If you have never rode a Ural you are truly missing a real adventure! I owned an older Camo patrol. No bells and whistles but there was no where I could not go. I actually went through the swamps in Louisiana and never even sneezed. I was deployed to Iraq and was injured. I was really excited to get back and ride my Ural, only to find it had been stolen from the base storage area! I loved my Ural
Velice poutave vydeo . A povedene ,! Musim ovsem konstatovat , zdali to je pravdive ? To potom muzu rict , tento motocykl je nejlepsi . Netroufam si tvrdit , ze na svete . Uvedomuji si , ze to byla valecna korit . No Vy Rusove jste ji dokonale dodelali . Takova motorka je pouze jedna jedina na velice dlouha leta . Svetsi to o jeji stavbe a robustnosti . To by nedokazal kazdy vyrobce . Nejenom Ruska kultura , ale i Vase Uazy a nakladaky a lide dokazuji , ze lidskou radost mate v krvy . Alespon tato generace . Kdybych mel tolik penez jiste bych si rad poridil Urala se sajtkou . Motor si krasne svehola a je takrka neznicitelny . Pozdrav z Austrii posila R . M .
Loved watching this clip. A real analytic and objective test of an icon. The passion for the product can be read from the faces of the professional staff. Glad to see that the orthopedic advisor also gets some credits. Well done!
Damn I love the Russians. Craziest guy I ever met except for possibly the Aussies. They take things to the limit and don't seem to have a fear gene. Its like watching guys say, Hold my vodka and watch this.
@@giorgosmilonas9323 my friend owns niva. It's awful, as of modern requirements. It's small, it's hard to get to the rear seats, it's very slow, and the engine is loud. And it's not safe, it's important. And there is a problem with quality supplements, tubes, sometimes it smells fuel in the cabin. Also he had lots of other problems, no time to list. It's a vehicle from the year 2000.
These bikes are like submarine ! I don't even ride on that rocky terrain. My brains will fall apart ! Really crazy promotional video. I'm very impressed !
ну, крупных планов мота нет, так что не берусь утверждать что шноркеля нет. логика подсказывает, что движок хватанул бы гидроудар без шнорекля, значит должен быть. Короче, как с тем сусликом из ДМБ.
Now this looks like a fun place to work! When I lived in the US my mate Mike & I built a trials sidecar from scratch using an old 500 Yamaha single. Best fun on a bike I've ever had..sidecars are the only vehicle where left & right hand corners are totally different hence twice the fun..right?& I should know as I used to ride bikes for a living being a tester for various factories etc. Happy days! (or should that be daze?)
Actually the driven wheel on the sidecar might have helped a little as well. Urals with sidecars are two-wheel drives, whereas a KTM even with a sidecar remains a one wheel drive.
Yeah I think Lutz von Peter may be right. it will help staying stable in conditions like this too. But the KTM will have way more ground clearance(also the lowest part on an Ural is like the oil pan so pretty dangerous), better suspension, better fuel economy, better acceleration, etc. Ural are great but don't feel stupid KTM are awsome machine!
Да че там твой КТМ... Эти Уралы уже напичканы электроникой и не такие русские они. А вот 8.103.10 и старше. Это танки конкретные. Днепр тоже. Посмотри видео про них
This is insane, that a beautiful bike like this is able to get through the toughest conditions! It is really an amazing veichle and my absolute dream. And Rasputin - Hilarious!!
1:29 'Kin hell. After watching the "Leakage test" and then seeing the words " Elk test" I fully expected to see the Ural smash into a fully grown Elk, knock it to the ground and run right over the top of it !
@@noidontthinksolol and you're certainly one of those guys who owns both a URAL and various AWD vehicles to be able to judge this expertly......I think rather not!
Сначала думал - как так полностью погруженный в воду мот двигается, а оказывается движок питается через гофру проведенную в люльку, а люлька плотно застегнута тентом. Кратковременная подводная лодка 😊👍👍
They have great looking Russian wives and girlfriends, and as a result, bigger balls. Add a bit of vodka, a "zero fucks given, blyat" attitude, and you have the prototype of the invincible man
Eindrucksvoll. Ich frage mich, wie ein Wasserschlag bei der Flußdurchquerung vermieden werden konnte. Normal muss das Triebwerk im Ansaugtakt ordentlich Wasser nehmen, was dann beim unmittelbar folgenden Verdichtungstakt zum sofortigen kapitalen Motorschaden führt.
Thomas Wedel die haben irgendwie den Luftfilter in den Kofferraum verlegt und das so gemacht, dass wenn Wasser dort ein dringt, es nicht an den Filter kommt, welcher nochmals extra eingeboxt ist.
+Alex Young the riding is not parity, just the verbiage...the names, however, are real, except Rasputin...the air bladder's are nothing short of amazing...
+Alex Young Managment of the factory show capabilities of their product in real conditions. No, it isn't parody. More like to challenge to other motorcycle producers.
Kinda necroposting here, but it looks like it's the real company just messing around. I mean, look at the joke at 3:10 and the "emissions test". It still shows how amazing their motorcycles are, though.
So many "Nay Sayers" tell me Urals are poorly engineered and in time when I part with my Rubles for one I will be sadly disappointed for my decision. Worse yet find myself left to contemplate that decision as I sit broken down upon some road way. Still, helpless romantic that I am I find myself drawn to the mystic of these uniquely styled conveniences. This quality testing post has brought me closer to believing in the product. Perhaps a small bottle of Vodka in the storage trunk with each new machine would dispel any remaining concerns."From Russia with LOVE" !
People say Urals are unreliable. Probably like motorcycles used to be - you have to keep them adjusted and tightened or bits fall off. An old timer like me could live with one and I want to.
Был у меня в 80-х годах Урал.Ездили на рыбалку и охоту и по таким как в ролике дорогам и вообще без всяких дорог.При умении, проехать на нем можно практически везде.Но вот как парни реку форсировали,очень впечатлило.Как на их мотоциклах шноркели сделаны так и не понял. ??
Utterly friggin mental! I had an old Ural. Actually it was a DNEPR - Are they different? It was my first big bike, but unfortunately, I never had it for long. It WAS a side-car with driving wheel model, as seen in this video, but the previous owner had taken the drive shaft off, and was converting it to a bike, but the chair was with it and they put it back on for me ( I had L Plates at the time and so that allowed me to ride a bigger bike than a 125 in the UK ) it had also been converted from 6v to 12v but I only had it for about 5 weeks before the shaft broke and so was I... I never could afford to fix it and so I just sold it off for £250 - I was gutted. I had a gun-mount on it ( Just the mount, not the gun ) so it was going to look like a WW2 German side car combo but I never did manage to do it. This video is a seriously good advert for these bikes... This is nuts... I bet these bikes dont survive the tests for long though surely?
This bike look quality to me, look at how it submerge in the water still running, even BMW cant achieve this feat. This quality bike worth buying if you have money.
If you have never rode a Ural you are truly missing a real adventure! I owned an older Camo patrol. No bells and whistles but there was no where I could not go. I actually went through the swamps in Louisiana and never even sneezed. I was deployed to Iraq and was injured. I was really excited to get back and ride my Ural, only to find it had been stolen from the base storage area! I loved my Ural
Velice poutave vydeo . A povedene ,! Musim ovsem konstatovat , zdali to je pravdive ? To potom muzu rict , tento motocykl je nejlepsi . Netroufam si tvrdit , ze na svete . Uvedomuji si , ze to byla valecna korit . No Vy Rusove jste ji dokonale dodelali . Takova motorka je pouze jedna jedina na velice dlouha leta . Svetsi to o jeji stavbe a robustnosti . To by nedokazal kazdy vyrobce . Nejenom Ruska kultura , ale i Vase Uazy a nakladaky a lide dokazuji , ze lidskou radost mate v krvy . Alespon tato generace . Kdybych mel tolik penez jiste bych si rad poridil Urala se sajtkou . Motor si krasne svehola a je takrka neznicitelny . Pozdrav z Austrii posila R . M .
Loved watching this clip. A real analytic and objective test of an icon. The passion for the product can be read from the faces of the professional staff. Glad to see that the orthopedic advisor also gets some credits. Well done!
Best damn promotional video I've ever seen! LOL!!!
Ha ha, yeah, it put a huge smile on my face, that's for sure.
Also, that wading depth !! o.O
Running it on Vodka test.... Passed (out)!
OH C"MON!! My URAL can't even go 100 easy road miles without giving me an argument!!
@@buckneighkidd419 бургером не подавись мутант!
Are you hiring? I want to be on the quality control team!
This thing is f....amazing! Most adventurous thing I have ever seen!
Incredible performance, endurance ... surely price; NO matter! I need one!
Congratulations URAL 😎
Brilliant video, brilliant bike and brilliant sense of humour!!! Keep it up and good luck to Ural.
Exceptional!!! The deep water tests are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Truly amazing. Very, very well done, thank you 😊
My university has a huge project on amphibious vehicles... They clearly have not seen a Ural before
+T0BBi94 Mmm... What will happen them, if they will see DT-30...
Nothing amphibious about the Ural !!!!! great bike thats it
Russians can make anything amphibious
It will require a second side car for buoyancy but possible
For sure one of the most outstanding vids about motorcycle testing I ever saw
Аж гордость берет за уралы!Процветания вам коллектив "ИМЗ"!!!
Да, немцы конечно гениальны! Не зря мы их bmw когда-то скопировали. Технологии 40-х годов, а до сих пор вызывают восторг!
Impressive. Looks like a lot of fun!
Jeez...That's incredible. I'm IMPRESSED. I would never have thought any motorcycle could standup of to this punishment, sidecar or no.
This was AMAZING!!!
Ah I see russian roads have finally improved a lot! Nice video ;-)
nah the URAL just makes them look good.
Rocks, stone in Siberia!?😁 Thay concluded the river beads is the way to go supplements for roads 😁
it's autoban
Warning! Roads in Russia look like this😯:
Hobble-stone road!
Привод на люльку - это бомба! У дяди был такой, потрясающая машина
Damn I love the Russians. Craziest guy I ever met except for possibly the Aussies. They take things to the limit and don't seem to have a fear gene. Its like watching guys say, Hold my vodka and watch this.
from a USA off road bikers point of vue, that is some wonderful biking, and i wish i could enjoy it like you. have fun
"Rasputin K. IMZ Orthopedic Surgeon" :D :D :D Great team, great bike, great video! THX!
selten so gelacht! Danke für diesen inspirativen Beitrag. Mein Favorit ist definitiv der "medical officer".Sehr schön gemacht, Kompliment!
you've opened my eyes... I just bought a new bike but I will seriously consider buying a Ural in the future
Sehr schönes Video! Tolle Fahrer, tolles Motorrad! Bravo
Looks like my childhood thanks for a great video 😊
These things can take a beating and keep on going. Might have to look into one of these.
tfw you dont know if you want a tank or a motorcycle so you buy an ural.
@@Ironpine27 An old Lada? Lol
@@AndreyPutilov старые модели Лады , чё не понятного то? Русским постоянно нужно выё б ы ваться?
@@AndreyPutilov это в крови что ли?
@@AndreyPutilov Niva bro get an Lada Niva
@@giorgosmilonas9323 my friend owns niva. It's awful, as of modern requirements. It's small, it's hard to get to the rear seats, it's very slow, and the engine is loud. And it's not safe, it's important. And there is a problem with quality supplements, tubes, sometimes it smells fuel in the cabin. Also he had lots of other problems, no time to list. It's a vehicle from the year 2000.
These bikes are like submarine ! I don't even ride on that rocky terrain. My brains will fall apart !
Really crazy promotional video. I'm very impressed !
Как блин такое возможно-мот-подлодка-чем движок то дышит?,или он на время умеет дыхание задерживать,тогда мы точно впереди планеты по технологиям.
+Roman KRA сам в шоке! где гидроудар?)
Ну за мотик по цене авто С класса норм. В Америке цена около 15к зелени.
Герметизированные карб/топливный тракт + шноркель
Вполне обоснованный ответ, но ГДЕ ШНОРКЕЛЬ?!?!?!?!?
ну, крупных планов мота нет, так что не берусь утверждать что шноркеля нет. логика подсказывает, что движок хватанул бы гидроудар без шнорекля, значит должен быть. Короче, как с тем сусликом из ДМБ.
Holy cow, I can't believe the rider or the bike survived. Good job Ural.
Now this looks like a fun place to work! When I lived in the US my mate Mike & I built a trials sidecar from scratch using an old 500 Yamaha single. Best fun on a bike I've ever had..sidecars are the only vehicle where left & right hand corners are totally different hence twice the fun..right?& I should know as I used to ride bikes for a living being a tester for various factories etc. Happy days! (or should that be daze?)
But was your bike 2wd? These Urals have drivetrain in the sidecar too which is pretty nuts
Now I feel stupid for spending so much on my KTM 1190 Adventure R that can’t do half of that!!!
Actually the driven wheel on the sidecar might have helped a little as well. Urals with sidecars are two-wheel drives, whereas a KTM even with a sidecar remains a one wheel drive.
Do not confuse real life and commercial ..
Yeah I think Lutz von Peter may be right. it will help staying stable in conditions like this too. But the KTM will have way more ground clearance(also the lowest part on an Ural is like the oil pan so pretty dangerous), better suspension, better fuel economy, better acceleration, etc.
Ural are great but don't feel stupid KTM are awsome machine!
Ronan Rogers Your KTM will fucking break long before these things ..and you can fix Urals yourself...simple machines no electronic shite
Да че там твой КТМ... Эти Уралы уже напичканы электроникой и не такие русские они. А вот 8.103.10 и старше. Это танки конкретные. Днепр тоже. Посмотри видео про них
WOW, was für ein Maschine! Die kann man ja so gut wie überall fahren! Wer es dann kann. 😜👍🏼
What the hell are those things, boats or bikes?
I want one.
Johnny Komatsu neither, it’s a submarine.
that's how need test a bike great job pozdrav iz Srbije!!
This is insane, that a beautiful bike like this is able to get through the toughest conditions! It is really an amazing veichle and my absolute dream. And Rasputin - Hilarious!!
That looks fun as hell! I wouldn't mind doing some quality testing for you guys.
Скоро свой Урал М-63 1965 г.в. восстановлю, и сделаю обзорчик. Крашу в бирюзовый цвет.
Ну чо где твой обзорчик 1965г рождения
Давай давай , делай )) . Удачи .
Best video on motorcycles ever 😂😂😂 i really enjoyed it, thank you so much ❤ hi from Holland
how did they stay running completely submerged??
lol, just used air from the tires.
Ничего удивительного!Россия страна чудес!Мощь во всём!
Tray Muse they are giving full trohel so they dont get water into their exaust. also the airfilter is very high up
Actually, they run a hose from the trunk of the sidecar to the air filter
They are actually pushed by a submarine....
1:29 'Kin hell. After watching the "Leakage test" and then seeing the words " Elk test" I fully expected to see the Ural smash into a fully grown Elk, knock it to the ground and run right over the top of it !
best job ever !!!
Skvělá motorka,skvělé video!!
Try this on your Harley! I love it. Stay tuned...
a harley is not made to drive over rocks we have trucks for that
@@noidontthinksolol and you're certainly one of those guys who owns both a URAL and various AWD vehicles to be able to judge this expertly......I think rather not!
Он единственный полноприводной мотоцикл с коляской. Единственный в мире серийный образец. Живите с этим.
I knew you guys had some great trucks but this pocket Hercules certainly takes the cake! Wish we had them here in India! Love the company!!!
I'd like to see some of those "hardcore" off roaders with their jacked up Land Rovers tackle half that terrain!
There's one here....backing up on the challenge
Man alive, that's WAY better than my horse! Love the river crossing! DAMN!!!
Рвите парни ! Железо наше всё !
От нашего там остались только рожки да ношки, движки уже не у нас собирают а в поднебесной. Наше только рама.
Много ли в Мерседесе немецкого, много ли Рено французского? Не несите чуши. В таком случае и айфоны не американские, а китайские и тайваньские.
I love your Humor guys!
Сначала думал - как так полностью погруженный в воду мот двигается, а оказывается движок питается через гофру проведенную в люльку, а люлька плотно застегнута тентом. Кратковременная подводная лодка 😊👍👍
Fantastic, humourous, very well done!
your repair bills and doctor bills
Ясен хуй!
@@jonasf1275 Ya ,Ya ,Kemska Volost, Kemska Volost!🤣🤣🤣
Удивительно, есть все, что я хочу, я хочу один !!!!! Привет из Мексики! какое чудо мотоцикла !!! 👏👏👏👏👏
So when you ask yourself just how much vodka do Russians drink-- This. This is how much vodka Russians drink.
+Thomas Williams No more then whiskey.
They have great looking Russian wives and girlfriends, and as a result, bigger balls. Add a bit of vodka, a "zero fucks given, blyat" attitude, and you have the prototype of the invincible man
Русские стали меньше пить. СССР страна развалилась и население спивалось. Сейчас в разы меньше.
Thomas Williams , nyet vi don't drink it ve put in tank . Ural very happy go anywhere, plenty places to fill up with Wadka .
Hi. I am from Russia. we do not drink vodka as you think. we have no balalaika bears walking in the streets
Espetacular moto Ural. Nilton Carlos. São Paulo--Brazil
This is unreal ! Wow.
Motor Cycles
no its not
its real...very real...
Is very ureal
Unbeliavable!!! Fantastic bikes.
Eindrucksvoll. Ich frage mich, wie ein Wasserschlag bei der Flußdurchquerung vermieden werden konnte. Normal muss das Triebwerk im Ansaugtakt ordentlich Wasser nehmen, was dann beim unmittelbar folgenden Verdichtungstakt zum sofortigen kapitalen Motorschaden führt.
Thomas Wedel die haben irgendwie den Luftfilter in den Kofferraum verlegt und das so gemacht, dass wenn Wasser dort ein dringt, es nicht an den Filter kommt, welcher nochmals extra eingeboxt ist.
Captions are hilarious! Well done Ural marketing team!
Do that in a modern KTM enduro! XD
This is absolutely INSPIRING!
Well done! :-)
Test bi se mogao zvati- lud , luđi, najluđi...odlični!
This is not a 3 wheels !! It is a tank !! :)))
Siete inarrestabili, nessun ostacolo.vi ferma...Complimenti.
I literally can not tell if this is a parody or not.
+Alex Young the riding is not parity, just the verbiage...the names, however, are real, except Rasputin...the air bladder's are nothing short of amazing...
Thanks for the reply JamesAllmond. It was a very enjoyable video, and I shared it among several of my riding friends.
+Alex Young Managment of the factory show capabilities of their product in real conditions. No, it isn't parody. More like to challenge to other motorcycle producers.
Kinda necroposting here, but it looks like it's the real company just messing around. I mean, look at the joke at 3:10 and the "emissions test".
It still shows how amazing their motorcycles are, though.
it's half half like life :D
Awesome! I really want a Ural for my dog and I to go adventuring!
Why do they always break in normal every day use?
They dont lol. U have to be a moron to make that happen
I love the testing equipment! Very high tech 😉
+Демон Скалкин )))))))))))))красава приколол!!!
Extraordinario!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🏍️🚜
They actually discontinued the red ones...
Brilliantly done!
these dudes can ride
So many "Nay Sayers" tell me Urals are poorly engineered and in time when I part with my Rubles for one I will be sadly disappointed for my decision. Worse yet find myself left to contemplate that decision as I sit broken down upon some road way. Still, helpless romantic that I am I find myself drawn to the mystic of these uniquely styled conveniences. This quality testing post has brought me closer to believing in the product. Perhaps a small bottle of Vodka in the storage trunk with each new machine would dispel any remaining concerns."From Russia with LOVE" !
People say Urals are unreliable. Probably like motorcycles used to be - you have to keep them adjusted and tightened or bits fall off. An old timer like me could live with one and I want to.
Hammer hart, und wie ihr das mit denn Gummistiefel hinkriegt super.
Its not everyday that c.e.os get hands-on on their products..............
It's avery day, workhorse!
Can we buy a URAL here in the states. This video made me want one!
Yep! Most of all producing Ural motocycles are selling in US.
Сусанину бы такой в те времена,вот бы он завёл врага ещё дальше.
И завёл бы и сам смылся вдобавок
Был у меня в 80-х годах Урал.Ездили на рыбалку и охоту и по таким как в ролике дорогам и вообще без всяких дорог.При умении, проехать на нем можно практически везде.Но вот как парни реку форсировали,очень впечатлило.Как на их мотоциклах шноркели сделаны так и не понял. ??
Воздуховод топливной системы идёт через весь мотоцикл и спрятан в люльке под брезентом
боюсь спросить в каком месте у него воздухозаборник был...
Ланс Аперкот в коляске видимо
youtube needs more URAL motorcycles off road compilations!
quality motorcycles
This is awesome, I'm buying a Ural as my next sidecar. :D
Я в шоке!!!
Мотоцикл просто зверь!👍💪🔥
У них там баллоны со сжатым воздухом в люльке лежали что ли?
Сергей Сергеев по всей видимости да
Блять я так заехал как то ,шатун правый прессом выдавить не мог
Incroyable !! des testes comme cela je n'en ai jamais vue ! a première vue elle parait indestructible !
very funny :-D thank you !
Utterly friggin mental!
I had an old Ural. Actually it was a DNEPR - Are they different? It was my first big bike, but unfortunately, I never had it for long.
It WAS a side-car with driving wheel model, as seen in this video, but the previous owner had taken the drive shaft off, and was converting it to a bike, but the chair was with it and they put it back on for me ( I had L Plates at the time and so that allowed me to ride a bigger bike than a 125 in the UK ) it had also been converted from 6v to 12v but I only had it for about 5 weeks before the shaft broke and so was I... I never could afford to fix it and so I just sold it off for £250 - I was gutted.
I had a gun-mount on it ( Just the mount, not the gun ) so it was going to look like a WW2 German side car combo but I never did manage to do it.
This video is a seriously good advert for these bikes... This is nuts... I bet these bikes dont survive the tests for long though surely?
Filosofia Ural!!
I heard the term "crazy russians" before, never thought it was literal. Ok, I'm sold. I'm getting myself an Ural this season.
Подвезти раз попросил меня дружок,
Дал я гари так, что покраснел движок.
Вроде, тихо он сидел и не дрожал,
А сзади всё сиденье, сука, обдристал.
Omg! So sad! I'm sorry, but what did you gave for mr. Harry?
@@AKWoland very much the same songs we know)) hahah and about Jawa , Minsk and IZH (ИЖ) so u can to learn it)
@@AKWoland it's a
He gave nothing to mr. Harry, he had just put on the gas to go faster
@@MrTrueBB So strange... Wild russian soul. But what about mr. Harry??
@@AKWoland "дать гари" means to put on the gas. No Harry,
he did not exist, remember
Very good bro i like your presentation
This bike look quality to me, look at how it submerge in the water still running, even BMW cant achieve this feat. This quality bike worth buying if you have money.
That's why i love Ural
Русские называют дорогой то место, где хотят проехать :)))
...и жрут любое говно, что можно в рот запихать
@@genrihshvartckopff521 Это Вы про себя откомментировали?
@@НиколайКовалёв-я6к im screaming😂😂😂
Amazing machines !
Одного не понял от куда он воздух брал когда через речку перли ?
С воды через жабры
How high is the air intake? And where is it? :D
I am very impressed of the bikes! Insane what they take for forces!
DA SNORKEL IS UP HIS ASS, DUMB ASS !! LOL , owner 2016 M70.. Gloss OD green