2021 scheme I have backlog in 6th sem Software engineering,which subject I have to write same subject or mapped subject because they have mentioned the date of the same subject in the morning and mapped subject in the evening Which one I have to study
Thank u so much sir plz provide other subjects of 3rd sem civil also
Sir can u please do 7th sem civil branch
2021 scheme
I have backlog in 6th sem Software engineering,which subject I have to write same subject or mapped subject because they have mentioned the date of the same subject in the morning and mapped subject in the evening
Which one I have to study
Can you share the BDS306B ( python programming in data science ) PYQ sir please
Sir.....hamne isko perfectly study kia to....kitna marks 100% ayega exam me....???
Bro EEE branch sub TG ( transformer and generater ) passing package brooooooo please 😢🙏🙌