As I can remember this was in the A. K. Dewdney article from the end 80's / beginning of 90's Scientific American magazine?! Crabs eats windows in Bell Labs?! Or something similar...?!?
I love computer history, I really do- I feel seriously interested to know however, were any of the people in charge of this messing with LSD, mariguana or even cocaine or what?!
My printer when running a calibration test:
Notes by Paul Motian and a note from Van Der Beek to Motian are available on the Paul Motian archive.
Anyone else feel like they just unwittingly participated in the alpha prototype MK Ultra?
Cool background music
Heavy drug use in the 60s and 70s combined with experimental computer graphics and psychedelic art produces a hell of a trip.
My dad was pretty straight and narrow. I'm not sure about Stan though.
1:16 Missingno in the background...
As I can remember this was in the A. K. Dewdney article from the end 80's / beginning of 90's Scientific American magazine?! Crabs eats windows in Bell Labs?! Or something similar...?!?
Thank you for this.
5:39 Copyright year is incorrect; it reads "MCMLXXI", which is 1971, instead of "MCMLXVI", which is 1966. Typo.
I love computer history, I really do- I feel seriously interested to know however, were any of the people in charge of this messing with LSD, mariguana or even cocaine or what?!
Thanks so much for this! Any chance you have Poemfield #5 to share?
Thanks for this! One question: the film is dated as 1971 & labeled as Poemfield #2, but in the description #2 is dated 1966. Which one is correct?
I wonder what music they like?
Visualization inspired by Jackson Pollock.
Mkultra stuff 100% considering ATTs stance on these projects
I think that computer consumed a little too much sex, drugs, rock & roll. It also appears to have a nasty case of reefer madness.