Parts: 1) black trashbag 2) bare copper wire 3) pice of glass 4)1n4148 diode or zeenar diode 5) 60/40 electrical solder 6) krazy glue 7) some sorta metal tape that is basically a bare wire Tools: multimeter, soldering iron, scissors. Success: better luck next time.
Just have to think if it was as easy to make a solar cell as wrapping some copper around glass edison or tezla would have been all over it, but thats just my two cents im not an electrician.
The video is not fake. The diode used can be found in any small (or big) electronic device. It's a IN4148, and they are cheap. 40-50 will cost less than $5. Just make sure the black ring on the diode is placed in the correct direction (you can see this in the video) as it is what is keeping the electrons flowing in the right direction. They are not Zener diodes as these are typically all black with a silver ring around them. In addition, with the use of two types of plastic, with wiring, it appears that it also acts as a mild capacitor. This is why after blocking the sun, there is still ~1 volt showing. Note that although you are producing around 4 volts, the amperage is in the milliamps, may 1 or 2. A couple of them could trickle charge a cell phone, but it would take the entire day of sunlight during the summer, and then some.
If it's a solar cell, it should be producing DC, so why do you even need a diode? My view is that there's a hidden coil somewhere which is energising this apparatus like a transformer secondary ... therefore it's producing AC, and the diode is needed to rectify it and make it look like it's producing DC for the meter.
Mr. Krieger, The diode 1N4148 is a small and fast electronic component made of silicon, high conductivity, used in the processing and detection of radio frequency signals very effectively, with a reverse recovery time of no more than 4 ns, its name Follow the JEDEC nomenclature. I'm sorry to tell you, it's a Zener Diode.
Yes, you are correct sir. After I commented I realized this also but haven't re-commented until someone like you, who was alert, spurred me on. Thank you for the correction.
I tried this and it actually works allot better if you burn the copper wire first and let it oxidise. The thin layer of copper oxide acts as a mild dielectric which helps trap electrons that are knocked off the surface by photons. The maximum volts I get is around 1v per cell at an efficiency of around 5 - 10%
yes its called thermoelectric effect, the front is exposed to infrared radiation while the back not so a little current i created. more wire is = more current. thats obvious
@Karl Childers im not sure anyone can help you....i was taken out of my math classes to have extra english classes through all of middle school...they still never got around to teaching me proper grammar... honestly i think the whole program is overrated...they only wanted me to make less words into more..awful..i wanted to make more words into less without loosing information. i still think my way is better. also the concept of three theirs is still lost on me, as told my second grade teacher when she informed me of the other two; "you can keep them i only need one their." i have to say, i stand by my second grade self, context reveals the meaning. why do i need 3 spellings for one word...two and too is actually justified, there are context examples where it makes sense to specify but i havent seen any for their yet. this they them stuff is actually awful, it robs the language of information. find a new way that adds gender in addition to sex: dont destroy language. but hey i know how to use commas, colon & semi colons correctly...i just don't always choose to because i know the rest of you dont. i hope i made someone laugh ;)
It looks pretty neat, that is if your looking at wave lenths at 400 to 700 nm and freqs in hundreds Thz. But it resembles more of generation of thermo electric cause of the non-lighted side of this circuit. Proof of this will need to be duplicated to see if this works and parts and theory to be outlined. To take this a step further (for the fun of it) it will be great to see if this circuit can be made to detect red, blue, green bands of light. This then will make it a great video..
Works for me. Although was getting 7v/1.42a using 8x16" polycarbonate, Painted flat black, 60 feet of copper coil from a 10amp transformer and a diode. it works fine if it's a hot sunny day. Some stuff you can say its fake but don't say something that you never tried.
Whatsoever the parts are; whatsoever the viewers know; the names and rating of parts and materials must have been clearly mentioned in the video, also the number of turns (the coil).
Yo lo he estado haciendo de diferentes configuraciones empleando los mismos materiales del tutorial y cada celda me ha proporcionado una saida de tensión diferente cosa que me sorprende cada vez, si funcionan bien ..pero debes de saber como hacerlo y para ello tienes que saber entender los principios y leyes que rigen la física de las partículas fotónicas, además el comportamiento del cuerpo negro, y algo mas sobre electromagnetismo y cosas similares sobre el efecto óptico, etc etc. Estos conocimientos son las bases de como aprender a crear ciencia. No solo es cosa de hacer algo y ver si funciona o no sino documentarse, hacer cálculos, experimentar una dos o mas veces hasta encontrar la razón que rige esas leyes y entonces proceder a crear y explorar tus ideas.
no eres un bot cierto?, de veras funciona?, me estas diciendo que con solo enrrollar un alambre de cobre extra fino en una placa transparente podré tener mi propia fuente de energia?
As photovoltaics are rated in open circuit voltage and short circuit current, your project certainly demonstrates an open circuit voltage. It would have been interesting if you would have put the meter into current mode to demonstrate that the cell actually produces a usable current. As the wire is continuous and insulated except at the connections, i would suspect that this is related to photo-capacitance where as a true solar cell is just one big leaky diode. Very interesting though!
This is not fake. Electricity are induced into copper wire on the principle of magnetism or heat. Electric motors, alternators and generators work on the principle of magnetism. Electricity are also produced when to dissimilar metals in close contact are exposed to heat. This solar cell clearly works on the principle of heat induced into copper wire. In the video a Zener diode is used to ensure that the current moves in one direction. Any diode for that matte can be used. The reason why there is still a reading on the voltmeter is because of the residual heat left on the device. Those who criticize clearly do not know basic science and their arguments are clearly based on racism. American Tech, thanks for a great video.
@@grenierworkshop the point is it's free you can make it yourself try even on larger scale my shed runs on this style unit and a joule theif for lighting
Hai brother. I am a physical science teacher in a high school. I want to learn how to make a solar panel . Plz guide me. It is necessary for my students. Plz answer me
it's not even an AM radio because there is no resonator LR LC RC tank second thing it's may recieve some energy but in micro or even nano watt with high frequency so multimeter can't measure it the funny thing the multimeter on the dc scale Lool XD
He has used a zener diode which is acting as a solar cell. You can make a solar cells just from LEDs. (Get a LED torch having 10-15 or more LEDs). Just comnect their effective end points to Multimeter and put that in sunlight and measure the volts and ampere.
American Tech,does it work on cloudy days or just on sunny days? And is the voltage generated by the warm of the wire or by the luminosity? I am questioning it because I am trying to get this voltage, but I am obtaining just a few Volts on my multimeter.
Guess it works like a capacitor, ?? if so shows you how dumbed down they have kept their college educated .... I always thought u used 2 dissimilar metals silver, copper wire to be specific, maybe that was UFO technology I was looking at. Will be wrapping one shortly...
Si se puede crear una celda solar con estos elementos no obstante producir electricidad con simples hilos de cobre así como se ve en el tutorial no es tan sencillo como parece. En realidad hilos de cobre si pueden funcionar como conductores de electricidad en presencia del efecto Edison. La cuestión aquí es esta: los hilos de cobre deben de estar cubiertos de un oxido lo que les va a proporcionar una propiedad que los hará comportarse como semiconductores frente a la radiación solar y el hule negro empleado también proporciona un efecto del material espato que provee propiedades birrefringencia al material. La cosa es saber como colocarlas y hacerlos funcionar correctamente.
It looks like a homemade antenna receiver receiving RF waves and registering on your voltmeter. This was Tessler believe that you could convert enough of this into electricity you could use at home. I don’t think solar would be the definition of the electricity you’re receiving. Radio waves Can be blocked by your hand also. I was looking for solar panels
i am working in Sunpower Manufacturing, we are making solar cell from ingot silicon to finished product solar cells and we are using different chemicals to create it, this video is waste of time.
you can make a solar panel with just LED, because solar panels and LED are almost the same, i mean they use the same material plus i tried to make it with the LED and it kinda works but i preffer you buy tho (Linda expensive) btw : zoals panels are just semiconductors
This video gave me an idea... So, I built three cells just like yours but eighty times more turns (3V x 80 = 240V) and without the diode, then I wired them in a delta configuration and at full sun I got THREE PHASE 240V at 12A.
@@captbobbywatamu6637 Obviously, you didn’t get it! My exaggerated comment was a mockery of the orinal author’s posting. 🤣 There is no such a thing as “FREE ENERGY” especially when talking high power. Even solar cost many (initial parts, materials, labor + maintenance and repairs.
These guys are just aiming for some click baits rather than being real scientific experts, so he will never reply this even if you pay him, deep down he knows this ain't real
you should also name the parts that u r using if you don't then your videos are useless as we can't know which parts r required to make the particular device/project.
the parts are plastic, glue, coper wire, and a diode. You can measure the voltage of this thing and it will write it's high but the amperage will be very very low, I've tried this myself with a similar setup and I got same results
To wrongly caliberate the voltmeter.. He used such the magnetic field produced by the magnet is calculated as DC voltage because the magnetic field is constant. This is a fake **** video
This is not a solar cell, but a coil antenna. Germanium or another diode is used to filter the envelope (electrical component) of the carrier wave. You have a radio source somewhere nearby. We made the same thing as little children to listen to the radio without batteries ...
It would be VERY helpful if you posted the parts you used in making the cell. I believe it would be best to put the specific name/description on the screen as the part was first shown or at least a parts list below the screen. Other than that I think it was a good video and thank you for the 54 related videos, too !!! 12/12/2018
I want to try making a solarcell with chlorophyl from plants. Plants generate some electricity just like solarpanels and they used it to split water into hydrogen ions and oxygen. They then let hydrogen ions react with carbondioxide to form sugars. The oxygen thus comes from electrolyses of water. The chlorophyl is responseble for this. You can disolve chlorophyl in ethanol or any other organic liquid like aceton, diethylether etc. Then let that evaporate on a peace of plexiglas and put fine metal wire on it (not insulated).
Aunque este vídeo no demuestra todo el procedimiento de la creación de dicha célula solar, se nos están demostrando con ello que materiales son necesarios para realizar la construcción de dicho elemento solar. Para que realmente pueda tener un despeño óptimo se deben de estudiar ciertos parámetros físicos y químicos que influyen en su construcción y que son las cosas que nos darán las verdaderas causas físico teóricas del correcto funcionamiento de dicha célula solar. El vídeo es bueno, las nociones de construcción son correctas, nada mas que quien pretenda crear algo realmente eficiente y bueno debe de buscar información relevante que le ayude a entender que pretende hacer, como hacer, cuando hacer y como va a funcionar. Es preciso tener toda la información a la mano ya que el vídeo no demuestra la realidad del objetivo de la célula. Este es un dispositivo con principios termo fotovoltaicos. Jorge Segovia Castañeda Técnico en Electrónica Industrial. Asesor en Física Cuántica y Asesor en Química Inorgánica. México octubre de 2018.
De hecho este tutorial no es falso, y al menos te proporcionan las ideas elementales ( aunque no parezca verdadero ) de como inventar, crear y producir algo que te va a traer muchos beneficios tanto a corto como a largo plazo. He aprendido a mejorar la técnica del tutorial y le he sacado provecho al documentarse debidamente. He aprendido cosas que nunca pude imaginar y que ideas te llenan la mente y vislumbras todo lo que puedes hacer con tan solo unas cosas recicladas.
What is the black material used? Does it matter or it's just plastic or anything? What matter are the cables made of? An we saw a number but what unit was it? Volts?
You can do the same with graphite powder rubbed on laminator sheets. Use copper tape for positive and aluminum for negative. Try using it with chlorophyll for interesting results.
you can skip from the 3:00 to the 5:30 mark. It makes you watch 2:30 of him just winding the wire. The only way he knows how to make the videos longer cause he can't be bothered to explain what he is doing or what items he is using.
Your doing well but what is the meterial you use how will it works how long it works and how it's charge after charge how much time will in save the charged power ????
1) black trashbag
2) bare copper wire
3) pice of glass
4)1n4148 diode or zeenar diode
5) 60/40 electrical solder
6) krazy glue
7) some sorta metal tape that is basically a bare wire
Tools: multimeter, soldering iron, scissors.
Success: better luck next time.
Just have to think if it was as easy to make a solar cell as wrapping some copper around glass edison or tezla would have been all over it, but thats just my two cents im not an electrician.
Electrical solder just correct the spell
Zeenar diode
And a magnet to generate flux
And so the voltage it's not a solar cell it's a coil which is generating voltage due to magnet
@@arjitsharma1364 ur crazy
The video is not fake. The diode used can be found in any small (or big) electronic device. It's a IN4148, and they are cheap. 40-50 will cost less than $5. Just make sure the black ring on the diode is placed in the correct direction (you can see this in the video) as it is what is keeping the electrons flowing in the right direction. They are not Zener diodes as these are typically all black with a silver ring around them. In addition, with the use of two types of plastic, with wiring, it appears that it also acts as a mild capacitor. This is why after blocking the sun, there is still ~1 volt showing. Note that although you are producing around 4 volts, the amperage is in the milliamps, may 1 or 2. A couple of them could trickle charge a cell phone, but it would take the entire day of sunlight during the summer, and then some.
Glenn Krieger any thoughts on scaling up ?
If it's a solar cell, it should be producing DC, so why do you even need a diode? My view is that there's a hidden coil somewhere which is energising this apparatus like a transformer secondary ... therefore it's producing AC, and the diode is needed to rectify it and make it look like it's producing DC for the meter.
Mr. Krieger, The diode 1N4148 is a small and fast electronic component made of silicon, high conductivity, used in the processing and detection of radio frequency signals very effectively, with a reverse recovery time of no more than 4 ns, its name Follow the JEDEC nomenclature.
I'm sorry to tell you, it's a Zener Diode.
How many is a couple?
Yes, you are correct sir. After I commented I realized this also but haven't re-commented until someone like you, who was alert, spurred me on. Thank you for the correction.
I tried this and it actually works allot better if you burn the copper wire first and let it oxidise. The thin layer of copper oxide acts as a mild dielectric which helps trap electrons that are knocked off the surface by photons. The maximum volts I get is around 1v per cell at an efficiency of around 5 - 10%
What is the material
Reply me
yes its called thermoelectric effect, the front is exposed to infrared radiation while the back not so a little current i created. more wire is = more current. thats obvious
@Karl Childers Cor blimey myte. Yoor Engish is vary gud. Jurs louk myn.
@Karl Childers im not sure anyone can help you....i was taken out of my math classes to have extra english classes through all of middle school...they still never got around to teaching me proper grammar... honestly i think the whole program is overrated...they only wanted me to make less words into more..awful..i wanted to make more words into less without loosing information. i still think my way is better. also the concept of three theirs is still lost on me, as told my second grade teacher when she informed me of the other two; "you can keep them i only need one their." i have to say, i stand by my second grade self, context reveals the meaning. why do i need 3 spellings for one word...two and too is actually justified, there are context examples where it makes sense to specify but i havent seen any for their yet. this they them stuff is actually awful, it robs the language of information. find a new way that adds gender in addition to sex: dont destroy language. but hey i know how to use commas, colon & semi colons correctly...i just don't always choose to because i know the rest of you dont. i hope i made someone laugh ;)
It looks pretty neat, that is if your looking at wave lenths at 400 to 700 nm and freqs in hundreds Thz. But it resembles more of generation of thermo electric cause of the non-lighted side of this circuit. Proof of this will need to be duplicated to see if this works and parts and theory to be outlined. To take this a step further (for the fun of it) it will be great to see if this circuit can be made to detect red, blue, green bands of light. This then will make it a great video..
Works for me. Although was getting 7v/1.42a using 8x16" polycarbonate, Painted flat black, 60 feet of copper coil from a 10amp transformer and a diode. it works fine if it's a hot sunny day. Some stuff you can say its fake but don't say something that you never tried.
What kind diode you used?? Zener diode??
No, I used Rectifier diode (ID:IN4007) it works fine.
Will this diod work with larger panels?
Edward Coleman Like batteries, connecting several small panels should work.
John,do you know what kind of diode was used on this experience? (Zener or Recitifier). And the current obtainded on this experince,do you know?
Whatsoever the parts are; whatsoever the viewers know; the names and rating of parts and materials must have been clearly mentioned in the video, also the number of turns (the coil).
Yo lo he estado haciendo de diferentes configuraciones empleando los mismos materiales del tutorial y cada celda me ha proporcionado una saida de tensión diferente cosa que me sorprende cada vez, si funcionan bien ..pero debes de saber como hacerlo y para ello tienes que saber entender los principios y leyes que rigen la física de las partículas fotónicas, además el comportamiento del cuerpo negro, y algo mas sobre electromagnetismo y cosas similares sobre el efecto óptico, etc etc. Estos conocimientos son las bases de como aprender a crear ciencia. No solo es cosa de hacer algo y ver si funciona o no sino documentarse, hacer cálculos, experimentar una dos o mas veces hasta encontrar la razón que rige esas leyes y entonces proceder a crear y explorar tus ideas.
no eres un bot cierto?, de veras funciona?, me estas diciendo que con solo enrrollar un alambre de cobre extra fino en una placa transparente podré tener mi propia fuente de energia?
@@bitmap0.00 no its fake, inductors can only generate a current in the presence of rising and falling magnetic field.
Esto es falso
Thanks for the instructions.
What is the amperage from this cell? And could it be possible to connect several cells in parallel then use one diode to direct the current?
Not solar, solar requires 2 metals.
This, if it works, would be thermal coupling.
It's a coil and under multimeter their is a magnet
The signal diode is for weak current. Near there must be an electromagnetic source like , a transceiver. SCAM!
As photovoltaics are rated in open circuit voltage and short circuit current, your project certainly demonstrates an open circuit voltage. It would have been interesting if you would have put the meter into current mode to demonstrate that the cell actually produces a usable current. As the wire is continuous and insulated except at the connections, i would suspect that this is related to photo-capacitance where as a true solar cell is just one big leaky diode. Very interesting though!
This is not fake. Electricity are induced into copper wire on the principle of magnetism or heat. Electric motors, alternators and generators work on the principle of magnetism. Electricity are also produced when to dissimilar metals in close contact are exposed to heat. This solar cell clearly works on the principle of heat induced into copper wire. In the video a Zener diode is used to ensure that the current moves in one direction. Any diode for that matte can be used. The reason why there is still a reading on the voltmeter is because of the residual heat left on the device. Those who criticize clearly do not know basic science and their arguments are clearly based on racism. American Tech, thanks for a great video.
ok that do some voltage but for the amp this is better or worse than conventiionall solar cell ?
@@grenierworkshop the point is it's free you can make it yourself try even on larger scale my shed runs on this style unit and a joule theif for lighting
Solar and dynamo is one ingredients
It's a simple coil connected to a Diode..... 4V from air? It's a fake!
It's probably the diode producing the volts !!!
Its the photoelectric effect in the diode ! The coil does NOTHING AT ALL !!!
Whatever he got what he needed..views and likes 😅
@@paulanthonybridge5741 it's fake or real ? Plz tell
@@sunny52122 i think it is fake. The diode was probably producing the voltage they are light sensitive.
Mujhe aapki yah video bahut acchi lagi
I notice that every 4th winding, the copper is doubled over!
I m an electronics engineer,, doing R and D since 10 years but i think its not fake.....but having a very low accuracy...
when some materials subjected to heat energy there may be a electron flow so that the electrical energy produce in that copper wire.its not fake
What type of diode did he use...I really don't know much about electronics but would like to know more
Hai brother. I am a physical science teacher in a high school. I want to learn how to make a solar panel . Plz guide me. It is necessary for my students. Plz answer me
That is not a solar cell. it is a very basic AM radio.
the concept looks nice... does it really produce energi?
You are right
it's not even an AM radio because there is no resonator LR LC RC tank second thing it's may recieve some energy but in micro or even nano watt with high frequency so multimeter can't measure it the funny thing the multimeter on the dc scale Lool XD
should it go like to 0.00 when u hold hand above it?
I love your detailed explanation...
it's joke ? they have no explanation wtf ?
He has used a zener diode which is acting as a solar cell. You can make a solar cells just from LEDs. (Get a LED torch having 10-15 or more LEDs). Just comnect their effective end points to Multimeter and put that in sunlight and measure the volts and ampere.
American Tech,does it work on cloudy days or just on sunny days? And is the voltage generated by the warm of the wire or by the luminosity?
I am questioning it because I am trying to get this voltage, but I am obtaining just a few Volts on my multimeter.
Why you don't name the parts
HUZAIFA HUSSAIN glass, black plastic, glue copper wire, resistor.
the last thing is not resistor its zenor diode used in dc circut
Guess it works like a capacitor, ?? if so shows you how dumbed down they have kept their college educated .... I always thought u used 2 dissimilar metals silver, copper wire to be specific, maybe that was UFO technology I was looking at. Will be wrapping one shortly...
1n4148 diode
You'll also need some sort of strong magnet to induce current in the coil. In this case it is the speaker behind the multimeter.
Thank you for your fantastic Channels
I ❤❤❤❤ IT
Si se puede crear una celda solar con estos elementos no obstante producir electricidad con simples hilos de cobre así como se ve en el tutorial no es tan sencillo como parece. En realidad hilos de cobre si pueden funcionar como conductores de electricidad en presencia del efecto Edison. La cuestión aquí es esta: los hilos de cobre deben de estar cubiertos de un oxido lo que les va a proporcionar una propiedad que los hará comportarse como semiconductores frente a la radiación solar y el hule negro empleado también proporciona un efecto del material espato que provee propiedades birrefringencia al material. La cosa es saber como colocarlas y hacerlos funcionar correctamente.
Sincerely yours, how is your deals? Any success?!
What are the things you had used here can you explain about that resistor like structure being used in this solar cell
it appears to be a diode, so its more of an antenna than a solar cell. probably has a strong ac magnetic field nearby
Solar panels work by semiconductor surfaces, not magnetic induction.
Two separate ideas
I have a question that what capacitor you use for this solor cell
Is not a capacitor is a diode
@@CarlosCruz-nu1cs was für ein idiot😂
It looks like a homemade antenna receiver receiving RF waves and registering on your voltmeter. This was Tessler believe that you could convert enough of this into electricity you could use at home. I don’t think solar would be the definition of the electricity you’re receiving. Radio waves Can be blocked by your hand also. I was looking for solar panels
You should tell the requirements first
it would help if you also explained what parts are used and if possible their links to buy
Stop making fool, I make it but no energy produced, use your time for other activity
Yeah he or she is right its fake make something eles that works then everybody will like and do it.
i am working in Sunpower Manufacturing, we are making solar cell from ingot silicon to finished product solar cells and we are using different chemicals to create it, this video is waste of time.
@Sarah Balaghi then drop down the link of the videos of your own diy solar. no link means not true
You cannot do anything with Volts only. Show us the Amps it generates and we will believe you.
Like this it's Usless information.
3.81 dc volts = 0.00381 amps... or 3.81 microamps. divide it by 1000
So it is sort of useless because to generate 1amp you will need 263 of these.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
@@GeorgeZaharia So it is useless because to generate 1amp you will need 263 of these.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
@@GeorgeZaharia why 1000 ?
Hi try to make fool bro it not a grate idea
It should work but it is double the size for a 3 volt output when compared to the one available in the market. But its a interesting video. like it.👍👍
Please give all product details you use to make solar.
That thing is called Diode, it leads the current in only one way and blocks from the other side
With that set up even the back picks up radiant energy and can move it. Nice work man.
The speaker magnet may be inducing current in coil
It would be really nice if you could explain the materials you used and how to put them on :,) I'm a noob at this
What kind of plastics are you using?
What type and guage of wire is being used???
It’s fake
What kind of plastic have you used?
Technical humor. Gotta love it.
Do you know how many Amps it produces?
Zero. It's a fake video.
Please add the number of diodes and the number of thickness of the wire to the description
I need full details
you can make a solar panel with just LED, because solar panels and LED are almost the same, i mean they use the same material plus i tried to make it with the LED and it kinda works but i preffer you buy tho (Linda expensive)
btw : zoals panels are just semiconductors
This video gave me an idea...
So, I built three cells just like yours but eighty times more turns (3V x 80 = 240V) and without the diode, then I wired them in a delta configuration and at full sun I got THREE PHASE 240V at 12A.
How much WHatts??
Hi, can you upload a video or photo? thxs
@@captbobbywatamu6637 Obviously, you didn’t get it! My exaggerated comment was a mockery of the orinal author’s posting. 🤣
There is no such a thing as “FREE ENERGY” especially when talking high power. Even solar cost many (initial parts, materials, labor + maintenance and repairs.
Ok man, I'm calling you on this one. As in you, the one that made this video. Show the measurements an supplies list for this one.
*two years later*
Still nothin 😂
These guys are just aiming for some click baits rather than being real scientific experts, so he will never reply this even if you pay him, deep down he knows this ain't real
Check out Robert Murray Smith's for a great solar cell
Where you used silicon while silicon convert solar energy into electrical energy.
He didn't that is why it is not a solar cell
you should also name the parts that u r using if you don't then your videos are useless as we can't know which parts r required to make the particular device/project.
Yes u are write
Zener diote (idk how to write it lol )
Nice it's really work
the parts are plastic, glue, coper wire, and a diode. You can measure the voltage of this thing and it will write it's high but the amperage will be very very low, I've tried this myself with a similar setup and I got same results
Then you're as fake as he is!
Please mention the materials in the description.
Where did you put the oscillator? :))
Hey bro I subscribed your channel so tell my how current it can produce and please give me the material namea
It is not real that thing doesn't produce energy
Very very good..
Parabens. O que é aquela peça que você colocou no fio da celula?
olha.. um BR tmb.. kkk...
aquilo é pra ser um Diodo amigo... serve para definir(separar) a polaridade do fio.
@@Canal_do_Magrao tem gente do Brasil por todo lugar no TH-cam
acredito que seja um diodo zenner
I can't believe you made us watch every single thing you did. Ever hear of skipping to the next step once you make your point?
The worst punishment for this subject is to no longer watch his videos, as a liar and also give him a dislike.
OKAY thanks for telling us that
why do you put the magnet under the mission at last
To wrongly caliberate the voltmeter.. He used such the magnetic field produced by the magnet is calculated as DC voltage because the magnetic field is constant. This is a fake **** video
This is not a solar cell, but a coil antenna. Germanium or another diode is used to filter the envelope (electrical component) of the carrier wave. You have a radio source somewhere nearby. We made the same thing as little children to listen to the radio without batteries ...
Bohot ache Dekne Mai to ekdam real dikta hai Kash ye real Kam karta😝😝😝😝
It's definitely NOT FAKE.
But it's not a PV cell either!
It works on the Principle of Seeback Effects.
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
He just messing with the magnetic field behind the multimeter proof hand
Yup, ElectroBOOM is right.
"Something explodes on his desk"
It probably works differently, you have to interrupt the path. Between the cold end and the warm one. Tak na Polski łep ...
Tak, tak samo myślałem.
So I suppose you have to plug it in to get it to work?
Smart :D Can it be stored like the ones you buy
It isn't a solar cell
Caraca, muito show isso. Vou fazer uma gigante e por na laje
Brasileiro querendo economizar kkkkkk
Esse painel gera corrente continua, a que usamos na tomada é corrente alternada
@@sourfruticake2164 se colocar um inversor, dai vira alternada.
@@chessmaster261 é uma diferença bem pequena, de qualquer jeito já ajuda a diminuir a conta de luz
@@sourfruticake2164 bro es posible pasarlo a corriente alterna??
Correct it is fantastic idea
Himal Baral it’s fake
Is it thermocouple ?? Heating of metal wire generates electric current... If i am not wrong?
Using a strong magnet behind the solar panel will provide more efficiency in energy wireless energy use a plasma ball great energy
specify the parts you used
he use garbage bag, plastic clear, a thin wire and zener diode
At least write the name of things you used in discription
Anyone tried it? Does it Actually work? , can you make a solar panel out of this ?
Don't be a ideat it will not work
Hola el vídeo es muy bueno , pero de cuánto es el diodo zener para hacerlo igual. Te agradezco por el aporte .
اي صمام عادي يشتغل
Thank you for sharing the items and the steps LUL
woodprix is full of awesome tips. Very helpful to me. Thanks
It would be VERY helpful if you posted the parts you used in making the cell. I believe it would be best to put the specific name/description on the screen as the part was first shown or at least a parts list below the screen. Other than that I think it was a good video and thank you for the 54 related videos, too !!! 12/12/2018
cool ....Thanks for your videos
Black wala maket me milta hai jo wala plastic hai kya
I want to try making a solarcell with chlorophyl from plants. Plants generate some electricity just like solarpanels and they used it to split water into hydrogen ions and oxygen. They then let hydrogen ions react with carbondioxide to form sugars. The oxygen thus comes from electrolyses of water. The chlorophyl is responseble for this. You can disolve chlorophyl in ethanol or any other organic liquid like aceton, diethylether etc. Then let that evaporate on a peace of plexiglas and put fine metal wire on it (not insulated).
Aunque este vídeo no demuestra todo el procedimiento de la creación de dicha célula solar, se nos están demostrando con ello que materiales son necesarios para realizar la construcción de dicho elemento solar. Para que realmente pueda tener un despeño óptimo se deben de estudiar ciertos parámetros físicos y químicos que influyen en su construcción y que son las cosas que nos darán las verdaderas causas físico teóricas del correcto funcionamiento de dicha célula solar. El vídeo es bueno, las nociones de construcción son correctas, nada mas que quien pretenda crear algo realmente eficiente y bueno debe de buscar información relevante que le ayude a entender que pretende hacer, como hacer, cuando hacer y como va a funcionar. Es preciso tener toda la información a la mano ya que el vídeo no demuestra la realidad del objetivo de la célula. Este es un dispositivo con principios termo fotovoltaicos.
Jorge Segovia Castañeda
Técnico en Electrónica Industrial.
Asesor en Física Cuántica y Asesor en Química Inorgánica.
México octubre de 2018.
Muito bom!Bem explicado!
Pena que e fake kkk
bonita mentira, y malita la musica!!!!!!!!
Can you make big electricity station and conect electric motor?
(Sorry for my engleash)
You can power a house with this
دوست مبتکر من خواهش میکنم قطر سیم ونام وشمره دیود را بنویسید تا ابتکار شما برای همه قابل استفاده باشد متشکرم.
Can you please tell us what current and list of materials cost etc?
It is FAKE
De hecho este tutorial no es falso, y al menos te proporcionan las ideas elementales ( aunque no parezca verdadero ) de como inventar, crear y producir algo que te va a traer muchos beneficios tanto a corto como a largo plazo. He aprendido a mejorar la técnica del tutorial y le he sacado provecho al documentarse debidamente. He aprendido cosas que nunca pude imaginar y que ideas te llenan la mente y vislumbras todo lo que puedes hacer con tan solo unas cosas recicladas.
Indian Tech Need To Learn some Editing
Yes because ring in hand
Yo do you know anyone in your family who works in laisterdyke
This seems like it is an RF antenna and works using induction from radio waves.
Very good experiment.
What is the black material used? Does it matter or it's just plastic or anything? What matter are the cables made of? An we saw a number but what unit was it? Volts?
Why you don't name the part
Muito bom
Which type of cover it is as you used in video
You can do the same with graphite powder rubbed on laminator sheets. Use copper tape for positive and aluminum for negative. Try using it with chlorophyll for interesting results.
you can skip from the 3:00 to the 5:30 mark. It makes you watch 2:30 of him just winding the wire. The only way he knows how to make the videos longer cause he can't be bothered to explain what he is doing or what items he is using.
name the parts too
Фейк. Если посветить на обмотку трансформатора электричества не будет.
это антена просто, которая ловит радио волны
My dude I think that's enough ads already, chill with clickbait
Mr. American tech please tell the components to be used that circuit or panel
Because I don't find out.
Your doing well but what is the meterial you use how will it works how long it works and how it's charge after charge how much time will in save the charged power ????