He is such an amazing person with a redeemed personality. Very honest and bold for what he has believed. Commitment for what a person believes is what it matters for successful person, that is the message I took. Thanks Gash Muluken and God bless rest of your life in this earth.
Gash Muluken, man of the Golden Age of Ethiopian music is one of the greatest Ethiopian singers of all time. He will remain to be so in the future, too. I have really appreciated his extreme openness which he showed in the interview he recently had with the ebs; maybe, beyond many people's expectation-a key and an important human value which is rare in our time and has enabled me to learn more about his genuineness and self-disclosure. I am thinking of you lots, hoping for your speedy recovery and heartily wish you long life.
Alemtsehay, you are very knowledgeable person. It is a loss for this generation not to have a role model like yourself in the country. Please write a book and leave a legacy behind.
Muluken you are one of the greatest living cellist of all time in Ethiopian music industry. You made a valuable contribution to the world of modern music in our country. You are extremely talented and accomplished vocalist. Your unique style and creatively conjunction of rural and urban life style make your music lovable. It is very unfortunate you left the entertainment world at the height of your fame. I don’t know your contribution or achievement in your new path but I don’t think you are as famous or as accepted as you were in to music world. Nevertheless I do respect your choice and wish you all the best. I just want to remember you for the joy you brought to me in my early medical school year and to hundreds and millions people in the country with your precious music and timeless performance. Wish you fast recovery. May GOD bless you.
Thanks so much Muluken for your honest answers specially coming from a country where honesty and personal opinions are the biggest sins. For those of you who take the fact that he does not miss his country negatively you have no idea the satisfaction and fulfillment you got by living for God. Secondly there is something which is called disconnection from what you used to like. He has been away for over three decades and you must have some space to understand that. I know it is not easy unless you experience it. have a lovely day
Lemiwedew hezb rasu kezih hulu zemen behuwala lenayew selchalen dess blonal demesun enji mlkun bezum kephotow besteqer aytenew anaqem nber Thank you for letting us to see you and to listen what feeling too about everything!!! Long life
Marina. jesus love , what are you trying to say, don’t try to explain and cover, he clearly said it and it communicates a lot, not having a simple sense to the country and the people shows who he is. He is not different than those fake pastors, apostles talk his cheap....
I never ask again why he sing a song becoze I got enough response from you. I respect your privacy. I thought see u again in the Ethiopian music industries but now I totally stopped thinking of you. again I respect your privacy. until it gives you peace of mind and heart. this is what I wish for the man that I love very very much. your music is a gift from heart not from other place. your music is a masterpiece. you are legend words has no power to explain you. but still it's pain losing you from music industries. I fell sorrow bcoze of missing just like you musician. again I respect your privacy. love you big respect long live.
I agreed with Gash Muluken, He said there is good singer's out there and mentioned that "one of the best singer is GOSSAYE TESFAYE" አደራ ተረካቢ። ኅስሽ I can't wait to see your new albem soon😑, And Gash Muluken መልካም ጤነትህን እና እረጅም እድሜን እመኝልሀለው።
long live for muluken ,,,,,,ok ,,,,,we will pray for you ,,,,,he is our legend ,,,,,,, alme ,,,i appreciate you how you talk,,, ethiopia miss sooo,,,many,,,,,,peoples that have deep knowledge
Jesus is Lord, Gash Muluken. You have finished your race and now you are at the bosom of our Father and our Lord Jesus. Till we meet again - Till we meet at Jesus’ feet.
he been sick for a long time then he became bed ridden, paraplegic, losing his bowel/bladder control before he died...where was his jesus all those years?...anyways muluken was an iconic singer and a less intelligent man...we love his musics but despise his trashy believes..
I feel so bad I feel so sorry I didn't know he was sick Dngel Maryam ENATACHN Emebeytachn Amalajachn Ke lgwa Gar tidabsh Kidusan melakht Yeamalduh Yetebkh Amen Amen Amen
Gash Muluken Beserawochek Zarem Wedefitem Akebarik Neng Be Ethiopia Guday Gen Ye Ewnet Sewunetek Mutuwal Malet New Ethiopia Ena Ethiopiawiyan Kalenafekuk Ante Sew Aydelekem yemer Hager Afer Sew weha Yawum Ye Ethiopia Tew Tew
He said musica mebalew betefa dese yelegnal. Sir just because you are no longer part of that world, doesn't mean it needs to be destroyed. We still live and breath in the music world so speak for yourself . Demo he says he doesn't miss anyone anything from the homeland. Man based on your weight the American life style is not working for you, so go back to your homeland to the kolo and enjera days . yemanew
Mr. Muluken you did a big mistake god gave you a gift to sing make people happy you didn’t fulfill the promise of god and many are not happy you stop singing, you are wrong you made a mistake and you should say sorry to all Ethiopian that love you. Muluken I listen your music for the past 40 years you could have made Ethiopian more peaceful and happy had you continued singing. Whatever you believe is yours but for us it doesn’t make sense. Please keep that for you all we know is we lost you.
He is such an amazing person with a redeemed personality. Very honest and bold for what he has believed. Commitment for what a person believes is what it matters for successful person, that is the message I took.
Thanks Gash Muluken and God bless rest of your life in this earth.
አለም ጸሃይ ወዳጆ ትልቅ ሴት ፣ ከሙሉ ቀን ጎን እንደነበርሽ ጌታ ከጎንሽ ይሁን እህታችን we respect you❤
ዋውውውውውው..በኢየሱስ.. ቀልድ የለምምም..እዴት ደስ ይላል..ተባርክልን ጌታ.ጤንእነትህን ይመልስልህ........
አለም አጨብጭቦለት ሰማይ ከሚያፍርበት እንኻን ጌታን አገኘ ጌታ ኢየሱስ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
Gash Muluken, man of the Golden Age of Ethiopian music is one of the greatest Ethiopian singers of all time. He will remain to be so in the future, too. I have really appreciated his extreme openness which he showed in the interview he recently had with the ebs; maybe, beyond many people's expectation-a key and an important human value which is rare in our time and has enabled me to learn more about his genuineness and self-disclosure. I am thinking of you lots, hoping for your speedy recovery and heartily wish you long life.
What a honest guy. Long live legend. GOD bless you!! ምስክርነቱ ይገርማል።
Alemtsehay, you are very knowledgeable person. It is a loss for this generation not to have a role model like yourself in the country. Please write a book and leave a legacy behind.
Muluken you are one of the greatest living cellist of all time in Ethiopian music industry. You made a valuable contribution to the world of modern music in our country. You are extremely talented and accomplished vocalist. Your unique style and creatively conjunction of rural and urban life style make your music lovable. It is very unfortunate you left the entertainment world at the height of your fame. I don’t know your contribution or achievement in your new path but I don’t think you are as famous or as accepted as you were in to music world. Nevertheless I do respect your choice and wish you all the best. I just want to remember you for the joy you brought to me in my early medical school year and to hundreds and millions people in the country with your precious music and timeless performance. Wish you fast recovery. May GOD bless you.
Thanks so much Muluken for your honest answers specially coming from a country where honesty and personal opinions are the biggest sins. For those of you who take the fact that he does not miss his country negatively you have no idea the satisfaction and fulfillment you got by living for God. Secondly there is something which is called disconnection from what you used to like. He has been away for over three decades and you must have some space to understand that. I know it is not easy unless you experience it. have a lovely day
wow, what an amazing testimony!
ጋሽ ሙሉቀን ያደነቋት የቀድሞዋ ዘፋኝ የአሁኗ ዘማሪት ዘሪቱ ከበደ ቀድሞ ከነበረችበት ህይወት ተላቃ፤ የክርስቶስን አዳኝነት በመዝሙሯ ትመሰክራለች። ሙሉቀን ያገኘውን ጣፋጭ ህይወት እርሷም በተራዋ እያጣጣመቺው ትገኛለች።
ክብር ለጌታ ይሁን። ኢየሱስ ያድናል!
Lemiwedew hezb rasu kezih hulu zemen behuwala lenayew selchalen dess blonal demesun enji mlkun bezum kephotow besteqer aytenew anaqem nber Thank you for letting us to see you and to listen what feeling too about everything!!! Long life
ከዘፈን መራቁ በጣም ጥሩ ነው! በራስ መተማመኑም ደስ ይላል። ስለዘፋኞች የሰጠው አስተያየት እንደራሱ ግንዛቤ ነው (personal opinion) በዘፋኞቹ ላይ ምንም ችግር አያመጣም። ሌላው ኢትዮጲያም ሆነ ህዝቧ፣ አየሯ አልናፈቀኝም ያለው ዋናው መልእክቱ ኢትዮጲያ የክርስቲያን አገር ስለሆነች እንኳን ለማየት እምነቷን ሊያጠፉ ተደራጅተው እንደተነሱ በአይናችን እያየን ነው(መናፍቃን)!!!!!! አይገርምም! አንድ ዜጋ የተወለደባን ያደገባትን ምድር እንደዚህ ሲል ለዚያውም በሱ እድሜ በጣም ያሳዝናል!
ቤትዬ ጋሼ ሙሉቀን ለማለት የፈለገውን ለመረዳትም ሆነ ለመቀበል የሱን ህወት መጋራት ይኖርብሻል የክርስቶስን መምጣት የሚጠባበቅ አዲስ ፍጥረት (ዳግም ከመንፈስ የተወለደውን እያልኩሽ ነው) የሁል ጊዜም ናፍቆቱ ዘላለማዊ መኖሪያውን ነው እሱን የገባው ቢገባሽ ኖሮ አሜን ነበር የምትይው መፅሐፍ ቅዱስ ሰው ዘላለማዊ እንደሄነ ይነግረናል ዘላለማዊነቱ ግን በምድር አይደለም ስለዚህለምን ለምን የኛ ያልሆነች ምድርን እንናፍቃለን
well said betty
Marina. jesus love , what are you trying to say, don’t try to explain and cover, he clearly said it and it communicates a lot, not having a simple sense to the country and the people shows who he is. He is not different than those fake pastors, apostles talk his cheap....
ጋሼ ሙሉቀን እግዚአብሔር ጤናና እድሜ ይስጥህ እንካን ተወለድህ ከሁሉም ደግሞ ደስ የሚለው ለተፈጠርክበት ማንነት መኖርህ ጌታ ይወድሀል
amen mulken melese beam nw yemadekih yemakebrih .ehen yemesele zefen gn batakute endet harif nber
Jegna Muluken Melese, now a servant of the most high God! There is nothing like knowing and living for Jesus Christ.
Muluken swenetwa enough for me to be honest . Thx you did that before you stop
he is so humble God bless you!
i like the way she talk, she know how talk, respect alemtsehay wedajo
ወይ አንተ አምላክ የማታሰማን የለም ! ያ ልጅነት በጊዜያቱ ማስደሰቱ……. ብሎ አንዳላዜመ ጭራሽ ሰውም ሀገሬም አይናፍቀኝም ብሎ እርፍ አለ የኛ ፓስተር ድምጻዊ፡፡ ምነው የሀገርህ አድባሯ እንኳ ትቀየመኛለች እንዲህ በጌታ ስም ስሸመጥጥ ብለህ አፍታ እንኳ አጢነህ አትናገርም፡፡ የሥራህን ይስጥህ፤ ታዲያ ሀገሩን ወንዙን ቀዬውን አድባር አውጋሯን ለማይናፍቅ ሰው እንዴት ሕዝቡ ፀሎቱ ይሰምርለታል፤ የማይናፍቀንን እውነትም ‘’ መናፍቅ’’ ከማለት ሌላ ምን ይባላል ??????...........
ድንቅ አስተያየት ነው አለምዬ በትክክል አሁንም በጥራትም ሆነ በብቃት የድሮን ሙዚቅ የሚሰማና የማይሰለች የለም እውነቱን ለመናገር አሁን ላይ ጉበዝም ቢኖሩ አንድ ጊዜ ተሰምተው ተሰልች ናቸው።
I never ask again why he sing a song becoze I got enough response from you. I respect your privacy. I thought see u again in the Ethiopian music industries but now I totally stopped thinking of you. again I respect your privacy. until it gives you peace of mind and heart. this is what I wish for the man that I love very very much. your music is a gift from heart not from other place. your music is a masterpiece. you are legend words has no power to explain you. but still it's pain losing you from music industries. I fell sorrow bcoze of missing just like you musician. again I respect your privacy. love you big respect long live.
yemnorew le yesus new yemimotew le yesus new endet des ylal tebarek
I think he went through a lot as a child. A lot of childhood trauma. May God rest he's soul .
Almesahay really u have great personality u make z interview wonderful long live for u
I agreed with Gash Muluken, He said there is good singer's out there and mentioned that "one of the best singer is GOSSAYE TESFAYE" አደራ ተረካቢ። ኅስሽ I can't wait to see your new albem soon😑, And Gash Muluken መልካም ጤነትህን እና እረጅም እድሜን እመኝልሀለው።
long live for muluken ,,,,,,ok ,,,,,we will pray for you ,,,,,he is our legend ,,,,,,, alme ,,,i appreciate you how you talk,,,
ethiopia miss sooo,,,many,,,,,,peoples that have deep knowledge
Thank you so much
@ 19:55 to 21:00 response 😂😂😂😂 meanwhile Alemtsehay probably was like endae yeha sewoye thena yelewome, but she's very genuine and true friend..
Stop killing me😂😂😂
you are healed in Jesus name!
Jesus is Lord, Gash Muluken. You have finished your race and now you are at the bosom of our Father and our Lord Jesus. Till we meet again - Till we meet at Jesus’ feet.
he been sick for a long time then he became bed ridden, paraplegic, losing his bowel/bladder control before he died...where was his jesus all those years?...anyways muluken was an iconic singer and a less intelligent man...we love his musics but despise his trashy believes..
Repent and receive Jesus. Behold today is the day of salvation@@santemedical6802
You can’t call Teddy Afro behind anyone. Teddy Afro is the undisputed champion.
Ebs Good job guys he was the best signer in ethiopian
Mulukenya ketlk akbrot ga sele zefens asteyayet degaf mesetet yelebetm.hateyatn maberetatat new.seleze endayzefnu wede geta endemetu metseley
wow wow wow wow God Bless You!!!!
God bless you! you select the best one!
ግልፅነትህን ወደድኩት ጋሼ
ሀብቴ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ነው ሀገሬ ናፈቀችኝ ሸንተረሩ ጋራው ወንዙ እያሉ በገዝጋዛው ከሚያርዱን አፈ ጮሌዎች ጋሽ ሙሉቀን በስንት ጣአሙ እድሜ ይስጥህ
ግን እውነት ኢትዮጵያ አትናፍቅም ሃገር እንዴት ይካዳል ከእሱ ማይጠበቅ አስተያየት እሱ የወጣበት ማህበረሰብ እኮ ለሃገሩ /ኢትዮጵያ ሞች ነው
wow be blessed
I feel so bad I feel so sorry I didn't know he was sick Dngel Maryam ENATACHN Emebeytachn Amalajachn Ke lgwa Gar tidabsh Kidusan melakht
Yeamalduh Yetebkh Amen Amen Amen
gash muluken y geta mehon metadel new egziabeher kerew edemeken yebarkew
Wowww gets yebarek
ያለ ውሀ ልክ ያልተገነባ አርቲስት ነው ለእኔ ሙሉቀን መለሰ ምክንያቴ ደግሞ ወደ መንፈሳዊ አለም ተመልሶ እንኲን ግብረገብነት አለማሳየቱ ትላንት በአለማዊው ህይወቱ ምን ያህል ትህምክተኛና ትእቢተኛ እንደነበር የሚያሳይ ነው ።እዚህ ኢንተርቪው ላይ እንኳን የእሱን ስህተት ሽፋን ለመስጠት ወይም ለማረም ምንያህል ተቸገረች አለምጸሀይ ወዳጆ ።
habtom ydego እናንተ እንድትወዱት የግድ ኦርቶዶክስ መሆን አለበት?መቼ ይሆን ከትችት እና ከወገንተኝነት ከዘረኝነተ በተለየ ሐሳብ የምንሰጠው ሁሌ ትችት ያውም ከናንተ በላይ ታሪክ እና ትልቅ ሰው የሆነን ሰው መተቸት......ላለመለወጥ አንዱ ምልክት ትችት ነው የትም አትደርሱም ከዚህ ካልወጣቹ!!!! ተሳደብ ደሞ
መልካም አሥተሣሠብ ታላቅነት በአንደበት መገኘት ሣላደንቅ አላልፍ አቅራቤቹን ትልቅ ሠዎች ናችሁ ትልቁን ትንሹን በማክበራችሁ 4 ተባረኩ መሉ እድሜና ጤና ለሙሉቀን እንመኛለን ቅን አሥተሣሠብ ነው አንደበተ ኩሪ ማንም የሚተካቸው የለም
Gash Muluken Beserawochek Zarem Wedefitem Akebarik Neng Be Ethiopia Guday Gen Ye Ewnet Sewunetek Mutuwal Malet New Ethiopia Ena Ethiopiawiyan Kalenafekuk Ante Sew Aydelekem yemer Hager Afer Sew weha Yawum Ye Ethiopia Tew Tew
ጌዜው ይስጣን አይድለም የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ነው ጌዜው
Alemtsi yene andegna
I love him I feel cry But Egzabher Endenemerew Emnete new.
ታድያ እኮ አሁንም የዘፈን አድናቂ ነህ።።።።
Muluke Yemtamnew ye Dengle Eyesusen Nw OR ye seytan EYESUSEN nw ???????????????
Alem please let him talk we missed him deeply, Please we can see you on other media
ጋሽ ሙሉቀን ያማርህ እግዚአብሔር
what a singer!
Gasah edemana tana yesethe
I am ashamed you said you don't miss your canters very sad
I hope next interview herut bkele
በጣም ችሎታ አለኽ
betam musica wedaj ena adamach neg behiwete wist ende muluken yemarekeng wey yarekang yelem ::
ስለዘፈን ተውይይለች ዘፈን እኩ እስክጥርሽ የጥፍል ለምን ከተባለ ዘፈን በእግዚአብሔር ዘንደ ስለማይውድድ ማለት ነው ዘፈችም ጌታ ይትነጽሉ
wedefitim wede zefen alemelesim alek min wedefit ale ere yekerhin edme beselam nur.
🎵 Closed 🔐 chapter ❤
Gazeteghnochu became new yememesaselut wendmamachoch Naches ende
This is sickness! How someone hate his own homeland & firist brith 😖
Samuel Demissie RIP English!
getie yebarkeh tabarke sawe lamenagaraw eyendndwa kael baGigete ferde ailwe gedeyalhem EGZEABHAR mannem aytweme
That’s the common behavior of Protestant faith followers.
B/s the religion itself designed to live and think western.
Zeritu ❤️
ዘፈን ማዳመጡን ግን አልተወም ...
ያው የጥበብ ሰው ነበር ባጋጣሚ መስማቱ አይቀርም ያማለት ግን ዘፈን ውስጥ ነው ማለት አይደለም
ሙሉቀን ሰለተወነው የኢትዮጰያ ዘፈን የወረደው
I wish long life wed yegta leg zmnk bebrkt yelk
ዘፈን 3 ነገሮች አሉት
1 ታዋቂነት
2 ዝነኝነት
3 ተወዳጅነት
3ቱንም አጠቃሎ የያዘው አንድ ጥላሁን ብቻ ነው።
Alazar Mulugeta Egziybher yemareh
ማፈርያ ያን የመስለ የሙዙቃ ችሎታ ይዞ ሀማኖተኛ ነኝ የስይጣን ስራ ነው ይላል አሁን ደግሞ ዘፈኔ ለምን ተዘፈነ ብሎ እንዲህ ቅጥ ማጣት
Leason carefully before speak
እየሱስን ፊት ለፊት ከማየት ሌላ ምን ድንቅ ነገር አለ??ሙሴም እንኳን ጀርባውን ነው ያየው!!! Cenima ampir መስሎህ ነው?
ሲጀመር ከጴጤ ምንም ነገር አይጠበቅም እግዚአብሔር ልብ ይስጥህ ኢትዮጵያ የእግዚአብሔር ሀገር ናት አንተ ጠላሃት ወደድሃት ምንም አይቀንስባትም አይጨምርላትም በልቶ ካጅ
God bells
እኔ ከሞትኩ ሠርዶ አይብቀል ..የሙሉቀን አስተሳሰብ.. ".ሙዚቃ ከአለም ቢጠፋ " ማለት ምንድነው? ጋሽ ሙሉቀን??
ጋሼ ሙሉቀን በአሁኑ ሰአት ሙዚቃን የሚመለከተው እናንተ እንደምትመለከቱት አይደለም
ዘፈን የሀጢአት ነው ልትረዱት ሞክሩ
Lulah Kokanos ግልጽ እኮ ነው ዘፈን ሀጥያት ነው..ከዳቢሎስ ነው..ነው ነሩ...።
when you talk think 2 times .....for him even today early for music and he stop before 33 year....plsssss ....respect.....!!!!!
ይልቅ ንሥሀ ግባ ሠይጣን ነዉ እደዚህ ሆድህን የነፋዉ
ዋው እውነት ነውየስጣን ስራ የአይውድስም
Zertu and Mulukan taberku
ጋሼ እመብርሀን ትዳብስህ የምር ትድናለህ እሷን እመን።
Ethiopia kewtah 33 amet honeh Ethiopia atnfikihim
Aynfekeghim bechirash .min aynet chekaghn sewoch endehonu pente malet.egzabiherin weded malet yenberebetin yadegebetin metlat malet aydelem.Eyesusin be wunu ayichaewalehu alk ante tiru hilm ayteh enkuan tawkaleh?
Gashi mulu kane gata zamnkine ye barki manore lagata semotume lagata ewnate belkale sawe almne beyatrfe nabsune gen beygodle mine waga alwe gata eysuse badamu yesafnki tabrki
ጥሩ ዘፉኝ ነበርክ ሀይማኖተኛ መሆንህም ጥሩ ነዉ ግን ይሄ እንደ ቆሎ ጓደኛችሁ ጌታን አግኝቼው ምናምን የምትሉትን ቀልድ ብትተዋት ።ደግሞ ጥላሁን ድምፅ እንጂ ታለንት የለውም ያልከውንም አልደግፈውም because he is way better than you
ሙሉቀን ላይስ የሚደርስ ማንም የለም!
@@tsegazeaba.6400 ብሮ ሁላችንም የምናደንቃቸው የተለያዩ አርቲሥቶች ናቸው ግን የጋሽ ጥላሁን አድናቂወች ከኔው ጀምሮ ተቆጥረው አያልቁም እኔጃ ጥልየ ልዪነው😢💔
He said musica mebalew betefa dese yelegnal. Sir just because you are no longer part of that world, doesn't mean it needs to be destroyed. We still live and breath in the music world so speak for yourself . Demo he says he doesn't miss anyone anything from the homeland. Man based on your weight the American life style is not working for you, so go back to your homeland to the kolo and enjera days . yemanew
Kkkkkkkkkkበጣም አሣፋሪ መቼም ችለህ ሥለማትመጣ ነው ያልናፈቀህ ሤጀመር ጌታ ኢየሡሥ እኮ ፍቅር ነዉ kkkkkkkkkደሞ ጌታ ኢየሡሥ ተየህ? ይልቅ ንሥሀ ግባ ጌዜ የቸሠጠህ ለዛ ነው
ይገርማል ጴንጤ መሆንን እንደ ጽድቅ አይቶ መመጻደቆ kkkkkkkkk
ሠውዬው ፍፁም ጤነኛ አይመሥለኝም አህምሮ ሚዛኑ ተዛብቷል ልበል እኔ ከሞትኩ ሠርዶ አይብቀል ነገር ይታይበታል ሐይማኖት የግል ነው አንደበቱ ከሥርሃት ወጣ ያለ ይመሥለኛል እንዴት የአይማኖት ሠው መሆን እኮ መልካም ሥነምግባር ይጀምራል ምንም ተቃውሞ የለኝም በእምነቱ የወደደውን መከተል መብቱ ነው ለሠዎች ግን ክብር የለውም ተሥፉ የቆረጠ ይመሥለኛል በእየሱስ ሥም
እራሱንከለላ ባያደርግ ደሥ
ይለኛል አለምፀሐይ ወዳጆ እናመሠግናለን ሥነምግባርሽ ተመችቶኛል ምን ያህል የሱን ንግግር ለመሸፈን እንደጨነክሽ ንግግርሽ ይሥታውቃል
Mimi Mimi
Ai think you have a problem not muluken
Lesu Egziybher Amilakachn Edmy selam Tannet Yesth
Almaz Wedajo amen amen rejim edema yestew altekawmkum amelke enji ena alsetew anchi endalshw minem cheger yelbngim endesew sewnga sadamtew altemchengim :: ok
Mimi Mimi
Mimiy Thankyou for Reytern my COMENT JEST PRIYR FOR HEM
Almaz Wedajo thanks ሥለተረዳሽኝ
አሜን አሚን አሚን ባለበት ሠላሙን ጤነናውን ያድለው
ለንሠዐ ሞት ያብቃው ሠው ሁሉ ሞትን ተሸክሞልና
Muluken ande yalgebagn neger ale zefen yemibal neger aladametem telaleh ena tadiya kaladametek endet yanten zemen yemizefenuten sewoch eyeteketatelek tadenaleh? Koy bezi seat sele bible enji sele zefen maweratu lante men yetekemehal ? Please lemayamenu mesenakel atehun , yalfew terikehen eresaw ahun ante be Kiristos adis fiteret neh and Learn from Hirut Bekele Beterefe Geta Eyesus yefeweseh zende selote new Tebarek
Endeteketatelkut kehone yemiyadametu sewoch yetekumutal ....Muluken betam yemenakebrew berk newe teret yale Ewnet mawratu newe yegebagn ....kekalat belay newe.
የድሮ አንጋፋ ዘፋኝ ነበር ጥሩ ነው ዘፈን ማቆሙ ግን ሰው ጴንጤ ሲሆን ማንነቱንም ሞራሉንም ስብዕናውንም እንደሚያጣ አላውቅም ነበረ ሰው እንዴት ይሉኝታ ያጣል የጌታ ሰው እኮ ነኝ እያለ? ለዓለምጸሀይ ክብር የለውም ሰው ሀገር አይናቀኝም አለ ጎን ይሉኝታ አታቅም ብሎ ዘፍኖ ነበር ያሳፍራል ጴንጤዎች ምናይነት ጌታ እንደሚያመልኩ አይገባኝም ለነገሩ ሰይጣን ነው ሚያመልኩት። ሰይጣን ነው ለሰው ማያስበው ያው እሱ ነው
ተወልዶ ያደገበትን ምድር እንዴት እንደዚህ ያስባል?
ዘርሽ ይወስነዋል የተወለድሽው ከምድር ከሆነ ምድርን ትናፍቃለሽ እሱ ውስጥ ያለው አዲስ ዘር ግን ሰማያዊና ዘላለማዊ ነው ስለዚ የሁል ጊዜ ናፍቆቱ እየሱስ እንጂ ጋራ ሸንተረር አይደለም የዘር ልዩነት ስላላችሁ ላይገባሽ ይችላል
Marina. jesus love yizigashi eshi zim bilachihu tasqereshalachihu midire ======hulo
Zembelesh erasishen atawezagbi. Religion is the communication between u and yr God. Done Hager lela guday haymanot lela guday
EBS TV ግን አጨብጫቢዎች ናችሁ! ሙለቀን ሲናገር የሰው ዘፈን መዝፈን ከባድ ድህነት ነው ካለ በኋለ ያለውን ምን ቆረጣችሁት?
vGalentine's Day
ምነው ያለፈውን ለምን ማንሣት አሥፈለገ ለጌታ ክብር ይሆን? ዘፈኑን አልተቀበልኩትም ይቅረታ ግን ወንድም ሙሉቀን አሁንም የጔላህን ፈፅመህ እየረሣህ በክርሥቶሥ ያገኘህውን ዘለአለማዊ እቅዶችን ማውራትና በዛ ውሥጥ ብቻ መዋኘት ከፊትህ ያለውን ለመያዝ መዘርጋት ይሻላል፡፡እፀልይልሀለሁ፡፡በርታ
muluken meles: his music are gems but he was a trashy person
This guy has lost his mind.
swe wkash nhe
He should just sing and not talk. Embarassing.
ይሄ እንቁራሪት
Teftehe betker yesalhe neber
Mr. Muluken you did a big mistake god gave you a gift to sing make people happy you didn’t fulfill the promise of god and many are not happy you stop singing, you are wrong you made a mistake and you should say sorry to all Ethiopian that love you. Muluken I listen your music for the past 40 years you could have made Ethiopian more peaceful and happy had you continued singing. Whatever you believe is yours but for us it doesn’t make sense. Please keep that for you all we know is we lost you.
ቦርጩም እየሱስ ነው የሞላህ?
Mimi Feker ..funny
በጣም አሽቃበጠ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እና ህዝብ እኮ ነው ሀብታም ያደረገክ .....አዎ ጌታ እየሱስ ከአለም ኑሮ አውጥቶ መንፈሳዊ ህይወት ውስጥ አኑሮካል ግን ባለውለታህን ህዝብና ሀገር እንድትረሳ ግን አላደረክም
የዘሪቱን ምስክርነት የሰጠከው ይገባታል ትችላለች
ከወንድ ደግሞ ምንም ክርክር የሌለው ማዲንጎ አንደኛ ነው ወደር የለውም ... ማዲ ነፍስ ይማር እንወድሃለን ... 😭🙏🏻