plea to courts of contract. This is a civil matter
Guys, first time gettin a speeding ticket going 94/70 in VA what can I do to do not go to court? I’m out of that state I’m from New York!
Bruh I’m dealing with the same stuff
I have to go for doing 35 over on the highway while I was in the left lane the 28th basically what I got I’ll basically pay an entire pay check which I don’t mind but why do I need to go to court for my first ever ticket makes no sense the cop said it’s in my best interest to go (I’m guessing he’s not going to show)
How did it go?
Thank you so much. I went to court 3x in my life for things I rather not talk about here. It is in the past
This lady is blowing a load of nonsense with the fines. Most fines are between 5 and 75 dollars. The amounts she is talking about is the fine plus the predatory court fees.
We dont need traffic court cuz we as citizens have the right to travel free from state statutes. Its is our right not a privilege
I'm from New Jersey. But I can see some similar things
Why is the audio only in the right channel? You uploaded this?
so what can i expect going into court for driving 95 on the freeway, not under the influence of anything. should i just plead guilty and what is the worse that can happen if i do?
Get a lawyer, they really help.
A man/woman have the unalienable right to Travel freely in their automobile using public roadways without any driver's license, insurance, or registration, UNLESS you are doing commerce and making money using public roadways. But when you were lied to and tricked into believing that traveling was a privilege that you needed the states permission in the form of a license, you contracted into agreeing to follow all their BS codes and statutes. Do yourself a favor and research our Natural rights and how to claim your status.
Appreciate the explanation. I’m sure they don’t pay you to do this 😊
How can I get out of not paying a street sweeping ticket? Don’t tell me to just not pay it because private companies can’t legally make you pay. All they’ll do is make me pay a late payment
She sure practices Law from the Bench alot!
At 5:25 pm I see the CHP officer A. Bullard tagging along another officer on a Motorcycle and I had an opening to enter the last lane to the left. As soon as I entered the lane the sheriff on the motorcycle was sped up towards me from a distance and I was right behind officer A. Bullard when all of a sudden you see the sheriff on the motorcycle sound his horn toward me and exits by jumping all 4 lanes off to Mclay st on pacoima as im still following the flow of traffic behind the sheriff in front of me and we make it near the exit on paxton,and as required to keep all eyes on the road and look to my right shoulder as I place my lights to exit reducing my speed from the flow of traffic as the sheriff was leading by example in front of me, I prepared to exit 65 feet from my destination he also reduced his speed as-well and I waved "no" towards him implying to him for his partner shouldn't be jumping lanes and as I exit I hear the CHP officer sound off his lights 25 feet from my exit and request for me to pull over . He implied he was not associated with the CHP officer on the motorcycle. Which an officer is and can correct another officers mistakes even through his inner-combs. As I requested to know at what speed did he clock me with his speedometer he replied with "he was bumper pacing me!" Which from my understanding With this technique, the officer must maintain a constant distance between the police vehicle and the suspect's car long enough to make a reasonably accurate estimate of its speed from behind me. As I exited the freeway by moving lanes from left to right he also needed to reduce his speed along side me to be behind me which reducing his speed allowing me to visually apear passing him inquiring to him that I was speeding by passing him when in actuality he did not use any device to clock my speed. And was emotionally distressed that I signaled officer A. Bullard with my finger "NO" at him when we both reduced our speed, I for exiting and officer A. Bullard to pace me from behind from along side the left lane. I would request his dash cam footage of the incident along side his officer notes through the process of Discovery. And explained to him the situation which he was unpleased about me mentioning it to him when we see each other in court.
Everything is money for this corporation
Bro I have a gdl with 13 tickets including careless improper letting of and one-way also no headlights .. and failure to yield for public something police & failure to appear and some other things
doesn't know the rule of 3rds
Leniency for experienced drivers will never happen
It should. Seeing we have the constitutionally protected right to travel freely ensuring life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness. No victim no crime. Codes and statutes are not law.
This Is Not At All How It Went For Me. The Judge Read Out My 2 Citations And He Asked If I Would Like To Dismiss The Second One. I Said Yes, He Is Like, Ok Take Care. That Fast.
You mentioned nothing about AMENDING a traffic violation to a lesser charge.
Just got a ticket cuz my license plate is to faded I can still clearly read it what should I do go to court or just pay
Not sure, 5 years ago I got a ticket for rear ending someone. I fought it with a traffic lawyer and got it reduced to a non moving violation. But it depends on the ticket.
The police stop me with less than 10g weed and I don’t know what to do if pay a ticket or I must go to court !!?? Helppppp
I believe she forgot to mention “no contest” is an option
@Emmanuel Ateshi what's his number pls?
I pass a stop sign while on my phone and just got my license will the revoke it it’s 3 points for the red light and 1 for the phone i really did it on accident by my car stalling out should I fight it or just go in guilty I wanna keep my license tho😢
These Pilgrims are hungry for money 💰
How about how about I enter your interpersonal conflict management corporation, and not enter a plead? What if I told you there was no corpus delicti? What if I told you your interpersonal conflict manager used his emergency lights without an emergency that's a felony? What if I told you his stupid ticket is not admissible in court he's only a third party. You see their job is that when people are in conflict with one another the police are called upon to serve as a third-party to bring that dispute to some constructive outcome. Stay in your jurisdiction because don't forget 42 1983. As far as I know under a fourth and fourteenth amendment we can travel on public access in a automobile without a driver's license or insurance or registration? The DMV is a fraud all the suggested posted speed limit for commercial. In order to pull over a traveler the interpersonal conflict manager has to have a constitutional one and a lawyer present! Also the stupid little notes your parents put on the tickets. Like obstruction I hope you know that's a secondary offense! There is no loss to the courtroom there is no injured party there is no crime.every time you've helped somebody in contempt of court you are in a situation where you can be sued under 1983! Because we are supposed to be able to uphold our rights and that would be freedom of speech! So be careful with guys like me that know the Constitution you better hold your oath!!! Everybody is understanding would be in a national is and what a corporation is and what is a suggested posted speed limit? Try it again make another video explaining our freedom to travel that would be great 👍 👍 explain how a peace officer is a citizen and they don't have the power to arrest, one more time they are a interpersonal conflict management that would be New York 1960 good luck finding it. I would clown you in 3 minutes.. when in trial I would ask your peace officer to recite his oath and I will make sure that he is held incompetent to stand trial if I know my amendment rights more than him if I uphold my old he better uphold his
What gonna be if you gat a ticket reckless driving?
I need to go to court for reckless driving, what should i expect?
just got one too and have court in october need some answers asap 🥲
@@ggerxrdo5870 i have court with my attorney on september 28th. Wish me luck
@@ggerxrdo5870 how'd it go?
@@ggerxrdo5870 how’d it go?
@@2r380 how’d it go?
I was in a accident but it was only me involved, it was raining very hard and I switched lanes into a wet spot in the road which made me slide off the road and my car was damaged but I was the only party in the accident , officer issued me a “Failure to reduce speeds to avoid accident or , driving fo fast for conditions “ ticket in illinois , my insurance is already going to be high due to my car and this ticket won’t make it any better , am I able to easily fight this due to me being 22, 3 years into driving and this being my first ticket ever , and the harsh weather conditions ?
It’s all about revenue
Can't wait to see her get arrested for DUI 😂😂😂 ps noone is above the law,I hope she gets the same treatment like anyone else
🐑Our Heavenly Father spoke of the lambs and from here to Mother Russia of its grounds. Let those who gain understanding of the mark of the beast thats within them of one who preys on others every movement and predatory of money laundering.
@happy nice what's your email? Can you please refer me?
This is why you should not break the law traffic court is not a easy thing after you have to pay that fine in those penalties you will never break the law never again so please when you’re driving drive safe you don’t wanna end up in traffic court
I got pulled over for driving to fast, 75 in a 25
Luckily nobody was killed. You should’ve been arrested in my opinion but I don’t know 🤷♀️ all the facts.
We must learn the law and stop this law fiction. You plea and you give them jurisdiction. Utilize your 6th amendment and request the legal jurisdiction (not location of court) is this criminal or civil and by some chance they will admit the truth its an administrative. All but one requires a contract. Ask that contract to brought into evidence. If they by chance state its common law then ask them to produce the injured party and by some chance they say its the the state/county/city then let them know this needs to be in federal court as the judge and prosecutors or employees of said party and can’t also be the injured party. 🙏🏽✌🏽
Room 102... in Bakersfield?
What a racket , the judge gets a rake on every ticket towards her retirement and most judges are not even licensed
All your saying to us who have made mistakes is “Fuck you give us your money”
Please reread amendment 4
very helpful
got a ticket a few weeks ago driving with no license or seatbelt :)
Hey me too what happened??
@@asmrprime2009update ?
what happened?
So how much do you make on a TRAFFIC VIOLATION through the cesta que via trust accounts? Around 2 million!
Rite, most don't know about the bonds on the case.
What a scam on we the people.
Do they lock people up quickly for driving on sister
First find out if they have jurisdiction 😂
Fontaine doctrine and double jeopardy. So don't think so. Bye.
why do we let losers end up police and judges
Good video. But I noticed you didn't mentioned anything about The Constitution.
Are you aware ALL traffic Stops are a VIOLATION of The Constitution ?
You have The Right to travel freely on State and City Highways and Streets without being molested by Government Officials, unless you've committed a crime.
Traffic Stops are NOT crimes. You don't go to jail or prison for Traffic Stops.
Somewhere in the video, you mentioned; these are Petty cases, or something to that effect.
The only people that should be standing before any judge in a Court of Law are criminals. We are NOT criminals, stop treating us like that.
We The People, We elect Our Government Officials into Office to UPHOLD and DEFEND The Constitution !
The Government works for The People !
Notice the flag in the back. It has a gold fringe. That's a military flag. This means you are not in a real court of law. What you have instead is a administrative proceeding under maritime admiralty law or commercial law. They do not serve justice here. It's basically a military tribunal where they bill you for exercising you freedoms. As a private American, you do not submit yourself to these types of courts. The police and judges involved in this system pretend to provide justice for the public but this system is a way for them to enslave you and make a profit off your performance acting as the person they named on the docket. As a slave and prisoner of martial law, it is your duty to escape. These justices of the peace are literally foreign agents on American soil.
Also, notice how much security they need to have a courtroom. That means they are really taking advantage of innocent people. Imagine being sentenced for a crime you didn't commit. I'd be so mad, I'd make plans to utterly destroy the justice system by any means necessary. So make note of all the names of the players here. Remember the judge's names, and the jurors names... also the cop that charged you and most definitely the prosecutor [because they have a propensity to exaggerate your alleged offense.]. Make your list. Get them one by one. As long as you were innocent, you are justified in extracting your pound of flesh from them. God is on your side on this. Even of you die exacting your vengeance on these liars, you are going to heaven. Everyone else in the court system is going to hell.
can someone get D.U.I without blowing the Breathalizer 🤷🏻♂️ i crashed by myself, against a Wall .. under alcohol 🍻 only damaged my car ... What consecuenses am i facing ?? in Atlanta area ..
The city putting charges on u to pay.
how much $ 🤔
@@rumbajunior6991 what ever they want o scam u out of.
where da number # at 🤷🏻♂️
why. you talk. like that. You drunk now?
What if you have no money?
I believe they appoint you a public defender but I personally would highly recommend a private lawyer. Also I believe you have to fill out a form to see if you qualify for a public defender but I could be wrong
Please don't burn sub-titles into the video... For those of us with dyslexia- it is like someone lit off fireworks at the bottom of the screen. Captioning is a wonderful option- and can be turned on and off as needed. Sometimes I need the captions... and some people need it on every video... but there is a reason a button exists.
Why don't you just turn them off, genius...
@@robslifting4life "Why don't you just turn them off, genius..." Re read what I said. There are captions and subtitles- you cant "turn off" something that is part of the video file as a superimposed image over the main video. Maybe do that before you make such a "clever" remark...
The population size that has dyslexia is incredibly small. They aren't going to pander to you
@@mylifeisalie6781 it is pretty standard to embed the captions- not burn them in. One could argue the population size that needs captioning is even smaller.
@Digital Design and Innovation it's a qol feature. Reading captions while listening to something improves attention span and retention of material. It is also helpful if I word that is spoken sounds off. If you cant read it anyway, or it's too much to look at it, simply don't. All that's there is her face. Sounds like you just want to complain to complain
I personally would want to establish Jurisdiction 1st, but then again you know that or should know that. You sound as crooked as all other Magistrates, way to lie and Mislead the people your supposed to serve😮😢Truly pathetic. You shall answer for your complicity soon enough😊❤
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