Thank you God for making it possible that Jimmy's prayer becomes published and produces much fruit in all worlds, if it is with Your Devine Agreement and Will.
Jimmy - thank you for this prayer! Suggestion: "My Cosmic Prayer - A Prayer for all People in God's Creation" --> My Cosmic Prayer - A Prayer for all Beings in God's Creation. (just to cover extraterrestrials or Klingons, dogs, etc. that may or may not have souls.) Thank you for your wonderful Mysterious World!!
Speaking on who to pray for, my favorite is to pray for all those I've known, and will know (in particular). As a great bonus, I think this helps overcome shyness, because everyone you meet, has been prayed for already, so in a sense, they already owe you, not that you'll ever tell them that. In any event, they are the better off for knowing you, even just a chance encounter. I have found over time, I get a considerably better relationship with strangers, I think primarily because of that prayer, and it helps me be less afraid of them, and probably just generally warmer as well. I can talk to any stranger, anywhere, and I don't mean mere small talk. It goes against my personality type, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
@@joekeegan937 Thanks. The funny thing is I cannot recall what the real purpose of the prayer was in the first place, but I've been doing it for quite while, maybe as much as a decade. I really don't think it's purpose was for me to be less shy at all. I think it had to do with the future tense realization. If you confined your prayers those present and deceased, if you met somebody you wanted to heap prayer on, well, it's kind of a bummer you met them late in your life, therefore not as many prayers for them, so therefore giving them more by engaging in an earlier start. Still, I'm not even sure that was the reason, but that seems to be the most direct reasoning I had at the time. During that time, perhaps about two years ago, I came upon a technique which made this all the more easier, but I don't think it works just as crude technique, because I know if I were way back in my much shier days, the technique wouldn't have helped at all, because I would reject it and never try it. That's the thing about shyness, things have to slip in underneath the sheets so to speak. I can't guarantee this works for anybody that tries that prayer, but the whole goal isn't that, as much as it is just to have a more local effect on those around you, that even if they can't stand you, or they will be that way in the future, they've been benefitting from knowing you. So you returned what may end up being hate towards you, with the love of prayer for them. Having said all of that, no wonder I think it helps with shyness, because it changes your attitude towards them as well, though perhaps in a subtle way. I'll go for subtle, if that's the best I can manage for the time being.
I can't pretend I know or had a revelation. After reading some biographies and stories of St. Padre Pio, who Jimmy mentioned here, it hit me that God is in an eternal present, so He knows already my prayers, so He could apply them any time. That was my conclusion and I have prayed for people for the time that this or that happened and is affecting their lives and so on. For this reason, thank you for this episode.
Awesome! However, be careful that we don't presume that God's infinite knowledge means that prayer doesn't do anything like many non-denominationals believe today.
Mr Jimmy Akin, I was intrigued by your assertion that God cannot change the past. The reason you gave was indeed very solid. In my words: > God does not change his mind. God is immutable and pure act so He could not do something and than undo it. I would like to offer a different perspective. What if God planned, in his infinite foreknowledge, to revert something? I think he could. I see that you could offer the following criticism as well: > God would not change the past because it would harm our perception of eternal stability, something that is a very important visible characteristic of God. To which I would propose that God could alter the past in such a manner that we would not know it changed. What are your thoughts on that?
One of my favorite prayers to say is “O Father God, sweet in mercy and all powerful, be with your your son the Christ as he prepares to mount at Calvary” Sure it’s a prayer that we know will go answered, but it’s never bad to pray God’s will be done!
God sees time like a large flat tapestry. It's all there at once. We see time like a player piano roll, a note at a time with memory of notes in the past and expectations of upcoming notes. God changed the past and it's the past we know.
I had a first-hand experience with Jesus in the Eternal Now. Absolutely incredible. I disagree, though, that God "can't change things in the past" but basically goes back before that time, etc. Because there is no past, no time, and therefore no such thing as "changing things." Jesus is still being nailed to the cross as we speak... he is still giving the Sermon on the Mount... and Moses is parting the Red Sea right this moment. Things are playing out and always have and will play out the same way... unless you choose something else through fervent prayer. My theory is that God created (note the misleading past tense; I should say, "God created/is creating/will create") every possible outcome, every possible variation, even possible choice and turn of events. And through our choices, big and small = free will, we, minute by minute, determine the outcome for ourselves-sin or virtue, heaven or hell, moving toward union with God or moving away from God.
Jimmy, I'd enjoy joining an apostalate based on your "Cosmic Prayer". I think it's wonderful, and here I am in 2024 just finding this beneficial interview. Thanks for clarifying a hard topic on prayer transcending time and space. Love, from Houston!
I especially love this episode and will continue to pray for Jimmy and Dom in their mission. Thank you, Jimmy for sharing your cosmic prayer, and I pray for its success if you choose to publish and allow it to be spread further through time and space.
Jimmy please do publish your cosmic prayer. I think it could do a great deal. Good for people around the world. I would only add to pray for those who do not believe in God, and for those who are despairing.
I'm afraid that I skewed the results for Dr. Leibovici's study. I felt bad for the control group and prayed that they would also have low mortality from their condition.
I believe the prayer of my lay Dominican group has great efficacy beyond the prayer of any one of us singularly. That's not a surprise since God urges us to pray together in His name, but many people we prayed for have attested to having received a feeling of great consolation and/or having received the answer to their prayer. I have been the beneficiary of their prayer.
I'm returning to this comment section to share an idea I had for my personal prayer relating to time travel prayer. I can have difficulty making decisions or progress towards goals (I think it's an ADHD symptom related to procrastination and mental blocks). But I can pray today for God's Grace to help me yesterday, that I will make the right decision and make progress
Absolutely loved this episode, Jimmy. Thanks as always for playing a huge part in deepening my faith and keeping it super interesting at the same time 🙂
Great episode Jimmy and Dom. Very interesting and also theologically significant as a reminder that God exists and manifests His power outside of our limits of time and space. From past conversations with some non-Catholic Christians, this is an idea that is not always accepted outside of the Catholic faith.
This concept is already familiar to me, probably because I read Lewis' Miracles too (my favorite of his, I think). *I've also wondered if this same concept applied to Church authority in popes and councils.* Did God know that future popes and councils would make certain judgments and not merely take that into account, but actually make it so, so that they could and would indeed be infallible when exercising that charism? The Marian dogmas come to mind especially.... *Also, isn't the Immaculate Conception a similar and an explicit example of a future action/intercession (Christ's redemption) being applied retroactively to Mary?* That seems to be the clear language of the decree. Seems surprising that this public revelation was not mentioned in relation to this topic. As a data analyst/scientist, p values are very familiar to me :)
I’ve been praying like this for years, and with the same perspective you avow here. Thank you for this excellent in-depth investigation of the subject. I will certainly be sharing this with others. Thank you‼️😊 again.
53:05 ish - Clarification question: You said that an imprimatur is a guarantee that a book does not contain heresy. Isn't it just a guarantee that the bishop who gave it did not find any heresy? But that it could still potentially continue missed heresy or material heresy based on future definitions but no heresy at the time of the imprimatur? Am I mistaken? Does the Church actually provide a guarantee? If the church actually guarantees imprimaturs, I would guess that means they are protected by the Holy Spirit like an ex cathedra statement? If that is the case, is it only based on current definitions or would it also preclude the possibility that future declarations will ever rule anything in the book out as material heresy?
QUESTION: Hi Jimmy, I learned by a Dominican that an act made intentionally with charity is more perfect than the same act made with just any other virtue. Charity could be added to another virtue so there is two virtues in place, e.g. I am obedient and grow in fortitude, but I could also be obedient for the love of God and in addition to grow in fortitude. My question is, if I forgot to think on doing the act for charity, what do you think on doing a future praying saying "Oh Lord I did that in the first place for you"? By the way, I also learned that the other virtues are at the service of the virtue of charity. So fortitude not for the sake of fortitude but to love better.
I've been contemplating this idea quite a lot over the past few months. I tried to explain it to my sister and brother-in-law on Easter morning and did a poor job of it. Unfortunately, praying now to have the right words then doesn't work.
Also, with respect to "excess" prayers: I certainly agree that prayers after death can affect someone's life before death, but I wouldn't dismiss the claim that God redirects prayers so easily. Let's say that a mutual friend dies, and that both you and I succeed in obtaining a plenary indulgence for our friend. Obviously, the friend needs only one. If you like, we can say that the graces of the unused indulgence go back and affect the person's life. OK; what if 50 people get the indulgence? Or 100? Isn't there some point at which the person no longer needs grace, even retroactively?
ALL IMHO Have not watched BUT I feel that you can indeed pray for the present, future AND the past. If you are smart you will ask the Lord to make your prayers effective eternally and without regard to time, place, or much of anything. So, pray without limits for future generations, other or varies forms of existence all of God's creation that is, ever was, or ever will be. God IS the Lord of Time; you a mere creature can send him a missive and it can have eternal effects. So, there's my take without having watched of listened to this episode. Heres' a happy thought: When Jesus descended to the dead, THAT act had an eternal nature to it, so ALL the dead unbaptized IMHO get to hear the speal and act on it, forever. Why not? We time travel at EVERY mass!!
What about if you’re caught in a “temporal causality loop”? (see Star Trek TNG: Cause and Effect) Would it be advisable to ask God to inspire your past self on how to avoid becoming stuck in the loop?
Wasted prayers for relatives already out of Purgatory: I always thought of the response about God applying prayers to others if the relatives don't need them as a situation where the relative went straight to heaven, and yet my prayer was "help X get out of Purgatory". X was never *in* Purgatory so my prayer simply can't apply to them, now or in the past or future. Therefore God would apply that prayer in some other way, either to their earthly life or to someone else.
If timelines branch, what would that mean for our souls? Do I exist in more than one timeline? If so, does the salvation status of my soul in one timeline affect the salvation status of my soul in another timeline? Do I have multiple souls? Or does my one soul simply exist in multiple timelines? What happens when we die? Are we judged according to all of our lives? Will one of my souls go to Heaven and another to Hell? Help me understand!
1:06:30 Well, I don´t know how this really works, but can we say "when" someone did exit purgatory, I know we do know that some are in there, and some are in heaven (and some in hell), and that people do transition from purgatory to heaven, but is it really possible to say (from the perspective of "earthly" time) when they are where?
Doesn't the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception make it clear that God can take future (from our point of view) events into account? "We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.”
A lot of the aspects of this topic remind me of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. You don't know the state of a quantum particle until you observe it. Similarly, if I'm awaiting test results to see whether I have cancer or not, I don't know whether I do or not, but the reality is that I either do or I don't. Maybe you can do an episode on the mystery of quantum mechanics, the mystery of the double slit experiment, or even the mystery of Schrodinger's cat!
Prayers for others who don't want it, I wonder. See Psalm 83:2-4, 14-19 It seems The Lord God wants us to avoid, remove, eliminate evil from our lives. It seems...
Wisdom! Helps me recall 4 cosmology theories. Block universe - all space/time present.. Figure why St. Julian of Norwich reminded 'all will be well'. God's love surpasses all humanity can imagine. Recall Fr. John Trigilio helped me suddenly get how Jesus redeemed past/present/future aka all creation. God's 'one act of love' from big bang how Fr. Brendan Purcell described it. Promises. How can perfect human nature via Immaculate Conception and Munificentissimus Deus/bountiful God - able to raise it up. Per Fr. Cassian Folsom, prayer is more that entering dialogue of Most Holy Trinity. As ever, all glory to God.
Time travel or not, what barriers does prayer need to break to be affective or effective? So many individuals are so stubborn can't be subject to new ideas or functional knowledge can't break through. It might take constant continuous prayers over a long period of time to effect a change if applicable. Maybe a person from same family lineage can break such break generational evil spirit traits but needs knowledge and awareness of such. Otherwise, like Mary Mother of Jesus told Lucia at Fatima that her friend would be in purgatory till the end of time.
I do not understand how that study would work; would the patients randomly assigned to either group controlled by God not chance? Or was God supposed to "heal" the patients prayed for by the prayer group with foreknowledge they would be randomly picked?
In the spirit of this video, I’d like to request prayers for God’s will to be done regarding my acceptance into the Dominican order. At the time of writing this comment, the friars have voted on me, but I haven’t been made aware of their verdict. Thank you all! 🙏
Not a prayer but, if we talk about merit that can be reached also with prayer, by the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, we actually believe that the Virgin Mary _"in the first instance of her conception"_ [effect in the past] _" view of the merits of Jesus Christ"_ [cause in the future] _"...was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin."_ Thanks and God, the Virgin and saint Joseph bless Jimmy, Dom, the reader and their families.
But if you knew your son died in the airplane collision, there would be no sense in praying he had survived. When first aid arrives at the scene, should they call you to tell you ye shouldn't pray for your son's life because he has already died?
@@michaelpalmer1580 Did the retroactive intercessory prayer experiment conducted by Professor Leonard Leibovici undo the past since the mortality rate of the intervention group is lower than that of the control group?
@@lfcolling706 It didn't. It affected the results as we know them now. There were never any other results so to speak. God foreknowing the future prayers, acted in that moment to create those outcomes. We humans also do this. Knowing someone we love is gonna ask us for something in the future, we can do it before they even ask so that when they ask, it's already done for them.
Oh what a coincidence, I was wondering about twins just this morning! The first coherent model I had in mind is that actually each twin is born the moment the original embryo splits, and their sole parent is the original complete embryo, who sadly had a very short life (from conception to splitting). My reasoning is that there are some animals like komodo dragons that have two distinct means of reproduction: partenogenesis and sexual reproduction, and in both of those cases we can agree on who is the parent or parents of who. Well if you consider humans to be capable of this ancestral mode of reproduction that is binary scission, or mitosis, then you'd probably conclude that all identical twins are birthed by their grandmothers. I don't think that from the faith perspective there's any breakthrough on these short lived nameless humans. We know that there are situations where people incapable of sinning like mentally challenged women, reproduce, so there would be nothing wrong to say that a part of our wounded nature consists in this chance to die before knowing God while also leaving two offspring that in the case of twins have a natural guardian in their "grandmother".
wow. I don't claim to be an expert, and so far I don't find error in your model. The Church have also acknowledged that it is possible for an unborn to be saved so, on that grounds, my prima facie objections would not sustain. You mention that this is your first coherent model you have... do you have others to share? I disagree with your model not because is incoherent in itself but incoherent with another I think is more beautiful (again, I have not studied this, and will be glad to hear your opinion and Jimmy's episode). I think we agree by faith that human life starts with conception. I then think that both souls are present in the conception, and find it hard to call conception the splitting (although you have an interesting point if parthenogenesis was accepted as another form of human reproduction in such extraordinary circumstances). Coming back to my argument for consistency with beauty, I find fitting that human life starts when God gives the soul the moment the male gamete joins the female gamete. God is the creator, the parents are pro-creators (contributors to the creation). The question that has to be answered then is, where are the bodies? Humans need a body... are there 2 souls in the same body? Well, here my trial answer is that the bodies are already present, in potency, and God knows in advance that there will be 2 bodies. Stretching the idea, we could think that siamese twins are 2 souls in a shared or conjoined body. Finally, on the non necessarily rational grounds of beauty, therefore easily objectionable, I don't find fitting that God creates a human being whose vocation in life is to die splitting to create other human beings. I mean, God could, but it would mean that God make some humans with potency of becoming baptized adult saints, and other type of humans whose perfection is to die without baptism in the creation of other humans. I use the terms potency and perfection on purpose because yes, there is children that die before being born, many not baptized and many not saints, but still every embryo is a baptized adult saint in potency, that is our perfection. God, the Virgin and saint Joseph bless you, and the reader.
@@cristobalgomezgutierrez8546 I couldn't come up with anything else myself, but I agree that your model is much more beautiful and reassuring than mine. I would however take issue with your second argument, that God wouldn't create a human being whose vocation is to die splitting to create two other humans. It would not be fitting, but that's not what happens here. The vocation of the early embryo is still to live and be baptized, but then an error strucks and this ancient mode of reproduction is erroneously used. It's kind of like cancer, where an error causes the body to do something that's completely against the real purpose of the body. Our susceptibility to errors is the result of our wounded nature, which causes many tragic things even to sinless people, like miscarriages, where the child dies due to no fault of his own. And yeah scientifically the idea of two souls in a zygote makes sense if you consider that not all splittings result in twins, sometimes the cell that splits off from the embryo doesn't have the right conditions to begin growing as a human, and it get quickly discarded through natural processes (as if a grown man shed his finger by mistake, the finger has no potency to become a grown man), it's reasonable to think that when God doesn't breathe two souls in the zygote, twinning won't happen even though splitting may happen through mistakes.
Pray, pray, pray for others in past or present did God or Jesus say to do? What about Matthew 10:14 "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." Also Sodom, Gomorrah, Jericho, and so many other events and places, God did not say pray for them before He eliminated them. I kind of believe like AA/NA individuals and people need to want and accept prayers. What if one is incapable in accepting prayers due to outside evil forces, then I believe it takes an exorcist. I believe there is one time or demention but if one prayer for an evil past event God can make it right in present or future like in Jobb.
Lord Please Tell Me And Tell Me Us All That Time Traveling Is Possible So I Can Go Back in Time To Save My Late Great Grandmother Who Passed away nearly a decade ago Considering That CERN is Currently Working On The Largest Holdron Collider that is said to be a possible working time traveling machine I’m autistic and I have other theories about Time traveling myself Let’s all Hope and Pray that It will work and my theories are true Lord Jesus and Almighty God Let This And Make This Work Because I Believe In Science And Miracles And By With The Power Of God Anything And All things are possible I don’t see why Even With God Those Things are Impossible Lord Jesus Christ And God Almighty create a way Make A Way For All Of This Process To Work
What if a saint-to-be prays for Hitler's conversion so that he would not kill the jews etc? No matter how "powerfull" this person is, we know it will not work..
right, Jimmy addresses this in the video. We can’t pray for things we already know the outcome of (eg we can’t pray that Hitler would convert in 1932 and be a peaceful ruler). But we can pray for the things we don’t- for example, we could pray for those suffering during the Holocaust. God can apply our prayer in 2023 to a person in 1942 to comfort them
Actually, your troll-like statement about Catholicism is understandably shortsighted. The "TIME" issue isn't with Jimmy, it is timeless, intellectual. Modern-era physics theories have already provided food for thought for various "TIME" potentialities before most of us living now were even born. Quote: “As long as (J.M.E.) McTaggart’s metaphysics is viable" then the physicists are "free, from a philosophical perspective at least, to explore theories where time is unreal.” "Many quantum gravity theories remain speculative, but there’s a chance that timelessness may become a prominent feature in physics. If that’s the case, then hopefully philosophers of science will help us wrap our heads around the implications." "Philosophy and physics may seem like polar opposites, but they regularly address quite similar questions. Recently, physicists have revisited a topic with modern philosophical origins dating over a century ago: the unreality of time. What if the passage of time were merely an illusion? Can a world without time make sense? While a world without the familiar passage of time may seem far-fetched, big names in physics, such as string theory pioneer Ed Witten and theorist Brian Greene, have recently embraced such an idea. A timeless reality may help reconcile differences between quantum mechanics and relativity, but how can we make sense of such a world? If physics does indeed suggest that the flow of time is illusory, then philosophy may be able to shed light on such a strange notion. British philosopher J.M.E McTaggart advanced this idea in 1908 in his paper titled, “The Unreality of Time.” Philosophers widely consider his paper to be one of the most influential, early examinations of this possibility. Looking through McTaggart’s philosophical lens, a reality without time becomes a little more intuitive and, in principle, possible." Quotes are courtesy the "Physics Central" website, see article "The Unreality of Time' Blessings to all.,
I've been praying for this episode ever since next year.
Lol - good response
This is pure genius
😆 🤣 😂
You've won the internet today!
Aptly named Philosopher :)
Thank you God for making it possible that Jimmy's prayer becomes published and produces much fruit in all worlds, if it is with Your Devine Agreement and Will.
Jimmy - thank you for this prayer! Suggestion: "My Cosmic Prayer - A Prayer for all People in God's Creation" --> My Cosmic Prayer - A Prayer for all Beings in God's Creation. (just to cover extraterrestrials or Klingons, dogs, etc. that may or may not have souls.) Thank you for your wonderful Mysterious World!!
Matthew6.8 your father knows what you need before you ask him Therefore we can pray for the past
Speaking on who to pray for, my favorite is to pray for all those I've known, and will know (in particular). As a great bonus, I think this helps overcome shyness, because everyone you meet, has been prayed for already, so in a sense, they already owe you, not that you'll ever tell them that. In any event, they are the better off for knowing you, even just a chance encounter. I have found over time, I get a considerably better relationship with strangers, I think primarily because of that prayer, and it helps me be less afraid of them, and probably just generally warmer as well. I can talk to any stranger, anywhere, and I don't mean mere small talk. It goes against my personality type, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thats a great idea; I might give it a go.
@@joekeegan937 Thanks. The funny thing is I cannot recall what the real purpose of the prayer was in the first place, but I've been doing it for quite while, maybe as much as a decade. I really don't think it's purpose was for me to be less shy at all. I think it had to do with the future tense realization. If you confined your prayers those present and deceased, if you met somebody you wanted to heap prayer on, well, it's kind of a bummer you met them late in your life, therefore not as many prayers for them, so therefore giving them more by engaging in an earlier start. Still, I'm not even sure that was the reason, but that seems to be the most direct reasoning I had at the time.
During that time, perhaps about two years ago, I came upon a technique which made this all the more easier, but I don't think it works just as crude technique, because I know if I were way back in my much shier days, the technique wouldn't have helped at all, because I would reject it and never try it. That's the thing about shyness, things have to slip in underneath the sheets so to speak.
I can't guarantee this works for anybody that tries that prayer, but the whole goal isn't that, as much as it is just to have a more local effect on those around you, that even if they can't stand you, or they will be that way in the future, they've been benefitting from knowing you. So you returned what may end up being hate towards you, with the love of prayer for them. Having said all of that, no wonder I think it helps with shyness, because it changes your attitude towards them as well, though perhaps in a subtle way. I'll go for subtle, if that's the best I can manage for the time being.
The Doctor/Jimmy animation is top tier at the intro.
I can't pretend I know or had a revelation. After reading some biographies and stories of St. Padre Pio, who Jimmy mentioned here, it hit me that God is in an eternal present, so He knows already my prayers, so He could apply them any time. That was my conclusion and I have prayed for people for the time that this or that happened and is affecting their lives and so on. For this reason, thank you for this episode.
However, be careful that we don't presume that God's infinite knowledge means that prayer doesn't do anything like many non-denominationals believe today.
this episode means quite a bit for me, thank you!! So many souls I beg God for every night in hopes for them not being lost
I have been subconsciously searching for a prayer like this for a long time. Thank you
Yes, the stuff of timelords and retro causation. Love the subject. So related to the mystery of the Eucharist.
Mr Jimmy Akin, I was intrigued by your assertion that God cannot change the past. The reason you gave was indeed very solid. In my words:
> God does not change his mind. God is immutable and pure act so He could not do something and than undo it.
I would like to offer a different perspective. What if God planned, in his infinite foreknowledge, to revert something? I think he could. I see that you could offer the following criticism as well:
> God would not change the past because it would harm our perception of eternal stability, something that is a very important visible characteristic of God.
To which I would propose that God could alter the past in such a manner that we would not know it changed.
What are your thoughts on that?
One of my favorite prayers to say is “O Father God, sweet in mercy and all powerful, be with your your son the Christ as he prepares to mount at Calvary”
Sure it’s a prayer that we know will go answered, but it’s never bad to pray God’s will be done!
God sees time like a large flat tapestry. It's all there at once. We see time like a player piano roll, a note at a time with memory of notes in the past and expectations of upcoming notes. God changed the past and it's the past we know.
I had a first-hand experience with Jesus in the Eternal Now. Absolutely incredible. I disagree, though, that God "can't change things in the past" but basically goes back before that time, etc. Because there is no past, no time, and therefore no such thing as "changing things." Jesus is still being nailed to the cross as we speak... he is still giving the Sermon on the Mount... and Moses is parting the Red Sea right this moment. Things are playing out and always have and will play out the same way... unless you choose something else through fervent prayer. My theory is that God created (note the misleading past tense; I should say, "God created/is creating/will create") every possible outcome, every possible variation, even possible choice and turn of events. And through our choices, big and small = free will, we, minute by minute, determine the outcome for ourselves-sin or virtue, heaven or hell, moving toward union with God or moving away from God.
Jimmy, I'd enjoy joining an apostalate based on your "Cosmic Prayer". I think it's wonderful, and here I am in 2024 just finding this beneficial interview. Thanks for clarifying a hard topic on prayer transcending time and space. Love, from Houston!
I just prayed that I didn't pray for the prayer I just said. Now I'm dead. Thanks, Jimmy.
I especially love this episode and will continue to pray for Jimmy and Dom in their mission. Thank you, Jimmy for sharing your cosmic prayer, and I pray for its success if you choose to publish and allow it to be spread further through time and space.
Jimmy please do publish your cosmic prayer. I think it could do a great deal. Good for people around the world. I would only add to pray for those who do not believe in God, and for those who are despairing.
Thank you so much for this episode! It will help pray for the salvation of many souls.
I'm afraid that I skewed the results for Dr. Leibovici's study. I felt bad for the control group and prayed that they would also have low mortality from their condition.
It would really depend on God. We just ask (pray), and He determines
Wonderful! I think I’ll do the same…maybe that’s why the P-value for the control group wasn’t higher than it was 😄
I was feeling the same way!
I believe the prayer of my lay Dominican group has great efficacy beyond the prayer of any one of us singularly. That's not a surprise since God urges us to pray together in His name, but many people we prayed for have attested to having received a feeling of great consolation and/or having received the answer to their prayer. I have been the beneficiary of their prayer.
I'm returning to this comment section to share an idea I had for my personal prayer relating to time travel prayer. I can have difficulty making decisions or progress towards goals (I think it's an ADHD symptom related to procrastination and mental blocks). But I can pray today for God's Grace to help me yesterday, that I will make the right decision and make progress
Absolutely loved this episode, Jimmy. Thanks as always for playing a huge part in deepening my faith and keeping it super interesting at the same time 🙂
Thanks! This encourages me to be more confident in praying.
Great show I look forward to the next . Never give up on prayer for conversions of souls👌
No prayer prayed in accord with God’s will could ever be wasted ~
I pray length every day for the souls of people have died. I particularly appreciate this episode for that reason.
At the "Please help all those who are praying...etc" I would append at the end ", especially those whose souls are most in danger"
Great subject, one that I have thought about for a long time.
This is really true and explains a lot! God is outside of time so He can see/hear our future prayers. 💒
This episode brings me back to the future
Great episode Jimmy and Dom. Very interesting and also theologically significant as a reminder that God exists and manifests His power outside of our limits of time and space. From past conversations with some non-Catholic Christians, this is an idea that is not always accepted outside of the Catholic faith.
The Nicene Creed is a really good illustration.
I wonder how many in the study were already being prayed for by their friends and family
This concept is already familiar to me, probably because I read Lewis' Miracles too (my favorite of his, I think). *I've also wondered if this same concept applied to Church authority in popes and councils.* Did God know that future popes and councils would make certain judgments and not merely take that into account, but actually make it so, so that they could and would indeed be infallible when exercising that charism? The Marian dogmas come to mind especially.... *Also, isn't the Immaculate Conception a similar and an explicit example of a future action/intercession (Christ's redemption) being applied retroactively to Mary?* That seems to be the clear language of the decree. Seems surprising that this public revelation was not mentioned in relation to this topic.
As a data analyst/scientist, p values are very familiar to me :)
I’ve been praying like this for years, and with the same perspective you avow here. Thank you for this excellent in-depth investigation of the subject. I will certainly be sharing this with others. Thank you‼️😊 again.
Great topic , I always pray for my family members past,present and future because of the example of Padre Pio story about his grandfather thanks 🙏 🙏🙏
Such an interesting episode!
On board with your new initiative🕊💪🏼#Onward
This was really interesting. well done!
53:05 ish - Clarification question:
You said that an imprimatur is a guarantee that a book does not contain heresy. Isn't it just a guarantee that the bishop who gave it did not find any heresy? But that it could still potentially continue missed heresy or material heresy based on future definitions but no heresy at the time of the imprimatur? Am I mistaken? Does the Church actually provide a guarantee? If the church actually guarantees imprimaturs, I would guess that means they are protected by the Holy Spirit like an ex cathedra statement? If that is the case, is it only based on current definitions or would it also preclude the possibility that future declarations will ever rule anything in the book out as material heresy?
QUESTION: Hi Jimmy, I learned by a Dominican that an act made intentionally with charity is more perfect than the same act made with just any other virtue. Charity could be added to another virtue so there is two virtues in place, e.g. I am obedient and grow in fortitude, but I could also be obedient for the love of God and in addition to grow in fortitude. My question is, if I forgot to think on doing the act for charity, what do you think on doing a future praying saying "Oh Lord I did that in the first place for you"? By the way, I also learned that the other virtues are at the service of the virtue of charity. So fortitude not for the sake of fortitude but to love better.
I've been contemplating this idea quite a lot over the past few months.
I tried to explain it to my sister and brother-in-law on Easter morning and did a poor job of it.
Unfortunately, praying now to have the right words then doesn't work.
Also, with respect to "excess" prayers: I certainly agree that prayers after death can affect someone's life before death, but I wouldn't dismiss the claim that God redirects prayers so easily. Let's say that a mutual friend dies, and that both you and I succeed in obtaining a plenary indulgence for our friend. Obviously, the friend needs only one. If you like, we can say that the graces of the unused indulgence go back and affect the person's life. OK; what if 50 people get the indulgence? Or 100? Isn't there some point at which the person no longer needs grace, even retroactively?
ALL IMHO Have not watched BUT I feel that you can indeed pray for the present, future AND the past. If you are smart you will ask the Lord to make your prayers effective eternally and without regard to time, place, or much of anything. So, pray without limits for future generations, other or varies forms of existence all of God's creation that is, ever was, or ever will be.
God IS the Lord of Time; you a mere creature can send him a missive and it can have eternal effects. So, there's my take without having watched of listened to this episode.
Heres' a happy thought: When Jesus descended to the dead, THAT act had an eternal nature to it, so ALL the dead unbaptized IMHO get to hear the speal and act on it, forever.
Why not? We time travel at EVERY mass!!
I think that prayer would benefit a lot of people it has me.
I mean you could pray harder for the control-group and see if there is some change?
I would definitely like to see your prayer published.
Thank you for this episode! I love your prayer. Consider making it into a traditional prayer card?
A superb episode! My compliments to the chefs!
What about if you’re caught in a “temporal causality loop”? (see Star Trek TNG: Cause and Effect) Would it be advisable to ask God to inspire your past self on how to avoid becoming stuck in the loop?
Wasted prayers for relatives already out of Purgatory: I always thought of the response about God applying prayers to others if the relatives don't need them as a situation where the relative went straight to heaven, and yet my prayer was "help X get out of Purgatory". X was never *in* Purgatory so my prayer simply can't apply to them, now or in the past or future. Therefore God would apply that prayer in some other way, either to their earthly life or to someone else.
Thats why you consecrate yourself to Mary. All your prayers and the grace associated with them go to her to be given to those who need them most.
There are no "wasted prayers". Whether you consecrate yourself to Mary or not, God will apply the merits of our prayers as He sees fit.
If timelines branch, what would that mean for our souls? Do I exist in more than one timeline? If so, does the salvation status of my soul in one timeline affect the salvation status of my soul in another timeline? Do I have multiple souls? Or does my one soul simply exist in multiple timelines? What happens when we die? Are we judged according to all of our lives? Will one of my souls go to Heaven and another to Hell? Help me understand!
1:06:30 Well, I don´t know how this really works, but can we say "when" someone did exit purgatory, I know we do know that some are in there, and some are in heaven (and some in hell), and that people do transition from purgatory to heaven, but is it really possible to say (from the perspective of "earthly" time) when they are where?
Doesn't the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception make it clear that God can take future (from our point of view) events into account? "We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.”
A lot of the aspects of this topic remind me of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. You don't know the state of a quantum particle until you observe it. Similarly, if I'm awaiting test results to see whether I have cancer or not, I don't know whether I do or not, but the reality is that I either do or I don't. Maybe you can do an episode on the mystery of quantum mechanics, the mystery of the double slit experiment, or even the mystery of Schrodinger's cat!
Prayers for others who don't want it, I wonder. See Psalm 83:2-4, 14-19
It seems The Lord God wants us to avoid, remove, eliminate evil from our lives. It seems...
Wisdom! Helps me recall 4 cosmology theories. Block universe - all space/time present.. Figure why St. Julian of Norwich reminded 'all will be well'. God's love surpasses all humanity can imagine. Recall Fr. John Trigilio helped me suddenly get how Jesus redeemed past/present/future aka all creation. God's 'one act of love' from big bang how Fr. Brendan Purcell described it. Promises. How can perfect human nature via Immaculate Conception and Munificentissimus Deus/bountiful God - able to raise it up. Per Fr. Cassian Folsom, prayer is more that entering dialogue of Most Holy Trinity. As ever, all glory to God.
Was the little girl at 26:50 a relative of anyone on here?
I'm sure she's *someone's* relative, but not any of ours. It was stock footage. :-)
@@JimmyAkin Oh. For some reason, she reminded me of Dom.
To your prayer: Maybe add our queen Mary, because she is the mediator of all graces.
Time travel or not, what barriers does prayer need to break to be affective or effective? So many individuals are so stubborn can't be subject to new ideas or functional knowledge can't break through. It might take constant continuous prayers over a long period of time to effect a change if applicable. Maybe a person from same family lineage can break such break generational evil spirit traits but needs knowledge and awareness of such. Otherwise, like Mary Mother of Jesus told Lucia at Fatima that her friend would be in purgatory till the end of time.
At Mass today I apologized for the behavior of my Viking ancestors! Yup!
I do not understand how that study would work; would the patients randomly assigned to either group controlled by God not chance? Or was God supposed to "heal" the patients prayed for by the prayer group with foreknowledge they would be randomly picked?
In the spirit of this video, I’d like to request prayers for God’s will to be done regarding my acceptance into the Dominican order. At the time of writing this comment, the friars have voted on me, but I haven’t been made aware of their verdict. Thank you all! 🙏
Not a prayer but, if we talk about merit that can be reached also with prayer, by the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, we actually believe that the Virgin Mary _"in the first instance of her conception"_ [effect in the past] _" view of the merits of Jesus Christ"_ [cause in the future] _"...was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin."_
Thanks and God, the Virgin and saint Joseph bless Jimmy, Dom, the reader and their families.
Wow! :D
If i won't sin tomorrow, will it make Jesus suffer less in the past than if I will sin? [sorry for my imperfect English]
Yes. Your Goodwill, repetence etc was known to him during his passion and consoled him am sure.
@@michaelpalmer1580 So that means Jesus could suffer more than He did, right?
@@papuciowy1465 No he already suffered as he did, knowing what you would do in the future.
@@papuciowy1465 You cannot add anything else to (or remove anything from) what was, is and will be.
@@michaelpalmer1580 I understand. Thank You.
But if you knew your son died in the airplane collision, there would be no sense in praying he had survived. When first aid arrives at the scene, should they call you to tell you ye shouldn't pray for your son's life because he has already died?
Does this mean we can prayer for Adam and eve not to commit original sin?
That's a fixed event in time.... meaning we already know it happened and therefore we can't undo it retroactively by our prayer.
I don't think so because that would amount to God changing the past
@@michaelpalmer1580 Did the retroactive intercessory prayer experiment conducted by Professor Leonard Leibovici undo the past since the mortality rate of the intervention group is lower than that of the control group?
@@lfcolling706 It didn't. It affected the results as we know them now. There were never any other results so to speak. God foreknowing the future prayers, acted in that moment to create those outcomes. We humans also do this. Knowing someone we love is gonna ask us for something in the future, we can do it before they even ask so that when they ask, it's already done for them.
Dirigibles ey? We are becoming the alternative universe.
Oh what a coincidence, I was wondering about twins just this morning!
The first coherent model I had in mind is that actually each twin is born the moment the original embryo splits, and their sole parent is the original complete embryo, who sadly had a very short life (from conception to splitting).
My reasoning is that there are some animals like komodo dragons that have two distinct means of reproduction: partenogenesis and sexual reproduction, and in both of those cases we can agree on who is the parent or parents of who. Well if you consider humans to be capable of this ancestral mode of reproduction that is binary scission, or mitosis, then you'd probably conclude that all identical twins are birthed by their grandmothers.
I don't think that from the faith perspective there's any breakthrough on these short lived nameless humans. We know that there are situations where people incapable of sinning like mentally challenged women, reproduce, so there would be nothing wrong to say that a part of our wounded nature consists in this chance to die before knowing God while also leaving two offspring that in the case of twins have a natural guardian in their "grandmother".
wow. I don't claim to be an expert, and so far I don't find error in your model. The Church have also acknowledged that it is possible for an unborn to be saved so, on that grounds, my prima facie objections would not sustain. You mention that this is your first coherent model you have... do you have others to share?
I disagree with your model not because is incoherent in itself but incoherent with another I think is more beautiful (again, I have not studied this, and will be glad to hear your opinion and Jimmy's episode). I think we agree by faith that human life starts with conception. I then think that both souls are present in the conception, and find it hard to call conception the splitting (although you have an interesting point if parthenogenesis was accepted as another form of human reproduction in such extraordinary circumstances). Coming back to my argument for consistency with beauty, I find fitting that human life starts when God gives the soul the moment the male gamete joins the female gamete. God is the creator, the parents are pro-creators (contributors to the creation). The question that has to be answered then is, where are the bodies? Humans need a body... are there 2 souls in the same body? Well, here my trial answer is that the bodies are already present, in potency, and God knows in advance that there will be 2 bodies. Stretching the idea, we could think that siamese twins are 2 souls in a shared or conjoined body.
Finally, on the non necessarily rational grounds of beauty, therefore easily objectionable, I don't find fitting that God creates a human being whose vocation in life is to die splitting to create other human beings. I mean, God could, but it would mean that God make some humans with potency of becoming baptized adult saints, and other type of humans whose perfection is to die without baptism in the creation of other humans. I use the terms potency and perfection on purpose because yes, there is children that die before being born, many not baptized and many not saints, but still every embryo is a baptized adult saint in potency, that is our perfection.
God, the Virgin and saint Joseph bless you, and the reader.
@@cristobalgomezgutierrez8546 I couldn't come up with anything else myself, but I agree that your model is much more beautiful and reassuring than mine.
I would however take issue with your second argument, that God wouldn't create a human being whose vocation is to die splitting to create two other humans. It would not be fitting, but that's not what happens here. The vocation of the early embryo is still to live and be baptized, but then an error strucks and this ancient mode of reproduction is erroneously used. It's kind of like cancer, where an error causes the body to do something that's completely against the real purpose of the body. Our susceptibility to errors is the result of our wounded nature, which causes many tragic things even to sinless people, like miscarriages, where the child dies due to no fault of his own.
And yeah scientifically the idea of two souls in a zygote makes sense if you consider that not all splittings result in twins, sometimes the cell that splits off from the embryo doesn't have the right conditions to begin growing as a human, and it get quickly discarded through natural processes (as if a grown man shed his finger by mistake, the finger has no potency to become a grown man), it's reasonable to think that when God doesn't breathe two souls in the zygote, twinning won't happen even though splitting may happen through mistakes.
@@tafazzi-on-discord A hug. United in prayer.
@@tafazzi-on-discord Oh I didn't read that there were more than 1 paragraphs. I find your comment on my second argument to be solid. A hug again.
Pray, pray, pray for others in past or present did God or Jesus say to do? What about Matthew 10:14
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." Also Sodom, Gomorrah, Jericho, and so many other events and places, God did not say pray for them before He eliminated them. I kind of believe like AA/NA individuals and people need to want and accept prayers. What if one is incapable in accepting prayers due to outside evil forces, then I believe it takes an exorcist.
I believe there is one time or demention but if one prayer for an evil past event God can make it right in present or future like in Jobb.
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Lord Please Tell Me And Tell Me Us All That Time Traveling Is Possible So I Can Go Back in Time To Save My Late Great Grandmother Who Passed away nearly a decade ago Considering That CERN is Currently Working On The Largest Holdron Collider that is said to be a possible working time traveling machine I’m autistic and I have other theories about Time traveling myself Let’s all Hope and Pray that It will work and my theories are true Lord Jesus and Almighty God Let This And Make This Work Because I Believe In Science And Miracles And By With The Power Of God Anything And All things are possible I don’t see why Even With God Those Things are Impossible Lord Jesus Christ And God Almighty create a way Make A Way For All Of This Process To Work
What if a saint-to-be prays for Hitler's conversion so that he would not kill the jews etc? No matter how "powerfull" this person is, we know it will not work..
right, Jimmy addresses this in the video. We can’t pray for things we already know the outcome of (eg we can’t pray that Hitler would convert in 1932 and be a peaceful ruler). But we can pray for the things we don’t- for example, we could pray for those suffering during the Holocaust. God can apply our prayer in 2023 to a person in 1942 to comfort them
Prayer has no effect on the world whenever you do it.
Wow, what a joke Pio was!😂
Only Catholicism can give you this kind of crazy!!!🤣
Of course, Jimmy believes this nonsense completely! 🤣😂🤣🤣
Actually, your troll-like statement about Catholicism is understandably shortsighted. The "TIME" issue isn't with Jimmy, it is timeless, intellectual. Modern-era physics theories have already provided food for thought for various "TIME" potentialities before most of us living now were even born. Quote: “As long as (J.M.E.) McTaggart’s metaphysics is viable" then the physicists are "free, from a philosophical perspective at least, to explore theories where time is unreal.”
"Many quantum gravity theories remain speculative, but there’s a chance that timelessness may become a prominent feature in physics. If that’s the case, then hopefully philosophers of science will help us wrap our heads around the implications." "Philosophy and physics may seem like polar opposites, but they regularly address quite similar questions. Recently, physicists have revisited a topic with modern philosophical origins dating over a century ago: the unreality of time. What if the passage of time were merely an illusion? Can a world without time make sense?
While a world without the familiar passage of time may seem far-fetched, big names in physics, such as string theory pioneer Ed Witten and theorist Brian Greene, have recently embraced such an idea. A timeless reality may help reconcile differences between quantum mechanics and relativity, but how can we make sense of such a world? If physics does indeed suggest that the flow of time is illusory, then philosophy may be able to shed light on such a strange notion.
British philosopher J.M.E McTaggart advanced this idea in 1908 in his paper titled, “The Unreality of Time.” Philosophers widely consider his paper to be one of the most influential, early examinations of this possibility. Looking through McTaggart’s philosophical lens, a reality without time becomes a little more intuitive and, in principle, possible." Quotes are courtesy the "Physics Central" website, see article "The Unreality of Time' Blessings to all.,