I didn’t realize I had heard the word simp before. Now I know I heard it from a random imperial officer on mannan before I ever got called one by some random kid on the internet. Awesome.
Don't worry. The game forgot T3 exists too. I feel that HK and T3 are both way more viable gameplay wise in kotor 2. And T3 is just better represented story wise too. Taking T3 and HK to Goto's Yacht is soooooo satisfying.
T3 doesn't have a personality at all in K1. In universe it's because he's new and hasn't had time to develop self-awareness as droids do when going long periods without memory wipes. But I'm certain Bioware did actually forget about him as soon as he opened that door on Taris.
T3 is both a better character personality wise, and in gameplay. His shock arm alone is a universally useful weapon up until the end of the game, since it doesn't miss.
In reference to the planet order, there's more in game hints. If you speak to your companions regularly on Taris and Dantooine you will encounter the Twi'leks telling you Bastila's and Mission's family member is on that planet. So you go there first as you have nothing else telling you which order to go in. Then Grif gives you a mission to get a tach gland at Kashyyyk if you rescue him. After Kashyyyk, if you still have the note from the Genoharadan (assuming you took it as you have no reason not to your first play through) you would go to Manaan like it suggests. Then Korriban is last as it's the final planet and you also have no other side quests leading you there prematurely. Edit: correction there is Carth's. But iirc that's near the end.
They don’t make games like they used to. Even with clunky mechanics and poor movement, and the obvious age of the game, this game is a master piece. Characters felt alive, their voiced lines were acted and delivered perfectly. Kreia/Darth Treya is hands down my favourite character and mentor. They managed to explain the force in so much more detail than any of the movies in a way that didn’t leave any room for it to sound cheese.
This was such a terrific game, when you confront Malak aboard his ship the reveal was awesome. I can remember the first time I played this game so well, the story had me on the edge of my seat, I loved when you get to the Rakatan planet and then onto the Star Forge, you really feel like the fate of the galaxy is in your hands. The second KOTOR was good but not as good as the first because they didn’t finish it properly, but it did have some awesome parts.
@@DissidentPrickIt's still somewhat clunky and Nihilus arc is super underdeveloped but worth a shot with mods and the restored content mod. Bitch to set up but kotor subreddit got a comprehensive list of what works together if you want all upscale etc. mod list.
@@DamianSzajnowski All of the Sith Lord characters are underdeveloped and Atris’s story line feels so incomplete, they should have finished the game properly and not rushed it.
Noticed today that if you’ve spoken to Mission about her brother after leaving Taris, Lena will be hanging about in the shop by the Dantooine landing pad. If you try and speak to her, it’ll say something like “This Twi’lekk woman seems to be looking for someone. Perhaps someone on your ship?” to try and prompt you into bringing Mission out to meet her and begin searching for her brother on Tatooine. More evidence that the game wants you to go there first.
Turns out I did the canon playthrough as a kid more times than anything else without meaning to. This planet order just felt “right” to me in terms of the difficulty curve and the flow of the story.
It’s also good to visit Tatooine and then Kashyykk because the hunter who helps you take down the Krayt Dragon will be found on the Kashyykk docks and you can get a little extra lore and interaction with him. Not a huge deal - but a nice continuity flow touch.
@@DarkLOREDash No problem! I’ve absolutely loved seeing one of my favorite games get some more love and recognition, I’m sure there are many younger Star Wars fans that haven’t gotten to experience it, which is a shame because it really helped define how I view Star Wars as a whole. And I found the interaction with the hunter memorable because he’s just such an awesome guy - I think I remember the sand people kind of view him with respect, he’s very humble and genuine when you speak with him, and he actually feels bad for not really giving the beast a fair fight. Then you learn he wants to hunt with wookies so he’s really not bullshitting, this is Twi’lek Rambo.
It's been a LOOOONG time, but I played this game up and down, light side, dark side, male, female, and in all sorts of different orders. I knew every single little variation you could possibly see, and there were quite a few new things to see. Can't wait for the remake as I will do the same when it comes out!
You're absolutely right, it's definitely a classic, and my all time favorite game! Ive probably played it a hundred times in all variations, and on all systems from the original Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox 1! Lol
His dialogue is some of the best and funniest in the game! That's why whether I'm playing light side or dark side he's always in my party! I just introduced KOTOR and HK to my 7 year old nephew, and he was hysterical at him calling everyone meatbags, so now he's running around the house calling us all meatbags, and I can't stop laughing! Lol
Yep, most of the times while playing the game I was following the order in which Bastila was revealing them after the encounter with Malak. Is not a coincidence, as you explained, it's the fastest way to get your party complete and thus, making your game experience richer. Great game, I love it, can't wait for the remake. All hail Lord Revan!
That's funny, in my first walkthrough I did the same sequence but for different reasons: I went to Tattoine first because Mission's brother was there according to her ex-girlfriend, then went to Kashyyyk because he needed a tach gland which could be found there. After that I thought it would be wiser having an higher level before going to the official sith world so I choose Manaan.
he was originally a guardian, during the Mailerian war. and served in more of a councilor as Darth Revan. of course that was before the Jedi counsel scrambled his brains.
honestly when a jedi/sith gets as powerful as Reven does it's really hard to classify them as one or the other, of course for game mechanics sake he has to be one, but in lore Reven was not content with limiting himself. He was a master duelist, and even created new force powers, and found balance in the force, the closest to true balance in a long time.
@@kyosilver1999 Revan is not "all powerful" as many make him out to be. He suffers from Boba Fett syndrome. Basically fans thought he looked cool and ascribed him as this most powerful badass. You power level doesn't mean Jedi and Sith are them same. You're reciting fan fiction. Revan being a Jedi was never "limited", and there is no balance between the light and dark. He redeemed himself in the light. Hence why he's called The Prodigal Knight. Again, your definition of "balance" is god awful fan fiction that contradicts the very basic foundational aspects of Star Wars.
Revan is a Jedi Guardian due to multiple images showing him welding a Blue Lightsaber. Not only that but in that same knights of the republic encyclopedia in the “Jedi Guardian” section it has Revan listed as a notable individual.
I usually dont pick guardian. Guardian is the hardest class to max out persuasion with, and persuade is by far the most important skill in the game if you want to advance the plot and resolve most of the side quests with the most satisfying resolution (I think the Jolee Bindo side quest on Manaan uses persuade pretty extensively, as well as the main romance quest with Bastila)
@@andrewtuttle9682 Same here, I typically go Sentinel for the Persuade ability. Plus, it's well-rounded, good at combat, good at avoiding combat, good with the Force.
@@Lord_Starscream_Ghost Sentinel is honestly pretty broken 😂 not big on yellow lightsabers though so I just switch to blue as soon as I get the crystals for it
Him choosing to be a Guardian would make sense seeing as he wielded a Blue saber both times he served as a Jedi. Before and after his fall in his official story.
I remember a comic where Revan was shown using a blue lightsaber when confronting Malak. Combine the fact that blue means Jedi Guardian and the game and it's the Jedi equivalent of the Soldier class and I think it's safe to assume he was a guardian. Though that order of planets is just the best way to go through it. Tatooine and Kashyyyk have to be first since they have two of your companions, and I always grab HK-47 first, and Korriban is best saved for last for the best extra dialogue and the fact that you can't use Bastila there in the first place.
That lightsaber blade looked more cyan to me. Which could mean that he had the Mantle of the Force crystal installed. And since that changes crystal bonuses to go for more force-oriented play styles, one could argue that this would make revan a consular.
The guy who creates and narrates these videos would be a great voice actor! His voice already sounds cool, and he puts effort into his reading of Revan’s voice!
Mty very first playthrough, back in 2004 I did as you described without even knowing it was the way that Bioware wanted us to experience it. Dad and I didn't even have the strat guide until a year later when we got KOTOR 2.
I remember hearing somewhere Revan after regaining his connection to the force had a Green lightsaber crystal in kotor that he replaced with his original purple crystal before heading with meetra surik to find the Emporer.
Ah man, I beat this game probably 30+ times when I was a kid. Loved every minute of it. Tried to do everything possible in the game but I’m sure there are still things I missed. They don’t make them like they used to
Since he was canonically a soldier I would reason he was most likley a jedi guardian ( blue lightsaber). Since as a soldier you have great combat abilities in the game.
I'm glad this video popped up in my stream, I've just started a new playthrough for the first time in about 15 years. I'm just about to steal the best ship in Star Wars: the Ebon Hawk.
Calo Nord talks a big game about killing a Crayte Dragon, but he's small potatoes in the old extended universe. My man Kyle Katarn killed at least one with his bare hands when Jaba caught him and tossed him into the dungeons of his palace. Kyle, he's one of the classic Star Wars badasses nobody ever talks about anymore.
I'd say Consular during KOTOR but was originally Guardian purely because in all artwork and stories of the mandalorian wars Revan had a blue lightsaber during the war. Yes his force abilities was amazing but his combat prowess was renown. During time of KOTOR the colour of your saber was a symbol of your class, therefore Guardian. However the Revan book set after the game speaks of a Green saber, and there is artwork of a green saber for when he is on Dromunn Kaas, therefore my head logic is he was a Guardian and that's why he is Soldier at start, but when his force abilities resurge he focuses on them and his new guidance of Bastila, taking a more Consular approach. This also shows by his companions being more calm and peaceful wanting to help first and fight only as last resort whilst seeing the effects of war and violence, whereas before his fall Revan was friends with Mandalore the Ultimate (while he was a Jedi, before leaving and becoming Mandalore) with whom he often competed against in scenarios showing his combat and tactical prowess, then the war called and he answered... Clearly those who your surround yourself with can truly influence your actions
So I did everything that BioWare intended on my playthrough of the game! Actually, I knew I did everything I did was correct by looking through Wookieepedia. 1: I chose Republic Soldier Mullet Revan (He didn't have facial hair in my game) 2: I helped the Undercity inhabitants (I know what happened to their descendants from The Old Republic game. Sad stuff.) 3: I'm glad to hear there was no way to know what class Revan officially chose, because I went with Jedi Consular, since he is shown with a green lightsaber on the cover of the Revan novel. 4: Yes! The order of planets I visited in my playthrough are accurate! 5: I knew that poisoning the kolto would be the wrong path. Besides, if that choice were canon, how did the Republic get kolto tanks in KOTOR 2 and SWTOR?
@@DarkLOREDash Korriban was tempting, but I chose to go the way the visions told me . I think the one thing I unfortunately messed up was the sith temple. I Just killed everyone after sending one to the Jedi.
This was such a terrific game, when you confront Malak aboard his ship the reveal was awesome. I can remember the first time I played this game so well the story had me on the edge of my seat, I loved when you get to the Rakatan planet and then onto the Star Forge, you really feel like the fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
That is the exact order I always played it, as well as the exact same Cassius Fett armor for carth and Calo Nord armor for Candrious. Manaan is where I was able to make multiples of all the Armors, Weapon Mods, (Blade & Blasters), Jedi Master Robes, and Lightsabers & Extra Crystals. To be sold. Similar to the quick travel Doback hunting for quick money in a short time.
I'm sure it's been called out before but one thing I always felt let down with (when playing the sequel), is I felt like my choices could actually benefit somebody in the first game. Whereas the Sith Lords is just such a sad, bitter turn. However, it also takes a great deal of agency away from the player's actions in an attempt to drive home that powerlessness and moral ambiguity. In the first game you're a powerhouse, whereas the second game just seems more concerned about being a mind f*ck. I hadn't played through kotor 1 in probably 15+ years and just finished a fresh playthrough last night. Seeing the ending here again in your video here, still leaves me with the impression that there was a much different plan for a sequel. Am I wrong to say I just really want more of the first game? I get enough grief and disappointment in the real world, so it's nice to save the galaxy once in a while. 😥
I wish the Rakata would’ve been there for the final cutscene ngl the first time I played I was looking for them everywhere. Still my favorite characters
Canonically Revan had a blue lightsaber during this period, and this would mean he was a Jedi Guardian. However, at the end of the game, and before the novel, he switches it to Green, taking a more Consular path
@@Metaphix No bro I think you're right. At least for the best Jedi, like Luke and Revan. Always cool to see blue lightsaber wielder eventually make a Green one. Jaden Korr, from the Jedi Academy games had a purple one to begin with, but later constructed a green one too near the end of the game as he became a Jedi Knight.
I never actually read the guide book or looked up the “proper” order of planets. But through my hundreds, possibly thousands of hours playing this game, I just figured out it made the most sense for a couple of reasons, some of which you stated. But mainly for completing the companion story quests, and to extension getting all companions as fast and in order as possible depending on how much you level up and talk to them. For progressing your companions personal stories, Tatooine 1st makes the most sense because you can knock out the story quests for Mission w/her brother & Bastila and her mother. Plus you get HK which can give you an alternate way to complete the Sand People quest. Then Kashyyyk because you’ll be able to complete the Mission’s Brother Tach side quest to finish out that storyline, + Jolee, + of course Zalbaar’s story. And depending on your level and interactions with Canderous, you can trigger the Jagi quest for him as well here, which brings you back to Tattooine. Then you get to Manaan where you have Jolee’s personal quest for Sunry, and generally by this time in the game you’ll probably trigger Juhani’s personal quest as well. And then the Genohaarden quests will bring you back to the previous plants you’ve visited and completed up until this point. Last but not least Korriban because you can complete the Carth storyline, and it just kind of makes sense for it to be the last planet, following the revelation. At that point you’ll have completed every companions side quest in the game, then it’s just doing endgame.
fun fact revan did in fact not become well known, sure his name was legendary but the man wasn't, he faded from public life married bastela and had a kid named verna if i recall
You can op Malak by building a counselor (my favorite). It’s kind of tough in the beginning bc you weak as hell but once you build up those force points and moves it’s smooth sailing. You will be so strong that even as light side you can spam lightning with no issue
Damn that's crazy you started putting out Kotor videos the same time I started replaying the game, been following you since your diablo videos. Good shit bro, you gonna blow up on YT, you deserve it for sure. Very dope narration style. 🖤🖤🖤💙💙❤️❤️💜❤️❤️💙💙🖤🖤🖤
Of the Kotor remakes are successful (which I'm sure depends heavily on if they keep all of the elements of the original game ), hopefully we can get a Kotor 3 with appearance of Tarre Vizsla.
Played and beat it for the first time a few days ago. ;-; Getting Zaalbar to kill Mission left me feeling so awful. Poor Mission, she could've been my Sith apprentice.
It appears to me that you used “canon” way to beat the game, as you used sources published _after_ Kotor 1’s release (namely the New Essential Chronology, SWTOR, SWTOR Visual Dictionary). However, after doing some digging online and viewing the game’s concept art, I can determine that there is a more “BioWare-accurate” way to play. 1. Looking at the PC’s portrait, the clothing is that of the Scout starting class, regardless of which one you choose at the start of the game. This is further reinforced by the fact that when digging through the game’s concept art online, I found an official drawing of the “Soul Patch” portrait (with better hair holy shit) wearing the scout’s clothing and wielding dual-pistols, though there is also what appears to be a full-body shot of the Soldier starting class, most likely reference for clothing. 2. As with KotOR II: TSL, any modded content (with the exception of PartySwap) is considered non-canon, as is Kotor 1’s. There is actually a restoration mod for Kotor 1 that brings back numerous features, including Iriaz on Dantooine, Major Hurka on the Leviathan, Rulan Prolik’s shape-shifting abilities, and a Pazaak tournament on Manaan. While most of this content was taken out for a good reason, it still adds more content to the game. At the moment, that’s all I can think of.
Bioware intended for me to use the fake level up glitch to attain a ridiculous amount of skill points and duplicate a shit load of Calo Nord's body armor on Manaan to sell in order to buy all the good shit on Yavin Station and kick Malak's candyass with a Baragwin Assault Blade that deals way more damage than any lightsaber ever will, and to go full dark side and purge every settlement of all life.
the only problem with the planet order is Bastila get captured after 3 maps, as such if you haven't collected Korriban's or visited the planet first there's a discussion dialogue from Korriban with her you miss out. specifically the fact that she comes to a consensus that you shouldn't take her with you when trying to collect the piece
Just visit each of the planet's without collecting the star maps until you're ready. Sure it means travelling and having to do a few space battles but it's a good way of seeing how each character acts on each planet.
I love your voice. I'm currently working in a trailer remake of those games. I'll let you know when they're ready. First time I do something like this.
I've done both endings but my favourite playthroughs were when I made every lightside decision up until the Rakatan world where I just embraced the darkside out of nowhere. I did the same with all the dark side choices too and then swapped to the light side at the last minute. It just always makes me laugh to think about how random the alliance shift must look to the rest of the party.
Still til this day i dont know how i did it but in the orginal KOTOR there was a way to make bastila stay good on the island but never was able to do it again and this was on the orginal xbox version any idea?
I get soldier but my recent scoundrel 7 / consular 13 build (14-14-10-8-14-14) was a gameplay revelation. Also, you can get 17 repair easiest with scoundrel as the starting class. Found via a super sharp Reddit post. If you’re going light side, stop at Manaan and do the GenoHaradan side quests before Kashyyyk so you can eat the smaller dark side hits earlier (they hit your light side more later)
Other reasons to go to Tatooine first: it's possible, even probable, that you will get the side quests for Mission's brother and Bastilla's mother before you even leave Dantooine. And where are they? Tatooine. This leads us to the supporting reason to visit Kashyyk second, Griff needs Tak glands for his latest get rich quick scheme, and where do you find Taks? Kashyyk.
Awesome video. I've beaten this game 8-10 times and not once have I waited to play koriban last (It's my favorite world to play) and I always pick up Jolee first
So, a couple more details to add to the "official" way to beat the game. The comic "Shadows and Light, Duron Qel-Droma has a vision of Revan donning the Qel-Droma robes and defeating Malak while wielding a lightsaber with the Mantle of the Force as its crystal (based on the blade's distinct cyan color). I just did a full "canon" playthrough of the game a couple days back as a fun challenge. I based Revan's stats and Force powers around his Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide stat block, completed the story as covered in this video (complete with nearly every side quest), and defeated Malak while wearing the Qel-Droma Robes and wielding a single standard lightsaber with the Mantle of the Force crystal. Pretty fun challenge, since I wasn't able to min-max the way I typically do. I wound up going Soldier 2/Consular 18. Though ultimately, my stats wound up being way higher than the Saga Edition Revan stats from the KotOR Campaign Guide, which I guess makes sense. KotOR Revan was more powerful by the end of the game than he had been as a Sith Lord.
Something to note is that Revan's lightsaber color tends to differ, but i believe thst during the Mandalorian Wars, it was blue, and during his redemption, it was green and possibly later purple. This most likely means that before/during his fall, he was a Guardian, while he was a Consular after
I may be wrong but in some sort of Star Wars literature I thought it said that redeemed Revan chose to be trained as a Jedi Consular which means that the canonical class was the Jedi Consular. I don’t remember where this was stated just that I thought I remember it being briefly stated in some sort of Star Wars book or guide
The way they intended us to beat it is surprisingly exactly the way I went about it without even knowing 😲. I mean all I did after Dantooine was kept hitting “down” on the pad and all the plants fell it order that exactly that. Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, and Korriban. After several playthroughs, that order makes the most perfect sense too.
I always go to Kashyyk first, to get the Circlet of Saresh asap, best headgear in the game, and Bacca's Blade which is second best melee weapon in the game, and Jolee
I always go for Tatooine first to get those racing bonds to sell at the station at Yavin, and for the Krayt Dragon pearl. Also I unintentionally did this order during my second playthrough.
I definitely didn't do the star maps in order but I did do the cannon ending where Revan confessed his love for Bastila and saved the galaxy, I have yet to do a complete dark side playthrough but I will say it was fun committing heinous atrocities for and against the Republic in the Republics name.
yo it's wild, that I've been playing Kotor this past month, for the first time mind you, and this is the exact path I've taken. I just need to beat Malak and once I've beaten the game I'm gonna do a second run and just be completely evil. oh, it's gonna be so good to be bad, maybe? considering I might end up betraying most of my team.
At the end, when master vandar is speaking, camera compared his height to characters... When I first time watching the ending, I'll wanted (and still want) to just pick him and hold it in my hands just like baby yoda :з Already pictured astonishiment of vandar when revan comes up to him and pick him up xD
Not when you think about the fact that Darth Revan regains his throne and his empire, and then after only a year, abandons everything to go looking for the True Sith… anticlimactic.
I always do Kashyyyk first, and then Tatooine. I like to pick up Bindo as soon as possible. While HK is amusing, I prefer to fight with my Jedi and don't use HK.
There is a nice little mod where if you go darkside, you can keep Vette alive. I've been meaing to replay this might go through their suggested order of planets.
I followed this exact path on my first playthrough by circumstance. After I finished it just made sense and whenever I try a different planet order it feels wrong.
Ok so Revan is a Jedi Knight and "Sith Sorcerer" right? Going into KOTOR2 logic that would mean you should play as a Jedi Knight as Sith Sorcerer is just his Sith Lord class that he was before the events of the game. Kotor2 Jedi Guardian/Sith Lord is his class.
Perhaps Revan’s original Jedi class (as the Revanchist during the Mandalorian Wars) was a Consular? That would lead into ‘Sith Sorcerer’ as Darth Revan.
@@nunya_bizniz Reading is a useful skill in any skillset. If you don't know how to read with understanding ask your parents or friends to do it for you. Lay off the drugs and alcohol and learn to read instead of making fool of yourself.
Why are you so good at this?
Too kind! Could say the same for you 💪
This is awesome. Hail the FELLOWSHIP of the Rebellion 👓 🕶
Didn't expect to see you here. LOL.
The dark side of the force is a pathways to many abilities...some consider to be unnatural...
Hi Ryan!
I didn’t realize I had heard the word simp before. Now I know I heard it from a random imperial officer on mannan before I ever got called one by some random kid on the internet. Awesome.
it used to be short for simpleton
@@nightwalker174 ye I know. I don’t think a Sith trooper would call out a republic trooper for his attention to women.
Right? Was thinking I need to make it Into a short to highlight the glory
I'm partial to the Morrowind "S'wit" myself lol
simp is a texas word
Don't worry. The game forgot T3 exists too.
I feel that HK and T3 are both way more viable gameplay wise in kotor 2. And T3 is just better represented story wise too. Taking T3 and HK to Goto's Yacht is soooooo satisfying.
Yeah T3 seems like nothing to me in KOTOR I. KOTOR II however, he's the only person firmly in your camp the entire game.
Man I kept T3 with me basically all of KoToR 1, little guy was basically a walking lockpick
@@wolfspider2034 I use Scoundrel/Consular build, so T3 was useless after Taris
T3 doesn't have a personality at all in K1. In universe it's because he's new and hasn't had time to develop self-awareness as droids do when going long periods without memory wipes. But I'm certain Bioware did actually forget about him as soon as he opened that door on Taris.
T3 is both a better character personality wise, and in gameplay. His shock arm alone is a universally useful weapon up until the end of the game, since it doesn't miss.
In reference to the planet order, there's more in game hints. If you speak to your companions regularly on Taris and Dantooine you will encounter the Twi'leks telling you Bastila's and Mission's family member is on that planet. So you go there first as you have nothing else telling you which order to go in. Then Grif gives you a mission to get a tach gland at Kashyyyk if you rescue him. After Kashyyyk, if you still have the note from the Genoharadan (assuming you took it as you have no reason not to your first play through) you would go to Manaan like it suggests. Then Korriban is last as it's the final planet and you also have no other side quests leading you there prematurely.
Edit: correction there is Carth's. But iirc that's near the end.
Love it! I should have dug into companion quests more
For me I never got the genoradan note until after completing korriban
@Michael Randolph you get it after killing calo nord. Not sure if something else can trigger it
I had no idea what the light side ending looked like and I beat it like 6 times.
Eh Carth sucks. I've played this game since release and never once did his mission.
They don’t make games like they used to.
Even with clunky mechanics and poor movement, and the obvious age of the game, this game is a master piece.
Characters felt alive, their voiced lines were acted and delivered perfectly. Kreia/Darth Treya is hands down my favourite character and mentor. They managed to explain the force in so much more detail than any of the movies in a way that didn’t leave any room for it to sound cheese.
I 100% agree
Kreia is like a female Nietzsche
This was such a terrific game, when you confront Malak aboard his ship the reveal was awesome. I can remember the first time I played this game so well, the story had me on the edge of my seat, I loved when you get to the Rakatan planet and then onto the Star Forge, you really feel like the fate of the galaxy is in your hands. The second KOTOR was good but not as good as the first because they didn’t finish it properly, but it did have some awesome parts.
@@DissidentPrickIt's still somewhat clunky and Nihilus arc is super underdeveloped but worth a shot with mods and the restored content mod. Bitch to set up but kotor subreddit got a comprehensive list of what works together if you want all upscale etc. mod list.
@@DamianSzajnowski All of the Sith Lord characters are underdeveloped and Atris’s story line feels so incomplete, they should have finished the game properly and not rushed it.
I like how in the Mandalorian they used the same technique (more or less) to kill the krait dragon
Noticed today that if you’ve spoken to Mission about her brother after leaving Taris, Lena will be hanging about in the shop by the Dantooine landing pad. If you try and speak to her, it’ll say something like “This Twi’lekk woman seems to be looking for someone. Perhaps someone on your ship?” to try and prompt you into bringing Mission out to meet her and begin searching for her brother on Tatooine. More evidence that the game wants you to go there first.
Plus there's Bastila's side quest about the Holocron which also builds more of dynamic between Revan and Bastila.
Turns out I did the canon playthrough as a kid more times than anything else without meaning to. This planet order just felt “right” to me in terms of the difficulty curve and the flow of the story.
It’s also good to visit Tatooine and then Kashyykk because the hunter who helps you take down the Krayt Dragon will be found on the Kashyykk docks and you can get a little extra lore and interaction with him.
Not a huge deal - but a nice continuity flow touch.
I forgot about that! Huge that the devs put it in. Thank you
@@DarkLOREDash No problem! I’ve absolutely loved seeing one of my favorite games get some more love and recognition, I’m sure there are many younger Star Wars fans that haven’t gotten to experience it, which is a shame because it really helped define how I view Star Wars as a whole.
And I found the interaction with the hunter memorable because he’s just such an awesome guy - I think I remember the sand people kind of view him with respect, he’s very humble and genuine when you speak with him, and he actually feels bad for not really giving the beast a fair fight. Then you learn he wants to hunt with wookies so he’s really not bullshitting, this is Twi’lek Rambo.
They referenced this in The Mandalorian
It's been a LOOOONG time, but I played this game up and down, light side, dark side, male, female, and in all sorts of different orders. I knew every single little variation you could possibly see, and there were quite a few new things to see. Can't wait for the remake as I will do the same when it comes out!
Yeah it’s a lot more satisfying seeing him but I always kill him because it’s the only way to get another Kraft dragon pearl
I played this game countless times. It's a timeless classic.
Yasss I can’t stop playing it myself😁. I love my Mandalorian/Jedi Guardian🥰🔥🔥🥰. I even have a few saves on the game just to simply replay for pleasure
You're absolutely right, it's definitely a classic, and my all time favorite game! Ive probably played it a hundred times in all variations, and on all systems from the original Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox 1! Lol
@@RonaldovincenzoPBozziWhich one, 1 or 2? I’m a 1 fan myself but 2 has its merits.
Somehow Star Wars has droids be more entertaining then most characters, HK-47 is the greatest example of this.
His dialogue is some of the best and funniest in the game! That's why whether I'm playing light side or dark side he's always in my party! I just introduced KOTOR and HK to my 7 year old nephew, and he was hysterical at him calling everyone meatbags, so now he's running around the house calling us all meatbags, and I can't stop laughing! Lol
@@RonaldovincenzoPBozzi That is adorable and I love it
I still get chills of happiness seeing those beautiful characters together ☺️
I did kashyyyk first because it seemed right to take zaalbar home first, but Tatooine first is good too and I like fighting Calo at full strength
Calo is pretty badass for a dude who looks like a pigeon
@@DarkLOREDash What did the Pigeons do to deserve that kind of compression 😭
Yep, most of the times while playing the game I was following the order in which Bastila was revealing them after the encounter with Malak. Is not a coincidence, as you explained, it's the fastest way to get your party complete and thus, making your game experience richer. Great game, I love it, can't wait for the remake. All hail Lord Revan!
That's funny, in my first walkthrough I did the same sequence but for different reasons: I went to Tattoine first because Mission's brother was there according to her ex-girlfriend, then went to Kashyyyk because he needed a tach gland which could be found there. After that I thought it would be wiser having an higher level before going to the official sith world so I choose Manaan.
3:10 If he is considered to be both a powerful consular and guardian, wouldnt that just make him an incredibly powerful sentinel?
Probably if he has to be any Jedi classification i think canonically hed be a sentinel like his wife
he was originally a guardian, during the Mailerian war. and served in more of a councilor as Darth Revan. of course that was before the Jedi counsel scrambled his brains.
@@supremecommander4311 No. He would be Guardian as he wielded a blue lightsaber both before and after his fall to the darkside.
honestly when a jedi/sith gets as powerful as Reven does it's really hard to classify them as one or the other, of course for game mechanics sake he has to be one, but in lore Reven was not content with limiting himself. He was a master duelist, and even created new force powers, and found balance in the force, the closest to true balance in a long time.
@@kyosilver1999 Revan is not "all powerful" as many make him out to be. He suffers from Boba Fett syndrome. Basically fans thought he looked cool and ascribed him as this most powerful badass. You power level doesn't mean Jedi and Sith are them same.
You're reciting fan fiction. Revan being a Jedi was never "limited", and there is no balance between the light and dark. He redeemed himself in the light. Hence why he's called The Prodigal Knight.
Again, your definition of "balance" is god awful fan fiction that contradicts the very basic foundational aspects of Star Wars.
Revan is a Jedi Guardian due to multiple images showing him welding a Blue Lightsaber. Not only that but in that same knights of the republic encyclopedia in the “Jedi Guardian” section it has Revan listed as a notable individual.
Nice pick up. Strange Wookieepedia stated there was no class 🤔 but strategy guide > wiki
However, the Revan book depicted him with a green lightsaber.
I usually dont pick guardian. Guardian is the hardest class to max out persuasion with, and persuade is by far the most important skill in the game if you want to advance the plot and resolve most of the side quests with the most satisfying resolution (I think the Jolee Bindo side quest on Manaan uses persuade pretty extensively, as well as the main romance quest with Bastila)
@@andrewtuttle9682 Same here, I typically go Sentinel for the Persuade ability. Plus, it's well-rounded, good at combat, good at avoiding combat, good with the Force.
@@Lord_Starscream_Ghost Sentinel is honestly pretty broken 😂 not big on yellow lightsabers though so I just switch to blue as soon as I get the crystals for it
Him choosing to be a Guardian would make sense seeing as he wielded a Blue saber both times he served as a Jedi. Before and after his fall in his official story.
Well I choose Guardian because Force Jump looks so epic and heroic though technically he'd be a sentinel, go guardian for the leap
@@PhilipADitko well in the official story his lightsaber is blue so he would be a guardian.
@@SkintSNIPER262 That's because it's suppose to be that DLC lightsaber
The Dark Side takes the life out of Life Day?!!! The Dark Side gives the life to Life Day!!!
Sounds like Imperial propaganda to me!
Reminds me of the Life Day reference in Death Troopers being so creepy.
I remember a comic where Revan was shown using a blue lightsaber when confronting Malak. Combine the fact that blue means Jedi Guardian and the game and it's the Jedi equivalent of the Soldier class and I think it's safe to assume he was a guardian.
Though that order of planets is just the best way to go through it. Tatooine and Kashyyyk have to be first since they have two of your companions, and I always grab HK-47 first, and Korriban is best saved for last for the best extra dialogue and the fact that you can't use Bastila there in the first place.
That lightsaber blade looked more cyan to me. Which could mean that he had the Mantle of the Force crystal installed. And since that changes crystal bonuses to go for more force-oriented play styles, one could argue that this would make revan a consular.
@@garrettsattem4799 mantle of the force is the best crystal. Cyan lightsaber just looks awesome
@@Revan-eb1wb My thoughts exactly.
KOTOR is the greatest piece of digital media ever produced imo
Great content lately Dash! Love KOTOR
Thanks mate!
The guy who creates and narrates these videos would be a great voice actor! His voice already sounds cool, and he puts effort into his reading of Revan’s voice!
12:03 that look Revan gives… you sure he’s redeemed?
"you got some crazy eyes going on there hero"
It's my headcanon that he still bears some resentment towards the Jedi Council for brainwashing him.
@@herosshade2247 same, i mean really now if you got brainwashed by some space wizard cult organization you'd be pretty pissed too
Mty very first playthrough, back in 2004 I did as you described without even knowing it was the way that Bioware wanted us to experience it. Dad and I didn't even have the strat guide until a year later when we got KOTOR 2.
The ‘intended’ order of planets is also “hinted at” when Bastilla flashes back to them in the beginning of the game.
Did you watch the video? He says that like 30 seconds in.
@@krisdeaglephotography4539 Ratio.
@@michaelgarcia2197 Lmfao 2 years versus 1 day.
@@michaelgarcia2197Failed ratio.
I remember hearing somewhere Revan after regaining his connection to the force had a Green lightsaber crystal in kotor that he replaced with his original purple crystal before heading with meetra surik to find the Emporer.
Ah man, I beat this game probably 30+ times when I was a kid. Loved every minute of it. Tried to do everything possible in the game but I’m sure there are still things I missed. They don’t make them like they used to
Since he was canonically a soldier I would reason he was most likley a jedi guardian ( blue lightsaber). Since as a soldier you have great combat abilities in the game.
I'm glad this video popped up in my stream, I've just started a new playthrough for the first time in about 15 years.
I'm just about to steal the best ship in Star Wars: the Ebon Hawk.
Calo Nord talks a big game about killing a Crayte Dragon, but he's small potatoes in the old extended universe.
My man Kyle Katarn killed at least one with his bare hands when Jaba caught him and tossed him into the dungeons of his palace. Kyle, he's one of the classic Star Wars badasses nobody ever talks about anymore.
Funnily enough, I will be talking about Mr Katarn very soon if I can get Outcast running in VR half stable
Kell dragons kyle punched 😀
Facts. Fuck Rogue One.
Wait. That's the earliest use the word simp I've heard thus far
I'd say Consular during KOTOR but was originally Guardian purely because in all artwork and stories of the mandalorian wars Revan had a blue lightsaber during the war. Yes his force abilities was amazing but his combat prowess was renown. During time of KOTOR the colour of your saber was a symbol of your class, therefore Guardian.
However the Revan book set after the game speaks of a Green saber, and there is artwork of a green saber for when he is on Dromunn Kaas, therefore my head logic is he was a Guardian and that's why he is Soldier at start, but when his force abilities resurge he focuses on them and his new guidance of Bastila, taking a more Consular approach.
This also shows by his companions being more calm and peaceful wanting to help first and fight only as last resort whilst seeing the effects of war and violence, whereas before his fall Revan was friends with Mandalore the Ultimate (while he was a Jedi, before leaving and becoming Mandalore) with whom he often competed against in scenarios showing his combat and tactical prowess, then the war called and he answered... Clearly those who your surround yourself with can truly influence your actions
Hell yeah! Can't wait to do a Canon playthrough of this game using your awesome video as a reference!
So I did everything that BioWare intended on my playthrough of the game! Actually, I knew I did everything I did was correct by looking through Wookieepedia.
1: I chose Republic Soldier Mullet Revan (He didn't have facial hair in my game)
2: I helped the Undercity inhabitants (I know what happened to their descendants from The Old Republic game. Sad stuff.)
3: I'm glad to hear there was no way to know what class Revan officially chose, because I went with Jedi Consular, since he is shown with a green lightsaber on the cover of the Revan novel.
4: Yes! The order of planets I visited in my playthrough are accurate!
5: I knew that poisoning the kolto would be the wrong path. Besides, if that choice were canon, how did the Republic get kolto tanks in KOTOR 2 and SWTOR?
The facial hair is a mod
Holy moly, my first playthrough was canon!! i am so proud of myself
Nice. I did a beeline to Korriban 🤣
@@DarkLOREDash Korriban was tempting, but I chose to go the way the visions told me . I think the one thing I unfortunately messed up was the sith temple. I Just killed everyone after sending one to the Jedi.
@@niehoe3048 Bah!!! I just killed everyone. They’re minds we’re to rigid & stale to keep existing.
This was such a terrific game, when you confront Malak aboard his ship the reveal was awesome. I can remember the first time I played this game so well the story had me on the edge of my seat, I loved when you get to the Rakatan planet and then onto the Star Forge, you really feel like the fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
The little podracer graphic for the transitions is incredible
That is the exact order I always played it, as well as the exact same Cassius Fett armor for carth and Calo Nord armor for Candrious. Manaan is where I was able to make multiples of all the Armors, Weapon Mods, (Blade & Blasters), Jedi Master Robes, and Lightsabers & Extra Crystals. To be sold. Similar to the quick travel Doback hunting for quick money in a short time.
Never knew the imperial officer on Mannan was so BASED.
One of my top 5 games next to Chrono trigger, Diablo 2, super Mario rpg legend of the 7 stars, and Castlevania Symphony of the night
I'm sure it's been called out before but one thing I always felt let down with (when playing the sequel), is I felt like my choices could actually benefit somebody in the first game. Whereas the Sith Lords is just such a sad, bitter turn. However, it also takes a great deal of agency away from the player's actions in an attempt to drive home that powerlessness and moral ambiguity. In the first game you're a powerhouse, whereas the second game just seems more concerned about being a mind f*ck.
I hadn't played through kotor 1 in probably 15+ years and just finished a fresh playthrough last night. Seeing the ending here again in your video here, still leaves me with the impression that there was a much different plan for a sequel. Am I wrong to say I just really want more of the first game? I get enough grief and disappointment in the real world, so it's nice to save the galaxy once in a while. 😥
I wish the Rakata would’ve been there for the final cutscene ngl the first time I played I was looking for them everywhere. Still my favorite characters
Revan is a Guardian/Sorcerer... So, clearly a SWTOR subscriber with two combat styles unlocked.
In SoR he's a sentinel. He's got three
I try to play Revan as Kreia describes him in KOTOR II. That might make for a fun video, like Kreia's ideal version of Revan.
Canonically Revan had a blue lightsaber during this period, and this would mean he was a Jedi Guardian. However, at the end of the game, and before the novel, he switches it to Green, taking a more Consular path
Same with Luke, seems like as a jedi matures and learns more of not just combat but philosophy they change to green. Just me talking out my ass tho
@@Metaphix No bro I think you're right. At least for the best Jedi, like Luke and Revan. Always cool to see blue lightsaber wielder eventually make a Green one. Jaden Korr, from the Jedi Academy games had a purple one to begin with, but later constructed a green one too near the end of the game as he became a Jedi Knight.
You can poison the shark and still stay on Manaan. You essentially blackmail the judges for extra darkside points.
Wow. I actually go out my way to save the great beast. I love that Giant Firaxan, it’s my favorite creature in StarWars, right up there with my Nexu
I never actually read the guide book or looked up the “proper” order of planets. But through my hundreds, possibly thousands of hours playing this game, I just figured out it made the most sense for a couple of reasons, some of which you stated. But mainly for completing the companion story quests, and to extension getting all companions as fast and in order as possible depending on how much you level up and talk to them.
For progressing your companions personal stories, Tatooine 1st makes the most sense because you can knock out the story quests for Mission w/her brother & Bastila and her mother. Plus you get HK which can give you an alternate way to complete the Sand People quest. Then Kashyyyk because you’ll be able to complete the Mission’s Brother Tach side quest to finish out that storyline, + Jolee, + of course Zalbaar’s story. And depending on your level and interactions with Canderous, you can trigger the Jagi quest for him as well here, which brings you back to Tattooine. Then you get to Manaan where you have Jolee’s personal quest for Sunry, and generally by this time in the game you’ll probably trigger Juhani’s personal quest as well. And then the Genohaarden quests will bring you back to the previous plants you’ve visited and completed up until this point. Last but not least Korriban because you can complete the Carth storyline, and it just kind of makes sense for it to be the last planet, following the revelation. At that point you’ll have completed every companions side quest in the game, then it’s just doing endgame.
fun fact revan did in fact not become well known, sure his name was legendary but the man wasn't, he faded from public life married bastela and had a kid named verna if i recall
I was expecting like a cannon way to kill malak. I always just used mines all over the place lol
You can op Malak by building a counselor (my favorite). It’s kind of tough in the beginning bc you weak as hell but once you build up those force points and moves it’s smooth sailing. You will be so strong that even as light side you can spam lightning with no issue
bro I forgot the Imperial officer hits him with the 'gutless simp' line omg
In the Revan novel he had a green lightsaber, he was probably a Jedi Consular
that's after KOTOR. He is a Jedi Guardian.
The path I've chosen almost every time. It always just felt like the right order to do the planets.
7:32 He called him a simp 😂
Damn that's crazy you started putting out Kotor videos the same time I started replaying the game, been following you since your diablo videos. Good shit bro, you gonna blow up on YT, you deserve it for sure. Very dope narration style.
recently re-playing this game sooooo good
Of the Kotor remakes are successful (which I'm sure depends heavily on if they keep all of the elements of the original game ), hopefully we can get a Kotor 3 with appearance of Tarre Vizsla.
Yeah but he was around a lot later than revan (3000 year gap)
@@Arbiter7707 Does Kotor 3 have to specifically be about Revan?
@@randomplaces597 Fair point
@@randomplaces597 no it doesn't, but it should be about the old republic.. because it's the game's title.
vizsla is not old republic
Disney wars version of the Mandos is hot garbage. Tarre should never be in KOTOR. Plus he doesn't show up until a few thousands years later.
Played and beat it for the first time a few days ago. ;-; Getting Zaalbar to kill Mission left me feeling so awful. Poor Mission, she could've been my Sith apprentice.
She's not force sensitive
It appears to me that you used “canon” way to beat the game, as you used sources published _after_ Kotor 1’s release (namely the New Essential Chronology, SWTOR, SWTOR Visual Dictionary). However, after doing some digging online and viewing the game’s concept art, I can determine that there is a more “BioWare-accurate” way to play.
1. Looking at the PC’s portrait, the clothing is that of the Scout starting class, regardless of which one you choose at the start of the game. This is further reinforced by the fact that when digging through the game’s concept art online, I found an official drawing of the “Soul Patch” portrait (with better hair holy shit) wearing the scout’s clothing and wielding dual-pistols, though there is also what appears to be a full-body shot of the Soldier starting class, most likely reference for clothing.
2. As with KotOR II: TSL, any modded content (with the exception of PartySwap) is considered non-canon, as is Kotor 1’s. There is actually a restoration mod for Kotor 1 that brings back numerous features, including Iriaz on Dantooine, Major Hurka on the Leviathan, Rulan Prolik’s shape-shifting abilities, and a Pazaak tournament on Manaan. While most of this content was taken out for a good reason, it still adds more content to the game.
At the moment, that’s all I can think of.
Bioware intended for me to use the fake level up glitch to attain a ridiculous amount of skill points and duplicate a shit load of Calo Nord's body armor on Manaan to sell in order to buy all the good shit on Yavin Station and kick Malak's candyass with a Baragwin Assault Blade that deals way more damage than any lightsaber ever will, and to go full dark side and purge every settlement of all life.
the only problem with the planet order is Bastila get captured after 3 maps, as such if you haven't collected Korriban's or visited the planet first there's a discussion dialogue from Korriban with her you miss out. specifically the fact that she comes to a consensus that you shouldn't take her with you when trying to collect the piece
Just visit each of the planet's without collecting the star maps until you're ready. Sure it means travelling and having to do a few space battles but it's a good way of seeing how each character acts on each planet.
@@extraplain2412 yeah that's what I did after learning about it
I love your voice. I'm currently working in a trailer remake of those games. I'll let you know when they're ready. First time I do something like this.
Thanks mate, look forward to seeing it!
Watching this while cooking dinner and finding out on my first play through of kotor I went to the official way to play without realising it XD
2:15 the moment you mentioned Carth I realised your voice is almost identical to his
I just realized I've played dark side every playthrough I've done. I've never seen that ending.
I've only ever played light side, It's the ending I'm most familiar with.
I play like in the middle between dark and light and flip a coin to determine the ending i get
I've done dark, light and grey.
I've done both endings but my favourite playthroughs were when I made every lightside decision up until the Rakatan world where I just embraced the darkside out of nowhere. I did the same with all the dark side choices too and then swapped to the light side at the last minute. It just always makes me laugh to think about how random the alliance shift must look to the rest of the party.
Still til this day i dont know how i did it but in the orginal KOTOR there was a way to make bastila stay good on the island but never was able to do it again and this was on the orginal xbox version any idea?
Bro the sith be calling people simps since back in the day woah
Anybody else naturally played through this order first time through without knowing…?
I get soldier but my recent scoundrel 7 / consular 13 build (14-14-10-8-14-14) was a gameplay revelation. Also, you can get 17 repair easiest with scoundrel as the starting class. Found via a super sharp Reddit post.
If you’re going light side, stop at Manaan and do the GenoHaradan side quests before Kashyyyk so you can eat the smaller dark side hits earlier (they hit your light side more later)
Other reasons to go to Tatooine first: it's possible, even probable, that you will get the side quests for Mission's brother and Bastilla's mother before you even leave Dantooine. And where are they? Tatooine. This leads us to the supporting reason to visit Kashyyk second, Griff needs Tak glands for his latest get rich quick scheme, and where do you find Taks? Kashyyk.
can't count how many different ways i played this game. Now I'll have to do it all over again in the remake
Awesome video. I've beaten this game 8-10 times and not once have I waited to play koriban last (It's my favorite world to play) and I always pick up Jolee first
Thank you & me too!! I love wiping the academy 🤣
So, a couple more details to add to the "official" way to beat the game. The comic "Shadows and Light, Duron Qel-Droma has a vision of Revan donning the Qel-Droma robes and defeating Malak while wielding a lightsaber with the Mantle of the Force as its crystal (based on the blade's distinct cyan color).
I just did a full "canon" playthrough of the game a couple days back as a fun challenge. I based Revan's stats and Force powers around his Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide stat block, completed the story as covered in this video (complete with nearly every side quest), and defeated Malak while wearing the Qel-Droma Robes and wielding a single standard lightsaber with the Mantle of the Force crystal. Pretty fun challenge, since I wasn't able to min-max the way I typically do. I wound up going Soldier 2/Consular 18. Though ultimately, my stats wound up being way higher than the Saga Edition Revan stats from the KotOR Campaign Guide, which I guess makes sense. KotOR Revan was more powerful by the end of the game than he had been as a Sith Lord.
Jolie’s comment about doing it all for the Wookiee’s... a clear reference to the song Nookie.
Something to note is that Revan's lightsaber color tends to differ, but i believe thst during the Mandalorian Wars, it was blue, and during his redemption, it was green and possibly later purple. This most likely means that before/during his fall, he was a Guardian, while he was a Consular after
I will always remember calo nord as the military channel voice actor
I may be wrong but in some sort of Star Wars literature I thought it said that redeemed Revan chose to be trained as a Jedi Consular which means that the canonical class was the Jedi Consular. I don’t remember where this was stated just that I thought I remember it being briefly stated in some sort of Star Wars book or guide
He was guardian first then switched to consular
The way they intended us to beat it is surprisingly exactly the way I went about it without even knowing 😲. I mean all I did after Dantooine was kept hitting “down” on the pad and all the plants fell it order that exactly that. Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, and Korriban. After several playthroughs, that order makes the most perfect sense too.
I unintentionally went to each planet in canon order on my first playthrough.
The game leads you to the planets in order, you get missions brother quest on dantooien, Bastillas mom sends you to Kashyyyk etc
This is dope. But do a video on the ideal party members per planet
Nothing will ever feel the same as KOTOR 1 and 2 did when i was a kid...
At 7:33 seconds poor but I got called a Simp🤣🤣🤣
Dr. Chocolates is the main admiral lady at the end? Wow. I never even realized.
I always go to Kashyyk first, to get the Circlet of Saresh asap, best headgear in the game, and Bacca's Blade which is second best melee weapon in the game, and Jolee
creates the sith kills millions then destroys the sith... your a hero lol
I always go for Tatooine first to get those racing bonds to sell at the station at Yavin, and for the Krayt Dragon pearl. Also I unintentionally did this order during my second playthrough.
Once upon a time BioWare was great. Sadly, those days will never be seen again.
I definitely didn't do the star maps in order but I did do the cannon ending where Revan confessed his love for Bastila and saved the galaxy, I have yet to do a complete dark side playthrough but I will say it was fun committing heinous atrocities for and against the Republic in the Republics name.
You also forgot about the future Mandalore. How could you do my boy Candyman like that
yo it's wild, that I've been playing Kotor this past month, for the first time mind you, and this is the exact path I've taken. I just need to beat Malak and once I've beaten the game I'm gonna do a second run and just be completely evil. oh, it's gonna be so good to be bad, maybe? considering I might end up betraying most of my team.
I've always gone Kashyyk first. I find it to be the easier path as far as who you face early on. But it's all about individual preference
Do you know the mullet man?
The mullet man?
The mullet man.
Do you know the mullet man asleep on the Endar Spire?
At the end, when master vandar is speaking, camera compared his height to characters... When I first time watching the ending, I'll wanted (and still want) to just pick him and hold it in my hands just like baby yoda :з
Already pictured astonishiment of vandar when revan comes up to him and pick him up xD
I...just...can...not...do this!
The Dark side ending is so much more satisfying...
I hear the chant in my head
Not when you think about the fact that Darth Revan regains his throne and his empire, and then after only a year, abandons everything to go looking for the True Sith… anticlimactic.
All hail Lord Revan! All hail Lord Revan!
I always do Kashyyyk first, and then Tatooine. I like to pick up Bindo as soon as possible. While HK is amusing, I prefer to fight with my Jedi and don't use HK.
I always knew the "real" Revan would be mullet man
There is a nice little mod where if you go darkside, you can keep Vette alive.
I've been meaing to replay this might go through their suggested order of planets.
You mean Mission?
@@JJJBunney001 lol yes you are right I mean Misson. Guess I had Vette on the brain.
I followed this exact path on my first playthrough by circumstance. After I finished it just made sense and whenever I try a different planet order it feels wrong.
Ok so Revan is a Jedi Knight and "Sith Sorcerer" right? Going into KOTOR2 logic that would mean you should play as a Jedi Knight as Sith Sorcerer is just his Sith Lord class that he was before the events of the game.
Kotor2 Jedi Guardian/Sith Lord is his class.
He pulls from both move sets. I haven't studied if there were more variations but you could well be right
Perhaps Revan’s original Jedi class (as the Revanchist during the Mandalorian Wars) was a Consular? That would lead into ‘Sith Sorcerer’ as Darth Revan.
He is often depicted with two lightsabers though, unless he becomes a marauder after counselor
Dafuq are you people smoking? You don't even play as Revan in kotor2. 🤣
@@nunya_bizniz Reading is a useful skill in any skillset. If you don't know how to read with understanding ask your parents or friends to do it for you. Lay off the drugs and alcohol and learn to read instead of making fool of yourself.