Imani was just 15 when soldiers from the rebel group Interahamwe found her on the road in a remote region in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
I am sharing this video with everyone in my address book (on both of my channels.) This is one of the most relevant videos that I have seen on this site. As a person of African decent, I have to admit, I hate to even think about the state of Africa and its people. Blacks in the ''motherland" and in the diaspora are all struggling--struggling for a life of quality. It seems to be FAR beyond the reach of the black masses. Lord have mercy.
Being raped 4 times in 10 years is the equivalent to being raped every day? Evidently, there is more need to worry about education in Congo rather than the issue of rape. But I'm sure glad she can sleep well at night thinking that the physical abuse of her own daughter is justified by the fact she was raped a few times.
@Poofacespectacular Trying to pass a resolution in my University that will maybe start a European wave of the same course regarding the purchase of conflict minerals. What are you doing?
@sondano Just because it's not reported, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's impossible to get an accurate statistic on rapes, because it's estimated so few are reported... I know quite a few people who were raped or sexually assaulted and never reported it.
@sondano I wasn't trying to imply that it was an equal thing in this case, just that there are in fact many situations where women do rape, molest, or sexually assault people. It may not be a 50-50 thing, but the percentage of attacks by women aren't a decimal of a percent like seem so keen on implying. It's a big enough chunk that you shouldn't be slandering one sex. You're being terribly sexist, and I find it offensive.
@sondano Careful with the generalizations. I am a man and I have a penis and I would never ever do anything like this. Your position is patently false and its not very well thought out. You couldn't possible believe it.
I am sharing this video with everyone in my address book (on both of my channels.) This is one of the most relevant videos that I have seen on this site. As a person of African decent, I have to admit, I hate to even think about the state of Africa and its people. Blacks in the ''motherland" and in the diaspora are all struggling--struggling for a life of quality. It seems to be FAR beyond the reach of the black masses. Lord have mercy.
Tragic. She looks like such a beautiful, strong woman, but her eyes are shattered.
this woman seems incredibly strong to me.. i hope someday she will be able to forget or at least forgive and be able to live on..
I never thought I would see such a heart breaking story. My heart goes out to all the women of the CONGO
It took me a while to watch this because I'm been sad lately. All the human suffering has me down.
I pray for her and her daughter.
May allah give her is on the way.
Being raped 4 times in 10 years is the equivalent to being raped every day? Evidently, there is more need to worry about education in Congo rather than the issue of rape. But I'm sure glad she can sleep well at night thinking that the physical abuse of her own daughter is justified by the fact she was raped a few times.
Watching this makes me sooo mad. Where are these women´s human rights? Who is to be held accountable for her suffering? Where is justice?
@Auntkekebaby Do not feel discouraged queen.
@fmandwc2 amen!
@Poofacespectacular Trying to pass a resolution in my University that will maybe start a European wave of the same course regarding the purchase of conflict minerals. What are you doing?
@Iguanaintrouble what are you doing?
@MyLittlePwny7 it's not about physical protection at this point, obviously
@chogyokko thanks chogyokko.
@sondano Just because it's not reported, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's impossible to get an accurate statistic on rapes, because it's estimated so few are reported... I know quite a few people who were raped or sexually assaulted and never reported it.
@BlakeBarbieDoll It want be long brother or sister. I am AA and I live in Germany, were I see the same with our Brothers and Sisters here.
Where are the Congolese men that are speaking out against this?
wish i can help them.
@demonicspire1 I was thinking the exact same thing.
@Poofacespectacular That won't do anything.
@TheCruel Obviously you don't realise the amount of emotional and physical pain that rape causes it's victims.
@Poofacespectacular I don't think prayer is realistic protection from rape.
@CarryOnDrJosef Spooks are ghosts. This is a beautiful black woman. What's your point?
@sondano I wasn't trying to imply that it was an equal thing in this case, just that there are in fact many situations where women do rape, molest, or sexually assault people. It may not be a 50-50 thing, but the percentage of attacks by women aren't a decimal of a percent like seem so keen on implying. It's a big enough chunk that you shouldn't be slandering one sex. You're being terribly sexist, and I find it offensive.
i wish the people had done this to her burn in hell.....
Careful with the generalizations. I am a man and I have a penis and I would never ever do anything like this. Your position is patently false and its not very well thought out. You couldn't possible believe it.