it's crazy how I just recently spotted the latest base elantra at a side-glance in a dive thru and thought, if only they made the front end sportier, that I'd buy one. I've now been researching more about it and love also the look.
@@BERGIEizINSANE you can think of korean car reliability as a step above american & euro cars but below japanese excluding most nissan's & some mazda's.
I'm surprised by the amount of mustang owners in the comments looking into this car. I also happen to be on the fence between the interior amenities of this car & the power of a 2015+ GT. I currently have a FBO 2012 v6 mustang thats pretty quick so I'm not sure if I would miss the torque and regret not having the GT's power. There are some low mileage 2015-2017 gts in my area so i can't decide. I am also really worried about getting this car when it comes out and having to wait 5 years for mods.
Bulblights on a 2021 mid-range saloon? What are they thinking? How much could a full LED setup for the headlights and taillights cost them? No LED lighting for the interior and the license plate either...such a massive oversight, for an incredibly marginal cost cutting...even a VW Polo has all of the above. Attention to detail isn't really Hyundai's strong suit is it?
@@dsgrts You can have both. If Hyundai wants to be taken seriously as a semi-premium sporty brand they will have to fix these minor issues. Also, for the Elantra N price you can find better and more refined cars (maybe not if you're in the EU lol).
This is a car for domestic consumption, not for export. The steering wheel of a Korean car is on the left, and the export name is Elantra. The name for domestic use is Avante.
@@arucious blue seatbelt on veloster n was not color matched option. It was standard in any color. In elantra n it comes with only in black because of the stain issue.
I just bought an Elantra in the US and it has remote start. I'm not sure if any package doesn't have it. Maybe the lowest trim level that no reasonable person would buy, the SEL trim comes with so much more for cheap.
@@YawmSaub Manufacturers are required to engrave those specs onto the wheels. So it's definitely information that could be gathered by the people that have seen them in Korea.
@@williamrori1274 and where are those required manufactured engraved info be at? I'm looking at all three of my cars and there aren't none so to speak of.
it most def will be in lower 30k range. This is the most nimble and fast N product Hyundai is developing so it is a niche product and will smoke a GLI easy.
Nice car but I feel that lot of money has been spent and yet Hyundai has tried to save money on other things. The glove box could do with damping instead of just dropping down, light should come on automatically when you slide to open mirror on sun visor, and maybe some lights or reflectors on door edges to notify other road users that at night the door is open. Sometimes i personally feel that after such a nice car is made little things are missed that let it down.
While I understand that would require some rebalancing/ weight distribution, that hasn't stopped any other auto maker. I love the car. But that is such a killer
AVANTE is a way better name than Elantra, a lot like Kia and the K3/Forte, they should just merge the names together, seeing Kias sedan lineup be something like K3 K5 K8 wouldve been way nicer. But Avante is just a way cooler sounding name than Elantra... especially if you want it to be sporty.
That exhaust is freaking amazing!!!
Ugh they can't release this car fast enough lol. Love everything about it
I can't wait when they release the elantra N line in Europe RELEASE the car already
I don't even care what it looks like, that exhaust note is incredible!
i do it looks sik esp the interior
That interior is so clean. Hyundai's infotainment screens are bar none the best
it's crazy how I just recently spotted the latest base elantra at a side-glance in a dive thru and thought, if only they made the front end sportier, that I'd buy one. I've now been researching more about it and love also the look.
Ve ön kısmı daha sportif hale getirdiler 😅
So far the grey looks much much better than the others imo
bought one in grey yesterday
Nah white for sure
This video is exactly what I want to see for this car. Thank you
Love the content 👌
Keep on bringing them.
I have a 2013 model Hyundai Elantra right now, and I have to say.. I'm definitely wanting the upgrade.
Yo, so do you think this would be pretty reliable? Have you had any problems with your 2013?
@@BERGIEizINSANE Whole different platform. This would be similar to the Veloster N in terms of issues if they have not been revised
@Alex Bergie as Baevid said, totally different model but no my 2013 has been pretty reliable in most situations.
@@BERGIEizINSANE you can think of korean car reliability as a step above american & euro cars but below japanese excluding most nissan's & some mazda's.
Wow, it comes with Pilot 4 tires? Those are expensive...
I'm liking the amount of customization there is in the drive modes.
Thinking about trading in my 2014 mustang gt for this
Do it before the 2014s lose all their value
better hurry up, hyundai has specials going for the end of the year too (on certain models)
Those crackles just made every car enthusiasts ears perk up 🦻👀🦻
Wow pretty cool I'm in love with it already 🧐🧐🧐🧐😄😄😄😄
I'm surprised by the amount of mustang owners in the comments looking into this car. I also happen to be on the fence between the interior amenities of this car & the power of a 2015+ GT. I currently have a FBO 2012 v6 mustang thats pretty quick so I'm not sure if I would miss the torque and regret not having the GT's power. There are some low mileage 2015-2017 gts in my area so i can't decide.
I am also really worried about getting this car when it comes out and having to wait 5 years for mods.
۴۵۴هعععللزهرعزع۵عرعرلا۴ع۴۵ر۵۳ر۳۳ر۳۵د۴ععلراهدهد۴عا۳۵د۵لع۶لعا۳دهدع۵ه۵عده۴ا۵ل۵ل ۶هغ۳ه۵ععقع۶د۴۴رز۴۵للر۴رز۶۵۶ا۴ذ۳بفی۵۵عع۴ع۴بب۵ربببدلا۵۵ده۵۵۵۴لا۵اد۴۴عهه۳۳عله۴۵رد۴بللعع۵۶ف۲ع۶ع۴۶ل۵۴۴ه۴ههل۳ل۴رع۳و۴۴۴۵۵ل۷۵د۵۵اعا۴ل۴۵۵د۵ععهلل۴لد۴ا۵ل۵لد۵د۵ف۵۵ل۵۵۵دوع۶ددلفافللعلهلعلدغددلعرع۵د۳طعاع۴۴د۳۴د۵۵ل۵د۵ردت
ره۵ر۴ل۴۵۳۵رر۲۴اادل۴عا۴درلفزعرعررد۵دو۵ف۳۷۶۳عر۵لل۵رل۵۵۵د۳لل فدید۴ل۴لل فعععالاقع۵۵ل۷۴۴لعددد۴ردلدداعر۴۴۴۵۳۵ب۵۳۵۵ععع۵۵۴۴۶اد۵ف۶۶۶ع۶ه۶۶۴ل۵ر۵ل۵ا۳ف۳ه۵۳۳۴۳۴۵ل۵۵ر۵اا۴۵۴ع۵رهعع۵۵ر۴رز۵رخهعهعهعععال۵ررر۵رزر۵۳۳۴لل۴ع۵۳۵۴اا۳۴را۴۶ر۴ه۳ع۳۴دلرلل۴اهبب۳دهد۴د۴ا۴ع۵لله۵۵د۵۷۴ا۳۵ل۵۵۵۷ا ۵۳۵۵۵۵۵۵۲۳الل۵د۴۴اه۴۵۵۶۷۴۵د۵ددد۴۲۵دلعلوع۳لعه۳۵ه۴وا۴دردلب۵۵ف۴ع۴۵ه۵ل۴۴۴ه۳۴۴ل۴۴۵ل۴د۴ل۵۵اد۴ل۵اعار۵ز۳رال۵۵د۴رر۵۴۴لل۵د۴رلدعد۵۵رل لل۶لرر۳۲هد۴۲لرد۵۵۵۵۵۵ب۵۴۳و۵ر۴عهلر۴للفرعف۴۵بلدعدد۵ر۴د۴۵۵۵۵ل۵له5۵۵فد۵لرر۴۴لد۴للللل۵دالات۵ز۵ل۴۴ل۳۴۴5۵ر۶ل۵۵ه۵۴ع۴۴عرد۴ل۴ه۴۵ر۴ل۵۵عل۴ر۴۳او۴۵۴د۴ع۴رررررد۴زرددددر۴ررررررااا۳افف۴د۴لهلها۴ف۴۴۵ع۵۵۵ا۵۴۵۴لفرف۴ه۵ل۴۴هد۵دععرهر۴۴زر۴ادهه۵عزرد۴ع۵۴هل۲ع۳ع۳ع۲لر۴در۴ددر۵ل۴ال۴لررداعا۴ز۳هلها۴۵ر۵لاال۵۵هبببلل۳دع۴ر۴۴ا۴دد۴۴۴دددد۴۴د۳رررر۴وع۴لع۴ر۴د۴۴ع۳۳ده۴دلد۴لله۶لعرهرد۵د۴رفلفهاا۴دلر۵۵هععد۴۳عددععاال۴دد۴عل۴ع۴ل۵۵ل۴ل۵للر۶۴لل۴رلععع۵۵۵۴ل۳رعررا۵ه۵ع۵۴۳۴ل۴ل۴ا۵۵یع۳لل۴۵با۳۳لعفرر۵ر۳ر۲۵عد۴۳۴۴ععع۴بع۴۴و۵۵و ۵ره۵۶ععلفت۴ع۵ز۴ا۴ل۵لرحرلللدد۴دل۵۴۵۴۴هز۴رددل۴۴۴ردر۴ل۴و للررردد۴در۴۶ل۳۴ف۵ر۵۵ر۵للعلل۴دورب۳للعبلالرد۵۵ل۵۶۵۵لا ۴ددلا۵ل۴۴۴۵د۶ع۶۶۵۴ل۳د۵۵۵۵ل۴ب۴ل۴ع۵۴اال۵د۶لاا۵۳و ۵د۵ررر۵۴از ۴۵لع۵۵ل۵دعفا۴۴۴وهدل۵ل۴لالف۴۵ل۶۴۵ز۴۴لرعب۴ار۵هخ۴زل۶۵۴ا ۳دار۴اف۴۴لعبفه۶۶۵۵۵۴۵ر۴ررد۴رردداع۴رع۵۴ل۴۴۶۶۴۳۵و ۵ع۴۴۶ل۵۶رر۴۳۴۴۵لع۵ع۴۳ع۵۵۵ل۴رادف۴۳۷قللعو۴۵۵۴۳۴۵۵و ۵۵ههل۶ععالررد۵۳۵خ۶۵۶۴۶۳۵۵۵۵الهدد۴دا5۵عا۵لررددلعفعا۶اترلللرار۳ل۵۴۶۴۴۳ل۴۵و ۶۵و ۴۴ع۳۴و ۴ز۵ع۴ع۴۴ی۵یق۶۶و۳۳ل۴ر۵ررد۵۷ر۶ر۵لل۴۴رع۲۳بله۳ه۵۵ب۴بع۴۴ت۴۶۵۵۵ه۶۳۷دل۳۴ا۳ه۴ه۵لار۵۵ل۴ب۳۴۴۴لعرربلعر۴۴خلب۶ل۶۵لل۸۴۷۴ز۵ع۴ع۴۴ی۵یق۶۶و۳۳ل۴ر۵ررد۵۷ر۶ر۵لل۴۴رع۲۳بله۳ه۵۵ب۴بع۴۴ت۴۶۵۵۵ه۶۳۷دل۳۴ا۳ه۴ه۵لار۵۵ل۴ب۳۴۴۴لعرربلعر۴۴ لد۵۱۴ز۵ع۴ع۴۴ی۵یق۶۶و۳۳ل۴ر۵ررد۵۷ر۶ر۵لل۴۴رع۲۳بله۳ه۵۵ب۴بع۴۴ت۴۶۵۵۵ه۶۳۷دل۳۴ا۳ه۴ه۵لار۵۵ل۴ب۳۴۴۴لعرربلعر۴۴ ۴ز۵ع۴ع۴۴ی۵یق۶۶و۳۳ل۴ر۵ررد۵۷ر۶ر۵لل۴۴رع۲۳بله۳ه۵۵ب۴بع۴۴ت۴۶۵۵۵ه۶۳۷دل۳۴ا۳ه۴ه۵لار۵۵ل۴ب۳۴۴۴لعرربلعر۴۴ و و د۳ر۲۳ل۲لل۴ل۴لدتتا۵قعره۵ز۵ب۶۵۵ا۵ا۴۳۳۵د۳۵ه۵۴۳۵و ۴و الاا۴ا۴۴ر۴و ر۵۵لرک۴ع۴۶۵۵خ۶۵ق۵۳۵۲دتت۷۶۳هربلفل۵فل۶ددد۵قعفد۵۳ددفاز۵ر۵۵۵دد۵۵و۵هاععلاعللب۶ا۶ال۲ب۷۵ت۲۵تر۳نرلله۵فدررهل۵ه۵در۵۶ت۴دد۵دل۵اا۵او۴ر۵۴۳ررر۴ر۴ررر۵۵۵۵۶۶۶۵۵۴۵ع۷لعا۵۴ه۴ههع۵۳ه۵۴ه۴عرف۴۵۳ا۵ر۴رهع۵ادهلر۷۵۴دره۵ف۳ز۴۲۴۲ز۴۳۵۲دتت۷۶۳هربلفل۵فل۶ددد۵قعفد۵۳ددفاز۵ر۵۵۵دد۵۵و۵هاععلاعللب۶ا۶ال۲ب۷۵ت۲۵تر۳نرلله۵فدررهل۵ه۵در۵۶ت۴دد۵دل۵اا۵او۴ر۵۴۳ررر۴ر۴ررر۵۵۵۵۶۶۶۵۵۴۵ ۵۳۴۳۳۵طر۳ر۵۵۵د۵۵ا۴هوره۳هب۶لفلر۴۴فبلدع۵۲۴۷۲۲در۵۳لع۳ه۴زدروه۴هل۴ل۴لا۵۴۵۵لل۴زع۳عدع۲۲ه۳۴ل۴۵ل۵۴ع۴ر۴ار۵۴۵د۲دز۵عهه۵للاهاهخدر۴ل۴ل۴۳۴ا۶د۴ر۵هر۵عر۴ه۴۴و ر۳ردرد۳ال۴۴۳۴د۵عدع۵عززرب۵ع۴رززع۵عع۵۶عربعرردع۵ع۴ل۵من زلع۳۴ععفع۵۵۶هط۶ر۵اعلدع۴۴لرعر۴۴۴د۴۳۴۵ه۳۶۴عخ۴حل۵ععلراهر۵ه۵۵۴۵۴۳۶۶۶علعب۴ا۴ل۴ب۵ع۵هزقرفعهز۵۴ع۴۵ر۳۴خخ۵رععف۴۵۵۳۳۳د۳ر۴ععلع۵ب۳ع۳۳ا۵ع۴۵۵۳لر۶لارزار۴۵۵ددد۵بعع۶۵۵۶لها۵فددرروفر۵خعرررر۴ل۴هررل۴له۴۵۵۵۴هعره۴هخ۷۴۴ر۴افدررع۳للا۲ل۴لعع۵ل۴۴۴۵د۴عد۵د۳ا۵لد۵۵ال۵لا۵۵۵۳۵۳۳۴اافه۵هار۴ه۴ل۵دز۴د۴ععهه۶رر۵هه۴۴۵۵۴دررل۵۵۶ع۵هدلتعت۵ع۵۴د۵ه۴ل۵ل۵هدل۴۶ل۴۴د۳۵ب۵عد رززدرهررررررف۵۲ف۳۵۵ل۴۴ل۳۵۴دع۴عوعاع۶ه۶بر۶ع۴ددر۳عف۵۵۵ع۲اردفررر۴رارهرهدا۳دهردده۲فدفرررر۶سعه۴ه۴۴هخهور۴دد۴۴ا۵۵۵۵عاافلر۴فد۲لر۳۳۳۳۲۴عر۳ر۳رز۵زع۵لل۳۴ا۵ا۵فد۴ل۲لعل۴داا۴۴۴ع۵بد ۲۵ددهدا۵فعه۷ل۳ل۳ررده۶۴۵فرع۴۴ددد۲ا۲۵رل۵۴اررلزدول۴۳ع۵ع۵لعفع۶۴فف۴۳۴الدددددرههرر۳۳۵ل۴ف۴۴۴۳لد۴رط۵رهر۶ر۶عرعردر۴کددع۵فبفعر۵ععلر۴۴رار۶۵ع۴له۳ر۵۳ع۴ف۴۴ز۵ل۵زع۵۵خاخف۵خ۵ا۵۵دلرررل۴۴۶د۵ر۵۵۴۴۳ر۵ز۵ه۴۴دد۵هررد۴ر۵دردد۵رزربععدا۴ا۵۵۳ععها۴۲فعفرههر۴ل۲۴۴ر۱رد۲۵۳هزفرف۴۵عرد۵ه۴۴ر۴ددع۴۴ا۳درلد۵دلعب۴۳۴۵۵د۵للل۴لع۲۳۳۳خ۳هعر۵ر۴ل۳ل۳للد۴درر۴دلال۴عرد۳۴هخع۷۳ع۵لععععدر۵عد هدددزر۵ه۵عرفعرهخه۴ر۴۶ز۵۵۵رها۴۴۴۴رر۵۳ل۴د۳اعارعرر۴ر۶رر۴ر۴ر۵ارر۵عرهاه۴لدعههع۴ع۴ع۶۴ع۳۴لهه۶ه۴بهب۴زلعز۴۲۵ل۵ل۷لفل۵۵۴۵۶۶۶۴هل۵هعد۳عدعبع۶رل۳۶۲۶دعو۵ا۵لل۵۶۲ر۴۵ع۳لا۳۵۶لل۴لررد۴رررد۴ر۴دددد۵رر۵رر۵ا۵۵۳۵۵عع۵۵۷۶ه۴5عرد۵۵۵د۶۶۶ددع۳دد۳۷۴۷۵۴ررهرلا۵۴عهل۵ل۵۳ع۴۳ع۳۲۵در۴لر۵زعهع۳لع5۶۵عفعبهبهرعد۵دزا۴دعر۶ر۵۴ل۴اررررززا۴ر۶۴عالی ۴۴۴۵۵۴ب۵ر۳عز۵رعهددهر۴ردلعفعل۴ا۴۴ا۵د۵۳۶۴قدلهل۴اهت۴لادعلقلهعهررعرلهل۵عالی للادد۵ددت۵عع۵لع۵۶۴لل۴۴عرل۵لل۵ود۴۶۶۴۴۵اعلح۴۷۵۵۵۵رر۵۳زز۳زه۴۴ه۴رر۵۵۴عالی عالی در۵هاد۴ره۴اا۴۲۲ر۴۴ف۳۳۶۴لرلا۵اد۴رر۵۵۴۴ر۴زع۴۴۴ه۶۴داع۴۴ف۴۵۳۳۵ل۵ر۵ر۵۴ر۴۵۳۱۴۳۵۵۴د۴رع۴۴ل۵ل۴داه۴۴د۵۴د۳ده۴۶د۵۳اع۳ر۴۵۵ر۲۵۵ل۲ل۳ره۴ر۵ررلع5ررر۵رعز۵5۵۵ر۴۴ع۴ا۴۴۴۵۴رن۵ا۵۵ا۵هارلب۶رهدهرا۵ددددع۵۵۵۵ر۴هر۴۴۴۵۵۵عررر۴عررعال۴ز۵۳ددداا۴اا۴ده۴ر۵۴ردعره۵۵ل۵ل۴۵۵ل۴۴عر۵۳۵در۴۷ع۴۴۵۴هر۳۳د۳رزززززرلاهه۴خاالا۴دد۴ع۵ره۴دهدفه۴ع۵ل۴۴عهففه۳ا۵۵۵رل۵ه۴د۳ززهر۵۵۵ع۵د۵عدل۶۵ل۵د۴ر۴د۵دلللعررععابل۵۳۳ر۴۵لرا۵دنهدهده۶لللع۵ر۴ه۴رع۴علزددفرع۵۵۵۴ل۴ه۵۴ل۴ر۴ل۴ا۳۴ب۴ل۵۵لعهخهرع۳ع۵هدهده۳اعقاادد۴رر۲۵ر۳رررله۴ددددر۷۳۴۴عز۵۶عل۵ل۵۵۴ر۵عد۴4ر۵۳۵
Potential title name: AMSR Elantra N. Loved it
Nice not to have to listen to music this channel is going to be big good showing.
Why does it say Avante on the rear bumper?
Korean spec. Different name for the states
the smile on my face when i heard that exhaust, holy shit
What’s up with the front and back flashers not being led
Ahh 😌 can’t wait I’m trade my Elantra de 2018 mod for this one the Kona N beautiful 🤩 it’s really hard to choose from
will the US version have the remote start?!?
maybe don't have it
Will this come to the uk
What color is this ? Looks different to the Cyber Grey that is offered on the U.S. Spec Elantra N.
Fluid grey metallic
플루이드 그레이 맞나요?
I love it !
it looks so attractive to me and handsome car baby.
Bulblights on a 2021 mid-range saloon? What are they thinking? How much could a full LED setup for the headlights and taillights cost them?
No LED lighting for the interior and the license plate either...such a massive oversight, for an incredibly marginal cost cutting...even a VW Polo has all of the above.
Attention to detail isn't really Hyundai's strong suit is it?
I guess you'll have to exchange performance for LED lights LOL.
@@dsgrts You can have both. If Hyundai wants to be taken seriously as a semi-premium sporty brand they will have to fix these minor issues.
Also, for the Elantra N price you can find better and more refined cars (maybe not if you're in the EU lol).
This is a performance car if you want luxury’s get the limited 💀
I wish this will come to the philippines, i need this
Very good
Not sold in Germany why???
Will this be in right hand drive?
This is a car for domestic consumption, not for export.
The steering wheel of a Korean car is on the left, and the export name is Elantra.
The name for domestic use is Avante.
I’ll trade in my 18 ES for it if it looks like this when it comes to USA 👌🏼
I'm on the edge, I really love the looks/profile of my 18
Me too.
The US model will be identical to the Korean spec model but again they might change some things which are hopefully they don't
Avante ? It's the same ?
Korean spec. Different name for the countries.
So they are not planning to put blue seat belts like the Veloster N has?
This car isn’t Blue. So it wouldn’t have blue match seat belts.
@@arucious blue seatbelt on veloster n was not color matched option. It was standard in any color. In elantra n it comes with only in black because of the stain issue.
@@Hshifteronly thanks for the correction if that’s the case, I was under the impression that the seatbelts were colour matched.
Right.? I want the blue seatbelts when I order mines
Sadly no blue seatbelts.....
Ok! need this in my life
Such a handsome vehicle
im confused it has rear air vents and n light seats
It depends on trim
Sound 😮💥💥
Remote start wtf. Why we dont have that in the US?
I just bought an Elantra in the US and it has remote start. I'm not sure if any package doesn't have it. Maybe the lowest trim level that no reasonable person would buy, the SEL trim comes with so much more for cheap.
3:22 Trunk space?
4:05 for exhaust sound.
Do you know the stock wheel width and offset?
235, 18
@@YawmSaub Haha so not at all what I asked. I'm looking for the wheel width and offset. You gave me the *tire* width and *wheel diameter*
@@williamrori1274 my bad. I'm sure he don't know that either, the car literally just been unveiled and won't be available until early 22
@@YawmSaub Manufacturers are required to engrave those specs onto the wheels. So it's definitely information that could be gathered by the people that have seen them in Korea.
@@williamrori1274 and where are those required manufactured engraved info be at? I'm looking at all three of my cars and there aren't none so to speak of.
Will the Bose audio come standard on US model?
@@youtubehub8190 oof. Thanks. Will it at least be an option? I hope the premium pack is available.
@@luke2244 probly not standard, but I'm pretty sure they'll have a fancy trim/option like they always do
@@zipp404 I was under the impression that the Elantra n line in US market didn’t have a premium pack as an option.
@@luke2244 the 2021 veloster n has it, so I don't see a reason the elantra (which is more expensive btw) won't.
Is it FWD?
Yes, it is.
will the elantra version have the rear vents and rear heated seats?
have it.
Most likely not in the us
it's not standard at least in Korea.
I want to buy this car in Turkey not N version regular one but with taxs it is still so expensive.
Red belts would have been a nice touch
Probably can easily paint them
Is this the cyber grey color? Can't wait to get mine but this color is not readily avail yet.
It’s cyber gray metallic
Hoping this thing isn’t in the mid 30s in NA. If they undercut the GLI autobahn it would be sweet. Def gonna trade my 21 GLI in for this next year.
it most def will be in lower 30k range. This is the most nimble and fast N product Hyundai is developing so it is a niche product and will smoke a GLI easy.
@@aono335 the kona n is high 20s CAD which is really cheap
doesn’t it have a sunroof?
Nice car but I feel that lot of money has been spent and yet Hyundai has tried to save money on other things. The glove box could do with damping instead of just dropping down, light should come on automatically when you slide to open mirror on sun visor, and maybe some lights or reflectors on door edges to notify other road users that at night the door is open. Sometimes i personally feel that after such a nice car is made little things are missed that let it down.
My only complaint is the stupid turn signals. Why ?
Bella e interessante 👍
soooo the N LINE (Cheaper) gets the drive mode button on the left but the N doesnt? the fuck?
I like
와우 드디어
You guys get heated back seats and vents? Lucky.. lol Plus a charge port in the middle console. The back seats in NA are a joke.
Is this the US version?
under 30k $?
I’ll trade my focus st for this
I know what you mean
Take my money NOW
الله ٧
Why is there no sunroof on a 32k car? 😐
Sunroof hinders handling due to increase of center of gravity
While I understand that would require some rebalancing/ weight distribution, that hasn't stopped any other auto maker. I love the car. But that is such a killer
@@alexcsere same reason high end sports cars don't have a sunroof
You can add it for 400k KRW (= 340 USD) in Korea
It's an option, and you're clearly not the target audience of the car if you know so little about cars
sad it didn't have a USB port in te back
Was hoping for ventilated seats and sunroof. Everything else is great.
It does have both
@Kyong Han why would you switch to it in one day? The n-line is more comfortable
Ok if I get this car I need it in this color oh my god. I don't like the default sky blue.
Expencive car but manual Hand Break, Seat Adjust. No sunroof
Preproduction model? Looks very cheap and nasty inside with the materials being used. Especially the rear doors.
4:05 마후라 빠바방~
1400 t gdi !!
AVANTE is a way better name than Elantra, a lot like Kia and the K3/Forte, they should just merge the names together, seeing Kias sedan lineup be something like K3 K5 K8 wouldve been way nicer. But Avante is just a way cooler sounding name than Elantra... especially if you want it to be sporty.
There would be legal problems if that occurred in the US
아저씨 손가락 너무 예뻐요
So where is driving pov??? 😆 🤣 😂
The front is ugly but the rest looks good
Pe p
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I like the performance, but the looks are too ricey... Can they tone it down... a lot Maybe look more German.
Pe p
Pe p