While you were doing this, I was replacing the cold control thermostat in my refrigerator. I probably saved at least $200 if not the price of a new one if I decided to go that route instead. It took about 2 hours, 30 minutes was threading the probe into the plastic sheath because the new one didn't come with one. I got smart and ran hot water over the plastic to get it to expand so I could thread it easier. At one point, it was moving less than a 1/4 inch each push.
While you were doing this, I was replacing the cold control thermostat in my refrigerator. I probably saved at least $200 if not the price of a new one if I decided to go that route instead. It took about 2 hours, 30 minutes was threading the probe into the plastic sheath because the new one didn't come with one. I got smart and ran hot water over the plastic to get it to expand so I could thread it easier. At one point, it was moving less than a 1/4 inch each push.
man that sounds like a chore!
@hasenmyer it was, but it was worth it. Maybe it will pay for one of these action cams. Lol