Digimon World 3, and Cyber Sleuth are my favorite childhood Digimon games. Well Digimon Cyber Sleuth came out in 2015/'16 in Japan and North America when I was an young adult. The Digimon World games came out in the early 2000s back then during my childhood years.
Fr. But i always hated how dw3 evolutions arent following the correct evolutions for a specific digimon. I remembered how my agumon didnt digivolve into greymon but instead a different digimon
Digimon World 3, and Cyber Sleuth are my favorite childhood Digimon games. Well Digimon Cyber Sleuth came out in 2015/'16 in Japan and North America when I was an young adult. The Digimon World games came out in the early 2000s back then during my childhood years.
Digimon World 2 and Digimon Card Battle are my favorite game. I finished it when I was a kid but somehow forgot the story lol.
I played all the three main Digimon World games and Rumble Arena. My favorites are Digimon World 3 and Rumble Arena
Digimonworld2 and Digimon world rumble arena was the Best of all here!
No...DW1 still better
I had a digimon blanket when I was a kid 🥲
O melhor Digimon Ruble Arena 👏👏
dw3 need a remaster version and new evolution tree that was a good game
Fr. But i always hated how dw3 evolutions arent following the correct evolutions for a specific digimon. I remembered how my agumon didnt digivolve into greymon but instead a different digimon
Go go power rangers
yea how about you go.